На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.
На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.
adj (person)
хорошенький , (thing)
красивый (красив)
adv (quite)
You kept saying the only word you knew. «Pretty».
И всё повторяла единственное слово, которое знала: «красиво».
The new «Pretty» format, using one file by footprint.
Новый формат «Pretty» использует один файл для каждого посадочного места.
In October 2013, «Pretty» was serviced to urban contemporary radio in the United States.
В октябре 2013-го «Pretty» попало в urban contemporary-радио в Соединённых Штатах.
On September 20, 2013, the music video for «Pretty» premiered on Vevo.
20 сентября 2013 года состоялась премьера видео на «Pretty» на Vevo.
Virtually no one outside of Adonis Creed’s family and group of friends would ever have expected to see him in a 12th round against «Pretty» Ricky Conlan and trading shots as they come to these last three minutes.
Никто кроме семьи и друзей Адониса Крида не ожидал увидеть его в 12 раунде в бою против «Красавчика» Рикки Конлана остались последние три минуты обмена ударами.
Why Blocks Should Look «Pretty»
«Pretty» Ricky Conlan is a faithful son of Liverpool, England, a place where people find hope in the tales of their heroes.
«Красавчик» Рикки Конлан — верный сын Ливерпуля, Англии, места, где люди находят надежду в рассказах о своих героях.
Why Designers Hate «Pretty» Design
Почему дизайнеры ненавидят «красивый» дизайн
The Politics of «Pretty» in Jamaica
Boxing fans have been waiting years for the Superfight between «Pretty» Ricky Conlan and Danny Wheeler.
Фанаты бокса много лет ждали супербоя между «Красавчиком» Рикки Конланом и Дэнни Уилером.
Meanwhile, World light heavyweight champion «Pretty» Ricky Conlan (Tony Bellew) is being forced into retirement due to an upcoming prison sentence and is gearing up for his final fight against Danny «Stuntman» Wheeler.
Между тем, мировой Чемпион в полутяжелом весе «Красивый» Рикки Конлан (Тони Беллью), должен пойти в тюрьму по обвинению в пушка, который будет эффективно завершить свою карьеру, готовится к его последнему бою против Дэнни «Каскадер» Уиллер.
«This Madame,» «lady in red», «Pretty», «Quick as a mother», «Perfect color», «Berry-raspberry», «Lady in red» — written by fans of the athletes.
«Такая мадам», «Девушка в красном», «Хорошенькая», «Быстрая как мама», «Идеальные цвета», «Ягода-малина», «Lady in red», — написали поклонники спортсменки.
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Tony Bellew as «Pretty» Ricky Conlan
Тони Белью Рики «Красавчик» Конлан Рики «Красавчик» Конлан
Ten Years to Get to «Pretty»
The designers will make it «pretty».
Дизайнеры — они хотят, чтобы было «красиво».
They like «pretty» things.
And the word «pretty» is not at the top of the list.
Слово «счастливые» вряд ли окажется на вершине этого списка.
Предложения, которые содержат «Pretty»
Результатов: 90. Точных совпадений: 90. Затраченное время: 268 мс
Корпоративные решения
Справка и о нас
Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900
Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
довольно, достаточно, значительный, хорошенький, безделушка
наречие ↓
прилагательное ↓
- милый, прелестный; привлекательный
pretty garden [view] — прелестный сад [вид]
- хорошенький; симпатичный (о женщине, ребёнке)
- приятный, хороший
pretty voice — красивый /приятный/ голос
pretty stroke — хороший удар (в крикете, гольфе и т. п.)
pretty song [tune] — приятная /славная/ песенка [мелодия]
he has a pretty wit — он очень /весьма/ остроумный
he writes pretty little stories — он пишет изящные (маленькие) рассказы
- ирон. хорошенький, весёленький
a pretty business! — хорошенькое дельце!
a pretty mess you’ve made of it! — ну и кашу вы заварили!
this is a pretty state of affairs — ничего себе положеньице!
a pretty fellow, indeed! — нечего сказать, хорош гусь!
- разг. значительный, изрядный
a pretty sum — кругленькая сумма
he made a pretty pot of money — он заработал уйму денег
- шотл. храбрый, сильный
существительное ↓
- прелесть (в обращении)
my pretty! — мой милый!; моя милая!; моя прелесть!
- обыкн. pl красивая вещь; украшение
- pl. красивая одежда; изящное бельё
- амер. безделушка; игрушка, хорошенькая вещица
- верхняя (украшенная рисунками) часть бокала или стакана
- амер. разг. сокр. от a pretty penny
I’d give a pretty to know that secret — я бы дал много, чтоб узнать этот секрет
Мои примеры
a pretty kettle of fish — довольно неприятное положение
a pretty young lassie of 16 years — хорошенькая шестнадцатилетняя девушка
pretty face — хорошенькая мордашка
fine / nice / pretty fix — достаточно неприятная ситуация
pretty seventeen-year-old girl — хорошенькая семнадцатилетняя девушка
pretty songs — прелестные песенки
in pretty number — в большом количестве
just a pretty-pretty face — кукольное личико
pretty-pretty verse — приторные стишки
to pursue a pretty girl — преследовать хорошенькую девушку
pretty waterside hotels — привлекательные отели, расположенные вдоль берега
attractive / beautiful / pretty woman — привлекательная, симпатичная женщина
Примеры с переводом
She was driving pretty fast.
Она ехала довольно быстро.
The tune is pretty.
Эта мелодия прелестна.
I have to leave pretty soon.
Довольно скоро мне придется уйти.
What a pretty little garden!
Какой прелестный садик!
The work is pretty hard.
Эта работа довольно тяжёлая.
I’m pretty sure he’ll say yes.
Я вполне уверена, что он скажет «да».
She still looks pretty miserable.
Она по-прежнему выглядит довольно несчастной.
ещё 23 примера свернуть
Примеры, ожидающие перевода
Those shoes are getting pretty ratty.
Her first apartment was pretty shabby.
She’s nowhere near as pretty as you are.
Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке ☰, напротив примера.
Возможные однокоренные слова
prettify — украшать, принаряжать
prettily — красиво, привлекательно
pretty-pretty — слащаво красивый
prettiness — привлекательность, миловидность, приятность
pretest — предварительное обследование, предварительное испытание, предварительный экзамен
prettyism — красивость, нарочитая утонченность, изящество
unpretty — некрасивый, предосудительный, заслуживающий порицания
Формы слова
срав. степ. (comparative): prettier
прев. степ. (superlative): prettiest
pretty — перевод на русский
«That young girl is really pretty!»
«Какая красивая девушка!»
— Is she still pretty?
— Она все еще красивая?
You’re so pretty!
Какая вы красивая.
But it’s so pretty.
Но она такая красивая.
A pretty girl like you, not popular?
— Красивая девушка, как вы, не пользуется популярностью?
Показать ещё примеры для «красивая»…
it’s pretty fragile in the beginning, actually.
Отношения Скотта и Дерека в начале очень не устойчивые.
He’s not seeing pretty visions he’s seeing monsters he’s loosing his mind and he feels it going.
«дравый рассудок покидает его, и он чувствует это. ≈му очень, очень плохо.
Guess you’re pretty tired yourself.
Догадываюсь, что ты очень устал сам.
— Was he pretty sore?
— Он был очень сердит?
The old man’s pretty peppery.
Старик очень груб.
Показать ещё примеры для «очень»…
Stiles reacts pretty severely to Scott becoming a werewolf.
Стайз довольно серьезно отнесся к тому, что Скотт становился оборотнем.
I think it’s pretty obvious that Stiles has a crush on Lydia. He has since he was, like, eight.
Мне кажется, довольно очевидным, что Стайлз влюблен в Лидию.
Scott and Allison’s relationship is, I would say, pretty typical to any other teenager’s relationship, certainly to ones that I’ve had in the past.
Кто-нибудь видел, как ты ушла? Отношения Скотта и Элисон, я бы сказала, довольно типичны для других отношений подростков, у меня точно такие были.
I’m kind of baffled where it’s gone, you know, ’cause this thing was pretty big, you know.
Я был сбит с толку когда он исчез ведь оно было реально довольно большим
The first night in the woods by myself was pretty awesome, actually.
Первая ночь в лесу в одиночку была довольно крутой на самом деле.
Показать ещё примеры для «довольно»…
— Yes, this is very pretty.
— Здесь очень мило.
It’s very pretty.
Тут очень мило.
Very, very pretty.
Очень, очень мило.
Фиби, ты выглядишь так мило.
Well, because I wanted to see how pretty you looked in your new negligee.
Я хотел посмотреть, как мило ты смотришься в новом неглиже.
Показать ещё примеры для «мило»…
He’s always been pretty swell to me.
— Это да. Он хорошо ко мне относится.
My, my, you sure do smell pretty.
Ох, как ты хорошо пахнешь!
Gosh, Connie sure sings pretty, don’t he?
Поесть мне дали хлеба и бобов. Все-таки как хорошо Конни поет!
You’re sitting pretty.
Хорошо устроился.
Say, some of these local boys do pretty good, don’t they?
Слушай, некоторые из местных парней хорошо зарабатывают, не так ли?
Показать ещё примеры для «хорошо»…
«is too pretty a girl to waste on such a companion.»
«какая симпатичная девушка в такой недостойной компании.»
Besides, she’s rather pretty.
И потом, она симпатичная.
— Is she pretty?
— Она симпатичная?
— very pretty.
— Очень симпатичная.
Marcia’s a very pretty girl, isn’t she?
Марша симпатичная девушка.
Показать ещё примеры для «симпатичная»…
— Very pretty, but that one’s flat.
— Прекрасно, но он пустой.
That’s very pretty.
Это прекрасно.
Oh, how pretty the sky is.
Как прекрасно небо!
It was really pretty wonderful, and then… all of a sudden I realized that this girl was almost literally insane about me.
Это было действительно, так прекрасно, а затем… я внезапно понял, что девчонка буквально зациклилась на мне.
That’s very pretty.
Показать ещё примеры для «прекрасно»…
But you are pretty.
Ты и правда хорошенькая.
My dear, sweet, pretty little bird, tell me that you hate me.
Моя дорогая, милая, хорошенькая птичка, скажи мне, что ненавидишь меня.
Do you think that she’s pretty?
Зинновиц, по-вашему, она хорошенькая?
Miss Scarlett was mighty near that pretty when she come, but not quite.
Мисс Скарлетт была очень хорошенькая, но не такая.
Aren’t you pretty, my dear?
А вы хорошенькая, моя дорогая.
Показать ещё примеры для «хорошенькая»…
— Looks pretty good.
— Выглядит неплохо.
You feel pretty good lately, don’t you?
¬ последнее врем€ ты неплохо себ€ чувствуешь, да?
It’s pretty good, Daddy, if you only eat the middle.
Совсем неплохо, если есть только середину.
— Pretty nice, isn’t it, Bark?
— Неплохо, да, Барк?
Показать ещё примеры для «неплохо»…
«She is really pretty!»
«Она настоящая красавица!»
Give me pretty girls.
Да ты красавица, Зузу! Тебе очень идёт.
You’re mighty pretty, precious.
Ты такая красавица.
— Just this, my pretty child.
Вот как, моя красавица.
— Wasn’t my little girl pretty?
Разве моя девочка не красавица?
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- Use the word Pretty in a sentences
Sentence Examples
The tip of the penis used to be a pretty good yardstick, but with the proliferation of circumcision, it’s no longer a valid form of ID.
These anklets are so pretty. — You like them?
How was your trip? It was pretty rough. Is my aerology gear aboard?
That’s a pretty hoopy piece of thinking, you know that?
I’m pretty sure I smell doo-doos.
Even though I don’t go to school, I can read korean. Speak a little english. I’m pretty smart.
How do I look? Am I pretty?
How about you, Eunchae? Am I pretty?
Meet my poor mother, buy her pretty clothes, some kalbi meat, and a gorgeous house.
What I felt, at that moment, that it was a self portrait. Because I was this kid, and I was this kid. I was timid and afraid of everything, and then I was also a kid who came on pretty strong and I would get into fights and so on.
Yes, but we can pretty much rule out suicide because there was probably someone else by the cliff.
Yeah, we were pretty sure it wasn’t.
But xenia has a more unique sound than sara, And I think that puts them on a pretty even playing field.
Sia: I guess I feel like… That high note that you hit was pretty spectacular.
So, you look pretty good.
And that’s pretty much the final end of my baseball career. Daly:
I have to take cee lo’s advice And pretty much fall in love with curtis In order to send him home.
Well, that’s pretty neat!
It’s very pretty, by the way.
Your accent’s gettin’ pretty good.
It was pretty uneventful.
To be honest, I thought it was going pretty well.
I’m kind of baffled where it’s gone, you know, ’cause this thing was pretty big, you know.
It would’ve taken a lot of force or something pretty hefty to get it out of there, and there was no trail.
The first night in the woods by myself was pretty awesome, actually.
It’s what I wanted to do originally, too, is, you know, be by myself, take care of myself, do my own thing, and I got that, so pretty content.
Well, you know, they’re pretty, but it’s kind of odd, the whole idea of someone giving someone a flower ’cause it’s like, «Oh, you know, I like you, so let me give you something that’s dying.»
I find out something new about her every day, it seems like, and it’s a pretty big thing that I would’ve never expected out of her.
She must’ve been pretty out of her mind… to drive with only one shoe on?
The president of this place is pretty decent.
That’s pretty offensive. I just pretended to think about it so that you don’t feel offended.
She’s smart, pretty, athletic with a great personality to boot.
There’s a new diner that opened right by our house that’s pretty good.
I’m pretty popular with the ghosts.
She’s pretty much on her deathbed.
If you really want to test the boundaries of love getting on the plane and pretending to leave is a pretty good tactic to use.
Has Seoul’s night skyline always been this pretty?
She made a pretty big mistake.
But her TEE revealed something pretty cool.
You got to be pretty fast though.
Sats sitting pretty at 96.
Don’t waste time making them look pretty. (LAUGHS)
The tip of the penis used to be a pretty good yardstick, but with the proliferation of circumcision, it’s no longer a valid form of ID.
These anklets are so pretty. — You like them?
How was your trip? It was pretty rough. Is my aerology gear aboard?
That’s a pretty hoopy piece of thinking, you know that?
I’m pretty sure I smell doo-doos.
Even though I don’t go to school, I can read korean. Speak a little english. I’m pretty smart.
How do I look? Am I pretty?
How about you, Eunchae? Am I pretty?
Meet my poor mother, buy her pretty clothes, some kalbi meat, and a gorgeous house.
What I felt, at that moment, that it was a self portrait. Because I was this kid, and I was this kid. I was timid and afraid of everything, and then I was also a kid who came on pretty strong and I would get into fights and so on.
Yes, but we can pretty much rule out suicide because there was probably someone else by the cliff.
Yeah, we were pretty sure it wasn’t.
But xenia has a more unique sound than sara, And I think that puts them on a pretty even playing field.
Sia: I guess I feel like… That high note that you hit was pretty spectacular.
So, you look pretty good.
And that’s pretty much the final end of my baseball career. Daly:
I have to take cee lo’s advice And pretty much fall in love with curtis In order to send him home.
Well, that’s pretty neat!
It’s very pretty, by the way.
Your accent’s gettin’ pretty good.
It was pretty uneventful.
To be honest, I thought it was going pretty well.
I’m kind of baffled where it’s gone, you know, ’cause this thing was pretty big, you know.
It would’ve taken a lot of force or something pretty hefty to get it out of there, and there was no trail.
The first night in the woods by myself was pretty awesome, actually.
It’s what I wanted to do originally, too, is, you know, be by myself, take care of myself, do my own thing, and I got that, so pretty content.
Well, you know, they’re pretty, but it’s kind of odd, the whole idea of someone giving someone a flower ’cause it’s like, «Oh, you know, I like you, so let me give you something that’s dying.»
I find out something new about her every day, it seems like, and it’s a pretty big thing that I would’ve never expected out of her.
She must’ve been pretty out of her mind… to drive with only one shoe on?
The president of this place is pretty decent.
That’s pretty offensive. I just pretended to think about it so that you don’t feel offended.
She’s smart, pretty, athletic with a great personality to boot.
There’s a new diner that opened right by our house that’s pretty good.
I’m pretty popular with the ghosts.
She’s pretty much on her deathbed.
If you really want to test the boundaries of love getting on the plane and pretending to leave is a pretty good tactic to use.
Has Seoul’s night skyline always been this pretty?
She made a pretty big mistake.
But her TEE revealed something pretty cool.
You got to be pretty fast though.
Sats sitting pretty at 96.
Don’t waste time making them look pretty. (LAUGHS)
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I often quote Ronald Reagan, who is pretty close to my favorite President ever, I will have to say that, but one of my favorite remarks he ever made was that when you look at Federal programs, there is nothing so close to eternal life on Earth as a Federal Government program.
Marsha Blackburn
Old English prættig clever; related to Middle Low German prattich obstinate, Dutch prettig glad, Old Norse prettugr cunning.
Etymology is the study of the origin of words and their changes in structure and significance.
Pretty is a verb and can also act as a noun, an adjective and an adverb.
A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.
The adjective is the word that accompanies the noun to determine or qualify it.
The verb is the part of the sentence that is conjugated and expresses action and state of being.
See the conjugation of the verb pretty in English.
The adverb is an invariable part of the sentence that can change, explain or simplify a verb or another adverb.
Definition of pretty in the English dictionary
The first definition of pretty in the dictionary is pleasing or appealing in a delicate or graceful way. Other definition of pretty is dainty, neat, or charming. Pretty is also commendable; good of its kind.
I pretty
you pretty
he/she/it pretties
we pretty
you pretty
they pretty
Present continuous
I am prettying
you are prettying
he/she/it is prettying
we are prettying
you are prettying
they are prettying
Present perfect
I have prettied
you have prettied
he/she/it has prettied
we have prettied
you have prettied
they have prettied
Present perfect continuous
I have been prettying
you have been prettying
he/she/it has been prettying
we have been prettying
you have been prettying
they have been prettying
Present tense is used to refer to circumstances that exist at the present time or over a period that includes the present time. The present perfect refers to past events, although it can be considered to denote primarily the resulting present situation rather than the events themselves.
I prettied
you prettied
he/she/it prettied
we prettied
you prettied
they prettied
Past continuous
I was prettying
you were prettying
he/she/it was prettying
we were prettying
you were prettying
they were prettying
Past perfect
I had prettied
you had prettied
he/she/it had prettied
we had prettied
you had prettied
they had prettied
Past perfect continuous
I had been prettying
you had been prettying
he/she/it had been prettying
we had been prettying
you had been prettying
they had been prettying
Past tense forms express circumstances existing at some time in the past,
I will pretty
you will pretty
he/she/it will pretty
we will pretty
you will pretty
they will pretty
Future continuous
I will be prettying
you will be prettying
he/she/it will be prettying
we will be prettying
you will be prettying
they will be prettying
Future perfect
I will have prettied
you will have prettied
he/she/it will have prettied
we will have prettied
you will have prettied
they will have prettied
Future perfect continuous
I will have been prettying
you will have been prettying
he/she/it will have been prettying
we will have been prettying
you will have been prettying
they will have been prettying
The future is used to express circumstances that will occur at a later time.
I would pretty
you would pretty
he/she/it would pretty
we would pretty
you would pretty
they would pretty
Conditional continuous
I would be prettying
you would be prettying
he/she/it would be prettying
we would be prettying
you would be prettying
they would be prettying
Conditional perfect
I would have pretty
you would have pretty
he/she/it would have pretty
we would have pretty
you would have pretty
they would have pretty
Conditional perfect continuous
I would have been prettying
you would have been prettying
he/she/it would have been prettying
we would have been prettying
you would have been prettying
they would have been prettying
Conditional or «future-in-the-past» tense refers to hypothetical or possible actions.
you pretty
we let´s pretty
you pretty
The imperative is used to form commands or requests.
Present Participle
Infinitive shows the action beyond temporal perspective. The present participle or gerund shows the action during the session. The past participle shows the action after completion.
Synonyms and antonyms of pretty in the English dictionary of synonyms
The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «pretty» and belong to the same grammatical category.
Translation of «pretty» into 25 languages
Find out the translation of pretty to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.
The translations of pretty from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «pretty» in English.
Translator English — Chinese
1,325 millions of speakers
Translator English — Spanish
570 millions of speakers
510 millions of speakers
Translator English — Hindi
380 millions of speakers
Translator English — Arabic
280 millions of speakers
Translator English — Russian
278 millions of speakers
Translator English — Portuguese
270 millions of speakers
Translator English — Bengali
260 millions of speakers
Translator English — French
220 millions of speakers
Translator English — Malay
190 millions of speakers
Translator English — German
180 millions of speakers
Translator English — Japanese
130 millions of speakers
Translator English — Korean
85 millions of speakers
Translator English — Javanese
85 millions of speakers
Translator English — Vietnamese
80 millions of speakers
Translator English — Tamil
75 millions of speakers
Translator English — Marathi
75 millions of speakers
Translator English — Turkish
70 millions of speakers
Translator English — Italian
65 millions of speakers
Translator English — Polish
50 millions of speakers
Translator English — Ukrainian
40 millions of speakers
Translator English — Romanian
30 millions of speakers
Translator English — Greek
15 millions of speakers
Translator English — Afrikaans
14 millions of speakers
Translator English — Swedish
10 millions of speakers
Translator English — Norwegian
5 millions of speakers
Trends of use of pretty
The term «pretty» is very widely used and occupies the 1.577 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.
Very widely used
The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «pretty» in the different countries.
Principal search tendencies and common uses of pretty
List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «pretty».
The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «pretty» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «pretty» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.
Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about pretty
Famous quotes and sentences with the word pretty.
The experience of life that you and I have is pretty much a jigsaw puzzle in the box: Day-to-day experiences of disconnected pieces that don’t seem to justify the efforts we make each day.
I look for something unique, and I look for people who haven’t reached their potential. I think I’m pretty good at developing talent.
Canada does a really a phenomenal job of producing music, actors, and entertainers. If you look at the number of people we have in our country relative to the number of people that are prominent in the entertainment industry, it’s pretty impressive.
I’m quite bullish. We’re coming up on year 15 of a flat stock market. Historically that’s a pretty good sign. So I’m not a hedge-fund manager but if I was I think I’d be feeling pretty good.
I think if you can get to that point, exercising, when you really enjoy it, then you’re pretty much set for life.
I’m pretty much your average, energy-saving-light-bulbs-recycling citizen.
I collect records pretty assiduously, so I’ve got, like, a massive record collection. I still DJ.
Tablets generally have made it pretty obvious that magazines have a new lease on life.
I often quote Ronald Reagan, who is pretty close to my favorite President ever, I will have to say that, but one of my favorite remarks he ever made was that when you look at Federal programs, there is nothing so close to eternal life on Earth as a Federal Government program.
My legs tightened up pretty much, and it was a hard last corner for me.
Discover the use of pretty in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to pretty and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.
An electrifying debut novel from the New York Times bestselling author of Some Girls. Bebe Baker is an ex-everything: ex-stripper, ex-Christian, ex-drug addict, ex-pretty girl.
Entertainment Weekly on Barrel Fever Sidesplitting Not one of the essays in this new collection failed to crack me up; frequently I was helpless. The New York Times Book Review on Naked
The Summer I Turned Pretty
The boys never noticed Belly noticing them. And every summer she hoped it would be different. This time, it was. But the summer Belly turned pretty was the summer that changed everything. For better, and for worse.
The final part of Neil LaBute’s ‘beauty trilogy’ (following The Shape of Things and Fat Pig) about society’s obsession with looks, Reasons to Be Pretty premiered in the UK at the Almeida Theatre, London, in November 2011. ‘[The Shape of …
Devastated when her sexually abusive father is released early from jail, fifteen-year-old Meredith despairs of getting support from her fantasy-driven mother, a circumstance for which Meredith vows to prevent her father from abusing anyone …
Girls Are Weirdos But They Smell Pretty!
Some days are Bad Hair Days. Other days are for Shopping, where you hang out with your BFF, compare Crushes, and ask the eternal question: Does this dress make me look fat? Isn’t it great?!*Please note that this is not a children’s book
Todd Harris Goldman, 2007
Pretty Little Liars TV Tie-in Edition
Everyone has something to hide—especially high school juniors Spencer, Aria, Emily, and Hanna.
The Clique #5: The Pretty Committee Strikes Back
A tragic haircut leaves Kristen looking manlier than a New York Jets linebacker.
Especially when one her classmates becomes jealous of her newfound status—deadly jealous. Author Nancy Holder weaves a wicked tale about the price of popularity, and having the kind of friends some girls would just die for.
Eat Pretty: Nutrition for Beauty, Inside and Out
Nutrition is the fastest-rising beauty trend around the world. Eat Pretty simplifies the latest science and presents a userfriendly program for gorgeous looks, at any age, that last a lifetime.
Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term pretty is used in the context of the following news items.
This ‘Pretty Little Liars’ Theory About Charles Has Fans Fuming
This week on «Pretty Little Liars,» the #SummerOfAnswers continues to not give fans any answers. But at least we can take solace in the fact that … «Huffington Post, Jul 15»
‘Gamers Guide To Pretty Much Everything’ Best Series Debut In …
The premiere of Disney XD’s Gamer’s Guide To Pretty Much Everything became the network’s No. 1 series debut in the network’s 15-plus-year … «Deadline, Jul 15»
‘Pretty in Pink’ actor Andrew McCarthy writing young adult novel
The actor known in the 1980s for Pretty In Pink and St. Elmo’s Fire has a deal with Algonquin Young Readers for Just Fly Away, the story of a … «CBC.ca, Jul 15»
‘The Originals’: ‘The Pacific’ and ‘Pretty Little Liars’ Vets to Recur
Andrew Lees (The Pacific, Your Family or Mine) and Rebecca Breeds (Pretty Little Liars, We Are Men) have joined The CW drama in a … «Hollywood Reporter, Jul 15»
Here’s why your canine companion is actually pretty smart
They might technically have the knowledge of a 2-year-old human, but dogs are actually pretty smart. A new video from AsapScience explores … «CNET, Jul 15»
Scalia Gets It Pretty Much Right
The passage was pretty much complete when Justice Kennedy declared in Lawrence that «profound and deep convictions accepted as ethical … «Huffington Post, Jul 15»
Angry Birds Arcade Game Looks Pretty Cool
You might have seen some Angry Birds arcade machines before, but they’ve just been big-screen ports of the mobile game. There’s an official … «Kotaku, Jul 15»
Kaitlyn Bristowe’s Finale Hair & Makeup On ‘Bachelorette’ — Pretty …
She looked so pretty during the finale — copy her hair look right here. Though she looked nervous, she looked beautiful at the final rose … «Hollywood Life, Jul 15»
David Beckham gets a NEW ‘pretty lady’ tattoo for Harper!
This time Becks got a tattoo of the words ‘Pretty Lady’ followed by a little heart, right above an older tattoo that reads Harper. So we’re guessing … «heatworld, Jul 15»
We’re pretty sure they’re not having safe sex on True Detective
In this installment of Green Screen, we highlight the greenest parts of your favorite TV guilty pleasures (spoiler: There are a lot of them!). Last week, we foolishly … «Grist, Jul 15»
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