Sentences with the word personal

Synonym: individual, particular, private, special, specific. Similar words: personally, person, in person, personnel, the first person, ever so, resonate, regional. Meaning: [‘pɜrsnl /’pɜːs-]  n. a short newspaper article about a particular person or group. adj. 1. concerning or affecting a particular person or his or her private life and personality 2. particular to a given individual 3. of or arising from personality 4. intimately concerning a person’s body or physical being 5. indicating grammatical person. 

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1 I intend no modification of my hope…expressed personal wish that all men everywhere could be free. 

2 She is blunt about her personal life.

3 She collected up her personal belongings and left.

4 The police were probing into her personal life.

5 The Chinese make a point of their personal honor.

6 His latest toy is a personal computer.

7 His work is imprinted with his own personal style.

8 The novel is written from personal experience.

9 Winning the championship is a great personal triumph .

10 It’s a matter of personal preference .

11 She refused to answer questions about her personal finances.

12 Her prime motive was personal ambition.

13 He took his son’s desertion as a personal affront.

14 Wash regularly to ensure personal hygiene.

15 Her actions manifested a complete disregard for personal safety.

16 His personal wealth is estimated at around $100 million.

17 Stop questioning me about my personal business!

18 How dare you make personal remarks!

19 Could I talk to you about a personal matter?

20 He works out every morning with his personal trainer.

21 I take it as a personal injury.

22 His sole aim is personal aggrandizement.

23 He never reaches after personal fame and gain.

24 Personal computers are cheap and getting cheaper.

25 She resigned over an issue of personal ethics.

26 I don’t have much personal contact with him.

27 All hire cars are for personal use only.

28 He lost all his personal effects in the fire.

29 There is no personal animosity between the party leaders.

30 I’ll ask my personal assistant to deal with this.

More similar words: personally, person, in person, personnel, the first person, ever so, resonate, regional, national, functional, occasional, educational, additional, occasionally, traditional, nationalism, conventional, professional, traditionally, institutional, instructional, international, on a large scale, congressional, constitutional, organizational, or so, son, reason, season. 

{ September 19, 2014 @ 1:53 pm }
{ grammatical word }

Personally Speaking-webuse

Today, I want to go over the word “personally”. We use it when we want to give our opinion about something. This word is used to emphasize the fact that it is our own opinion and not someone else’s. Let me give you some examples of how to use it in sentences.

Most people I know like the actor Nathan Jones but, personally, I don’t like him.

Personally, I find living in a small town to be very enjoyable.

I personally think that Japan is the best country in the world.

My friends love to go dancing but, personally, I don’t enjoy it.

As you can see from my examples, the word “personally” can be placed in various places in the sentence: at the beginning, in the middle or between the words “I” and “think”. Please note that when we put this word in the middle of a sentence, we put commas around it, as in my first and fourth examples.

We can only use this word when talking about our opinion; if we are simply making a statement about something, we cannot use this word.

We usually use this word with verbs such as “think”, “like”, “enjoy” and “find”. In this case, the verb “find” means that we have a certain opinion about something based on our own experience of it. It does not mean that we locate something that we have been looking for.

Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
talkative, smart, hospitable, curious, lazy, athletic, naughty
Example: A person who likes to talk a lot is talkative.
1. A person who doesn’t like to work is _ .
2. A person who is interested in learning about people or things around us is _ .
3. A person who is intelligent and can think quickly is _ .
4, A person who likes guests and is friendly to them is _ .
5. A child who is not obedient is _ .
6. A person who is strong, healthy and good at sports is _ .

Английский язык ENJOY ENGLISH Английский с удовольствием (рабочая тетрадь) 5 класс Биболетова. UNIT 4.Section 2. Номер №8


Перевод задания
Дополните предложения словами из рамки.
болтливый, умный, гостеприимный, любопытный, ленивый, атлетичного телосложения, непослушный
Пример: Человек, который любит много говорить, − болтливый.
1. Человек, который не любит работать − _.
2. Человек, который заинтересован в изучении людей или вещей вокруг нас, − _.
3. Умный и быстро соображающий человек − _.
4. Человек, который любит гостей и дружелюбен к ним, − _.
5. Непослушный ребенок − _.
6. Сильный, здоровый и спортивный человек − _.

1. A person who doesn’t like to work is lazy.
2. A person who is interested in learning about people or things around us is curious.
3. A person who is intelligent and can think quickly is smart.
4, A person who likes guests and is friendly to them is hospitable.
5. A child who is not obedient is naughty.
6. A person who is strong, healthy and good at sports is athletic.

Перевод ответа
1. Человек, который не любит работать, − ленивый.
2. Человек, который заинтересован в изучении людей или вещей вокруг нас, − любопытный
3. Умный человек, который быстро соображает − сообразительный
4. Человек, который любит гостей и дружелюбен к ним, − гостеприимный.
5. Ребенок, который не слушается − непослушный.
6. Сильный, здоровый и спортивный человек − атлетичного телосложения.

1. Complete the table.



1   ambition



3   creativity



5   flexibility



7   honesty



9   intelligence



11   maturity



13   optimism



15   pessimism



17   realism



19   seriousness



21   sociability



23   sympathy




1 ambitious   2 cheerfulness   3 creative   4 enthusiasm

5 flexible   6 generosity   7 honest   8 idealism

9 intelligent   10 loyalty   11 mature   12 modesty

13 optimistic   14 patience   15 pessimistic

16 punctuality   17 realistic   18 self-confidence

19 serious   20 shyness   21 sociable   22 stubbornness

23 sympathetic   24 thoughtfulness

2. Complete the phrases for describing personal qualities with the words below.

common      communicating      courage      energy

initiative      lack      sense      skills

 have a good ………………………….. of humour

 have lots of / no sense

 have good organisational …………………………..

 ………………………….. self-confidence

 have physical …………………………..

 be good at …………………………..

 show lots of …………………………..

 have lots of …………………………..


1 sense   2 common   3 skills   4 lack   5 courage

6 communicating   7 initiative   8 energy

3. Complete the sentences with adjectives and phrases from exercises 1 and 2.

 Sue is very ………………………….. . She always thinks things will get worse.

 Harry loves telling jokes. He has ………………………….. .

 Try to be ………………………….. . It isn’t good to be late.

 She always tells the truth. She’s very ………………………….. .

 She’s always telling everyone how clever she is. She isn’t very ………………………….. .

 He loves being with other people. He’s the most ………………………….. person I know!

 She loves dangerous sports. She has great ………………………….. .

 I can talk to her about my problems. She always listens. She’s very ………………………….. .

 He always knows what to do. You don’t need to tell him. He ………………………….. .


1 pessimistic   2 a good sense of humour   3 punctual

4 honest   5 modest   6 sociable   7 courage

8 sympathetic   9 shows lots of initiative

4. Listen to three people describing a friend or family member. Choose two adjectives below that best describe the people. There are two extra adjectives.

ambitious      cheerful      generous      intelligent

optimistic      patient      punctual      serious

 ……………………… and ………………………

 ……………………… and ………………………

 ……………………… and ………………………


1 cheerful, optimistic   2 intelligent, ambitious

3 serious, patient


See exercise 5.

5. Listen again. Match the descriptions 1-3 with sentences A-D. There is one extra sentence.

This person:

A   shows lots of initiative in planning his / her future.

B   lacks confidence in social situations.

C   has the opposite personality to the speaker.

 likes to pass on knowledge to others.


A 2   C 1   D 3

The extra sentence is B.



My friend Andy is great company – he’s great to do things with and hang out with. This is because he’s usually in a good mood. In fact, I can’t remember the last time he was in a bad mood! He’s always smiling and making a joke about something. He tends to see the positive in every situation and usually finds something nice to say about everybody. I don’t know anybody who doesn’t like him. He’s a great friend to me, especially because I worry a lot and tend to see the negative side of life. But when I spend time with him, I always feel better after a while.


I’m very impressed with my sister Elise. She’s always been good at school and she’s usually at the top of the class or somewhere near it. She’s got a good brain and uses it. She understands things quickly and remembers things well. It could make her a bit lazy, but actually she’s the opposite! She works extremely hard. And she’s also very focused. She usually has a plan and she works towards it. Now she wants to go to a top university to study biology, which is a very difficult thing to achieve, but she’s determined. And I have no doubt that she will manage it. She’s not afraid to aim high and put the work in to achieve her goals. I’m going to be more like her.


My dad is an interesting person, although he doesn’t talk a lot and he doesn’t smile easily. But he reads a lot and thinks about things. And he takes a while before he gives you his opinion about something. But that’s OK because when he does finally express his view on a topic, then you know it’s worth listening to and you might learn something. He’s also very helpful with my homework. He’ll sit for hours explaining things to me. He never rushes me or gets annoyed if I don’t understand something. In fact, he’ll start from the beginning and go through it all again until I get it. I think he really enjoys it.

6. Write a short text describing someone you know. Give examples that show their personality.

My brother is very creative. He’s really good at drawing and painting. He’s also a bit …






Extra exercises

1. Complete the table with the related nouns and adjectives.




















1 cheerfulness   2 flexibility   3 modest   4 idealistic

5 shyness   6 thoughtfulness   7 pessimistic   8 honest

2. Complete the sentences with adjective or noun form of the words in bold.

 I don’t expect any sympathy from my brother. He’s never been very …………………………..

 My friend Hannah is always cheerful. Her ………………………….. puts everyone in a good mood.

 I haven’t really got any ambitions. I guess you could say I’m not very …………………………..

 Some parents quickly lose ………………………….. with their children. I think they need to be more patient.

5   If you want children to be creative, you have to encourage their …………………………..

6   Our art teacher shows great enthusiasm for our pictures. I don’t know how he can be so …………………………..

7   My sister’s self-confidence has grown since she was young. Now she’s almost too …………………………..


1 sympathetic   2 cheerfulness   3 ambitious   4 patience

5 creativity   6 enthusiastic   7 self-confident

3. Circle the correct verbs.

1   To be a firefighter, you need to be / have / lack physical courage.

2   A career in politics is not for those who be / lack / show self-confidence.

3   A comedian needs to be / have / lack a good sense of humour in order to make people laugh.

4   It’s important for a teacher to be / have / show good at communicating.

5   You need to be / have / lack lots of energy to work with small children.

6   You have to be / lack / show lots of initiative if you want to get a promotion.


1 have   2 lack   3 have   4 be   5 have   6 show


Exercise 3.
Phrasal verbs. Complete using the correct form of the words in italics. You need to use one word twice.

get make put look bring fall grow Personality

Some of us seem to be infinitely kind, while others seem to 1) _________ down on everyone around them. Some of us never forget an argument, while others 2) _________ up and forgive easily. As we 3) _________ up, our personality develops and we find that we 4) _________ on with certain people more than others. Who we are seems to have a large genetic element, but is also influenced by those who 5) _________ us up. If we 6) _________ up to our parents or other family members, we may want to be like them. On the other hand, if our parents seem to 7) _________ us down all the time and we 8) _________ out with them a lot, then perhaps we will develop quite different personalities.

Exercise 4. Phrasal verbs. Write a phrasal verb in the correct form to replace the words in italics. And any other words you need.

1) The doctor said that the old woman had died ________ peacefully in her sleep.

2) I always support ________ my brother when he gets into trouble.

3) Tony seems to have really fallen in love with ________ Vanessa.

4) Mark is such a bully and treats badly ________ the younger boys at school.

5) I was surprised ________ when Michaela said I’d hurt her feelings.

6) Richard finally met the woman of his dreams and got married and started to live quietly ________ in Australia.

7) I saw Mrs Khan in the centre of town and she asked for news about ________ you.

Complete the sentences with the correct word derived from the words in brackets.
1) He’s got a friendly…………..(personal)
2) ………….. is a characteristic a robot must have.(loyal)
3) To develop a video game, you need knowledge and…………….(create)
4) In the future, robots may develop.(conscious)
5) Some people believe that robots will fight humans for world…………. one day.(dominate)

Автор: Гость

Ответ(ы) на вопрос:


1) He’s got a friendly…..(personality)
2) ………….. is a characteristic a robot must have. (loyalty)
3) To develop a video game, you need knowledge and …. . (creativity)
4) In the future, robots may develop. (consciousness)
5) Some people believe that robots will fight humans for world…………. one day. (domination)

  1. Ответ

    Ответ дан

    1. I am going to visit Great Britain.
    2. My friends are going to visit Great Britain too.
    3. Our Head Teacher is going to thank them for the invitation.
    4. Mr Wooding is writing an invitation letter.
    5. Mr Wooding is inviting a group of students. 
    6. We are going to miss lessons at school.
    7. A group of students is going to stay with English families.

  2. I am going to visit Great Britain. 
    My friends are going to miss lessons at school.
    Our Head Teacher is thanking them for the invitation. 
    Mr Wooding is inviting ( или going to invite) a group of students. 
    We are going to write an invitation letter.  
    A group of students is going to stay with English families. 

    вот так можно 


Посетители, находящиеся в группе Гости, не могут оставлять комментарии к данной публикации.

Read these sentences and use the correct personal pronoun instead of the words in the brackets.

Example 0.
often reads books. (Mary)

Answer 0. She.

is running. (the dog)

have got a car. (my friends)

are speaking English. (my classmate and I)

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