Sentences with the word pencils

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Together with the shadows are also used eyeliner pencils and mascara.

Вместе с тенями также используются подводка для глаз, карандаши и туши для ресниц.

Soto me, the pencils means tears.

Поэтому для меня, карандаши, все равно, что слезы.

He says you once told him you sharpened twenty pencils.

По его словам, вы как-то сказали ему, что предварительно затачиваете двадцать карандашей.

And, overwhelmingly, to make much cardboard and pencils.

И, в подавляющем большинстве, чтобы сделать большую часть картона и карандашей.

If you are a computer artist, try at least once a week to paint and pencils on paper.

Если вы компьютерный художник, постарайтесь хотя бы раз в неделю рисовать красками и карандашами на бумаге.

While previous writing technologies involved pencils and hieroglyphics, the evolution of communication technology now allows for online and immediate rhetorical conversations.

В то время как предыдущие письменные технологии осуществлялись карандашами и иероглифами, эволюция коммуникационных технологий теперь позволяет это онлайн и незамедлительными словесными диалогами.

I thought if sharpened pencils I could also sharpening stones.

Я подумал, что если получается поточить карандаши, я мог бы также заострять камни.

I pull pencils better this way.

В таком виде я вытаскиваю карандаши лучше всего.

Developmental schools are pencils piercing the pages of history.

Эволюционные «школы» — это карандаши, протыкающие страницы истории.

Our pencils were stubby but hers were sharp and pointy.

Наши карандаши были неказистыми, затупленными. А ее — острыми, заточенными.

They use pencils so that errors can be easily erased.

Они используют карандаши, благодаря чему могут позволить себе совершать ошибки.

I love pencils that you have sucked and thrown away ten years ago.

Я люблю карандаши которые ты слюнявил и выбрасывал 20 лет назад.

Or imagine a school where all the pencils are locked up in a special room.

Или представьте себе школу, где все карандаши заперты в специальной комнате.

Children are required to provide their own set of coloured pencils.

Детям необходимо иметь при себе набор заточенных цветных карандашей.

Man and woman decide to divide pencils into two equal groups.

Старик и старуха решили разделить карандаши на две равные группы.

At races and group games he preferred his room, pencils, paper and colors.

В гонках и групповых играх он предпочитал свою комнату, карандаши, бумагу и цвета.

Please don’t give me little gifts like key chains or pencils.

Пожалуйста, не дайте мне маленькие подарки как брелки или карандаши.

We often unconsciously chew on pencils or bite objects when we are concentrating.

Мы часто несознательно жуем карандаши или покусываем предметы в то время, когда концентрируемся.

Pens, pencils and paints can be used to help the client add other important expressions to complete the picture.

Ручки, карандаши и краски можно использовать, чтобы помочь клиенту добавить другие важные выражения для завершения картины.

She thinks that pencils will write better if the stylus is frozen, and he understands this.

Она думает, что карандаши будут писать лучше, если грифель заморозить, и он это понимает.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат pencils

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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Мои примеры


a box of coloured pencils — коробка цветных карандашей  
instrument for pointing pencils — инструмент для точки карандашей  
strictly equivalent pencils — строго эквивалентные пучки  
students came armed with pencils and notebooks — пришли студенты, запасшиеся карандашами и блокнотами  
congruent pencils — конгруэнтные пучки  
lend me a couple of pencils — дай мне пару карандашей  
these pencils wholesale at $ 3 per gross — оптовая цена этих карандашей 3 доллара за гросс  
bristling battery of pencils — батарея остро отточенных карандашей  
homographic pencils — гомографические пучки  
sort pencils by colours — разбирать карандаши по цвету  

Примеры с переводом

My pencils are always all pointless.

У меня карандаши всегда тупые.

Take out your pencils.

Выньте карандаши.

Pencils are graded according to softness.

Карандаши классифицируются по степени мягкости.

Who’s filched my pencils?

Кто стащил мои карандаши?

Make sure your pencils are sharp before we begin the test.

Прежде чем мы начнём экзамен, убедитесь, что все карандаши наточены.

Pencils of rays, which, after their crossing proceed divergently.

Пучки лучей после пересечения расходятся.

The only sound in the room during the test was the scratch of pencils on paper.

Единственным звуком в классе во время теста было царапанье карандашом по бумаге.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Students must have their own pencils. Borrowing is not allowed.

Throwing pencils is not allowed because someone’s eye could get poked out.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

pencil  — карандаш, кисть, манера, стиль, рисовать, рисовать карандашом
penciled  — карандаш, пишущий элемент, писать, записывать, карандашный

Use ‘pencils’ in a sentence | ‘pencils’ example sentences

1- Aberration of lateral object points with broad pencils.

2- He has two pencilsI have not any pencils.

3- I have a lot of pencils.

4- I bought two dozen pencils.

5- She didn’t have any pencils.

6- Few students use pencils these days.

7- The pencils have already been bought.

8- I gave three pencils to each of them.

9- The boy liked to keep his pencils sharp.

10- Mother tied up three pencils with a piece of string.

11- He bought pencils, notebooks, dictionaries and so on.

12- Make sure you sharpen your pencils before the test begins.

13- The new boy made up to his teacher by sharpening her pencils.

14- Could you please distribute the test booklets while I hand out these pencils?You can tell which pencils belong to my son because the ends are all chewed.

15- The students were all equipped with pencils, erasers and calculators for the test.

16- Sophie did a nice illustration of a girl’s face in colored pencils for her art class.

17- Wooden pencils are made by attaching two pieces of wood together with a piece of graphite glued into a groove between the two.

18- The children put a piece of thin paper on the leaves, and then rubbed them with pencils, producing a clear image of each leaf, complete with veins.

19- And if I hadn’t gone to India, pencils of Promise would not have been created.

20- Before long, he added christmas ornaments, fish, seeds, ballpoint pens and pencils.

21- Cartoonists everywhere took up pencils to express their solidarity with the victiMs. The cases Mr. Silver brought to life with his colored pastel pencils are too numerous to list.

22- 279780Her favorite pastime: tossing Lagerfeld’s pencils off the desk while he’s trying to work.

23- The original logo was most likely created on a drafting table with a drafting machine and colored pencils.

24- The cableway was used to ship cedar to the Hubertus lumber mills in Germany, who prepared it for use in producing pencils.

25- pencils were of made candle wax, the satchels were made of cloth or nylon.

26- 2001 • SmartWood certifications expand to include municipal forests, state parks, maple syrup, pencils and snowboards.

27- The former Taoiseach Bertie Ahern had defended the flawed system in the Dáil, bemoaning the use of “stupid old pencils“.

28- The discovery of colored pencils at the evangelical missionary school he later attended enabled him to further develop his talent.

29- Life and Work Although trained as a sculptor and painter, at the age of 32 he began to draw using coloured pencils for the first time.

30- Herb Trimpe was the artist for nearly the entire run, with Dave Cockrum providing pencils on several issues.

31- A Munny doll is a blank figure the owner can decorate using pens, pencils, markers, paint, and other supplies.

32- The pencils that Gillette continued to produce were reengineered to allow more interchangeability of parts between the different types of pencils.

33- Halo Graphic Novel, page 56 (ISBN 0-7851-2372-5) “Armor Testing” was written by Jay Faerber with pencils by W. Andrew Robinson and colors by Ed Lee.

34- Doyle’s excuses were often ridiculous, and the Dalziel Brothers reported that on one occasion he failed to meet a deadline because he had ‘not got any pencils‘.

More Sentences:
Related Words:
penalty – penance – pence – penchant – pencil – penciled – penciling – pencils – pend – pendant – pendants – pendent – pending – pendulous – pendulum –

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  • Use the word PENCILS in a sentences

Sentence Examples

That’s why they have rubbers on lead pencils.

She’s gonna marry him too, if I have to buy a tin cup and sell pencils on Broadway.

I don’t see any girls hauled in here… for pushing pencils around on paper or massaging a typewriter.

I shall get a nice box of Faber’s drawing pencils. I really need them.

She’ll like that, and it won’t cost much and then I’ll have some left over for my pencils.

I’m dragged here and loaded down with pens, pencils, erasers, eyeshades, paper clips.

All I need is a tin cup and some pencils.

That’s why they put rubber on the ends of pencils.

The scraps of dirty paper they push at you, and the pens with no ink, and the sad-Iooking pencils.

Get pencils and paper, quick!

I know where they are, without any old maps, or scratches, or spiders, or pencils.

There were no pencils when I were a lad.

When I have a house, it’s going to be full of well-sharpened pencils.

Just a pile of papers to shuffle around, and five sharp pencils… and a scratch pad to make figures on, maybe a little doodling on the side.

To me, a claims man is a surgeon, that desk is an operating table… and those pencils are scalpels and bone chisels.

pencils these days, not worth the paper they write on.

I got together a bunch of little pencils.

Yes, one of those shops where you sell paper, pens, calendars, pencils… Oh, stationery!

A box of Faber’s drawing pencils for me!

I would like to look at your Faber’s drawing pencils.

I would like a dollar’s worth of Faber’s drawing pencils.

And it won’t cost much. Then maybe I can keep some of my pencils.

Sitting in your study sharpening pencils. Listening to music.

First prize we ever got- four gold pencils.

Block hats. — Sell pencils.

I could have been on the covers of matchboxes, pencils… anything you can think of.

Get your pencils out, boys.

Beethoven must have written that one underwater with broken pencils.

Books and paper and pencils.

The thick, shiny paper and the pencils out of the sixpenny tray.

Well, what should I have done, sold pencils maybe?

Place your pencils beside your papers.

Every morning she arrived early, her pencils sharpened… her paper out, her secretary on tap… then she’d sit there for eight hours trying to think of something to do.

Everyone must surrender his pencils by dinnertime.

I sharpened all your pencils, and the new manila envelopes are in there.

Why is it men always stuff their pockets full of pencils?

Do you want some rubber strings, toothbrushes, pencils or brushes?

pencils, rubber strings, toothbrushes, brushes?

Rubber strings, toothbrushes, pencils.

Your American negotiators just broke three pencils in sharp fighting for Pork Chop Hill.

Get pledge cards into their hands, and don’t forget the pencils.

And tell Captain Swanson to have plenty of paper and pencils on board.

Have you got plenty of pencils to write with?

April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

Then seating himself before it, you would have seen him intently study the various lines and shadings which there met his eye; and with slow but steady pencil trace additional courses over spaces that before were blank.

Avellanarius, the common dormouse, distinguished by the cylindrical bushy tail, and thickened glandular walls of the cardiac extremity of the oesophagus; thirdly, Eliomys, containing several species, with tufted and doubly vaned tails, simple stomachs and smaller molar teeth, having concave crowns and faintly marked enamel-folds; and lastly, the African Graphiurus, represented by several species, with short cylindrical tails ending in a pencil of hairs, and very small molars almost without trace of enamel-folds.

We guide the pencil with the right hand, and feel carefully with the forefinger of the left hand to see that we shape and space the letters correctly.

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For this purpose a bone knitting-needle answers well for the coarse species, and a camel’s-hair pencil for the more delicate ones.

While thus employed, the heavy pewter lamp suspended in chains over his head, continually rocked with the motion of the ship, and for ever threw shifting gleams and shadows of lines upon his wrinkled brow, till it almost seemed that while he himself was marking out lines and courses on the wrinkled charts, some invisible pencil was also tracing lines and courses upon the deeply marked chart of his forehead.

Mahommedan women pencil the eyes with kohl or surma, use missi for the teeth and colour the palms and nails of the hand with henna.

At length the desired observation was taken; and with his pencil upon his ivory leg, Ahab soon calculated what his latitude must be at that precise instant.

While the limiting of the pencil is almost always effected by the objective, the limiting of the field of view is effected by the eyepiece, and indeed it is carried out by a real diaphragm DD arranged in the plane of the real image O’O 1 (fig.

Dean had used a less intrusive pad and pencil with Cynthia Byrne.

His attention returning to the lap desk, he picked up the pencil as if ready to write something — and then put it down.

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