Sentences with the word politics

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.






Hence along with the weapon development, the ‘politics‘ of hypersonic technology could also dominate the future nuclear weapons debate.

Следовательно, наряду с разработкой оружия, «политика» гиперзвуковых технологий может также доминировать в будущих дебатах по ядерному оружию.

The word ‘politics‘ is derived from polis, meaning literally ‘city-state’.

Термин «политика» происходит от слова полис(polis), буквально означающего «город-государство».

The change partly reflects new dynamics in both countries‘ politics and economics.

Данное изменение частично отражает новую динамику в политике и экономике этих двух стран.

There are some groups that consider democracy and participation in Western countries‘ politics tantamount to disbelief and try to persuade vulnerable youth of the validity of these claims.

Есть ряд группировок, считающих, что демократия и участие в политике западных стран является показателем неверия (куфр), и пытающихся убедить уязвимые слои молодежи в правдивости этих утверждений.

I guess there’s ‘politics‘ and politics.

Но конечно, есть политика и «политика«.

How to become an author of the ‘Politics and Democracy’ series?

Как стать одним из авторов серии «Политика и демократия»?

‘Politics‘ is a term of the modern, warped society.

«Политика» — это термин современного деформированного общества.

The history of contraception shows that the term ‘politics of the body’ is no metaphor.

История контрацепции показывает, что термин «политика тела» — это не метафора.

Though the word ‘politics‘ originated with the Greek ‘polis’, it has acquired many new shades of meaning.

Хотя слово «политика» происходит от греческого «полис», оно приобрело множество новых оттенков смысла.

When we asked people about the causes of the mining sector’s decline, the usual answer was ‘politics‘.

Когда мы спрашивали у людей о причинах упадка горнодобывающего сектора, то часто получали такой ответ, как — «политика».

He has been put in the category of ‘Politics‘.

Она попала в номинацию в категории «Политика».

The words ‘politics‘ and ‘polis’ share a common root.

Слова «политика» и «полис» имеют общий корень.

Any attempt to clarify the meaning of ‘politics‘ must nevertheless address two

Однако любая попытка точнее раскрыть смысл понятия «политика» предполагает решение двух проблем.

The term ‘politics of sectarian tension’ can probably describe this policy better than the cliché ‘divide and rule’.

Термин «политика поддержки напряжения между сектами» лучше описывает положение дел, чем клише «разделяй и властвуй».

The answer, Curry contends: ‘politics, money and fame.’…

В ответ Карри перечисляет: «политика, деньги и слава».

The concept of ‘politics‘ originated in ancient

Термин «политика» возник еще в Древней Гре

He argues that the United States‘ politics was molded by a fusion of two traditions? classic indoctrination and Calvinist judgment.

Он утверждает, что Соединенные Штаты «политика была формируются в результате слияния двух традиций? классические и идеологической обработки кальвинистская суждение.

Oleg Ananyin, Academic Supervisor of Master’s programme ‘Politics.

Олег АНАНЬИН, академический руководитель магистерской программы «Политика.

‘Politics was criminalized and crime was politicized.

Политика была криминализована, и политические деяния стали уголовно наказуемыми.

The world ‘politics‘ is too wide an idea for me.

Мир «политики» для меня — слишком обширная идея.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат ‘ politics

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Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

1. Politics is usually the executive expression of human immaturity. 

2. Politics, as a pracitice, whatever its professions, has always been the systematic organization of hatreds. 

3. All politics are based on the indifference of the majority. 

4. Politics is perhaps the only profession for which no preparation is thought necessary. 

5. We need in politics man who have something to give, not men who have something to get. 

6. War is nothing but a continuation of politics with the admixture of other means. 

7. There is a holy, mistaken zeal in politics, as well as religion, by per-suading others we convince. 

7. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.

8. The second world war kindled his enthusiasm for politics.

9. Her interests are in the realm of practical politics.

10. My line of work is entirely unrelated to politics.

11. Back on the island, he dedicated himself to politics.

12. Politics does not seem to interest him at all.

13. He studied politics and economics at Yale.

14. She actively participates in local politics.

15. She was active in local politics for many years.

16. He is a student of international politics.

17. My father and I have similar views on politics.

18. Her lifestyle was out of kilter with her politics.

19. Foreign domination had a malign influence on local politics.

20. He’s a big shot in Chilean politics.

21. She has a degree in sociology and politics.

22. She became heavily involved in politics.

23. He was eager to get into politics.

24. She’s a big gun in city politics.

25. He showed a lively interest in politics.

26. They believed that art should be divorced from politics.

27. She got very interested in politics.

28. He and his brother always argued over politics.

29. I became heavily involved in politics.

30. They never agree about politics.

политика, политическая жизнь, политическая деятельность


- политика; политические события, политическая жизнь

imperial [foreign, domestic, municipal, world] politics — имперская [внешняя, внутренняя, муниципальная, мировая] политика
a matter of high politics — вопрос высокой политики
to talk politics — говорить /рассуждать/ о политике /о политических событиях/

- политическая деятельность, политика

to be engaged in politics — заниматься политикой
to go into politics — посвятить себя политической деятельности

- политические взгляды, убеждения

party politics — партийная политика
the politics of a newspaper — политика, проводимая газетой, политическая линия газеты
what are your politics? — каковы ваши политические убеждения /воззрения/?

- амер. политические махинации, политические интриги

ward /peanut/ politics — мелкое политиканство
to play politics — вести политическую игру

- политические методы

we do not approve of his politics in winning passage of the bill — мы не одобряем того, как /те средства, с помощью которых/ он добился принятия законопроекта
lunar politics — вопросы, не имеющие практического значения; нереальная, оторванная от жизни политика

Мои примеры


a chatty book about his life in politics — книга, в которой простым, разговорным языком рассказано о его политической жизни  
a pungent satire of current politics — острая сатира на текущую политику  
national politics — национальная политика  
realistic politics — трезвая политика  
game of politics — политическая игра  
slackwater politics — амер. политика «тихой заводи»  
be engaged in politics — заниматься политикой  
arena of politics — политическое поприще  
to be a Johnny-come-lately to politics — быть новичком в политике  
the ups and downs of politics — резкие колебания в политике  
environ-politics — мероприятия по охране окружающей среды  
in the mainstream of politics — в основном политическом русле  

Примеры с переводом

Politics doesn’t interest me.

Политика меня не интересует.

He was a failure in politics.

В политике он потерпел неудачу.

He loathes their politics.

Он ненавидит их политические взгляды.

He was uninterested in politics.

Политика его не интересовала.

She abhors politics.

Она питает отвращение к политике.

Politics are my abhorrence.

Политика вызывает у меня отвращение.

Politics puts me to sleep.

От политики меня клонит в сон /я засыпаю/.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…there was a period of primal idealism after the founding of the republic and before the rise of partisan politics…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

politic  — благоразумный, политичный, ловкий, хитрый, обдуманный, проницательный, расчетливый
politicly  — обдуманно, проницательно, умно, коварно, расчетливо

Definition of Politics

activities and policies related to the governance or running of a country

Examples of Politics in a sentence

Taking on a career in politics, the young man decided to follow his father’s presidential footsteps into the White House.


The writer liked to pen articles about politics and the illegal things that were going on in her country’s government.


Arguing over politics, the family could never agree on how to balance the country’s budget at the dinner table.


A class on politics taught the college freshman about the different beliefs of the two major governmental parties in the U.S.


The doctor never planned to get into politics and his run for senate was a surprise to most of the nation.


Other words in the Government, Politics category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)



: the art or science of government


: the art or science concerned with guiding or influencing governmental policy


: the art or science concerned with winning and holding control over a government



: political affairs or business


: competition between competing interest groups or individuals for power and leadership (as in a government)


: political life especially as a principal activity or profession


: political activities characterized by artful and often dishonest practices


: the political opinions or sympathies of a person



: the total complex of relations between people living in society


: relations or conduct in a particular area of experience especially as seen or dealt with from a political point of view

Did you know?

Politics is a multifaceted word. It has a set of fairly specific meanings that are descriptive and nonjudgmental (such as “the art or science of government” and «political principles»), but it can and often does carry a negative meaning closely related to these (“political activities characterized by artful and often dishonest practices”).
English is a flexible language, and it is not uncommon for a word to have multiple related meanings that run the connotative gamut from good to bad. Some of these have been around for a surprisingly long time. The negative sense of politics, as seen in the phrase play politics, for example, has been in use since at least 1853, when abolitionist Wendell Phillips declared: “We do not play politics; anti-slavery is no half-jest with us.”

Example Sentences

Recent Examples on the Web

In: Paul Whelan WNBA Brittney Griner Russia Caitlin Yilek Caitlin Yilek is a politics reporter for CBS News Digital.

Caitlin Yilek, CBS News, 11 Apr. 2023

Her duties include holding university-wide lectures and serving as a guest lecture and contributing to the center’s politics research.

Mabinty Quarshie, USA TODAY, 1 Mar. 2023

Timeline: Donald Trump, Stormy Daniels and $130,000 to buy her silence Kathryn Watson Kathryn Watson is a politics reporter for CBS News Digital based in Washington, D.C.

Kathryn Watson, CBS News, 30 Mar. 2023

Editor’s Note: Chandelis Duster is a politics reporter covering breaking news in Washington, D.C.

Chandelis Duster, CNN, 22 Mar. 2023

Elizabeth Elkind is a politics reporter for Fox News Digital.

Elizabeth Elkind, Fox News, 21 Mar. 2023

What began as a tweet by a popular British soccer commentator comparing the language of the government’s new immigration plan to that of 1930s Germany has upended a leading sports program — once a politics-free haven of national unity — and erupted into a national argument over free speech.

Leila Sackur, NBC News, 12 Mar. 2023

The Huffington Post opted against putting coverage of Trump’s candidacy in its politics section.

Daniel Strauss, The New Republic, 1 Mar. 2023

The 37-year-old Italian-American who’s been compared to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is far more radical than the party’s previous leaders and spent her early years in politics volunteering for Barack Obama’s two presidential campaigns.

Bykinsey Crowley, Fortune, 28 Feb. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘politics.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History


Middle English Polletiques, Polytykys, as title of Aristotle’s Politics, from politik «of spiritual or secular governance, political» + -iques, -ykys -ics, after Middle French politiques, polliticques and Medieval Latin polītica, after Greek tà politiká «public matters, civic affairs,» from neuter plural of politikós «of citizens, civic, of a state, political, public» — more at politic

First Known Use

circa 1529, in the meaning defined at sense 1a

Time Traveler

The first known use of politics was
circa 1529

Dictionary Entries Near politics

Cite this Entry

“Politics.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


More from Merriam-Webster on politics

Last Updated:
13 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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Merriam-Webster unabridged

Politics, Policy, Politician, Political разница в употреблении

Politics – Политика

Деятельность государственной власти. Управление страной. 

Политику изучают на уроке политологии.

Обратите внимание, что Politics – это единственное число. Даже несмотря на то, что слово Politics употребляется с окончанием —s, это единственное число, поэтому мы употребляем глагол to be (IS). 


What is politics? – Что такое политика.

Politics is difficult for me – Политика для меня сложна.

Would you like to be a part of our politics – Ты бы хотел быть частью нашей политики.

Policy – Политика 

Как метод и способ управления компанией или страной

Мы говорим именно о методе управления, плане развития, способах как достичь поставленных целей развития компании или государства.

I want to create a new policy for this company – Я хочу создать новую политику для этой компании.

Environmental policy in Germany is quite effective – Экологическая политика в Германии довольно эффективная.

Как не путать Politics и Policy?

Слово Policy мы всегда можем заменить на слово Plan.

А вот слово Politics мы не можем заменить другим словом.  

Our company has quite a dynamic policy of business development   – Наша компания имеет довольно активную политику развития бизнеса. (В данном случае мы говорим о плане развития компании)

Здесь мы можем заменить dynamic policy на dynamic plan, смысл предложения останется таким же.

Our company has quite a dynamic plan of business development – Наша компания имеет довольно динамичный план развития бизнеса.

Politics is my passion, I have been working as a politician for 5 years – Политика это моя страсть, я работаю политиком 5 лет. (В данном случае Политика – это деятельность государственной власти)

Здесь слово Politics мы не можем заменить другим словом. 

Political – политический

Прилагательное от слова Politics – Политика.

My father always watches political news – Мой папа всегда смотрит политические новости.

I am sick and tired of political issues – Мне надоели политические вопросы.

It seems to me you are obsessed with the political life – Мне кажется, ты помешан на политической жизни.

Politician – политик

Have you ever dreamed of becoming a politician? – Ты когдалибо мечтал стать политиком?

My father has been working as a politician for 5 years – Мой папа работает политиком 5 лет.

There are a lot of politicians at this meeting – На этом собрании много политиков.

Полезные выражения:

Political joke – Политическая шутка

Policy maker – Деятель, который разрабатывает политический план развития, директивные органы.

Politics and Economics – Курс философии, политики и экономики в университете

politics expert – Политический эксперт 

politicians and civil servants – Деятели государственной власти

Game of politics – Политическая игра

To play politics – Играть в политическую игру

To talk politics – говорить о политике

Be engaged in politics – Заниматься политикой

Political life – Политическая жизнь

Political party – Политическая партия


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The newspaper article deals with the current economic situation in the country.

We’re learning to play a new game. Would you like to join in?

Nowadays more and more young people are getting interested in politics.

United by the noble aim of defending their country they became more powerful than ever.

The new generation of washing machines is supposed to be extremely economical.

His policy is rather liberal, especially on the problem of divorce.

By the end of the summer the two banks of the river were joined by a new bridge.

Time has come for us to develop a new policy for our company.

At hard times people need to unite behind a real leader.

During the crisis a lot of people joined the army of the unemployed.

Упражнения из рабочей тетради по английскому языку для 11 класса с ответами. Для всех, кто изучает английский язык, выполнение этих упражнений — прекрасный способ потренироваться и выявить пробелы в знаниях.

Enjoy English Workbook 1

Unit 1 What do young people face in society today?

Section 1 »
Section 2 »
Section 3
Exercise 1. Use the appropriate prepositions from the box.

for on to from to for with

be tolerant ___ other cultures
be dependent ___ imported raw materials
be financially independent ___ parents
be responsible ___ financial collapse
object ___ construction plans
argue ___ opponents
fight ___ social rights

Упражнение 1. Используйте подходящие предлоги из рамки.

be tolerant to other cultures
be dependent on imported raw materials
be financially independent from parents
be responsible for financial collapse
object to construction plans
argue with opponents
fight for social rights

Exercise 2. Make up adjectives from the following nouns and write them in the appropriate column.

confidence allergy difference conversation effect dependency exclusion authenticity care period account comfort politics expense acceptance controversy appeal boom

-able -al, -ial -ing

Упражнение 2. Образуйте прилагательные из следующих существительных и запишите их в соответствующую колонку.

-ive -ic -ent
effective authentic dependent
expensive allergic confident
exclusive periodic different
-able -al, -ial -ing
accountable political appealing
comfortable conversational caring
acceptable controversial booming
Exercise 3. Rephrase the sentences using the passive structure modal + be + V3.

1. You should write your suggestions and submit them to the tutor by next Tuesday.
2. You should never neglect your pets as they are not able to take care of themselves.
3. We should discover the truth and publish the story immediately.
4. The authorities shouldn’t keep people unaware of their political and social rights.
5. Nobody should abuse people because of their nationality or religious beliefs.
6. The government should protect elderly people’s right to a decent standard of living.

Упражнение 3. Перефразируйте предложения, используя пассивную конструкцию.

1. Your suggestions should be written and submitted to the tutor by next Tuesday.
2. Pets should never be neglected as they are not able to take care of themselves.
3. The truth should be discovered and the story should be published immediately.
4. People should not be kept unaware of their political and social rights.
5. People should never be abused because of their nationality or religious beliefs.
6. Elderly people’s right to a decent standard of living should be protected by the government.

Exercise 4. Use appropriate modal verbs.

Most people are aware of their rights, but they ___ (1) forget that rights entail responsibilities. If a person has the right to education, this means that society ___ (2) provide him with the opportunity to get it. The individual, in his turn, ___ (3) do his best to acquire knowledge and skills and to contribute to a good working environment in the classroom. Otherwise, he ___ (4) abuse the rights of other people:

  • those of the classmates, who ___ (5) be deprived of their right because of inadequate working conditions;
  • those of the staff, who ___ (6) work in non-encouraging environment;
  • those of lots of taxpayers, who ___ (7) feel that their money is being wasted.

Упражнение 4. Используйте подходящие модальные глаголы.

(possible answers)
1. shouldn’t; 2. must; 3. should; 4. can/may; 5. can/may; 6. have to; 7. may/can/will

Exercise 5. Group the linking devices from the list according to their function. Write them down.
as a result
first of all
for example
for instance
in conclusion
in summary
to begin with
to conclude
to sum up
to summarise

introducing: ___
sequencing ideas: ___
expressing contrast: ___
stating results: ___
giving examples: ___
adding: ___
concluding: ___

Упражнение 5. Сгруппируйте соединительные слова из списка согласно их функции. Запишите их.

introducing: to begin with, first of all
sequencing ideas: firstly, secondly, finally, first of all, next, finally
expressing contrast: but, however, nevertheless, yet
stating results: so, thus, as a result
giving examples: for example, for instance
adding: besides, also, furthermore, moreover
concluding: in summary, to sum up, to conclude, to summarise, in conclusion

Exercise 6. Complete the essay. Use the appropriate linking words (see Ex. 5).

The right I consider the most important

Some people are not aware of the rights they have. For example, most of my friends have never thought about the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child. While, in fact, there are lots of rights listed there. Some of them are vitally important.

I personally think that the most important right, apart from the right to live of course, is the right ___

To summarise, I want to highlight the idea that different people would nominate different rights for Right No 1. That’s why every right should be observed and none of them should be neglected.

Упражнение 6. Завершите эссе. Используйте подходящие связывающие слова (см. упр. 5).

(possible answer)
I personally think that the most important right, apart from the right to live of course, is the right to get education. Our world sets strict requirements for people and the most crucial one is obtaining good knowledge. I believe that a child should have the opportunity to study as it will help him in the future. Unfortunately, in some countries this right is violated, as there are lots of children who do not attend school.

Section 4
Exercise 1. Cross out the word which doesn’t go with the word politics.
POLITICS sociable

Упражнение 1. Вычеркните слово, которое не может использоваться со словом «politics».


Exercise 2. Choose and circle five most important characteristics for a successful politician.

good-looking, communicative, smart, intelligent, well-educated, responsible, fluent in languages, ambitious, practical, aggressive, well-read, flexible, talented, hard-working, creative.

Упражнение 2. Выберите и обведите в кружок пять наиболее важных качеств успешного политика.

Exercise 3. Write a few lines to develop the following statements.

1. A political leader should be communicative because ___
2. A political leader should be fluent in languages because ___
3. A political leader should be responsible because ___

Упражнение 3. Напишите несколько строк, продолжая следующие утверждения.

(possible answers)
1. …he/she needs to communicate with people / should be able to find supporters to promote their ideas / needs to be popular with people.
2. …he/she needs to communicate with other politicians in different countries. It’s easier to come to agreement if the politician knows the language. A politician should also be able to read newspapers and documents in different languages to have easier access to information.
3. …his/her decisions affect lots of people. Wrong decisions do people lots of harm and make them unhappy. A politician must be very careful and foresee the result of his/her actions.

Exercise 4. Use the verbs in CAPITAL LETTERS in the appropriate forms.

A: Hi! What are you doing?
B: Just browsing the internet, can’t you see?
A: What for? ___ (1) for anything? (YOU/LOOK)
B: Yes, I need to write an essay on a political leader. I ___ (2) for an hour already but I really don’t know whom to choose. (BROWSE)
A: This means that you are quite indifferent to politics, aren’t you?
B: That’s right. I ___ (3) to be interested in it a couple of years ago. I even analysed the results of elections and felt disadvantaged that I ___ (4) the right to vote yet. However now I think there are more important things than politics. (USE, NOT/HAVE)
A: I see. But whom are you going to write about, after all?
B: I don’t know. Have no idea at all.
A: Well, it’s just occurred to me… If I were you, I ___ (5) about Benazir Bhutto. (WRITE)
B: Who is he?
A: Not he but she. She was a prominent politician and a charismatic person.
B: Tell me more about her. ___ (6) a politician is a tough job, for women especially. (BE)
A: Well, Bhutto’s biographers think that she was born to become a politician as she was the eldest child in the family of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto, Prime Minister of Pakistan. She was the first woman who ___ (7) to rule a Muslim state – she chaired the Pakistan Peoples Party and ___ (8) the post of Prime Minister twice in 1988-1990 and in 1993-1996. (ELECT, OCCUPY)
B: Sounds impressive. Go on.
A: Her political career wasn’t smooth. She had lots of opponents and ___ (9) both success and failure. Politics is a very controversial thing – you never know what’s true and what’s not. Once Benazir ___ (10) of corruption but then the allegations were withdrawn. I think it was her opponents’ trick. (EXPERIENCE, ACCUSE)
B: And is she still in politics?
A: Unfortunately, no. She was the leading opposition candidate for the general elections in 2008 and, I think, had a good chance to become President of Pakistan. But Benazir Bhutto ___ (11) two weeks before the Pakistani general elections. (MURDER)
B: Do you mean that it wasn’t an accident?
A: Oh no! It was an assassination, a murder for political purposes. Several shots ___ (12) at her car. One of them caused her death. (FIRE)
B: I feel that I want to find out more about that outstanding woman. Could you spell her name – I’ll type it into the search bar.

Упражнение 4. Поставьте слова, набранные ЗАГЛАВНЫМИ БУКВАМИ, в нужную форму.

1. Are you looking
2. ‘ve been browsing
3. used
4. didn’t have
5. would write
6. Being
7. was elected
8. occupied
9. experienced
10. was accused
11. was murdered
12. were fired

Exercise 5. Solve the «Political Puzzle».

1. Margaret Thatcher was the leader of the … Party and Prime Minister of Great Britain. (12 letters)
2. Realistic political leaders believe that disagreements should be solved through … , and never through armed conflicts. (12 letters)
3. The … Party is one of the two major contemporary political parties in the United States. (10 letters)
4. When people want to support a candidate, they … for him/her in a political election. (4 letters)
5. When people change a political system by force, they make a … . (10 letters)
6. Lots of former colonies spent centuries to become … states. (11 letters)
7. All politics related things are called … issues. (9 letters)
8. … issues causes lots of disagreements because people have different opinions on them. (13 letters)
9. … is the main law-making institution in the UK. (10 letters)
10. Gordon Brown became the leader of the … Party of Great Britain in 2007. He was preceded by Tony Blair. (6 letters)
11. Progressive political leaders promote the idea of cultural, political and religious … . (9 letters)
12. Unwise economic policy can lead to an economic …, which leads to unemployment and inflation. (6 letters)

Упражнение 5. Решите «политическую головоломку».

1. Conservative
2. negotiations
3. Republican
4. vote
5. revolution
6. independent
7. political
8. Controversial
9. Parliament
10. Labour
11. tolerance
12. crisis

Section 5
Exercise 1. Tick the things you cannot do without. Complete the passages.
a cooker
a washing machine
an air conditioner
a lawnmower
a dishwasher
body deodorant
air deodorant
hair styling spray
make-up remover lotion
after shave lotion
shower gel
disposable paper napkins
plastic dishes

I know that using ___ can be harmful to the environment, but I cannot do without it. I need ___ when ___.
The thing I can do without easily is ___. I don’t need it because ___.

Упражнение 1. Отметьте вещи, без которых вы не можете обойтись. Дополните предложения.

(possible answer)
I know that using plastic dishes can be harmful to the environment, but I cannot do without it. I need them when I go on a picnic with my friends, because it’s too heavy to carry usual dishes. Besides, it would take a very long time to wash them.
The thing I can do without easily is shower gel. I don’t need it because I use soap instead.

Exercise 2. Match the words to make meaningful expressions.
to the environment
of energy

Упражнение 2. Соотнесите слова, чтобы получить устойчивые словосочетания.

harmful to the environment
soap foam
plastic container
organic food
waste of energy
disposable cloth

Exercise 3. Read the texts. Find and write down the words which mean:
things can be called like that when they can exist or be used together
designed to be thrown away after you have used it once or just a few times
made of waste materials
to put an amount of something into a container but not for the first time
a flat piece of plastic, metal, or wood with raised edges, used for carrying things such as plates or food
a date printed on something you buy that shows that it may be less safe to eat or less effective after this date

Small crimes against the planet

This air freshener is called «Sweet Baby», and if you spray it around, your room will have the odor of perfumed baby nappies. You probably wouldn’t like it, especially if you don’t have or want a baby. Moreover, the label on it states openly that it is harmful to the environment. What is new about it is that this air freshener operates on electricity, which means you will be wasting energy together with filling the air with unwanted perfume. If you have your air freshener on for 15 hours a day, one refill will last for up to 80 days.

Go to any chemist’s and you will find a big variety of them: makeup remover wipes, hand wipes, tooth wipes, wood wipes, dog wipes, window wipes and houseplant leaf wipes, each containing some special compound that makes them particularly suitable for a certain type of usage. The whole wipes industry exploits the idea that a separate disposable cloth for every chore exists. I actually find that many of them are exceedingly unnecessary. For example, I wouldn’t choose to buy any houseplant leaf wipes since I wash my plants with soft soap foam under a nice cool shower! And they like it!

So you don’t like to cook? Then this invention is for you! The kit consists of a cardboard sleeve, a plastic tray, a beef burger, a bun, some chips, some tomato sauce and a foil tray to cook everything in. Everything is wrapped separately and put in a box or sachet. But there is more here to throw away than there is to eat, and the use-by date gives you only 24 hours before the whole thing goes in the bin unopened. It seems that ready meal producers think that you have nothing in your kitchen apart from a microwave oven!

Using these makes me want to kill someone! You may also be familiar with this terrible product if you have got a cheap electric lawnmower: steel lawnmower blades have been replaced by disposable plastic ones, and they barely are able to last for 15 minutes. They don’t actually cut the grass but shred it, and only one sort is compatible with your make of the mower. Surprisingly, the label is said to be made from 100% recycled paper.

Do you think it is possible to be 75% organic? I don’t think so! The label on a package of this fresh lettuce says it is 100% organic and invites us to admire its quality. Moreover, it says that it is alive and hydroponic, which is just another way of saying that is grown in water. I don’t immediately understand why that means the lettuce has to be put into a thick plastic, individual box and exported from Canada. Some people are ready to pay more for organic food thinking they are doing so partly out of concern for the environment, but this is not exactly the case.

Упражнение 3. Прочитайте тексты. Найдите и выпишите слова, которые означают:

1. compatible
2. disposable
3. exceedingly
4. recycled
5. refill
6. tray
7. use-by date

Exercise 4. Fill in the words from the box.

disposable compatible perfume recycled wrap

1. Yes, I’m buying this vase. Could you ___ it, please?
2. I’ve packed everything for the picnic. We’ve got chips, drinks, some meat and ___ dishes and glasses.
3. I wanted to install this computer game, but it’s not ___ with my computer software.
4. I wanted to apply some ___, but changed my mind – my friend is allergic to it.
5. Have a look, these books are made from ___ paper, but the quality is very good.

Упражнение 4. Заполните пропуски словами из рамки.

1. wrap
2. disposable
3. compatible
4. perfume
5. recycled

Exercise 5. Fill in the articles as necessary.

Alice: You look so tanned in ___ (1) middle of winter! What do you do for that? You look as if you were just from ___ (2) sunny seaside resort.
Monica: I wish it were true. But no, it’s more prosaic. This is ___ (3) artificial suntan – I’ve got it in solarium. It’s available at ___ (4) reasonable charge, and it’s right near my house.
Alice: I’ve never been to a solarium. What’s it like?
Monica: Oh, they can be different. ___ (5) solarium I’ve been to is very small and there is ___ (6) bed there and ___ (7) few bright lamps. You need to lie on your back, with your eyes closed, and than roll around and lie on ___ (8) belly.
Alice: And are you sure that getting tan in a solarium is safe enough? I’m afraid that it can be dangerous for ___ (9) skin, can’t it?
Monica: It certainly can. That’s why it’s very important to make sure that you don’t exceed ___ (10) time recommended for each session. Don’t try to get everything in one time.
Alice: But I heard that ___ (11) safety also depends on ___ (12) equipment used in the solarium. If ___ (13) lamps are old or haven’t been maintained properly, you can be burnt.
Monica: You may be right, to some extent. I know that ___ (14) doctors do not recommend using a solarium very often. But I like it when my skin looks tanned…
Alice: You, probably, can consider using ___ (15) cosmetics instead. You know, there are some creams that can give your skin ___ (16) touch of tan if you use them regularly.

Упражнение 5. Вставьте артикли, где это необходимо.

1. the; 2. a; 3. an; 4. a; 5. The; 6. a; 7. a; 8. the; 9. –; 10. the; 11. –; 12. the; 13. the; 14. –; 15. –; 16. a.

Exercise 6. Fill in the prepositions to complete the expressions. Check your answers in the text.

1. in addition ___ the Convention
2. to engage ___ trading
3. the agreement came ___ force
4. to deal ___ climate change
5. to contribute ___ socio-economic growth
6. changes are required ___ many reasons

The Kyoto Protocol

The Kyoto Protocol is an addition to the United Nations Convention on Climate Change.
Countries which ratify this protocol commit to reducing their emissions of carbon dioxide and five other greenhouse gases. Industrialised countries have specified reduction targets and can engage in emissions trading or what’s being called «Joint implementations». Finally, countries can take part in a third instrument, the «Clean development mechanism».
A total of 141 countries have ratified the Kyoto agreement. Notable exceptions include the United States and Australia. The agreement came into force on February 16, 2005, following ratification by Russia.
The Kyoto Protocol may seem just a small first step to dealing with climate change, but it is significant. We have to find ways to contribute to socio-economic growth and at the same time lower our emissions of greenhouse gases.
But the major changes of our energy systems that are required, are not only to reduce their harmful effects, but also to address the oil shortage, the security of our energy supply, and even world peace.

Упражнение 6. Вставьте предлоги, чтобы дополнить выражения. Проверьте свои ответы по тексту.

1. to
2. in
3. into
4. with
5. to
6. for

Exercise 7. Answer the questions. Present arguments to support your point of view.

1. What do you think is the biggest threat to people today? Is it global war, global warming, diseases, stress, or any other?
2. In what way do you think people can lessen the negative impact of their activity on the environment?
3. What should people do to make your region/city a safer and nicer place to live in?

Exercise 8. Listen to the people and complete the table.

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reasons against using mobiles while driving reasons for using mobiles while driving actions to prevent people from using mobiles while driving

Упражнение 8. Послушайте, что говорят люди, и заполните таблицу.

(possible answers)

reasons against using mobiles while driving reasons for using mobiles while driving actions to prevent people from using mobiles while driving
You can’t concentrate on driving. It’s easy to use earphones. Tough penalties.
It is dangerous. Confiscation of mobiles.

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