Sentences with the word prescribe

prescribe — перевод на русский


A fascist in the same situation would have prescribed for a Democrat a poison.

Фашист в аналогичной ситуации прописал бы демократу яд.

My physician prescribed benjisidrine for the condition.

Мой доктор прописал бенджисидрин.

— I prescribed sleep.

— Я прописал сон.

Give him nothing but skim milk and have him take the waters I prescribed.

Не давайте ему ничего, кроме снятого молока и давайте принимать воды, которые я прописал.

The doctor prescribed me them from insomnia.

Врач прописал мне их от бессоницы.

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Look at the ones I prescribed for Daniel.

Вот очки, которые я выписал Даниелю.

I had to go to the doctor again last night, and he prescribed for me and gave me some pills to alleviate the pain.

Вчера мне снова пришлось посетить доктора, он выписал мне рецепт И дал таблеток, чтобы облегчить боль.

I’ve prescribed you some Valium.

Я выписал вам немного Валиума.

What did you prescribe?

Что ты выписал?

He prescribed a cream, Disantil.

Он выписал мазь, Дисантил.

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Seriously, baby. I can prescribe anything I want.

Серьезно, малышка, я могу выписывать все, что захочу.

If I start tucking him in at night, well, that’s not fair to you guys, and if you start prescribing medicine, that’s not fair to me.

Если я начну укутывать его ночью, это будет не честно по отношения к вам, а если вы начнете выписывать лекарства, это будет не честно по отношению ко мне.

You don’t prescribe medicine based on guesses.

Нельзя выписывать лекарства, основываясь на догадках.

One is we do not go prescribing experimental drugs… that the F.D.A. Hasn’t approved for market.

Одно из них – не выписывать экспериментальные препараты не одобренные FDA для выпуска в продажу.

I can only treat patients that visit me, otherwise I can’t prescribe anything

Я могу лечить только тех, кто ко мне приходит, остальным я не могу ничего выписывать.

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I hope to prove that even in large doses it will be safe to prescribe to patients afflicted with chronic pain.

Я надеюсь доказать,.. …что даже в больших дозах его можно прописывать при хронических болях.

You say that doctors… shouldn’t prescribe non-F.D. A.

Вы говорите, что врачи не могут прописывать неодобренные препараты.

Have you ever prescribed a drug that wasn’t approved…

Доктор, вам случалось прописывать препарат, который не был одобрен для конкретного состояния

Believe me, I am not in the habit of prescribing non-approved drugs.

Поверьте, прописывать неодобренные препараты не в моём стиле.

Do I have to convince you of the danger of prescribing non-approved drugs?

Неужели мне нужно убеждать вас в том, как опасно прописывать неодобренные препараты?

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I’m going to prescribe a mild sedative.

Я собираюсь назначить слабые седативные.

You can prescribe him some antianxiety meds to try to lessen the urgency he’s feeling.

Вы можете назначить ему успокоительное,_BAR_чтобы попытаться уменьшить_BAR_это его настойчивое желание.

I’m gonna prescribe some gentian violet to rub on your penis.

Я собираюсь назначить генцианвиолет для втирания на пенис.

The need for drugs is far outstripping the access to the people with the means to prescribe them.

Потребность в лекарствах намного превосходит доступ к людям, у которых есть возможность назначить их.

Can’t you just prescribe me a quicker way out?

А не могли бы вы назначить мне более простой выход из этого положения?

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We were back at the hotel, and I felt this migraine coming on, so I took these… pills my doctor prescribed me and the migraine just… seemed to be getting worse.

Мы вернулись в отель, и я почувствовал сильную мигрень, так что я принял эти таблетки, прописанные врачом. И мигрень, только стала еще сильнее.

He were on prescription drugs not prescribed to him.

Он принимал рецептурные лекарства, прописанные не ему.

I take medication prescribed by my doctor,

Я принимала лекарства, прописанные моим врачом,

Since she didn’t have the good sense, let alone the good manners, to take the tablets I prescribed you…

Раз у вас не хватает здравого смысла, не говоря уже о хороших манерах, чтобы принять прописанные мною таблетки…

Have you been taking your antirejection meds as prescribed?

Вы принимали прописанные вам лекарства для избежания отторжения?

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I… Mem, doctors I send say you do not take medicine for sleeping as prescribed.

Я… мэм, доктора говорят, что вы не принимаете пилюли для сна, как предписано.

After the mud bath, ten minutes in the mineral water as prescribed…

После грязевой ванны, 10 минут в минеральной воде, как и было предписано…

Accordingly, he should receive the death penalty… as prescribed in Section 1, chapter 5 of the regulations.

Мы рекомендовали смертный приговор… как предписано в пункте 1, главе 5 положений военного времени. Итак, он заслуживает смертной казни… как предписано в пункте 1, главе 5 положений военного времени.

Unless it’s prescribed by a doctor.

Если только это не предписано Доктором.

Before you a woman came here to complain that you forced her to wear gloves … like that … without explanation, without demonstrating their utility, as prescribed by Allah and His Prophet.

Перед тобой сюда приходила женщина, чтобы пожаловаться, что ее заставляют носить перчатки.. такие.. без объяснения, без показа их полезности, как это предписано Аллахом и его пророком.

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And I prescribe her medication, make her feel good.

И я ее назначать лекарства, заставить ее чувствовать себя хорошо.

to treat this disease, you should prescribe this drug.

дл€ лечени€ этого заболевани€, необходимо назначать этот препарат.

What this court needs to ascertain, sir, is would the doctor have prescribed penicillin if I, the patient, were mentally infirm?

Что суд должен выяснить, сэр, будет ли врач назначать пенициллин, если пациентка, то есть я, психически больна?

Indeed, would he have prescribed penicillin had he thought recovery would enable me to go out thieving?

Более того, стал бы он назначать пенициллин, зная, что выздоровление позволит мне идти воровать?

I’m not authorized to prescribe medication.

Я не уполномочин назначать лекарства.

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None of it was prescribed to her.

И ни один из них не был выписан ей.

Byck and Tufano, both of them were prescribed Reduxid by the same gastroenterologist, a-a Dr. Selden.

Бик и Туфано, им обоим был выписан «Редаксид» одним гастроэнтерологом, доктором Сэлденом.

It’s a bottle of oxycodone, and, uh, it was prescribed to…

Этот оксикодон был выписан…

It was prescribed to a Mrs. Barbara Coleman from a Dr. R. Paiva.

Он был выписан миссис Барбаре Коулман доктором Паива.

All prescribed to James Woods.

Все выписано на Джеймса Вудса.

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I wanted to ask the doctor if the pill he has prescribed for me has some side effects, such as depression or amnesia?

Я хотела узнать у доктора, есть ли какие-то побочные эффекты у моего лекарства. Например, депрессия или потеря памяти?

If a medical history has been input, the bed can even prescribe a treatment such as oxygen.

Если данные о заболеваниях пациента были введены заранее, то в соответствии с симптомами будут введены лекарства, проведен массаж сердца или подан кислород.

That’s why we don’t treat ’em, prescribe to ’em, or operate on ’em.

вот почему мы их не лечим, не выписываем лекарства, и не оперируем их.

She’s wondering whether you prescribe medicine over the phone.

Она интересуется, не назначаете ли вы лекарства по телефону.

Any prescribed medication, you get from the desk.

Все лекарства получаешь на сестринском посту.

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предписывать, прописывать, прописывать лекарство


- предписывать

to prescribe regular hours of study — установить определённые часы занятий
to prescribe a line of action — рекомендовать /дать установку на/ проведение какой-л. линии
do not prescribe to me what I am to do — не указывайте мне, что я должен делать
the law prescribes a penalty for doing that — за этот поступок законом предусматривается наказание
in the prescribed time — в назначенное /установленное, заданное/ время
the subjects prescribed — изучаемые /проходимые/ (по программе) предметы

- прописывать (лекарство и т. п.)

to prescribe radio-therapy [massage, a holiday] — предписать /назначить/ радиотерапию [массаж, отдых]
to prescribe a medicine for the gout — прописать /выписать/ лекарство против подагры

- ссылаться на погашение (какого-л.) права или уголовной ответственности за давностью
- (for, to) приобретать право (на что-л.) по давности владения

Мои примеры


to prescribe a diet — прописать диету  
to administer / prescribe a drug — назначать лекарство  
to prescribe etiquette — предписывать определённый этикет  
to order / prescribe (a) medication — прописать, назначить лечение  
to prescribe (a) medicine — выписать, прописать, назначить лекарство  
to prescribe (as) the punishment — назначать в качестве наказания  
to prescribe antibiotics — выписывать антибиотики  
to prescribe a remedy — выписать лекарство  
to prescribe a drug — прописывать [назначать] лекарство  
prescribe a period — устанавливать срок  

Примеры с переводом

It is prescribed by law.

Это предписано законом.

I’ve been prescribed painkillers.

Мне прописали болеутоляющие средства.

Here is a list of books which have been prescribed for this course.

Вот список обязательной литературы к этому курсу.

The space available for work was prescribed.

Пространство, доступное для работы, было ограничено.

Never take medicine which has been prescribed for somebody else.

Никогда не пей лекарства, прописанные другому.

This drug should not be prescribed to children.

Этот препарат не следует назначать детям.

What punishment does the law prescribe for this crime?

Какое наказание предусматривает закон за это преступление?

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Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

Synonym: advise, advocate, assign, direct, order, recommend, suggest. Similar words: describe, prescription, ascribe, subscriber, transcribe, description, prescient, tribe. Meaning: [prɪ’skraɪb]  v. issue commands or orders for. 

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1. The doctor prepared to prescribe a receipt.

2. He may be able to prescribe you something for that cough.

3. If these don’t work I may have to prescribe you something stronger.

4. Regulations prescribe certain standards for building materials.

5. What punishment does the law prescribe for corruption?

6. Ask the doctor to prescribe something for that cough.

7. Various rights prescribe in twenty years.

8. Your doctor may prescribe a course of antibiotics.

9. Army regulations prescribe how rifles must be carried.

10. What punishment does the law prescribe for this crime?

11. The law allows doctors to prescribe contraception to the under 16s.

12. Police regulations prescribe that an officer’s number must be clearly visible.

13. They encourage doctors to prescribe cheaper generic drugs instead of more expensive brand names.

14. Therapists cannot prescribe drugs as they are not necessarily medically qualified.

15. And many doctors now enthusiastically prescribe the herbal remedy.

16. The results can help doctors prescribe the most effective anti-viral drug regimen.

17. When I continued to demur, he promised to prescribe only five pills,[] one for each of the next five nights.

18. It is not possible to prescribe a set period of time, for the need will vary in different situations.

19. A lot of GPs are too quick to prescribe drugs, instead of letting the body get better on its own.

20. After a careful diagnosis he is able to prescribe intelligently the best remedial or corrective measures.

21. Doctors are reluctant to prescribe a new class of drugs, especially ones which need to be taken for long periods of time.

22. Doctors may prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs to control both inflammation and pain.

23. We will introduce powers for nurses to prescribe where appropriate.

24. He may be able to prescribe some therapy that can help.

25. The Senate shall prescribe the procedures to be followed at enrolment.

26. But unlike physicians, veterinarians sell — and profit from — the drugs they prescribe.

27. They are given a budget to spend on the drugs they prescribe for their patients.

28. Some rape victims might be lucky enough to encounter an emergency room doctor who will prescribe the drugs.

29. They are examined by a physician who works for Nutri / System and will prescribe the diet drugs.

30. Agreement developed that diagnosis should not result in mere labeling but should be used to prescribe appropriate treatment.

More similar words: describe, prescription, ascribe, subscriber, transcribe, description, prescient, tribe, bribe, script, discriminate, indiscriminate, discrimination, rescue, fresco, press, express, impress, preside, compress, present, suppress, press for, preserve, presence, represent, at present, presented, depressed, oppressor.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word prescribe, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use prescribe in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «prescribe». In addition, we also show how different variations of prescribe can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are prescriber, prescriber’s and prescribes. If you click on the variation of prescribe that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Prescribe in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word prescribe in a sentence.

  1. Foville examined Jones, but did not prescribe any medicine, instead suggesting cold water sponge baths.

  2. To heal a patient, the santero/santera may also prescribe omiero, give them a cleansing bath, or provide them with a collares necklace.

  3. The majority of style guides now prescribe the use of a single space after terminal punctuation in final written works and publications.

  4. In Canada, both the English and French language sections of the Canadian Style, A Guide to Writing and Editing (1997), prescribe single sentence spacing.

  5. The act which created the two-cent piece authorized the Mint Director, with the Secretary of the Treasury’s approval, to prescribe the designs and mottoes to be used.

  6. For those seeking to attract women and be handsome like the love-god Kamadeva, the Matsya Purana and the Kurma Purana prescribe the worship of Ahalya at the Ahalya-tirtha.

  7. These sayings and sibyls should not be confused with the extant 6th-century collection of Sibylline Oracles, which typically predict disasters rather than prescribe solutions.

  8. Roosevelt signed Executive Order 9066, which authorized the Secretary of War to designate military commanders to prescribe military areas and to exclude «any or all persons» from such areas.

Prescriber in a sentence

Prescriber is a variation of prescribe, below you can find example sentences for prescriber.

  1. If an eye examination indicates that corrective lenses are appropriate, the prescriber generally provides the patient with an eyewear prescription at the conclusion of the exam.

Prescriber’s in a sentence

Prescriber’s is a variation of prescribe, below you can find example sentences for prescriber’s.

  1. The parameters specified on spectacle prescriptions vary, but typically include the patient’s name, power of the lenses, any prism to be included, the pupillary distance, expiration date, and the prescriber’s signature.

Prescribes in a sentence

Prescribes is a variation of prescribe, below you can find example sentences for prescribes.

  1. It prescribes an entirely vegetarian and non-alcoholic diet.

  2. The Ganesha Purana prescribes a tilaka mark as well as a crescent moon on the forehead.

  3. The designer prescribes a required frequency response, and designs a filter with that response.

  4. So Krishna prescribes the human sacrifice of Aravan in order that «the greater sacrifice of the war can take place».

  5. First: the measure prescribes remedies for voting discrimination which go into effect without any need for prior adjudication.

  6. The conclusion of the novel may be thought of not as a philosophical alternative to optimism, but as a prescribed practical outlook (though what it prescribes is in dispute).

  7. The hadith (Muhammad’s tradition) also prescribes that Muslims face the qibla when entering the ihram (sacred state for hajj), after the middle jamrah (stone-throwing ritual) during the pilgrimage.

  8. A doctor prescribes Prozac, a real life antidepressant, to Kyle for his apparent love for feces, which he describes as «fecalphilia», a condition perhaps better known by the medical term coprophilia.

Synonyms for prescribe

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word prescribe has the following synonyms: order and dictate.

General information about «prescribe» example sentences

The example sentences for the word prescribe that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «prescribe» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «prescribe».

hope that I would live, the doctors had to prescribe the usual treatment and

‘I prescribe a massage

A Nissen hut and battledress, that’s what Ted would prescribe, although he forgets, as he hunches up his shoulders and completes the last hundred metres of his walk home under broken street lamps, that he was just too young for National Service

They cannot prescribe a medication that will solve all your problems within two days because it simply doesn’t exist

The princes who have dared in this manner to rebel against the church, over and above this crime of rebellion, have generally been charged, too, with the additional crime of heresy, notwithstanding their solemn protestations of their faith, and humble submission to every tenet which she thought proper to prescribe to them

Among the followers of the reformation, dispersed in all the different countries of Europe, there was no general tribunal, which, like that of the court of Rome, or an oecumenical council, could settle all disputes among them, and, with irresistible authority, prescribe to all of them the precise limits of orthodoxy

They don’t prescribe to General Patton’s quote that «the object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other guy die for his

As with any private law case the action must be taken within three years or the claim will prescribe

The compacts of civilization—for instance, the Magna Carta and the Constitution—all prescribe such

Do you really think that God would prescribe a burial that would cause sickness and epidemics? No, not if we follow his statutes

Saeed and helped prescribe the medication she needed to cope with the loss of her husband

Doctors prescribe two types of migraine medications

Monte would have liked nothing more than to claim he’d prescribed it to Calvin, but they’d found far more in Calvin’s inventory than Monte was allowed to prescribe

For this infection, the doctor will often prescribe an anti-yeast medicated cream

Even if the cause is not medical, doctors can prescribe medication that can control bedwetting

There were no inhibitions to prescribe to, for I knew I was all

prescribe pain medication that is suitable for you

Many doctors will prescribe pain relief for a herniated disc

For this, your doctor can prescribe a muscle relaxant

If your doctor has diagnosed you as having high blood pressure then along with making changes to your lifestyle — the most effective way of dealing with it — they might also prescribe medication

At prescribe times the Church gathers in common prayer and worship

prescribe a placebo, which, as you undoubtedly know, is a pil without any

But who goes looking for information on the medications doctors prescribe? If you trust your doctor and feel better as a result of what he does, why would you go checking up behind him?

“You believe that doctors know what they are doing, and if you feel some relief as a result of what they prescribe, you aren’t likely to question the solution

“Then you are not a medical doctor and therefore unable to prescribe medication

“And as a medical doctor, are you able to prescribe medications and evaluate their effect on patients?»

only psychiatrists and other medical doctors may prescribe most medications

Asking questions that lead to prescribe answer («Don’t you want to

“It’s not a drug I would be quick to prescribe, Sir Richard

Those involved are a Mississippi State Supreme Court Justice, who was wrongly accused of crimes more than once and found not guilty in each case; a nineteen-year old woman who was gang-raped in Iraq by fellow soldiers and spent over four years in the court system without any compensation; a couple from Nebraska who could have avoided being in the movie had only a doctor followed the oath which says, I will prescribe regimens for the good of my patients according to my ability and my judgment and never do harm to anyone

 Don’t buy from sites that offer to prescribe a prescription drug for the first time without a physical exam, sell a prescription drug without a prescription, or sell drugs not approved by the FDA

Endocrinologists basically prescribe insulin and advise patients to adjust their dosage as necessary

derogatory ‘my way or the highway’ approach, specialists refuse to prescribe needed medicines unless patients submit to their terms which likely include unneccessary hospital stays and other waste that only serves to pad medical bills

If one can read questions from a symptom chart, perform simple indicated tests for infection or deficiency, and prescribe the recommended treatment for the indicated condition, then one can carry out the typical duties of physicians

happens in ways that we don’t understand and wouldn’t prescribe

I decided to prescribe her the same liquid nitrogen spray and medicine

Thus, only practitioners who can monitor liver enzyme and function tests should recommend or prescribe Niacin for hyperlipidemic patients

family doctor still wanted to prescribe medication, but Natalia, not lacking in medical knowledge, was still adamantly opposed

The main difference between this and other naturally occurring antibiotics and the antibiotics that our doctors prescribe is that they do not harm the good enzymes that our body needs

Part of his treatment was to prescribe this medicine for her

The pharmacopoeias prescribe or limit the permitted final water purification stage in the

The third type of expert, often works for large multinationals such as the World Bank and bring a “menu” of solutions they wish to prescribe to the patient

If you have an acute attack of gouty arthritis, your doctor will prescribe anti inflammatory agents such as colchicines or NSAID to relieve the pain and swelling

In his daily preachings also the revered Maharaj Ji used to prescribe the practice of Pranayam

we also need a doctor who can prescribe the

He will prescribe the proper medicine in the proper time

We need the Holy Spirit to prescribe what He has already put inside us

‘I’m going to prescribe a strong medicine for you to apply to your scalp

Of doctors who prescribe betaine HCl, the amount used

Honest in that it recognizes it does not know how to do this nor can it prescribe any formula, principle or law for how to achieve, institute, or enact it

“Because I already know what he will prescribe, dear

In this case, would it be reasonable for the doctor to leave him writhing in pain from what had settled inside his belly?! Would he not prescribe an influential laxative for him, which would repel these poisons and rid him of this surfeit material?! Similarly, a wicked yearning that has been strengthened inside the spirit because of its shunning of its Maker is indeed the surfeit of the spirit and the disease of the heart

At the earliest opportunity he would drive in to Meuk, call on the doctor, and after explaining the effect of Zoppot, a place which was to have cured her, on his wife, request him now to prescribe a cure for the cure

basis, the doctor did not want to prescribe them for Sam, but relented as Sam begged

The delay was caused by the VA’s inability to locate an endocrinologist with the experience to prescribe and monitor my regimen

We can run a blood test and a skin graph if you’re willing to let me cut into you—which you’re probably not, given the state of your hand—but until I have a definite answer about what this is, I can’t prescribe anything

When the prophet (May the blessings and peace of Allah be upon him) was born, he had sore eyes, they told his grandfather that there was a Jewish monk knew medicines at the mountain of Arafa to go to him to prescribe medicine for him, he took him and went to the monk, when the monk saw him, he said: «His medicine is with him, take from his saliva and put on his eyes, he will recover at once

tana two-step, but the swing moves I prescribe with either

side-slips, this is one of the best things you can prescribe to a cocky

He prays a lot and believes in what his doctors prescribe for him

But we must not think in our prayers to prescribe to Him, or by our importunity to move Him

have preset conditions they prescribe to information and they can’t break their mould

You write what they prescribe and you supply the

If a woman does not have progesterone irregularity, her doctor may prescribe this type of

I shall prescribe the same two drugs that seemed to help her best in the past

We prescribe this mass produced —- as a cure for your mass-identical ailment… or this identical operation for everyone with your —-identical condition

She’d signed on with another doctor, but he wouldn’t prescribe anything like the strength of tablets she needed

Doctors began to prescribe water treatment for virtually any ailment or infirmity

� When we do what the dominator/conformist structures around us prescribe, we know immediately that what we do is right

But they didn’t prescribe a ‘powerful’ king as their political and religious saviour, or proclaim their writings were messages from God above, but they wrote about a baby, because perhaps this baby really was the Son of the Creator

they prescribe for themselves

By tempting Christ is meant disbelieving the providence and goodness of God; and presuming to prescribe to him how he should send them the necessary supplies, and of what kind they should be

Your doctor may prescribe a dermatologist lotion for acne prone patients that requires a prescription

Instead of barbiturates, your doctor may prescribe any of the benzodiazepine drugs as sleeping medication

Proper diet is the easiest and safest thing a physician can prescribe

He or she can recommend lifestyle changes such as an increased salt or water intake, or may be able to prescribe medications in extreme cases

One lovely young woman replied, “Oh, yes, I’ve heard that, but I would never prescribe it

only a doctor can prescribe the right treatment

Without knowing the cause of the hair loss, no doctor is in a position to prescribe any form of treatment

Once the typical suspects have been eliminated, your doctor can prescribe the essential medicines for this type of allergy which best suit the symptoms or the exact causes behind it

There are loads of products, medications and treatments that a physician can prescribe to treat the problem

A doctor may run tests to confirm the source of the allergic reactions and prescribe a medication solution, often consisting of a series of injections to progressively build up immunity

Your doctor can prescribe a medication that might be covered by your medical insurance, should you be required to take these long-term

«What!» replied the good fellow, quite astonished, «doesn’t he prescribe something for you?»

And such a pilot and ruler will provide and prescribe for the interest of the sailor who is under him, and not for his own or the ruler’s interest?

tone, that tended to prescribe the same key to him, that his mamma was

“I can prescribe some mild sleeping pills,” I told her

And the Congress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof

«What do you prescribe, doctor?» demanded Villefort

prescribe it for an inflamed brain

Take her in hand and prescribe for her, but let her get well before I send her back

prescribe the same key to him, that his mamma was gone out and would not return till late at night: which I thought no bad hint; but as it proved, I had nothing of a novice to deal with

But now we know that these little pills of classical learning possess the medicinal property of antinihilism, and we boldly prescribe them to our patients

One of these reforms was to act stoutly on the strength of a recent legal decision, and simply prescribe, without dispensing drugs or taking percentage from druggists

For example, let’s say TOMIC position sizing guidelines prescribe a maximum portfolio exposure of 2% per position

Exactly at what point the question of price fluctuation becomes material rather than minor is naturally impossible to prescribe

Make a list of any problems you’re having taking the medicines as prescribed

Each health care professional should know what the other has prescribed for you

prescribed treatment in the oncology center

But if what we have been performing is not the perfect thing from Heaven that has been prescribed, then what is?

The Doctor had prescribed fresh air and change of

SAM: I prescribed a small dose of a sedative for her

The provisional teacher arrived at the first of the next week and she brought with her samples of the textbooks, copies of the prescribed initial curricula, and most importantly to the Livingsons, sufficient sets of both entrance assessments for each grade and the graduation examinations

I thought he was past the prescribed age and merely gauging his abilities against a standard measure

Eventually he settled on a box of something called Ibuprofen and a large container of a drug that the doctor had recently prescribed to his mother

“Within the words you have heard, may now be hearing, and soon Will hear, are several phrases, which will enter into the unconscious, Re-attach themselves in a certain manner, and begin to function in a Prescribed way

but the herbs you prescribed cured him

If we therefore compare the sequence of events, as prescribed by Evolution to that of Creation, we see an immediate problem relating to plants that were created on day 3, while the Sun, Moon and stars were only created on the following “day” – day 4, according to the sequence in the Bible

men but because the teaching that Paul prescribed had

The role Paul prescribed for elders and teachers was no

medicine that had been presumably prescribed for the secretary

What in the world gives these demented liberals of twenty-first century America the right, with a straight face, to tell us that their programs in any way relate to progress? Perhaps we should instead try regress, to the days when the Emperor, King, or feudal lord prescribed our lives for us

their prescribed parameters to move something that massive

A child‘s imagination, however, should be grounded on a mature understanding of what is reasonably attainable, morally wholesome and possible or desirable, for that matter, rather than irrational, spiritually harmful, far-fetched or unbecoming while operating within the prescribed limits of a balanced mindset; that is to say, the manner that child will one day be expected to interact with other people; that is to say, by providing in measure what is expected in kind

Natural Law, as prescribed by our Creator, affirms the Equality of Humankind within the Eternal Order of Things

There exists an associative order endemic in (any) society; that is to say, of associations prescribed by custom where the ―servant‖

Anyway, that is what her Master had prescribed for her

Truth is correctly understood as the systematic arrangement of thoughtful ideas and reasoned assumptions conforming to factual standards prescribed by the (Eternal) Law(s) of Nature

Modern Society is in the throes of a revolutionary Revolt of Conscience; the solitary by-product of moral and intellectual parochialism that is gradually revealing itself in the vested self-interest(s) and manners of unbridled Individualism that has undermined equalitarian idealism, that once defined the national culture, by rendering every individual the sole arbiter of his or her own conscience and ensuing choices without giving proper pause to how such choices may otherwise impact, for better or for worse, other individuals or to a transcendent authority that each must (inevitably) be held accountable; that is to say, whose (social) consequences existing outside the provincial boundaries of that individual‘s (own) estate are no longer limited by (moral) restraint or prescribed rules of moral and ethical conduct but conditioned rather by circumventing designs contrary to the proportionate interests of a well-ordered society

To this purpose, God must be expunged from the public consciousness lest His presence confound the prescribed arrangements of mechanical processes where two plus two may not necessarily add up to four nor does it have to provided such dubious calculations preserve the implausible standards of an unthinking individual who has been summarily reduced to rote

Once prescribed there is nothing in law which can resurrect it

Today‘s youth have been subsequently commissioned with the unenviable task of having to navigate through troubled waters on a rudderless boat without a compass only to criticize them for faulty seamanship for having failed to negotiate the prescribed course

I relied on sleeping pills prescribed by the neurosurgeon to help me sleep and coffee to keep

She prescribed me a round of ciprofloxacin over the phone

The tablets the doctor prescribed as substitute for the injections offered no relief

Beth became convinced that Herminia was intent upon suicide, consuming five times the prescribed dosage of mega-dose pills and still searching for the hidden bottle

stomach was found, and I was prescribed medication and was told

Every car in the field had a display of lights in a configuration prescribed by the rules

The Countess took with her a supply of morphia that had been prescribed to relieve the pain of her malignancy

Tradition prescribed that those who saved a life could insist on taking a kind of possession of it

He not only prescribed the cures but

By mollifying God through the services prescribed in

in some transgressed the prescribed code of conduct

pared for a greater test that would take place at a prescribed time in

I thought of the tablets prescribed for pain after my surgery

1 Woe to those who decree unrighteous decrees, and that write grievousness which they have prescribed; 2 To turn aside the needy

Israel prescribed, and according to the magnificence of Solomon his son, and standing in the temple according to the several dignity

However, there is no prescribed formula for the

formula or a prescribed method for this

And now, my son, I have shown you everything, and the law of all the stars of the Heaven is completed; And he showed me all the laws of these for every day, and for every season of bearing rule, and for every year, and for its going procession, and for the order prescribed to it every month and every week, and the waning of the moon which takes place in the sixth portal, for in this sixth portal her light is accomplished, and after that there is the beginning of the waning; And the waning which takes place in the first portal in its season, till one hundred and seventy-seven days are accomplished, reckoned according to weeks, twenty-five weeks and two days

And many chiefs of the stars shall transgress the order prescribed; And these shall alter their orbits and tasks,

And not appear at the seasons prescribed to them; And the whole order of the stars shall be concealed from the sinners,

Who, since they came into being, longed not after earthly food, but regarded everything as a passing breath, and lived accordingly, and the Lord tried them much, and their spirits were found pure so that they should bless His name; And all the blessings destined for them I have recounted in the writings; And he has assigned them their recompense, because they have been found to be such as loved Heaven more than their life in the world, and though they were trodden under foot of wicked men, and experienced abuse and reviling from them and were put to shame, yet they blessed Me; And now I will summon the spirits of the good who belong to the generation of light, and I will transform those who were born in darkness, who in the flesh were not recompensed with such honour as their faithfulness deserved; And I will bring out in shining light those who have loved My holy name, and I will seat each on the throne of his honour; And they shall be resplendent for times without number; for righteousness is the judgement of God; for to the faithful He will give faithfulness in the habitation of upright paths; And they shall see those who were born in darkness led into darkness, while the righteous shall be resplendent; And the sinners shall cry aloud and see them resplendent, and they indeed will go where days and seasons are prescribed for them

prescribed set of ideas, feelings and actions; on the contrary,

the divinely prescribed treatment

The woman behind the counter gave me the painkillers and muscle relaxants the doctor prescribed for me

This young Canadian Forces female member was prescribed an antibiotic for

of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law

freedoms in my life and follow their prescribed

Costa diagnosed Dixie with bronchitis and prescribed a state-of-the-art antibiotic

When that did not work, he prescribed another newer, more expensive one

from my prescribed response to that one

Any amount, and this could change on a whim, the tax collectors manage to collect up and above the prescribed target was theirs to keep

And now my son I have shown you everything and the law of all the stars of the Heaven is completed; And he showed me all the laws of these for every day and for every season of bearing rule and for every year and for its going procession and for the order prescribed to it every month and every week and the waning of the moon which takes place in the sixth portal for in this sixth portal her light is accomplished and after that there is the beginning of the waning; And the waning which takes place in the first portal in its season till one hundred and seventy-seven days are accomplished reckoned according to weeks twenty-five weeks and two days

And many chiefs of the stars shall transgress the order prescribed; And these shall alter their orbits and tasks

And not appear at the seasons prescribed to them; And the whole order of the stars shall be concealed from the sinners

Who since they came into being longed not after earthly food but regarded everything as a passing breath and lived accordingly and the Lord tried them much and their spirits were found pure so that they should bless His name; And all the blessings destined for them I have recounted in the writings; And he has assigned them their recompense because they have been found to be such as loved Heaven more than their life in the world and though they were trodden under foot of wicked men and experienced abuse and reviling from them and were put to shame yet they blessed Me; And now I will summon the spirits of the good who belong to the generation of light and I will transform those who were born in darkness who in the flesh were not recompensed with such honour as their faithfulness deserved; And I will bring out in shining light those who have loved My holy name and I will seat each on the throne of his honour; And they shall be resplendent for times without number; for righteousness is the judgement of God; for to the faithful He will give faithfulness in the habitation of upright paths; And they shall see those who were born in darkness led into darkness while the righteous shall be resplendent; And the sinners shall cry aloud and see them resplendent and they indeed will go where days and seasons are prescribed for them

Every conceivable and inconceivable matter was regulated, rearranged, and prescribed

I went to several doctors, who prescribed a variety of creams and pills

convinced that I had been prescribed the wrong antibiotics

such actions are prescribed by a veterinarian or the procedure is required in

considered a cure-all and is widely prescribed as a treatment for a range of ailments,

3 And he spoke to the Levites the holy ministers of Israel so that they should hallow themselves to the Lord to set the holy Ark of the Lord in the house that king Solomon the son of David had built: 4 And said you shall no more bear the Ark on your shoulders: now therefore serve the Lord your God and minister to his people Israel and prepare you after your families and kindreds 5 According as David the King of Israel prescribed and according to the magnificence of Solomon his son and standing in the temple according to the several dignity of the families of you the Levites who minister in the presence of your brothers the children of Israel 6 Offer the Passover in order and make ready the sacrifices for your brothers and keep the Passover according to the commandment of the Lord which was given to Moses

The bylaws stated that the first vice president “shall, in the absence of the president…perform the duties and exercise the powers of the president and shall generally assist the president and perform such other duties and have such other powers as may from time to time be prescribed by the board

inactive for a prescribed time

Needing only direction to quell their panic, they threw themselves into the prescribed actions with a frenzy akin to a drowning person grasping at a nearby branch

Travers had a wide mouth and light red hair, slightly longer than the regs prescribed, now sweaty and matted

into the prescribed actions with a frenzy akin to a drowning person grasping at a nearby

She did not receive much relief from medications prescribed by a cardiologist

The ecclesiastical council of Whitby prescribed, over two decades ago, that every Nun shall remain where she has been placed

Patients have confidence in drugs and devices when prescribed by their

Monte would have liked nothing more than to claim he’d prescribed it to Calvin, but they’d found far more in Calvin’s inventory than Monte was allowed to prescribe

prescribed, may not be effective; programs that run beyond their useful life of application

To achieve this union or Yog with the supreme , four major paths are prescribed

During recovery the doctor prescribed painkillers that I was supposed to take daily for a number of weeks

medications such as NSAIDs may be prescribed

• Aspirin – This is sometimes prescribed for heart health, but it is actually one of the earliest known pain relievers

Celebrex has been controversial as it pertains to heart issues but is still prescribed

Methods prescribed by those who understand the matter

(c) Uparati (cessation) — explained as a cessation from bigotry or from belief in the necessity of any act or ceremony prescribed by a

prescribed as leading to that goal; therefore some say that the meaning of

prescribed by Christ Himself— the words “Receive ye the Holy Ghost

meditations prescribed for the Hindus, and in most occult schools; the

Some have felt that the study and meditation prescribed for

The same methods are prescribed in Christian lands

As for the wife, the Divine Doctor prescribed DEVOTION

prescribed, that I may be able fully to take advantage of the loving help which His holy Angels are always waiting to render

He knowing the family remembered that he had prescribed mild sleeping pills for Matthew the previous week

Thank God that next week finally arrived after successful treatment and she was prescribed suitable medication that brought about a marked recovery

prescribed hours of the day

“Medicinal herbs” are usually prescribed by a Doctor of Chinese medicine and are specially prepared for the patient based on the individuals needs

He was prescribed high blood pressure tablets that he would be on for the rest of his life and was surprised that he had no symptoms prior to getting a stroke

always carried a smal box of pil s with him which his doctor had prescribed

all know what a woman’s experience is because it is prescribed, it is natural, it is the same for all women

Arbnor Jasari, the good doctor, is aware of her movement and he prescribes for himself his favourite pick-me-up

If his employer is attentive and parsimonious, the workman is very likely to be so too; but if the master is dissolute and disorderly, the servant, who shapes his work according to the pattern which his master prescribes to him, will shape his life, too, according to the example which he sets him

He dares not do anything which would disgrace or discredit him in it; and he is obliged to a very strict observation of that species of morals, whether liberal or austere, which the general consent of this society prescribes to persons of his rank and fortune

Religion requires people to commit themselves to rules, rituals and tradition and to do exactly as a specific religion prescribes

This religion prescribes specific practices regarding the dead

Under the conditions Marx prescribes, there is no way to consider the Jew as separate or different

The contract prescribes

for being just what the culture prescribes: intensely involved with their families and

The next belief is that what a doctor prescribes is exactly what the patient needs

What an irony, the custom that prescribes alliances between blood relations proscribes sagothra marriages! What’s a gothram, after all? If anything, isn’t it a vague concept at its very best, based as it were on the precept of lineage of all

Yogeshwar (Lord of Yog) prescribes His own form as the object of meditation

Like the deity he, too, prescribes a course of meditation

ture is the only authority that prescribes the righteous as well as the un-

way, or you can follow the way that someone prescribes, in final analysis it does

The Bhagavad Gita prescribes certain dietary practices (Chapter 17, Verses 8–10)

A vision of the future that is not set in tablets of stone, but one that his charges can escape from by doing as he prescribes

What he prescribes to me emanates from the insecurity that

and what that prescribes to them as good for them, they

prescribes what should be believed

So given these facts and not forgetting that the Koran prescribes in startling detail the minutiae of daily life you get the following: a very religious and conservative population in which the sheikh, the Moslem priest, has considerable sway over the community and it is not unusual for people in a moral dilemma to seek his advice

If she has an adulterous affair, the Koran prescribes death by stoning

Until they succumb to their own fears, to their fear of dying… and finally resign themselves to whatever the doctor prescribes

Don Quixote was amazed to hear Roque utter such excellent and just sentiments, for he did not think that among those who followed such trades as robbing, murdering, and waylaying, there could be anyone capable of a virtuous thought, and he said in reply, «Senor Roque, the beginning of health lies in knowing the disease and in the sick man’s willingness to take the medicines which the physician prescribes; you are sick, you know what ails you, and heaven, or more properly speaking God, who is our physician, will administer medicines that will cure you, and cure gradually, and not of a sudden or by a miracle; besides, sinners of discernment are nearer amendment than those who are fools; and as your worship has shown good sense in your remarks, all you have to do is to keep up a good heart and trust that the weakness of your conscience will be strengthened

For when we stumble, we should not, like children, make an uproar; we should take the measures which reason prescribes, not raising a lament, but finding a cure

Then, I continued, no physician, in so far as he is a physician, considers his own good in what he prescribes, but the good of his patient; for the true physician is also a ruler having the human body as a subject, and is not a mere money-maker; that has been admitted?

It is jealousy and not confidence which prescribes limited constitutions, to bind those whom we are obliged to trust with power

You brush your teeth, you take the meds your doctor prescribes, you eat healthfully—and if you don’t, you probably feel guilty about it

As distinct from reorganization procedure proper, the Trust Indenture Act prescribes a number of requirements for trustees acting under bond indentures

It keeps the records of individuals, it issues the orders, it recommends promotion, and prescribes punishment

I can see Isaiah Fomitch wandering about on Saturday throughout the prison, endeavouring to do nothing, as the law prescribes to every Jew

With regard to the fifth commandment, «Honor thy father and thy mother,» the catechism prescribes honor to the sovereign, the country, spiritual fathers, all persons in authority, and of these last gives an enumeration in three pages, including college authorities, civil, judicial, and military authorities, and owners of serfs, with instructions as to the manner of honoring each of these classes (pp

Mohammedanism prescribes circumcision, prayer five times a day, the giving of tithes to the poor, pilgrimage to the tomb of the Prophet, and many other things

Pseudo-Christianity alone prescribes nothing

At the present time every act of our lives is under the supervision of the State, and in accordance with its dictates a man marries and is divorced, rears his children, and in some countries accepts the religion it prescribes

Wonderful delusion! The being that breathes to-day and disappears to-morrow, that has one definite, incontestable law given to him, as to how he is to pass his short term of life, imagines that he knows what is necessary and useful and appropriate for all men, for the whole world, for that world which moves without cessation, and goes on developing, and in the name of this usefulness, which is differently understood by each of them, he prescribes to himself and to others for a time to depart from the unquestionable law, which is given to him and to all men, and not to act toward all men as he wants others to act toward him, not to bring love into the world, but to practise violence, to deprive of freedom, to punish, to kill, to introduce malice into the world, when it is found that this is necessary

But when you see that an author prescribes emotion at what is not touching, but only laughable or disgusting, and when you see, moreover, that the author is fully assured that he has captivated you, a painfully tormenting feeling results, similar to what one would feel if an old, deformed woman put on a ball-dress, and smilingly coquetted before you, confident of your approbation

Sir: I beg leave, through you, to inform the honorable the Senate of the United States, that I propose to take the oath which the constitution prescribes to the President of the United States, before he enters on the execution of his office, on Saturday the 4th instant, at twelve o’clock, in the Chamber of the House of Representatives

John Condit, appointed a Senator by the Executive of the State of New Jersey, in the place of Aaron Kitchel, resigned, took his seat, and his credentials were read; and the President administered the oath to him as the law prescribes

Jenkin Whiteside, appointed a Senator by the Legislature of the State of Tennessee, for two years, commencing on the fourth of March last, in place of Daniel Smith, resigned, took his seat, and his credentials were read; and the President administered the oath to him as the law prescribes

The first article provides for the organization of Congress; defines its powers; prescribes limitations upon the powers previously granted; and sets metes and bounds to the authority of the State Governments

The 3d article defines the tenure by which the persons in whom the judicial power may be vested shall hold their offices, and prescribes the extent of their power and jurisdiction

» That is the mode in which these great ends are proposed to be effected, and the body of the instrument prescribes the means which were deemed necessary and proper to the effectuation of these ends

But, sir, the question is, shall we stretch the instrument to embrace cases not fairly within its scope, or shall we resort to that remedy, by amendment, which the constitution prescribes?

If he means that this House ought, at this stage of the proceeding, or any other, to enumerate such violations of our rights as we are willing to contend for, he prescribes a course which neither good sense nor the usage of nations warrants

[The best drill for the eye and hand that we know of can be obtained in the shortest time by getting Buskin’s «Elements of Drawing,» and doing faithfully and exactly all the exercises which he prescribes, including both those in black-and-white and color

I have encountered a number of practicing Christians over the years who are (seemingly) unable to resolve religious ―questions‖ such as the Immaculate Conception, the Assumption or Transubstantiation, for example; considering such (doctrinal) propositions set forth by the church as operating outside the prescribing (rational) limits otherwise informed by Reason, who are unwilling to contest, however, the Incarnation, Resurrection and the Holy Trinity as matters of Faith

physician’s daily round, prescribing for those who are ill

incorrectly call a miracle healing; healing completely and totally the diseases Western Medicine cannot heal through their conventional methods of prescribing surgery and pills

hundred baths of oil, and salt without prescribing how much

So, rather than prescribing here what you should buy and

These thoughts bullied their way into his mind as if some ethereal healer was prescribing them as an unguent for fraying nerves

Prior requirements by the FDA had only met prior prescribing habits

But this estimate was based on current prescribing practices

“I told her numerous times that the stuff was addictive, but she just brushed me off, saying that her doctor wouldn’t keep prescribing it if it wasn’t good for her

“Well,» the attorney stumbled, “the drug companies don’t do the prescribing

The scientific explanation of the drug’s prescribing information was way over her head, but she was able to surmise that the drug was primarily used as an anti-inflammatory

We are outraged at the doctors that kept prescribing the poison to us month after month

Ordinarily, he would have simply required the drug company to adhere to stricter prescribing guidelines and print the appropriate warnings about long-term use

practices and they may not be educated in prescribing this

Too often, the health care profession forgets about prevention and only offers solutions to cancer and other sicknesses by prescribing drugs and operating

Therefore, I will be immediately prescribing you our most potent therapy today and I would highly recommend getting on those medications, right away

Wisconsin, and Wyoming) have already taken some action against physicians prescribing drugs over the Internet

Overpaid doctors are raking in small fortunes labeling kids bi-polar and ADHD, and then prescribing a variety of powerful drugs; as if parenting now comes in pill bottles

However, note that the physician is not prescribing green tea per se, but rather calling it

Max stopped in with a question about his old pony’s wheezes, and after prescribing for her a diet of warm gruel I challenged him to a chicken fight

Every Mahapurush have been prescribing to his followers the typical modes of

diuretics should consult the prescribing doctor before increasing fruit intake

This is based on traditional herbal prescribing and has not been evaluated in clinical

examination and prescribing certain treatment, the toxicologist suggested the

On the Monday following (July 29), I phoned the prescribing physician and told him what I

Constitutional prescribing by a qualified homeopath may be helpful in treating

Instead of being patient, he hardly lets you speak; instead of prescribing, he denounces; instead of helping, he passionately scolds; and so you do not go to him again, but fight through your later miseries alone

Bullivant had foreseen her husband’s probable desire for conversation, and the doctor, a well-trained man, was in the act of prescribing complete silence

Perhaps there was a rigid local custom prescribing only one

should be reviewed first before prescribing

And because no doctor has the slightest understanding of your own specific organic-cellular-muscular-mental-emotional-environmental-biological condition: their blind prescribing some pharmaceutically advertised pill or new, more expensive kind of treatment has nothing to do with what you actually need to heal your countless, complex, subtle imbalances

And by the way… doctors make the rest of their money by prescribing the most expensive drugs possible

Call it what you will, but people always seemed to think the absolute worst of him and had been prescribing a beastly nature to him for years

So, why are our medical universities giving students the impression that they should not be prescribing Tai Chi, since we know it can help lower high blood pressure for many, who if it is successful with them, can enjoy a lifetime free of chronic and costly medications? And not only do that, but offer a plethora of GOOD SIDE EFFECTS including a stronger immune system and healthier respiratory system

According to his friend and former producer Ben Ammar Taraclia, the doctors treating Jacko, have always benefited from his illness by prescribing him expensive drugs without any reason

And what would you say of the physician? In prescribing meats and drinks would he wish to go beyond another physician or beyond the practice of medicine?

patients and I am not sure that physicians would stop prescribing Zyptorin if it is only shown to

But I say no more, madame; it is really as if I were prescribing for you

When the doctor returned I showed him my phone accusingly and asked him why he was prescribing medication that treated “malaria, anthrax, and cholera

“Create a budget!” is the sort of worthless advice that personal-finance pundits feel good prescribing, yet when real people read about making a budget, their eyes glaze over faster than John Goodman’s lips at Krispy Kreme

At Johnny’s behest, studio doctors began prescribing drugs to Marilyn on a regular basis

However, because, as I said, I took up the matter of popular education without any preconceived notions, or because I took up the matter without prescribing laws from a distance about how I ought to teach, but became a schoolmaster in a village popular school in the backwoods,—I could not reject the idea that there must of necessity exist a criterion by means of which the question could be solved: What to teach and how to teach it

The social commandments are for the most part positive, prescribing certain acts, justifying men, giving them righteousness

Learned jurists, whose duty it is to justify the violence of authority, deny more and more frequently the right of punishment, and in its place introduce theories of irresponsibility, often prescribing, not punishment, but medical treatment for so-called criminals

It was expected that all would unite in it and prove to the world that the Representatives of every portion of the American people were determined to maintain their rights, for the belligerent powers really seemed to suppose that the American people had forgotten them, and had therefore assumed the right of prescribing the course of conduct which we should pursue

Smilie observed that there was no fear of the privileges of this body being encroached upon by any other, for there was a written constitution, prescribing the powers of each body; and, at the same time that it was proper to be careful of their own rights, he said the House should be careful not to infringe on the rights of the other body

The great advantage of our system of government over all others is, that we have a written constitution defining its limits and prescribing its authorities; and that, however for a time faction may convulse the nation, and passion and party prejudice sway its functionaries, the season of reflection will recur, when calmly retracing their deeds, and all aberrations from fundamental principle will be corrected

The gentleman will find laws and decisions in abundance, regulating the effect of endorsements and other collateral circumstances, and prescribing the manner of enforcing the payment of promissory notes, but he will never find a law giving the right to execute the promissory note

Williams the said rules were amended by striking out the word «five,» in the paragraph prescribing the manner in which the previous question shall be taken, and inserting the words «one-fifth of the

Policy, and that conciliatory spirit which ought to guide our deliberations, unite in prescribing a different course, and I do trust that prescription will not be disregarded on the present occasion

Theoretically it is undoubtedly better that dispensing shall be done by the pharmacist, and prescribing by the medical man, but when we pharmacists claim this as a right, and accuse medicine of unjustly usurping our functions, it is well for us to remind ourselves that medical men, although they may not now as frequently as of old take the degree of L

Chemist’s prescribing is quite as loudly complained of by the doctors, and when I read some of the letters and comments which appear in the medical journals I am almost tempted to fear that for once medicine is thinking more of its share of the pecuniary reward, than caring for suffering humanity

There is, however, I am sorry to say, a great deal too much prescribing by chemists, and some of it is of a most reprehensible kind

Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

Asked by: Myron Rolfson

Score: 4.7/5
(16 votes)

A doctor may prescribe an antibiotic to prevent infection. If your doctor thinks a medication presents a risk, he can prescribe a safer alternative treatment. Be sure to discuss any and all current or past health issues with your doctor so she can prescribe the best pill to meet your individual needs.

What is a sentence for prescribe?

1. The doctor prepared to prescribe a receipt. 2. He may be able to prescribe you something for that cough.

How do you use prescription in a sentence?

Prescription in a Sentence ?

  1. When my daughter was sick with the flu, the doctor wrote her a prescription for special medication.
  2. Without a prescription, the pharmacy cannot give me the medicine I need for my high blood sugar.

How do you use proscribe in a sentence?

Proscribe in a Sentence ?

  1. Most states have laws that proscribe texting while driving.
  2. The policies of the school district proscribe accessing social media websites on school computers.
  3. When my parents discover my boyfriend has an arrest record, they are going to proscribe me from seeing him.

What does prescribe mean in a paragraph?

to lay down, in writing or otherwise, as a rule or a course of action to be followed; appoint, ordain, or enjoin.

44 related questions found

What proscribe means?

transitive verb. 1 : to publish the name of as condemned to death with the property of the condemned forfeited to the state. 2 : to condemn or forbid as harmful or unlawful : prohibit.

Is Misprescribed a word?

The erroneous prescription of a medicine.

What is difference between proscribe and prescription?

Prescribe means to instruct or dictate a rule for others to follow. A doctor prescribes medicine for treatment. Proscribe, although it sounds similar, is the opposite and means to forbid something.

How do you use the word obviate in a sentence?

Examples of obviate in a Sentence

The new medical treatment obviates the need for surgery. The new treatment obviates many of the risks associated with surgery.

What is a proscribed person?

Proscribed Person means (a) any public official of any public authority in the United States, (b) any political party or political party official or candidate for office, and (c) any Person acting on behalf of or for the benefit any of the foregoing.

What is prescription and example?

The definition of a prescription is a written order to do something or the act of making such an order. An example of a prescription is a doctor’s note telling a patient what type of medication to get. noun. 2. 1.

What is prescribed format?

Prescribed Format means formats of application/ appeal/ record maintenance etc. prescribed along with these Rules or displayed by the respective departments on their websites for delivering a notified service under the Act; Sample 1.

Can you prescribe to an idea?

When to Use Prescribe

It means to advocate for a clearly defined idea. In practice, it often means to authorize the use of medical treatment. Not all medical treatments require a doctor to prescribe them, but some do, especially those involving powerful drugs.

How do you use with in a sentence?

With sentence example

  1. «How long will you be with us?» he asked. …
  2. She came to the airport with him. …
  3. Though I don’t agree with the gentleman… …
  4. Just then the man with the star came and stood before the Wizard. …
  5. I’m not angry with you. …
  6. Obviously he was still struggling with it. …
  7. Out playing with Dawn. …
  8. I went along with it.

How do you use the word condone?

Condone sentence example

  1. The state does not condone violence. …
  2. The law does not condone the violation of other people’s rights. …
  3. We do not condone any vandalism. …
  4. We do not condone what they were doing. …
  5. He does not condone breaking laws, even if the laws are ones that he disagrees with.

How do you use quagmire in a sentence?

Examples of quagmire. A lot of people are trying to lead me into quagmires at the moment. They see the quagmires of self-indulgence and delay. Our chief enemy has been the weather, for two months of heavy and continual rain turned the ground into quagmires, which meant that our forces became practically roadbound.

How do you use ineffable in a sentence?

Ineffable Sentence Examples

  1. » I had forgotten all; I knew not what was passing in me; with my soul rather than my senses, I breathed an air of ineffable sweetness.
  2. Neoplatonism seeks this in the ecstatic intuition of the ineffable One.
  3. God the Father was ineffable.

What is difference between subscribe and prescription?

As verbs the difference between prescribe and subscribe

is that prescribe is to order (a drug or medical device) for use by a particular patient while subscribe is (ergative) to sign up to have copies of a publication, such as a newspaper or a magazine, delivered for a period of time.

What are proscribed actions?

Proscribed Action means (A) any Investment Related Action (including the execution of any agreement or other instrument or the consummation of any transaction or other arrangement) that (1) would involve, authorize or result in (i) any new, or any increase of any existing, funding commitment of the Company, (ii) any …

What does self prescribing mean?

: the act or process of medicating oneself especially without the advice of a physician : self-treatment For chronic coughs, self-medication with cough remedies is usually inappropriate, and most doctors discourage their use. —

What does the word erroneous?

Erroneous basically means «containing errors», and, since most of us are constantly suffering from mistaken notions, the word is often used in front of words such as «assumption» and «idea».

What does factionalism mean?

noun. a condition in which a group, organization, government, etc., is split into two or more smaller groups with differing and often opposing opinions or interests: Because of factionalism within the student community, only one-third of the students are officially striking.

What does ILO stand for?

ILO: International Labour Organization.

April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

In 1694 the apothecaries had increased from 114 to nearly 1000, and many of them, having acquired a knowledge of the uses of medicine, began to prescribe medicines for their customers and to assume the functions of the physician, who retorted in 1697 by establishing dispensaries, where medicines could be procured at their intrinsic value, or at cost price.

It is compulsory on owners to notify the authorities as to the existence of scab amongst their sheep. By the Diseases of Animals Act (1903) powers to prescribe the dipping of sheep, irrespective of the presence or otherwise of sheep scab, were conferred upon the Board of Agriculture.

The numerous fasts of the national church prescribe a fish diet on many days in the Fishing.

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The notice must require the abatement of the nuisance within a specified time, and must prescribe the works which in the opinion of the council are necessary to be done.

It expressly conferred upon the Commission the power to prescribe maximum rates, upon complaint and after hearing, as well as to make joint rates, and to establish through rates when the carriers had themselves refused to do so.

Iron being a constituent part of the blood itself, there is a direct indication for the physician to prescribe it when the amount of haemoglobin in the blood is lowered or the red corpuscles are diminished.

Our voyaging is only great-circle sailing, and the doctors prescribe for diseases of the skin merely.

Such a mode of procedure may be called anticipatio naturae (for in it reason is allowed to prescribe to things), and is opposed to the true method, the interpretatio naturae, in which reason follows and obeys nature, discovering her secrets by obedience and submission to rule.

Subsidiary to metaphysics, as the central inquiry, stand the sciences of logic and ethics, to which may be added aesthetics, constituting three normative sciences — sciences, that is, which do not, primarily, describe facts, but rather prescribe ends or set forth ideals.

Ammonia is of considerable marketable value, and even in places where the local Gas Act does not prescribe that it shall be removed, it is extracted.

Definition of Prescribe

doctor to give someone medication or some other kind of treatment

Examples of Prescribe in a sentence

The patient couldn’t get her doctor to take her pain seriously or prescribe medication to ease it.


Although the nurse could check the patients’ vital signs, she was not allowed to prescribe treatment.


Your physician may prescribe an ointment to get rid of that nasty rash.


Because the always gets nervous in the car, the vet decided to prescribe some anxiety medicine for my dog.


Since the obese woman agreed to begin an aerobics program, the doctor agreed to prescribe weight loss pills.


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