Sentences with the word point of view

Sentences with the word Point Of View?

Point Of View


  • «a point of view gradually coming into being»; «laws in existence for centuries»; «he appeared on the face of the earth one day»
  • «a bigoted person»; «an outrageously bigoted point of view«
  • «local customs»; «local schools»; «the local citizens»; «a local point of view«; «local outbreaks of flu»; «a local bus line»
  • «we should consider this problem from the viewpoint of the Russians»; «teaching history gave him a special point of view toward current events»

point of view

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свою точку зрения

той или иной точке зрения

одна из точек зрения

точка зрения

точкой зрения


But every author has a point of view.

They don’t sound committed to a point of view.

But not entirely correct, just a point of view.

He launched a point of view which later generated controversy.

После этого он изучил систему, которая вызвала затем больше всего споров.

And, drawing a forest, they choose a point of view, at which elongated tree trunks will dominate on the canvas.

И, рисуя лес, выбирают точку зрения, при которой на холсте будут доминировать удлинённые стволы деревьев.

Every news outlet has a point of view.

Such a position, maintained over half a century, allows us the right to express a point of view on this delicate issue.

Такое поведение, сохранявшееся на протяжении более полувека, дает нам право высказать свое мнение по этому деликатному вопросу.

As you know, such a point of view is often put forward even by scientists when similar situations occur in the sky.

Как известно, такая точка зрения нередко выдвигается даже учёными, когда происходят подобные ситуации в небе.

I have a point of view: I want to know how people survived their darkest moments.

У меня есть точка зрения: я хочу знать, как люди пережили самые мрачные моменты.

Skype isn’t solving the world’s problems, but it has a point of view.

Skype не решает мировые проблемы, но у него есть точка зрения.

However, the findings published in 1967 presented a point of view that had the right to exist.

Однако опубликованный в 1967 году обзор представил точку зрения, которая имела право на существование.

The place of primary narcissism gives us a point of view which complements the preceding one.

Место первичного нарциссизма дает нам точку зрения, которая дополняет предшествующую.

The structure in figure 13 seen from a point of view halfway between upper and lower horizontal bars.

13, обозреваемая с точки зрения, находящейся посередине между верхними и нижними горизонтальными балками.

Participating countries hold a point of view that implies the existence of several major centers of power.

Страны-участницы придерживаются одной точки зрения, которая подразумевает существование нескольких крупных центров силы.

It’s always interesting to consider a point of view or positioning that may be different or even similar to your own.

Всегда интересно рассмотреть точку зрения или позиционирование, которые могут отличаться или даже походить на вашу собственную.

This is the place where I teach people with a point of view, very different from the official .

Это место, где преподают люди с точкой зрения, серьезно отличающейся от официальной».

Your audience starts to form once you start to form a point of view.

Ваша аудитория начинает формироваться, как только вы начинаете формировать точку зрения.

No nation ever addresses this body without a point of view peculiarly its own.

Ни одно государство не выступало еще в этом органе без изложения своей собственной позиции.

Any report on the implementation of that resolution must thus fully reflect such a point of view.

Таким образом, любой доклад о ходе осуществления этой резолюции должен полностью отражать эту точку зрения.

This is a point of view which I share.

Это та точка зрения, которую я полностью разделяю.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат a point of view

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1. He completely disregarded my point of view.

2. Why can’t you ever see my point of view?

3. What’s your point of view?

4. Thanks for your point of view, John.

5. I incline to another point of view.

6. Try to see it from my point of view.

7. He brought her around to my point of view.

8. From my point of view the party was a complete success.

9. From a purely practical point of view, the house is too small.

10. From an economic point of view , the new development will benefit the town greatly.

11. Officers felt their point of view was not getting across to ministers.

12. It was a logical conclusion from the child’s point of view.

12. try its best to collect and build good sentences.

13. From a practical point of view, it isn’t a good place to live.

14. From an esthetic point of view, it’s a nice design.

15. Try to see things from her point of view.

16. He vigorously defended his point of view.

17. Bring him round to our point of view.

18. What’s your point of view on nuclear power?

19. I have some sympathy with this point of view.

20. These changes are ideal from my point of view.

21. They are working round to our point of view.

22. She brought him to her point of view.

23. I propose to belabour this point of view.

24. This is unacceptable from my point of view.

25. I have some sympathy with that point of view.

26. I incline to take the opposite point of view.

27. Her point of view was rooted in experience.

28. He flopped over to the other point of view.

29. Did you feel that you managed to put over your point of view?

30. He listened patiently to what we all had to say before putting across an alternative point of view.

More similar words: in point of, point out, interview, point, point to, appoint, to the point, checkpoint, appointment, pointillism, go into, a case in point, in the event of, get into the habit of, view, viewer, review, in view of, judicial review, joint, in front of, into, on account of, get into, fall into, in touch, come into, cut into, run into, fit into. 

Definition of Point of view

one’s opinion or belief

Examples of Point of view in a sentence

Hearing about the crime from the victim’s point-of-view helped the jury enter a guilty plea.


Mother listened to my version of the story earlier, and now she will hear my brother’s point of view.


Expressing his point of view in the article, it’s the author’s belief that the shooting resulted from fear and not hate.


The salesman pushed his point of view in hopes that a convincing opinion would snag a sale.


Although I have a different point of view on religion than my mother, I still respect her beliefs.


Other words in the Opinion, Belief category:

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“Point of view” can be somewhat tricky at first glance. We might be faced with the option to write it as a hyphenated word, or we might think to leave it as a collection of one or two words. This article will give you the definitive answer.

“Point of view” is always written as three separate words. We never need to hyphenate it because it is not used as an adjective to modify another noun. Instead, we use “point of view” as a noun itself, which means we need to rely on no hyphens when writing it.

Point of view or Point-of-view?

According to Google Ngram Viewer, “point of view” is the only correct spelling. It’s vastly more popular than the hyphenated phrase, which you might notice doesn’t even make it off the baseline of the graph. You should never hyphenate it for this reason.

Point of view or Point-of-view - Statistics

In The Cambridge Dictionary and The Oxford Dictionary, “point of view” is written as three separate words. It is defined with those three words written out in both respectable dictionaries as well.

There are no exceptions where the hyphenated form makes sense. You should avoid using it because we do not need to group the three words together. After all, they will not be used to modify another noun in the sentence.

Point of view

“Point of view” is three words in all cases. We should always write them as separate words, and they create a formation known as a noun phrase. We can use them to describe one particular thing, but the three words are all needed before this explanation can work.

We don’t only define singular words. Sometimes, a mixture or combination of multiple defined words can turn into a different meaning or definition entirely.

“Point of view” is a good example of this because “point” and “view” mean different things. However, when we combine them, we can attribute an entirely different meaning to the expected outcome.

Why not check out these examples to see how it looks:

  1. From my point of view, I think there are a few more things we can do to fix this.
  2. From his point of view, you can understand why he cannot trust you.
  3. My point of view makes it clear to me that none of you are trying to get me to be your friend.
  4. The point of view you raised is a particularly interesting one. Thank you for sharing.

“Point of view” is a phrasal noun. There is no need to use it as an adjective because it does not describe another noun in the sentence. Therefore, no hyphens are required.


“Point-of-view” is incorrect. We should not write the three words as a compound noun because the hyphens add no value or meaning. Since the words “point of view” are already officially recognized and defined, we do not need to include hyphens for any reason.

The only reason we usually hyphenate combinations of words is that they are modifying other nouns. Since “point of view” describes someone’s perspective or opinion, we do not use it to describe another word in a sentence (it would be grammatically incorrect to do so).

Don’t worry, though. These examples will help to clear things up:

  • Correct: From his point of view, I can understand why he doesn’t want to go back to that place.
  • Incorrect: My point-of-view makes it clear to me that I do not belong here with any of you.
  • Correct: I like that point of view! Thank you for sharing, and I’ll be sure to take a closer look at it next time.
  • Incorrect: From my point-of-view, I think there are a few things we can do differently next time.

“Point-of-view” is not a hyphenated phrase. We should not write it in such a way because it takes away from the direct meaning of the original, unhyphenated variation.

Is “Of-View” Capitalized In The Word “Point-Of-View”?

We usually end with a little tip on how to capitalize hyphenated forms. However, “point-of-view” isn’t correct, so it’s hard to talk about.

You do not need to capitalize anything in “point-of-view” because you should not be using it. Instead, you should use the unhyphenated form, which means that only “point” will be capitalized if it starts a sentence. Otherwise, no capitalization is needed.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.



Автоматический перевод

точка зрения, взгляд, угол зрения

Перевод по словам

point  — точка, пункт, момент, очко, место, дело, смысл, указывать, острить, целиться, говорить
view  — вид, взгляд, мнение, осмотр, поле зрения, смотреть, рассматривать, осматривать


Did he adopt your point of view?

Он принял вашу точку зрения? / Он согласился с вашей точкой зрения?

That is an arguable point of view.

Это спорная точка зрения.

These changes are ideal from my point of view.

Эти изменения являются идеальными, с моей точки зрения.

We’ll soon get him round (to our point of view).

Мы скоро его переубедим.

From an esthetic point of view, it’s a nice design.

С эстетической точки зрения, это хороший дизайн.

She succeeded in converting me to her point of view.

Ей удалось привлечь меня на свою точку зрения.

I’m sure I can bring him around to our point of view.

Я уверен, что смогу привести его к нашей точке зрения.

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Примеры, отмеченные *, могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.

Dangerous from the point of view of possible generation


intervertebral hernias are and heavy exercise.


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this is the only real way of securing a quick improvement in the number of accommodation places.


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С точки зрения имеющихся возможностей для инвестиций в пенитенциарную систему это

является единственным реальным путем для обеспечения быстрого увеличения количества мест для заключенных.


and treason are analyzed.


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С точки зрения гештальтистского понимания близости анализируются феномены предательства

и измены.


Additional information on best practices in

other organizations engaged in similar work from the point of view of investment, maintenance and training,


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Была бы также полезна дополнительная информация о наиболее эффективных методах работы в других организациях,

занимающихся аналогичной деятельностью с точки зрения инвестиций, технической эксплуатации и подготовки кадров.


Thus outright export bans

may not always be desirable both from the point of view of


exporting and of


importing country.


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Таким образом,

прямое запрещение экспорта не всегда является желательным решением с точки зрения как экспортирующей, так и импортирующей страны.


Other barriers include the point of view of NCDs as problems solely resulting from harmful individual behaviours

and lifestyle choices, often linked to victim“blaming”.


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К числу других препятствий относится точка зрения о том, что проблема НИЗ возникает исключительно в результате

вредных для здоровья форм поведения и образа жизни, что нередко приводит к« возложению вины» на жертву.


They are extremely valuable, and I consider them to be important from the point of view of principle— as several speakers have said— as well as


considerable practical significance.


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Все они очень ценны, и я считаю их важными, с принципиальной точки зрения, о чем говорили многие ораторы, а также во многом и с практической

точки зрения.


As we see it,


guarantor bank may have



of’repudiating payment as in any other legal transaction though, from the point of view of


guarantee, unlawfully.


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По нашему мнению, предо ставляющий гарантию банк может иметь возможность

отказаться от уплаты, а также от любой юридической сделки, которая с точки зре ния гарантии является незаконной.





a»firewall» is not only in line with a human rights framework but

also in




States, from the point of view of, inter alia, public health and fighting crime.


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Принцип такого разделения не только соответствует нормам прав человека, но и отвечает интересам государств,

в частности, с точки зрения здравоохранения и борьбы с преступностью.



of the

decision on


state registration


a public association shall be preceded by



of the

materials for


consideration, in






Rules and

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Принятию решения о государственной регистрации общественного объединения предшествует подготовка материалов к рассмотрению,

в ходе которой анализируются устав и другие учредительные документы с точки зрения:


subject line shall be brightly expressed in



to reflect culture of


learned language, to expand general erudition and culture

of the


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В тексте должна быть ярко выражена сюжетная линия,

он должен быть увлекательным и познавательным с точки зрения читающего ребенка,

отражать культуру изучаемого языка, расширять общую эрудицию и культуру учащегося.

however, the doctrine of human rights presupposes not only a duty not to act, to abstain, or not to interfere, but also the exercise of a duty to guarantee.


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не только обязанность не действовать во вред, воздерживаться и не вмешиваться, но и выполнение обязанности по обеспечению гарантий.


In this case it may be done only by means

of the

comparable uncontrolled price as it

and availability


information,» an example is given by Volodymyr Rak, a Counsellor


Moris Group Law Company.


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В данном случае это можно сделать только по методу сравнительной неконтролируемой цены,

приводит пример Владимир Рак, советник ЮК Moris Group.


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Точка зрения Ламонта- это, по существу, натуралистический редукционизм.

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