Sentences with the word pitch

Synonym: cast, fall, fling, flounder, heave, hurl, lurch, reel, rock, roll, sling, stagger, sway, throw, topple, toss. Antonym: catch. Similar words: pitcher, bitch, switch, kitchen, switch on, switch off, pit, spit. Meaning: [pɪtʃ]  n. 1. the property of sound that varies with variation in the frequency of vibration 2. (baseball) the act of throwing a baseball by a pitcher to a batter 3. a vendor’s position (especially on the sidewalk) 4. promotion by means of an argument and demonstration 5. degree of deviation from a horizontal plane 6. any of various dark heavy viscid substances obtained as a residue 7. a high approach shot in golf 8. an all-fours game in which the first card led is a trump 9. abrupt up-and-down motion (as caused by a ship or other conveyance) 10. the action or manner of throwing something. v. 1. throw or toss with a light motion 2. move abruptly 3. fall or plunge forward 4. set to a certain pitch 5. sell or offer for sale from place to place 6. be at an angle 7. heel over 8. erect and fasten 9. throw or hurl from the mound to the batter, as in baseball 10. hit (a golf ball) in a high arc with a backspin 11. lead (a card) and establish the trump suit 12. set the level or character of. 

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1. You can’t touch pitch without being defiled. 

2. He who touches pitch will be difiled. 

3. Touch pitch, and you will be defiled. 

4. The football pitch was absolutely sodden.

5. He keyed the piano up to a concert pitch.

6. Heavy rain meant the pitch was waterlogged.

7. His sales pitch was smooth and convincing.

8. He ran the length of the pitch and scored.

9. The pitch is too small to play football on.

10. The pitch was invaded by angry fans.

11. Please pitch your waste paper in here.

12. The building was in pitch darkness.

13. After the game fans invaded the pitch.

14. Despite the frost, the pitch was playable.

15. At the end of the match,( the pitch was a real quagmire.

16. The examiners can pitch on any student to answer questions.

17. We scoured the area for somewhere to pitch our tent.

18. If we all pitch in together, it shouldn’t take too long.

19. I fumbled for the light switch in the pitch dark.

20. The crowd invaded the pitch at the end of the match.

21. Both presidential candidates have promised to make a pitch for better roads and schools.

22. The fans rushed onto the pitch in an excited mob.

23. When they took up a collection for the annual dinner(, he promised to pitch in.

24. The underground chambers stretch the length of a football pitch.

25. The police had difficulty in restraining the crowd from rushing on to the pitch.

26. Three minutes into the match, Jackson limped off the pitch with a serious ankle injury.

27. The ground staff do all they can to prepare the pitch.

28. I am afraid to lose, I fear this time, and I love it but memories. I could not forget the sweat on the pitch with the sway of the brothers, forget accompany me cry close friend, and forget the bright Star of that everynight, and those words have touched me deeply.

29. The crowd managed to break through the barriers and get onto the pitch.

30. The rugby tour was a disaster both on and off the pitch.

More similar words: pitcher, bitch, switch, kitchen, switch on, switch off, pit, spit, spite, capita, capital, jupiter, despite, hospital, pittance, decrepit, catch, watch, Dutch, patch, in spite of, stretch, catches, catch on, scratch, stretch out, watch out for, catch fire, catch up with. 

pitch — перевод на русский


The pitch is outside, making the count 3-2 on the batter.

Подача снаружи позволяет сделать 3/2 на отбивающем.

Here’s the pitch.


Here comes the next pitch.

Следующая подача

Here he comes with the next pitch.

Теперь следующая подача.

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And now, because of Frankie and his crew, I can’t even play on the soccer pitch.

И всё что я смог взять с собой, был этом мяч. И после этого Френки и его банда даже не дают мне выйти на поле.

Cow with a back as long as a cricket pitch.

Спина у коровы была длиной с поле для крикета, но я успешно справился.

You weren’t even on the pitch !

Тебя ведь и на поле не было!

Why don’t you run like that on the pitch?

ѕочему вы на поле так не бегаете?

Running on to the pitch with the magic sponge and doing all physio-type things.

Выбегать на поле с волшебной губкой и проделывать всякие физио-фокусы.

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I’m thinking of pitching a book to my publisher.

Я собираюсь подкинуть эту идею для книги своему издателю.

You want to hear a reality pitch?

Хотите послушать идею для реалити-шоу?

Well, David didn’t like it. Since he’s the guy I’m pitching to…

Девид не одобрил идею, а раз он здесь главный…

Can I pitch an idea to you?

Я могу подкинуть тебе идею?

That’s not true, my pitch was oral, but I wrote a treatment to prepare for it.

Это неправда, хотя я и подала идею в устной форме, ее трактовку я изложила письменно.

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You’ll be pitching’ when they’re nailing’ the box closed on ya.

Ты продолжаешь подавать, когда все мячи уже кончились.

Can you pitch?

Ты умеешь подавать?

Jeez, I’ll pitch.

Я буду подавать.

Back off, man. I’m pitching tomorrow.

Отвали, мне завтра подавать.

This team can’t pitch!

Эта команда не может подавать!

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Do you know what an elevator pitch is?

Знаешь в чем заключается суть короткой презентации?

You gonna tell me what you’re gonna talk about or is my look of surprise part of the sales pitch?

о чем будешь говорить или мой удивленный вид — это часть презентации?

Oh, thanks for those pitch documents.

Спасибо, что подготовил документы для презентации.

The last thing you need is to sit around brooding about that bloody pitch.

Меньше всего тебе сейчас нужно рассиживаться, предаваясь тоскливым мыслям о долбаной презентации.

You’re stressing about that bloody pitch and taking it out on me.

Ты дёргаешься из-за той чёртовой презентации, а на мне срываешься.

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When I was a young buck my fade-away pitch was compared to the trouble ball of Satchel Paige.

Когда я был молодым мой дальний бросок сравнивали с бедовым ударом Сатчела Пейджа.

His pitch to Bonilla.

Бросок на Банилу…

The windup and… the pitch!

Замахивается, и… бросок!

Nice pitch.

Отличный бросок.

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The sky, it seems, would pour down stinking pitch, but that the sea, mounting to th’ welkin’s cheek, dashes the fire out.

Казалось, что горящая смола Потоками струится с небосвода; Но волны , достигавшие небес, сбивали пламя.

I want two boards and some pitch.

Мне нужны две доски и смола.

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The guy who pitched the show with stories about nothing.

Парень, который предложил шоу без сюжета и ни о чём.

anyhow, a few Weeks ago, I got a call from Wes… and he pitched me this really ex citing idea… and I started thinking…

Во всяком случае, несколько недель назад, мне позвонил Уэс… и предложил мне по-настоящему захватывающую идею… и я начал это обмозговывать…

Sam pitched it and the president wanted to do it.

Сэм предложил это и президент захотел это сделать.

I actually pitched a version of the «cheese is evil» there first.

Слоган » сыр — это зло» я сначала им предложил.

If I had pitched electroshock therapy as a cure for broken heart syndrome any other time, you’d have dug in, made me try a hundred other useless things first.

Если б я только предложил электрошок, как лечение синдрома разбитого сердца в любое другое время, ты бы остановила и сперва попробовала сотню может другую бесполезных вещей .

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Twice the moon his silver face had turned, When I pitched the tents on the desert sand.

Два раза Луна свой лик изменила, С тех пор, как палатку в песках я разбил,

You ever see a picture of Da Vinci pitching a tent?

Вы видели где-нибудь картину «ДаВинчи ставит палатку»?

With my grandfather’s third nipple, I might as well pitch a tent and charge admission.

А учитывая третий сосок моего дедушки, я уже могу ставить палатку и брать деньги за просмотр.

She woke up in the middle of the night and pitched a tent in the backyard.

Вчера она среди ночи стала натягивать палатку во дворе. Странно.

Pitch the tent.

— Возьмите палатку.

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Here’s the pitch.

Вот это питч!

This is a tough nut, Pitch.

Это крепкий орешек, Питч.

Pitch, the boy washed the floor so the floor is theoretically a map but for the time being we only have them and the police.

Питч, парень помыл полы, так что пол это теоретически карта, но на данный момент на ней только их следы и следы полиции.

— Mr Pitch! Wait!

— Мистер питч, подождите!

Pitch, they are telling the truth.

Питч, они говорят правду.

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Pitch is a 1997 Canadian documentary created by Kenny Hotz and Spencer Rice, featuring themselves as two young filmmakers attending the Toronto International Film Festival to pitch a film concept to various celebrities. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

As part of the program, the students will compete in a pitch competition.


But they were much more cautious from the start on Wednesday, retreating and allowing the freedom of a spacious Wembley pitch to their hosts.


Play was halted in the 54th minute in Bucharest when the Bayern Munich star collapsed in his own penalty area after a firecracker was thrown onto the pitch.


A versatile midfielder that can play on both sides of the pitch if necessary, and is probably the second cheapest option on this list.


There is no doubt having a number of players who are strong in the air can be a huge asset at both ends of the pitch and in recent times, with the likes of John Terry, Branislav Ivanovic and Gary Cahill in the side, it’s an area where we have been strong.


Whether it be in training, on the pitch or at events to support the local community the one endearing image of Adomah is his broad smile.


I had a game with him recently and the pitch was right down the middle.


As the game moved along, Skrtel alongside his centre-backs started taking up positions higher up the pitch.


While there won’t be five brothers on the pitch, the second installment of the Derby della Madonnina will take place Wednesday as Inter and AC Milan face off in the quarterfinals of the Coppa Italia.


«Every game I know more about my players, especially the ones that are on the pitch.


I remember his first Under-21 game against Liverpool away two years ago where he was the best player on the pitch up against the likes of Jordon Ibe who played at Anfield the other night.


In this week’s programme, Steven discusses his new role and looks back with genuine fondness at his time on the pitch in the royal blue jersey.


Sometimes there is a contradiction between what you work on in the past two days and what you did on the pitch.


Review requests: I no longer accept product pitches or press releases.


There was a sense that as soon as any ground was lost by Moyes and Van Gaal, neither manager looked likely to regain their momentum, in part due to their lack of bravado and the stylistic deficiencies on the pitch during their tenures.


Miner would not elaborate on Cuomo’s sales pitch.


We use hands-on media literacy games like «Dare to Compare: A Gross Out Game for Good Nutrition,» offering a «switch pitch» and 5 pronged persuasive strategy to basically «fight fire with fire» when it comes to tapping into motivations/marketing «cute» etc. (for example, «using Shrek Against his drek: Getting Kids to Eat Green!»


Such information can be extremely valuable to marketers and political campaigns for tailoring messages, ads and fundraising pitches.


The temperature is hovering around zero with a fair whack of snow covering the ground outside the stadium, but the pitch itself looks reasonably firm so fingers crossed for a decent game.


If the Toffees pick up three points against Sunderland at the Stadium of Light as expected to, then the London outfit will take to the Wembley pitch for their semi-final tie against Wigan Athletic placed fifth in the Premier League.


Skrtel was able to resume playing and lasted until the 72nd minute before being replaced, but it came after the medical staff rushed onto the pitch to offer assistance amid a worrying couple of minutes.


You have players on the pitch that look like they are barely trying — they pull out of tackles, they are completely devoid of confidence, and, a couple of exceptions aside, many of them have gone backwards under Van Gaal.


Poznan, perhaps sensing that city’s back 6 weren’t comfortable on the ball, briefly pressed more, which resulted in them often winning the ball back high up the pitch, trapping City around their box for long periods of the second half.


I was really surprise to see Ramzy on the pitch on Saturday.


This is one place where perfect pitch is totally irrelevant.


If a sales team can get a seat at the table when a company is requesting proposals, or during the project planning phase, it stands to reason that those pitches will be selected over those who don’t get in the door in time.


Back on the pitch Rafael van der Vaart opened the scoring for the home team in contentious fashion after receiving a delightfully chipped pass from Adebayor, before finishing superbly past the helpless Wojciech Szczesny.


Against the Yankees, a tight pitch by Cecilio Guante sent Jackson diving to the dirt.


Fourteen years later they are a mid table Championship team existing in a sea of turbulence off the pitch.


It’s understood Accolade’s pitch will note that China will be the world’s largest market for imported wine in the next five years and that the drinking population in China is increasing by a staggering 10 million persons per annum.


Update each post with a pitch for the book, the cover image and a link to either Amazon or to buy the pdf copy.


«I have been working hard and will continue to do so to make sure I am in the best possible condition for my return to the pitch


Video footage showed Evra lashing out at one of his own club’s fans as players and supporters, who had seemingly scaled barriers to reach the advertising hoardings at the Estadio D Afonso Henriques in Guimaraes, confronted each other at the side of the pitch.


White House officials confirmed that Trump had dismissed Bannon, his chief strategist, on August 18 after reports of clashes between Bannon and other members of the White House reached a fever pitch in recent days.


Arsenal were therein playing catch-up in the second period, and a mistake from Hector Bellerin allowed Mohamed Salah to bag the third goal of the game after he ran 75 yards up the pitch to put a simple effort past Petr Cech.


Instead, keep your pitch to a maximum of three short paragraphs that succinctly explain the unique findings from your research, and how your campaign builds upon that writer’s previous coverage or ties into that person’s beat.


What better way to prepare for that stressful pitch in front of a VC or a prospect?


Venture Networks Area 31 are weekly pitch slams held every Thursday at 7 pm in IE Business School’s Area 31 (lower level of María de Molina 31).


— matt) and I’ve given you a 30-second elevator pitch on why you should support the UN World Food Programme (and probably told you a bunch of other things, too).


He likened business development to a baseball game, stating that «not every pitch is a strike.»


Nomura suggested that pitches from the major networks might be more appealing to advertisers because of the problems at YouTube, and that they might shift at least some of their spending away from Google as a result.


This elevator pitch exercise asks you to imagine that you are fortunate enough to share a brief elevator-ride with the customer/investor of your dreams and have just 30 seconds to answer the question «what do you do and why should I care?»


If everyone was fit he might not start but in the 3 games I have seen live, when he has been on the pitch he has been our best midfielder.


Besides that, he also gives information on how to make your sales pitch into something that is going to be remembered by millions and earn you top sales numbers.


Nemanja Matic could have a tussle with Abdoulaye Doucoure in the middle of the pitch.


(Related: How is it that Don, for telling a traumatic life story in a pitch meeting, gets pushed out of the agency — whereas Ted, for toying with suicide while two clients are on his plane, gets a moderately stern talking-to?)


So rather than talking about the benefits and features of what you offer, next time think of yourself or your sales team as agents of change and prepare your pitch from that perspective.


For all the astonishing skill Philippe Coutinho has executed on a football pitch, undoubtedly the most stupefying element of his time in England is the fact it cost Liverpool just # 8.5 million to secure his spellbinding gifts.


There are wide number of individuals who will use elevator pitches in order to entice…


We were the ones that did things right on and off the pitch.


высота, смола, питч, подача, пек, наклон, уклон, смолить, бросать, подавать, кидать, ставить


- смола; вар; дёготь; пек
- битум

a vessel coated with pitch — просмолённое судно
black /dark/ as pitch — чёрный как смоль
as dark as pitch — тьма кромешная
to touch pitch — иметь дело с сомнительным субъектом /с тёмной личностью/
he who touches pitch shall be defiled — ≅ грязью играть

- бросок

it was a fine pitch — это был отличный бросок

- подача, бросок (гольф, крикет, бейсбол)
- бросаемый, подаваемый предмет (особ. мяч)

ещё 32 варианта


- смолить
- врывать, вбивать в землю; сооружать, устанавливать; ставить (крикетные воротца)

to pitch a tent — разбить палатку
to pitch camp — расположиться /стать/ лагерем

- располагаться (лагерем); быть расположенным

a village pitched on a hill — деревня, расположенная на холме
they pitched by i an mountain stream — они расположились /разбили палатки/ у горного ручья

- редк. ставить

to pitch a ladder against a wall — приставить лестницу к стене

- редк. усесться, расположиться; обосноваться; поселиться; осесть где-л.

ещё 33 варианта

Мои примеры


a parent severe to the pitch of hostility — родитель, суровый и даже враждебный  
black as hell (night, pitch, my hat) — тьма кромешная  
to make / pitch / set up a camp — разбить лагерь, расположиться лагерем  
complete / pitch / total darkness — кромешная темнота  
frequency in pitch — частота продольных колебаний (в аэродинамике)  
control in pitch of airplane — продольное управление самолётом / управление самолётом по тангажу  
on the pitch of a hill — на склоне холма  
fever pitch — накал страстей, нервозность  
to tackle a problem again, using a new pitch — вновь взяться за проблему, под новым углом  
cricket pitch — поле для игры в крикет  
synthetic pitch — искусственное поле, синтетический газон  

Примеры с переводом

Her book is pitched at teenagers.

Её книга рассчитана на подростков.

Please pitch your waste paper in here.

Пожалуйста, бросайте использованную бумагу сюда.

She pitched her expectations too high.

У неё был завышенный уровень ожиданий.

We have pitched on a perfect place for our holiday.

Мы нашли прекрасное место для отдыха.

Fearlessly Jim pitched into his attackers.

Джим бесстрашно бросился на своих врагов.

Without an apron you will pitch all your clothes.

Без фартука ты весь вымажешься в смоле.

The noise rose to a deafening pitch.

Шум сделался оглушительным.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The pitch tailed away from the batter.

He ran the length of the pitch and scored.

He went into the windup, then threw the pitch.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Фразовые глаголы

pitch in — налегать на, энергично браться за
pitch into — набрасываться, нападать
pitch out — выкидывать, выгонять, подбрасывать
pitch up — задирать нос

Возможные однокоренные слова

pitched  — наклонный, осмоленный, наклоненный, имеющий определенный тон
pitcher  — кувшин, подающий мяч, каменный брусок, уличный торговец
pitchy  — смолистый, черный как смоль, смоляной
pitching  — качка
overpitch  — преувеличивать, подавать слишком близко к воротцам

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: pitch
he/she/it: pitches
ing ф. (present participle): pitching
2-я ф. (past tense): pitched
3-я ф. (past participle): pitched

ед. ч.(singular): pitch
мн. ч.(plural): pitches

Sentences with the word Pitch?



  • «The orchestra could barely follow the frequent pitch changes of the soprano»
  • «the pitch was away (or wide)»; «an outside pitch«
  • «a black moonless night»; «through the pitch-black woods»; «it was pitch-dark in the cellar»
  • «he had a keen ear»; «a good ear for pitch«
  • «the crowd was at fever pitch«
  • «he reached into his inside jacket pocket»; «inside out»; «an inside pitch is between home plate and the batter»
  • «Thicken the sauce»; «inspissate the tar so that it becomes pitch«
  • «regulate the temperature»; «modulate the pitch«
  • «an overhand pitch«; «an overhand stroke»
  • «his pitch fell short and his hat landed on the floor»
  • «the roof had a steep pitch«
  • «pitch a tent»
  • «a parent severe to the pitch of hostility»- H.G.Wells; «a hefty six-footer with a rather severe mien»; «a strict disciplinarian»; «a Spartan upbringing»
  • «a sidearm pitch«
  • «an underhand pitch«; «an underhand stroke»
  • «a wild bullet»; «he threw a wild pitch«

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


However, what happens on the pitch must stay there.

Все, что случилось на поле, должно оставаться там же».

They love to identify with people on the pitch.

Им нравится отождествлять себя с теми, кто находится на поле.

You sure changed your pitch since this morning.

Ну, ты действительно сильно изменил свою подачу с сегодняшнего утра.

I told my lads to leave the pitch without regrets.

«Я сказал своим парням, что они могут покидать поле без сожалений.

Taught me so many things inside and outside the pitch.

«Научил меня многим вещам как на поле, так и за его пределами».

Malynovsky spent all 90 minutes on the pitch.

Отметим, что Малиновский провел все 90 минут на поле.

In 1999, Darlington FC acquired 50,000 worms to irrigate their waterlogged pitch.

Интересно В 1999 году футбольный клуб «Дарлингтон» приобрел 50000 червей для ирригации затопленного игрового поля.

The Barcelona players nag about everything that happens on the pitch.

Игроки «Барселоны» ноют по поводу всего, что происходит на поле.

Manchester United play Liverpool on a pitch surrounded by watching prison inmates.

«Манчестер Юнайтед играет с «Ливерпулем» на поле, окружённом наблюдающими заключёнными тюрьмы.

In line with the directions of their captain and bowler cricket is generally played out with a sizeable oblong pitch which the fielders are spread around the pitch.

В соответствии с указаниями с их капитаном и боулером крикет обычно разыгрывается на огромном продолговатом поле, где полевые игроки раздаются вокруг поля.

Low pixel pitch equals higher definition and cost; high pixel pitch equals lower definition and cost.

Низкий шаг пикселя равно выше определения и стоимость, высокая шагом пикселя равно ниже определения и стоимости.

Each player has 30 seconds to pitch both shoes.

У каждого участника есть 30 секунд для того, чтобы он удержал две пудовые гири на прямых руках.

He recalled hanging on every pitch.

Он, грубо говоря, «волочится за каждой юбкой».

I cry not because she has perfect pitch.

Я плачу не потому, что у нее абсолютный слух.

It was like perfect pitch but for entire songs.

Это было похоже на прекрасную высоту, но для всех песен.

Through pitch dark comes a cleansing fire.

Then make him pitch to you.

Just have him pitch to you.

She already has several projects ready to pitch.

У нее уже есть ряд проектов, готовых к реализации.

Make your pitch 30 seconds or less.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат pitch

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

He cries, but the wail doesn’t rise in pitch

It emphasized both syllables with an exaggerated change of pitch going from really high to really low

Nancy walked forward, holding the wrist computer ahead of her as the beeps reached a frantic pitch

Slowly, the rest of the stars and the moon fade until the sky is pitch dark, the waves stop

pitch was interesting but hardly your average bit of foreign cheese on a cocktail stick

the chandeliers in slowly decreasing tones of pitch perfection before being absorbed

In the pitch dark

I had only one pitch — as fast and as hard as I could throw it

This time without the benefit of a sign, I went into my wind-up and the pitch

The wind-up and the pitch! CRAACK! Another single

Here it comes; the wind –up, the pitch, sure enough a fastball, straight at Stewey’s head! Stewey ducked but forgot to drop his bat

Jimmy stepped up to the plate, squared to bunt the first pitch and bunted it foul

The pitch was too high, so Jimmy took the pitch for a ball

The pitch was perfect

The third batter of the inning; our last hope to end this game without going into extra innings, was hit by the first pitch and trotted down to first base

The pitch of Marat’s voice was sharp and angular, cutting through the thick prison

the narrow opening in the arrow-slit high above him, its outline drawn in pitch

His voice didn’t change pitch or tone at all when he said, «We have Hardway and the battlegroup in sight

Her voice was low in pitch, confident and calm

around which the pitch and tone

Okay gents, this is the pitch,

Those who cannot bear the light will be in an “outer darkness,” that might not be pitch black, but it is “grey

You know it makes sense, that it’s the truth, the perfect pitch,

same pitch the 2 other balls had reached a peak and were on the

In a stratospheric pitch, she screamed at the bags as though they were naughty children and complained to anyone who would listen but no one took any notice

My parents started screaming, the high pitch terror jolting me back onto the side

He doubled his attack, and this particular fight took on a fevered pitch

» Terry shrugged his shoulders and got down to the serious business of dribbling successfully around all of the piles of doggy mess that littered the park’s only proper football pitch

By the time that he reached the far end of the football pitch both he and the ball were still perfectly clean, something hitherto entirely unheard of

We came to the pitch after endurance training

mess that littered the park’s only proper football pitch

end of the football pitch both he and the ball were still perfectly

the pitch of a fortune teller, a guess that was confirmed as the three

The hurtful comments and slurs directed toward the Livingsons, by those same shallow people which had for years been seemingly benign, now began overnight to rise in pitch and derision

A ton for his pitch

sound that rose and fell in pitch and vibration

It was unnerving sitting there in the pitch blackness

A bucket of water sat next to the contraption to pitch hit for the lack of a plumbed water supply, but other than that slight modification, the house was now as well furnished as any in the whole state of California

This left Harry alone looking out over the Cricket pitch and the rest of the grounds within casual view

“You goin’ out whorin’? In here preparing your sales pitch or what? You

They were now trapped together in the pitch black darkness

” The chatter of conversation was set to a frenzied level, and it wasn’t until the meal was brought out that they reined their enthusiasm to a pitch more conducive to an evening’s repast

Once the novelty of ‘disposing’ of funds had worn off, and before anyone gave it considered thought, she made her pitch

45He will pitch his royal tents between the seas at the beautiful

It has plastic strings, fixed pickups and roller pitch

I might settle for one of those in a floor model, but they’re doing some really true things with tension pitch lately, I might settle for a better plastic-string with that

The pickups weren’t on the actuators as they should be with a roller-pitched hand-held, that caused the spectra to vary with pitch, something that sounded distorted to the modern ear, but old time loggers seem to like that distortion

He threw his first pitch five feet over my head to the backstop and walked

Roman’s first warm-up pitch flew over my head and hit the backstop

The third pitch was right down the middle

change speeds and throw an occasional off-speed pitch, but there was no need to

His pitch count was low and he had only allowed one base runner

Roman threw the first pitch hard chest high down the middle of

I took the first pitch at my knees

back and popped the third pitch up there harder than the first two

What if he was only four floors up when he thought he was twelve? How would he know when the stairs became unsafe? Would the step crack or would the whole flight pitch off into a thirty story abyss?

Pat O’Brien hit the hell out of some pitch

pitch on the outer part of the plate

Roman threw the fist pitch to the batter as the runner on first stole

Normally when John would pitch, would just be pitching at the most maybe two or three innings, but not tonight

Roman delivered the pitch right where I wanted it

the train slid off and we hurtled into the pitch black tunnel

«The pitch is all done in logic using what’s called a discrete transform that I’m glad I didn’t have to do the math for

Even Alan knew there couldn’t even be tension pitch in the thin arms of the stringrack

The string generates the shape of the wave but the block actually does the pitch

Inside it was still pitch dark, but

‘Won’t the other villagers pitch in to help?’ asked

Fizzicist nodded his agreement and ordered the group to pitch tents where Todd had pointed

Somehow the words spurred her to her feet, and with the sound of clashing steel and cries of, «To the Archenon» she drove on, stumbling forward on unsteady feet while behind her, the sounds of battle grew to a frenzied pitch

Her features were Anatolian, her hair as black as pitch, but she carried a blond infant at her breast

Its pitch seal was marked with

Seducing into salvation! Our pitch to the

Copywriting is the art of putting a sales pitch in print, and it is much more

Although this type of video is where you pitch your product, you don’t

” His voice was at a higher pitch than normal

The perfect pitch — personalized greeting, story angle, where it fits in 437 the media outlet, call to action

Use a 10-second 490 pitch

Only pitch if there is a good fit

Musical-Rhythmic: Appreciation/orientation to rhythm and pitch

“Zarko! You’re naked!” Her voice was at a high pitch

It was only after some time had passed that Jodie realised that it was completely pitch black here

You should consider the article body, your ‘give’ – where you don’t pitch or try to sell, but just offer pure content of the highest quality

Of this kind are all naval stores, masts, yards, and bowsprits, tar, pitch, and turpentine, pig and bar iron, copper ore, hides and skins, pot and pearl ashes

The prohibition of exporting from the colonies to any other country but Great Britain, masts, yards, and bowsprits, tar, pitch, and turpentine, naturally tended to lower the price of timber in the colonies, and consequently to increase the expense of clearing their lands, the principal obstacle to their

But about the beginning of the present century, in 1703, the pitch and tar company of Sweden endeavoured to raise the price of their commodities to Great Britain, by prohibiting their exportation, except in their own ships, at their own price, and in such quantities as they thought proper

“Haven’t seen much yet,” he said, but she noted his voice had changed its pitch, which was certain indication that something was happening to him, something sexy and good

“Why don’t you come inside and let me see how you are today, Dick,” she said, making her voice lower in pitch for the purpose of getting a rise out of him

As expected, he proceeded with the usual sales pitch which included describing the specifications of the house and its price

to maintain interest by varying the speed, volume and pitch of your voice

When manufactures have advanced to a certain pitch of greatness, the fabrication of the instruments of trade becomes itself the object of agreat number of very important manufactures

Under this denomination were comprehended timber fit for masts, yards, and bowsprits; hemp, tar, pitch, and turpentine

The bounties upon the importation of tar, pitch, and turpentine, underwent, during their continuance, several alterations

Originally, that upon tar was £4 the ton ; that upon pitch the same; and that upon turpentine £3 the ton

The bounty upon pitch was likewise reduced to £1, and that upon turpentine to £1:10s

In that pitch blackness and rain it was hard to see five feet, but a silhouette of some landmass seemed to loom in the distance

It was almost pitch black, the only light coming from the stars in the completely cloudless and perfectly clear sky

Once beyond the airlock, the view inside was pitch black, indicating that there was not even reserve power remaining

I turned back to scan my area again when a shot rang out I saw Fred Elliot from the corner of my eye pitch forward off the roof and then I heard the thud as he hit the ground

Pitch weren’t level neither

path, the pitch darkness of the field and dots of habitation beyond, none of these things were

on the east of Bethel, and pitched his tent, having Bethel

During the rest of the session I pitched batting practice with great success

Suddenly it burst open as Warriors and Scathers plowed thru the door engaged in a pitched battle

A high pitched keen brought him back to reality

seven into the bucket, the high pitched snarl of a revving engine

pitched «Course not», and then he just stood there frozen with

“As such,” Ava said, “If this is the echo of 2341 you should know the history of the Android Wars?” She had been young when it happened, but the early asteroid belt had been plagued by sabotage and outright pitched battles as iOS and Moly tried to exterminate all traces of the Android OS

Davie hears the buzzard’s high pitched squeal of annoyance and imagines the bodies in the pit, in their death throes, pleading for light

The wind buffeted the building, whistling through an invisible gap in the window frame and making an eerie noise, high pitched, floating above the scouring of the rain

“Tell me about it,” Heather pitched in

What was that? Something flits past me, a high pitched noise – a bat! Now bats, there’re a different story, somehow magical

There was a longstanding unwritten and therefore quite tacit understanding between all the Livingsons, natural or adopted, that when the Lodges required extra manpower, they each pitched in to help

meat and potatoes, but Carl and Roman pitched in

It became hard to walk on deck as the ship pitched, rolled and yawed

You pitched a hell of a game today, except for the two hit batsmen of course

Johnny the Killer pitched in the third game and had an impressive

Roman pitched in the sectional championship—his first game

And he pitched one of the greatest games I have ever seen in my life at either the college or the pro level

Somehow or other Pat O’Brien pitched out of that jam and got Arizona State out in the top of the ninth without Arizona State scoring a run

And guess what? Curt Gentry pitched the entire game for Arizona State, all 15 innings, again that’s one of the greatest pitching performances I have seen in my life and Curt was pitching just as good in the 15th inning as he was in the first inning

Again that Friday night, Rich Hinton pitched one of the greatest games I’ve ever seen

He pitched an incredible game and deserved the win

That roof wasn’t pitched very steeply but the drop between it and this floor was as dark as intergalactic space

Alan took care and pitched it hard at the light

High pitched and formless as the build up of terror over the last few days was released in one ragged emotional outburst

The vessel pitched and rolled as they approached the

After a couple of turns he came across a large military tent pitched in a front garden

Nerissa couldn’t see who it was, but the tone was weak and high pitched, like that of an

Nerissa heard a high pitched scream, but couldn’t know which of her loved ones had been struck

The Elf rolled up her sleeves and pitched in with Pim and Song to refit the Lorien

When I pitched a fit about having to decorate another tree, the look on Kevin’s face made me realize why Papa always did it

A high pitched vibrating sound suddenly flowed through the building

were generally neglected there, and that was where I pitched in to help

planet, until it was time for the weekly shopping expedition and they pitched up here for a rare

Booth fell to the ground face first, then pitched and rolled over by the door

The pig faced German made a sound like one of those mama dolls the kids have a kind of high pitched squeaking as the air left his body

Nordhel was nowhere in sight when they made camp, a cluster of farmhouses were close to the fields where they pitched their tents and tethered the horses

I took careful aim on Tommy Smiths head and squeezed the trigger I watched as he pitched forward into a shell hole I watched Stanley freeze for an instant as I worked the bolt and shoved another round into the breech

He cursed the fact that Terese had insisted Jean’s tent be pitched so far away from his own

Their strategy of blending the themes of fear, adventure, and hope had been given much more airtime than the narrowly pitched UK campaign

In the realm of possible alternate histories, it gives one pause to reflect on the fact that a certain Athenian hoplite was one of the few survivors of a pitched battle lost to the Spartans and Thebans during the early years of the Peloponnesian War

You may be thinking that nobody wants to show up to your blog and be pitched at the whole time they are reading your blog

It was slightly effeminate, not high pitched as such but one could feel a kind of feminine slant to it without it being obvious

He wobbled, pitched forward, and collapsed on the carpet

This time, he pitched backward, hitting the street and curling onto his side

The dart hit the dog in the neck and it yelped — an unusually high pitched yelp for such a barrel-chested dog

Kay pitched her voice low and steady, her eyes flashing

They would have pitched it with all of his other belongings; stuff that was just too much for his mom and Diane to haul out

Bending down to examine a shell that had been washed up on the shore, Clara Jenkins heard a series of high pitched barks, followed by a yelp

It spent some seconds at the site, then followed the bigger prey, sending out a high pitched signal — too high for human ears to hear — that it had found food

That night as the team listened and watched Simon come into his flat they suddenly heard a high pitched noise then a bright flash that knocked out all the listening devises and cameras in one quick ostentatious blaze

Soon Stuart’s tent was pitched and they both shared the food as well as a can or two of larger

It was almost as high pitched as a dog whistle

Without a split seconds hesitation, the driver of the car pitched the vehicle into a sudden turn and stepped on his accelerator

tion, pitched backward into the icy waters below

The ground still pitched and yawed beneath us, but I had eyes only for the nameless girl who had died saving me

Abruptly, he was pitched forward to the deck by a blow that felt like he’d been hit by a freight train

He pitched forward onto the deck, tearing with his fingers at his shirt and jacket and making a sound that should have been inhuman

With a grand wind-up, he pitched it, baseball-style, after the first

Suddenly, he clutched his hand to his chest and pitched forward, sprawling onto the table

His voice was pitched high but sweetly grazed by time, lilting and musical; the voice of someone with a gift for storytelling:

His voice was pitched lower than usual:

Ethan pitched the idea of the story he had been working on in his mind:

He pitched the dope

The second wagon, piled with the cages holding the chickens, was behind the disabled vehicle, and Colling heard a crash as the cages pitched over its side

It’s quite an eerie feeling walking through the forest and hearing their high pitched calls echoing all around you

“Really,” I said in a high pitched, red embarrassment of a screech, that started him laughing again – and I knew I had been busted; my chops had been busted by the master

As I was walking away though, Donnie yelled out, “Go do some break dancing dude!” I could hear them both laughing at me in those high pitched smokers cough cackles that they had always had

I almost crashed as Monique’s high pitched squeal (which I took as a yes) leveled my eardrum

people as the sand which is on the sea shore in multitude, and they came up, and pitched in Michmash, eastward from Bethaven

3 And Saul pitched in the hill of Hachilah, which is before Jeshimon, by the way; But David abode in the wilderness, and he saw that

5 And David arose, and came to the place where Saul had pitched, and David beheld the place where Saul lay, and Abner the son of

Ner, the captain of his host, and Saul lay in the trench, and the people pitched round about him

4 And the Philistines gathered themselves together, and came and pitched in Shunem, and Saul gathered all Israel together, and they

1 Now the Philistines gathered together all their armies to Aphek, and the Israelites pitched by a fountain which is in Jezreel

17 And they brought in the Ark of the Lord, and set it in his place, in the midst of the tabernacle that David had pitched for it, and

26 So Israel and Absalom pitched in the land of Gilead

Philistines pitched in the valley of Rephaim

5 And they passed over Jordan, and pitched in Aroer, on the right side of the city that lies in the midst of the river of Gad, and toward

27 And the children of Israel were numbered, and were all present, and went against them, and the children of Israel pitched before

29 And they pitched one over against the other seven days; And so it was, that in the seventh day the battle was joined, and the

It featured a doll’s house they could walk into (devised from an ancient walk-in steamer trunk, painted white, up-ended so it even had a pitched roof)

Babylon came, he, and all his host, against Jerusalem, and pitched against it; and they built forts against it round about

1 And David made him houses in the city of David, and prepared a place for the Ark of God, and pitched for it a tent

1 So they brought the Ark of God, and set it in the midst of the tent that David had pitched for it, and they offered burnt sacrifices and

When we arrived back at the training camp, we were given wooden swords with red paint and split into two groups for a pitched battle

in the tenth day of the month that Nebuchadrezzar King of Babylon came, he and all his army, against Jerusalem, and pitched against

I decided I probably should, so I pitched in while Cuauhtzin supervised with his usual rudeness

2 They went through the wilderness that was not inhabited, and pitched tents in places where there lay no way

gathered together to the river called Theras, where we pitched our tents three days, and then I surveyed them

and pitched by Emmaus in the plain country

57 So the camp removed, and pitched on the

29 So they came into Idumea, and pitched their tents at Bethsura, and Judas met them with ten thousand men

50 So the soldiers pitched, and assaulted the city all that day and all that night, till at the length the

pitched in Bathzacharias, over against the king’s camp

from Jerusalem, and pitched his tents in Bezeth, where he sent and took many of the men that had forsaken him, and certain of the

40 But Judas pitched tents in Adasa with three thousand men, and there he prayed, saying, 41 O Lord, when those

Judea the second time, and with them the chief strength of his host: 2 Who went out by the way that leads to Galgala, and pitched

5 Now Judas had pitched his tents at Eleasa, and three thousand chosen men with him; 6 Who

fled into the wilderness of Thecoe, and pitched their tents by the water of the pool Asphar

The aircraft pitches

The next batter came up, swung and missed the first two pitches, then hit a line drive into right field for a single

he pitches back into the waves

pitches off the mound

two hitters on eight pitches in a row

Pitches four through eight were on the inside corner and

He really rocked one of the pitches sending it very deep into the outfield

Even the Arizona State coach the next day was completely impressed and he said Rich Hinton had some of the best stuff he’d ever seen because my players only swing at good pitches in the strike zone and they could not hit the sky that night

Paul Ray Powell hit one of our pitches so hard that that baseball was still rising when it hit the wall at 450 feet in dead center field and that ball missed by maybe 5 feet going over the centerfield wall which were probably been the only baseball in the history of that park ever hit over the centerfield wall

filled with the sales pitches of stall owners

vention center where the vendors were preparing to make their pitches

The Dauntless cheer at varying pitches, high and low, bright and deep

keep the flow of promotional material and sales pitches out of her everyday inbox, plus

there could be easy or hard pitches,

I recommend practicing making sounds covering a wide range of tones and pitches in anticipation of such an event

I was never a high-pressure salesman, although I could put together blow-out sales pitches when I had something to sell, and I had been selling advertising campaigns for years

Swash plates: plates with pierced holes fixed in tanks to limit violent liquid motion when a ship rolls or pitches in heavy seas

He was surprised that he could define the pitches so well

When the boat pitches up and down it tends to lift the anchor off the bottom, losing some traction

Sean described his day and recounted, in detail, the cars, the prices, and the different pitches

” He pitches the report across his desk and it falls at her feet

His right hand pitches the bowl of wasabi/soy, underhanded no less, directly into Steng’s face

Note that the effect may not be apparent just with the book cover, the idea is to use covers beside tag lines and sales pitches

modulations in both pitches and tunes that I’d never heard

He appears to show little preference for the slow and low wickets which are typical in India, and has scored many centuries on the hard, bouncy pitches in South Africa and Australia

From the Publisher: As a literary agent, Noah Lukeman hears thousands of book pitches a year

At last he heard it, a song consisting of three pitches

His pitches were characterized as cannon shots into the glove of the catcher

9% of the networking pitches I normally

quite good at what they do (unfortunately) and thus many of their pitches sound very sincere and

If everyone in the household pitches in though then the gardening only needs to be

several newsletters, which were nothing more then mere sales pitches, usually

Batters, their pitcher mainly utilizes two pitches, a nasty fork ball that can catch you fishin’; and his high heat

Both of his strikeout pitches are balls, so look for them on two strike counts, and swing smart out there

Strategically, he knew their pitcher had been reeling physically, by walking the number two batter on seven pitches

He immediately knew his pitch wouldn’t come in until late in the count; therefore, he watched the first two pitches sail by as called balls

Joahaz was listening with intent, and as I spoke, a stirring began in his tent, noises of varying pitches filled the air, and he didn’t waiver in any degree

Rudolph’s experienced eye fitted six cricket pitches into the pool’s tiled depths and he struggled to decide if he were impressed, or disgusted by this lavish use of money

» Perhaps they have bought into all the marketing pitches and promises of overnight success

Some sales pitches involve a lot of pressure to buy right then- my vacuum cleaner salesman even said that the offer is good only while she was there

The air could be shunted through either or both, allowing for single or simultaneous tones of different pitches

life easier, don’t send sales pitches

them atleast 75% valuable content, and the other 25% capture pages or sales pitches

It takes humility to lay off the high pitches

The centre is noted for its size with a retail floor area of around a hundred and fifty thousand square meters which is roughly the size of thirty football pitches

a groomed area that has flat terrain and the easiest of pitches, away

Lets see how damn good the best pitchers in the world are if they have to synchronize their pitches with eleven other pitchers… The scoreboard should be like a drag-race count-down… with the no


The average American mailbox gets sales pitches from credit card companies at about two a day

he pinch hit in the last inning with two outs and he fouled off several pitches

It falls by no rule at all; sometimes it leaps, sometimes it tumbles; there it skips; here it shoots; in one place ’tis white as snow, and in another ’tis green as grass; hereabouts, it pitches into deep hollows, that rumble and crush the ‘arth; and thereaways, it ripples and sings like a brook, fashioning whirlpools and gullies in the old stone, as if ’twas no harder than trodden clay

On issuing from their place of confinement, the whole party instantly experienced a grateful renovation of spirits, by exchanging the pent air of the hiding-place for the cool and invigorating atmosphere which played around the whirlpools and pitches of the cataract

The spider pitches her web in the solitude

The tired bearers walked more slowly, and it advanced with constant jerks, like a boat that pitches with

Whenever a higher than usual number of promo pitches starts showing up in my spam filter, the top can’t be too far away (Figure 37

And nobody prevents us from waiting for these fat pitches … except ourselves

The investor can take pitches all day long and not have to swing because there are no called strikes in investing

Then he turned, one hand balancing the bat, his left hand dangling free at his side, to await the trial pitches

I’d argue that having the patience and discipline to save your cash for when the fat pitches come along is probably the most valuable trait an investor can have

Judge, then, to what pitches of inflamed, distracted fury the minds of his more desperate hunters were impelled, when amid the chips of chewed boats, and the sinking limbs of torn comrades, they swam out of the white curds of the whale’s direful wrath into the serene, exasperating sunlight, that smiled on, as if at a birth or a bridal

With his gaff, the gaffman hooks on to a sheet of blubber, and strives to hold it from slipping, as the ship pitches and lurches about

But he goes further, he actually pitches into me because, as he declares, ‘any decent fellow’ would die quietly, and that ‘all this’ is mere egotism on my part

That’s what she pitches into me for! Fancy a child like this getting hold of such an idea!—a child who ought to be playing at dolls, instead of developing ideas of that sort! The thing is, she has no one to play with here

I thought I would have little difficulty pitching

Just pretend that you are pitching batting practice

He sat at our table, uninvited, respecting no one, pitching his opinions and drinking his beer

district level,’ I could not help pitching our other service

back and pushed hard, pitching the young druid

Those assholes out there pitching two ends of a double-header in some cases

anytime there was live pitching, Sam could not make contact

expect—throwing BP at On Deck was a little different than pitching to a catcher in

sports reporters to find that Roman was on pace to break just about every pitching

Pat O’Brien is pitching for Arizona

Normally when John would pitch, would just be pitching at the most maybe two or three innings, but not tonight

And guess what? Curt Gentry pitched the entire game for Arizona State, all 15 innings, again that’s one of the greatest pitching performances I have seen in my life and Curt was pitching just as good in the 15th inning as he was in the first inning

He wound up pitching a one hitter at Phoenix Giants Stadium in front of 10,000 screaming Arizona State fans and a few Arizona fans

She tripped away, and presently returned with a fresh trayful; and Toad, pitching into the toast with delight, his spirits quite restored to their usual level, told her about the boathouse, and the fish-pond, and the old walled kitchen-garden; and about the pig-pens, and the stables, and the pigeon-house, and the hen- house; and about the dairy, and the wash-house, and the china- cupboards, and the linen-presses (she liked that bit especially); and about the banqueting-hall, and the fun they had there when the other animals were gathered round the table and Toad was at his best, singing songs, telling stories, carrying on generally

They reached an incredibly high bridge between clumps of towers and subconsciously had the sense to stop and collapse onto one of the benches on the tiny plaza beside it before they went pitching over the edge

A chain of blue energy blasted the demon in front of her, pitching the black clad knight into the garden

Meanwhile, pitching through the air, the man’s head landed on the ground

When pitching the media, be brief & to the point

When pitching the media, make sure you have more than one story 491 angle

When pitching a blogger, research

It’s a good softball game, with pitching that is

The pitching wedge and the sand wedge can be used in the place of a chipping wedge, yet another in the family of wedges

What she needed was a little of that stuff she had been pitching at Josh

Amaranthe hooked her arm over the top, and she in turn grabbed him to keep him from pitching backward

Pitching his wits against the enemy

“As you wish,” agreed Kay, pitching her voice to be as meek as she could manage

Now the carnie was pitching another person

A sharp crack followed my landing as the roof collapsed, pitching me down into the interior of the shed

Plastic had been put over the poles, then more poles, then the boughs laid on to hold it down, and possibly obscure it from view? All of this was way more work than pitching a simple tent, waterproof and bug-free

fore-and-aft pitching as we came around and headed into the

I think that Professor Baxter was trying to teach us something in King Lear when he made an off-hand reference to the image of starting a large boulder pitching down a steep hill

The disconnected pitching of the two boats was making it hard for the gunner

On all fours, fighting to keep some sort of traction on the pitching deck, Colling crept to the locker holding Boroszki’s gun and the grenades

Meredith did no combing down or pitching into

On the way home, Sierra told Manda that for a while now she had been pitching an idea for her own show to Curt

And then the shop jolted, pitching the freezer forward

After a span of time had passed where Yuella had said all she could think to say; Elizabeth steered the conversation to pitching her into their house

I was up most of last night after I came across an ad in a European music industry publication, pitching the newest Doberman’s Stub CD, Bite Me, Big Dog (working title)

For example, if you are an SEO professional and have lots of people interested in SEO and internet marketing following you, aim to educate your audience rather than pitching for work

In fact, pitching wearables has become so absurd (contacts that measure your glucose levels! Sports bras that track your heart rate!) one guy built a Random

“No,” he said, swinging round and pitching his response to all the books around him

pitching itself over the rail in a fit of desperation

back flip, pitching both of us into the ocean

A young man stood on the pitching deck

men had him go up in the barn and work at pitching hay

The British took full advantage of these divisions, emphasized the differences, supported minorities to turn against Hindu majority and implemented their well known policy of ‘divide and rule’, pitching one group against another

Over the years, I’ve found that whether I’m pitching (selling) nonfiction or

• The reader learns about pitching, and how presentations can build her

You’d think Paris would have taught me a lesson! A sleepless night followed by a day tramping the hot and humid streets of Barcelona, followed by another sleepless night on the deck of a pitching ferry, left us both exhausted and ill tempered, but it was worth it

My clever publisher [Nic Cheetham at Corvus] came up with the brainwave of pitching ’12 days at Christmas’ to Amazon

The soaring notes that carried to the boat across the restless waves seemed to take on the shape of the seascape they prevailed over and the melody grew rugged and inconsolable, pitching to a storm

The show doesn’t really need any staff as it’s all filmed on state-of-the-art fixed cameras and in a video diary room, so I’ll be pitching in on the community

Then she clung to it as it seemed to be pitching at an impossible slant

There was a touch of unreality about the whole—purple slopes pitching up to that fantastic castle, toy-like with distance, and above it the white glistening peak shouldering the cold blue

The going grew rougher, the scenery more rugged, steep grassy slopes pitching up to densely timbered mountainsides

His camp lay directly behind him, in a narrow, steep-walled valley which was indeed merely a continuation of the Valley of Lions, pitching up at a higher level

«Sounds great, are we pitching a tent in JCF?»

known person would have any serious objection to his pitching a small tent for a

Our attempts at pitching the tents in the rain were without much

He was still pitching in 1966, three years after Jackie joined that prestigious group

nightly conference calls, pitching their opportunity endlessly

However, by pitching this as a way to “Make Money from Tap water”, it sounds

There’s nothing wrong with pitching in to help others

So it was that the sailors were bound to their ship, their island, their wooden, half-stove, sinking, diving, rolling, pitching, part-swamped hope, bound to it for dear life, bound to it for want of anything better

“Will all due respect to your pilot’s abilities, mister, she will be about out of fuel and flying through this damn winter storm to try a carrier night landing on one overheating engine, while our deck is pitching wildly up and down

“A deal it is! If your house is already crowded, just pitching my tent besides it would be more than enough for me

As they looked back up at the bridge, the whole ship suddenly became totally unstable and started rolling and pitching around wildly for a few seconds until a modicum of control was restored

Once there, he could relax a little and paddle out to the takeoff in a more leisurely manner, studying the huge, pitching barrels on the way out

� Leaving the perimeter of the Bristol Aircraft Factories, it crossed a small ditch as if it did not exist, the large angled nose with its cargo ramp barely pitching down, then up

He believed that the key to baseball is pitching, and he had an exercise that he had the players go through

The sleek craft soon lost headway and began pitching slowly in the low seas

pitching but forever be prepared to discuss what you are able to offer

I was already pitching ideas to venture capitalists even back then and I wasn’t shy with opposite sex

It’s got the whole Romulan sector madder than a hornets nest knocked down by a kid pitching stones

It lacked the force of Clay-Man’s blows – she had neither his strength nor his height advantage – but it was enough to send him pitching forwards on top of Vincent, as they both collapsed into a heap of thrashing limbs on the ground

We readily agreed to shoot a story with Kejriwal and Dr Bedi pitching for an anti-corruption ombudsman

With the Congress left with no allies in Tamil Nadu, finance minister Chidambaram also dropped out, pitching for his son to contest instead

O’er the pitching and the list,

He grabbed the edge of the seat with both hands to keep from pitching forward

Then the servants set about pitching the tents: those for the two ladies, one for our officer, Mohammad Amin, and others for the gendarmes and the servants

Over the years, I’ve found that whether I’m pitching (selling) nonfiction or fiction, I’ve had the best responses to letters which were less than one page in length

 The reader learns about pitching, and how presentations can build her

And so was Danielle, though both tried to be smooth and gentle in pitching the ball over their heads

It took them a few minutes to get adjusted to the pitching and yawing of their strange craft

and forth, up and down, rolling, pitching and staggering, the

The impact knocked the breath from her, pitching her forward onto one knee and throwing the torch from her grasp

is is of no use unless you are pitching a tent

The horse shook its head, pitching against the reins when it noticed the buildings a short distance away, anticipating feed and rest

There are much more significant data than who’s pitching, who’s injured, or what the record of both teams playing against each other is

We’re not bothering with who’s injured or if any star player is going through a tougher sequence or the team they’re playing against or who’s pitching etc

It was early afternoon, and we took over the entire summit, pitching our tents, picketing the horses and setting to work to water and feed them before ourselves

That is: each person pitching in not just because they have to, but also because they want to

kind of sales pitch as pitching on Youtube is a sure fire way to have your

There are times when you absolutely should not be pitching to your followers

and visit building sites occasionally, but from the states of his suits and shoes I’d imagine he’s pitching in with the bricklayers

The sound of breaking glass reminded me that Martin was still pitching beer bottles

The ship’s pitching merry hell

Use ‘pitch’ in a sentence | ‘pitch’ example sentences

1- The range of outcomes for any particular pitch is absurdly broad .

2- It is pitch dark.

3- pitch a fast ball.

4- pitch the newspaper onto the porch.

5- I wish you could have seen him pitch.

6- He who touches pitch shall be defiled therewith.

7- She gave an illustration of how to pitch a tent.

8- He listened to my pitch, so he must be interested.

9- This whistle has a very high pitch that only dogs can hear.

10- They were looking for a place at which they could pitch the tent.

11- The pitcher is in a bit of a slump, and can’t seem to pitch a good game.

12- It was pitch black outside at the campsite when we got up to look at the stars.

13- The new sales pitch we have been trying isn’t working, sales have actually gone down.

14- The President of the United States threw out the first pitch to start the World Series.

15- A German proverb notes that those who dig a pit for others will fall in themselves.

16- pitchWhen the breaker tripped and it became pitch black, the baby got scared and started crying.

17- In tonal languages such as Chinese, pitch helps to distinguish words and grammatical categories.

18- A baseball player trying to hit a 90-mile-per-hour pitch must begin his swing a quarter of a second after the ball is released.

19- Here .

20- .

21- .

22- the sound of the cicadas is different.

23- Oh my, I’m impressed you noticed.

24- You’ve got a good sense of pitch!He did pitch a complete-game shutout in his last start on Wednesday.

25- Went out to throw the first pitch and my love delivered me the ball!

26- They do a great job of being able to compete down to the last pitch.

27- 78451“As long as I can pitch, I want to challenge myself,” he said.

28- If we all pitch in a little, we’ll be able to save energy and lives.

29- Others hire outside sales firms to aggressively pitch BBB membership.

30- pitch-calling and pitch-framing are skill sets that can be coached up.

31- Moments later they’ll be back, looking for another media pack to pitch.

32- He’s going to be one of the guys you want to see him pitch every game.”

33- Hundreds made their way to the pitch after explosions were heard nearby.

34- Hair doubled to center leading things off, then Rook was hit by a pitch.

35- On Aug. 9, he was hit on the head by a pitch from Cubs ace Jake Arrieta.

36- 485150Millions of people will see your pitch if it’s aired on the show.

37- 920428We went out on to the pitch and I could see so many happy faces.”

38- To get a three-run lead before you throw your first pitch, that’s great.

39- Fountain said Cook deserves this opportunity to pitch at the next level.

40- Marlins bats were silent until Bour’s hit on the 89th pitch from Miller.

41- So far “pitch Perfect 2″ has made an estimated $108.4 million worldwide.

42- We knew that if we took it to Japan they would get nervous on the pitch.”

43- However, Olympic success on the pitch would be the biggest advertisement.

44- The press box was nearly filled 3½ hours before the scheduled first pitch.

45- I think we’re all going out there trying to pitch our game, Porcello said.

46- “Maybe somebody had a look, found this, and thought ‘OK, I’ll pitch that.’

47- • Franklin Gutierrez was hit on the knee by a pitch in Friday night’s win.

48- After the sales pitch, the model is left behind for the most-senior person.

49- “They would answer, and we would pitch enough lobster onto the boat to eat.

More Sentences: 1 – 2 – 3 –
Related Words:
pistols – piston – pistons – pit – pita – pitapat – pitas – pitch – pitchblende – pitched – pitcher – pitchers – pitches – pitchfork – pitchforks –

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