Sentences with the word peaches

Мои примеры


a bowl of peaches and plums — миска с персиками и сливами  
to remove stones from peaches — чистить персики  
remove stones from peaches — чистить персики  
can of peaches — консервированные персики  
glass peaches — помещать персиковые деревья в оранжерею  
pit peaches — вынимать косточки из персиков  
put up peaches — консервировать персики  
dried peaches and apricots — шептала  

Примеры с переводом

Stone the peaches before serving.

Выньте косточки из персиков перед тем как подать стол.

Peaches, nectarines, oranges, and suchlike common baits of children.

Персики, нектарины, апельсины и прочие из этой же серии искушения для детей.

The peaches are preserved in syrup.

Персики законсервированы в сиропе.

Give me any peaches you don’t want.

Дайте мне любые ненужные вам персики.

Blanch the peaches and remove the skins.

Персики бланшируйте и очистите от кожицы.

Give me whatever peaches you don’t want.

Дайте мне любые персики, какие не жалко.

We pulled above 3000 peaches and nectarines.

Мы собрали более трех тысяч персиков и нектаринов.

The peaches may be excellently converted into mangoes.

Персики прекрасно подходят для маринования.

I bought some more of these deliciously sweet peaches.

Я купил ещё немного этих восхитительно сладких персиков.

  • Use the word Peaches in a sentences

Sentence Examples

The memories of the land where the peaches grow.

You cannot hid from me, little peaches.

When she does, I’ll get me a new mama, peaches.

Gosh, these peaches are good.

peaches, 6 for 2 coppers!

Good peaches are the friend!

Good your blood and pure your liver! peaches!

* If I could find her * Life would be peaches and cream

That’s one of them Georgia peaches.

The very largest peaches.

Pickin’ oranges and peaches?

Mister, we’re lookin’ even under boards for work. — Can you pick peaches?

Said there was work picking’ peaches.

You know what that is… one ton of peaches picked and carried for a dollar.

We got any fruit you want as long as you don’t ask for melons, oranges, peaches or pears.

I’m telling you, you’ll be right up there with peaches Browning…

peaches has gotta have her cream.

peaches, baby, where are you?

peaches, baby. Come here, peaches.

You forget what happened to peaches the First?

But peaches was a lady, and she couldn’t swim.

Someone stealing our peaches.

-…and iced bombes and peaches

peaches La Tour was her name.

He says, «Miss peaches La Tour, will you marry me?»

Possibly some brandied peaches.

If there’s one thing I’m partial to, it’s a nice big jar of brandied peaches.

Don’t you notice the peaches?

peaches. Can’t you smell that?

Where do you get the smell of peaches?

I don’t notice any peaches.

Does this smell like peaches or pears?

I’m afraid the best I can do is canned peaches.

To get to the citadel, he has to pass along the riverbank. All through there, there are I don’t know how many trees, apples, peaches, pears and plums. And all of them in flower.

Breast of gray dove, saut├® with peaches grenadine no points, chicken soup with Moselle wine, no points.

One of my fondest memories when I was growing up in Austin was driving out into the Hill Country towards Fredricksburg with my family each spring (well, late spring, June-ish, which is already summer in TX, but still …) to buy peaches from the roadside stands. ❋ Homesick Texan (2008)

Using a slotted spoon, remove peaches from the syrup, and put them in a strainer over a bowl for 5 min. ❋ Lindy (2005)

Wait, for some reason a vision of grilled peaches is coming to mind all of a sudden — great idea, don’t you think? ❋ Michele (2005)

(Botanically, fleshy fruits fall into one of two classes, druses and berries, the former having stony seeds, such as those found in peaches, and the latter having softer seeds.) ❋ Unknown (2003)

The most curious circumstance in the whole business is, that the word peaches had never been mentioned by Dr. Leicester’s agent in the original message; and Dr. Leicester really did not know that Mr. Grimwood of ❋ Maria Edgeworth (1808)

Having procured three quarts of peaches from the very hot dykey blond at the Farmer’s Market (she reminds me of mac_stone, with the set of her jaw and the streaky blond bangs and the cheerful no-nonsense hypercompetence, anyway, nevermind, omg guh.) (I bought an extra quart because she was packing up due to rain, and she took the peaches back out of her van for me, and then she threw in a pint of red raspberries because I was standing there getting drenched) I then went to Whole Paycheck for preserved ginger and half-and-half and cream so I can make ice cream when all these peaches get good and squooshy. ❋ Mac_stone (2008)

But the peaches are here and I can’t wait to get my first ones later this week. ❋ Homesick Texan (2009)

Niagara peaches are at full blast here in Ontario and you can only eat so much peach pie. ❋ Homesick Texan (2007)

This is the peaches, that is the cream, these are other peaches that are not fried. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Cute thing about this one is, you can poke a skewer through the triangles to make sure the peaches are all soft before you take it out. ❋ Lindy (2006)

Of course, if I can do that and blog regularly too that would be peaches, which is why I want to try to do it now, while I still HAVE some energy and such. ❋ Elizabeth McClung (2008)

However, I would STRONGLY advise anyone considering doing the same to make sure their peaches are absolutely ripe, as it makes it much easier to peel away their skins. ❋ Unknown (2005)

Her skin was what some might call peaches and cream. ❋ Coben, Harlan, 1962- (1995)

Get used to eating root vegetables in winter, since only Japanese tourists can afford Latin American peaches in winter. » ❋ Unknown (2008)

The peaches were the most delicious we had yet eaten. ❋ Jasper Danckaerts (1898)

Sharing the honors and attention given to the peaches were the Bartlett and other early pears. ❋ Edward Payson Roe (1863)

He had called his peaches angels of peace, and had spoken of his cabbages as being dove-winged. ❋ Anthony Trollope (1848)

«[suckin] on my titties like you wantin’ me..callin’ me…all the time, like [blondie]…check out my [chrissie] b-hynde…» ❋ Fraulein JulieTTTe 999 (2004)

there’s peaches in here! ❋ Jeebs (2005)

peaches is [looking] [offly] [good today]. ❋ Ryan Simms7 (2009)

Man, what a [Peach]!
[Mmmmmm] [Peaches]
Fuckin’ Peaches ❋ Red Light (2004)

peaches is [a douche]peaches is a [literal] [scumbag]
ugh why does peaches exist ❋ Bruh207 (2020)

I’m [gonna] [call] her peaches, because she is [sweet] like peaches ❋ Jelly Bean 123 (2008)

friend 1: yo did u see what [wacky] shit peaches posted on her story?
friend 2: [oh damn] [lemme] check ❋ Goryuwu (2019)

[Dealer] — Yo, [wut] u need?
Me — [zannies] bra, u got bars?
Dealer — nah man, just sum ‘peaches‘. ❋ JLund (2007)

[Hey] peaches, [how about] [another round]? ❋ Omar’s (2005)

From [112’s] «[peaches n cream]»:
Won’t stop girl you know I can’t get enough
Wanna taste it in the morning when I’m waking up
Like peach cobbler in my stomach when I eat it up
Got your legs around my neck so I can’t get up
See the boys 112 we from the A’
And when it comes to [eating peaches],
Shorty we don’t play
So all the ladies in the house if your peach ‘da shit
Put your hands in the air represent your clit ❋ Tony AKA Rocky (2006)

Sentences starting with peaches

  • Peaches get they red cheeks better where we dwell than here among stone walls. [10]

Sentences ending with peaches

  • I convinced him that his practical inference was hasty and illogical, but in the mean time he had eaten the peaches. [6]
  • This was the season of melons and peaches. [6]
  • It is a luxury almost monopolized by the rich in cities, bred under glass like their forced pine-apples and peaches. [6]
  • I wish now, however, to make an honest statement, which is that I do not believe, in all my checkered career, I stole a ton of peaches. [5]
  • Very interesting, no doubt, Master Byles Gridley would have said, but had no more to do with good, hearty, sound life than the history of those very little people to be seen in museums preserved in jars of alcohol, like brandy peaches. [6]

More example sentences with the word peaches in them

  • Its ample nurseries were producing oranges, apricots, lemons, almonds, peaches, cherries, 48 varieties of apples—in fact, all manner of fruits, and in abundance. [5]
  • At one farmhouse we got some large peaches of excellent flavor. [5]
  • Refreshments were served us, among which were some hot-house peaches, ethereally delicate as if they had grown in the Elysian Fields and been stolen from a banquet of angels. [6]
  • She pushed the peaches away with a feeling of oppression, and closed her eyes that she might no longer see all these perishable splendors and sinful works of the heathen, which pandered only to the senses. [10]
  • On each end of the wooden mantel, over the fireplace, a large basket of peaches and other fruits, natural size, all done in plaster, rudely, or in wax, and painted to resemble the originals—which they don’t. [5]
  • A certain basket of peaches, a rare vegetable, little known to boarding-houses, was on its way to me via this unlettered Johannes. [6]
  • There’s an orchard of peaches and oranges, and there are pomegranate hedges, and plenty of nice flowers in the garden, and a stoep made for candidates for Stellenbosch—as comfortable as the room of a Rand director. [11]
  • We get abundance of grapes and peaches for next to nothing. [5]
  • There was a murmur of wonder, then all looked up and saw a strange and pretty sight, for the branches were heavy with fruits of many kinds and colors—oranges, grapes, bananas, peaches, cherries, apricots, and so on. [5]
  • Theirs were generous houses surrounded by shade trees, with glorious back yards—I have been told—where apricots and pears and peaches and even nectarines grew. [9]
  • There in Brinkwort’s house in the covert of peaches and pomegranates was the man and the only man who should, who must, bring new bloom to her cheek. [11]
  • She went towards home with a drooping head and almost crying, but before she had reached it her eyes fell on the peaches and the roast bird she was carrying. [10]
  • My companions had brought a few peaches along with them, which the Philanthropist bestowed upon the tired and thirsty soldiers with a satisfaction which we all shared. [6]
  • She was a blooming lass of fresh eighteen; plump as a partridge; ripe and melting and rosy-checked as one of her father’s peaches, and universally famed, not merely for her beauty, but her vast expectations. [4]
  • I couldn’t have been more than four years old when I stole the peaches from my mother’s dressing-table; and I lied just as coolly then as I could now. [11]
  • Men, like peaches and pears, grow sweet a little while before they begin to decay. [6]
  • There were peaches and figs on the walls, pleasant shrubs surrounded me, and the place was ideally quiet and serene. [11]
  • Bring me half a loaf and the wing of a fowl, and a few pomegranates if you like, or one of the peaches Eulaeus is so judiciously fingering. [10]

This page helps answer: how do I use the word peaches in a sentence? How do you use peaches in a sentence? Can you give me a sentence for the word peaches?
It contains example sentences with the word peaches, a sentence example for peaches, and peaches in sample sentence.

peach — перевод на русский


— It’s a peach.

— Это персик.

Can I have a peach, please?

Можно мне персик, пожалуйста?

Can I have a peach please, Daddy?

Можно мне персик, папочка?

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Hello, Peach.

Привет, Пич.

Where did you get the rooster, Peach?

Где ты взяла петуха, Пич?

The thing is, Peach…

Дело в том, Пич…

Well, what’s that got to do with this, Peach?

Причём тут это, Пич?

I expect to find him down around San Antonio somewhere, Peach.

Я думаю, что найду его где-то около Сан-Антонио, Пич.

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Well, aren’t you a peach.

Ну, разве ты не душка?

You’re a peach.

Ты — душка.

She’s a peach.

Она душка.

Aren’t you a peach?

Разве ты не душка?

You’re a peach, I love you. Kiss!

Ты — душка, обожаю тебя!

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She looks justlike her. Peaches used to take ballet and all the boys watched through the window.

Пичис раньше занималась балетом, а все мальчишки подглядывали за ней через окно.

Peaches saidyou were having problems with your teeth.

Пичис сказала, что у тебя заболели зубы.

Peaches’ mother used to love my hair.

Мама Пичис любила мои волосы.

That’s Peaches’ mom.

— Это — мама Пичис. — Какая красивая.

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Professor Love! Y’all gotta get y’all some peach cobbler up in here!

Нужен персиковый пирог!

So whenever she made a peach pie… she’d make a little blueberry pie.

Так вот, когда она делала персиковый пирог… также она делала маленький черничный пирог.

Bree is even baking’ you a peach pie.

Брии даже готовит тебе персиковый пирог.

You put a peach pie in front of me, I will eat it.

Дайте мне персиковый пирог, и я его съем.

My grandma used to make us a peach cobbler every year for our birthday, and it was good, too.

— Бабушка нам вообще персиковый пирог пекла – пальчики оближешь. — Просто закажи торт, ладно?

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The peaches were as hard as rocks.

Я купил вам нектарин.

Hello, my name Peaches , I’m sixteen , I skipped class because of the great performance , I love English !

Здравствуйте, моё имя Нектарин, мне шестнадцать, я перескочила класс из-за отличной успеваемости, я люблю английский!

That’s not right , Peaches , we are not scammers .

Так нельзя, Нектарин, мы не доносчики.

— But … hey, Peaches ?

— Но… эй, Нектарин?

That’s not right , Peaches .

Так нельзя, Нектарин.

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Oh, come on, peaches. Just a little sippy-sip.

Да ладно, персичек, просто пригуби.

Hi, peaches.

Привет, Персичек.

Always Peaches.

Постоянно Персичек.

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Peach fuzz.

— Как пушок.

It’s peach fuzz, it’s cute, and it’s not what we’re talking about here.

Это маленький пушок, это мило и мы говорим не об этом.

Gonna have to shave that peach fuzz off your face, though.

Надеюсь сбреешь с лица этот пушок.

Huh? Or do you want to look at your little nuts in the mirror and see if you got any peach fuzz?

Или будете ждать, пока появится пушок на яичишках, щеглы?

Peach fuzz, and he can’t even grow it!

Юношеский пушок, он даже не может отрастить бороду!

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On a bicycle, you are a peach.

На велосипеде Вы — красотка.

You’re a peach.

Ты красотка!

She’s a real peach.

Она настоящая красотка.

Bet she’s a real peach, and, yes, Henry, I have a girl.

Спорю, она настоящая красотка, и, да, Генри, у меня есть девушка.

I love you, too, Peaches.

Я тоже люблю тебя, красотка.

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You know how often we get a Judge up in Peach Trees?

Вы в курсе, как часто Судьи наведываются в «Персиковый сад»?

Peach Trees has been sealed by blast doors designed to withstand attack.

«Персиковый сад» забаррикадирован так, что может выдержать любой взрыв.

Peach Trees is the manufacturing base for all the Slo-Mo in Mega City One.

«Персиковый сад» — база по производству «тормозка» для Мега-Сити №1.

What do you know about Peach Trees?

Что ты знаешь о «Персиковый саде»?

— You based in Peach Trees?

— Вы базируетесь в «Персиковом саду»?

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∙ 9y ago

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Here are some example sentences using the word peaches:

  • I bought some fresh peaches at the shop so I could make a peach pie.
  • We had peaches and cream for our dessert after dinner.

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For the taste and perfection of what we esteem the best, he can truly say, that the French, who have eaten his peaches and grapes at Shene in no very ill year, have generally concluded that the last are as good as any they have eaten in France on this side Fontainebleau; and the first as good as any they have eat in Gascony.

«It‘s round and furrymy honeybunch brought me a peach!

Summertime, Miss Lelia would plant plenty of fruit, and we would have fried apples, stewed peaches and things.

Place a layer of this mixture in an oiled pudding dish, add the peaches, cover with the remainder of the tapioca, and bake for an hour in a moderate oven.

The former is characterized by a very delicate down, while the latter is smooth; but, as a proof of their identity as to species, trees have borne peaches in one part and nectarines in another; and even a single fruit has had down on one side and the other smooth.

Peeling a peach would be treated anywhere as a dubious attention.

Some prefer June strawberries and others September peaches, that is all.

Peel and chop some peaches and mix with sugar to taste.

Anyway, I know a peach of a place on a big rock near the shore.

« «What a shame it is,« exclaimed Malcolm, in great indignation, «to have our best peaches eaten by wretched little worms who might just as well eat grass and leave the peaches for us!«

The men were not obliged to get their fresh meat by picking maggots out of dried apples and dried peaches as has been the case sometimes in the past on our «Wild West Frontier.«

Connected with the doctor‘s premises was an extensive peach orchard, and, sad to say, naughty boys would sometimes climb over the orchard wall and pilfer his peaches.

PEACH JELLY.Stone, pare, and slice the peaches, and steam them in a double boiler.

Make a nice smooth, batter in the same manner as directed in recipe No. 1393, and skin, halve, and stone the peaches, which should be quite ripe; dip them in the batter, and fry the pieces in hot lard or clarified dripping, which should be brought to the boilingpoint before the peaches are put in.

It‘s nothing to worry about really, because even on the basis of a bigger investment than we had any idea of making when we went in, it figures a peach of a profit.

They had quitted the drawingroom all together, but Madaline had gone to gather some peaches.

« «Wonder he hasn’t got a peach of a receiver set up in his house,« Lucy Shore ventured.

Baby did I git me some peaches.

There was cheesecakes that she made after a little secret of her own; an a bowl of junket, an inch deep in cream, that bein his pet dish; an all kind o knickknacks, wi grapes an peaches, an apricots,

And now, as he paused, disbelieving his very eyes, he saw that in her extended hand she held a great ripe peach.

Let the fruit be gathered in dry weather; wipe and weigh it, and remove the stones as carefully as possible, without injuring the peaches much.

Montanus and Mercurialis out of Avenzoar, admit peaches, pears, and apples baked after meals, only corrected with sugar, and aniseed, or fennelseed, and so they may be profitably taken, because they strengthen the stomach, and keep down vapours.

PEACH BUTTER Weigh the peaches after they are pared and pitted.

Cecilia‘s companions at length recollected that, though she had embroidered a tulip and painted a peach better than they, yet that they could play as well, and keep their tempers better: she was thrown out.

Why, I‘ll bet a ripe peach that Bill Peck was one of the doggondest finest soldiers you ever saw.

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