Sentences with the word photograph

фотография, фотографический снимок, сфотографировать, фотографировать


- фотографический снимок, фотография

to take a photograph — делать снимок /фотографию/
to have one’s photograph taken — фотографироваться


- фотографировать, снимать

to photograph well — быть фотогеничным, хорошо выходить на фотографиях

- выходить на фотографии

to photograph well — быть фотогеничным, хорошо выходить на фотографиях
I do not photograph well — я плохо выхожу на фотографиях

- запечатлевать в памяти, запоминать

this scene is indelibly photographed on my memory — эта сцена мне запомнилась навсегда

Мои примеры


a photograph taken in low light — фотография, сделанная в условиях низкой освещённости  
the enclosure of a photograph with a letter — приложение к письму фотографии  
a photograph with a matte finish — фотография с матовым покрытием  
to develop a photograph — проявлять фотографию  
to touch up a photograph — ретушировать фотографию  
to mount a photograph — вставлять фотографию в рамку  
electronic air photograph in-flight readout — электронное считывание фотоизображения в полете  
in-flight photograph relaying — передача фотоснимков с ЛА на землю  
instant photograph — моментальная фотография; моментальный фотоснимок; моментальный снимок  
aerial photograph interpretation — дешифрирование аэроснимков  
air photograph interpretation unit — пункт дешифрирования аэрофотоснимков  
low-oblique aerial photograph — перспективный аэроснимок без захвата линии горизонта  

Примеры с переводом

I photograph badly.

Я плохо выхожу на фотографиях.

I photographed the scene of the accident

Я сфотографировал место происшествия.

This photograph represents my childhood.

По этой фотографии вы можете судить, какое у меня было детство.

How did you alight on the old photograph?

Как ты нашёл эту старую фотографию?

The family grouped together for the photograph.

Вся семья собралась вместе для групповой фотографии.

Children photograph well.

Дети хорошо получаются на фотографиях.

That photograph must have been airbrushed.

Эту фотографию, должно быть, отретушировали.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

…in the photograph the majestic mountain is strikingly silhouetted against the setting sun…

…the photograph shows the silhouette of a full, womanlike figure framed against the backlight from an open farmhouse door…

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Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): photograph
мн. ч.(plural): photographs

Sentences with the word Photograph?



  • «he wrote the date on the back of the photograph«
  • «the enlarged photograph revealed many details»
  • «a candid photograph«; «a candid interview»
  • «The fleeing convicts were picked out of the darkness by the watchful prison guards»; «I can’t make out the faces in this photograph«
  • «extraneous light in the camera spoiled the photograph«; «relying upon an extraneous income»; «disdaining outside pressure groups»
  • «flat wall paint»; «a photograph with a matte finish»
  • «forensic photograph«; «forensic ballistics»
  • «a panoptic aerial photograph of the missile base»; «a panoptic stain used in microscopy»
  • «pare one’s fingernails»; «trim the photograph«; «trim lumber»
  • «Children photograph well»
  • «pigment a photograph«
  • «a still photograph«; «Cezanne’s still life of apples»
  • «she ran a dance studio»; «the music department provided studios for their students»; «you don’t need a studio to make a passport photograph«
  • «a photograph is a translation of a scene onto a two-dimensional surface»

Synonym: film, snap. Similar words: photographer, photography, biography, demographic, photo, metaphor, go together, program. Meaning: [‘fəʊtəgræf /-grɑːf]  n. a picture of a person or scene in the form of a print or transparent slide; recorded by a camera on light-sensitive material. v. 1. record on photographic film 2. undergo being photographed in a certain way. 

Random good picture Not show

1 The girl squinted at the photograph.

2 The test will involve answering questions about a photograph.

3 I wish I had a photograph of Thomas.

4 Attach a recent photograph to your application form.

5 Betty took a photograph of us.

6 She went to Africa to photograph big cats.

7 I took a photograph of my girl friend.

8 Don’t look away while I am taking your photograph.

9 I chanced on this old photograph in his drawer.

10 The family grouped together for the photograph.

11 Please enclose a recent passport-sized photograph of yourself.

12 His photograph appeared in the local paper.

13 Please keep/stay/hold/sit/stand still while I take your photograph.

14 This photograph is a libel on him.

15 The group was well posed for the photograph.

16 The photograph awakens poignant memories of happier days.

17 I can’t get this photograph off the page; it’s stuck on.

18 The mountains form a background to this photograph of the family.

19 Do you want this photograph back or can I keep it?

20 We should be glad to photograph the house and its grounds.

21 She dug out a photograph from under a pile of papers.

22 Might I ask for a photograph of your little daughter?

23 He dropped the photograph and ground his foot into it to show his hatred of his wife’s lover.

24 This photograph is a bit too old and probably won’t enlarge well.

25 Have a look at the cluster of galaxies in this photograph.

26 A dirty face is not appropriate for the school photograph.

27 I was browsing through a magazine one day when a photograph caught my eye.

28 A large label had been gummed to the back of the photograph.

29 We asked them, as a matter of courtesy,( if we could photograph their house.

30 The little figure that you can just see in the background of the photograph is me.

More similar words: photographer, photography, biography, demographic, photo, metaphor, go together, program, grape, programming, phone, each other, a big shot, telephone, together, motor, a lot of, rape, trap, wrap, get together, altogether, therapy, rapid, go to sleep, protocol, together with, wrap up, progressive, go to pieces. 

How to use photograph in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «photograph» and check conjugation/comparative form for «photograph«. Mastering all the usages of «photograph» from sentence examples published by news publications.

» — «A photograph of ghosts or a ghost of a photograph?
We look at the photograph, the photograph looks at us.
The best smartphone photograph still looks like a smartphone photograph.
In photograph after photograph, there it was: the silver-backed chevrotain.
There is always a photograph, and so naturally there is a photograph.
«That photograph is like a hostage photograph,» Mr. Coates said of Renty’s image.
The 1935 self-portrait shows Collins looking at us while holding a large photograph of himself; in that photograph he is looking down at the same photograph of himself.
I often deliberately chose not to photograph things that others may feel compelled to photograph.
When I saw that, I thought it was a great photograph and a historical photograph.
The day after that photograph appeared, donations went from $2503,2250 to $2000,260 — because of the photograph.
I don’t think not hearing … It’s like taking a photograph, the photograph is what it is.
The resulting photograph, widely seen as a classic, iconic photograph, shows Krupp as a menacing, evil figure.
The photograph that brought all these questions, thoughts, and hesitations into focus was another photograph titled «Zurich» (2014).
The most expensive photograph ever sold was not by a photographer, nor was the photograph taken by the artist.
Northam initially said he was in the photograph and apologized, before he denied being in the photograph at all.
Is there a difference between working from a photograph you found to working from a photograph you took yourself?
It’s easy to photograph flowers or models, but it’s much harder to photograph things that people don’t consider glamorous.
You believe the words more because the photograph verifies them, and trust the photograph because you trust the words.
A photograph of three shelves of cowboy boots hangs next to a photograph of a row of Chanel shoes.
WARNING: The photograph is of a deceased child, the content is graphic and disturbing The photograph can be seen here.
» «They don’t photograph you buying vegetables and pH water, they photograph you in as [many] unflattering ways as they can.
«That photograph is like a hostage photograph,» Ta-Nehisi Coates, a vocal proponent for reparations, told the New York Times.
Not having her photograph taken was really in her DNA, so this is amazing that she would actually sit for this photograph.
» DRN’s statement added, «DRN’s data includes a photograph of a license plate and the date, time and location the photograph was taken.
But the situation where one adult female consents to an explicit photograph taken by another adult male, knowing he will keep the photograph?
She was upset when people came to photograph her house, and didn’t print a photograph of her library of her books, for example.
He does not photograph people who don’t want their photograph taken and will delete a photo if someone indicates a lack of consent.
Allegedly, the photograph was not staged, and the couple’s dog seems to be the only one aware of the surprise visitors in the photograph.
I recommend not trying to photograph it unless you are really a hardcore, absolutely-have-to-photograph-everything-in-your-life kind of person.
Think of the difference between blowing up a high-resolution photograph and a low-resolution photograph; one’s just got more detail than the other.
«I was using the Library of Congress a lot and I started seeing photograph after photograph of him by my heroes,» Mr. Sherman said.
A well-known photograph of Eva Hesse’s black sculptures seems nearly identical to the gear of a dominatrix, laid out like an eBay photograph.
Because this is a weighted photograph within a photograph, the discordant image enclosed versus the dominant image enclosing, it is disorienting and intensely memorable.
«Oil Bunkering #2,» Niger Delta / Photograph by Edward Burtynsky Burtynsky’s ongoing effort to photograph industry has evolved into something of an industrial process itself.
I’ll let you come over and photograph my wife taking ten loads on her face, but I’m not letting you photograph me doing something familiar.
«If somebody wanted a photograph of a person doing a certain job, we would send them a photograph of a woman doing it,» Wilmer said.
» A poet like Wright finds himself only in prior acts of representation, as in «a photograph of me taking a photograph / Of Holly and me.
As you exaggerate that dynamic in a photograph, you find yourself looking sometimes at photos where two things should not be in the same photograph.
They didn’t have a photograph of young Qifeng, so instead they used a photograph of one of their other daughters because the two looked similar.
Taken 11 years apart, two self-portraits indicate a dramatic shift in self-perception for Wojnarowicz, who goes from ingenue to victim from photograph to photograph.
The second photograph, in which she made a «drawing» using things she found in her house, echoes the linear elements and contours of the first photograph.
The photograph is reduced to the status of evidence: It is there to testify to something that is not a photograph, something that predated its making.
Besides trying to photograph the people with the largest costumes I also like to photograph the people wearing the least amount of costume on their body.
The visitor to a place like the Roman Forum does not only take a photograph of the Forum; he also takes a photograph for the Forum.
She reproduces the photograph not by creating a new print from an existing negative, but by rephotographing a photograph and then claiming authorship of the new image.
The red border around the photograph is skinner than that of a real Time cover, and there is no white line between the red border and photograph.
Recently I saw a clip, one BBC journalist, extremely nervous, who took a photograph where he cropped the leaders in his photograph, and they got very angry.
A single photograph, the photograph of Earth taken from space by William Anders, on Apollo 8, in 1968, served as an icon for the entire environmental movement.
Purely graphically, it’s not a brilliant photograph, but that’s the nice thing about photography is that not every photograph has to be brilliantly constructed, photography is also storytelling.
The photograph, taken by Matt Porteous, shook Twitter to its core on Friday morning, along with Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s Christmas card, a previously unseen wedding photograph.
At one point in the film, Karamakate is shown a photograph by an explorer, and it is the first time he has ever seen a photograph of himself.
A longtime dream to photograph the black panther Will Burrard-Lucas, who shot the images of the black leopard, described his longtime dream to photograph the big cat.
Given that the photograph was taken soon after Ruth’s attempted suicide, and a few years before the couple’s divorce, was the photograph predicting the events that were to come?
Analyzing and Discussing the Photograph Students are given five to 10 minutes to analyze the photograph on their own and write any words or phrases that come to mind.
This new film was billed as being «able to photograph the details of a dark horse in lowlight,» a coded message for being able to photograph people of color.
Today, Facebook has deleted a further post featuring the photograph by Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg, who joined in on the swelling debate regarding the censorship of the photograph.
So if you do want to take a photograph, ask their permission first, possibly get somebody else to take a photograph but it’s important to respect that person’s personal space.
That last feature — the ability to copy the style of any given photograph and transfer it to another photograph — was described in detail by a joint research team last week.
The beach scene was interviews, and I asked for every photograph that exists of that day — so it was like a forensic examination of every photograph related to that moment.
Take a really good look at the photograph above and use some of these clues to help you try and figure out the famous face hiding in this warped photograph!
I still might take that mean photograph, but then I’ll look at it and decide, No I can’t use that if it doesn’t feel fair, however good the photograph is.
So I decided to photograph men whose lives I could have had, and then I gave them the camera and asked to wear their clothes and have them photograph me.
Several social media accounts have posted a photograph with a caption above it that implies that the photograph shows congresswoman Ilhan Omar at an Al Qaida training camp in Somalia.
She was more discomfited by the fact that no one associated with the photograph apologized to her, and that no one released an official statement about how the photograph had happened.
The most interesting parts of the Miss Meatface world vary from photograph to photograph — it may be an item of clothing, patterned wallpaper, a vintage trinket, or just a provocative idea.
«I wanted to go photograph them while they were there to photograph,» said Thomas E. Rinaldi on his July 221 walking tour of neon in Greenwich Village organized by Untapped Cities.
Throughout the game, you photograph pivotal scenes, each of which pops up to compare your image to an actual photograph from the era of the Iranian Revolution, many by Michel Setboun.
There were a lot of situations that we normally would photograph but they chose to use their government photographer to photograph the event and then put it out on social media.
The photograph is signed by the artist — Donald Lipski.
«This photograph … it impacted people so much,» Abdul said.
Photograph by Sebastian Liste / NOOR for The New Yorker
Photograph by Rita Stern Milch S inger : Why shame?
Photograph by Anthony Lanzilote / The New York Times / Redux
» Or, «Can you photograph loss in a new way?
She beams in one photograph — and scowls in another.
It was great, because I had no biases, no preconceived ideas of, Oh, I should photograph this or this person is going to be happy if I photograph this, or I don’t like that person, so I’m not going to photograph that—all the baggage that comes with knowing the scene a little better.
From there, the camera takes a photograph every time your doorbell is rung and sends that photograph to an indoor receiver, which then bounces the picture straight to your smartphone or tablet.
The big picture: «With respect to the photograph on Governor Northam’s personal page, we could not conclusively determine the identity of either individual depicted in the photograph,» investigators wrote in the report.
She took a moment on Sunday to share a personal photograph and message to her mother, Marian Robinson, and shared with us all an adorable throwback photograph of the two of them.
Gossage instead wants to insist that there’s always more happening in a photograph than its putative subject, that a photograph is always in the first place a record of an optical experience.
«Defendants reproduced, distributed, and publicly displayed the Kraft photograph without the authorization or consent of Kraft or (her friend), and have created unauthorized derivative works incorporating the Kraft photograph,» says the lawsuit.
The sleeping man is in the exact center of the photograph, while the edge of the curb bisects the photograph diagonally, from the lower left hand corner to the upper right corner.
Let’s return to that photograph of a group of suffering people: It registers at first as a familiar type of image, the expertly made photograph of an atrocity in a faraway country.
Identifying Colonel Chepiga in a photograph of officers deployed in Chechnya, they then scoured databases, social networks and the internet, but discovered little trace of him aside from a 2003 passport photograph.
Reuters was able to find other angles appearing to show the same women and girls in this photograph taken, which can be seen here This photograph shows the parade from higher up.
Facebook banned a user who published the photograph, and then subsequently ordered a newspaper to also remove the photograph from its Facebook page, sparking uproar over the social network’s control of media.
Every photograph is a chance to discover not only what the photographer found meaningful, but in trying to understand a photograph, it can help us discover what we find meaningful as well.
We’re shown a photograph of a person (the same person whose photograph is featured in some of the pre-release commercials) in various lighting modes: Stage Light, Stage Light Mono, and Contour Light.
In one photograph, she has this lime green gigantic ottoman in front of the fireplace, and then in another photograph, it’s the same gigantic lime green ottoman, but with brown fringe on it.
When you go and see the show, there are many works which are difficult to photograph, such as «Sidewalk» (2007), because even if you try to photograph it, it doesn’t capture the experience.
» According to Weiwei, the idea for the photograph «came spontaneously.
At right is a photograph of the brothers as children.
But that’s not the only reason to photograph the moon.
The photograph is true, and it is also too easy.
Open a photograph or image that you want to manipulate.
Yeah, you took a photograph, you know what I mean?
In the foreground of the photograph is astronaut Buzz Aldrin.
It’s not illegal to photograph the Guardia Civil, is it?
It can also recognize the potential aesthetics of a photograph.
The four took a photograph together to commemorate the occasion.
And we sent an illustrator because we couldn’t photograph it.
Each one is unique, and tourists love to photograph them.
You look at a photograph and immediately you’re in Afghanistan.
The problem is that the photograph is not from Aleppo.
This photograph was taken around election time in November 2016.
Dwyer knew some of the boys in the photograph too.
Individuals like the boys in the photograph and their parents?
A pinhole photograph of the attic at St. Joseph’s Orphanage.
Left: Olympic champion weightlifter Roger Francois in an undated photograph.
The photograph hangs on a wall near her living room.
In the foreground of this photograph is my idea board.
A note and photograph inside the package revealed Johnson’s mistake.
An earlier version of this briefing included an erroneous photograph.
No. Would you photograph him if you had the chance?
But man, it did look pretty good in a photograph.
Atatiana Jefferson in an undated photograph provided by her family.
Field officers employed by Babban Gona photograph its farmers’ fields.
But for those peeved by the photograph, have no fear.
«I mainly photograph babies, families and seniors,» the photographer said.
Each photograph was part of a specific time and place.
A photograph of the bike was released to local media.
The back of his head is seen in a photograph.
It remains the only photograph posted on an Alcor dewar.
You want to come to my home and photograph me?
EDT -Jared Leto commented on the photograph to Vanity Fair.
A photograph of Pan Am Flight 73, taken on Sept.
ENTERTAINMENT WEEKLY: Let’s start with this photograph — it’s quite sensual.
Aerial photograph of the National Security Agency by Trevor Paglen.
«I wanted the photograph to feel more intimate,» he says.
I guess some gadgets, like people, just don’t photograph well.
And for sure, this photograph will be in my book.
Secondly, storytelling is a huge part of any successful photograph.
Each photograph is accompanied by captions in English and French.
Indeed, Andriesi’s photograph was removed from the contest’s promotional banner.
Related: Is This the Most Expensive Photograph in the World?
Timberlake posted a photograph to Instagram supporting candidate Hillary Clinton.
What happens is largely a function of what we photograph.
The photograph shows an inconsolable young soldier, broken by circumstances.
What did they think of your idea to photograph them?
And then I’ll figure out how to photograph it afterward.
Whatever your interests are, seek them out and photograph them.
Selfie (22018) is a photograph of herself taking a selfie.
And based on this photograph and caption, so could Hanisch.
WARNING: Graphic photograph below may be distressing to some readers.
And how did you come to photograph Beni and Andi?
Can a single photograph symbolize a momentous geopolitical power shift?
I photograph J’ouvert as a participant not as a spectator.
Photograph by Peter van Agtmael / Magnum for The New Yorker
I try to bring them both alive through the photograph.
Courtesy Grimsthorpe and Drummond Castle Trust; photograph by Robert LaPrelle
I’m a photojournalist, so it was usually to photograph her.
Ebullient in motherhood, she sent a baby photograph to J.
«Every person in this photograph is a patriot,» he said.
The woman in my photograph has been tagged, too, semantically.
Photograph from REX / Shutterstock But at last a call comes.
All of the men identified in the photograph are dead.
Also, a photograph that accompanied the report misidentified the photographer.
To photograph them in a trailer would have been claustrophobic.
But then a photograph of the closed signing session surfaced.
Khalili’s refusal to photograph it is an act of defiance.
The photograph used to humiliate her, now it humiliates him.
SUNDAY REVIEW A photograph with an opinion article on Aug.
It featured a photograph of Abbas waving two clenched fists.
Estes entered the Oval Office and received the signed photograph.
Photograph by Ron Bell / PA Images / Getty But it hadn’t.
You don’t need to photograph, paint or even remember it.
We were instructed not to photograph faces, structures or interiors.
A photograph of grizzly bears accompanying an article on Nov.
An official photograph showed her curtseying to the smiling monarch.
He still has a photograph of himself posing beside it.
A photograph of the three men smiling was posted online.
Clinton’s face in that photograph taken aboard the campaign plane.
Is a photograph of the object included in the article?
The profile also included a photograph of a different man.
«It’s such a special thing to photograph your family members.»
«It’s hard to put it into a photograph,» Brown says.
Before they destroyed her masterpiece, they let her photograph it.
I guess people can’t resist seeing themselves in a photograph.
For what it’s worth, Hola has the official wedding photograph.
I go into the situation and I take the photograph.
Its vivid colors mark every treasured photograph from your childhood.
That first photograph of David Bowie really changed my life.
The photograph is of a wall that my father painted.
Under one roof, they design, manufacture, photograph, and fulfill orders.
How did you decide to photograph your family for Identidad?
They’re insisting on coming over tomorrow to photograph my shed.
JWST could photograph the galaxy’s black hole in new detail
So the image is a reconstructed view, not a photograph.
It really makes you think about the photograph you’re creating.
She continued to photograph them on and off for years.
But he’s not ready to give up one last photograph.
He had just slipped a photograph (#9845) into a microwave.
She brought him back a signed photograph of Mr. Trump.
It started with a photograph in a Manhattan neighborhood weekly.
Mr. Bennett said the photograph was taken with his phone.
Source photograph by Jessica Tang for The New York Times.
An Oregon woman saw the photograph and posted a comment.
But a very reproducible paper photograph was also used experimentally.
I don’t tell the men I photograph about my project.
An editor may contact you to photograph your Woodstock keepsakes.
«It’s very hard to see that photograph,» Mr. Castro said.
«You know, Diane Arbus did that original photograph,» Mom said.
Someone, in every place, had to take the first photograph.
Cover photograph by Philip Montgomery for The New York Times
Above, a 1955 photograph by him of lovers in Paris.
She took a photograph of the menorah and the swastika.
Her claim centered in particular on a 21979 newspaper photograph.
Sadly, we didn’t have a photograph of him on hand.
He showed a photograph from the early days of Amazon.
Cole’s pairing of photograph and text creates a third thing.
When I’m done documenting it, through video or a photograph.
At some point I stepped back to photograph the installation.
But that doesn’t mean she didn’t try to photograph them.
The original, uncropped photograph was taken by the AP ( here ).
These indicate people might believe the photograph to be authentic.
«I wanted to be able to photograph everyone,» he said.
Not all of the students in the photograph were gesturing.
There’s a photograph in the Bern exhibition of that show.
One arresting photograph, «Nation,» portrays two young tattooed, shirtless men.
Photograph by Andrew T. Warman for The New York Times.
In each photograph, there is an adult and a child.
Mr. Elias approached her, hoping she would take his photograph.
Richard Prince, «Untitled (Girlfriend),» photograph (estimate: $33,000 to $455,000) 2.
«Cybertron City» is a photograph of Dubai’s Sheikh Zayed Road.
On a grainy copy of a torn news photograph Pope.
It’s big, loud and visitors are encouraged to photograph everything.
In that sense, it is the central photograph in jazz.
Photograph by Thomas Prior for The New Yorker Harriott smiled.
After taking the photograph, he studied it in the darkness.
We photograph and make videos about them, we think beautifully.
A photograph of Ivanka Trump flashed on the television screen.
But on Saturday he said he wasn’t in the photograph.
Bogaczewicz even got the opportunity to photograph Mecca’s Great Mosque.
In the photograph, Emily was posing with her two children.
«#StandWithRand,» Massie tweeted with a photograph of the conservative trio.
It was quickly dubbed the «let them eat cake» photograph.
The photograph also seems to evoke the historical political portrait.
He pointed at a photograph on the wall behind him.
The cover image is often a moody painting or photograph.
Soon enough, a doctored photograph of Ms. Materna and Mrs.
Bryant emerged with a smile and posed for a photograph.
«The firm» needs competent and reliable employees who photograph well.
One photograph reviewed by CNN shows Parnas wiping Giuliani’s face.
Photograph by John Chiara for The New Yorker Salzer sighed.
A red light allowed her to photograph nocturnal moth pollinators.
What could someone learn about homelessness by viewing the photograph?
Which was often trying to get Bill to photograph them.
That photograph was buried with her, according to her wishes.
It also included a photograph that was published in error.
She took a photograph and sent it to her mother.
But few see their disembodied wombs, much less photograph them.
A good photograph does most of the selling for you.
Nope, it’s a new photograph of Jupiter’s Great Red Spot.
And it turns out there’s a third photograph as well.
Many people have an aversion to posing for a photograph.
Of course, perhaps the photograph was not meant like that.
Amy Winehouse was the last one he wanted to photograph.
The thing is, my eyes photograph on camera really big.
One of the organizations at the forefront is Women Photograph.
Carballo was awarded the $10,000 Women Photograph + Getty Images grant.
«It was a great photograph,» Ms. Churko said, but shocking.
Photograph by Rafal Milach for The New Yorker He smiled.
Discuss this interest and how it’s represented in this photograph.
I got to photograph Spizzoil at this old gas station.
The exhibit description does not even mention the word ‘photograph.
Endya’s mother, Chala Colbert, has a photograph to prove it.
The minister posted a photograph of the meeting on Twitter.
Sinan keeps a photograph of Albert Camus in his room.
«My desire is to photograph people’s inner pride,» he said.
It published every photograph its staff took during the tournament.
A racist photograph on the 1984 yearbook page of Gov.
The day she went out to photograph the image, Dec.
Vargas chose a photograph, too, but said he wasn’t sure.
But DuBois’s words give a different spin to Frank’s photograph.
She returned the next year to photograph the research subjects.
Often, a photograph is the photographer’s direct point of view.
People have always asked if I’ve got a favorite photograph.
A clear plastic tarp covered with pieces of brown packing tape, the kind one would use to wrap a framed photograph for shipping or storage, is itself hung on the wall, like a photograph.
She chose to photograph each participant in two ways: first, a current portrait of the survivor, and second, an image of them holding a photograph of themselves at the age when they were assaulted.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads Joseph Nicéphore Niépce’s 1826 or ‘423 view from his window in France is the earliest known photograph taken with a camera, but it wasn’t even his first photograph.
Archivist of the United States David S. Ferriero said in a statement the National Archives installed the unaltered photograph on Wednesday next to a photograph of the suffrage march in Washington, DC in 1913.
«This is an action for copyright infringement brought by plaintiff, the holder of the copyright to the photograph described below, against defendant for use of plaintiff’s photograph without authorization or permission,» the docs add.
Taken before the movie Frida (2002) had its world premiere, Smith’s black-and-white photograph, «Frida»  (New York, 2001), shows a craqueled, cutout of the artist’s head, which takes up most of the photograph.
It’s spiritually similar to that photograph of a Nutella jar’s ghastly composition that went viral last year; this photograph shows a pile of white powder atop a black table next to a two-pence coin.
We see a blank spot where the photograph was taken down from the wall, next to a Vietnamese-style altar on which another photograph of her husband, various votive offerings, and other important objects rest.
The claim that the photograph of young people standing in front of a «stone wall» shows Senator Bernie Sanders at the stonewall riots is false – the photograph shows an unidentified, more recent group of youngsters.
Thomas’ muse series makes an appearance in Carrie Mae Weems photograph, Scenes & Take (To Look Back In Anger), where Weems stands in a doorway on the set of Empire looking at a Thomas-mounted photograph.
RATING: FOUR POPEYES Steph looks completely unremarkable in a still photograph.
We have changed the photograph accompanying this article after a complaint
Each photograph of the president-elect has a different corresponding cat.
The photograph was being used as evidence at Prue&aposs trial.
Its truth supplies necessary context for our reading of Davidson’s photograph.
It fell open to a photograph of a granulated silver donkey.
When people call a photograph explosive, they usually mean it metaphorically.
An uncredited photograph taken at the Hyperion Studio in December 1929.
«You look pretty good in the photograph over there,» I suggest.
A photograph from the website of Uber employees’ new positivity campaign.
On Thursday, the photograph will sit on top of Soutter’s coffin.
On July 2, 2015, the officer showed the photograph to Peyton.
Maybe the President simply wants a photograph for the Oval Office?
I visited the plant to photograph some of their best finds.
Objects in photograph are smaller than they are in real life.
A photograph of the site showed collapsed ground under the rails.
It was a photograph that looked too good to be true.
I guess some gadgets, like people, just don’t photograph particularly well.
The State Department released a photograph of Pompeo on the phone.
«Every photograph was taken after a very long interview,» she said.
Both participants get notified though, so you can’t photograph people secretly.
Surrounded by her children, she produces a photograph of her husband.
The widest-angle photograph shows an interrogation point on the wall.
Arfun Ahmed’s 2014 photograph «Olympia Burkha» bitingly inverts the Manet original.
Let’s say your girlfriend wants to photograph herself looking really sexy.
If you photograph anxiety it doesn’t show up in the picture.
When you come in, I photograph you, and that’s the photo.
Getty likewise has a photograph of the 2013 floor coverings archived.
Between them, these sensors photograph the entire planet every 24 hours.
The people I photograph are not freaks or curiosities to me.
A photograph of Piccadilly Circus in London by Chalmers Butterfield, 1949.
The Yoshiwara District in Tokyo, documented in a hand-colored photograph.
The photograph was black and white, reminiscent of old Hollywood headshots.
Subject of Ruth Orkin’s iconic photograph «American Girl in Italy» (1951).
We will not say the gunman’s name or show his photograph.
I’d grown up looking at his photograph hanging on our wall.
The debris path is clear in the center of the photograph.
Then, voilà, a photograph that shows how people really see you.
Jackson first saw a photograph of Salto del Maule in 2016.
I take a photograph and it’s just me and a camera.
The Armstead and White Photograph Gallery in Corinth, Mississippi, 1861–65.
An official photograph with the Ship’s Company of HMS SUTHERLAND pic.twitter.
In one photograph, Hang Ren appears with two dicks for eyes.
He shares this photograph with evident pride on his Facebook page.
It’s like, why can’t anyone find a photograph of this statue?
Her husband Joe said it made her look like a photograph.
Researchers will photograph and measure technical details of the sunken ship.
Specific food groups and nutrition are treated to their own photograph.
What do these offer the form and content of the photograph?
A crappy photograph can’t quite represent how pretty this picture is.
Image: Historic photograph, U.S. Naval History and Heritage Command NH 71510.
» Mendel posted the same photograph with the simple caption: «Our dumplings.
In a third photograph, she is standing among partially-burned corpses.
Trump tweeted a photograph of Juncker giving him a trademark kiss.
«Why should her photograph be accurate?» the other, unnamed author argues.
»   Gietler said, «Pilot whales are notoriously shy and difficult to photograph.
It may photograph pretty, but in person, it doesn’t look natural.
In addition, staffers are not allowed to photograph private park areas.
Photographer Matthew Facey also visited the sight to photograph the shark.
Many times I didn’t photograph because the moment was too fragile.
In one photograph, he is in Navy uniform pre-Vietnam era.
Now there’s a photograph that seems to back up that idea.
Flair’s daughter, Charlotte Flair, posted a photograph to Instagram on Aug.
Smith then compared the watch with a photograph of the bruise.
It even sent back a grainy photograph and some environmental readings.
Could you speak about the qualities that make a photograph iconic?
Abdulbari — may we get a photograph with you before we leave?
It’s a photograph of a person’s life, essentially, and their needs.
So you’d morph the psychopathy face onto my photograph, for instance.
He also says I can take his photograph but no names.
What made you want to go over there and photograph it?
Greitens’ lawyers have noted the alleged photograph has never been produced.
Meghan captioned the photograph, «I miss you the most on Sunday.»
The article and the photograph were shared on Nature’s Twitter page.
Capturing this level of intimacy in a photograph combats that notion.
Just photograph the bottle label and get reviews, rankings and prices.
Though Andriesi’s photograph didn’t win, Zhuravleva still has concerns going forward.
It was never just a photograph; it was a life mission.
That’s why the «Garden of Eden» photograph became his pivotal picture.
«Before she turns 5 months … 🌹,» Hudson, 39, captioned the photograph.
Since you’re blindfolded, there is actually no way to photograph anything.
So then I would photograph her every night—every single night.
Can you name the rest of the people in this photograph?
I started photographing people and I still want to photograph people.
That was when he started to photograph what he was seeing.
Cotter’s thinking and Edmonds’ nudity-free photograph also echo earlier criticisms.
It’s the photograph used for last week’s Dinner is Shipped feature.
The juxtaposition is all, just as the person in the photograph.
This problem is what I’m trying to highlight in my photograph.
The order was: memorable experience or sight first, totemic photograph second.
But this is a photograph by his bathroom, not a mantelpiece.
Update 9/25: The photograph for this post has been changed.
The goal: to get a perfect photograph of the fried cheese.
Photograph by Richard Avedon Santa Monica Beach #04, September 30, 1963.
I often gaze up at a framed photograph in my office.
Photograph by Steve Schapiro / Corbis / Getty Audio: Listen to this story.
And they wouldn’t just affect a single pixel in a photograph.
Adams has a photograph of those mouse lungs above his desk.
«51, surviving and thriving,» she captioned a group photograph on Instagram.
That means if you post a photograph you took, for example.
Maguire spied a photograph of a bearded man on the wall.
Belgian police released a photograph of a suspect, according to CNN.
Cher was also among the musical icons he loved to photograph.
At the same fight, Abolafia snapped this photograph of Muhammad Ali.
I would also make sure that you’re smiling in your photograph.
Only one photograph of Canaan exists, from a 1910 magazine article.
Photograph courtesy Holleeder Family Another source of tension was Cor’s drinking.
They were asked to delete the photograph, and did, she added.
I got the courage to ask Venus Williams for a photograph.
Originally, Walter used a large-format camera to photograph each scene.
But there’s no guarantee that any given photograph will be surreal.
He was also the first practicing archaeologist to photograph the country.
This annotated photograph of the Senate floor last night is brilliant.
But we don’t have to make a photograph; we can paint.
There is a celebrated photograph, taken in Giza, Egypt, in 1921.
Raafat had taken a photograph of the sore near the end.
Dillon tweeted a photograph of coalition medics treating wounded SDF soldiers.
The photos in the show, titled Women Photograph Dalí, are fascinating.
I pointed forcefully at the photograph of crayfish on the menu.
More and more the photograph is stretching beyond the traditional frame.
But I don’t think about that when I’m taking the photograph.
I was fortunate enough to photograph him in 1978 in Scandinavia.
Behind me in the photograph are the storefront windows and entrance.
Don’t Smile, Smile VICE: When did you first photograph your grandmother?
Why does she photograph black men one way and women another?
After I got that photograph into Creem, my inbox was full.
Of course, many more have died since that photograph was taken.
Moving quickly, he works from the actual cheese, not a photograph.
I ask if I can take a photograph of the packaging.
Each column is hung, front and back, with a single photograph.
President Barack Obama is not at the center of the photograph.
Photograph by Kelly Cestari / W.S.L. He had things to do, too.
I think it’s your dick, and how you fucking photograph it.
She zips around town in a car decorated with her photograph.
After having her photograph taken in April, she heard nothing more.
Covering a campaign is like taking a photograph through a window.
Cabrera had been on the plane when the photograph was taken.
His LinkedIn profile features a photograph of the actor Christoph Waltz.
Make sure to photograph the damage of your home in detail.
Her fliers didn’t feature her photograph, to avoid charges of immodesty.
It became famous for a scene as well as a photograph.
Photograph by Paul Tsui, National Geographic travel photographer of the year.
A photograph fixes dead reality in the form of an afterimage.
She will, in all her mounting totality, fill the photograph soon.
Each face was then cropped from the photograph and presented individually.
The deceptive simplicity of this photograph allows a surfeit of interpretations.
I took this photograph in 2009 at Joint Base Balad, Iraq.
Then it sounded like a sepia-tone photograph, dripping with nostalgia.
On Facebook, my sister’s words are preserved, frozen like a photograph.
It took all of my willpower not to photograph the scene.
What’s the significance of the painted green homes in this photograph?
Places that are frequently photographed become nearly impossible to photograph interestingly.
There, inside a fake washing machine, a Mike Piscitelli photograph hangs.
Nonetheless, art and commercial photographers today still photograph beautiful landscapes beautifully.
The front page featured its first color photograph in October 22020.
She continues to travel, photograph and exhibit all over the world.
He quickly took a long-lens photograph and posted it online.
An essential question remained: Did that photograph influence Mr. Miller’s poster?
Ms. Santana emailed her daughter’s photograph to a local television reporter.
A lesser-known photograph shows a glimpse of some audience members.
CreditCreditIllustration by Tracy Ma. Source photograph of chair from Leathercraft Furniture.
It flew off before he could properly photograph or identify it.
How to accurately portray a woman for whom no photograph exists?
On his campaign posters, Mr. Duo uses the old Hondros photograph.
And he didn’t want me to photograph him having morning sickness.
In the photograph taken by Mr. Lincoln, didn’t she look dry?
A photograph that includes Bahr has been added to the obituary.
His photograph partly serves the narrative chosen by the Forum’s custodians.
One of Wojnarowicz’s famous images is a photograph of falling buffalo.
He was flipping through the magazine when he saw the photograph.
Tradition is tremendously important to Maxine, the subject of my photograph.
Where are the verbs, the adjectives, the nouns in a photograph?
The photograph illuminated a woman in stillness, surrounded by overgrown plants.
But Shore’s photograph tells no story; instead it provokes unanswerable questions.
The viewer’s eye searches the photograph beyond the billboard for clues.
It was a photograph of the cemetery in Luxembourg where Gen.
Afterward, he takes away the half-empty bottles to photograph them.
Film may have largely disappeared, but the photograph is sticking around.
«There are ethical limits to what I can photograph,» he notes.
Adjacent to the canvas is a photograph of the crackdown’s aftermath.
He already had the photograph framed and displayed in his locker.
Who says that a «good» photograph should stand on its own?
A photograph taken in 23 shows the unit’s commander, Maj. Gen.
So you see a photograph of Paul balanced on one knee.
How does it feel knowing The Photograph is finally hitting theaters?
Each photograph or art piece has its own power of attractiveness.
Photograph by Matthew Murphy After college, Timbers returned to New York.
People photograph it on their phone and return with donations later.
When Gonzalez handed over the doctored photograph, Abdullah’s demeanor changed instantly.
Interrogators could visit each cell with the same photograph for identification.
He even included a Polaroid selfie with the fan’s own photograph.
A photograph on Twitter showed a truck parked on London Bridge.
Photograph by Nuri Vallbona / The Miami Herald Krzykowski’s concerns kept mounting.
But for years, there was never a photograph of Jane’s kids.
It is a large photograph of him in his Marine uniform.
The release of the bride’s name and photograph stunned the country.
No. What about that photograph of Winston Churchill on the shelf?
The photograph, posted to Twitter, was signed with Mr. Mubarak’s autograph.
A photograph showed them in front of a house in Louisiana.
To help him regain it, she offered to take his photograph.
He is in the pale blue shirt in the photograph above.
Patricia Currie pulled out her cellphone out and snapped a photograph.
Your Everest traffic jam photograph — it’s a striking and important image.
North Korea released the photograph above, identifying it as the launch.
The photograph has not been confirmed by authorities and remains unverified.
He prefers to photograph in bright overcast, when shadows fade away.
Activism in the 1960s, some argue, was defined by the photograph.
I don’t remember the first photograph I took in this generation.
We can only photograph what is physically there, what has happened.
A family photograph of the writer with house sparrows in 1979.
The Grisly Pear hung a photograph of him in its theater.
When I look at a photograph, I’m on my own clock.
The end result is a crisper photograph with more accurate colors.
I left my friends and took a photograph of the protesters.
Michelle Obama shared a rare family photograph on Instagram for Thanksgiving.
Months later, my mother sent me a photograph of that field.
John Dingell poses for a photograph inside his office in 2009.
An 22004 photograph of the New Hampshire Woman’s Christian Temperance Union.
Worse, he masturbated on a photograph of her (off camera, thankfully).
This eerie abandoned church was Robroek’s favorite to explore and photograph.
On Photography Danny Lyon’s photograph «The Cotton Pickers» makes me tense.
She was ninety-three years old when this photograph was taken.
Photograph by Benjamin Lowy / Getty Images Reportage for The New Yorker
Photograph by Mengwen Cao Home health aides care for the elderly.
Don’t photograph them; they might interpret the camera as a weapon.
She has scrutinized every photograph she can find from the cells.
«I don’t want to photograph anyone anymore,» he told The Scotsman.
This photograph captures much about Ms. Brown’s essence as an artist.
Photograph by Themba Hadebe / AP Again, Berger was sharing his data.
The circumstances of the meeting captured in the photograph remain unclear.
She uses her living room to set up and photograph items.
A photograph from the meeting shows Mr. Torshin was also present.
On Photography I first saw the photograph some years ago, online.
Their gazes rise from the surface of the photograph, palpably furious.
Madonna peering through a 1991 photograph of herself by Steven Meisel.
«Salesman» might be a feature-length elaboration of a Frank photograph.
Psychology has a huge impact on how people perceive a photograph.
A single exception may be a photograph from the Reykjavík Summit.
You’re taking a photograph and treating it as a master shot.
It is additionally profound that this photograph has zero post-production.
The fact that Frank’s photograph of the New Orleans trolley is so well known and that Draper’s photograph of a row of bed sheets remains almost unknown is not an aesthetic issue, but a social one.
It is indeed an eerie photograph, and Sebald makes Austerlitz say of it: I have studied the photograph many times since, the bare, level field where I am standing, although I cannot think where it was. . .  .
I saw these two young people at a bus stop on Main Street, and asked if I could photograph them together, as I had an idea for a «couple» picture, but no real couple to photograph.
A painting, sculpture, or temple, as a record of both human skill and emotion, is already a site of memory; when its only remaining trace is a photograph, that photograph becomes a memorial to a memory.
We have no idea from whom or from where Ms. Sutton obtained the photograph she submitted to the forensic analyst, and there is no way we can attest to the authenticity or alteration of Ms. Sutton’s photograph.
«There is no doubt that a ballot selfie is a potent form of speech in that it sends a strong message that the individual in the photograph submitted the marked ballot depicted in the photograph,» Castel wrote.
By inserting the photograph of the wooden dentures into the frame’s upper right-hand corner, Lawson echoes the layered imagery of «Brother and Sister Soweto,» transforming her gold-framed photograph into an oversized mirror on a bureau.
But it was the still from the video for «Photograph» where singer Chad Kroeger holds up a photo, along with the memorable lyric «look at this photograph,» that blew up in the second half of the decade.
For 25 years, Frédéric Brenner traveled the world, finding Jews to photograph.
Spade shared a blurry photograph of himself and the designer at Christmas.
Literally, I take a two-second photograph, and now I’m obstruction personified.
The image above is the first known photograph of a presidential inauguration.
Nothing in the photograph points to our long, unrelenting struggle for freedom.
There’s no doubt that Parks intended his photograph to be a metaphor.
And then they had an official photograph taken in the Grand Corridor.
Even a photograph of a black actor embodying George Washington has impact.
«Someone is happy to see her little brother,» Jim captioned the photograph.
A purported UFO photograph from July 20013, 1956 in San Bernardino, California.
There was a photograph that had made the rounds during the storm.
The red stars are proof this isn’t a black-and-white photograph.
The men in the photograph are members of Mexico’s new National Guard.
Yes, that’s me taking a photograph of my screen showing a PDF.
It involves a lot of trust, for someone to photograph you naked.
The declassified photograph has not been released by the Department of Defense.
People don’t believe they’ve experienced the event unless they’ve taken a photograph.
His lawyers have noted that the alleged photograph has never been produced.
Justo posted a photograph of himself with Mahathir on his Facebook account.
All other painted images are uncropped copies of the original 1953 photograph.
A violating upskirt photograph of her crotch made worldwide news for weeks.
A stereo card photograph titled These Are the Generations of Ham, 1895.
Dewan-Tatum used an existing photograph of Chopra with her own selfie.
If you are representing something, you might as well take a photograph.
On it is a man’s name, photograph, telephone number, and other information.
A robot takes a photograph the Gangneung ice hockey arena Feb. 21.
The photograph was reposted by an account with more than 200,000 followers.
»  A second photograph from another Facebook contact is said to include «pizza.
Apple claims that it can’t be duped by a high-res photograph.
Alley, 68, and Travolta, 65, embraced as they smiled in the photograph.
The newspaper included what it said was a photograph of the meal.
«I was lucky enough to photograph my cousin’s wedding,» Dhamiyanto told Agora.
I don’t do any digital transfer, I just draw from the photograph.
Botanist George Washington Carver works in his greenhouse in this undated photograph.
«Photograph 51,» the Ziegler play, will close out the Main Stage season.
THE photograph of two skinny, half-naked 20-somethings defined a generation.
Randall Park shared a photograph with his wife, Jae W. Suh Park.
DiNuzzo shot this photograph on the third day of the airport protests.
In the text, as in the photograph, he does not step back.
Recently, he’s started exclusively using his iPhone to photograph professional sports events.
I set out to meet and photograph the people behind the signs.
«Winter in Nashville,» The Hills alum, 31, wrote to accompany the photograph.
The Duchess took this photograph of Prince Louis on 26 April. pic.twitter.
On Tuesday, Ashley shared a photograph of her daughter on life support.
This photograph led him to explore the wild side of the ocean.
I wanted to photograph everything, and I wanted to talk about it.
It felt silly — like those people who bring iPads to photograph events.
Drake was only allowed to photograph the educational aspects of these clinics.
This photograph also features an iridescent cloud directly behind the lenticular cloud.
What was it about the photograph that was so important to people?
It was an amazing experience and a great opportunity to photograph them.
Consider the famous photograph of «The Irascibles» in Life magazine in 21968.
Also in the photograph was corgi Holly, who passed away last October.
The image is an example of what’s called a long exposure photograph.
When Robbins saw her, he showed her the photograph he still had.
I cropped the photograph on my laptop and hit publish on Twitter.
She hesitates before placing the photograph next to the corpse’s flaccid penis.
In a similar photograph, the couple is seen smiling at the camera.
The photograph is always a special thing between [the subject and me].
Ganesh H. Shankar captured this vivid photograph in India’s Keoladeo National Park.
It has been updated with a new photograph of the current crew.
What’s it like to photograph the most famous family in the world?
A brave soul recently snuck in to photograph the apocalyptic scene today.
Pettigiani spent three days in Dubai last August to photograph the series.
Each poster starts with a photograph that I take at each park.
«Do you remember going and having this photograph taken?» the host asked.
The images are placed atop what appears to be a mirror photograph.
In his first interview since the photograph came to light on Feb.
Irene’s living room was so beautiful, I had to photograph her there.
Why did you choose to only photograph people with «alternative» sex lives?
The photograph was clearly taken while Cage was lost in his thoughts.
The photograph book, called Chasing Light, documents Obama’s time as first lady.
Having their photograph taken was a bit of a game to them.
So, we’re getting the chance to photograph real people in real situations.
It took a devastating photograph to get the world to pay attention.
«This is what I love to photograph,» Day told the Huffington Post.
All ‘Savior’ artwork and Joshue Pagliery photograph courtesy of Empty Head Games.
Scullery maid Daisy sets up the army photograph of William, who she
After two weeks, Instagram apologised for its mistake and restored the photograph.
Markov took this photograph of a Russian Orthodox cemetery in Zholoman, Kazakhstan.
One employee posted a photograph of himself posing in the call center.
The songs are Sheeran’s first since he released «Photograph» in May 2015.
This is not to discount the hot photograph, which is very powerful.
What’s seen in this photograph would never be acceptable in our stores.
VICE: How did you get the idea to photograph the Costa Concordia?
What’s the story behind your access and motivation to photograph these strippers?
I just wanted to photograph people who are passionate about this music.
Eyerman’s photograph reduces the audience members to uniform rows of spectacled spectators.
The art depicted a blurred, but still recognizable, photograph of Michael Jordan.
But when the media gets a photograph of it, you see it.
What’s the most important photograph to you out of the whole project?
So it took me from 1993 to 2002 to photograph ten MCs.
I feel that way when I look at the people you photograph.
Annie Leibovitz’s photograph of Mr Koons for Vanity Fair is highly performative.
I mean, like the lake—you wouldn’t even want to photograph it.
Photograph by Richard Avedon Joe Louis, prizefighter, New York, October 3, 1963.
It’s like a poorly taken photograph that was computer generated for you.
On the wall hung a photograph of the original shop in Damascus.
Photograph by Andrew Esiebo for The New Yorker «That’s bullshit,» Case said.
Importantly, there is no way to reconstruct a photograph from its hash.
Then, all of a sudden, his name and photograph is on there.
Motherboard: How do you photograph such small objects with so much detail?
On Photography A photograph is not the same as the thing photographed.
The photograph showed a group of Obama’s young speechwriters celebrating a victory.
Northam considered resigning over the weekend, hours after the initial photograph emerged.
Why was it important for you to photograph nudes that weren’t sexual?
Mr. Siddiqui had identified himself in a wire photograph before we spoke.
Photograph by Zachary Zavislak for The New Yorker Who could blame them?
I didn’t photograph our own home the way I did my grandmother’s.
Photograph by Wolfgang Tillmans / Courtesy David Zwirner «The Cock (kiss),» from 2002.
Photograph by Anne Golaz for The New Yorker Sea urchin at Koks.
Photograph by René Bouwman Astrid and Sonja were close but very different.
The moment was captured in a photograph that has been published widely.
A photograph accompanying an earlier version of this article appeared in error.
The photograph, of the director James Lapine, was taken by Dixie Sheridan.
The photograph on the screen showed the man we had just met.
Why, the lawyer asked Nasser, was this photograph hanging in his garage?
The photograph showed a fully stocked vegan section amid picked-clean shelves.
Photograph courtesy Natalie Weiss «You know what?» she said to her team.
To my regret, I have only a single photograph of the result.
A photograph of three smiling blond boys in jeans and denim shirts.
SCIENCE TIMES A photograph of grizzly bears accompanying an article on Nov.
The home screen lit up: a photograph of sleeping twin baby girls.
A photograph of CubeSats being shot out of the International Space Station.
Despite its name, this photograph doesn’t actually show a Disney theme park.
Move over Barack Obama, Pete Souza’s got a new president to photograph.
One last glimpse: tourists photograph a melting glacier on a boat trip
«North in my closet ✨,» Kardashian West tweeted alongside the cute photograph.
Her brother, Oscar Weah, said the photograph was taken around 8 a.m.
The couple keep a framed photograph of the Reagans in their study.
Does any photograph do justice to the reality it tries to capture?
Arras told her father that she wanted to photograph a nearby lake.
For the cover, my friend Tetsuomi [Anzai], took the photograph of us.
I have to ask them whether I can reproduce or photograph it.
If it needs a mirror, it has the photograph and the cinema.
Think of the famous photograph «San Francisco» (1956), taken by Robert Frank.
Nor do I generally keep in touch with the people I photograph.
If we’re being totally honest here, this is a terrible, terrible photograph.
I began to photograph them, not knowing how this would be received.
Nearby, a small reproduction of Liu’s photograph serves as a reference point.
Speaking to volunteers across Europe, that photograph comes up again and again.
That’s sometimes a rare thing in terms of the people I photograph.
The photograph shows Ali standing over a prone Liston, flexing and yelling.
One photograph pictures Mr. Band, Mr. Clinton and President Obama playing golf.
Photograph by Immo Klink for The New Yorker «He’s O.K.,» Bennett said.
Many people on the trip also received CDs that included the photograph.
What ca — Look at the photograph at the top of this page.
Donald Trump Holds Media Availability In Portsmouth, New Hampshire Photograph: Matthew Cavanaugh.
Her grandmother identified her from a photograph posted by an aid group.
In one photograph, people watch from their cars parked in a field.
Tuesday, only two hours before council members gathered for a group photograph.
Untitled 2016 Ink, collage, acrylic paint and oil stick on colour photograph.
I fell in love with the transformative quality of a color photograph.
Remember that photograph of the boat surrounded by flaming water in Time?
One quiet young man politely asked to take a photograph with him.
Stephen Friedland is standing at left in the photograph, not Eddie Rabkin.
» Looking at the cover photograph of the exhibition catalogue, «Re/Cover no.
Think of this show now, and the decision to choose a photograph.
These days, she finds herself increasingly inspired to photograph middle-aged women.
An earlier version of this article misidentified the couple in the photograph.
Though modest, the photograph taken in Boston in 1855, is actually historic.
With tears in her eyes, she eventually identified him through a photograph.
In one photograph, I noticed his silhouette visible in his subject’s corneas.
«I saw the photograph on every newspaper kiosk … in Paris,» Baldwin says.
But his biggest asset was a nude calendar photograph of Marilyn Monroe.
Below is a photograph, which comes closer to capturing lightning in reality.
But finding out exact details, through the photograph alone, is more difficult.
Pence was also in the photograph with Trump and the Brazilian official.
Let’s talk about the photograph that stunned me in the other room.
The photograph also shows Senator Lindsay Graham and a police officer (  here ).
Ms. Wiggins ushered the three men into a line for a photograph.
Outside of branded work, the people I photograph are usually real friends.
The photograph showed the Chin family in Sam Wah Laundry in 1952.
By Annie Proulx Shore’s «Klamath Falls» photograph brims with information and disturbance.
«It’s easy because I’m inspired by the people I photograph,» she says.
On another wall in another room, a different photograph catches the eye.
We’ll start with an iconic photograph known as The Pale Blue Dot.
Got a gorgeous photograph you want to add to the video tour?
My original plan was to photograph women living in displaced-persons camps.
The moment she sees the developed photograph Lu also sees her future.
At sunup he moved to the backyard to photograph the volcanic explosion.
Her statue of Eternity is not even stone; it’s a framed photograph.
It was a video montage, not a photograph of a black screen.
The Carrie Mae Weems photograph «Blue Black Boy,» I thought, was fantastic.
It is a reproduction of an oil portrait, not of a photograph.
Kim can photograph and shoot film as a complement to the texts.
«As A.B. says, ‘like most people, I recognize myself in a photograph.'»
He is, quite literally, close to the two people in the photograph.
Actress Claudette Colbert posed with her dog for this early 1900s photograph.
Pets were also used to set the scene for a studio photograph.
In a post accompanying the photograph, she wrote, «First steps of freedom!!»
Photograph by Thomas Prior for The New Yorker Such talk pleased Bennett.
The first photograph features Steven Frank with his granddaughters, Maggie and Trixie.
The public would have none of that additional insight without Wilson’s photograph.
The opposition Labour Party leader, Jeremy Corbyn, posted a photograph of Mrs.
Saño had come from Manila to document and photograph Sustento at work.
Users then photograph their receipt, which is also sent directly to Xero.
She wrote the book with the photograph that was in the library.
She said she looks for «emotion and energy» when composing a photograph.
That’s the case with «The Photograph,» about parallel affairs of the heart.
There is a photograph of the artist Louise Bourgeois, taken in 1975.
One of them just elbowed you while taking a photograph of it.
And especially when every time you step outside, someone takes your photograph.
The shop’s back wall is decorated with a photograph of Sisi’s grandfather.
A photograph on July 2, with an article about Horn Island, Miss.
But the place the photograph was taken in—named Kolmanskop—actually exists.
See how many people you can identify based only on a photograph.
We have a steam clock in Gastown that tourists like to photograph.
Photograph by Thomas Joshua Cooper «My whole practice is edges,» Cooper says.
In the original photograph, the sword is actually a paper towel roll.
Her publication is going to come photograph the inside of your refrigerator.
Photograph by Victor J. Blue for The New Yorker I was skeptical.
Maye Musk shared the photograph on Tuesday, saying it was from 1995.
The witness told CNN that they were shown the photograph during questioning.
In one iteration, he was shown behind bars in a faked photograph.
Christenberry returned to photograph this building every year for almost three decades.
The photograph, by unanimous agreement of the Imago team, was a triumph.
In one photograph he speeds across a rice field holding an infant.
A contemporary photograph shows landscapes, drawings and dagguereotypes, architectural casts, and pottery.
» Then, you gotta take them outside and «photograph them in the garden.
The photograph was removed and her picture from Wednesday’s derailment was appended.
The banner carried a photograph of her with her husband and baby.
Why you would take a photograph of orange slices is beyond me.
«I want to photograph the considerable ceremonies of our present,» she wrote.
The article was also updated to correct the photograph to show Wagner.
Photograph by Eugene Richards for The New Yorker The patient’s breathing changes.
The second photograph was taken by Michelle V. Agins, not James Estrin.
A photograph of Alberto Flores’s grandchildren hangs in his home, in Diamante.
It is based on a 1997 photograph taken by Timothy Greenfield-Sanders.
And a framed photograph of Mr. Agnew hung in Mr. Beall’s office.
What was it like to photograph the Sex Pistols at their height?
We live in a very fragmented world, and that’s how I photograph.
Illustration by Cristiana Couceiro, photograph by Nigel Dickson/Getty ImagesCreditCredit On Jan.
I wanted to be like, ‘What are you doing with my photograph?
Both that photograph and the one by Mr. Adams won Pulitzer Prizes.
I will photograph girls in Badakhshan and dance with Sikhs in Nangarhar.
Sometimes he’d photograph his subject’s home with no human presence at all.
Afterward, Liao was charged with entering Naval property to photograph defense installations.
The truck photograph, called «World’s Fastest Mobile Home,» is by Richard Misrach.
That one is a photograph of flowers in water by Gilles Bensimon.
We have handled a photograph of the gunman in the same way.
That’s why I used to hover around and photograph the prison phones.
I like Anton Perich’s photograph of the New York Dolls at Max’s.
The illustrious Life magazine photographer Alfred Eisenstaedt took the photograph on Aug.
Rodriguez said he never followed up with an offer to photograph her.
According to Li-Mi-Yan, finding the employers to photograph wasn’t difficult.
Frank approaches them from behind, invading their privacy, before taking a photograph.
The photograph shows him in an airplane with a Michael Brooks book.
Maybe […] you believe a film or a photograph more than a painting.
And he’d actually allowed her to photograph pages containing top secret information.
I was like ‘Wait, I can go walk around and photograph anything?
Removing a photograph of two men kissing Instagram, which is owned by Facebook, removed a photograph of two men kissing that was taken by U.K.-based photographer Stella Asia Consonni for a magazine project for violating community guidelines.
He said at least one of his crewmates had been motivated into the work as a result of seeing the photograph, which he compared to Nick Ut’s famous 1972 photograph of a nine-year-old Vietnamese napalm victim.
«While we have identified no information that the Photograph was placed on Governor Northam’s personal page in error or by any other means not at his direction, we could not conclusively determine the origin of the Photograph,» investigators added.
While one of the two accused, Boshirov, looked like a photograph released by Britain, the other, Petrov, looked nothing like the other photograph and had not been in Britain at the time of the attempted poisoning incident, she added.
In one photograph, titled «New York City» (May 2015) — all his work is titled by the city where the photograph was taken — we see a man in a gray sweatshirt, its hood over his head, standing at a payphone.
The average photograph sells for $2000,231 at auction, against $2650,000 for a painting.
«Photograph» was the fifth single from Sheeran’s breakout 2014 album «x» (pronounced ‘multiply’).
There is a photograph of my father and grandfather, taken on Sunday, Aug.
Vatican officials admitted last week to doctoring a photograph sent to the media.
And now, we have the first photograph to go along with the name.
This is a photograph of an iPhone on top of Huawei’s new P9.
It’s the crispest photograph in the series; the newer ones are much blurrier.
Illustration based on photograph taken by #LarryBurrows (1926-1971) a photojournalist from #LIFEMagazine. .
In the context of Sorrenti’s brief, glimmering life, the photograph shudders with apprehension.
The photograph as a template closes my imagination and suppresses more personal inspiration.
Every photograph is annotated with references to Talbot’s notebooks, letters, and other resources.
«Living that beach life,» Harley wrote alongside a photograph of the doting dad.
The paintings are rooted in the photograph, so there is a visual kinship.
A funeral photograph is your last portrait, so personal quirks can be found.
In the photograph from 2009, Barlin wears glasses and braces on her teeth.
«North in my closet ✨,» Kardashian West, 38, tweeted alongside the cute photograph.
While in the greenhouse, a Chinese tourist asked if she could photograph Fenby.
The photograph was taken by Neil Armstrong with a 70mm lunar surface camera.
John Deakin took the photograph, which was commissioned by Francis Bacon, around 1964.
Fratino might start with a photograph, but he is not limited by it.
Credit: Photograph by permission of the Ba ̧sur Höyük Research Project; Antiquity 2018
With every trip, every photograph of another rocket, CAR’s database grows in authority.
The photograph was taken by journalist Julia Le Duc, who lives in Mexico.
A stock photograph the of the US Constitution and a gun with bullets.
A photograph of the so-called «deadbeat borrowers» also accompanied their personal information.
Wouldn’t you  really rather discuss media bias because of a wrongly attributed photograph?
Their large size also makes Mentor satellites the easiest to find and photograph.
In a photograph titled «Posturing Age Transformation» (1973), Wilson stares at the camera.
A still photograph furnished by DLNR showed a gaping hole in its canopy.
All that is what makes the photograph below, taken around 1904, so striking.
The photograph shows Swift flanked by Mueller and his then-girlfriend Shannon Melcher.
The photographer is unknown, and the photograph itself does not provide many clues.
Cindy Sherman cameos in a 1983 photograph, unmasked and wearing a simple blazer.
It’s a photograph of soda cans flattened then compressed into wire-bound rectangles.
We just asked them to photograph what they felt important in their lives.
He demanded that the boys in the photograph be educated about the Holocaust.
He shows a photograph taken of Sarandon with Michael Shannon and Kate Winslet.
I get to go play with old records, read them, and photograph them.
How a single photograph can carry several different meanings at the same time.
The song’s artwork is similarly inflammatory, with a photograph of Drake in blackface.
It is not clear exactly when the photograph of Mr. Trump was taken.
Several used the large-scale photograph of the statue as a selfie opportunity.
The photograph on the handout provided by Gagosian depicts a working steel mill.
He plunges into dangerously cold waters to see—and photograph—it for himself.
In this long exposure photograph, embers fly off a burning house and truck.
Afterward, he shook hands with each performer and posed for a group photograph.
Timur Yildirim poses for a photograph inside his family’s store selling traditional antiques.
There was a photograph of her mother, Maya, as a baby, in 1925.
Lena found a photograph of Audrey Hepburn that she took as her model.
Zaw Hein took his nominated photograph while visiting the Kyaukse Township in Myanmar.
Like some other nominated images, Lenzen’s photograph focuses on love shared between wildlife.
While working on a ranch to photograph horses, Rynessa came across two children.
He wins a photograph of himself with Becca as well as a kiss.
Connor decides to end it all by throwing the photograph in the pool.
Bathers having their photograph taken on the beach in Ostend, Belgium, in 1914.

Examples of how to use the word “photograph” in a sentence. How to connect “photograph” with other words to make correct English sentences.

photograph (n, v): a picture produced using a camera; to take a picture using a camera

Use “photograph” in a sentence

Here is a photograph of my family.
You are not allowed to take photographs here.
I went to Paris to photograph the Eiffel.

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April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

P. 105) the stratified character of the ash may be rendered apparent in an X-ray photograph of a piece of coal about an inch thick, when it appears in thin parallel bands, the combustible portion remaining transparent.

Even though it would be a short trip, it was an opportunity to photograph the floral spectacle, with the added opportunity to meet another participant in the Dawkins family chronicle.

It is to him, like the photograph hung on a wall of one we love, cherished as a picture and no more.

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Besides, my wife is itching to photograph the wildflowers.

From a photograph by Father Joseph Braun, S.

In 1833 he made a series of careful determinations of the vapour densities of a large Drawn from a photograph taken by Father J.

Teacher wishes me to say that she liked the photograph very much and she will see about having some when we return.

By all means let universal characterization be attempted — we are about to attempt one here, though well aware of the difficulty in the present state of our knowledge — but they must at least model themselves on the composite photograph rather than the impressionist sketch.

We have in bas-reliefs of the 3rd century representations of what these ornaments were like — small 2 An illustration from a photograph is given in Rhys Davids’ Buddhist India, p. 131.

By suitably replacing the ocular of the observing telescope in an angular vision spectroscope by a photographic camera, it is possible to photograph spectra; such instruments are termed spectrographs.

  • Use the word Photograph in a sentences

Sentence Examples

‘I have a responsibility, as a documentary photographer, ‘to photograph the times we live in, what the world is about now.

That’s part of why I’m interested in this field, cos I’m gonna photograph nature in all four seasons.

I said «That’s typical. That’s the kind of photograph I took.»

I like this photograph, it’s maybe one of my favourite photographs because I didn’t know what I was doing.

Did people mind when you took their photograph?

He had a police radio in his car and he’d go running to the police station, he’d photograph all these dead Mafia people and so on. And he had this big 4×5 camera and a big cigar and a big, big mouth.

It’s a photograph of the European Brown Bear and it’s a sign describing what the bear is and all you see of the bear, the bottom jaw of the bear, reaching up.

How long did it take to photograph all the buildings? Oh, this took about…

Photographers continue to go out into the world in order to photograph life today.

You ought to go photograph the fire, too.

They’ll buy any good film so photograph anyting that’s interesting.

Twelve motion picture cameras will photograph the arrival… of Your Majesty and the prince consort.

The newpapers keep running my photograph.

I didn’t know you had a photograph of her.

There was a photograph of me in your room.

Your photograph with them.

Well, have you seen enough, or would you like a photograph?

No. But why should you want to take a photograph of me?

As a matter of fact, it’s a hobby of mine… to photograph the most beautiful thing I see in every port.

And here you have his photograph.

He had a photograph of you.

Oh, I cut that picture out of a photograph.

And you expect to photograph it?

If it’s there, you bet I’ll photograph it.

Suppose I don’t photograph well?

Please send a large autographed photograph for our club room.

I wrote him and sent him a photograph of a scene from the play and told him that I was coming to New York and expected to be famous and have a theater of my own so I could play his Cleopatra until I was too old for it, when I’d do Mrs. Warren’s Profession.

I want to take a photograph of you.


You stole a photograph out of my apartment.

The dame in that photograph must have been quite a bother to the boys in Vienna 30 years ago.

And this is the photograph gallery.

One moment, the photograph

Do you remember A photograph of yours I gave back to you When you left us?

Yes, I remember The photograph.

He’s much better looking than his photograph, isn’t he?

You’re taking enough time to photograph the City Directory.

Will you photograph it for me?

Instruct all divisions to restudy the features of Paul Lavond from the photograph issued, and impress upon them it was taken 17 years ago.

They had «It» all right, but they didn’t photograph it and put it to music.

Hit him over here in the sunlight… so the boys can photograph the body.

Another photograph showing Mr. Deeds jumping about a fire engine.

Just a little photograph that I’ve carried all my life, taken at Punxsutawney.

What did I do with that photograph?

A photograph, young lady?

There is a photograph here

Definition of Photograph

a picture taken with a camera usually so the event can be remembered later

Examples of Photograph in a sentence

As we walked down the aisle, I took a photograph using my cell phone of the famous celebrity so I could have a memento of the occasion.


During the 4th graders’ piano recital, every parent was taking a photograph of their child’s performance so they could remember this special event.


While rummaging through some old junk in my attic, I came across a photograph of my grandparents’ wedding.


The haunted house seemed harmless until a photograph was taken of it showing a mysterious ghostlike being in the house’s window.


Using my cell phone, I took a selfie of me in front of the building and then showed the photograph to my friends.


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Recent Examples on the Web

Our favorite photographs from February by Anchorage Daily News staff photographers and contributors.

Anchorage Daily News, 7 Apr. 2023

Unlike black-and-white photographs, Daguerreotypes or wax cylinder recordings, there isn’t much nostalgic charm emanating from the grainy early days of video.

Philip Kennicott, Washington Post, 6 Apr. 2023

During the investigation by Adams, Lynch & Loftin, P.C., 42 witnesses were interviewed, and documents, photographs, audio and video files were analyzed.

Susan Mcfarland, Dallas News, 5 Apr. 2023

The incident occurred when travelers stopped to take photographs near a stream, Lepcha told Reuters.

Jason Hahn, Peoplemag, 4 Apr. 2023

Rescue operations were ongoing at the site, Loden Lepcha said, adding that when the avalanche hit, people were taking photographs near a stream.

Reuters, NBC News, 4 Apr. 2023

Black-and-white photographs depicting local scenery line the walls, while spacious private lanais invite guests outside.

Dobrina Zhekova, Travel + Leisure, 3 Apr. 2023

Its 745 glossy pages of text are adorned with scores of images—portraits, photographs, maps and frontispieces, each illustrating the myriad books, authors, artists, architects and historical events discussed in its 32 chapters.

Barton Swaim, WSJ, 31 Mar. 2023

While researchers have studied the Dave Green site before, this team brought drones to take photographs from 10 meters high, and handheld 3D scanners, to render the rare indentations.

Matt Hrodey, Discover Magazine, 30 Mar. 2023

Khloé Kardashian and Tristan Thompson were photographed grabbing McDonald’s together this week, but Kardashian herself denied speculation that their on-off relationship may be on again.

Alyssa Bailey, ELLE, 7 Apr. 2023

And in January of 2020, she was photographed at church in Sandringham with the Cambridges.

Caroline Hallemann, Town & Country, 6 Apr. 2023

In 2019, cave explorers and scientists photographed and collected specimens in Krem Um Ladaw cave, the largest measuring 400 millimeters.

Byscience News Staff,, 6 Apr. 2023

In January, the whirlwind romance was on display when they were photographed beachside in Barbados by the Daily Mail.

Emily St. Martin, Los Angeles Times, 4 Apr. 2023

Long and Bosworth filmed the horror film House of Darkness together in 2021, and in April 2022, they were photographed kissing in Hawaii.

Ryan Gajewski, The Hollywood Reporter, 4 Apr. 2023

She is photographed in profile, to hide the side of her face that had been paralyzed by a recent stroke.

Lonnie G. Bunch Iii, Smithsonian Magazine, 3 Apr. 2023

Dugina and Tatarsky moved in the same circles, and they had been photographed multiple times together.

Radina Gigova, CNN, 2 Apr. 2023

On Sunday, Biden was photographed in a suite with women’s sports pioneer and tennis superstar Billie Jean King.

Lia Assimakopoulos, Dallas News, 1 Apr. 2023

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These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘photograph.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

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