Sentences with the word payment

payment — перевод на русский


Are you ready to make the first payment and take the falcon off my hands?

Вы готовы сделать первый платеж и забрать сокола от меня подальше?

I’m behind in my payments on some Hittite specimens.

Я просрочил платёж за несколько хеттских вещиц

tomorrow you will have my payment but lets forget such details for now

Завтра Вы получите мой платёж. Но давайте забудем пока об этом.

Enough poetry, Praxidus and give me your payment money!

Хватит поэзии, Праксидус. И дай мне мой платёж.

I want my payment!

Я хочу получить свой платёж!

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A man’s got a right to expect some kind of payment.

Я жду небольшой оплаты.

— What about payment?

— Что насчёт оплаты?

I’m not asking for payment, but there’s something I have to tell you.

Послушайте. Я не прошу оплаты, но мне нужно вам кое-что сказать.

Except for payment.

За исключением оплаты.

no matrimony, no payment very well, I will marry you

Нет брака, нет оплаты. Отлично, я выйду за тебя замуж.

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Stop all payments.

Остановить выплаты.

They received rights to medicine, the right to government payments in their old age.

Право на медицинское обслуживание, право на государственные выплаты в пожилом возрасте.

You take a tax deduction on interest payments you don’t even make.

Вы платите налог на выплаты, которых никогда не делали.

You got to keep up those payments.

Вам нужно продолжать делать выплаты

— No, but you see, there’s this thing. In the last three months, M. Renauld made three large payments from his bank account.

Нет, но за последние три месяца месье Рено сделал 3 крупные выплаты с банковского счета.

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— It is their payment, colonel.

– Для них это плата, полковник.

At what rate of payment?

Какая плата?

Mr. Tajimaya, your payment in regards to lifting the zoning ordinance has been approved.

Господин Таджимая, ваша плата для того, чтобы было отменено распоряжение по ограничению передвижения товаров между районами было принята.

The payment for that kept going and going and went up to thirty ryo.

Плата за него росла и росла и так вот дошла до 30 рио.

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You will get your whole payment in a lump… and if your information is not accurate, it will be a lump on the head.

Ты получишь свои деньги сразу… Но если ты мне соврал, тогда берегись.

I made my payment last Tuesday. What are you talkin’ about?

Я отдал ему деньги во вторник.

«The monthly payment was not expended by myself

«Я не тратил эти деньги

If we can establish any payments to him, we can prosecute him for income tax evasion.

≈сли мы докажем что ему поступают хоть какие-то деньги, мы сможем обвинить его в уклонении от уплаты налогов.

This is the payment for writting of your 3 articles

Я принесла деньги за три эпизода.

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When our romance stopped, señorita, Señor Williams’s payments stopped.

Когда искра романтики между нами потухла, сеньор Уильямс перестал платить.

That’s not all. Give these to Papa Carlo and ask him to make timely payments for his hovel and not to move anywhere.

Мало того, передай их от меня папе Карло и попроси его аккуратно платить за свою каморку и никуда не переезжать.

You refuse payment, I launch the gas.

Откажетесь платить, я взорву бомбы.

We got a problem with payment?

Нечем платить?

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Here, Ed, you know. You remember last year when things weren’t going so well and you couldn’t make your payments.

Эд, в прошлом году, когда ты не смог нам заплатить, ты не потерял жилье.

I am sorry I had to insist on payment, Mr. Appleby.

Мне жаль, но я вынужден был просить Вас заплатить, М-р Эпплби

Somehow you didn’t make the payments, Cy But if we can make them now, plus a month in advance….

— Ты почему-то снова забыл заплатить. Но если мы заплатим сейчас, плюс за месяц вперёд…

Well, I have a payment to meet and if I don’t, consequences will be dire.

Нам нужно заплатить долги, иначе нас ждут большие неприятности.

I’ll stick with it, Mr. Briggs, and hope to bring the payment on my next crop.

Нет, мистер Бригс, надеюсь я смогу вам заплатить к следующему урожаю.

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You understand this is the first payment.

Конечно, но это только первый взнос. Позже вы дадите мне миллионы, а сейчас может 15000$ сейчас?

«Madame, I return your partial payment. »

«Мадам, возвращаю ваш неполный взнос.»

A great many back payments are included in it, I assure you.

В этот взнос включены все несделанные пожертвования.

Siegfried and Roy will be out of school before you make your first payment.

Зигфрид и Рой закончат школу прежде чем вы сделаете первый взнос.

First payment in advance.

Первый взнос вперед.

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I didn’t buy it, I gave a down payment! — Aw, come on!

Я его не купил, только отдал аванс.

There it is — the down payment on our California beach house!

Это — аванс на наш Калифорнийский пляжный домик!

Either way, I keep the initial payment.

Аванс не возвращается.

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That must be what you give him for the down payment.

Это, наверное, первый взнос.

Sure, put a down payment, get a new car… get you some new clothes, or… a trip to Niagara Falls.

— Конечно, внесем первый взнос, купим новую машину, купим тебе новую одежду и съездим на Ниагарский водопад.

And that spec house? I made the down payment.

А первый взнос на стройку был сделан мною.

Down payment?

Первый взнос?

And that’s just a down payment.

И это только первый взнос.

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Sentences with the word Payment?



  • «The payment consists in food»; «What does love consist in?»
  • «The bank demanded payment of the loan»
  • «distressed companies need loans and technical advice»; «financially hard-pressed Mexican hotels are lowering their prices»; «we were hard put to meet the mortgage payment«; «found themselves in a bad way financially»
  • «payment is due»
  • «the society dropped him for non-payment of dues»
  • «The payment had originally been due on April 1 but we had a grace period which expired in June.»
  • «receive payment«; «receive a gift»; «receive letters from the front»
  • «she expected guests to be punctual at meals»; «he is not a particularly punctual person»; «punctual payment«; «she is always on time for class»
  • «ordering goods and enclosing payment therefor»; «a refund therefor»

A payment is the trade of value from one party (such as a person or company) to another for goods, or services, or to fulfill a legal obligation. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

The balance of the increase was primarily due to an increase in costs associated with our Square Cash peer-to-peer payments service.


Bitcoin is not an instant payment network and not a fancy replacement for PayPal or Visa.


To up the odds of timely payment, invoice promptly and track receivables diligently and follow up on any past-due invoices immediately.


When you rent, your monthly payment typically covers some of your utilities as well as repairs and maintenance.


The BiPay Team decided to start collecting some of our favorite stories to give you a regular look into our work building the bitcoin payments ecosystem.


BitPay, the world’s largest global blockchain payments provider, recently closed its extended Series B funding…


Santitarn Sathirathai, explaining Chinese know-how and investments might help with payments and logistics.


If you have gone to court and have not received payment, you can also use Rent Recovery Service.


Analysts expect much of Apple’s repatriated cash to be used for share buybacks and dividend payments.


What does an investor typically expect out of a new company if it is not dividend payments or dividend stock?


Online Payroll Services A growing number of companies now provide Web-based payroll solutions so that employees and your accountant can work together to generate accurate paychecks and tax payments.


Moreover, it is a reminder of the importance of income support programs like OAS, CPP and EI which make payments to individuals.


One study determined that a single campaign — a malevolent program called CryptoWall 3.0 — may have earned its developers more than $ 325 million in payments such as the one solicited from individuals and businesses like Schneider’s.


A shorter term, such as 5 years, will likely increase monthly payments.


As with any student loan, borrowers should read the fine print, look at their payment options, and decide if it is the right choice for their specific needs.


They care about your demonstrated ability to be organized enough to get the payments made.


You won’t be able to save a significant amount on interest if you prepay your outstanding balance since the initial payments on your Kabbage line of credit are higher than the remaining ones.


The stunning revelation that President Donald Trump reimbursed his personal fixer for a hush payment to porn actress Stormy Daniels upended his past statements.


Cohen has admitted to making the payment in the days leading up to the presidential election of 2016.


Global blockchain payments provider BitPay has closed its $ 40 Million extended Series B funding round, which brings its total raised capital to over $ 70 Million.


A type of annuity that allows you to make a onetime investment in exchange for predictable income payments that can continue for as long as you live.


Whether you’re carrying around student loans, credit cards or a car loan, getting rid of all the extra payments is paramount to how successful you are when it comes to saving for retirement.


The market had hoped that PayPal could grow to one day compete directly with Visa and tap into the multi-trillion dollar global payment processing business at scale.


«With the updated program requirements, Right Step will allow borrowers to get more house for their money by eliminating the cost of private mortgage insurance from their monthly mortgage payment,» said Michael Copley, Executive Vice President, Retail Lending, TD Bank.


As the minimum payment is made from month to month, the loan balances will of course go down.


In this way, they know for certain when payments arrived and that they arrived in full.


From local payment methods to customer support in many different languages, we make your Bitcoin experience the best one.


You won’t be eligible for social security payments until your sixties, so keep this in mind when considering an early retirement.


The remainder reflects somewhat higher revenues (difficult to assess which components as the «adjustment for risk» was spread among the major revenue components) and lower employment insurance benefits, other transfer payments and public debt charges.


They have filed a counterclaim against Regions Bank, accusing the bank of instructing the Kelleys to stop making mortgage payments so they would qualify for a loan modification.


Circle uses the bitcoin blockchain because it is permissionless, open and global — and that will be its key weapon in the battle over payment apps, which has heated up quickly.


Those brands have to truly resonate with consumers, which is why they’re willing to commit to a recurring payment.


The applicant’s buying power is increased by the amount that the estimated payment decreases.


When you’ve reduced your loan balance to 80 % or less (by making your monthly mortgage payments), you should be able to cancel your California PMI policy.


As soon as you realize your mortgage payments are too high for you to handle, contact your mortgage servicer or a housing counselor.


For instance, if you were $ 5,000 over the earnings limit for the year, Social Security would withhold $ 2,500 from future payments to satisfy the penalty.


Your own miner fee is important in determining the confirmation time for your payment, which is a function of the Bitcoin network (and not something which BitPay controls).


This involves payments to «consolidators» (hospitals) of a fixed fee for a bundle of services, based on outcomes.


First, the $ 650 million jackpot is paid out as an annuity, meaning that rather than getting the whole amount all at once, it’s spread out in smaller — but still multimillion-dollar — annual payments over 30 years.


Suretap was launched in June 2015 as a collaborative effort between Bell Canada, Rogers Communications, and Telus Corp. and provided a way for NFC-enabled Android and BlackBerry devices to securely store payment credentials and use them for transactions at tap-to-pay POS terminals.


«If you purchase a home but can’t make the payments if interest rates go up by two percentage points, you probably shouldn’t be buying that home in the first place,» he says.


For employers covered by MSPA, both employers are liable for ensuring necessary disclosures of the terms and conditions of employment, and payment of wages are made, as well as maintaining required written payroll records.


«So litecoin I think can find its own niche to help address payment fees,» stated Lee.


If you do this, make timely payments on each card and keep them all in good standing.


Oct 30 (Reuters)- Privately-owned mobile payments company Square Inc said Starbucks Corp Chief Executive Howard Schultz had resigned from the board 15 months after joining one of Silicon Valley’s hottest start-ups.


Gerardo Capiel, product management director of consumer payments,…


Due to the demand, the company has now released its two-year lease program, with adjusted payment terms to reflect the shorter period.


Gross interest payments by the household sector reached a peak equivalent to about 9.5 per cent of household disposable income in September 1989 (Graph 6).


Relief can not be limited to unemployment payments, food stamps or other stopgap measures, but must be substantive and geared toward reintegrating displaced workers back into the economy.


The carrier could go on accepting purchase payments into existing contracts, but it could just stop new sales from then on.


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1. I enclose £65.20, in full payment of the bill.

2. Can I pay by installment payment?

3. He received an interim payment of £10,000.

4. Prompt payment of bills is greatly appreciated.

5. The store will discount 5% for cash payment.

6. Customers often defer payment for as long as possible.

7. It’s yours for a one-off payment of only £200.

8. This material can be reproduced without payment.

9. They give 10 % discount for cash payment.

10. What method of payment do you prefer?

11. Non payment of rent can mean eviction.

12. Please remit payment by cheque.

13. I withheld payment until they had fulfilled the contract.

14. I withheld payment until they had completed the work.

15. The rent collector is pressing for payment again.

16. The payment was made to avoid threatened litigation.

17. Prompt payment of the invoice would be appreciated.

17. Wish you can benefit from and make progress everyday!

18. You can make a payment in any bank.

19. He insisted on immediate payment.

20. There will be a penalty for late payment of bills.

21. Consider the bad times as down payment for the good times. Hang in there.

22. We would be grateful for prompt payment of your account.

23. The payment will be refunded to you minus a small service charge.

24. I gave ten pounds in payment for the goods I bought.

25. He received a compensatory payment of $ 20,000.

26. Please deliver this package against payment of cost.

27. He demanded payment of the buyer.

28. Pay me 50 as a down payment.

29. I gave them £10 in part payment.

30. She laid down strict rules for her tenants including prompt payment of rent.

More similar words: employment, unemployment, commencement, amendment, entertainment, sentiment, pay attention to, mentor, moment, comment, mention, element, mentally, ailment, segment, momentum, fragment, document, movement, monument, basement, comment on, experiment, apartment, tournament, placement, treatment, implement, in a moment, equipment. 

All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

«We need your prompt payment.«
(prompt, immediate)

«There will be a fee for late payments.«

«We need the full payment by the end of this month.«
(full, partial)

«We make monthly payments on the loan.«
(monthly, weekly, annual)

«We have been making regular payments to the credit card company.«
(regular, minimum)

«We made a down payment on the house.«

«We made the final payment on our house.«
(final, last)

«Our credit card payment is high.«
(credit card, car, house)

Used with verbs:

«Please make a payment as soon as possible.«

«The bank has authorized the payment.«

«We arranged to make partial payments.«

«Will you accept partial payment?«
(accept, take)

«We received the payment in the mail.«
(received, got)

«We stopped payment on the lost check.«
(stopped, suspended)

«He refused our payment.«

«We delayed payment until the job was completed.«

«The credit card company demanded payment in full.«

«We cannot afford the monthly payments anymore.«
(afford, keep up, meet)

«The lender increased our mortgage payments.«
(increased, decreased, reduced)

Used with nouns:

«We are on a payment plan.«
(plan, schedule)

Used with prepositions:

«He received payment for the job.«
(for, after)

«She finally received payment from her delinquent customers.«

«We only accept payment in cash.«

April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

Under this act the appropriation of these surplus funds to certain trust purposes in the Federal treasury is held to be equivalent to payment to the states.

The payment for tuition varies from fourpence or fivepence to tenpence a month for each child.

The payment for public service which Pericles had introduced may have contributed to raise the general level of culture of the citizens, but it created a dangerous precedent and incurred the censure of notable Greek thinkers.

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His chief enactments relate to the payment of citizens for State service.

The establishment of such a standard does not necessarily imply that full payment was exacted; in Gen.

The suspension of cash payment by the Austro-Hungarian Bank was continued, but the bank was bound to provide, by every means at its disposal, that the value of its notes as quoted on foreign bourses should be permanently secured in proportion to the parity of the legal mint standard of the krone currency.

The terms were, among other things, his appointment to the rich abbacy of St Denis and his restoration to his other benefices with the payment of arrears.

Such an imprisonment does not operate as a satisfaction or extinguishment of the debt, and no second order of commitment can be made against him for the same debt, although where the court has made an order or judgment for the payment of the debt by instalments a power of committal arises on default of payment of each instalment.

It was at a council held in the town in 1153 that the payment of Peter’s pence was agreed to at the instigation of Nicholas Breakspeare, afterwards Adrian IV.

Best of all, she could save a substantial amount of money for a down payment on her own place.

  • Use the word payment in a sentences

Sentence Examples

When did you last make a payment on the loan?

We don’t get the first payment until we have finished.

If it’s short, you can always make it up in the next payment.

Immediate payment required.

Brillantes Fair Today at 8:00 From Upton. Immediate payment required.

If successful, his payment will depend on your generosity.

It’s Ferguson, the dress suit man. I think he’s after payment on his suit.

Well, when can you make the first payment?

If it’s about the payment on the piano, I can explain.

My wife gave me the $12 for the payment on the piano and I knew where I could buy a very fine pedigree rabbit for $12.

Gustav Stephan, plaintiff, against, one, Franz Bonike, (two) his wife Greta, born Mohr, accused, due to non-payment of rent, the court has decided accused are sentenced to abandon apartment to the plaintiff.

I came here to tell you, that not a tailor in Paris will make that fellow a suit without full payment. In advance!

Endorse it over to you so he can’t stop payment.

And screaming happily on all the turns. Here’s a final payment.

You’ll stop payment on it.

What for? Call it payment for a night’s lodging, if you like.

I knew you’d probably stop payment on it.

This is a bankbook in the name of his sister, it has a payment deposited from the mine.

That boy is not only a thief, is more is responsible for the decline payment visits.

Will I tell the glazier to fetch the payment from you?

Well, permission to pass will be granted, Tuan… in return for payment of one surprising big quantity of rice.

Must leave one lady as surety for payment.

The rice payment, mem ketchil, must be made according to the weight of the lady.

If rice payment not paid in one moon, they kill lady.

Old lndalesio gave it to me, as payment, when he fired me.

Pay! Or I’ll make you understand once and for all,.. that the endorsement signatures on the bills of payment, must be authentic.

Prohibits the payment of taxes.

Therefore, I expect a certain payment from you… in return for your remunerative privileges… and don’t forget…

at 15 lire, and no down payment!

But I came just for the down payment!

You’re served, sir. Advanced payment, including the tip. I say, tip!

You know, if that plug Midnight had been hitting on four legs instead of three… I might have made enough money to put a down payment on a… well, on a diamond ring.

«and since we have received no payment from you for the last two months,

«unless a substantial payment is made within the next 10 days.

There are many stores, so no one will notice one missing payment.

«In its payment, I shall find supreme happiness. «

‘Lf we don’t get a payment on your music box within a week you’ll find yourself in a pretty serious situation.

Another down payment on the saxophone?

But whenever I undertake a case of this sort, I always get an advance payment.

Well, I turned it in as a down payment on the Lugatti and they’re getting kind of restless.


payment must be made on the spot and include 14.5 % of the bid.

that Helen Bartlett, seated before you in defiant calm, is guilty of ruthless, cold, merciless murder- murder in the first degree, murder that calls for payment with her very life!

My friend, I should ask payment for what I’m teaching you here today.

That check is his down payment on me.

Yearly minimum payment increases of about 7.5 of base minimum payment%? ❋ Unknown (2008)

This latest “twist” would promise providers a 10-15 percent boost in payment from the current Medicare rates (bringing the payments of the public option closer to what private insurers now pay) but would allow the government to use the new public program to spearhead payment reforms that would, in the long run, lower overall health care spending. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Fees will increase depending on the level of effort necessary to obtain payment from the vehicle owner. ❋ Unknown (2009)

So when you hear the term payment for order flow, that’s liquidity providers that are saying to a brokerage firm. ❋ Unknown (2010)

So, when you hear the term payment for order flow, that’s liquidity providers that are saying to a brokerage firm, «If you send me your flow, I will pay you for that.» ❋ Unknown (2010)

As to the credit of prostitutes, it would be normal that they have more credibility than our government officials because the payment is always made after performance of their ‘services’. ❋ Unknown (2009)

You can be fairly sure that they are going to be very reliable in payment, which is often a worry when dealing with unknowns. ❋ Unknown (2007)

A great idea here, ask for what they call a payment agreement. ❋ Unknown (2008)

The economists had no difficulty in showing, by generalizing the idea of rent, that in the economy of society the action of capital, or its productivity, was the same whether it was consumed in wages or retained the character of an instrument; that, consequently, it was necessary either to prohibit the rent of land or to allow interest on money, since both were by the same title payment for privilege, indemnity for loan. ❋ Unknown (1888)

On Sunday, company officials announced that they had retained McCormick to review what they described as a payment to the three casino backers to defray legal expenses. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Jim: Hey. I just [beat the shit out of] your boyfriend.
Sarah: Who? [Nevermind]. I don’t care. Lets have sex!
Jim: Yes! [Payment]! ❋ Payment (2010)

Ex 1:
Guy 1: Don’t touch my car again unless you want to receive the payment.
Guy 2: Fine, [chill out] man.
Ex 2:
[Payee]: What the hell did you just put your [balls on] my face for asshole!?!?
Obama: You just received the payment bitch, maybe next time you’ll know who to vote for! ❋ MikeBGSU (2009)

Nikki was talking to his grandma, and was telling her about the arrangement he and his true love Betsy had as far as pussy payments were concerned. Rolling her eyes as she began, Grandma told him, «Grandson, you about stupid [as all hell]. ‘Pussy payments’? Humphhh, child, that’s just plain ol’ [whoring], Mr. [Two Degrees]». ❋ Nikki Stixx (2020)

Since the oil [embargo] of the 1970’s, the US has run a balance of payments deficit because its [trade deficit] was enormous; prior to the embargo, the US BoP deficit was large because the US exported such an enormous amount of [finance capital]. As a consequence, the balance of payments deficit has persisted since the end of the Korean War (1953). ❋ Abu Yahya (2009)

[She/he] asked if I could let them [get a Bag] of dope till [Friday]. I said sure I just need a Down Payment. ❋ Liljoe6981 (2020)

Ted: So Jenny promised me if the [Mets] lost the World Series she would give me a [hummer] and so I didn’t [sling] my own jelly for a week.
Frank: Ah, the old Balloon Payment, classic. ❋ Wally Krunk From The Grave (2015)

A: «Hey I called your [cell phone] but couldn’t get through»
B: «Yeah [my phone] is between payments [right now]» ❋ Ry-G (2010)

I know [Ms. Smith] that you’ll be short on rent again this month, why don’t you pay half [cash and] then we can settle the debt with 2 or 3 [couch payments]. ❋ Check1 (2011)

That lady gave us a nigger payment of [5 bucks] for [all that] [yard work]. ❋ Youngdiple (2006)

I used a [relational payment] with my mechanic, Doug, so he can replicate Brian [O’Connor’s] car in The Fast and the Furious. I will be doing donuts and drifting in no time. [Jabwow] babyyyy. ❋ MaverickToG (2021)

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