Sentences with the word pen

Sentences with the word Pen?



  • «My Russian pen pal and I have been corresponding for several years»
  • «drawings of abstract forms»; «he did complicated pen-and-ink drawings like medieval miniatures»
  • «engrave the pen with the owner’s name»
  • «engrave a pen«; «engraved the trophy cup with the winner’s name»; «the lovers scratched their names into the bark of the tree»
  • «ink a pen«
  • «struck a mighty blow»; «the mighty logger Paul Bunyan»; «the pen is mightier than the sword»- Bulwer-Lytton
  • «he got a refill for his ball-point pen«; «he got a refill for his notebook»
  • «the cards were face upward»; «an upward stroke of the pen«

перо, ручка, авторучка, писатель, сочинять, запирать, заключать, загонять


- перо (писчее); самописка
- ручка с пером
- рейсфедер (чертёжный)
- литературный труд

fluent pen — бойкое перо
to live by one’s pen — жить литературным трудом

- литературный стиль

ещё 16 вариантов


- писать, сочинять

he never could pen a line — он не мог написать ни строчки
to pen a letter — написать письмо

- запирать (тж. pen up, pen in)

house in which one feels penned up — дом, в котором чувствуешь себя как в тюрьме
to pen oneself up in one’s room — сидеть запершись в комнате
he had me penned in a corner — он загнал меня в угол

- загонять (скот) в загон
- делать запруду, дамбу

Мои примеры


a song penned by George Clinton — песня, написанная Джорджем Клинтоном  
cattle pen — загон для скота  
to keep clicking one’s ballpoint pen — то и дело щёлкать шариковой ручкой  
with a dash of the pen — одним росчерком пера  
to dip a pen into ink — обмакнуть перо в чернила  
to draw one’s pen / quill against smb. — выступить в печати против кого-л.  
ballpoint pen — шариковая ручка  
a man of pen and ink — писатель  
to run a pen through smth. — зачеркнуть, перечеркнуть что-л. ручкой  
slip of the pen — описка  
boar pen — загон для свиней  

Примеры с переводом

My pen’s run out.

У меня кончилась ручка.

The pen won’t write.

Ручка не пишет.

Please fill out the form in pen.

Просьба заполнять форму ручкой.

I can’t help feeling penned in by this long winter.

Зима слишком длинная, чувствую себя как в тюрьме.

How long have you been penned up in the house by your illness?

Сколько времени тебе пришлось сидеть дома из-за болезни?

I am writing with the gold pen he gave me.

Я пишу золотым пером, которое он подарил мне.

His anger had been pent up for so long that at last he exploded.

Он так долго сдерживал гнев, что наконец взорвался.

The translation has been faithfully made by a distinguished pen.

Перевод был блестяще выполнен выдающимся писателем.

Возможные однокоренные слова

penal  — уголовный, карательный, каторжный, уголовник
penance  — покаяние, епитимья, наказание, раскаяние, налагать епитимью
pennant  — вымпел, флаг, флажок, знамя, шкентель, висячий
pennies  — пенни, пенс, стоимостью в один пенс или один цент
pension  — пенсия, пансионат, пансион, пособие, назначать пенсию, субсидировать
unpen  — выпускать, освобождать, освобождать из заключения

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: pen
he/she/it: pens
ing ф. (present participle): penning
2-я ф. (past tense): penned
3-я ф. (past participle): penned

ед. ч.(singular): pen
мн. ч.(plural): pens

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


Some say he even has a magical pen.

Некоторые говорят, что у него даже есть волшебная ручка.

The digital age is making pen and paper seem obsolete.

Но в эпоху цифровых технологий старая ручка и бумага кажутся такими устаревшими.

Apparently his sword was as mighty as his pen.

Вероятно, его меч был таким же могучим, как и его перо.

This can be due to holding your pen too tight.

Это может быть из-за того, что вы держите перо слишком крепко.

A pen is a tool to write.

Ручка — это предмет для того, чтобы писать.

The pen is sold separately for $99.

Ручку, конечно же надо продавать отдельно за $99.

I bought a pen like yours yesterday.

Я вчера купил одну ручку, похожую на твою.

I bought a pen like yours yesterday.

Вчера я купил такую же ручку, как у тебя.

Then you clearly stole the pen.

Тогда совершенно ясно, что ручку украл ты.

And finally, one excalibur pen set.

И наконец, одна ручка «экскалибур» с подставкой.

Borrowed your pen to sign my transfer.

Одолжил у тебя ручку, чтобы подписать свой перевод.

This old pen kind of proves gravity.

Вот эта старая ручка как бы доказывает существование гравитации.

Whoever did it used a ballpoint pen.

Кто бы это не сделал, использовал шариковую ручку.

A reusable pen delivery device generally utilizes a replaceable cartridge that contains a pharmaceutical composition.

В устройстве для доставки в виде ручки многократного использования, как правило, используется заменяемый картридж, который содержит фармацевтическую композицию.

A pen and journal if you like.

Или ручка и тетрадка, если вы любите писать.

A pen to complete the customs and immigration forms.

Наличие ручки также будет полезно при заполнении таможенных и иммиграционных форм.

I have no paper or pen.

У меня нет времени (ручки, бумаги)».

Anyone who can hold a pen.

Подойдет для всех, кто умеет держать ручку.

Warm up that check writing pen.

Приготовьте черновик, проверьте, как пишет ручка.

All I need is a pen.

Единственное, что Вам нужно, — это ручка.

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Examples of how to use the word “pen” in a sentence. How to connect “pen” with other words to make correct English sentences.

pen (n): a long, thin object used for writing or drawing with ink

Use “pen” in a sentence

My ballpoint pen just ran out of ink.
I will lend you a pen.
This pen belongs to me.
Can I borrow your pen, please?
How many pens do you have?

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”


A pen is a common writing instrument used to apply ink to a surface, usually paper, for writing or drawing. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

If you’ve never offered your opinion online, it can be a bit hard to measure what to pen.


The 10.8-inch screen has a Full HD 1920 x 1280 resolution display that is fully laminated and bright at 450 nits, with 3:2 screen ratio and pen support for the HiPen H2.


Countries involved in this pen pal program are Cambodia, Guatemala, Tanzania, Malawi, Papua New Guinea and more to come.


Mixing collage, tape, acrylic paint, and marker pens, he employs paper to «record forms that made too early an appearance — before I was ready to accept them.»


Our motivation to put pen to paper might be to raise awareness of it through our personal online platforms.


This legislation is outdated and discriminatory, and the ways it is being enforced in communities are barbaric — forcibly removing family pets from their loving homes, and in many cases, holding them in isolation pens and then killing them.


When Lewis did put pen to paper, the seven stories of the Chronicles were produced — even for as fluent as Lewis — in an astonishingly rapid burst of creativity (with the publication of the first in 1950 and the seventh in 1956).


Measure how much you want to cut off and draw a line with a pen.


Maybe they can carry on their pen pal-manship somewhere else off the taxpayer dime.


I had several children with severe allergies, so I know how to use an epinephrine pen.


WILL contains tools for manipulating, storing, and producing digital ink technology — all from raw pen sensor data.


I take an extra pad of paper and a pen so my toddler can make a list like mommies or draw on us both.


Dependability and high performance make Rapidograph technical pens the first choice among artists, designers, drafters, architects, and hobbyists.


Play pens designed for outdoor use are similar to a dog run, even though smaller, and are usually made of sturdy materials such as plastic or wire.


For instance, if I’m selling a pen an easy question I’d ask early on is, «It’s important to have something to write with for your job right?»


You’ll need a computer, a set of plastic or cardboard drawers, a trash can, a paper shredder, red pen, notebook, highlighter, 10» x 13» envelopes, and stamps.


In previews, founders are seen weeping in helicopters, exploring the forest by flashlight and fleeing from bulls in pens.


I’m old fashioned too and prefer using a planner or paper and pen to write down my to-do list and schedule for the day.


And by 1 p.m., after walking several miles, consulting upside-down maps, and passing a clipboard and lone pen back and forth among the group, I had a very familiar feeling: I was hungry.


Concerns about the continuously ballooning percentage of unpaid student loans have prompted several lawmakers to pen a bill that would help lessen the number of students who have flunked out from paying their loans.


Original screenwriters Rhett Reese and Paul Wernick are returning to pen the sequel.


The sermon topic will no doubt be how the Rapture is a myth, and how a Loving God would never leave behind those who practice persistent, un re pen tent imm orality especially se xua l sin.


The thing that few people are noticing is how a pen is being added to the list of requirements for slates.


I suggest you make sure kids select their sticky-dog feature using a pen not pencil as they try to cheat!


Each individually embellished by Gloria Muriel with color micron pen.


It will feature a 10.1 inch screen and run on Android 3.1 while featuring a digital pen or stylus.


Get out your red pen — and consider it an important second line of defense.


Remember to clean the pen up often, for your benefit and theirs.


Paper: From Pulp to Fiction (Joy Suarez, instructor) STARTS SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 12 Using everyday items from the recycling bin and free supplies from the MFTA warehouse, participants in «Paper» learn sustainable techniques for papermaking, pen and ink, block prints, stenciling,…


Possessing nothing more than a pen, paper, a genuine desire to get back in the journaling game, and the world of Skillshare at my fingertips, I decided on Skillshare’s Creative Writing For All: A 10-Day Journaling Challenge.


Teenber is a dating app targeted to young teenage people who would like to find a pen pal, a friend or a match.


Lee applies sweeping lines of blue ink on the canvas with, confoundingly, a ballpoint pen.


You can find friends, pen pals, a lover, a boyfriend, a girlfriend in Denton for free.


This Limited Edition embroidered owl on watercolor paper has the appearance of being a pen and ink drawing.


If you want a better typing and pen experience, we recommend Microsoft Surface Pro 4 with optional keyboard ($ 1,029).


Asiandatenet is the service to help you to meet new friends, pen pals, a lover and even a life mate in Freetown.


It took about an hour with a pen and a pad of paper.


Kathy also had me get the Shih Tzu with the injured eye in a pen just south of him out, so that Alan could kill it as well.


The judge stood up, threw down his pen, and yelled at the juror for this answer, and then ordered the juror to continue to return for jury duty until the judge found a case in which he felt the juror could be fair.


Whether you are seeking just a date, a pen pal, a casual or a serious relationship, you can meet singles in Northfield today!


This custom pen is handcrafted by the Worland Woodturners Club.


But then the pen must cease moving or the fingers typing, and authors must return to reality, where bills must be paid, garbage must be removed, and spouses attended to.


Now, I’m guessing that you’re here for one of two reasons: either you’re looking for dating advice or you want to sample one of the best dating pen pals services — for free, no doubt: — RRB -.


It could also turn out that your online love interest has become a pen pal relationship with no promise of taking the next step, which is to meet face to face on a real date.


«It’s the fact that they did reuse pens at the VA locally.


People like you who are also searching for a singles community specifically in Vermont not only for romance but also social friendship, sports partners and pen pals from around the world.


Ever wonder what Henry VIII would writeto his wives or what Florence Nightingale would pen to the injured troops?


«I would request that Governor Christie pause his pen and reach out to major stakeholders to pragmatically assess whether this is dressing a wound or dressing a window,» said Norm Alworth, president of Excellent Education for Everyone.


Her most famous motifs such as the broom from Fantasia, sunglasses, heels and dresses were all present in the early stage studies as a watercolour, or a pen and pencil drawing.


We really love that these pens write so well but the thing that put them over the top for us is the awesome design.


clearly we see Zitteraal with a pen light in his hand, looking down at John

He switches off the pen light

minutes of pregnant silence he reached for a pen and then spoke as he signed his

‘Have you got a pen and paper there? I’ll give you her address … it’s not easy to find, but I’ll give you directions

pen, it is ours, but not God’s

“Not as long as there’s an unclaimed soul, a red ink pen and an accounting

Anyway, at a moment he found a black pen and the opportunity to smudge two of the three pages of my published story! When I saw that, I flew off the handle! The little monster managed to stain the only success I’ve had in my life insofar!

I did ask the guards for pen and paper, but nothing materialised

“Not as long as there’s an unclaimed soul, a red ink pen and an accounting ledger to hand”, said the other, reaching for another cigarette

’ He pushed a piece of paper and a pen across the desk towards her

’ Kara said with a smile, handing him the pen

Kara laid down the pen she had been using and gazed out of the window into the darkness of the night outside her bedroom window

Without comment, he pushed across a sheet of paper for her to write on; she waited while he dug in one of the drawers for a pen that worked

“Try the other corner from the pen” said Bill Smythe

shot over the heads of the wolves when they were near the pen

“Yeah, but lets start at the pen then head down” said Joe

They reached the pen; Joe took a backward look towards the

words come with the silence of the pen

no matter how firmly placed the cap is upon the pen,

I tried to write down the name of the street where the flat was but my new pen had lost its point so I threw it away

‘We write on the back of the message with an implement called a pen

He stands poised, pen in hand, clearly thinking

«Hemp was used for rope for at least a thousand years before the first pen strokes of the Bible were put to papyrus

the pen back on the table

her pen again and opened the cap in disgust

Ben’s stretched out on his bed, pen in hand, he’s working on something which looks mathematical

end of his pen

Master Seatac held the reins as he walked Patton out of the stable pen

Simply grab your journal and a pen and start writing your thoughts about the experience(s), how they made you feel when they happened, and how they still affect you now

As I start unfolding the sheet using a pen in one hand and the letter opener in the other, it becomes obvious that this is another like yesterday

She went to the far pen and found Star there waiting for her

Large bales of hay were spread about their pen; it was going to be a very cold night

Who was the Ambassador at that time? Any mileage in chasing that in the hope someone might remember Bunty? I sit back, chewing my pen and revising my vision of Bunty sitting alone in her flat, moping

There was a sheet of papyrus and an inkwell with a reed pen in it

’ I invited, pen and pad ready

Around that pen was a large space filled with all sorts of men, each holding small pieces of parchment and making a racket

It was all lit by torches in sconces on the pillars and walls, and by great braziers on the corners of the bull pen

The musicians are in a holding pen above the dance floor, the music flows about the room and all are affected by it

Chewing on my pen, I stare at the wall in front of me trying to work out where this money is coming from

What’s the name and address?” I asked, reaching for a pen and my order pad

Shopping list – files and marker pen

Conveniently for me, the post includes a copy of Lizzie Goulden’s speech at the operatic society last Friday … I spend the morning writing my article about the society, then sit thinking about Jo Liddington, pen in mouth, gently chewing the top

She handed it to him carefully, aligning the fiddly pieces of paper, and indicated the pen on the counter

I grabbed a pen and paper off the desk in the front of the room

What about this man here?’ a pen waves in Chas’s general direction

The scratching of the ballpoint pen on the paper irritating to the point of explosion as far as Andy was concerned

‘So who were the other members of the team?’ Williams asked, pen at the ready

The pen scribbled on the paper

The Sergeant made a note, the scratching of the pen on the paper extremely loud to Andy’s ears

the desk, poring over some papers with a fountain pen in his hand and

setting down his pen and shuffling the stack of paper in front of him

Harry slid the point of his pen knife along under the flap and carefully withdrew the contents

“If Brunno is timing, I’m keeping count of the shots,” I said, pulling a pen

He smiles again, picks up the sheet of paper his printer’s just produced, and passes it to me with a pen

Also, she was told that pages 1-19 must be answered with green pen, the pages from 20-59 in red pen, and the pages from 60-92 in black pen, and that page 93 must be answered in hieroglyphics in any color pen she chose

Anna grabs the pen by the TV and writes the number down in the margin of the TV guide

Hartman took out his pen and two form papers and began writing

red pen in hand, marking not only that class’s papers but every class’s of Mr

She slunk back passed the talrin pen and thru the keda field, then worked her way out and around Nalu’s and Cthanthan’s houses and back up to Knume’s thru the front

Roman went to the pen on his own during our at bat in the bottom of fifth

I’m writing away on my exam with my ink cartridge pen

twenty seven,» the Sargent was scribbling away with his quill pen which he licked furiously

She took red ink pen to hand and wrote:

She returned to Somantics, pen in hand, And reflected on her research into the poem:

I can read on my pen «Discover the broom»

He had lowered his pen to the paper

Willow used an instrument, which resembled a calligraphy pen to paint inscriptions in silver, blue, and purple

There’s lots of it nearby, including a patch beside the captives’ pen

Meanwhile, my aunts and female cousins slept inside a pen

The place had the feel of a holding pen or nursery crib and was decked out with things for me to play with and test my new senses and abilities

crude pen he’d built beside the food stores

He put the paper and pen under his bed and look at

As she wiped it from her eyes, he entered the pen and closed its gate, then hauled Nerissa to her feet

Or a poison from the oleander bush behind the pen

Tragus had made her lead them to the pen, where she’d had a good view of the brute

She didn’t want to be a murderess, but if Tragus showed any sign of returning her to Trumpet’s pen, she wouldn’t hesitate

She was momentarily heartened to see that Trumpet no longer occupied the ram pen

Over by the ram’s pen, the severed half of her right foot seemed to writhe in torment

But Tragus went outside to pace from the cheese shed to the ram’s pen

He leans over the pen

Curiously, we peer into the pen

Rex walked up to the desk and with a pen

The conditions were pretty simple and were as such: Everyone residing on Plot E would be given a marker pen and was required to write stories (of any genre) on HUGE whiteboards found all over that vast piece of land

When the ink in the marker pen ran out, the person had to leave that majestic plot of land

Later when someone broke into my car and stole my pen drive (which stored the soft-copy of my draft) amongst other things, I thought it was all over

The hand that grasps the pen, the mind that catalogues

In the pen, I tied the she-goat to one of the poles of the wall and offered her some berries

I went inside, grabbed a cup and a stool, came back out, entered the goat pen, and sat down

And finally I used an ink pen to draw the face

notebook and pen, coughing consumptively

behind her head to a shelf, finding a pen and a

She used the pen and pad once again

“Ay it’s Tugdual, you know your old pen friend

This satisfied all parties, and General Lee took his pen and wrote a letter of acceptance as follows:

Also though we had the censor to contend with this was he of the black pen who crossed things out on your letter with a stroke

When he put pen to paper and gave us „Leviathan,» do you suppose he considered that life under an absolute monarchy could also be „Solitary, poor, nasty, brutish and short?»

Qui Constodies Constodiet? Interesting question that has been with us since Plato put pen to parchment and penned his „Republic

Finally, they arrived at a pen that had puppies

In the 1980″s, Haynes Johnson of the Washington Post put pen to paper and came up with a book he titled „Sleepwalking Through History,» an appraisal of the Reagan presidency

coming of the Savior, that not a single book was penned by a woman!

One day, while reading one of his master’s gardening magazines, which just happened to have an article about cottage gardens in it penned by the famous television gardener himself, old Ted read about a great national competition

No one had ever been able to tame a Snotig; they were a feral animal, deadly when penned in; they always reverted to their wild nature

As she penned in the margin, “B-O-D-Y:

The neighs and whinnies of penned ponies jolted her from her trance and she returned her focus to the grand city ahead

Carius was frustrated that the courier had arrived and went before he had penned the final draft of his message to the headquarters in Solitude

And here it was, officially penned on Thalmor stationary

Furthermore that the scriptures in the original Hebrew, Aramaic or Greek were truly supernaturally inspired, letter-for-letter, although penned by more than 40 different people

It also seems as if the knowledge of the structure of this passage was known to the author in a dimension outside of time, since the names given to the children when they were born, would have had to be inspired, to meet the requirements of the design that is found in the text at the time it was penned

These include the design constraints that have to be met once the information is penned; the language and its properties that will be used when it is captured, including numerical associations with characters of the alphabet that will be used

D: — finding that the life of a person who will exist at some point in the future, after the text was penned, would form an integral part of the design that is encountered in the Bible, is completely outside of the realms of occurring by chance alone

B: — To make this ELS possible, would logically require knowledge of the future — during the time that the Old Testament was written — since Buddhism did not exist when the Old Testament was penned

Alexis de Tocqueville»s master work, penned in 1835 after a few years he spent wandering among the new United States

Qui Constodies Constodiet? Interesting question that has been with us since Plato put pen to parchment and penned his „Republic

Larocka had penned that message

She sat at a counter and penned a note:

William collected all of the penned sheets and stacked them in order

Next to a triangular stamp labeled Venezuela was a penned notation, Estudiante Turista

street, and penned in

The name Homo Australopithecines was penned to describe this animal

He may have thought of these words that he penned: «What time I am afraid, I will trust in thee

Did Virgil recover from the blow on the head enough to hike back to his cabin and Jasper? Or was Jasper still penned up, neglected and alone?

They would have been of little real use on a steep mountain assault; penned in on the narrow track they would have only been a hindrance

Taliesin quickly penned copies of his request for the Leaders of the regions of Gaea

I penned a bit of amusing doggerel to read out just before the finale

Penned in by the mountains on both sides and unable to escape, many Marines died in the conflagration as the shuttle broke up cart wheeling across the battlefield spreading its incendiaries in a wide spray

when Moses penned the first five books under the inspiration of the

seals that were trying to eat penned salmon

Since none of the ships that had penned down the Queen Elizabeth were hyper capable and they could not enter the planet’s atmosphere without burning up, their pilots were condemned to a slow death in their ships

They were Penned in

Speaking with such good sense that to Fernanda he was like a sacrilegious parody of Jews among the wise men, the child described with precise and convincing details how the army had machine-gunned more than three thousand workers penned up by the station and how they loaded the bodies onto a two-hundred-car train and threw them into the sea

Those that are not penned up have been known to

In contrast, Paul penned the

When John penned the

She’d penned it with her own hand

Years passed and many versions of the story were penned as he learned to overcome his dyslexia

Penned in a fine hand on a faded preface page was the inscription “To our beloved granddaughter Yvonne on her fifth birthday

He was made better by his contemporaries like the Spaniards Lope de Vega who penned as many as 1500 plays, and the author of Don Quixote, Miguel de Cervantes

When Henry got his wits back about him he was penned to the ground again, this time

Penned deer and goats often approach the “hunters” thinking that it’s feeding time, only to be chased around the enclosures by bow and arrow wielding idiots that are all excited about having the opportunity to kill something

Keep them alive and penned up, ready for one’s dining pleasure

journalistic potential was an article penned when I was about fifteen years old and

‘How can I ever show you,’ she said leaning on him, ‘the volume in my heart that I’ve penned with your name

Needless to say, I no longer eat or make anything with butterscotch in it, unless Scottie is penned up

Is conception the beginning of life? Not according to the poet Wordsworth who penned it this way:

Guest penned it this way:

letter along with his penned scratching of ‘Cull ma USUP!!’ note

She could stay there and wait for Brock, but the landscape penned her in and provided little chance of escaping if the wrong person were to discover her, so she trudged onward toward the bank, between the rocky cliff-edges on either side, and out onto a sandy embankment leading, in the distance, to a another pier

“What proof is there that the pastor penned this letter?”

The demands had been penned in elegant crimson calligraphy

Like animals penned up

” Her words trailed off, replaced by the distant remembrance of the words penned on the brittle pages

He disliked the Drongs and he was not about to stand around chatting with one of those whose job it was to keep him penned up like a criminal in a cave that was fit for animals only

It was generally accepted that the letter that had been written more than an hundred and twenty years earlier and signed by that name was probably penned ironically by a journalist to heighten interest in the story

Or the scribe that penned it

And so penned the lines

from this angle, we will have them penned in on three sides against

presented in the following pages have been penned to complement the music

have finalized is what she has said and I have only penned it down but what came out is what I

Using the World’s Fair to Whitewash its stink of the millions of animals penned waiting for slaughter, its black evil of the most inhuman human souls ever to be assembled in every vice and crime known, its black grime, the dirtiest most polluted city on earth in its heyday, famous for its black crime, its black pollution, its blackened death, as the worlds largest mass slaughterhouses: killing millions of animals a year… Holding a an entirely white, whitewashed World’s Fair

1149 This song was penned by Michael Sattler (1490-1527), a Catholic Priest who became an Anabaptist

To put the writing date of the Qu’ran into perspective, the Qu’ran was penned about 400 years after the collation of the writings of the New Testament Gospels and Letters, and many more centuries after the writing of the Old Testament

Charles Darwin’s famous and controversial theory of evolution and penned within, The Origin of the Species and, the Descent of Man and Selection in relation to Sex, is formulated and based on the idea that all species have a common ancestor

the fact that the Quran was penned long after the Second Temple period and was supposedly

that this material was originally penned prior to 62 AD/CE, which was many years before the advent

YOU are in total control of the words penned

This poem is a mere pain penned down on a piece of paper

There is no need to call the car rental company to know their quotes as things are penned down in black and white on the websites

If the flocks are not penned up, but allowed to run freely, then they are free-range

From the moment of the scene with Nikolay at Porfiry’s he had been suffocating, penned in without hope of escape

Olsen gritted his teeth as he saw his partner’s vehicle penned in by the arriving police cars

Those words were penned by the President of the United States only minutes before he signed over the allegiance of this great country to the Messiah Clone’s One World Government

By the time the Constitution was penned, the colonists had already gained their independence from England

Penned in the dock, as I again stood outside it at the corner with his hand in mine, were the two-and-thirty men and women; some defiant, some stricken with terror, some sobbing and weeping, some covering their faces, some staring gloomily about

” Hublin blinks twice, gives the impression of a penned animal

A day after his arrest, he is marched east in a group of twenty to join a larger group where they are penned in a warehouse

penned, as in the Holy Scripture?

After the war, the survivors would have different memories of who named the plane, but in a letter penned that fall, Phil would write that it was copilot George Moznette who suggested Super Man

She penned a letter to Major General Willis Hale, commander of the Seventh Air Force

Once, a Japanese officer had announced that men could write home, and everyone in camp penned letters to their parents, wives, children, and steady girls

She dressed in bohemian clothes, penned novels, painted, and yearned to roam forgotten corners of the world

With luck, the screening force Harless had detached for that specific purpose would keep Hanth and his heretics penned up in Thesmar and he would hold both; if he had to lose one of them, however, the one he (and General Ahlverez) simply could not afford to surrender was Trevyr

“I think he left his Siddarmarkians to keep Nybar penned up in Fairkyn, probably with his own heavy artillery to support them … and to fool us into thinking the rest of his army was there, too, of course

It meant and grunted happily under the house where they were penned

“The sow done bit Prissy and got her penned up unner the house

In that spirit, I penned a blog for SMBU playfully envisioning the future stars of trading

Those words could just as easily have been penned any time in the last decade, as some of the compensation schemes recently adopted at certain corporations have been shortchanging shareholders by masking the dilutive impact and inflating the income statement

Like a dog with a chip, penned in by an electric fence

On the one hand, a moral pest, guarded from sight, penned up under the range of cannon, and literally devouring its plague-stricken victims; on the other, the chaste flame of all souls on the same hearth

He was perusing the bulletins of the grand army, those heroic strophes penned on the field of battle; there, at intervals, he beheld his father’s name, always the name of the Emperor; the whole of that great Empire presented itself to him; he felt a flood swelling and rising within him; it seemed to him at moments that his father passed close to him like a breath, and whispered in his ear; he gradually got into a singular state; he thought that he heard drums, cannon, trumpets, the measured tread of battalions, the dull and distant gallop of the cavalry; from time to time, his eyes were raised heavenward, and gazed upon the colossal constellations as they gleamed in the measureless depths of space, then they fell upon his book once more, and there they beheld other colossal things moving confusedly

H: — Penning prophecies of future events before they happen, ensuring that in all cases each prophecy is fulfilled with 100% accuracy and immaculate timing in every respect

He had tried penning it

Though let it not be assumed that this is the penning of a pianist who struggles with his own self-worth, nor do we wish to tell the story of one who is caught in some sexual vice or the chronicling of global domination

Penning lines that would one day bring tears of joy and elation to women both older and young; he reached into the depths of his being to find the perfect words in which to tell someone that they are more so unique and unparalleled than even they could ever have imagined

draw, mentally penning the lines, starting with Mount Shasta in the

After penning the missive that night, he thought about the mode of its delivery, ‘If I try to give it at her home, she might refuse to take it

penis penning with caliber and urethroplasty to prevent any proble when the

«� Interestingly, the very act of writing or penning in the voice of the times, in these words, David, or Charles himself, becomes that hero

«I do, but I hardly think Paul and Timothy had slaying vampires in mind during the penning of 2 Corinthians

Linton complied; and had he been unrestrained, would probably have spoiled all by filling his epistles with complaints and lamentations: but his father kept a sharp watch over him; and, of course, insisted on every line that my master sent being shown; so, instead of penning his peculiar personal sufferings and distresses, the themes constantly uppermost in his thoughts, he harped on the cruel obligation of being held asunder from his friend and love; and gently intimated that Mr

He often left Phil sprawled on his bed, penning letters to Cecy on an upturned box, as he headed out to run off his worries on the mile-long course that he had measured in the sand around the runway

Give me a condor’s quill! Give me Vesuvius’ crater for an inkstand! Friends, hold my arms! For in the mere act of penning my thoughts of this Leviathan, they weary me, and make me faint with their outreaching comprehensiveness of sweep, as if to include the whole circle of the sciences, and all the generations of whales, and men, and mastodons, past, present, and to come, with all the revolving panoramas of empire on earth, and throughout the whole universe, not excluding its suburbs

She would infinitely prefer to have him out winning the bread and butter and jam than sitting at her feet, penning sonnets to her eyebrow

Do not clean the ears with pins, keys, pens, etc

The desk was filled to overflowing with paper, pens, clipboards, used coffee mugs, and a large, old computer

Lo and behold, it’s like a completely different place — the farmhouse is completely rebuilt and in excellent condition, there are plenty of cattle and other livestock happily munching on feed in well-fenced pens, and the fields are filled with crops planted in neat rows

Having no paper, nor pens, I adopted a simple procedure

The cattlemen of this planet just financed a gang of cowboys to go out and drive a herd to their pens to slaughter, others were sent out to the open range to keep down the predators

these same hands hold pens, broad tipped

She started to head in the direction of the horse pens when Michael called to her

and he pens stylistic couplets

She kept two pens

During the night the Hausa left their pens and came to the fire pit in search of their riders

Armed with a pad of paper and a couple of pens, we turn up at the vicarage just before eight

He had livestock in pens made of woven brush and stores in big urns in a lean-to behind the cabin

Their first task was to herd the cattle to the stock pens

town, with an admonishment to meet back at the stock pens by five

stock pens had been constructed from the same stones used for the

hustle them into the safety of their pens when they see

If you remember ink cartridge pens, they were the rage back in the late 60s, early 70s basically they had the local clear plastic chamber

Businesses are always hated ballpoint pens oil was used these type of cartridge ink pens

» The parents agreed and their children were given brand new marker pens

Because of this, he had decided to issue newcomers marker pens of different colors instead of the standard black color, so as to supplement the creativity of his visitors

From the cabins we took a nice windowed bookcase, a beautifully crafted wood dresser, a large sturdy trunk, a world globe, game boards, books, clothes, shoes, pistols and sabers, towels, blankets, pillows, soaps, lanterns, lantern oil, matches, a clock, pocket watches, writing paper, pens, ink, and wine skins

They strolled around the animal pens for some time

No loose papers littered the top, a wood caddy restrained pens, and, when she peered in a drawer, rows of alphabetized files peered back

When Richmond fell, American troops found slaves still in the slave pens and auction houses

As his notes came together, forming in his mind a congruent thought or picture, he drew images with felt-tip pens on the board to represent it

marking pens on a table next his rotating chair

There were also tubs in which fresh vegetables and herbs were grown and pens with various animals for the table, although the cargo holds contained both grain and dried meat or smoked fish as well as trade goods

Job writing under the inspiration of God, pens these words in his book at Chapter

The cameras flashed and the pens scribbled and roving

20 They said, and proved, that paper and pens had failed them for the carrying

pens, but you cannot find out why a thing is as it is

” This requires that the “victims” upon whom black identity politics depend be kept in the holding pens of a new plantation of the mind

Establish a place in your kitchen to keep 1) a message center and/or paper-related items, like a note pad and pens near the phone, 2) cookbooks and recipe boxes, 3) a mail center

pens as if there is a mysterious power that creates and moves

pens in consciousness and you are the root, the source, the

appliances, gas stoves, fountain pens, or modern vehicles, which had all been developed after the

pens, including the fruits of the work

pens, you are he to whom it happens

Once Kelly’s steps had traveled far enough, Gorton arranged all the pens and pencils flat on the desk

Charlie has gone to fetch some paper and pens

20 They said and proved that paper and pens had failed them for the carrying out of their purpose

When we were told to put down our pens I felt confident that I had done

His place was filled with carvings from Africa, masks from Thailand, starter pistols (with real ones hidden under the table, I’m sure), curare-tipped blow arrows from the Amazon, totems from the Queen Charlotte Islands, painted turtles from Indonesia and switchblades and classy lighters and exorbitantly priced aftershave lotion and expensive fountain pens from everywhere else

Our harvested mistletoe hung on the support posts of our clan homes for protection, and, to bring fertility, in the animal pens and stables

Other premium tactics include promotional products and items; the pens, caps, mugs

“I did it in second period, all free hand, I didn’t have any blue pens though, but these black ones kind of have a metallic look to them right? Like ground copper, doesn’t smear either

were all in tears with their pens down on the table, completely

It would shatter all writing pens

There was no longer any trace of the wooden rails and holding pens, but on one of his early exploratory hikes in the area, Jarek had discovered that the dip itself, a concrete-sided hole three metres deep, ten long and two wide had never been filled in, only covered with concrete slabs, and apparently forgotten

the burnt out shelves of books, toys and games; blue and green pens were dazzling around and

I picked out a T-shirt, pencils, pens, a few books and two posters for Nathan

«Perhaps the cattle are in pens for the night,» suggested Valeria, «and the fields and grazing-pastures are on the other side of the city

It therefore became the more general practice to purchase sacrificial animals at the temple, and although there were several stations on near-by Olivet where they could be bought, it had become the vogue to buy these animals directly from the temple pens

At the money table of a near-by exchanger a violent and heated argument had arisen over the alleged overcharging of a Jew from Alexandria, while at the same moment the air was rent by the bellowing of a drove of some one hundred bullocks which was being driven from one section of the animal pens to another

Cattle sheep and bison were in holding pens around the processing house and underneath a grated floor, I found a concrete cellar where the blood and offal would be drained out yet had not been cleaned in some time

Albert Ritchie shrugged his shoulders as if Sam could see him then said, ‘Sam I agree with what you say but the Afrikaans are adamant that Beck perished and they have backed it up with statements from members of his staff which state quite clearly that he was taken out of the house to the pig pens then burnt alive

You would know if it is already the final steps of the interview, since in most cases, your interviewers would already put down their pens and your resume

Pens with fuzzy animal heads are easier to find in the car

They were brandishing pens as knives and a boiled kettle filled with honey and water (gaol napalm) demanding the package which unfortunately he gave up

His name was Royce Pens and he was completely infatuated with a woman named Elizabeth

“I’m Royce Pens

Pens stood straight and mumbled something to his feet

Pens touched Roy’s shoulder

Pens! Where is he?” Gina, his 14-year-old sister came out to greet me

Pens stretched his hand to me but seemed as if he was containing tears again

Pens asked me

pens in his life — a move to a new city, say, or a big promotion, or a new

Being his child in all but name, the orphan took up the last name Pens in honor of his adoptive father

You name it: a stapler, a chair, pens and paperknives, even the heavy filing cabinet

They had three imaginary shopping baskets: one for normal office supplies – scotch tape, pens and pencils, etc

I hate things that aren’t order, I like my books in alphabetical order, cassettes must be in correct covers and pen lids must stay on pens otherwise the ink will dry out and you can’t use them!”

Preeti paused and cringed for a moment at the thought of jumbled up books, cassettes not in covers and the worst image of them all, pen lids not on pens

Veal calves are sent to special open pens, where they’ll

Fish farms are walled-in pens in the ocean or other bodies

In linear troughs the sheep are pressed together in pens,

I wasn’t out to move pens, I was out for blood

«I don’t give a damn about moving pens

companies selling thousands of products (mugs, shirts, pens, paperweights, calendars, etc

imprinted pens, they think that would be cool (“Wow

Then they spend the next 20 years giving away pens! YOU can be a

All around were desks, clerks sitting with pens at the ready, waiting for trading to start

Where else do you see banks leave both doors open and then chain the pens to counters?

In wire pens that surrounded the dance floor and among large Amazonian camellias there were herons of different colors, crocodiles as fat as pigs, snakes with twelve rattles, and a turtle with a gilded shell who dove in a small artificial ocean

The American Psychological Association formed a 9 member panel on Psychological Ethics and National Security PENS and decided to continue to participate in military interrogations

It’s found in ammonia, anesthetics, antihistamines, artificial limbs, artificial turf, antiseptics, aspirin, auto parts, awnings, balloons, ballpoint pens, bandages, beach umbrellas, boats, cameras, candles, car battery cases, carpets, caulking, combs, cortisones, cosmetics, crayons, credit cards, curtains, deodorants, detergents, dice, disposable diapers, dolls, dyes, eye glasses, electrical wiring insulation, faucet washers, fishing rods, fishing line, fishing lures, food preservatives, food packaging, garden hose, glue, hair coloring, hair curlers, hand lotion, hearing aids, heart valves, ink, insect repellant, insecticides, linoleum, lipstick, milk jugs, nail polish, oil filters, panty hose, perfume, petroleum jelly, rubber cement, rubbing alcohol, shampoo, shaving cream, shoes, toothpaste, trash bags, upholstery, vitamin capsules, water pipes and yarn

But to find this effect reach the bird and cattle at their pens in the whole countries, it was something difficult to be understood or interpretated until I listened to those certain reassuring words said by Researcher and Thinker Al-Dayrani

papers, pens, a tablet, and some paper clips on the desk

While the African girl told in a low voice to the three other girls what had happened to her, Nancy quickly took out of one of her bags a small box of what appeared at first to be simple pens

The pens, in reality space-time beacon units of very advanced design, stuck to the walls thanks to integrated micro tractor beam devices

Most of the guns were mounted on the tops of concrete bunkers, flak towers, and on the roofs of the submarine pens

twenty-five pens in my bag

He nodded hello to Graisco and seated himself in one of the overstuffed chairs across from Higgins’s desk that was littered with open files, loose leaf paper, legal pads, pens, pencils, paper clips, and other miscellaneous items that would normally be in the top desk drawer of anyone more organized

Purses, sunglasses, belts, shoes, fancy pens, you name it

Besides that, we took into possession numerous counterfeit items, knockoff Louis Vuitton handbags, shoes, and sunglasses, knockoff Oakleys, knockoff Gucci purses, knockoff Mont Blanc pens, just to name a few

Walking north past row after row of nursery pens, the group came to another building

Henry and his siblings were herded a long way down the enormous room of pens until

He was hopeful someone would hear the screams and come to help, but the gigantic maze of pens was a constant mad-house; somebody was always screaming in

where Henry lived the pregnant sows were kept in single pens too small to turn around in

How to use pen in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «pen» and check conjugation/comparative form for «pen«. Mastering all the usages of «pen» from sentence examples published by news publications.

The Pen Pineapple Apple Pen song is one of them.
It’s not that I don’t appreciate a fine digital pen — Apple Pencil, Surface Pen, and the Pixelbook Pen are all pretty nice — but like, adding an S Pen and basically calling it a day?
As an alternative to the Pro Pen or Grip Pen, some artists have turned to purchasing a separate Classic Pen, which has 2,048 levels of pressure sensitivity and feels more like a regular pen.
Factors to consider about the Pen Pal The Pen Pal isn’t perfect.
The Surface Slim Pen is far better than the previous Surface Pen.
The pen was created by pen maker (naturally) Paul Fisher, who used $1 million of his own money to create the AG-7 anti-gravity pen.
The hope is that drawing with the Pen will feel just like drawing with a real pen—there’s no lag when you’re putting pen to paper.
Download the PEN app on your favorite device or go to
Download the PEN app on your favorite device or go to
The pen given to me was Jarrar’s signature pen, whose ink was pink.
It feels like a bespoke Fisher Space Pen, and to me, the Fisher Space Pen is the pinnacle of pen function over design and must be respected.
XP-Pen Artist22E Pro 22-Inch FHD IPS Graphic Pen Display Interactive Drawing Monitor
On Tuesday, PEN America announced the books shortlisted for the 2016 PEN Literary Awards.
I love looking at Pig Pen—never get tired of looking at Pig Pen.
If you haven’t seen the original video, it features Piko-Taro singing and fusing an apple, a pineapple and a pen, ultimately forming a Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen.
The winners for the 5 remaining categories — the PEN/Robert W. Bingham Prize for Debut Fiction, PEN/Diamonstein-Spielvogel Award for the Art of the Essay, PEN/E.
The PEN American Center on Tuesday announced the finalists for its 2016 PEN Literary Awards.
On Thursday, PEN America announced its lists of finalists for the 2018 PEN Literary Awards.
I do believe I wasted money on a copy of Pen Pen Tricelon, as well.
» Fountain pen «I almost always have a fountain pen, and I carry ink for it.
It doesn’t come with a pen, but it works with a pen if you have one.
The Pen actually does a bit of predictive drawing to keep up with the pen movement.
Among the guests was Pikotaro, the famed creative force behind the «Pen Pineapple Apple Pen» song.
On Monday night, PEN America honored incredible new literature at the 2016 PEN Literary Awards ceremony.
The Notebook 9 pen, meanwhile, has a 360-degree hinge and a Samsung S Pen stylus.
Changing the party’s name, as Marine Le Pen envisions doing, is «suicidal,» Mr. Le Pen grumbled.
This year, in addition to the president and vice president, CPAC invited Marion Maréchal-Le Pen, granddaughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen and niece of National Front leader Marine Le Pen.
Yehoshua Bar-Hillel, an Israeli MT pioneer, realised that «the pen is in the box» and «the box is in the pen» would require different translations for «pen«: any pen big enough to hold a box would have to be an animal enclosure, not a writing instrument.
The 3Doodler Create+ Essential Pen Set is $79.99, including the pen itself and three packs of plastic.
The digital PEN F’s design pays homage to the original PEN F film camera released in 25.
The drawing process was smooth, like a rollerball pen but nothing like a brush or fountain pen.
One of the big new features on the updated Notebook 9 Pen is an improved S Pen.
The Pen-F is stunning modern throwback to the original Pen-F film camera introduced in 1963.
A. I loved seeing the pen the president used to sign the oath of office — nice pen!
A set of pens, including Sakura’s Graphic 1 pen and Brush pen, costs about $20 on Amazon.
BUY NOW HMBLDT Bliss Pen, $100 So you’re ready to drop a Benjamin on a weed pen.
Lacking the flat edge of the Surface Pen, the EVE V’s pen appears designed to be lost.
Standing next to Mr. Joe, Daniel Kollie, 0003, his friend and fellow penpen driver, nodded vigorously.
You can also take photos with the pen or use as a remote control for many apps — for instance, I connected my pen to Google Assistant and now I can just click the pen to open the app if the pen is nearby but my phone is not.
It comes with the Pro Pen 2 (which doesn’t need charging, like all Wacom pens), and it’s compatible with the Pro Pen 3D and Pro Pen Slim, which was released earlier this year.
In this JerryRigEverything teardown of the Galaxy Note 10 Plus’ S-Pen, a charging coil can be found toward the tip of the pen, showing how the pen is charged through the phone.
Serena uses a pen (a pen!) to write speeches and documents, then hands them to June for editing.
Strangely, for a device with the word pen in its name, the Smart Pen can’t write for crap.
S Pen and other bonusesSo what about improvements to the Galaxy Note’s most important feature: the S Pen.
But it’s still not as capable as a Wacom pen and tablet or even Microsoft’s latest Surface Pen.
Using a wax pen is as easy, and as casual, as hitting an e-pen full of nicotine.
It’s the digital Pen camera we should have gotten in 2009, but instead got the Pen E-P1.
This year, MashReads has partnered with PEN to announce the books longlisted for the 2017 PEN Literary Awards.
«Today the United States, tomorrow France,» Le Pen, the father of the party’s leader Marine Le Pen, tweeted.
The beauty tool, explained The Pen Pal ($25) puts four common makeup products in one compact, portable pen.
The reMarkable pen tip does wear down, however, and will need to be replaced from time to time, although the pen does cleverly conceal a spare tip hidden in the top of the pen.
Overall it works similarly to a Surface Pen, but the included pen is not as precise as say, a Wacom pen and tablet combo, so anyone into serious drawing might opt for an external solution.
«Goliath» is like asking to borrow a pen and being handed something heavy and well-crafted: Even though you know your scuzzy giveaway pen technically gets the job done, this pen is clearly just better.
«Pen Pineapple Apple Pen» propelled the 43-year-old singer— whose real name is Daimaou Kosaka— into international stardom.
Olympus has announced the Pen E-PL2699, a new model in its Pen Lite series of pocket mirrorless cameras.
The included pen has 4,096 levels of pressure and is the closest equivalent to the Surface Pen I’ve tested.
Oriana Koren: A good, inky pen, a notebook to write my thoughts in with said inky pen, good speakers.
The S Pen on the Note 27 has twice the pressure sensitivity as the Note 27’s S Pen.
Maybe that will, in one stroke of a pen, effectively shoot the fox of the likes of Le Pen.
And although the pen might be mightier than the sword, the pen is not mightier than the AK-85033.
«It’s almost like my paper and my pen was like a magic paper and a magic pen,» Gutierrez said.
In January, PEN announced that it would be giving J.K. Rowling the 2016 PEN/ Allen Foundation Literary Service Award.
Another challenge for Le Pen will be how to handle her estranged father, party founder Jean-Marie Le Pen.
Do you think the pen is mightier than the sword, or that the AR is mightier than the pen?
«I am the political heir of Jean-Marie Le Pen,» Maréchal-Le Pen told the Washington Post last year.
«What one president can do by pen and by phone another president can undo by pen and by phone.»
«What you do by the pen can be dismantled by the pen,» said Representative Tom Reed of New York.
«And then we’ve got Le Pen, next to me, Le Pen, dipping into the public purse,» Mr. Poutou said.
The CIA didn’t make him a pellet pen, but they did make a ballpoint pen with a poison needle.
PEN/Saul Bellow Award for Achievement in American Fiction Toni Morrison PEN/Bellwether Prize for Socially Engaged Fiction Lisa Ko for The Leavers (Forthcoming from Algonquin Books) PEN/Laura Pels International Foundation for Theater Awards Master American Dramatist winner: Lynn NottageAmerican Playwright in Mid-Career winner: Young Jean LeeEmerging American Playwright winner: Branden Jacobs-Jenkins PEN/ESPN Award for Literary Sports Writing The Secret Game: A Wartime Story of Courage, Change, and Basketball’s Lost Triumph by Scott Ellsworth PEN/ESPN Lifetime Achievement Award for Literary Sports Writing John Schulian PEN/Jacqueline Bograd Weld Award for Biography Agnes Martin: Her Life and Art by Nancy Princenthal PEN/Phyllis Naylor Working Writer Fellowship Ash Parsons for A Chemical Distance PEN/Voelcker Award for Poetry Ed Roberson PEN Translation Prize The Complete Stories by Clarice Lispector, translated from the Portuguese by Katrina Dodson PEN Award for Poetry in Translation The Collected Poems of Chika Sagawa, translated from the Japanese by Sawako Nakayasu PEN/Edward and Lily Tuck Award for Paraguayan Literature Nathalia María Echauri Castagnino for Doce Lunas Llenas: Poesias sobre la Divina Energia Femenina
«I smoked this damn pen with my stylist and I didn’t know it was a weed pen,» she confesses, giggling.
Maréchal-Le Pen is the granddaughter of the enthusiastically racist Jean-Marie Le Pen, co-founder of the Front National.
It’s called the Moleskine Smart Writing Set, and it includes a paper tablet, smart pen, and one pen ink refill.
But thanks to Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen parodies, Piko-Taro’s video has started to make inroads into Western internet circles.
Pen options include markers, pencil, pen, ink and all are nuanced enough to satisfy the demanding artist or note taker.
The only regrettable thing about the Pen-F’s design is that it doesn’t look enough like the original Pen-F.
PEN America announced on Tuesday that Toni Morrison had won the PEN/Saul Bellow Award for Achievement in American Fiction.
» He uncapped a pen and, just before he signed the order, he said, «Who should I give the pen to?
PEN America, formerly the PEN American Center, has given out a translation prize to highlight international works since the 1960s.
The signature feature of the Galaxy Note has always been its digital pen for writing and drawing, called S-Pen.
Manon Bouquin, 24, a Le Pen supporter at the rally, said she believed Ms. Le Pen could win on Sunday.
REPORTERS AREN’T SHEEP: View from the print/radio reporter press pen to the photographer’s pen just off the Senate floor.
For about $30, I got a paint pen to match my car’s color, as well as a clear coat pen.
Billed as the «last pen you’ll ever have to buy,» the Scribble Pen promises to let you «scan» colors simply by touching the RGB color sensor built into the top of the pen onto a colored object.
A lot of the drawings in my book were done with a stylus pen on my phone, and some with a stylus pen on a tablet—and I even enjoy the feeling of the digital pen and screen.
If the pen is mightier than the sword, the fountain pen might seem like the canon: outdated, unwieldy, and total overkill.
He’s famous for his wildly confusing yet addictive song «Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen» that blew up on the internet in September.
The new pen is thinner than Wacom’s current Grip Pen, and is designed to emulate the feel of brushes and pencils.
The pen, while specialized, is still a normal pen, and the paper, while smart, still looks and feels like normal paper.
Every Tab S4 comes with Samsung’s new S Pen stylus, which is great for drawing and feels like a real pen.
The Plenty Pen is as low-tech as it comes despite its marketing as a «super-functional pen» laden with features.
In addition, the TabPro S is pen-enabled and Samsung is working on a decent Bluetooth pen accessory for the device.
Marion Marechal-Le Pen, the niece of party leader Marine Le Pen and granddaughter of its founder, previously held the seat.
The kits come in four different shades and include a contour pen, a highlight pen and a double-ended blending brush.
And earlier this week PEN revealed the majority of the winners for its other yearly award programming, the PEN Literary Awards.
Like her father, National Front founder Jean-Marie Le Pen, Marine Le Pen has regularly courted controversy in her political career.
Finally, the Workspace will display a «Get Pen Apps» link, so you can more easily locate which apps are pen-enabled.
Its Lamy 2000, introduced in 1966, a Bauhaus-inspired minimalist steel pen, made the brand’s reputation as the cool pen maker.
Say hello to the Scribble Pen, a smart pen with a special ink cartridge and scanner that can replicate any color.
Charen then railed against CPAC for inviting Marion Maréchal-Le Pen, the niece of French far-right politician Marine Le Pen.
«Pray for Le Pen,» Moore tweeted in support of National Rally candidate Marine Le Pen before last year’s French presidential election.
Tarrago Shoe Cream 3-Pack Clorox Bleach Pen Tide To Go Instant Stain Remover Liquid Pen If you’re spot cleaning or trying to reach some of the smaller bits of your sneakers — like the stitching along the sole — Brown suggests a Clorox bleach pen for white sneakers, or a Tide detergent pen for more colorful pairs.
Just download the PEN app on your smart TV, mobile and Web devices, or you can check it out at
The S Pen includes 4,000 levels of pressure and the ability to detect tilt for shading (just like Microsoft’s new Surface Pen).
The Slim Pen will be sold separately for $144.99, which is higher than the $99.99 price for the previous Surface Pen model.
Just download the PEN app on your Smart TV, mobile and Web devices, or you can check it out at
The 24-inch model will have separate pen-only or pen-and-touch display versions and will be available in late February.
The differentiating feature for the Pixel Pen versus Apple’s and Microsoft’s styli is that the Pixel Pen can also trigger the Assistant.
His biggest concerns were with how the pen seemed to skate across the glass, and with the feel of the pen itself.
The pen feels nice enough—but a physical pen holder over a magnet feels way too 2007 for such a sleek device.
On Tuesday night, the horror author appeared at the 2018 PEN Literary Awards, where he was receiving the PEN Literary Service Award.
Starting this week PEN America is kicking off its literary award season by announcing the longlist for the 213 PEN Literary Awards.
Because you, my dear reader, will shortly click play on the video, above, and listen to «Pen-Pineapple Apple-Pen» (or «PPAP»).
Why have a regular-ass pen when I can have a pen I won with my husband in a Hong Kong arcade?
They were words that recently earned Sabet recognition from English PEN, the founding center of PEN International, which promotes freedom of expression.
People were moved out of that pen and put into another one, so there were now over ten people in one pen.
Rocketbook Wave Executive Smart Notebook with Pen Station Ditch traditional pen and paper in favor of the more environmentally-conscious Rocketbook Wave.
It also adds new security and gaming features, improved smart pen functions (including the ability to track a lost pen), and more.
On Monday, the Harry Potter author was awarded the PEN/Allen Foundation Literary Service Award at the 2016 PEN Literary Gala in New York, which honors those who support PEN America’s mission to defend freedom of expression around the world.
Mr. Le Pen is now 90 and no longer an active campaigner, but his daughter Marine Le Pen and granddaughter Marion Maréchal-Le Pen are luminaries of the National Rally political party, a descendant of Mr. Le Pen’s National Front.
They’ve come up with their own PPAP parody — PNSP (Pen-Nurisampo-Sampo-Pen) in a bid to revive interest in traditional Japanese arts.
«Right when you put the pen down, depending on how far you push, it’s like a ballpoint pen at this point,» says Panay.
For starters, the Surface Pen has added tilt support, the ability to register the sides of the pen and not just the tip.
A pop-up restaurant in the style of Japanese comedian Piko Taro’s «Pen Pineapple Apple Pen» ditty has opened for business in Tokyo.
The Pen E-PL9 is an updated version of the 2016 E-PL8 model in Olympus’ Pen Lite series of pocket mirrorless cameras.
While it seems parodies of that damn «pen pineapple apple pen» song can’t stop popping up everywhere, perhaps some parodies shouldn’t be attempted.
The box was placed in a pen along with a human observer, who sat either facing the wall or looking into the pen.
If you’re still channeling that inner Daddy Warbucks, Microsoft’s also has a new $60 gold Surface Pen, complete with a Pen Tip kit.
Marine Le Pen is contested internally by a group led by her niece, Marion Maréchal-Le Pen, who’s a leader in the South.
The low-latency connection between the Pen and the Surface make it feel like using an actual pen, whether you’re writing or drawing.
Enter the NEWYES Smart Pen Set: a paperless note-taking system that combines the flexibility of pen-to-paper with the digital experience.
Mr. Mattis also accepted only the ceremonial pen used to sign the readiness order; the travel ban pen was given to Mr. Pence.
Biebs shares the screen with a super big Japanese YouTube star, Piko Taro, famous for his «PPAP (Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen)» music vid.
Along with her texts, Bergrichter produced collages, whose dense compositions are packed with ballpoint-pen or felt-tip-pen scenes of daily life.
It’s not as advanced a stylus as the S Pen that comes with the Notebook 214 Pen, nor is there anywhere to store the pen on the laptop when you aren’t using it, so it mostly feels like a tacked-on afterthought.
Doing art on a Chromebook might be appealing, but between the $100 price tag on the Pixelbook Pen and the slight delay between pen stroke and pen render I noticed on every single app I used, it just doesn’t seem worth it.
Wacom has also updated the pen with the Pro Pen 213, which offers 216,192 levels of sensitivity — four times that of the Cintiq Companion — and unlike Apple’s Pencil or Microsoft’s Surface Pen, it doesn’t have batteries that need to be charged or replaced.
There’s also a hole in the center of the robot where you can place a pen, magic marker or dry-erase pen for whiteboards.
Microsoft has even added a «find my pen» option, that will show where you were with your device when you last used the pen.
You get a regular paper notepad, a nice pen, and a pressure-sensitive clipboard-style holder for the notepad that tracks your pen strokes.
While it’s primarily designed for the Surface Go, the Classroom Pen will also work with any device that supports the Microsoft Pen Protocol (MPP).
In his post, Bowden notes the device had Pen support, but unfortunately, the Windows Store didn’t have much to offer pen users in 2014.
The Notebook 9 Pen is the most interesting model of the bunch, with an S-Pen slot located in the front of the system.
The pen, named, no kidding, The Pen ($22), looks like a bullet and has a nib retraction mechanism that swivels endlessly in 2500 degrees.
The pen, named, no kidding, The Pen ($245), looks like a bullet and has a nib retraction mechanism that swivels endlessly in 22 degrees.
«He is occupying the ground that Marine Le Pen is leaving as she veers towards the center,» Le Pen senior told Le Parisien daily.
Alleyoop does say that it’s working on making refills so you only have to reload the pen instead of buying an entirely new pen.
On Tuesday, PEN America announced that the two reporters, Wa Lone and Kyaw Soe Oo, would receive the PEN/Barbey Freedom to Write Award.
The «Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen» song by the Japanese comedian Kazuhito Kosaka went from YouTube to a spot on the Billboard Hot 100 chart.
Having a pen is having power If you don’t have a pen or a touchscreen with a Windows machine, then this doesn’t apply to you —  but nearly every new Windows machine actually worth buying either has a touchscreen, pen or both, so it just might.
Japan’s National Theatre — better known for puppet shows and traditional drama Kabuki — has taken inspiration from PikoTaro’s viral YouTube clip PPAP (Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen).
How to change the pen size and style: On the top of the screen you’ll see four different options for pen styles, and one eraser.
The pen features both a button that turns the pen into an eraser and one that can function as a clicker for your PowerPoint presentations.
Simply go to Settings > Advanced Features > S Pen > S Pen Remote to change the app and the actions associated with the single and double press.
It’s also touting a new Calligraphy Pen font which is says will let people write with the stylus as if it were a fountain pen.
» Then he replied to the questions with quotes from the «Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen» song that went viral last year and by saying «no problem.
Kim Yo Jong sparked curiosity at one point, when she switched out the pen that was provided for the summit with her own ballpoint pen.
She has spoken with organizations like PEN America about collaborating with its PEN Across America initiative, which focuses on local news advocacy and media literacy.
The other people in the pen asked to be moved and the people in the pen I was in were asking for someone to help.
As secretary, he said, he can use his pen — «a very powerful pen» — to authorize demonstration projects, waivers and experiments to bring down drug prices.
If you want designed compatibility, Microsoft has its $33 Surface Pen for its Surface tablets, and Google’s $99 Pixelbook Pen is made for its Pixelbook.
If you want designed compatibility, Microsoft has its $33 Surface Pen for its Surface tablets, and Google’s $99 Pixelbook Pen is made for its Pixelbook.
» He added, «I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone, and I can use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive actions.
Peru’s sol currency PEN=PE PEN= depreciated by more than 1 percent against the dollar in midday trading on Friday and Lima’s select stock index .
He got the idea for the ballpoint pen from newspaper printing presses, which dried much more quickly than fountain pen ink by using a rolling cylinder.
Le Pen, a former attorney, is leader of the French National Front (FN), a right-wing political party founded by her father Jean-Marie Le Pen.
And this pen is cool because it’s the first felt-tip pen that you can write with, and then you can just rub it out. Oooh!
So it was only a matter of time before Google figured out what I wanted to write with my pen before I finished my pen stroke.
If you lose your pen a lot, Microsoft has even added a «Find My Pen» option to locate where you last used inking on your device.
And while Samsung isn’t offering a built-in S-Pen in a slot, it is including an «Active Pen» in the box for writing or drawing.
And for a little more viral love, Psy features a cameo from last year’s biggest viral sensation, Piko Taro, of «Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen (PPAP)» fame.
The lowest participation at the first round occurred in 2002, when Jean-Marie Le Pen (father of Marine Le Pen) surprisingly qualified for the second round.
Even the $100 pen and the ability to draw will have you feeling like you’re holding a Surface Pro (also starts at around $900 with pen).
The camera zooms in on the pen and a grand operatic soundtrack swells up and continues while the pen occupies the screen and nothing further happens.
«Just to reveal how much of a pen nerd I am, we met when we were both guests on a fountain-pen podcast,» Mr. Brown said.
The Pro X also supports a newly redesigned Surface Pen, one that feels less like a pen and more like a soft, flat-sided artist’s pencil.
I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone, and I can use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive actions and administrative actions.
It was also Putin’s clear support for Marine Le Pen, Macron’s rival in the race, including a visit by Le Pen to Moscow during the election.
Photo: SamsungOn the Notebook 9 Pen, Samsung claims it has reduced the stylus’ latency considerably, but the real upgrade is probably the addition of three replaceable nibs that let you customize the pen tip’s shape and friction to better simulate the feeling of pen on paper.
SHERMAN ALEXIE Winner of the PEN/Faulkner Award for Fiction, the PEN/Malamud Award for Excellence in Short Fiction, a PEN/Hemingway Citation for Best First Fiction, and the National Book Award for Young People’s Literature, Sherman Alexie is a poet, short-story writer, novelist, and performer.
As a human draws with a pen, a camera captures the motion and a computer communicates it to the drone, which mimics what the pen is drawing.
Compatible with both Neo notebooks and the iOS or Android Notes app, the pen allows you to capture digital copies of everything you write using the pen.
The tablet’s grayscale E Ink display limits your pen choices, but you can switch between a pencil, ink pen, marker, and highlighter, and adjust the stroke size.
Microsoft’s Surface Pen has 21ms of latency, and Apple’s Pencil now has 20ms with the new iPad Pro, making Apple’s the fastest digital pen in the world.
They also delivered it to International Publishers Association, PEN International, Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch, the Congressional-Executive Commission on China, Freedom House, PEN American Center, etc.
The Pen+ Ellipse appears to have virtually the same features as the Pen+ that comes with Moleskine’s $200 Smart Writing Set, just with a slightly new design.
Marine Le Pen has led France’s socially conservative National Front party since the resignation of her father and the party’s founder, Jean-Marie Le Pen, in 2011.
Watch PEN Fan Forum: Survivor, on the new PEOPLE/Entertainment Weekly Network (PEN) here, or download the free app on your Smart TV, mobile and web devices.
In 2015, Le Pen expelled her father, party founder Jean-Marie Le Pen, after he made statements denying the Holocaust (Holocaust denial is a crime in France).
In the update will be a new Windows Ink platform that’ll persuade you to use that Surface Pen, or whatever pen you have, more prolifically throughout Windows.
You plug the pen into a wall outlet, load up the plastic color of your choice, and once the pen heats the plastic, you’re ready to extrude.
Watch PEN Fan Forum: Survivor, on the new PEOPLE/Entertainment Weekly Network (PEN) here, or download the free app on your Smart TV, mobile and web devices.
His swing position meant that handing him the pen to write decisions was the price the other justices had to pay, and that pen was often purple.
Marion Marechal-Le Pen, a niece of Ms. Le Pen, posted the piece on Twitter before quickly removing the link after local media outlets debunked the claim.
Ms. Le Pen and her father, the party’s founder, Jean-Marie Le Pen, are under investigation for undervaluing family-owned properties in public declarations of their assets.
The Lamy Safari (starting from $30 at Goulet Pens, one of the most comprehensive fountain pen stores online) is a popular «starter pen» because of its ergonomic grip and wide variety of colors and finishes, while the Pilot Vanishing Point (starting from $148) has a retractable nib, making it ideal for people who like the feel of a fountain pen, but prefer the convenience of a click pen.
But Maréchal-Le Pen, granddaughter to National Front founder Jean-Marie Le Pen (who has repeatedly dismissed the Holocaust as a «footnote») and niece to presidential runner-up Marine Le Pen, chose to quit politics last year following Marine’s defeat, citing the need to care for her young daughter.
Microsoft is also extending the Pen utility with Windows Ink enhancements like the ability to find your favorite pen settings on any Surface device where you’re signed in.
The screen can support 20 points of touch (instead of the usual 10), and the digital pen has 2,048 points of pressure (the Surface Pen only does 1,024).
The $69.95 Classic Pen hasn’t been updated for several years, though, and the new Pro Pen slim aims to provide the same natural drawing experience with updated specs.
The nightmare scenario: Marine Le Pen It is hard to overstate how confident German officials are that the Eurosceptic, far-right Marine Le Pen will lose the election.
Bring the S Pen near the Tab S4 and you’ll be able to access S Pen software staples like Air Command, Screen-off Memo, Live Message, and Translation.
However, Ms Le Pen is seen as likely to do much better than Mr Le Pen because she is more moderate, while French politics has become more unpredictable.
Upgraded S Pen It wouldn’t be a Note without an S Pen, and the Note 10’s stylus is apparently getting a few new tricks up its sleeve.
And unlike your creative reserves, the S Pen will never experience writer’s block or burn-out, since (just like a real pen) it never needs to be charged.
Ha Jin has published novels, poetry, stories and essays and has won a National Book Award, a PEN/Hemingway Award and two PEN/Faulkner Awards for his fiction.
In 2015, Ms. Le Pen ousted her father, Jean-Marie Le Pen, the party’s co-founder, after he made anti-Semitic comments, as he had in the past.
Then she meets Blake, who is as interested in Pen as Pen is in her, and Olivia, Colby’s ex-girlfriend, who listens without judgment and needs Pen’s help.
In «The Tantalizing Fly,» 10 the clown borrows Max’s fountain pen to clobber a fly, swings the pen, and scatters ink off the page—and onto Max’s face.
Marine Le Pen is the daughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen, who founded the party in 1972 and who has been prosecuted several times for minimizing the Holocaust.
Instead of dipping, you have to spin the top of the Wink Pen, and it takes a bit to get into the pattern of movements; to feel when the pen is going to run out, and to get used to drawing with one hand and spinning the pen with the other.
France fears that Russia is trying to push Marine Le Pen to victory France fears that Russia is trying to push Marine Le Pen to victory France’s top intelligence agency fears that Russia is trying to sway the upcoming presidential elections in favor of far-right candidate Marine Le Pen.
There is a utility to take advantage of the S Pen (a menu pops open automatically when you remove the pen from its slot), but I wish that Samsung would just use the pen features that Microsoft builds into Windows 10 natively, since Samsung’s not adding anything more to the experience.
In addition, the Surface Book 2 works with the $99 Surface Pen (not included) and Windows 10 is the most pen-friendly desktop (and laptop) OS on the planet.
In fact it was made by a pen manufacturer in 1966 — but it wasn’t until October of 1968 that it went into orbit and fulfilled its space pen destiny.
Whereas Mr Le Pen revelled in provocation and flirted with the law on racism, periodically ending up in court, Ms Le Pen is bent on securing respectability and power.
Its leader, Marine Le Pen, has disavowed anti-Semitism, but the party was long led by her father, Jean-Marie Le Pen, who was convicted of questioning the Holocaust.
Just like its smartphone cousin, the Note 9, the new S Pen for the Notebook 9 Pen now offers improved latency (Samsung says its up to two times faster).
The $993 version, which I tested, also doubles as a retractable pen (there’s a pen-free $299 version), so there’s even more reason to always have 23 with you.
Here’s what’s included: The Complete Ballpoint Pen Drawing Course For Beginners This seven-hour course dives into one of the newest styles of drawing: the colored ballpoint pen technique.
Almost 40,000 people were tuned into the stream at time of publishing, watching April pace around her pen as the baby’s father, Oliver, watches from his pen next door.
The apps can continuously capture notes on the fly, or later if the pen isn’t connected while writing (the Pen+ can store up to 1,000 pages in its memory).
PS- for those of you in Ottawa: still a couple of spots left in my April calligraphy workshops (one pointed pen and one brush pen!) Signups on my website!
Writing with a pen or pencil feels real and I obsessively purchase all sorts of pens and pencils so I jumped at the chance to review Stilform’s Kosmos pen.
In other words, when the president uses a pen to sign a piece of legislation sent to him by Congress, the money used to buy that pen is borrowed.
O. Wilson Literary Science Writing Award, PEN Open Book Award, and the PEN/FUSION Emerging Writers Prize — will be announced live at the literary award ceremony on April 11.
One side features a vigorous pen and ink drawing of Saint Sebastian tied to a tree, the other inscribed scientific studies of candle light, also in pen and ink.
Two produce plastic barrels and inside parts for the Skilcraft U.S. Government pen, for government personnel, and one produces parts for the Skilcraft B3 Aviator pen, for military pilots.
Samsung includes an S Pen in the box with the Tab S6, and it’s very similar to the S Pen that comes with the Galaxy Note line of smartphones.
Nonetheless there is a stated focus for the Pettibon survey, which is called «A Pen of All Work» (the title comes from Byron; the pen in question is Satan’s).
While Le Pen has over the past months softened her anti-EU, anti-euro comments, Marechal-Le Pen lambasted the bloc, which she said was «slowly killing» ancient nations.
President is telling America — — thanks for the pen.
In France, far-right National Front leader Marine Le Pen applauded the UK’s decision to leave the EU. Le Pen is expected to perform strongly in next year’s presidential election.
But the biggest advantage becomes clear the moment you sign your name with one: the fountain pen offers a completely different sensory experience than any other pen, pencil, or stylus.
Ooly modern script fountain pen and journal Price: $12.99 If there’s a writer or pen fanatic on your gift list, this makes a perfect, yet inexpensive addition to their collection.
What’s more, the basic dynamics of a head-to-head race between Macron and Marine Le Pen were simply so unfavorable to Le Pen as to make Macron’s lead insurmountable.
La La: I don’t smoke weed (but I don’t knock anybody who does!) and I don’t smoke cigarettes, but I got this pen called the Calm Pen witth CBD oil.
Wacom announced an upgraded version of its Intuos pen tablet today, which comes bundled with software options like Clip Studio Paint and a new pen with 4,096 levels of pressure.
It tracks very well and reminds me less of the Galaxy Note’s S Pen and more like the Surface Pen, which is often used by artists for professional design work.
While inking on a note with the Surface Pen, I didn’t detect any latency, and the pen was incredibly good at pressure sensitivity, thickening the lines appropriately as I wrote.
Just in time, before you get sick of the Pen Pineapple Apple Pen phenomenon that’s currently sweeping the internet, Netflix has cut its own sweet tribute to the Japanese earworm.
When you need a little hair refresh on the go, skip the travel sized bottles and pick a dry shampoo pen instead (Yes, you heard us; a pen.) Still skeptical?
Fillon came third behind Le Pen and first-placed Emmanuel Macron in the first round with about 20 percent of votes which Le Pen and Macron must now fight over.
His limited edition «4-Color Pen Ball» (2016) has each of its panels filled in with scribbles in one of four standard, ballpoint pen colors: red, green, black and blue.
Photo: Sam Rutherford (Gizmodo)Elsewhere, Samsung has expanded on the S-Pen abilities with new Air Actions, that allow you to control the phone by waving the S-Pen around.
The other new S-Pen abilities include Air Actions, which let you change between camera modes and settings by waving the S-Pen around like a wand, and AR Doodle.
Ms. Le Pen is poised to begin her second run for president of France, after taking over the far-right movement previously run by her father, Jean-Marie Le Pen.
Macron emerges as winner after final TV debate with «high priestess of fear» Le Pen Macron emerges as winner after final TV debate with «high priestess of fear» Le Pen Emmanuel Macron emerged as the clear winner of a heated and insult-laced TV debate with his presidential rival Marine Le Pen Wednesday.
Artists will enjoy the accompanying $100 Pixelbook Pen stylus which has a standout 10 milliseconds of latency (Apple Pencil has 43ms and Microsoft’s Surface Pen has 21ms), and excellent pressure sensitivity.
Microsoft developed a new piece of silicon that sits between the display and graphics controllers, opening a communication channel between the pen and the display that makes pen flow virtually instantaneous.
There’s no way to attach the pen to the tablet directly, so Samsung includes a pen loop that sticks to the bottom of the keyboard case to keep it all together.
If you’re wondering where you’ll put that pen when you’re not using it, HP chose not to go the magnetic route and instead created a keyboard with a pen loop attached.
The Spectre’s included pen is not as nice or as well-specced as the Surface Pen, but I’m not an artist and it works just fine for jotting down quick notes.
In France Mr Mélenchon and Ms Le Pen have been the preferred candidates of the under 25s, though polls now show Ms Le Pen losing ground and Mr Macron rising fast.
The year after they elected Mr Lansade, 54% of voters in Cogolin backed the FN candidate, Marion Maréchal-Le Pen, niece of Marine Le Pen, the FN’s leader, at regional elections.
The Surface Pen, which comes with the Surface Studio, attaches to the side via magnet and the width of the pen is basically the same as the width of the screen.
S Pen added improved text selection; content previewing by hovering over photos, videos, and email (to name a few); and display haptic feedback when S Pen is in contact with screen.
It’s a 13.3-inch 2-in-1 notebook, and as the name suggests the Notebook 21920 Pen includes an integrated S Pen, much like the Notebook 21080 Pro introduced in May.
On its site, PEN shared the origin story of the archive, adapted from text by Antonio Aiello, the former web editor and content director of PEN America who spearheaded the project.
After all, he made time to get a photo with Japanese sensation Piko-Taro, who you might know to be behind the viral hit «Pineapple Pen Apple Pen (PPAP)» in 2016.
Marechal-Le Pen, 27, one of the FN’s only two members of parliament, is closer in ideology to her grandfather and party founder Jean-Marie Le Pen than to her aunt.
Now when you click the top of your Surface pen, a menu will pop up that will bring up your recently used Pen apps and suggested apps in the Windows Store.
Related: Classic Pen-and-Ink Drawings Explore Themes of Isolation [NSFW] Sex and Violence Reproduced in Detail with a Ballpoint Pen Watch A Cerebral Animation Illustrated With Ink, Coffee, And Whiteout
Commentators are calling the vote a rematch of the presidential election in 2017, when Mr. Macron trounced Ms. Le Pen — only this time, Ms. Le Pen could come out on top.
Chagall’s own teacher, the figurative painterYehuda Pen (also known as Yuri Pen), taught an introductory course; he is represented here by a proficient, conservative self-portrait and another of Chagall himself.
The «Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen» song by the Japanese comedian Kazuhito Kosaka — better known by his stage name Pikotaro — went from YouTube to a spot on the Billboard Hot 100 chart.
» — Redditor SpafSpaf’Continuously clicks his pen‘ «Over and over again.
It’s like, a spy pen made by Smith & Wesson.
» The guard says to Morris, «Get in the pen.
You — you were given a pen and no paper.
Rocketbook Wave Executive Smart Notebook with Pen Station — $27.99
Rocketbook Wave Executive Smart Notebook with Pen Station — $22.39
» The pen, she underscores, «is a writing tool first.
PARIS — Marine Le Pen is showing a little leg.
Rocketbook Wave Executive Smart Notebook with Pen Station — $23.99
The new French president also misjudged the shrewd skills of Marion Maréchal-Le Pen, niece of Marine Le Pen, leader of the populist National Front (FN) whom he had defeated in 2017.
It is also pretty time-consuming to go one strand at a time, stop the pen, let it cool for a second, and then quickly move the pen to have it detach.
The PEN+ ELLIPSE is a surprisingly compact pen that uses special paper notebooks and a built-in sensor to record what you draw and automatically send it to a phone or tablet.
That said, I want to thank you for being my pen pal the last two months, but thought you should know I already have several pen pals so don’t really need another.
Samsung unveiled its refreshed Notebook 9 series of laptops last December, which had three models including the Notebook 2299.99 Pen, a 27-inch 2899.99-in-29 notebook with an integrated S Pen.
Le Pen splits France And after all, Le Pen managed to garner around 34% of the vote in the second round of an election which opened up deep splits in French society.
The pen-like 01 comes in three models, with a laser measurement system on one end and either a pencil, pen, or stylus tip on the other (for jotting down measurements quickly).
Photo: AMC Photo: WinonaWoodCraft via Etsy Price: $10Buy now: Personalized pen Checking off items on a to-do list will feel even better with a pen that seems made just for you.
Mr. Joe, a «penpen» motorcycle driver, routinely wears different T-shirts representing opposing political candidates, depending on whom he is hitting up for money, food or rides on a particular day.
Clorox Bleach Pen Tide To Go Instant Stain Remover Liquid Pen Eternal Professional Nail Polish Remover For scuff removal, Brown recommends applying nail-polish remover to the scuff with a Q-tip.
The Note 10 Lite, on the other hand, has all those sweet S Pen features you love, like clicking the button on the pen to take a photo or advance a presentation.
The pen was for her 12-year-old daughter, and as startling as it was to think of an adolescent’s employing analog technology was the fact that she uses a fountain pen.
Times columnist Ross Douthat, who has earlier written with measured but real admiration about Maréchal-Le Pen’s aunt Marine Le Pen, suggested that the younger Le Pen can be seen as a «Reaganite» figure: Given her «fusionism a la française» positioning back home, Marion Le Pen could be one of the most Reaganite speakers at CPAC.
The Microsoft Classroom Pen will ship in all Surface Go markets worldwide in February, and it will be sold exclusively to education institutions in packs of 20 for $799.80 (roughly $39.99 per pen).
On Wednesday, PEN America announced the finalists for the 2017 PEN Literary Awards, which honor the best and brightest in literature, science writing, essays, sports writing, biography, children’s literature, translation, drama and poetry.
FROM PEN: Andy Cohen’s Top 5 Most Revealing Plead the Fifth Answers FROM PEN: Andy Cohen’s Top 5 Most Revealing Plead the Fifth Answers Mowry herself squashed the story years ago, telling E!
The USI standard supports 4,096 levels of pressure sensitivity (the same pressure level as Samsung’s S Pen and Microsoft’s Surface Pen) and 9-axis inertial measurement to follow and track complex movements precisely.
But if you’re looking for a reasonably-sized tablet with an S Pen for drawing or note-taking and the Note7’s awesome S Pen features, the Tab A doesn’t look half bad.
But even before taking over the FN from her father, party founder Jean-Marie Le Pen, Marine Le Pen had spent years refashioning the FN as a sort of kinder, gentler, far right.
Opinion polls have for months forecast that the center-right candidate and Le Pen would qualify for the second round of the presidential election in May and that Le Pen would then lose.
A poll by Sunday newspaper JDD showed Macron and Le Pen coming top in the first round if a presidential election were held tomorrow, and Macron defeating Le Pen in the run-off.
The pen icon on the web browser now matches that of Windows Ink in the Task Tray, and there’s now the option of marking up with your finger instead of the Surface Pen.
Le Pen and Macron are currently ahead with nearly 28503 percent of the vote tallied, NPR reported that Macron had about 22019 percent of the vote,  with Le Pen at around 22 percent.
Instagram’s story camera includes three drawing tools: a normal pen, a highlighter that lets you emphasize text by coloring beneath it, and a «neon pen» that draws in white with neon color borders.
Supporters of Marine Le Pen have the most favorable views of the yellow vests, and a hypothetical gilets jaunes party would sap significant support from Le Pen in the upcoming European parliamentary elections.
«Over the course of the season, if that’s a consistent theme for you, no matter how good your ‘pen is, eventually that ‘pen is going to wear down a little bit,» Boone said.
In one study, if 1-year-olds saw a stranger drop a pen and strain to reach for it, they would crawl over obstacles to find the pen and give it to him.
The Surface Pen and detachable keyboard remain optional — and somewhat pricey — accessories, though Microsoft tells me that a large percentage opt to get the type cover keyboard, with fewer opting for the pen.
The party also voted to re-elect Le Pen as the party’s leader and to sever all ties with her father, Jean-Marie Le Pen, who founded the National Front party in 1972.
The «Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen» song by the Japanese comedian Kazuhito Kosaka — he is better known by his stage name Pikotaro — went from YouTube to a spot on the Billboard Hot 100 chart.
Surprisingly, Rocky did not have an official vape pen to his name, which has been remedied today by vape pen juggernaut KandyPens and their new Flacko Jodye Collection, which you can see below.
Pixelbook and Pixelbook Pen are the latest examples of that.
You can also use the Pixelbook Pen with the Assistant.
A visit will teach more than the pen can describe.
«The ECU existed alongside a national currency,» Le Pen said.
WASHINGTON – Kirstjen Nielsen has one hard-earned presidential signing pen.
Le Pen had taken the case to the EU Court.
Then Marine Le Pen arrived on the French political scene.
Against all phone trends, Samsung’s S Pen stylus has endured.
It’s okay to lift the pen up at some point!
So, they now have a giant pen in my yard.
Take out a piece of paper and grab a pen.
Meanwhile, Le Pen remains the leading candidate on 25 percent.
I would draw it with walnut ink and quill pen.
Strache and Le Pen have both become darlings of Putin.
The meeting with Putin represented a coup for Le Pen.
Close to Tellez’s house, Rick lingers in an enclosed pen.
It is still unclear what caused the pen to explode.
If you can’t understand me, give me pen and paper.
Taupin and John began their relationship as energized pen pals.
An early Surface Pen update prototype that enables tilt recognition.
The Surface Pen looks the same, but is more powerful.
One of them will almost certainly be Ms Le Pen.
Ms Le Pen has tactical reasons to embrace Mr Trump.
This pen is from Japan, from a shop called LOFT.
But the day, most agreed, belonged to Ms Le Pen.
The three refreshed models also come with an active pen.
You can also purchase an optional Surface Pen for $99.99.
But for some reason, the ChargeWrite pen has me uneasy.
She told People about her unlikely pen pal: Jared Leto.
For Meghan Markle, the pen is mightier than the Evite.
He’s started a little bit, he’s been in the pen.
This pen works totally differently from anything I’ve ever used.
Ms Le Pen could well come out on top again.
Cords are an instrument of communication, like pen to paper.
GauGAN has three tools: a paint bucket, pen and pencil.
That was my blue BIC pen that drew those lines.
It cannot be reversed with the stroke of a pen.
Ms Le Pen is also reaching out to mainstream conservatives.
Instead it was what is referred to a pen register.
He lends his name and his pen to save lives.
The couple were pen pals before their friendship turned romantic.
Ms Le Pen is in some ways a Trump lite.
» Fabrizio calls the Le Pen campaign’s response «a no-brainer.
But this assumed that Ms Le Pen could not win.
Ms Le Pen is an old hand at this game.
«Italian» was thus created by the pen, not the sword.
Ms Gillibrand will reportedly soon pen her own plan, too.
Marine Le Pen reacted with delight, the Vatican with dismay.
For another, an empty pen is no fun to watch.
«This is nothing,» he said, wagging the pen for effect.
There’s no simple storage on the laptop for the pen.
H. GLENN’ is written in pen to the right side.
Trump’s success fuels French National Front leader Marine Le Pen.
Both are convertible Windows 10 systems with option pen inputs.
Adam Cimber had a very good year out the pen.
A matching black Surface Pen is also available for $99.
Lifetime’s glossy new show You features a snazzy vape pen.
The S Pen has also learned some key new tricks.
Now, Le Pen has been defeated and Pepe is dead.
Neither Salvini nor Le Pen addressed the Austrian scandal directly.
Her mate, Oliver, can be seen in a nearby pen.
You also don’t need Apple Pay or an S Pen.
Esme Rice: My headphones, a pen, and probably my wardrobe.
Take a pen, and write your feelings on the paper.
The Spectre Folio comes with a proprietary Digital Pen stylus .
Election gamble Marine Le Pen knows she is manipulating history.
Le Pen is more than a little smitten with Trump.
You can use the S Pen to mark up photos.
«I didn’t support this woman,» Trump said of Le Pen.
Le Pen, Fillon represents an insufferable rupture from French norms.
But Mélenchon is also in competition with Le Pen, whose
The main worry was a strong performance by Le Pen.
Like Le Pen, he would be considered a disruptive candidate.
PEN America plans to share the letter on social media.
Ms Le Pen has called those claims «outrageous and offensive».
Le Pen advocates closing the borders and quitting the euro.
Marine Le Pen commanded attention around the globe for weeks.
Marine Le Pen has helmed the Front National since 2011.
Le Pen has also promised to radically slash legal immigration.
An optional pen will be available later in the year.
WARREN BUFFETT: When did I hear about Le Pen conceding—?
I have pen in hand so now it means something.
Persistence pays on Obamacare repeal, but with a veto pen!
Starring Alexandra Breckenridge, Jamie Spilchuk & Jane Alexander Christmas Pen Pals
Simien will pen the series and direct the first episode.
But Carmelo literally has the pen in his own hand.
Samsung has made several smart choices with the S Pen.
So they now have a giant pen in my yard.
The Ink and Pen Club, from ‘Who Framed Roger Rabbit?
A critic’s pen, though, is not a gavel only; judging
The Phillies pen is second worst with 39 homers allowed.
» The Utah Republican said he has his «subpoena pen ready.
The Kosmos pen offers a compelling writing experience unavailable elsewhere.
Likewise squeeze the two parts together and the pen retracts.
» Ms Le Pen retorted on Twitter: «Alas, @fhollande is wrong.
You can use the Pen to trigger the Assistant, too.
Mark the centre of each mold with a pen. 6.
That can be changed with the stroke of a pen.
Le Pen is not supposed to win, according to polls.
There’s a long groove for the S Pen to fit.
Some pen lines on a cocktail napkin are cold comfort.
Ultimately, Aldrin used a pen to push in the button.
Tap the pen, marker or pencil tool and start drawing.
In the evening, he herds them back into the pen.
There’s a pen, marker and one called neon (far right).
Grab a pen and paper and brainstorm, the report suggests.
Opinion OpinionThe Editorial Board OpinionThe Editorial Board OpinionMarine Le Pen
The pen purchase was first reported by The Washington Post.
National Rally’s Le Pen condemned the attack on the mosque.
Macron defeated the National Front’s Marine Le Pen in May.
I read the entries fast: ballpoint pen, computer, atomic clock.
The Fisher Space Pen writes in space – and everywhere else.
Leadership analysis might give clues MORE are admiring pen pals.
Tap the icon of a pen tip in a circle.
» That criticism prompted King to pen «Letter from Birmingham Jail.
«Might as well,» Stephen finally said, reaching for a pen.
Technically, a pen and paper or computer spreadsheet can suffice.
» The poor thing, though: It has to follow «The Pen.
A 3D pen with plastic refills in 15 different colors
The third component — also not included — is the Surface Pen.
The digital ink visibly lagged behind the physical pen tip.
Le Pen is known for her brash but savvy leadership.
Markets can be closed with the stroke of a pen.
Literary nonprofit group PEN America has also joined the cause.
Macron is a far less confrontational politician than Le Pen.
Le Pen is taking a page out of Trump’s playbook.
The Pen now comes separately, so plan to spend $60.
A GOP chief executive itches to deploy his signature pen.
It is now time for them to seize the pen.
PEN announced the winners of several other awards on Tuesday.
Macron led Le Pen in polls heading into the weekend.
«We’ve seen Jhoulys pitch out of the pen,» Scioscia said.
We were staying next to this huge crated dog pen.
«He signed it with a ballpoint pen,» Mr. Sirola said.
Robert James (pen name) is a senior Deutsche Bank insider.
It’s Brexit and [former French presidential candidate Marine] Le Pen.
«And I knew with ‘Pose,’ I would hold the pen
She wrote letters to newspapers, initially under a pen name.
He’s in France, finding uncommon cause with Marine Le Pen.
The treatment involves an injectable pen and can cause nausea.
To write I just needed a pen and a page.
Lawyers for Le Pen could not be reached for comment.
Handily, we have tips to find a great fountain pen.
It’s done with three different types of blue ballpoint pen.
The first is a marketplace of vetted, verified pen testers.
You can use the pen to remotely control different tasks.
She was the smartest person ever to lift a pen.
When the annotations tool bar opens, select the pen tool.
Writer Preeti Chibber will pen the second novel, Avengers Assembly.
He let the word linger, then reached for the pen.
«The victorious defeat of Marine Le Pen» one headline read.
Le Pen has the facile, vile answers to all this.
In the end Ms. Le Pen failed to «undemonize,» spectacularly.
I dearly wish that I had been his pen pal.
Donald Trump erased that with the sweep of a pen.
Clinton, who took an acid pen to some of Mrs.
There was a notebook and a pen on the mantel.
An echo resounded when my pen dropped to the floor.
Hand me that pen as I cough for 10 minutes.
Who is Marine Le Pen, and who is Emmanuel Macron?
I have it in my bull pen for [the] ActionAlertsPlus.
Now there was no question: She would vote Le Pen.
Not Ms. Le Pen, with her vision of hard protectionism.
Le Pen entered to thunderous applause in a black pantsuit.
I stopped carrying around a pen to annotate my books.
I took the pen and wrote «yes» on the page.
In Han’s novel, John and Lara Jean become pen pals.
This wasn’t apparent during the age of paper and pen.
But that S Pen holder is pretty dope (also removable!).
«We’ve got Islamists in our country,» Ms. Le Pen said.
» In L’Express it was «Why Le Pen is advancing — again.
Polls before the election had Le Pen around 14 percent.
Abstention, Macron’s team has argued, will only benefit Le Pen.
The elderly, by contrast, weren’t ideologically opposed to Le Pen.
G. draws a heart on my hand in pink pen.
But on the upside, at least the pen actually exists.
PEN America announced the winners of its 22018 Literary Awards.
She has … did you pen this book, «The Work Ahead»?
Nevertheless, both Le Pen and Macron would like those votes.
Le Pen is a victim of her own party’s expectations.
Google also sells a Pixelbook Pen stylus that it says is the world’s most accurate stylus ever made with a 10-milliseconds of latency (Apple Pencil has 20ms and Microsoft’s Surface Pen has 21ms).
Of course, a lot of it is easily done by whatever it was, the pen and the phone, because a lot of Obama&aposs agenda was put in by a pen and a phone.
» FROM PEN: Katherine Heigl Reveals the Emotional Way She Told Her Daughters She Was Pregnant FROM PEN: Katherine Heigl Reveals the Emotional Way She Told Her Daughters She Was Pregnant «The world is changing.
During the debate, Le Pen referred to Macron as a «smirking banker» with an eye on «butchering France,» while Macron called Le Pen «hate-filled» and intent on bringing «civil war» to the country.
The Note 8 S Pen also features a translation feature, which means you can highlight text with the pen via hovering, which will then provide a block of translated text in your primary language.
Hundreds of Surface Pro owners have been complaining about Surface Pen problems with the device for months, noting that the Surface Pen becomes inaccurate when you rest your hand on the Surface Pro screen.
The S Pen stylus has similar remote-control features as the S Pen that comes with the Galaxy Note 9 smartphone, including the ability to advance PowerPoint slides or trigger the camera shutter remotely.
If the finalists in France are Macron and Le Pen, attention will shift back to Trump with a white-hot intensity if he does or says one more thing seeming to favor Le Pen.
If you ask a computer where the pen will be in one second, there is no correct answer — the machine knows the pen will fall, but it can’t know exactly where it will land.
But at dinner, according to the Washington Post, the two world leaders will be greeted by singer/comedian Piko-Taro — who is none other than the man behind that Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen song.
This is the first Surface Book to ship with Windows 10 Anniversary Edition, which means it now has even better Pen integration, a nice update for a system where pen input is so integral.
Macron, a centrist, would then be the likeliest candidate to take on Le Pen in the second round, with Macron expected to win with 63 percent of votes over 37 percent for Le Pen.
Books News The novelist Salman Rushdie co-founded the PEN World Voices Festival 15 years ago, when he was president of PEN America, but it has roots in a conference that occurred decades earlier.
As part of the PEN World Voices Festival, PEN America is offering workshops, story times and panels for children who can read and those who are still just getting the hang of their ABCs.
Here’s what to expect: The S Pen revamped On first impression, the updated Bluetooth stylus «S Pen,» one of the biggest draws for the Note, is more ergonomic and fits better in the hand.
«I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone — and I can use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive actions and administrative actions that move the ball forward,» Mr. Obama said.
A sign of the system’s breakdown was the inability of democratic forces to unite against Ms. Le Pen by reviving the «republican front» that emphatically stopped her father, Jean-Marie Le Pen, in 2002.
In 2011, at the party’s compound in the Parisian suburb of Nanterre, I spoke to Marine Le Pen, who had recently assumed the leadership from her father, the convicted racist Jean-Marie Le Pen.
Mr. Macron replied with sharply critical words about her father, Jean-Marie Le Pen, the founder of the National Front, whose anti-Semitic image Ms. Le Pen has tried to shake with some success.
And finally, the Omega Series 5 Inkless Pen is the same size as the Series 4, but features a unique ergonomic grip, comes with a pen holder, and is available in black and silver.
FCHI was a victory for far-right National Front leader Marine Le Pen in the French presidential election, although current opinion polls show Le Pen as likely to lose to centrist candidate Emmanuel Macron.
Some prominent Democrats are complaining, even though the president has done exactly what they wanted him to do, wield the power of his pen, in this case a felt tip pen, and end this process.
Twice, in 2002 (with Jean-Marie Le Pen as its candidate) and again this year (with Marine Le Pen, his daughter), it voted the xenophobic and Eurosceptic National Front (FN) into a presidential run-off.
There are plenty of styluses around, like Samsung’s beloved S Pen that comes with the Galaxy Note and some like Moleskine’s Pen+ that enable you to digitize what you doodle and write via an app.
The Paper Tablet relies on the Moleskine Pen+ Ellipse which is a smart pen that uses a built-in camera to track a near-invisible unique grid pattern printed on every page of the notebook.
If Coates wins, it will mark his second PEN Literary Award, after he won the PEN/Diamonstein-Spielvogel Award for the Art of the Essay for his book Between The World And Me in 2015.
In 217, when Jacques Chirac beat the right-wing Jean-Marie Le Pen to win the French presidency, Le Pen won just 2900 percent of the vote, and not a single region of the country.
British pen-maker Yard O Led has launched a luxury silver pen and pencil set encrusted with Californian golden poppies, in what it has dubbed a homage to Markle’s former life as a Hollywood actress.
In addition to funding the penpen drivers’ palaver hut — a sort-of community gathering area — Mr. Cooper also gave them 2120 Liberian dollars (the equivalent of around $28) last month, the young men said.
Ms. Le Pen has received authorization to change the National Front’s name, still associated with the party’s founder, her father, Jean-Marie Le Pen, and his years of Holocaust denial and association with Nazi collaborators.
Marine Le Pen, the far-right French politician who was recently defeated for the presidency, is the daughter of Jean-Marie Le Pen, who served in the Legion in Vietnam and Algeria in the 1950s.
Marine Le Pen, the leader of the Front National, widely known as a far-right party, has tried to rid it of its founder — her own father, Jean-Marie Le Pen — for being too extreme.
The 28-year-old former lawmaker, granddaughter of National Front founder Jean-Marie Le Pen and niece of party leader Marine Le Pen, temporarily withdrew from politics after her aunt’s presidential election defeat last May.
Which makes a President Marine Le Pen unlikely—but not impossible.
Serena, she who wields a pen, hands the doctor a stethoscope.
You can also use the pen to create your own GIFs.
Yes, Windows can even help you find your lost Surface Pen.
FROM PEN: What Happens If My Pet Eats Something He Shouldn’t?
Just like with the flashback era pen earlier in the episode.
FROM PEN: What Happens If My Pet Eats Something He Shouldn’t?
But having the pen be corded does it have its disadvantages.
Rewrite the rules of international trade, and give workers the pen.
FROM PEN: Learn How To Make XOXO Pancakes for Your Valentine
Trump suggested that the attack would mobilize voters behind Le Pen.
Dozens of protesters were in their pen surrounded by riot police.
The Surface Book 2 is designed for touch and pen input.
The S Pen is now Bluetooth and works like a remote.
She also began writing fiction under the pen name Carolina Carter.
Speaking of which… Pen input is really, really important to Microsoft.
The pen costs $99, and the laptop itself starts at $999.
BONUS: Olympus Pen-F is a slick camera for film nostalgics
If you’re totally jazzed about this pen, more power to you.
Even after defeating Le Pen, there’s much work to be done.
FROM PEN: Grammy News and Notes: Album of the Year Nominees
The latest batch of polls suggests Le Pen will ultimately lose.
We hit the pen a few times before we get there.
Le Pen will then print money to reduce France’s debt load.
The drawings were made on plastic plates with blue ink pen.
Le Pen may yet harbor some hope of election success though.
The pen will become part of the museum’s local inventors display.
Alexander writes his memoir using a pen attached to a stick.
They formed a small wall in front of the pen, too.
FROM PEN: Try Our Amazing Never Watered Down Bloody Mary 5.
Jay Carson (House of Cards) is attached to pen the script.
It includes an Acer pen and an adjustable U-shaped kickstand.
Both Mr Macron and Ms Le Pen tap into that frustration.
Can’t people make their own lists, with a pen and paper?
All of this starts at $799 including the keyboard and pen.
The S Pen also needs to be charged in the phone.
The pen and paper makes my list really real to me.
But how well do they work when crammed into a pen?
The primary purpose of a pen is to write stuff down.
«Nomad,» the email pen pal who woos Hilary Duff’s Samantha Montgomery.
That’s what really, really captured me about picking up a pen.
The passage for those on foot looks like a cattle pen.
The second was her going over her speech, pen in hand.
Le Pen lagged in fourth place behind Macron and Francois Fillon.
In Paris, Ms Le Pen got just 5% of the vote.
But no German chancellor could do business with Ms Le Pen.
Yet he is a vastly happier prospect than Ms Le Pen.
Ms Le Pen, by contrast, offers bigotry mixed with make-believe.
If enough voters swallow such sophistry, Ms Le Pen could prevail.
They know that better than anybody up there with a pen.
You must bear down on the pen because the paper buckles.
Muji gel-ink ballpoint pen 0.5 mm (set of six), $8
You can also navigate and scroll by using the pen, too.
But Marine Le Pen is betting that, this year, being Mrs.
InDose is launching a pilot program of its disposable vape pen.
And then it would make more sense to have a pen.
The Samsung Chromebook Pro, for example, will also support pen input.
Spiotta had circled our destinations on the map in ballpoint pen.
Review: The iPad Pro and the power of the Pen(cil)
In this way, the pen is not mightier than the word.
Anita Hill was named the recipient of the PEN Courage Award.
CANOODLING WITH OLIVER  April’s enclosure is partially open to Oliver’s pen.
The G Pen Elite can go as low as 200 degrees.
Scrawled across the note in red pen is a phone number.
The humble pen isn’t dead — or at least the stylus isn’t.
FROM PEN: Adoption Holds a Special Place in Katherine Heigl’s Heart
You don’t always mesh well with everybody in the play pen.
It’s the same S-Pen you’ll find in the Note line.
ETon our homepages or the new People/Entertainment Weekly Network (PEN).
The camera is just the default app assigned to the pen.
The pen can be used to generate text or 3D drawings.
The tablet also supports the Pixelbook Pen, which debuted last year.
I pen this missive, heavy of heart and slumped in despair.
Drawing on the screen, the pen kept up with my input.
Selick, Peele, and writer Clay McLeod Chapman will pen the script.
Back then, the pen proved mightier than the presidential sword. Today?
But even Mr. Magoo can tell this isn’t a vape pen.
Grenco G Pen Elite promoted to The Best for the Price.
Russian President Vladimir Putin very publicly favored Le Pen to win.
Le Pen managed to snag just 35 percent of the ballots.
FROM PEN: Raising a Little Princess: All About Charlotte’s Amazing Childhood
Some backed Mr Macron only to keep out Ms Le Pen.
FROM PEN: Learn Alex Guarnaschelli’s Ganache Secrets Before Your Holiday Parties
They find the team more genial than Barack Obama’s «pen-pushers».
FROM PEN: Who Has More Fun on Survivor: Heroes or Villains?
The S Pen (Don’t call it a stylus!) is also improved.
There’s a knife or pen that gets stabbed in a neck.
FRANCE — Marine Le Pen: Leader of France’s far-right National Rally.
Cillizza: Le Pen was all the buzz in the first vote.
I’d keep post-it notes and a pen by my side.
She pressed on the cap like it was a click pen.
I decided to put pen to paper and try to draw.
Trump denied he supported National Front’s Le Pen in France’s election.
The Pixelbook’s pressure-sensitive «Pixelbook Pen» stylus will reportedly cost $100.
Now to be clear, Trump has not formally endorsed Le Pen.
Participants had to identify the pen that smelled in each set.
Another French newspaper, Le Monde, said Putin had «anointed» Le Pen.
FROM PEN: How Tennessee College Grad Hannah Jenkins Lost 120 lbs.
Illustration: Marine Le Pen via Wikimedia CommonsFollow Emily Lever on Twitter.
His fingers absentmindedly find a pen and begin playing with it.
Le Pen accuses him of being weak on fighting Islamist terrorism.
In addition to the pen, every user has makeup base powder.
Even so, a Le Pen win would not be a positive.
No LikeSo-so battery life and a sluggish $100 pen accessory.
Where the Pixelbook really falters is with regards to the pen.
ET on our homepages or the newPeople/Entertainment Weekly Network (PEN).
But there’s more to the Pen-F than just retro styling.
The Pen-F is also very powerful for its small size.
Oddly, that price does not include the pen, which costs $79.
Give it up if you write with a pen and paper!
Some have already put pen to paper (or keyboard to Twitter).
The Surface Pro starts at $799 without a keyboard or pen.
Not that this means there will be automatic pen-pal status.
Far-right leader Marine Le Pen came first in the poll.
Le Pen and Macron will face off again on May 7.
I made them with a tiny brush, almost like a pen.
Macron and Le Pen will face off again on May 7.
Now Macron and Le Pen face off in a final round.
Indeed, American Muslims’ patriotism is proof that Le Pen is wrong.
Unlike the iPad Pro, Samsung’s S Pen comes with the tablet.
Samsung’s S Pen is a perfect companion for the Tab S23.
It said the probe had initially targeted Jean-Marie Le Pen.
With 34 percent, Marine Le Pen almost doubled her father’s score.
The Pen-F, then, feels better suited for more contemplative photography.
FROM PEN: Katherine Heigl Opens Up About Experiencing Her First Pregnancy
Push the two pieces together and the pen reveals the tip.
The Kosmos is intoxicating and I can’t stop using the pen.
The Cronzy is a pen that can detect and capture colors.
The other would be Marine Le Pen of the National Front.
Dango Products | P01 Pioneer Wallet & Pen from Northbound Films on Vimeo.
«Nationalism is war,» he warned Le Pen in an early debate.
He wouldn’t have visited the factory if Le Pen wasn’t there.
This Oxy stick is like a Tide pen, but for acne.
When attached, the Tab S26 also charges the S Pen up.
A Pixelbook Pen stylus will also be sold with the notebook.
All it takes is a piece of paper and a pen.
Trump must get his signing pen out in the Oval Office.
From PEN: How Tennessee College Grad Hannah Jenkins Lost 120 lbs.
He acquired an American pen pal, Robert Lindsay, of Wilmington, Del.
For one thing, Le Pen is a familiar brand in France.
A dog is kept at a pen at the dog pavilion.
Dogs look out from inside a pen at the dog pavilion.
Let’s embrace modern technological solutions or stick with pen and paper.
He crawls into the sheep pen on his hands and knees.
Marine Le Pen parle cash: «The emperor has no clothes,» she
In France, the National Front leader, Marine Le Pen, smears Muslims.
Requiring people to carry quarters to buy a pen seems unreasonable.
President Trump can extend it with the stroke of a pen.
Her newsletter, The Lotus & Pen, provides resources for the writing life.
White responded in kind, miming himself holding a pen and paper.
Mr. Pen Sovann was Cambodia’s first post-Khmer Rouge prime minister.
Le Pen has so far refused to pay back the funds.
That’s where «The Dark Side of Marine le Pen» comes in.
«I hope Le Pen does not become French president,» he added.
Sometimes I yearn for the days of a notepad and pen.
But Le Pen was comfortably beaten by now-President Emmanuel Macron.
Is it that one pen that draws a perfect thick line?
I am not good at capturing family tenderness with my pen.
Le Pen has certainly enjoyed support from abroad, particularly in America.
Aesthetically, things are changing with the S-Pen now, as well.
An oversized pen cap dissolves into a pixelated rendition of itself.
First you chose money, then a calculator, and, lastly, a pen.
Le Pen held talks with Putin in the Kremlin last month.
Oprah included a Neolab pen that turns handwriting into digital notes.
These can be undone with the stroke of a pen. 2.
To begin to make your goal reality, put pen to paper.
Guy by press ‘pen‘ looks at us & screams ‘you’re a bitch!
The PEN/Saul Bellow Award for Achievement in American Fiction 2010.
Or the pen-wielding listener who commits those details to paper?
Not everyone who buys it is necessarily a Le Pen voter.
Feel free to cross out the offending word with a pen.
She carried a pen and a workbook for the Pashto language.
It’s not like the iPad pen, pencil, whatever, you lose it.
Soon they were asking questions eagerly: What was his favorite pen?
Mr. Brown’s wife, Aziza Asgarali, runs Gourmet Pens, a pen blog.
It’s the domicile of a boar, and the answer is PEN.
Pen pals at first, they meet when Joy travels to Oxford.
They sent Mitchell away for 20 years in the federal pen.
They had to do all the calculations with pen and paper.
We’re not trying to keep them here or pen them in.
While there, D. asks for tobacco juice for his vape pen.
The same goes for an Epi-Pen, if you use one.
I offered her some puffy mailer envelopes, a paper and pen.
But what was it, ‘Obama with his pen and his phone?
Bloated royalty offers plenty of succulent targets for Downie’s knifelike pen.
Those who live by the sword will die by the pen.
«Sit here,» he said again, bringing over a pen and paper.
Sony employees were reduced to communicating via pen, paper and phone.
When I was there they only cleaned the pen four times.
NEWYES Smart Pen Set: The Coolest Paperless and Digitized Set — $149
In Stains, nearly 15 percent of voters favored Ms. Le Pen.
«You forgot something,» he said, presenting her pen in outstretched hands.
For his part, Trump is partial to a very specific pen.
Mélenchon has not yet urged his supporters to stop Le Pen.
«All these West Hollywood people started coming,» Pig Pen recalled, smiling.
Mr. Sessions could reverse that with the stroke of a pen.
One of them stole John’s pen right out of his pocket.
Last Thursday, with a stroke of his pen, newly elected Gov.
But what really brought me back to paper was a pen.
Trump presented Paul with a pen after the order was signed.
Andrew Cuomo inspired soaring headlines with the stroke of a pen.

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