Sentences with the word pleasure

Antonym: displeasure. Similar words: measured, measure up, measurement, measure up to, plea, plead, sure, least. Meaning: [‘pleʒə(r)]  n. 1. a fundamental feeling that is hard to define but that people desire to experience 2. something or someone that provides pleasure; a source of happiness 3. a formal expression 4. an activity that affords enjoyment 5. sexual gratification. 

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1 From short pleasure long repentance.

2 Novelty is the great parent of pleasure

3 The greatest pleasure of life is love. 

4 Pleasure has a sting in its tail. 

5 Business sweetens pleasure, and labour sweetens rest. 

6 What we learn with pleasure we never forget. 

7 Eat at pleasure, drink with measure. 

8 Don’t mix business with pleasure.

9 Every pleasure has a pain.

10 Labour is often the father of pleasure

11 Grief often treads upon the heels of pleasure

12 No pleasure without alloy (or pain or repentance). 

13 Achievement provides the only real pleasure in life. 

14 There is no pleasure without pain. 

15 That man is the richest whose pleasure are the cheapest. 

16 Take a pain for a pleasure all wise men can. 

17 We must deal with pleasure as we do with honey, only touch them with the tip of the finger,[] and not with the whole hand for fear of surfeit. 

18 Friendship is both a source of pleasure and a component of good health. 

19 Short pleasure, long lament.

20 Business before pleasure.

21 No pleasure without pain.

22 Follow pleasure and it will flee thee; flee pleasure and it will follow thee. 

23 She took pleasure in shocking her parents.

24 I don’t like to mix business with pleasure .

25 He beamed with pleasure at seeing her.

26 It’s a pleasure to meet you.

27 A pleasure is sometimes greatest in anticipation.

28 They greeted him with many expressions of pleasure.

29 No man can be brave who considers pain the greatest evil of life; or temperate, who regards pleasure as the highest good. 

30 There is in liberty as in innocence and virtue a satisfaction one can only feel in their enjoyment and a pleasure which can cease only when lost. 

More similar words: measured, measure up, measurement, measure up to, plea, plead, sure, least, assure, ensure, for sure, leisure, release, at least, make sure, exposure, in the least, not in the least, casual, as usual, casualty, all of a sudden, ample, apple, complex, replete, people, purple, plenty, couple. 

pleasure — перевод на русский


Be a pleasure to go to the front in boots like these.

Удовольствие отправиться на фронт в таких сапогах как эти.

That’s the only pleasure she gets from you.

Это единственное удовольствие, которое ты ей доставляешь.

— It was my pleasure.

— Мне в удовольствие.

If it’ll give you any pleasure.

! Да, если это доставит тебе удовольствие.

It gives me great pleasure to have a Quintana horse in the handicap.

Для меня большое удовольствие, что лошадь Кинтана принимает участие в забеге.

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It is also my pleasure to see that the working people of this community aren’t robbed by a pack of money-mad pirates, just because they have no one to look after their interests.

Мне приятно видеть, как порядочные обычные люди, зарабатывают свои кровные деньги. Только потому, что их не обкрадывают мошенники.

Why, Miss, it was more like a pleasure.

Мисс, для меня это скорее приятно.

It’ll be a pleasure.

Мне будет приятно.

It’s a pleasure to meet people who know music.

Приятно встретить людей, понимающих в музыке.

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«Why this unusual pleasure?»

«С чего вдруг эта неожиданная радость?»

But pleasure is brief in this world, my sweet… and yours is most uncertain… because you don’t know when I’ll be back.

Но любая радость в этом мире недолговечна, моя милая… и твоя самая сомнительная… потому, что ты даже не знаешь, когда вернусь.

This is an unexpected pleasure.

Э-это… неожиданная радость.

This is indeed a pleasure.

Какая радость!

It’s a great pleasure.

Вот была бы радость.

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— It’s a pleasure to meet you, Professor.

Рад познакомиться с вами.

A pleasure — Nice to meet you.

Рад познакомиться.

— Always a pleasure to see you, Colonel. — I’m honored, General.

Рад вас видеть, полковник.

Of course, Colonel. I shall look forward to the pleasure of seeing you again.

Полковник, буду рад снова видеть вас.

A pleasure to meet you. Mario…

Рад познакомиться.

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Say, Mr. Charles, this sure is a pleasure!

Мистер Чарльз, мне очень приятно!

Well, all I can say is, it’s a great pleasure to be here tonight and to find out what you mugs…

Ну, все, что я могу сказать, это, что очень приятно быть здесь сегодня вечером и уяснить, что вы…

— It’s a pleasure to have you here, major.

Мне очень приятно, что вы здесь, майор!

It’s a pleasure!

Очень приятно!

— It was a pleasure to meet you.

— Было очень приятно с вами познакомиться.

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All pleasure is mine.

Премного благодарен. Для меня это наслаждение.

Drunkenness and pleasure exist.

Существует опьянение, наслаждение.

Let’s say I feel pleasure. I know I feel it.

Когда я испытываю наслаждение, я знаю это.

— This is a real pleasure.

-Это настоящее наслаждение.

I assure you that morbid sensation gave me a certain pleasure.

Я уверяю Вас что это злорадное чувство доставило мне определенное наслаждение.

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I am going to get her myself. It is a pleasure that I cannot let anyone else have!

Эту честь я не уступлю никому!

— Why, this is a great pleasure.

— Для меня это большая честь.

And as the managing director of this railway, I have pleasure in asking the wife of the Minister of Public Communications to christen our new engine.

И как управляющий железной дорогой, я имею честь попросить уважаемую супругу Министра путей сообщения дать имя нашему новому локомотиву.

It would give me great pleasure if you would dine with me one evening.

Сочту за честь, если вы отобедаете со мной на днях.

It would be my pleasure.

Окажешь мне честь?

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Business before pleasure.

Сначала бизнес, развлечения потом.

There’s one thing about us. We always believe in business before pleasure.

С уверенностью про нас можно сказать только одно — сначала дела, потом развлечения.

Some of us have odd pleasures.

Мои развлечения странные.

Your business is my pleasure.

Тебе дела, мне развлечения.

It’s not for our own pleasure

Вовсе не для нашего развлечения.

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A pleasure.

Приятно познакомиться.

My pleasure.

Приятно познакомиться.

— My pleasure.

Приятно познакомиться.

Pleasure meeting you.

Приятно познакомиться, мистер Монтана.

A pleasure, I’m sure.

Приятно познакомиться.

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— It’s been a pleasure.

— Я был очень рад.

— It’s a pleasure.

Очень рад.

— It’s been a pleasure.

Был очень рад. — До свидания.

A pleasure. Camurati.

Очень рад.

I greet you with cordiality and good cheer. It’s a pleasure to be the great honor.

Господа, я от чистого сердца приветствую всех вас и буду очень рад оказанной чести.

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Discuss and share whatever gives you meaning and pleasure.

Стоит встреться в друзьями и единомышленниками, а также заниматься тем, что приносит вам радость и удовольствие.

Discovering how casino games exercise is already a pleasure naturally.

Изучение того, как работают игры в казино, уже само по себе удовольствие.

Perhaps love is only gratitude for pleasure.

Может быть, любовь не что иное, как чувство благодарности за наслаждение.

But all this is more effort and trouble than pleasure.

И, однако, все это было для меня скорее дело труда и заботы, чем наслаждения.

Ask what brings her the most pleasure.

Спрашивай, от чего она получает больше всего удовольствия.

Paul Pinsky, always a pleasure.

Paul Oakenfold Его выступление — это всегда огромное удовольствие.

These include pleasure, pleasure, pleasure, and release from stress.

It’s always my pleasure to give them the pleasure.

Sure, critics will say, we can define pleasure in such a way that all decisions are made for pleasure.

Конечно, скажут критики, мы можем определить удовольствие таким образом, что все решения принимаются для удовольствия.

It is a pleasure to learn, and yoga classes bring a lot of pleasure.

Mexico is rich in ecological parks that can give pleasure to pleasure not only bright vegetation, but also a variety of animals.

Мексика богата на экологические парки, которые могут дарить радость наслаждения не только яркой растительностью, но и разнообразными животными.

A person with reversed pleasure centers (receives pleasure from inflicting pain or violent actions) is under the control of satanic forces.

Человек с перевёрнутыми центрами удовольствия (получает удовольствие от причинения боли или насильственных действий) находится под контролем сатанинских сил.

Anticipation of pleasure is a pleasure in itself.

We should have flitted from pleasure to pleasure.

Let’s call it pleasurepleasure when the perpetrator meets justice.

The pleasure of this meal is matched only by the pleasure of the queen’s company.

Nature placed us between pleasure and suffering, and we are not free to choose suffer-ing or give up pleasure.

Природа поместила нас между наслаждением и страданием, и мы не вольны выбирать страдания или отвергать наслаждения.

He will give more pleasure because he enjoys more pleasure himself.

The direct survey of another’s pleasure naturally gives us pleasure, and therefore produces pain when compared with our own.

Прямое созерцание удовольствия, испытываемого другим лицом, естественно, доставляет и нам удовольствие, а следовательно, вызывает в нас страдание, если мы сравниваем его с нашим собственным страданием.

People who are unable to give themselves pleasure cannot give pleasure to others.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат pleasure

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удовольствие, наслаждение, доставлять удовольствие, увеселительный


- удовольствие

- наслаждение; удовольствие

man of pleasure — жуир, сибарит
life of pleasure, life given up to pleasure — жизнь, полная наслаждений
on pleasure bent — жаждущий (только) наслаждаться жизнью; думающий только о развлечениях и т. п.

- развлечение

pleasure trip — увеселительная прогулка /поездка/
to be fond of pleasure — любить развлекаться
to take one’s pleasure — развлекаться
if you take your pleasures in that way — если вас это забавляет /развлекает/
a place with no opportunities for pleasure — место, где нет никаких развлечений

- книжн. воля, соизволение, желание

at (smb.’s) pleasure — по (чьему-л.) желанию; как заблагорассудится
during smb.’s pleasure — так долго, как кому-л. заблагорассудится
what is your pleasure? — что вам угодно?
without consulting my pleasure — не спросив о моём желании
I shall not consult his pleasure — я не буду считаться с его желанием
I’m so glad to meet you. — The pleasure is (all) mine


- книжн. доставлять удовольствие

I pleasure in your company — мне доставляет удовольствие быть среди вас
will you not pleasure us with your company? — не доставите ли вы нам удовольствие своим присутствием?
I’ll do anything to pleasure you — я сделаю всё, чтобы доставить вам удовольствие
it pleasures me to know you — я рад знакомству с вами

- (часто in) находить удовольствие

how can anyone pleasure in such music? — как может нравиться такая музыка?

- разг. развлекаться; искать развлечений

Мои примеры


a feeling of pure unadulterated pleasure — Чувство истинного удовольствия  
derive pleasure from one’s garden — получать удовольствие от собственного сада  
pleasure to come — предвкушаемое удовольствие  
to afford great pleasure — доставлять большое удовольствие  
marriage terminable by pleasure — брак, расторжимый по желанию супругов  
to feel / find / take pleasure in smth. — находить удовольствие в чём-л.  
You’re such a pleasure to talk to. — С вами так приятно разговаривать.  
to forgo a pleasure — воздерживаться, отказываться от удовольствия  
to afford / give pleasure — доставлять, приносить удовольствие  
to derive pleasure from smth. — получать удовольствие от чего-л.  
genuine / real pleasure — истинное удовольствие  
pleasure dome — курорт, весёлое место  

Примеры с переводом

It’s been a pleasure to meet you.

Приятно было с вами познакомиться.

He laughed his pleasure.

Он рассмеялся от удовольствия.

It’s always a pleasure to see you.

Всегда рад вас видеть.

It is my pleasure to announce that …

Имею удовольствие сообщить, что…

He beamed with pleasure.

Он сиял от удовольствия.

He spent his income all on pleasure.

Он тратил деньги только на развлечения.

Her face lit up with pleasure.

Ее лицо вспыхнуло от удовольствия.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

He took a perverted pleasure in watching them suffer.

The boys bobbed down the hill screaming with pleasure

Julie’s cheeks flushed with pleasure at the compliment.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

displeasure  — неудовольствие, недовольство, досада
pleasurable  — приятный, доставляющий удовольствие
pleasureful  — доставляющий удовольствие
pleasureless  — не доставляющий удовольствия, безрадостный

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): pleasure
мн. ч.(plural): pleasures

Examples of how to use the word “pleasure” in a sentence. How to connect “pleasure” with other words to make correct English sentences.

pleasure (n): enjoyment, happiness, or satisfaction, or something that gives this

Use “pleasure” in a sentence

It’s been a pleasure chatting with you.
“The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you cannot do.”
It’s been a pleasure working with you.
It’s a pleasure to be here.

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“Thank you for your help.” “It’s my pleasure.”


Exercising is something most people do during their leisure or free time. Others exercise because it gives them pleasure. And several people derive «pleasure» from watching TV or browsing the Internet during their «leisure» hours.

«Leisure» means «doing nothing at all» or «resorting to fun, non-strenuous activities when free». «Pleasure» is «any activity or thing that invokes happiness or a sense of content». One can be at «leisure» or do nothing and still feel good. The feeling of gratification will, however, be missing.

«Leisure» and «pleasure» overlap each other in a few ways but are significantly different words altogether. Read on to learn more about the two terms, besides a host of additional information related to them, so you have a clear understanding of what the two truly denote.

leisure definition on dictionary some blur

What is «Leisure»?

The word «leisure» means «free time». It also means «doing things unhurriedly». Some of the words/phrases related to or synonymous with «leisure» include:

  • Recreation
  • Relaxation
  • Spare time
  • Idle hours
  • Time off
  • Vacant hour

Though the term «leisure» is primarily identified with «doing nothing at all», it could also mean doing things that are enjoyable – for instance, any kind of recreational activity.

The objective behind «being at leisure» is escaping responsibilities by doing nothing at all or doing things that are not related to work or what you do for a living. It’s disconnecting from everything, keeping both your professional and personal worries at bay momentarily. The activity is invariably more desirable than «work» as there’s no real effort involved.

A «leisure activity» is usually not physically or mentally taxing, but it is also not gratifying. It can be enjoyable, but it doesn’t afford a sense of «accomplishment». For example, watching TV is not real work, and it also does not evoke the perception of having completed a «task». But it’s certainly enjoyable.

There are exceptions to this rule, however. You can derive a sense of «attainment» out of leisure time, but that’s contingent on your interests or hobbies. For example, if you like to read books during your free time, the activity can be both enjoyable and give you the feeling of having done something useful.

How Long Can You Be at «Leisure»?

There is no set rule or time limits for being «leisurely». Some people may spend a few minutes or hours doing nothing, and there are others who could spend the entire day lying on their bed or couch. The actual time spent leisurely could depend on how physically and/or mentally stressed you feel.

Also, the more time you spend at leisure doesn’t directly translate as more enjoyment and gratification. It depends on the activities you indulge in. You may enjoy watching TV or listening to music during the initial hour or two. But if the activity extends, it may get monotonous and not be fun anymore. Similar is the case with reading a book, cooking or doing anything considered as «productive».

In short, the length at which you can be at leisure and enjoy the same depends on how long it takes you to breach your «pleasure» threshold. If you play casual video games throughout your free time, you may not be able to pull that off for very long – maybe an hour or two.

Benefits of Being «Leisurely»

There are multiple benefits attached to doing nothing at all or doing something fun in your free time. They include:

  • Reduced stress and feelings of depression as your mind is relatively free or cut off from quotidian life.
  • Physical leisure activities, such as playing an outdoor sport or walking on the beach, can improve your mental and physical health.
  • A clear and calm mind will make you more efficient and productive when you get back to work.

Overall, taking time out from the humdrum now and again helps you feel a lot more connected to yourself, both emotionally and physically.

Using «Leisure» in Texts

The word «leisure» is a noun, but it can also be used as an adjective in texts. «Leisure hours», «leisure class», «a leisure jacket», etc., are some phrases that use the term as an adjective. The following are sentences using «leisure» as a noun:

  • Polo is primarily a leisure sport.
  • We earlier had a debate over the usage of leisure facilities.

Leisure is also used in idioms, such as «at leisure», which means «with unhinged or free time» or «slowly». For example:

  • Due to his start-up failing, he is currently at leisure.
  • Read the book at leisure.

The term «leisure» is invariably used in texts when referring to activities such as:

  • Attending auctions
  • Bicycling
  • Bird watching
  • Fishing
  • Hiking
  • Driving

There, however, is no hard and fast rule associated with using «leisure» in writings. If you feel the word fits in well in a given context, go ahead and use the term.

pleasure word in dictionary

What is «Pleasure»?

«Pleasure» is «the feeling or state of being happy or pleased». It also denotes «a state of gratification».

People derive pleasure by indulging in activities they like. The pastime could be anything as simple as eating a bucket of their favorite fried chicken or something as far-fetched as mountain-climbing. The words «delight», «enjoyment», «joy», etc., are comparable to the term «pleasure».

«Delight» denotes «heightened pleasure». When a person is «delighted», they are usually expressive. However, an individual who is «pleased» is more likely to keep those feelings to themselves. The term «enjoyment» denotes «pleasurable satisfaction». The word coincides with «pleasure» more than most other synonyms of «pleasure». The feeling derived from finding shade on a sunny day can be either described as «pleasurable» or «enjoyable».

«Joy», on the other hand, is a feeling that’s beyond the state of delight. When a person is feeling joyful, they express it spontaneously or radiate with happiness. In other words, upon receiving a promotion at work, people are not «pleased» but feel «joyous».

Using the Word «Pleasure» in Texts

Generally, activities that most people resort to during their «leisure» hours offer «pleasure». However, there are specific activities that you could be sure of finding pleasure in. Those activities/things include:

  • Watching your favorite sports team playing in the finale
  • Taking a sip of coffee first thing in the morning (if you’re a coffee person)
  • Spending time with a good friend after a break
  • Traveling to your favorite destination
  • Being super-productive at work or something you’re passionate about
  • Hugging a kid
  • Going on a drive with a loved one
  • Having a wonderful meal

If you use the word «pleasure» to denote or describe an activity, make sure the endeavor or interest is «pleasurable» enough to qualify for the term. As mentioned above, «exercise» may afford some people pleasure, but it may be a chore or even a stress-inducing task for quite a few.

Comparing «Leisure» and «Pleasure»

As mentioned before, the words «leisure» and «pleasure» overlap each other quite a bit. However, there are a few differences between the two.

For starters, «leisure» denotes «not doing anything» or «being free». The word «pleasure» has no such connotations. In other words, «pleasure» doesn’t imply «taking time off». People can derive «pleasure» from their work, but they cannot or usually do not work during «leisure» time.

Also, as mentioned above, «pleasure» goes hand in hand with «gratification». The same cannot be said of «leisure». «Leisure» activities offer «frivolous amusement» or do not offer any value or have any serious purpose.

As far as similarities go, a «leisure» activity can make you feel good or not feel any strain. If «leisure» time is used productively or to serve one’s interests, the period can be stimulating and also «pleasurable».

Example Sentences with the Term «Leisure»

The following is a list of sentences that incorporate the term «leisure»:

  • She pursued her interests during her leisure in the evenings.
  • Leisure or vacation-related travel is usually considered non-essential.
  • For the voter turnout to be substantial, it’s imperative the elections are conducted when the citizens are at leisure.
  • The ban on leisure activities carried out indoors in public places is yet to be lifted.
  • That guy, who is currently at leisure, is highly skilled and has loads of experience behind him.
  • I do not have much leisure time at my disposal.
  • Most people in the city spend most of their leisure hours shopping.
  • He is looking forward to a leisure-filled life after he retires.
  • She wrote that book during her leisure time.
  • Is this dress casual enough to be worn during leisure?
  • Unfortunately, most people spend the majority of their leisure hours on their phones or browsing the Internet.
  • Only a wise person can use their leisure time, «productively».

Example Sentences with the Word «Pleasure»

Here are sentences using the word «pleasure» and some of its inflections:

  • Hosting the Queen was our pleasure!
  • I was pleased to meet him during a video call.
  • I am sure you were pleased to learn that she felt attracted to you.
  • Painting offers me pleasure.
  • Tim’s parents were immensely pleased to see their son graduate from law school.
  • Impulsive shopping offers me a feeling of high and pleasure that’s hard to explain.
  • What is your guilty pleasure?
  • His only pleasure activity was listening to music.
  • People who live in cities and towns do not know how pleasurable country life can be.
  • The pleasure was ours!
  • Dinner with you is always a pleasure.


woman carefree leaps in the beach

Unlike homonyms, «pleasure» and «leisure» have a reasonably distinct spelling and sound to them when pronounced. But because their meanings are similar or overlap each other, confusions may arise. This in-depth comparison hopefully helped you demarcate the two a lot more clearly and convincingly.

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

How to use pleasure in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «pleasure» and check conjugation/comparative form for «pleasure«. Mastering all the usages of «pleasure» from sentence examples published by news publications.

Pleasure has always existed somewhere in Krell’s work: pleasure in misery is pleasure nonetheless.
I’m also positing ideas about pleasure — both pleasure for me, and pleasure for the viewer.
The pleasure of recognition rubs against the pleasure of discovery.
«I get pleasure — I don’t think it’s perverse pleasure, but good, honest, wholesome pleasure — by infuriating these Trump trolls,» Weiner told me.
It’s about being awake in the process of pleasure — real pleasure.
It connects emotional pleasure to physical pleasure during sex, Dr. McGuire says.
The night was full of noises, of pleasure, pain, and painful pleasure.
To recognize is almost always a pleasure; perhaps it is pleasure itself.
Rooney’s central characters, who nearly feel like old friends — Frances, Marianne, and Connell — chase pleasure, deny pleasure, and then learn what pleasure yields in modern times.
Understanding that history is part of why we wanted to focus on pleasure, demanding our pleasure, owning our pleasure, and being in tune with our bodies.
It is a pleasure to make and an even greater pleasure to eat.
Rather than being about pleasure, dopamine is more about the anticipation of pleasure.
By failing to teach sexual pleasure, we perpetuate the cultural prioritisation of male pleasure.
I’m holding off on pleasure now so that I can have more pleasure later.
«The dopamine reward centers are the same centers that have to do with pleasure from eating, pleasure from sex and procreation, pleasure from drugs and alcohol,» Greenfield said.
The pleasure of The Beatles: Rock Band is equitable to the pleasure of all games.
He left a lot of uncomplicated pleasure in his wake, and some complicated pleasure, too.
Their pleasure with the Trump administration is not pleasure with the Republican Party at large.
And, that’s seriously sad, since self-pleasure is one of the best kinds of pleasure.
Winter (season 8, episode 1) The great pleasure of «Winter» is the pleasure of returning.
And you can have the pleasurepleasure«?) of watching it, even if you don’t have cable.
It makes me mindful of the pleasure I receive and intentional in the pleasure I give.
A person who has a script that says «I give the pleasure» or is dominant would likely get pleasure from spanking someone who gets pleasure from receiving it—most likely a submissive.
We wanted to emphasize pleasure for pleasure’s own sake and not pleasure to reach an ‘end goal.
Solo Novice Some women don’t have a self-pleasure style because, well, they simply don’t self-pleasure.
You can send video right to a partner’s phone, giving them the pleasure of watching you pleasure yourself.
Our society tells us that pleasure is bad and sinful, when in fact pleasure is healing and sustaining.
And in taking pleasure in his outings, he’s evidently a source of pleasure for lots of other creatures.
That year, Mr. Jolley starred in a commercial for Miller Lite beer with Foolish Pleasure and Honest Pleasure.
He was in favor of pleasure, and, though famous as a libertine, he urged his lovers to seek orgasmic satisfaction, to recognize that their pleasure was as much a pleasure to him as his own.
Playboy’s «Pleasure Issue» is «dedicated to the principle that pleasure is a human right, that everyone should be free to pursue pleasure in all of its forms,» says the outlet’s executive editor Shane Michael Singh.
There’s pleasure in her work, but it’s the sick, obsessive pleasure of looking under a bandage at a wound.
For her, pleasure activism is about combating the oppressive idea that pleasure isn’t a natural part of everyday life.
Taking part in another’s pleasure, no matter how anodyne or indecipherable that pleasure may feel to us, is revelatory.
Negotiate pleasure, not just safety Despite its intriguing results, the recent study neglected another important aspect of intimacy: pleasure.
«Not all folks enjoy oral pleasure like clitoral stimulation and not all folks enjoy anal pleasure like rimming,» Rashatwar says.
Just because a company has given you pleasure in the past doesn’t mean that it exists purely for your pleasure.
For her, cooking isn’t a professional ambition but simply a pleasure, and a way of sharing her pleasure with others.
We don’t even have time to debate the notion of «guilty pleasure,» because we no longer find pleasure at all.
I can say that we can share the pleasure of music, or the pleasure of a voice reaching the fetus.
Sometimes, it is a pleasure simply to be there; sometimes, it is a pleasure just to sit back and watch.
The more forgiving side imagines the reader views it as a mystery to be solved, an added pleasure upon pleasure.
FEIST «Pleasure» (Interscope) Tense, raw, lo-fi and asymmetrical, «Pleasure» is both a plea and a self-interrogation about desire.
«Focus on extended foreplay and pleasure, particularly mental pleasure,» says Penda N’Diaye, creator of PRO HOE, a brand and blog that aims to eradicate sexual stigma and debunk myths surrounding sexual pleasure and exploration in communities of color.
It’s involved in positive feelings and pleasure—but not just pleasure by itself, it’s what makes you want that thing again.
«Whenever anyone says it’s their guilty pleasure, it’s like, you say guilty, what you really mean is just pleasure,» Pattinson said.
«Whenever anyone says it’s their guilty pleasure, it’s like, ‘You say guilty, what you really mean is just pleasure,'» Pattinson said.
I refuse to live in the narrative that sexual pleasure is for men and that women exist to deliver that pleasure.
It wasn’t the worst thing in the world, Meghan’s a pleasure to kiss and it was a pleasure performing with her.
Part of the pleasure of watching this staging—and it is a pleasure, if not entirely satisfying, but then what is?
The more sadistic volunteers derived pleasure from killing the insects, and the more insects they killed, the more pleasure they derived.
The third episode, The Pleasure Is Ours, focuses on female pleasure, a topic Goop has pitched itself as an authority on.
«At Chick-Fil-A, when somebody says &aposthank you,&apos [we respond with] ‘my pleasure, it’s my pleasure to serve,'» he said.
Your body is capable of experiencing so much pleasure; why wouldn’t you want to make that pleasure a part of daily life?
«This way, you can rub on your own pleasure spot, use both hands, and give [your partner] insanely great pleasure,» she says.
I wouldn’t say it often gives me pleasure, but being able to live a comfortable and stable life does give me pleasure.
«Striking Vipers» shows the carnal pleasure of the sex, but glosses over the actual intimacy of the pleasure shared between Karl and Danny.
It’s not totally clear why pain sometimes equals pleasure, but scientists have found synaptic connections between the brain’s pain centers and pleasure centers.
But it’s certainly not a guilty pleasure: I feel very strongly that pleasure is something we should feel grateful for, not guilty about.
I feel like women are looking for simple pleasure, and it’s the same pleasure that men would get being dominated by a woman.
On «Scandalous» he sings in his serrated falsetto, «Tonight I’m gonna be your fantasy», purposefully objectifying himself, and taking pleasure in women’s pleasure.
By tiptoeing around the complex politics of marginalization, Southern Comfort is a pleasure to watch but not necessarily a pleasure to critically analyze.
Dopamine, it turns out, is not the chemical that gives you pleasure, it’s the chemical that gives you the pleasure of wanting more.
I’ve had the pleasure of working for Bob or I’d had the pleasure of working for him for eight years at that point.
«We&aposve been taught as women to give pleasure and that our pleasure is secondary to that of a man&aposs,» Herrara said.
You can still have pleasure, don’t get me wrong, even without [the external part of] your clitoris, because the body’s an entire pleasure machine.
He is more interested than anybody Jeanne knows in the pleasure of joy, or the joy of pleasure, however you want to put it.
I read adrienne maree brown’s Pleasure Activism: The Politics of Feeling Good, an anthology that illuminated the connections between pleasure, healing, and social justice.
These days the boyars serve at his pleasure, just as those beneath them serve at their pleasure and so on all the way down.
And the look she gives has to be one that communicates not only pleasure in being looked at, but pleasure in what she sees.
The idea is to labor not so much for your own pleasure or benefit, but for the pleasure and benefit of others around you.
We now know that exposure of the brain to pleasure producing substances commonly results in irreversible changes to the individual’s pain and pleasure balance.
«Dopamine, this chemical we associate with reward and motivation, is actually higher when you anticipate pleasure than when you actually receive pleasure,» she says.
With advancements in birth control, sex can be solely for pleasure, but pleasure itself can feel too self-indulgent to regularly incorporate into daily life.
Another problem with representation in porn is that the sex acts portrayed are rarely geared towards female pleasure, or pleasure for anyone, according to Orenstein.
Activist, writer, and theorist adrienne maree brown created the concept of pleasure activism in her new edited collection, Pleasure Activism: The Politics of Feeling Good.
He’s always, always in my mind: not as a pleasure, any more than I am always a pleasure to myself, but as my own being.
Hof’s brothels exist to serve male pleasure, just as many evangelical churches teach that the household must be run at the pleasure of the man.
In this room sex is a gold nugget, a pleasure, like any other pleasure, except maybe it’s better and the desire for it is stronger.
It would be a great pleasure to be there, and if they needed to be supported, that is something we would do with great pleasure.
Because the dying aren’t always dead to pleasure, and for a writer at the end, the knowledge of literature still gives the most pleasure of all.
How many young people encounter adults in their lives who will talk to them about drug-induced pleasure, and how to maximize pleasure and minimize risk?
This idea of the pleasure zone also implies a more sinister inquiry: what must be excluded for the pleasure zone in order for it to exist?
A concept the poly community has long touted is experiencing joy from someone else’s joy, or pleasure from someone else’s pleasure — a concept known as compersion.
If you make the conscious choice to eat something for pleasure, rather than purely for fuel, don’t cancel that pleasure out by not enjoying it fully.
And pleasure — the durable pleasure of hearing or reading language used well, of watching a story unfold in pictures — is a central part of his legacy.
You just have to figure out the precise amount of pleasure you receive from attending a win versus the precise amount of pleasure from attending a loss.
Upcoming streams touch on topics like why pleasure is important, how to unlearn cultural and religious shame around pleasure and having an open mind around sexual preferences.
The experience has not been so much one of going without pleasure as about savoring each moment of pleasure rather than racing on to the next one.
Dating apps require a more Machiavellian approach; the time spent isn’t just for pleasure in that moment but rather for pleasure later, or, for some, longer-term results.
These seasons will each focus on a different form of pleasure, and the company has long-term plans to introduce other verticals, as well, such as men’s pleasure.
Pleasure is marred and tainted and it’s seen as something so bad when it’s not — it’s natural for us to feel pleasure, having sex or not having sex.
«The way it works is that if you’re appointed to serve at the pleasure of the president, then you serve at the pleasure of the president,» Spicer said.
There Are Shades of Grey Between Pleasure and Pain It had long been assumed pain and pleasure were opposing sensations delivered by distinct pathways in the nervous system.
By putting you in the scene and not having you move and having it be intimate because you’re with another person, then your pleasure is derived from their pleasure.
Just as different experiences can bring a similar shiver of pleasure, the same experience can conjure a range of responses — from extreme pleasure to definite displeasure — in different people.
They treat it like — — A guilty pleasure, right?
With our human bodies, we were given the ability to feel pleasure through the senses — and to show gratitude for having been given our bodies, we can experience that pleasure.
Pleasure activism pushes back on these norms, and it demands that part of social change needs to involve not just ending suffering but allowing pleasure for those who are oppressed.
One way to infer the amount of pleasure that animals experience is to use facial reactions, and the facial reactions of these animals show that they are still experiencing pleasure.
The interactive site, backed by several research studies about the pleasure preferences of over 1,50 women, features video interviews with real women talking about their real experiences of sexual pleasure.
After changing how I pleasure myself, not only am I giving myself way more pleasure (including multiple orgasms in a row which is brand new!!), I don’t feel shitty afterwards!
«The area of the butt is ripe with nerve endings that contribute to pleasure, so there’s no reason that your butt shouldn’t be part of the pleasure,» Kerner told me.
«[I]nstead of unconsciously reacting to feelings of pain or pleasure, consciously observe that all pain and pleasure aren’t permanent, and will ultimately pass and dissolve away,» Dorsey previously tweeted.
Masturbation is a great reintroduction into sexual pleasure after an STI diagnosis, because it creates a bit of distance between yourself and your body, whilst allowing you to receive pleasure.
These may seem like shallow regrets, and yet the loss of pleasure in one’s own body, the loss of pleasure in knowing that one’s body pleases others, is a real one.
To emphasize the importance of consent to sexual relationships, the phrases «placer consentido» and «placer con sentido» — which mean «consented pleasure» and «pleasure with sense» respectively — appear on the outer package.
Decide to substitute gossip as a guilty pleasure for another guilty pleasure that doesn’t impact other people negatively, such as eating ice cream once a week or buying that coveted jumpsuit.
The single-minded pursuit of one intense pleasure at the expense of other aspects of life that bring meaning and pleasure is also counterproductive to living a rich and enjoyable life.
The title comes from one of Frank O’Hara’s «Lunch Poems» («Neon in daylight is a / great pleasure«), his collection of odes to New York, a great dispensary of pleasure and strangeness.
If you’re still having a hard time envisioning how voice sexting might work, just think about how much the sound of your partner’s pleasure adds to your pleasure during IRL sex.
«Visual pleasure is very important — very invigorating, very engaging.»
» Austin Rivers — «It was a pleasure meeting you man.
Thank you — my great pleasure, Jimmy, appreciate it, fellas.
» The vet said (I believe), «It was a pleasure.
The core tension here, as in Rooney’s novels, is the tension between duty and pleasure: between the duty to enact political change and the pleasure of luxuriating in aesthetic objects instead; between the duty to make the world a better place and the pleasure of achieving personal ambitions; between the duty to be emotionally truthful about the ways people hurt each other and the pleasure of letting characters fall in love with people who hurt them regardless.
I think evolutionary biology has a «pleasure problem» going all the way back to the Victorians who were very unsettled to the idea that animals, including people, might be motivated by pleasure.
«Whenever anyone says [Twilight’s] their favorite guilty pleasure, it’s like, you say guilty, what you really mean is pleasure,» he said during a sit-down interview with Variety Studio over the weekend.
Olds and Milner were the first neuroscientists to identify a potential «pleasure center» for the brain and identified the release of the neurochemical dopamine as the chemical behind the feeling of pleasure.
Check out Pleasure Activism: The Politics of Feeling Good by adrienne maree brown for a sex worker–friendly education on the ethical pursuit of pleasure and self-education without sacrificing enjoyment. 84.
Under Scalia’s view, federal officers must either serve at the pleasure of the president, or they must serve at the pleasure of a lesser official who is, themselves, accountable to the president.
The defense of this artisanal approach to porn pulls in contradictory directions: it at once argues that porn is work and not pleasure, and also that the pleasure it captures is authentic.
But some scientists believe that birds do things for pure pleasure, not just to practice useful skills, and that birds have the necessary brain receptors for reward and pleasure, as do mammals.
He may not be able to make reading the Quran an easy pleasure, but his encounter with it is a pleasure to read for anyone as open to discovery as he is.
When we learn about sexual pleasure via mainstream pornography, we’re taught that sexual pleasure is wordless-yet-seamless, limited to heterosexuality, penetration and scenes like pizza deliveries, locker rooms and high rise offices.
The Babie Brood paintings, when seen together, seem to similarly psychoanalyze the notion of a woman so internalizing the role of pleasure object that she mistakes it for an actual feeling of pleasure.
Part of the show’s liberatory beauty is its insistence on pleasure, and upending the expectation of the hardworking, sacrificial Latina, so preoccupied with respectability and family that she denies herself sex, pleasure, indulgence.
«I serve at the pleasure of the people of western North Carolina, and when you serve at their pleasure, it’s only those 750,000 people that can send you home,» Meadows told reporters Tuesday.
Even so, I have the feeling that the utter loss of self-control is giving her pleasure, the pleasure of abdication, of psychic degeneration, that epileptics are said to have during a fit.
«I serve at the pleasure of the people of western North Carolina, and when you serve at their pleasure, it’s only those 750,000 people that can send you home,» Meadows said on Tuesday.
Both the sex and tech industry are both dominated by men, who have far less personal investment in finding new ways to give women pleasure — especially pleasure that they can experience without men.
One way of thinking about this is in terms of pleasure and pain: the more pleasure (and the less pain) we have over the course of our lives, the better our lives are.
Forty-one percent of Republicans—compared to 38 percent of Democrats—said they were «happy with their sex lives,» despite using protection less, having sex less, and finding less pleasure in self-pleasure.
I found myself almost taking pleasure in this judgment—like the pleasure of pushing on a bruise—and the ways it became a consolidation, a shoring-up of selfhood: I am not that.
«I serve at the pleasure of the people of western North Carolina, and when you serve at their pleasure, it’s only those 2628,28500 people that can send you home,» Meadows told reporters Tuesday.
How, then, can a person simultaneously experience stress and pleasure?
Davis, for so many years, it’s been a real pleasure.
The effect is to subject optical pleasure to stringent rigor.
Promoting pleasure is rarely a component of sexual health education.
Was such an honour and pleasure being on your show.
«Working with them has been an absolute pleasure,» Craddock said.
Here’s another player I don’t particularly take pleasure in slagging.
One big boom and you could really overdose on pleasure
I think you should find 1Password a pleasure to use.
I imagine these little moments give the chef great pleasure.
They will be available starting tomorrow for your Instagramming pleasure.
Thank you, governor, always a pleasure to see you, sir.
In other words, pleasure through the back door is possible.
Her life is small and predictable, though not without pleasure.
So the two of them together, it was a pleasure.
Separating business and pleasure is clearly not their strong suit.
These gifts aren’t about the pure pleasure of the recipient.
We’re hardwired to move toward pleasure and away from consequence.
It’s available for your listening pleasure on Spotify and iTunes.
It was a big pleasure to be part of it.
Even if I take very little pleasure in doing so.
What I desire is that which would give you pleasure.
If this wine gives you pleasure, I will pour it.
Start the conversation about sexual pleasure earlier than you think.
That was the point of it, to take personal pleasure.
What better term than Fahrvergnügen («driving pleasure«) to sell cars?
Many people take drugs because they get pleasure from them.
But investigators don’t know if that was pleasure or planning.
Their next challenge is depicting others’ sexual health and pleasure.
This is about you and your sexual pleasure, after all!
Orkney’s rural nature makes it a pleasure to drive in.
After dark, Dandong’s buildings and pleasure boats drip with neon.
The sword’s hilt also allows for maximum penetration and pleasure.
It’s a commitment that can’t be reduced to mere pleasure.
If you’re unfocused, you can’t focus on pleasure or sex.
That said, it was a pleasure meeting both of you.
«But it’s work that you should take pleasure in doing.»
James Quincey, always a pleasure having you on earnings day.
The vagina does, however, experience pleasure in a different way.
Maybe you want pleasure to be something different every time.
The line for me is whether it gives someone pleasure.
«[I’m going to say] pleasure to meet you,» Eichner says.
But it’s a pleasure watching these four legendary women interact.
Season 2 doesn’t get the pleasure of introducing his story.
» He tells PEOPLE, «It was a pleasure working with them.
The amount of pleasure achieved by these experiences is questionable.
Oh yes, and there’s a longer video for your pleasure.
We’ve uploaded the three videos above for your viewing pleasure.
Ultimately, pleasure is complex and varies from person to person.
Here’s the cute little kiss itself, for your viewing pleasure.
It’s embedded in our head that we shouldn’t feel pleasure.
«It doesn’t have to be touch for pleasure,» she says.
She’s a pleasure to be around — I’ll go with that.
Now, the feeling of pain actually brought him extreme pleasure.
Dionysus is the Greek god of wine, pleasure, and madness.
He doesn’t have to do anything and that’s my pleasure.
But that pure pleasure contains just the tiniest bit of
Pleasure is a foundational experience of life, is it not?
The food served for pleasure can also serve as punishment.
«I’m a natural extrovert, and so this is a pleasure
All four believe he takes great pleasure in hurting people.
Animated by the pleasure of being back, they rock cautiously.
That study about oral sex and pleasure we mentioned before?
It would give no editor pleasure to send this email.
If I can help, I will do it with pleasure.
Eating well is eating intuitively, with pleasure and without shame.
I think we also need beauty and pleasure and joy.
Here’s the stuff I’ve found indispensable for winter weather pleasure.
«Obama was deriving no pleasure from handing over,» he said.
FBI directors always serve at the pleasure of the President.
Travelers include a mix of both business and pleasure fliers.
There is a pleasure in getting your head lopped off.
«It’ll be my pleasure to beat you,» I snarked back.
Well, she is also the goddess of pleasure and sex.
Apparently somewhere along the way I confused happiness with pleasure.
We take no pleasure in the United States being out.
That doesn’t mean she doesn’t derive pleasure from sex, though.
It’s spectacularly bad, but also a huge pleasure to watch.
«We have a deeper connection to pleasure«, says Mr Sardo.
Even if they don’t, their headaches are the readers’ pleasure.
Is that focus on design something that gives you pleasure?
The film does not indulge in such an easy pleasure.
Without pleasure, the behaviour is no longer a hedonic one.
Fourier called for the right to take pleasure in work.
Both cannabis and Shabbat conjure up oneg, or joyful pleasure.
It’s not a trip for pleasure but it is necessary.
I could not give a shit less about his pleasure.
It’s a novel about the pleasure of leveling up. Literally.
There’s no romance in his dope tales, no pleasure either.
It’s been such a pleasure recapping this show you guys.
Hey, sometimes you have to mix business and pleasure, right?
«It was a pleasure to play against him,» Federer said.
But it was— always a pleasure to listen to him.
This is like our greatest guilty pleasure of all time.
Plus, the pleasure of cooking yourself is «fantastic,» Waxman says.
For Shear Pleasure, short story reading, crafts, barnyard animal feeding.
What a pleasure that is, watching the grass not grow.
The ribbed handle on this gel grip adds extra pleasure.
The pleasure provided by good dancing makes its own argument.
THE SALTY MEDITERRANEAN SEA has always been my particular pleasure.
The pleasure and the terror of that would come later.
Experiential interests are for things like pleasure — anything we enjoy.
To the Editor: What a pleasure to read this article.
The Purple Pleasure sandwich is also very popular among customers. 
Conner’s hypnotic rendition suspends the viewer between pleasure and horror.
They are a pleasure to use and use and use.
Part of the attraction, she confessed, came from guilty pleasure.
Dopamine is a chemical linked to pleasure, movement and attention.
Mr. Peck’s pleasure in the past extends to its furnishings.
It’s a pleasure to be inside Sofia’s insightful, questioning mind.
«It is a pleasure to have you here,» he replied.
He was a pleasure to coach and will be missed.
And Andy … well, he gets the dubious pleasure of Daisy.
The pleasure of being necessary to my parents was profound.
The Russian government voiced pleasure over the ruling on Wednesday.
From this source of pain the body procures absolute pleasure.
There’s pleasure in this uncertainty, because it allows for fluidity.
Rhye’s falsely reverential idealization of intimacy is antithetical to pleasure.
The Bachelor is the epitome of a guilty pleasure show.
«We should drink alcohol for pleasure,» Stockwell told the CBC.
Pay more attention to them than to your own pleasure.
KS: There is some pleasure in breaking an egg, though.
I don’t understand how people get pleasure from such things.
I took pleasure in the lush and elegantly manicured parks.
We gain the freedom to read and roam for pleasure.
Davis, for so many years it’s been a real pleasure.
It feels like absolute pleasure and it’s good for you.
» ….They call it «serving at the pleasure of the President.
The idea that you’ve lost the pleasure of watching Carson?
We watch comedy and we watch porn to experience pleasure.
Broadly: Hi Sady, it’s a pleasure to talk to you.
» Not okay: «Buy our sex toys for your adult pleasure.
Or if you’ve never experienced them, welcome to the pleasure.
Even more rare are discussions of female desire and pleasure.
How can any deny themselves the pleasure of my company!
Mystic Pleasure — Back Door (Getting Down) Follow Alexander on Twitter.
In minutes, I’d have the pleasure of making them again.
I don’t ever feel guilty about taking pleasure in something.
The consequent dynamic defines the coexistence of pleasure and pain.
A vintage synth is a very guilty pleasure for us.
Lilith in Capricorn is notorious for mixing business with pleasure.
This digression can be a creative pleasure for an audience.
It releases all your pleasure receptors all at one time.
But now the shame of consumption eclipsed its palliative pleasure.
It now brings me pleasure to announce that, starting Jan.
And will exist for no one’s pleasure when he’s gone.
«Our métier, after all, is to be purveyors of pleasure
«I take great pleasure (in it),» Jeselnik told TMZ Sports.
For pleasure, I’ll travel about a dozen times a year.
I love biographies, science fiction and detective novels for pleasure.
But the overwhelming majority respond with visible relief and pleasure.
Both liked company culture enough to mix business with pleasure.
Pleasure exists — I know they’d agree with me about that.
And there was a total revolt into pleasure and ecstasy.
But there is nothing but pleasure in being a neutral.
It was an honor and pleasure to watch you play.
The men in West Bengal burned the animals for pleasure.
But I write just for myself and my own pleasure.
That signal conveys a powerful sense of pleasure and craving.
To see a child’s face brighten can bring deep pleasure.
Her essays have novelistic density; they are a thoroughgoing pleasure.
How can any deny themselves the pleasure of my company?
«He got great pleasure out of it,» Ms. Wanger said.
This episode of The Ezra Klein Show was a pleasure.
I wanted to privilege emotional pleasure in this poem, though.
» Tillerson said he serves at the «pleasure of the president.
Perhaps that is the point, or part of the pleasure.
And then it became a pleasure like all hobbies are.
For your reading pleasure: Photography books to please the eye.
My stress goes away; their pleasure is its own reward.
It’s been a real pleasure having you speak to CNBC.
That perverse pleasure drives «When You Win It’s Winning,» Ariel
BOB PISANI: Jay Clayton, always a pleasure to see you.
The pleasure that he took in his work was evident.
The book is a pleasure to read in every way.
There is nothing about pleasure that makes me feel guilty.
We wish to reproduce that which gives us aesthetic pleasure.
But what about the pleasure of doing things for oneself?
The Cyclos are not here just for our listening pleasure.
The experience is powerful, a mission of pleasure in itself.
Someone who takes pleasure in pulling wings off of flies?
Cooked separately, each part has a different pleasure to offer.
Even within that pleasure, family history came up for him.
This year, just reaching the group stage is a pleasure.
«I serve at the pleasure of the president,» he said.
It was a great pleasure to chat with you here.
Very excited to be with you, Mr. Schwarzman, a pleasure.
Such relatively unalloyed pleasure is almost as essential as food.
«It was my pleasure that she accepted that,» he said.
It’s a pleasure to be with you in New York.
«Women’s pleasure has been stigmatized for so long,» she added.
I was taking pleasure in the water on my skin.
He added that Meister was a «pleasure» to work with.
We passed rowboats, catamarans, sleek pleasure craft resembling 1920s Daimlers.
It’s Singapore’s Changi: part theme park, part futuristic pleasure dome.
Furthermore, U.S. attorneys serve at the pleasure of the president.
In the gap between knowing and unknowing is the pleasure.
Watching him close the distance is the novel’s greatest pleasure.
I consider these moments part of the pleasure of reading.
It’s a real pleasure to have you with us today.
Tennis star Venus Williams says it’s her one guilty pleasure.
NANCY PELOSI: My pleasure to be here at Mad Money.
An article discussing the pleasure of slaughter would be interesting.
For many, that means seeking pleasure in long, slow cooking.
Comey serves at the pleasure of the president, after all.
Yet with my meal, it gave me the most pleasure.
The book is a pleasure to — dare we say it?
This doesn’t mean you can’t take pleasure in male attention.
How do they cause pleasure and reward cycles to flip?
That makes for comforting eating and delivers real pleasure besides.
It was a great fight and it was my pleasure.
Dahl was taking to the task with some real pleasure.
Not that Birkenstock wants me to suffer for the pleasure!
Despite its sorrows, her story is a pleasure to read.
No pleasure from anything except drugs, which just mask everything.
«There’s affection for the object; there’s pleasure,» notes the creator.
It’s a shame that sexual pleasure isn’t taken as seriously.
Movies have been constructed for male pleasure for so long.
This time around, she and Kristen are doubling your pleasure.
Still, I wrote down my mailing address, vibrating with pleasure.
The real pleasure comes from the illusion of restored order.
I had this hubristic feeling, like «Repeat Pleasure» for instance.
» He added: «I serve at the pleasure of the president.
It’s about the pleasure of being dominant over another person.
Doug Evans: Oh it’s my pleasure, I love you guys.
Brozanic next spins for the Pleasure Principle at the Whistler.
«What was so rememberable about her was her pleasure in life, and her desire to get all the pleasure, and her consciousness of her desire to enjoy every moment of her life,» Moore continued.
It’s whether to get a brief jolt of spiteful pleasure from rejecting Romney outright (as Conway and Gingrich want), or to enjoy long-term gloating pleasure by having the former governor as a Trumpian underling.
Related: [NSFW] For Valentine’s Day, Sotheby’s Is Hosting Its First-Ever Erotic Art Auction Erotic Art Fights Trump with Scenes of Female Pleasure [NSFW] Tantalizing Illustrations Show the Pleasure and Pain of Long-Distance Relationships
There’s a lot of vicarious pleasure in getting to see certain people punished, and also this weird pleasure of knowing the rhythm of the show, which is why we find shows with formulas very soothing.
Published in Britain as «The Pleasure Principle»; HarperCollins; £14.99 IN CATHERINE WILSON’S manual on «the ancient art of living well», her guide is the Greek philosopher Epicurus, who advocated a calm life of modest pleasure.
As in Season 1, it’s soap opera presented with intelligence, taste and high production values, and it’s a pleasure to watch, though the pleasure is perhaps more lulling than it is exciting or truly moving.
That’s why Meadow moans with pleasure when he’s inside of her.
John Chambers: Kara, it’s a pleasure to be with you, again.
So I had the pleasure of being in Dallas this weekend.
«Always a pleasure Jimmy Fallon,» the pub posted on Facebook Friday.
There’s a certain guilty pleasure in watching these fictional transformations unfold.
It’s a pleasure to use, and at $280, it better be!
And don’t regard your own pleasure or intimacy as a waste.
Viewers can also tip the «pleasure professional» who teaches their course.
Love & Hip Hop was my guilty pleasure for a long time.
Watching him work out the difference is the film’s greatest pleasure.
They take a peculiar pleasure in exposing common sense as nonsense.
At best, it is treated as television’s most obscene guilty pleasure.
It&aposs been a pleasure to fill in for Martha MacCallum.
Just a pleasure to see when you’re walking in and out.
We need to teach women to feel entitled to sexual pleasure.
HUGH: It’s sheer pleasure, joy and elation doing it on stage.
I palpitated with pleasure, my breath breaking like tiny fractured mirrors.
She used me to satisfy you: a vessel for your pleasure.
Fellow musicians and celebrities tweeted their pleasure at Sheeran’s new tracks.
Alan Schaaf: Thank you, Kara, it’s a pleasure to be here.
Mr. Chairman, it&aposs always a pleasure to see you. REP.
These words describe the human experience of finding pleasure in another.
That doesn’t take away much from the pleasure of watching it.
This is what moans of real pleasure sound like, I thought.
There is immense value, as well as great pleasure, in this.
I was able to enjoy being on the court, take pleasure.
«There’s a pleasure in being both known and unknown,» she writes.
David Mack: It’s my pleasure, please save me from my phone.
Al-Baghdadi took pleasure in brutality, the women held captive said.
» They shake, and Jacob says, «A pleasure to meet you, friend.
They are all released at once for our binge-viewing pleasure.
It’s a pleasure to be with you, Judge, and the court.
» Juanes agreed, saying, «Recording with Alessia has been a real pleasure.
It is my pleasure to hand the reins over to Hans.
But trees likely don’t make maltol for the pleasure of humans.
I am so glad he has a guilty pleasure for them!
To me it’s a satisfying mix of adventure and mindless pleasure.
The page is now live, for your Pixel pre-ordering pleasure.
Still, Trump tweeted his pleasure with Kim’s offer on Wednesday morning.
A few of our favorites, for your guessing-game pleasure: 1.
«Had the pleasure of doing this funny guys hair,» she wrote.
Pleasure is the way I love and take care of myself.
That’s why the reMarkable tablet is such a pleasure to me.
We do it for fun, pleasure or some other personal reason.
Chances are you haven’t had the pleasure of witnessing Startup Battlefield.
The NTSB says Gentry was on the chopper purely for pleasure.
The reputation was built on superior engineering, ICEs and driving pleasure.
He is getting some kind of sadistic pleasure out of it.
Pleasure danced its way through my senses, unfurling in my heart.
For now, enjoy the simple pleasure of drooling at your computer.
Notice and appreciate the deep pleasure that only exercise can bring.
You can create so much pleasure, you just constantly want it.
They know how to bring themselves pleasure, they have a hand.
It’s a simple pleasure — but one she’ll never take for granted.
Fair warning—you’ll have to cough up $410 for the pleasure.
But learning about anatomy can help women emphasize our own pleasure.
We all deserve pleasure and we deserve to explore it fully.
So I’ve taken him a very long way to my pleasure.
Officials said Bailey’s granddaughter also attends Pleasure Ridge Park High School.
Twosomes of all varieties will thrive: business, pleasure, and creative collaborations.
As always, it’s a pleasure to edit and curate this mothership.
Had the pleasure of working with you when I first started.
She was a pleasure to talk to and to work with.
And if you double … WATTERS: Double the pleasure, double the fun?
Female participants exist only as the pleasure point of the video.
To feel pleasure, heartache…This film was meant to be cheeky.
Lyndsay: First we talked about using toys to enhance my pleasure.
«Thank you, chocolate for giving me pleasure every day,» he wrote.
Fame would only diminish the pleasure that I can give others.
Believe me, it gave me no pleasure to type those words.
The last Guilty Pleasure Night was during season 15 in 2012.
«It’s never fun to be uncomfortable whilst giving pleasure,» Harrison says.
There’s a strangely perverse pleasure in watching an interview go south.
And we pay hundreds, sometimes thousands, of dollars for the pleasure.
Sadly, I’ve yet to have had the pleasure of trying it.
Rollo Wenlock: Its because it gives us little moments of pleasure.
We’ve rounded up plenty of it for your viewing pleasure — ahead.
It’s my pleasure to be talking with my friend Adam Lashinsky.
I eat mac n’ cheese, custard, and risotto with wanton pleasure.
Bill won’t just be some staffer who serves at her pleasure.
All of these officials serve at the pleasure of the president.
The drug hijacks your pleasure center and will not let go.
It’s the kind of cheese that makes you exclaim in pleasure.
Always a pleasure to be around and always made me laugh.
The Osé has the power to redefine the women’s pleasure industry.
Connie Loizos: Jerry, it’s a pleasure to be talking to you.
Like all other sex topics, education leads to safety and pleasure.
«It is my pleasure every year to support GLSEN,» she said.
Younger business travellers are most likely to mix business with pleasure.
Why are some men afraid of unlocking its supposedly boundless pleasure?
It’s going to block pleasure from lots of other things, too.
It’s just — morning, noon and night — a source of tremendous pleasure.
We even get some perverse pleasure from cleaning out the ashes.
Here’s what we dug up, for your reading pleasure (or terror).
«When you listen to Beethoven’s Ninth, you get pleasure,» she said.
A word of warning: This is not exactly a pleasure cruise.
For Shear Pleasure, short-story reading, crafts and barnyard animal feeding.
For the reader, the pleasure is equally if not more intense.
He was open about sex and pleasure at a time when
In Mr Putin’s system the oligarchs prosper at the ruler’s pleasure.
And it just gives me great pleasure to look at it.
Clinton becoming almost giddy with what felt increasingly like genuine pleasure.
Nine shows there’s pleasure coming, Ten, you’ll have something to wear.
My life on a daily basis provides me with aesthetic pleasure.
Without the pleasure you get from writing, you’ll likely give up.
All three will have the pleasure of throwing to Brandon Marshall.
No one seems to derive any pleasure from Devon’s supreme talent.
«Only myth had any real pleasure left for him,» Arjun observes.
«We don’t lose the pleasure that comes with touch,» he said.
Very occasionally, the orphaned item, however unexpected, is accepted with pleasure.
»  «The Secretary of Defense serves at the pleasure of the President.
The Secretary of Defense serves at the pleasure of the President.
They may not even get pleasure from the repeated sexual activity.
There is pleasure in growth and moving on with your life.
We must arrest and return their fugitive slaves with greedy pleasure.
Check out the video below, sped up for your viewing pleasure.
It’s engineered to induce pleasure: Stick it in your refrigerator. Unravel.
I’ll concede that some people take genuine pleasure from physical austerity.
This is a movie of pure pleasure, and Linklater rewards our
I grew up sailing for pleasure and then got into racing.
For some, there’s pleasure to be found in these intellectual peregrinations.
That is a pleasure he’ll have to buy — for his offspring.
The stage is walking distance from Pleasure Island for fuck’s sake.
For everyone’s sake, it’s time to put pleasure on the syllabus.
Do you get to check out clubs and DJs for pleasure?
That’s a small pleasure to which we should all be entitled.
News flash: Female news anchor aren’t there for your visual pleasure.
Ahead, 11 easy mask-enhancing hacks — prepare to double your pleasure.
Will we see pain and pleasure and behave like dumb spectators?
«I’ll take great pleasure in slaughtering all of you,» Rodger said.
It’s something that some people do for joy and for pleasure.
The absence of pain does not equal the presence of pleasure.
He talked about philosophy, moderating pleasure and the importance of commitment.
The camera then pops out the cartridge for your viewing pleasure.
So here I am, desiring of less entertainment and more pleasure.
As always, a pleasure and learning experience to work with Jeff.
A flirt does a dance within the context of giving pleasure.
He takes pleasure in euphemisms, which end up sounding dirty themselves.
» Mr. Stumpf replied, «I serve at the pleasure of the board.
Carrie thank you very much for your time it’s our pleasure.
But the pleasure has been double-edged; an era is ending.
«I take no pleasure in announcing my opposition,» Mr. McCain said.
That question needled away at the pleasure of Mr. Kane’s show.
It is an intrinsically depraved pleasure, like a taste for bearbaiting.
The greatest pleasure of acquiring a new cookbook is simple: surprise.
Spending time with these two is a lovely, low-key pleasure.
Au revoir, Azzedine, what an immense pleasure to have met you.
Control session for pleasure mapping: The result was 29 percent calm.
Partnered pleasure mapping session netted a calm score of 26 percent.
To my great pleasure and even greater surprise, Dean liked it.
«A fundamental human experience is the experience of pleasure,» he said.
It’s a pleasure to watch her face, her physique, her variety.
And I was just luxuriating in the pleasure of reading it.
The first of course was the sheer pleasure of the cooking.
Do you have a food that you consider a guilty pleasure?
He lies with pleasure and abandon, then brags about it later.
This person thinks it generally unwise to mix business with pleasure.
But Farscape doesn’t deny her pleasure or punish her for it.
«Kiss Me, Kate» is cleverly constructed to provide that pleasure squared.
When orthodoxy dictates behavior, entire worlds of pleasure can be missed.
What exactly, is the distinct pleasure of hating to see it?
Ms. Park’s kimbap, on the other hand, is built for pleasure.
It’s not a guilty pleasure, because it’s in a guest closet.
He enjoyed himself when he wrote and that pleasure comes through.
Oh, I thought, we just pleasure each other for a while.
Pleasure is found in their refusal to be just one thing.
This is a novel of richness and wisdom and huge pleasure.
I really take great pleasure in pushing characters to the extreme.
The cheeky installations highlight the pleasure of interacting in real time.
That transformation is the great pleasure of watching this small film.
Its purpose is to please the viewer, to give pleasure. 20.
When I swim the first time, I cannot call it pleasure.
The Stoics offered tactics to endure pain and pleasure without complaint.
Pleasure Symbols’ debut twelve-inch is available September 2 through Avant!
It was a privilege and a pleasure to work with Erik.
I am pro-life and take no pleasure in reporting this.
It’s been a pleasure to be in the simulation with you.
They are meant to consume it, both for sustenance and pleasure.
This pleasure is both tactile and aural, like popping your knuckles.
He certainly took pleasure in telling outsiders what it was like.
Still, this doesn’t really detract from the overall pleasure of reading.
More pleasure means better sleep, less stress, and overall improved wellbeing.
What more could a kid — or a pleasure-minded adult — want?
» She said working at the Fed had been a «total pleasure.
» ■ «We have a natural tendency to seek pleasure and avoid pain.
In the right hands, such a book can be a pleasure.
David Steinberg: Always a pleasure to work with Bruce Haight/Mr.
It’s not as easy to find unmitigated pleasure in a book.
Playboy’s «Pleasure Issue,» on stands Tuesday, is available now for purchase.
There’s a pleasure in a goofy gadget like the foldy phone.
But these were mere bonuses after the pleasure of the treatment.
I loved the knowledge that I was responsible for his pleasure.
It was a pleasure to go back and forth with her.
It illuminated the pleasure and freedom that had been missing before.
This is no guilty pleasure, as any fan will tell you.
They put pleasure at the table above gymnastics on the plate.
First, the attorney general serves at the pleasure of the president.
We invite speakers to address topics like pleasure, anatomy and masculinity.
In other words, about the pungent pleasure of the Tarantino experience.
It is a necessary unnecessary pleasure and tenet of well-being.
My god what pleasure you gave, what untrammelled joy and delight.
Are you browsing without purpose, always a pleasure for wine lovers?
My guilty pleasure is scrolling through the Maplewood Moms* Facebook group.
Like Mr. Jackson, Darius is equally relentless about work and pleasure.
Politesse, civility, even pleasure — those were tools of the neoliberal oppressor.
But because #MeToo has altered how we give and receive pleasure.
«I choose pleasure over what is practical,» she wrote in 2013.
«It was honestly a real pleasure working with them,» Middleton said.
She takes special pleasure in criticizing an «as told to» Babe.
We want women to claim their sexual pleasure and own it.
There, they also have the pleasure of meeting his sensei, Ira.
Here are some positions to get maximum pleasure with minimum bellyache.
What’s your pleasure, you asked, then stuck around for an answer.
It induces pleasure but can result in severe pain, even death.
The pleasure is in the drinking, not the recitation of facts.
This wide world of pleasure, and Sander with his blinders on.
There is no pressure, no pretension: It’s all unhurried, unforced pleasure.
Sex that everyone’s excited about because everyone’s pleasure is equally important.
Reading for pleasure is a lifelong gift of entertainment and learning.
There is the pleasure of her plots, those marvelously efficient machines.
My favorite arrows are the magenta ones, which represent pleasure crafts.
It’s part of a long fight over the politics of pleasure.
I said it would be my pleasure to walk her there.
«I serve at the pleasure of the president,» he told NBC.
In reality, above the fleeting pleasure of nostalgia, that holds value.
Carefully consuming, being diligent with pleasure is a form of holiness.
In her creative, pleasure-driven kitchen, anything can become a taco.
Here they all are in one place, for your viewing pleasure.
Always a pleasure to work with Zed and the Madd Again!
Food is universally considered this wonderful pleasure we have in life.
Instead of being disappointed, this inability becomes a deep, abiding pleasure.
Finally, she presented it to her parents for their tasting pleasure.
When was the last time you read a book for pleasure?
Sometimes it’s a pleasure just to see someone do the math.
Most importantly, it causes the release of the pleasure chemical dopamine.
My new guilty pleasure, though, is a game called Pierhead Arcade.
What are «good vibes,» if not the manifestation of Black pleasure?
CN: This was my pleasure, Kara, and happy birthday to you.
Graz is a suitable host for such a juxtaposition of pleasure and politics, long considered the «pleasure capital» of Austria, and full of grand hotels and baroque interiors of gold painted ceilings and plaster-cast frescoes.
The Dame-MTA showdown is a microcosm of what other female sex and health companies often face: ads catering to male pleasure are given carte blanche, while ads centered around female pleasure are censored as obscene.
But even if the crowdfunding giant’s experiment with sexual pleasure never goes beyond Fin, it’s still significant progress for the sex toy industry, especially if this move inspires other tech companies to stop stigmatizing sexual pleasure.
When Eva works as intended, female pleasure is enhanced while male pleasure remains unaffected (except in the sense that a man’s enjoyment of sex is presumably enhanced by the knowledge his partner’s getting off as well).
«I don’t remember how it feels to be in the presence of food and crave it, want to own it, or how it feels to know its pleasure and anticipate having that pleasure again,» he wrote.
What animates both Normal People and Conversations With Friends is an intellectual rigor that distrusts pleasure on principle — whether it’s coming from reading a novel or romantic intimacy — but then allows that pleasure to triumph regardless.
Instead, I’ll give you this one: Reading Wright is a steep, stinging pleasure, and pleasure will be the guiding principle behind the undersung American books I’ll be speaking about twice a month in this new column.
To them, the phenomenon simply exemplifies the success of the chair’s intended purpose: to provide humans with a piece of furniture that guarantees individual, customizable pleasure — and pleasure, certainly is to be found in these films.
The Fifty Shades franchise is all about Ana’s pleasure, even though it claims to be about Ana’s attempt to fix a broken man whose brokenness is manifest in the pleasure he derives from inflicting pain on women.
Setting out on your own Maiden Voyage to discover what pleasure means to you — whether alone, with a partner, or multiple partners — is one way to participate in this radical movement redefining pleasure as a human right.
But it was a pleasure to hold it up to the light, and more than a pleasure to hear them say my name again, my father’s name, and then Z. said To new beginnings, and we drank.
If you ask us, female pleasure was a great place to start.
They should listen and be happy, and fake pleasure, and forget themselves.
«They did it for pleasure and fun, by the sea,» he said.
When I started doing self-portraits there was no pleasure in looking.
When the weather is nice, the ride can be a real pleasure.
His opinions were read by lawyers and civilians for pleasure and instruction.
They bring feelings of almost orgasmic pleasure and feelings of absolute disgust.
My only goal when cooking for my husband is to elicit pleasure.
It gives me great pleasure to introduce to you my distinguished panel.
A guilty pleasure is something you feel a little bad about enjoying.
If it doesn&apost grow, you had the pleasure of owning it.
I focus purely on the pleasure and sensation of what I’m doing.
You may have seen the people who ride the bus for pleasure.
If they invoke pleasure, it is in most cases visual, not gustatory.
It gave her so much pleasure, and she now does it professionally.
The purity and pleasure of that urge are evident on every canvas.
«Sex and pleasure are major parts of human sexual wellness,» Barrica said.
Independent monkey Angel recently discovered her new favorite guilty pleasure: whipped cream.
«The Pleasure Principle» is available online on the British Film Institute Player.
I had the pleasure of working with him on my first movie.
For business, we had Razors or Sidekicks, and for pleasure — the iPod.
Men and women seemed to enjoy these libido and pleasure boosts equally.
Tonight it’s my pleasure to be here in conversation with Nell Scovell.
And the stoics mean you have no pleasure or emotion at all.
For the smartphone, these values include speed, communication, convenience, surveillance, and pleasure.
It’s the one that makes you seek immediate gratification, short-term pleasure.
To take one’s pleasure from it is to learn to savour Difference.
I’d paid $1.99 for the pleasure of cleaning up more cat vomit.
That being said, it’s always a pleasure when she releases new music.
I would say anything by P. G. Wodehouse is a secret pleasure.
But we’ve added a hot, corny gif for your pleasure, below. Enjoy.
For me, the pleasure of Tutuola comes from how clever he is.
Most of the increase is in trips for pleasure rather than business.
The truth is, you don’t need to swap out pleasure for protection.
Cole said it was an honor and a pleasure to do so.
American Honey is thorny and wandering, but it’s a pure pleasure itself.
Susan, it is my pleasure to rep black love with you, sister.
«Getting to work with them every day was a pleasure,» she says.
As young women we were pitted against each other for society’s pleasure.
The pleasure bordered on pain, and it threatened to eat me alive.
We always hit a point where the pleasure beats out the sensitivity.
«I have not had the pleasure,» he told Scott, Mariah Carey-ishly.
Part of the perverse pleasure of the genre is recognizing familiar strategies.
Nilsson’s generosity coincides with the pleasure of her puzzling, sweet-natured views.
People on pleasure boats with life jackets and beer koozies sailed downriver.
Using Sennheiser’s MTWs for calls has also been a pleasure for me.
We collected some of the best Twitter reactions for your reading pleasure.
You can pleasure women anally, even though they don’t have a prostate?
We culled the best of Netflix’s «Steamy» category for your (viewing) pleasure.
Or, ASMR could just be a way of activating the pleasure response.
It’s worth it, for no other reason than it gives me pleasure.
According to Smith, the piercing may very well increase pleasure down there.
It’s genuinely the funniest program I’ve had the pleasure of listening to.
There are no suggestions or hints here, just straight-up self pleasure.
Timepass is a pleasure to both rich and poor (see chart 2).
After the 13th, Mercury will move into your fifth house of pleasure!
The sun is in your fifth house of pleasure until the 133nd.
» Later, he says: «All those Saint Sebastians gave pleasure to their makers.
» Vice President Joe Biden «How there be pleasure in saying, ‘You’re fired’?
It is a bodily function to Ben — it is not a pleasure.
«Getting to work with them every day was a pleasure,» she said.
With these powerful little toys, your pleasure really is in your hands.
Where did we get the idea that dopamine is «the pleasure chemical»?
Like you’re not doing it for anyone else’s pleasure than your own.
This will provide just the right amount of pleasure without causing discomfort.
The rich, smooth pleasure in each spoonful almost made my head pop.
New York City has cameras all over Manhattan for your viewing pleasure.
Masuda says he’s confident players will pay for the pleasure of playing.
Facebook didn’t simply open up your messaging inbox for Spotify’s reading pleasure.
A man (Toby Jones) talks both business and pleasure on the phone.
We believe all sexuality and pleasure is something worthy of more visibility.
But when Al Gore is explaining climate change, he feels God’s pleasure.
Piers as Blakean landscapes of pleasure and torment, inspiration for his work.
«We should be focused on all women having sexual pleasure,» says Kerner.
Kegels can enhance sexual pleasure, make childbirth easier, and prevent urinary incontinence.
Either way, it is available on Netflix for your full viewing pleasure.
On the beach, old pleasure venues also lie empty, broken and deserted.
The average 22-year-old takes great pleasure in anticipating days off.
GC: Ulrich, pleasure to see you, thanks very much for coming by.
For most everyone—if we’re being honest—it satisfies a guilty pleasure.
Goop is my guilty pleasure, though I can’t afford anything it sells.
«I don’t think I ever got the pleasure of that,» Plaza jokes.
It’s when a partner actually feels pleasure by their partner’s other love.
It’s always been a great pleasure for us when she’s in town.
«It’s OK as long as it doesn’t give you pleasure,» Ada explains.
But the auto media hasn’t had the pleasure of working with Gene.
News Alert: Golfing for pleasure is actually not the same as working.
And it gives me pleasure to sing it for the first time.
He remembers their studio time as «a pleasure,» but watch the clip.
Prepare to be filled with hedonistic pleasure, but moderation is always key.
I love foreplay and sex and still feel a lot of pleasure.
Hopefully, statements like Bloom’s will help dissolve the stigma around female pleasure.
Owning my pleasure through kink is really helping me embrace my body.
It ticks a few boxes for me, it was a real pleasure.
«It was a pleasure to face (Kershaw),» Lamet said through a translator.
«I had the pleasure of meeting Rachel’s father off camera,» he tweeted.
But his music emanates intellectual excitement and pleasure as he grows up.
«The pleasure of being necessary to my parents was profound,» she writes.
I just happen to find pleasure in changing from time to time.
What is your guilty pleasure when you want to taste something good?
Unlike most luxuries, they offer no beauty, pleasure or even natural scarcity.
«PLEASURE is oft a visitant; but pain clings cruelly,» wrote John Keats.
He stayed hard, he didn’t come, he was just a pleasure toy.
And then—as its strange, melancholic buoyancy tightened its grip—for pleasure.
They also tended to prioritise their partners’ physical pleasure over their own.
Something simpler and more direct is transacted between viewer and artwork: pleasure.
With drugs, those seeking agency or pleasure need only look so far.
But both also spoke of their pleasure in returning to pure dance.
» Abadi expressed pleasure with «the thriving relations between our two brotherly countries.
Yet there is a mortality-defying pleasure in watching material objects survive.
I think happiness and pleasure and joy are really explosive political affects.
It’s that wide, beautiful universe of sensuality and pleasure — that’s the point.
«I don’t think I ever got the pleasure of that,» Plaza admitted.
Do you like the idea of your photos being a simple pleasure?
I never saw booze as a simple pleasure in and of itself.
I was, too, and the pleasure was not just in my stomach.
SCARSDALE «For Shear Pleasure,» short-story reading, crafts and barnyard animal feeding.
Do you read science fiction for pleasure or did you back then?
It’s a pleasure to be here in this wonderful and historic clubhouse.
I take no pleasure in imposing this sentence here today, Mr. Blankenship.
Tidjane Thiam: It’s a pleasure being here, thank you for having me.
And hopefully, to more pleasure in the real world as a result.
Maybe you learn about menstruation, but you don’t learn about sexual pleasure.
«There’s definitely no shortage of crazy ambitions, so it’s been a pleasure
Making a socially valuable choice provides an immediate pleasure of its own.
She took pleasure in her body by using it, constantly and fearlessly.
Several hardcover copies of Sidney Sheldon’s novels, which are my guilty pleasure.
An incredible pleasure to shake all of your beliefs in tabloid media.
Today, it is my pleasure to endorse Beto O’Rourke for U.S. Senate.
Measured by the visual pleasure it provides, it is an enormous bargain.
«The cuisine of a place gives pleasure,» said one of the businessmen.
He spent the summer traveling for a mix of business and pleasure.
I travel a lot, and most of it combines business and pleasure.
Denis, as many people told me, takes real pleasure from the world.
Its unmistakable message is that people, mostly women, are objects of pleasure.
«He was not a pleasure to buy from,» Diane von Furstenberg said.
Alejandro smiled again, this time shyly, as if remembering a secret pleasure.
Ethics, however, for Rich, stood at a remove from amoral sonic pleasure.
Apparently, it can also help with your sex drive and sexual pleasure.
As it was, he derived endless vicarious pleasure from his daughters’ work.
That pleasure encourages men to deliver more sperm, which is evolutionarily advantageous.
«Look, we all serve at the pleasure of the president,» she said.
The brain also plays an essential role in sexual function and pleasure.
Everyone thanks George profusely, but the pleasure, she says, is all hers.
Where do we go to learn how to sexually pleasure another vagina?
And the topic of pleasure is becoming more relevant, according to Tognifode.
There is no joy or sadness, no pain or pleasure, just nothing.
The film gave pleasure to one lonely, disturbed man Aw, poor Mitch.
«Let your guests have that pleasure, and be at peace with it.»
We relax and watch Dating #NoFilter, which is my new guilty pleasure.
There’s no acknowledgment that women might have sex for their own pleasure.
But also the pleasure I take in doing it, finally, is greater.
And female pleasure is irrelevant, even pathological, if it exists at all.
But there are still hints of beauty and pleasure to be found.
Its characters act in ways that offer the novelistic pleasure of surprise.
It has been my pleasure to work these puzzles with you people!
«We’re just trying to gain the pleasure of the Almighty,» Rawlins says.
I thanked him, and he told me that it was his pleasure.
The consistent thread is a pleasure derived from the suffering of others.
We’ve recapped the best moments in GIFs below for your viewing pleasure.
Sex is had in locations that do not lend themselves to pleasure.
Hold it in contrast to Blake, showing no pleasure in his triumph.
Venus enters Aries on Saturday, bringing pleasure to your work and career.
She has many more expressions to behold. Befuddlement. Disgust. Pleasure. Annoyance. Contentment.
Is it about enhancing your own pleasure or meeting some vague standard?
Here, for your viewing pleasure, is the full case against the man.
I was deriving more pleasure than usual from piecing together a feature.
Advertising has lost sight of a very basic concept: The pleasure principle.
We’re hard-wired to pursue pleasure, and that leaves us perpetually unsatisfied.
They should want to help her, not take sexual pleasure from her.
It’s the women’s shared, near-orgiastic pleasure in their freedom and friendship.
«It has been a pleasure being in the same era,» Eaton said.
Bannon takes pleasure in causing outrage among people like Romney and Hatch.
I had the pleasure of sampling «beef» tacos made by Impossible Foods.
Hypoxia also causes increased production of dopamine, which is associated with pleasure.
Repeated exposure to pornography hijacks the brain’s pleasure centers, leading to addiction.
The only thing that counts is how much pleasure the solve is.
All the other children are bad consumers because they eat without pleasure.
My mother taught me, and that must have been such a pleasure.
But the convertible insists that innocent pleasure in driving is still possible.
They would let the whole country collapse for the pleasure of spite.
I felt intermittent, quasi-guilty pleasure at the extravagance of it all.
There is genuine pleasure in her voice as she reminisces about this.
Short-term pleasure is more appealing to consider than long-term consequences.
This is a common problem — and, I admit, a pleasure — of procedurals.
«We take no pleasure in having to constantly criticize Russia,» she said.
For example, participants in general reported heightened sexual pleasure while on amphetamines.
«A passion of mine is with pleasure and adjusting pain,» she said.
The lines of pleasure moving across his face suggest he is daydreaming.
Shared survival and the pleasure of release with the conjugation of years.
ICE doesn’t even give you that monstrous pleasure; it’s worse than useless.
The possibilities are endless, and the exhibition is a pleasure to explore.
Until then, it has been an absolute pleasure being your Work Friend.
Merriam-Webster just added 850 new vocabulary words for your Scrabble pleasure.
When was the last time you lingered for pleasure at Kennedy Airport?
That turns out to be a mind-altering pleasure on its own.
The detective wonders whether his client takes masochistic pleasure in the humiliation.
They will give pleasure and enlightenment to millions for generations to come.
White supremacist haters took the most exception to black pleasure and enjoyment.
Some of what gives me the most pleasure these days is cooking.
«Somehow I’ve never had the pleasure of having Novak here,» he said.
Meet the first family of the $15 billion global pleasure-products industry.
All that alert vigilance has cultivated a genuine pleasure in simply observing.
«It is our divine right to enjoy our pleasure,» Ms. Bidlingmaier said.
On that beautiful note, thanks for chatting Alaska—it’s been a pleasure.
There’s a reason why we’re told not to mix business with pleasure.
It’s an experience I’ve had the pleasure of repeating several times since.
There are books that help you even as they give you pleasure.
That said, there is great pleasure to be found in individual sections.
Because puckering is part of the pleasure of this deeply creamy pie.
Pleasure Symbols’ debut 12′ is available Sep 2 through Death Valley Records.
Instead, these folks can simply enjoy the pleasure of their ex’s friendship.
There’s a lot of pleasure to be had in the little things.
It still gives me the same pleasure as on the first day.
It’s a deep source of pleasure to share our hometown with you.
Loneliness dissipates when you find comfort and pleasure in your own company.
This is going straight to the pleasure centers of the developing brain.
It’d be a great pleasure to have him in Cooperstown with me.
I’ve had the pleasure of watching the CCNYC grow since its inception!
I’ve had the pleasure of working for some very strong-willed women.
Not a sexual pleasure but something, it’s appealing to something within me.
I enjoy power pitchers, and he was a real pleasure to watch.
At that point, Pleasure P was arrested and his car was towed.
Getty wheezes with schadenfreude-like pleasure picturing Gordon in the Middle East.
Still, it’s a pleasure to spend 80 minutes in Mr. Berry’s company.
If quarterback Patrick Mahomes has one guilty pleasure, it may be shoes.
What kinds of books bring you the most reading pleasure these days?
Despite its distressing focus, «#Female Pleasure» isn’t an angry or accusatory film.
«Reading Wright is a steep, stinging pleasure,» The Times’s Dwight Garner wrote.
All the little improvements make the 4K version a pleasure to use.
«I serve at the pleasure of the Fox News Channel,» he said.
WILFRED FROST: David, it’s always a pleasure to sit down with you.
The book avoids cliché, finding ample pleasure with the pain and sacrifice.
Regularly watching fashion and lifestyle YouTubers is a guilty pleasure of mine.
It’s a pleasure to see this other side come out of hiding.
And we get the pleasure of the steam, and of our company.
«There is pain in ballet, but there is also pleasure,» he’d concluded.
«It’s a great pleasure to be back in Formula One,» said Kubica.
Obviously don’t do this, but also, take no pleasure in it happening.
It’s a pleasure to be with you and your viewers this morning.
Nor was even his art an unalloyed pleasure: his public frustrated him.
That’s part of his brilliance, and the deep pleasure of his work.
Our hosts asked us to bring beer, which we did with pleasure.
«There is a pleasure in using unsophisticated equipment,» said Mr. Burgerman, 37.
I had had the pleasure of seeing Marian Seldes in the play.
Just Anne being more open with sex brings me pleasure right now.
Let’s just say that getting ready for the day was a pleasure.
Specifically, all the ways that food gives us pleasure and agitates us.
In my bedroom that evening I felt the polar opposite of pleasure.
As a theologically conservative believer, I take no pleasure in saying that.
If you don’t find pleasure here, perhaps art is not your bag?
It’s an immediate, unmediated pleasure that nonetheless may be complex and contemplative.
People were looking forward to seeing this, and it’s giving them pleasure.
Designing Facebook for the future seemed to be pure pleasure for Zuckerberg.
And convey the message that reading isn’t a pleasure reserved for kids.
Once again, it was a huge pleasure working with Will and Joel.
Both may be enhanced, for your viewing pleasure, with 3-D spectacles.
On the contrary, they tend to rely on the concept of pleasure.
To his surviving family members, food is everything: nourishment, love, comfort, pleasure.
Does this mean I have felt the most pleasure in the world?
A cat has value, he’s said, because it provides pleasure to humans.
I browse The Bachelor Reddit (my guilty pleasure) while snacking on blueberries.
That’s a pleasure to me, no matter what appears on the screen.
«It’s wonderful to give you pleasure,» he whispers into her ear afterward.
SS: Mr. Barkindo a real pleasure to see you here in Egypt.
It’s easy, it’s fast, and it’s completely devoid of any experiential pleasure.
When you suffer as an actress, you don’t suffer, you have pleasure.
Life’s aim was happiness, understood as tranquil pleasure and freedom from pain.
We’ve gathered a few of the sharpest lines for your reading pleasure.
They jumped off the Conception and were rescued by a pleasure boat.
It’s such a pleasure to go there, I have to say. Yeah.
I take no special pleasure in pushing the Lyft or Uber button.
Neflix knows some of our deepest, darkest secrets — our guilty pleasure shows.
Lubricant brand KY was interested in forging a discussion about women’s pleasure.
It’s not only a dream but it’s a pleasure singing with him.
She wasn’t after men for marriage, but for mutual pleasure and companionship.

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