Sentences with the word passport

Sentences with the word Passport?



  • «her new name and passport are cover for her next assignment»
  • «The customs agent examined the baggage»; «I must see your passport before you can enter the country»
  • «an expired passport«; «caught driving with an expired license»
  • «they held two hostages»; «he holds the trophy»; «she holds a United States passport«
  • «her pleasant personality is already a recommendation»; «his wealth was not a passport into the exclusive circles of society»
  • «she ran a dance studio»; «the music department provided studios for their students»; «you don’t need a studio to make a passport photograph»

паспорт, паспортный


- паспорт

diplomatic [service] passport — дипломатический [служебный] паспорт

- ключ, пропуск

a passport to success — залог успеха
his passport is his wit and grace — его остроумие и любезность открывают перед ним все двери
he thought that money was a passport to happiness — он считал, что деньги открывают путь к счастью


- снабжать паспортом, выдавать паспорт

Мои примеры


the bearer of a U.S. passport — предъявитель паспорта США  
to endorse a passport — визировать паспорт, поставить визу на паспорт  
to apply for a passport — обращаться за паспортом  
to issue a passport — выдавать паспорт  
a passport expires — срок действия паспорта кончается  
the immigration officer stamped my passport — сотрудник иммиграционной службы поставил печать в мой паспорт  
passport check — паспортный контроль; паспортный  
passport data — регистрационные данные  
passport examination — паспортный контроль  
passport system — паспортная система; паспортизация  
passport union — паспортный союз  

Примеры с переводом

The guards checked my passport.

Охрана проверила мой паспорт.

Is your passport in order?

Паспорт у тебя в порядке?

I can’t find my passport anywhere.

Нигде не могу найти свой паспорт.

My passport expires next year.

Срок действия моего паспорта истекает в следующем году.

I need to renew my passport this year.

В этом году мне нужно обновить паспорт .

Check the expiry date on your passport.

Проверьте срок действия вашего паспорта.

‘Passport?’ ‘Check.’ ‘Ticket?’ ‘ Check’.

‘Паспорт?’ ‘Взял.’ ‘Билет?’ ‘Взял’.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Designer clothes are not a passport to instant glamour.

I don’t know that you need a passport for travelling within the EU.

…to its followers, the cult seemed like their passport to heaven…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): passport
мн. ч.(plural): passports

How to use passport in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «passport» and check conjugation/comparative form for «passport«. Mastering all the usages of «passport» from sentence examples published by news publications.

TOTAL RECALL Quiz time The world’s most powerful passport is … A. An American passport B. A Russian passport C. A Chinese passport D. A Japanese passport Play «Total Recall: The CNN news quiz» to see if you’re right.
My passport, Hamza’s passport and Sama’s passport were almost expired, and once that’s happened, there’s no option to get another passport, so I had no option but to leave.
That passport in my colleague’s pants was an American passport.
If the Hilton collects your passport, we’ll collect your passport.
The passport allows visa-free access to 142 countries and is ranked the 35th strongest passport in the world by the Henley Passport Index.
A passport from Japan opens more doors than a passport from anywhere else in the world, according to the newly released Henley Passport Index.
«Passport holders with ECR (Emigration Check Required) status would be issued a passport with orange color passport jacket and those with non-ECR status would continue to get a blue passport,» spokesman Raveesh Kumar said on Friday.
Meng said she has a Hong Kong passport and a Chinese passport.
I call passport control in the States to report a stolen passport.
The Antigua passport allows visa-free access to 150 countries and is ranked the 30th strongest passport in the world by the Henley Passport Index.
The Dominica passport allows visa-free access to 139 countries and is ranked the 37th strongest passport in the world by the Henley Passport Index.
The Moldovan passport allows visa-free access to 120 countries and is ranked the 49th strongest passport in the world by the Henley Passport Index.
The Turkey passport allows visa-free access to 111 countries and is ranked the 55th strongest passport in the world by the Henley Passport Index.
The Malta passport allows visa-free access to 183 destinations and is ranked the 9th strongest passport in the world by the Henley Passport Index.
The Cyrus passport allows visa free access to 174 countries and is ranked the 16th strongest passport in the world by the Henley Passport Index.
The St. Lucia passport allows visa-free access to 145 countries and is ranked the 33rd strongest passport in the world by the Henley Passport Index.
The St. Kitts passport allows visa-free access to 154 countries and is ranked the 27th strongest passport in the world by the Henley Passport Index.
So they’ll get a new passport, which comes with a new passport number.
To use the Mobile Passport app, users create a profile by adding their passport information (along with the passport information for each family member traveling with them).
You’ll need to have the same documentation prepared (passport photos, application, recent passport, etc.).
I might also add that I only have one passport (a United States Passport).
Maroon passport = you can continue to travel freely, work and live across the EU.Blue passport = you can’t do any of that but you have a blue passport.
The partnership will let Mobile Passport&aposs interface guide travelers through the passport renewal process.
A passport Passport: You have to prove you’re a citizen, submit paperwork and a photo and usually wait about six weeks to get your hands on your first U.S. passport.
» Meanwhile, «Passport is Just For You: Passport helps you keep track of the Places you’ve been.
He presented a «world passport,» instead of his American passport and was slapped with the charge.
Personalized Passport Cover, $34.99 (for two), available at EtsyFrequent travelers should have a durable passport cover.
He floats through the Frankfurt Airport in a dream, thinking, Passport, wallet, phone, passport, wallet, phone.
Because the Home Office had his passport and they’ve had his passport since he’d applied for indefinite leave to remain in October and in January he still hadn’t had his passport back.
They say the passport describes her as male and the passport photo shows Gigi as a male.
Singapore authorities said he had entered the country on a passport with a false identity while carrying another Vietnamese passport with his real identity and also had a third passport in his possession.
Prepare proof of travel, application, latest passport, and recent passport photosBe prepared to provide proof of immediate travel (such as confirmation emails from your airline), as well as an application form and updated passport photo.
They say, ‘It’s not safe to keep your passport on hand,’ and they will ask to hold the passport.
In the summer, when passport applications peak, the wait for a new passport could be up to eight weeks.
I became fascinated with the way the passport is organized and the regulations involved with creating a passport photo.
«So the passport saved them from going to Auschwitz, the passport got them back to Amsterdam, and the passport let them continue working to make money after the war when they had lost everything,» Fishman says.
This information is much more prevalent in breaches of passport information that involve full scans of the passport than in other breaches, like Marriott’s, that have mostly just involved passport numbers and other manually entered data.
One is a standard application for a US passport and one is a statement regarding a lost or stolen passport, which will ensure your passport is invalidated, preventing anyone else from being able to use it.
The Tumi Alpha Passport Case is stylish, plus it keeps your passport and cards safe — in more ways than one.ProsCons
She cannot believe her British passport may soon — unless sanity is somehow restored — no longer be a European Union passport.
Lawyers say Turkish officials have uploaded thousands of passport numbers into Interpol’s stolen-passport database to try to catch dissidents.
Every few weeks, a Hilton location in the United States will have a Passport Concierge booth, where guests and the general public can have their passport pictures taken for free and apply for or renew a passport.
Getting a professionally forged passport on the darkweb can routinely cost around $1,000 to $2,000, and that includes not just a victim’s stolen or leaked passport information, but other items that make the passport workable in many countries.
Mobile Passport, a mobile app authorized by CBP, lets US and Canadian passport holders skip long customs line at no cost.
Passport Renewal If you’ve just received a new passport within the past year, you won’t be charged for changing your name.
Passport Cover and Luggage Tag Set, available on Leatherology, $65 Beautiful passport sets are a great gift for plenty of reasons.
Here’s a travel pro-tip if you travel internationally: the Mobile Passport app, which allows you to skip the passport line.
Of those 20173 million, approximately 5.25 million guests’ unencrypted passport numbers were included, as well as 20.3 million encrypted passport numbers.
Here are the best travel wallets you can buy:Best travel wallet overall: Bellroy travel wallet Best RFID-blocking travel wallet: Tumi Alpha Passport CaseBest leather travel wallet: Mr. Lentz’s passport walletBest travel wallet with a zipper: Fjällräven Passport WalletBest travel wallet for the family:  Lewis N. Clark Travel WalletBest travel wallet for women: Cuyana’s Classic Passport Holder
Beginning April 2, the execution fee for a United States passport (which is in addition to the $110 application fee for a passport book) will increase to $35 from $25 for some travelers, including first-time passport applicants over the age of 93, children under 16 and people who are reapplying after reporting their passport lost or stolen.
The picky passport shopper needs to consider price, each country’s tax system and the speed of its bureaucracy: Dominica is the fastest to hand over a passport, and Turkey the slowest among nations that go straight to a passport.
While a student at Wellesley, my Pakistani passport expired and I learned that applications for a new passport required a religious affirmation.
That afternoon, Cohen sent iPhone photographs of his passport, including the first page with his passport number, photograph, and other identifying details.
He was issued a third passport because one had been lost and Manafort contacted passport services to advise them it was found.
When we landed, I felt really nervous about going through passport control because I just know what American passport control is like.
But there are things about, should you have the 10-year passport or the two-year passport be the gender marker change.
Gates’ attorney, Shanlon Wu, also said he hadn’t yet turned over a passport and a passport card, and would do that today.
Along with mosquito repellent, some parents are buying special passport holders to prevent thieves from intercepting their passport and credit card information.
In Venezuela’s latest racket, for instance, passport agency officials have been known to charge citizens up to $2,000 for a new passport.
However, Marriott said that roughly 5.25 million unencrypted passport numbers were obtained by hackers, as well as 20.3 million encrypted passport numbers.
By using his American passport, Kurz could avoid having to get a visa to enter the United States with his Israeli passport.
In between my expired maroon Iranian passport and the blue American one came a white booklet, not a passport, but a travel document.
One of the ways the union is doing this is through the proposed launch of a continental passport known as the AU passport.
«However, there are many reasons that an individual previously issued a passport may subsequently be found ineligible for that passport,» the spokesperson added.
An EU-member-country’s passport is also an EU passport; a «Schengen» visa grants access to 22 EU members and four other countries.
Her Pakistani passport had expired, according to Sires, and the US Consulate wouldn’t give her an immigrant visa until the passport was renewed.
What You NeedFor your in-person appointment, bring along two passport photos, a completed DS-82 form, your latest passport, and the fee.
Renewing a passport is simple, assuming you don’t push the timing (and aren’t waiting around for Mario Testino to take your passport photo).
This Passport series (2012–16) contains wonderful black-and-white passport photographs that are 2.25 inches squared, adorned and reconfigured in myriad ways.
The basic version of Mobile Passport costs nothing to download and use but does require travelers to enter passport information for each trip.
In 2019, the passport promised access to 189 countries and tied with Singapore&aposs passport for the world&aposs most desirable travel document.
The bill would require companies to notify California residents when their passport, passport card or green card numbers are compromised in data breaches.
Passport then acts as a reference point so if a customer has any questions about his or her package, they are fielded by Passport.
To rejoin her family, Hayley had to get to the passport office in Newport to pick up a new passport before returning to Bristol.
More stringent passport checks, or separate queues for countries which are, unlike Britain, part of the Schengen passport-free travel area are not inconceivable.
The app also has a free passport renewal reminder service that tells users to renew their passport via email nine months before it expires.
It turned out her Pakistani passport had expired and the consulate wouldn’t give her an immigrant visa until the passport was renewed, Sires said.
The new drive is called the My Passport Wireless Pro — it’s an updated model of the My Passport Wireless that was introduced in 2014.
His passport indicates he arrived in Italy on July 9 and departed on July 17, according to a BuzzFeed review of his passport stamps.
In the U.K., some passengers can use a biometric passport to get through passport control without having to show documents to a border official.
Classic Passport Case, available at Cuyana, $95 [add monogram for $10]I call this relatively simple passport holder one of my best travel buys.
Seven days after the passport was found in Portugal, the Maltese professor was issued a new passport, another document seen by BuzzFeed News shows.
The State Department has previously stated that breaches of passport information don’t often translate into a forged passport, telling Fast Company that new passports have lots of security features to defend against counterfeiting and emphasizing that people can’t travel on a passport number alone.
The State Department began stressing the importance of early passport renewal back in September during Passport Awareness Month, and Deputy Assistant Secretary for Passport Services Brenda Sprague warned CNN that currently, the process could take up to six weeks or longer because of volume.
«If the passport was a legitimate passport and she was a U.S. citizen, nothing that Pompeo says takes away her citizenship,» Leopold told the NYT.
Classic Passport Case, available at Cuyana, $95Cuyana’s leather passport holder is the best one I’ve found — it’s sleek, timeless, and has a place for everything.
Unless you’ve been a victim of a disaster or serious crime, you’ll be expected to pay the normal passport fee — $140 — for your replacement passport.
She does not have any legal basis, no valid US passport, no right to a passport, nor any visa to travel to the United States.
In the U.K., some passengers can now use a biometric passport to get through passport control without having to show documents to a border official.
You’ll need a to bring a few documents with you in order to receive your replacement passport:Your new passport photoSome type of identification such as a driver’s licenseSome type of travel itinerary (airplane or train ticket)Evidence of US citizenship (a birth certificate or photocopy of your missing passport)Your application for a passport and statement regarding your lost or stolen passport, as mentioned above
Your traveling companions all have the nice passport, and you have not a quote-unquote «good» passport, so you have to go stand in another line.
«If it is determined that the bearer was not entitled to the issued passport, the passport may be revoked and/or a renewal application denied. «Ms.
The official could not comment on Manafort’s passport records but said requests for more than one valid passport are reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
In the U.K., for example, some passengers can use a biometric passport to get through passport control without having to show documents to a border official.
In celebration of National Passport Month, Martin teamed up with Hilton Hotels & Resorts for The Passport Project to share his advice for achieving the perfect snap.
According to a representative, Bey was using a world passport because it was «more representative of his personal ideals and philosophies» than his United States passport.
Singapore and Japan tie for first place on the Henley Passport Index, while the United Arab Emirates (UAE) sits atop the Arton Capital Passport Index ranking.
The chip stores your passport information—like name, date of birth, passport number, your photo, and even a biometric identifier—for quick, machine-readable border checks.
Such a passport could also be used to house any visa stamps that complicate future travel opportunities, leaving a clean national passport for less controversial destinations.
Conn surrendered his passport in April 2016 after being indicted, but an accomplice outside the United States obtained a fake passport for him, the newspaper reported.
It’s designed around the size of a passport, and it holds everything in designated sections: travel documents, money, cards, passport, and a pen just in case.
One other important note: Passport and visa expiration dates rarely line up exactly, creating situations where a passport might expire while a visa is still valid.
When a passport is approaching six months from its expiry, users will receive a push notification to guide them through the process of renewing their passport.
Passport scans Turkish officials also provided CNN with passport scans of seven other men they suspect to have been part of the 15-member Saudi team.
But it’s also not clear whether that process necessarily applies to the revocation of a passport on the grounds that the passport was issued in error.
Once at the airport or cruise port, users receive a QR code to present along with their physical passport to CBP officers in Mobile Passport Control lines.
The YouTube personality also says her passport describes her as female, despite airport police telling TMZ the passport has a male photo and describes her as male.
Yet, when she went to the Australian Passport Office (APO), Gould was told that her marriage didn’t count — and therefore she could not get a new passport.
Without such documents, Singh said, they faced an «unacceptable choice between forgoing a passport, and making a false declaration, and using a passport which misrepresents their identity».
After that, when they’re looking to invest through a platform that uses Passport, they can simply click a button to give Passport permission to share their information.
The Grenada passport allows holders to enter China without a visa, completely bypassing the time consuming visa process necessary for someone who only holds a US passport.
Marriott has said it would pay for a new passport for anyone whose passport information, hacked from their systems, was found to be involved in a fraud.
Check Your Passport It’s easy to stash your passport and not think about it until a few days (hours?) before you need to use it for a trip.
» She said the analysis «conducted on the data elements stolen from those tables found that there were no passport numbers within the passport field accessed by the attacker.
In the wake of the attacks of September 11, 2001, we created a U.S. «passport card,» a secure but cheaper and more convenient alternative to the traditional passport.
In 2015, Muthana told BuzzFeed News that the passport she used to travel to ISIS-controlled territory was the second passport she had been issued by the US government.
Essentially, you land at the airport, you go to the passport desk, and at that point usually they’ll say, «have you reported your passport stolen or lost,» or something.
According to research from cybersecurity intelligence company Flashpoint, passport data sells in three formats on the darkweb, digital scans, templates for creating a finished passport and actual physical passports.
The bad news is that the company confirmed that more than five million unencrypted passport numbers were stolen, on top of the more than 20 million encrypted passport numbers.
Separately, Canada slapped visa requirements on Saint Kitts’ passport holders in 2014, after it said an Iranian entered the country on a diplomatic passport sold by the island state.
Have two passport photos ready (just in case) This may seem like the easy part, but as it turns out, there are extensive guidelines for a proper passport photo.
«We examined passport numbers as an element of our forensic investigation, however we found no evidence that any passport numbers were affected, accessed or stolen,» Griffanti told The Hill.
» Mr. Pompeo said Ms. Muthana did not have «any legal basis, no valid U.S. passport, no right to a passport, nor any visa to travel to the United States.
The Syrian passport ranks as one of the weakest in the world — of the 199 passports ranked in the Henley Passport Index, only Iraq and Afghanistan had weaker passports.
«She does not have any legal basis, no valid U.S. passport, no right to a passport, nor any visa to travel to the United States,» Pompeo said in a statement.
In Estonia, and in particular in Narva, there are between 170,000 to 90,000 «grey passport» or «Alien’s passport,» people who didn’t take the Estonian citizenship after independence and remain stateless.
Baston traveled the world using a passport obtained with a stolen identity, and by 2010 the fraudulent passport was so full of stamps and visas that Baston requested more pages.
I have to say that to you today — that I only have one passport — because another media outlet suggested that — as a Jew — I must also have an Israeli passport!
«We are asking for our rights as passport holders,» Ling, 59, a BN(O) passport holder who is in London to lobby the British government on the issue, told Reuters.
This new amendment follows legislation proposed on Thursday that would require companies to notify California residents when their passport, passport card or green card numbers are compromised in data breaches.
The FT said prosecutors had confiscated his wife’s Lebanese passport in a dawn raid on their apartment in central Tokyo on Thursday morning, but did not discover her U.S. passport.
It’s giving nothing away to say that he has his money and his passport stolen, meets a girl, gets his money and his passport back and leaves for Thailand once again.
And then another, much more frightening occasion: returning from a family trip, it turned out that my young son’s new passport didn’t include his visa – it was inside his old passport.
While not allowing passport holders to mark something other than male or female, the State Department does allow transgender applicants to change the gender on their passport after providing medical certification.
If you want a U.S. Passport, you’ll need an I.D., your application, passport photos which you have to take at whatever photo developing business you’re close to and a $110 fee.
We are constantly refining the passport and the biomarkers and the variables we include in the passport to make sure this is a very strong tool that will last for years.
Depending on where you go in the world, officials in the place you are visiting may require your hotel to examine your passport and perhaps transmit passport information to local authorities.
The Henley Passport Index, an annual ranking of the most «powerful» passports in the world (based on how many destinations the passport holder can enter without a visa), was just released.
Passport and visa applications will continue to be processed during the shutdown, according to the State Department, but passport applicants could potentially experience delays due to shuttered facilities in some locations.
Here are the best travel wallets you can buy:The best travel wallet overall: Bellroy Travel WalletThe best travel wallet with RFID blocking: Tumi Alpha Passport CaseThe best travel wallet made from rugged leather: Mr. Lentz Slim Passport WalletThe best travel wallet with a zipper: Fjällräven Passport WalletThe best travel wallet for family trips: Lewis N. Clark Travel WalletThe best travel wallet for women: Cuyana Classic Passport HolderUpdated on 10/24/2019 by Mara Leighton: Updated pricing, links, and formatting.
People can apply for more than one passport under limited circumstances, including when a foreign country will deny entry to someone holding a passport showing travel to certain other countries or when a visa request is being processed but a person needs a valid passport for immediate travel, a State Department official said on Wednesday.
A few months after a government letter arrived at her parents’ house invalidating her passport, she posted a photo of herself holding her passport and promising a bonfire, according to the Times.
A federal judge on Wednesday ruled that the State Department cannot deny a passport to a person who declines to select either «male» or «female» as their gender in their passport application.
They added that their agency «does not have the power to cancel passports or to request the cancellation of a passport» if the person holding the passport is not a criminal suspect.
If you misplace your passport abroad, bring the copy of your passport and any other identification you may have to the nearest embassy or consulate in order to expedite the replacement process.
The U.S. Embassy in Tel Aviv said a valid U.S. visa in an Israeli passport would still be valid even if the passport holder was born in one of the seven countries.
If you’re renewing your passport, you can do it by mail, but if you’re getting a new passport or if your existing one is lost or stolen, you must apply in person.
Airside Mobile recently began offering an ad-free «Mobile Passport plus» version of the app, priced at $14.99 a year, that features automatic document scanning and passport profile storage for future journeys.
For example, the US passport allows visa-free access to 184 destinations, while the Grenada passport provides access to only 142 destinations — but the value of holding both is in the variety.
It’s fantastic as a passport holder because it is sequined, so you can always feel it when rummaging around in your bag in a moment of panic that you’ve lost your passport.
Her lawyers also say since she was previously issued a US passport (a passport, incidentally, that she promised to «burn» after joining ISIS) the government has previously conceded her «natural born» status.
I’d just had a baby, so I liked the idea that he’d have a British passport as well — which is a European passport, meaning he can live and work anywhere in Europe.
When I walked back across the bridge, a United States passport control officer pored over my passport for several minutes: the Iranian visa, the Iraqi visa, the Chinese visa, the Indian visa.
While replacement passports are usually valid for 10 years for adults and five years for minors, if you receive a limited-validity, emergency passport (if you’re scheduled to leave the country almost immediately), then you’ll need to turn in your emergency passport once you’re back in the US in order to receive a full-validity passport.
Manafort had a second passport that he could submit with visa applications to travel abroad, and only had a third passport because he thought he had lost his first one, he lawyers wrote.
«Passport: Osaka» is a 360-degree documentary that acts as a companion piece to the Osaka episode of «Passport«, our series of travel films highlighting hidden gems in city destinations around the world.
«They have to either lie on their passport application about their gender identity and violate the law or not apply for a passport at all,» said Castillo, who added the policy is discriminatory.
The best travel wallets to hold your passport, boarding pass, and moreWhen you travel, you need a practical wallet that can hold your passport, boarding pass, and all your credit cards and cash.
November and December are the best months to apply for or renew your current passport, Ms. Sprague said, because the turnaround time to get a new passport now is usually around four weeks.
And to get around, you might just need a passport.
WillI lost my passport the day before going on holiday.
One is a Swedish citizen, and another holds British passport.
You have to grab your passport and her hand. 7.
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His wife has an Iraqi passport and a green card.
Your forehead could practically double in size on your passport.
The Irish fighter was not required to surrender his passport.
Many governments would gladly shift the cost of passport checks.
As a foreigner, I was only asked for my passport.
It is the only passport he holds, the letter stated.
A leather passport case that’s tall enough for boarding passes
She had already collected her most valuable possession, her passport.
In 2019, Facebook isn’t just a homepage; it’s a passport.
He was ordered to surrender his passport, CBS News reported.
So now I’m keeping the passport compartmentalized at all times.
With all the international travel, Carpenter’s passport is getting full.
In December 2013, his passport was confiscated at Heathrow Airport.
Are you hoping to get a new passport next week?
Security and passport control at Antalya International Airport in Turkey.
Other than my passport — I don’t carry that every day.
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The 2019 Honda Passport goes on sale early next year.
Jessica Chou: My cell phone, my passport, my house keys.
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Seriously, like who looks like this in their passport photo?!
Insurers like Passport, however, aren’t naturally built for the job.
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However, anecdotal tales of people with similar passport images abound.
Dong was charged with entering the country without a passport.
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I started wearing bandanas nonstop after watching Passport to Paris.
The Australian also has an Italian passport through his parentage.
A monogrammed passport and luggage tag set for frequent travelers
But this time passport controls look set to become permanent.
The luckiest will be eligible for a useful second passport.
He told his mother that it was just a passport.
I had a passport from here that I gave up.
The government says the gambling and passport initiatives are legitimate.
I decided to look into travel wallets and passport covers.
A passport number is there, but not a phone number.
All this for an American citizen holding a valid passport.
He does not intend to let his British passport lapse.
When the passport of Dilek Dundar was revoked on Sept.
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The Chinese government canceled his passport, consigning him to exile.
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It’s my mind that does the traveling, not the passport.
A week later, Philo got a copy of Ngombo’s passport.
Her passport was taken by the government in November 2014.
Flores said her passport and documents burned in the fire.
The Giants’ first question: Do you have a valid passport?
A leather passport case that’s perfectly sized for airplane tickets
She needed the ID to get her Iraqi passport renewed.
«On a plane you just stamp your passport,» he said.
We made it through security and passport control fairly quickly.
Cannot travel abroad; must surrender passport to his lawyer. 3.
A kid is a ticket, a kid is a passport.
Ghosn’s cellphone and passport, constituted «a real abuse,» he said.
Kim Jong Un is racking up stamps in his passport.
«I didn’t even know what a passport was,» she recalled.
India canceled his passport last year and requested his extradition.
At the gate, flight attendants did a second passport check.
He had a Pakistani passport, but that was long expired.
How much does it cost to get a new passport?
The woman tells the officers she has an Australian passport.
The Passport program was first launched in 2017 in Atlanta.
But until they gave back Wang’s passport, he was stuck.
I tape my SIM card ejector to my passport holder.
«Will we have to get a new passport?» one asked.
They found a passport, a cell phone and two guns.
An East German woman crosses the border with her passport.
No passport, no money Nadège described her journey to France.
Mr. Weinstein surrendered his passport and posted $1 million bail.
Her passport states 1928 as the year of her birth.
The passport scanner automatically addresses visitors in their native tongues.
Here are Ms. Sprague’s tips for maintaining a valid passport.
The State Department will hold passport applications for 90 days.
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There would have been four, but he lost his passport.
He later returned legally with his Canadian passport, Gillespie said.
He was carrying a passport with the name Kim Chol.
I didn’t have a passport until I was in college.
Her brother, former telecommunications tycoon Thaksin, holds a Montenegrin passport.
Those who need a passport more quickly can use RushMyPassport.
The only difference was he had no passport and laptop.
In fact, they looked an awful lot like passport pictures.
She said she entered the United States with a passport.
If you’re traveling abroad, make sure your passport is current.
Sofia Kenin said she had only a United States passport.
Cohen claimed to them that this was his only passport.
Revoking someone’s passport isn’t the same as revoking their citizenship.
Getting a new passport can help consumers who suspect they are victims of passport identity theft, but they will also have to foot the cost of the updated document, according to the State Department.
Bats only obtained its full passport as an exchange in 2013 from Britain’s Financial Conduct Authority and Hemsley said an awful lot of the documentation needed for a new passport was already at hand.
August 16, 2015: An Afghan national police officer conducts the first body check for hundreds of Afghan passport applicants standing in line before sunrise, outside Afghanistan’s only passport office in the country’s capital, Kabul.
Ezra Arthur Leather Passport Wallet, $125This handsome wallet, which has a passport pocket, currency pocket, and two card slots, gets their essentials in order so they’ll always feel organized and composed during their travels. 
Arton Capital’s index, meanwhile, awards passport scores based on both visa-free and e-visa travel ability, and examines passport access to 199 destinations: 883 United Nations member countries and six officially recognized territories. 1.
This all-purpose passport holder comes in more than 20 colors and includes a secure slot for your passport, several slots for cards, and even has RFID-blocking capabilities to protect your chips from thieves.
The company says it is also releasing 4TB versions of its My Passport Ultra Metal and My Passport for Mac drives before the fall, but there’s no indication on how much those will cost yet.
Tanguy felt so nervous—and I don’t know this for a fact, I’m guessing—but I think he went and had a passport made on his own because the sheikh wouldn’t give him the passport.
On Thursday, it announced that its passport agencies would only offer services «for customers with a qualified life-or-death emergency and who need a passport for immediate international travel within 72 hours,» effective Friday.
It’s the most seamless way to move through customs: You simply stop at an automated passport control kiosk, identify yourself with your passport and finger biometrics, and tap a screen to answer a few questions.
The two Russians accused in the Skripal case had nine-digit passport numbers that were just three apart, and the «Shirokov» passport in the Montenegro case was separated from one of them by just 26.
The department does not recommend any particular form of acceptable identification, but Brenda Sprague, who oversees passport services for the State Department, encourages all United States residents without a passport to apply for one now.
It takes anywhere from four to six weeks to get a passport renewed within the US. This wait time is significantly reduced if you’re renewing a passport abroad due to theft or you losing it.
Read more:How to get a new passport or renew an old one in a few simple stepsThe most powerful passports in the world in 2020, ranked7 tips for keeping your passport safe when you travel
L.D.: Do I need a passport to get in or out?
He is hoping to have his passport returned by Brazilian authorities.
I actually only have an Afghan passport, not an Iranian one.
While he’s distracted, I spot his passport sitting on the table.
Jerry Seinfeld’s long locks were on display in his passport photo.
She was arrested carrying an Indonesian passport at about 2 a.m.
«To replicate a passport takes a lot of effort,» Kennedy said.
Abushamma holds a passport from Sudan, one of the seven nations.
This monogrammed passport case is perfect for clients on the go.
The ferry cost around $4003—provided you had the right passport.
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Update: The eBay listing for Carrie Fisher’s passport has been removed.
Since Fisher’s passport was issued in 1983, it seems to comply.
He handed over his passport and his travel is now limited.
A user first checks in using their boarding pass and passport.
In order to travel abroad, Ramos needed to renew her passport.
A user first checks in with their boarding pass and passport.
» In return for «passport English,» he promised to «give you drub.
«I want to get a passport and return you svez group.» 
However, the technology has shown some success in detecting passport fraud.
Others seek an extra passport as insurance against instability or persecution.
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My outfits are average but my passport pages are stamped, full.
Thankfully, my father says he’ll pay some of the passport fees.
Although he holds an Iranian passport, he has never lived there.
By the next day, the passport still had not been found.
«They took my passport; they stole it,» Ari told VICE Sports.
Only 28,000 passport samples were analysed across all sports in 2016.
I’ve been carrying a passport since the day he was elected.
Or are you grabbing your passport and heading for the border?
So, to this day, I don’t know what’s on my passport.
Previously, Passport started at $40 a month for 200MB of data.
Last year it issued its first passport with a transgender category.
The man carried a passport under the name of Kim Chol.
Britain confirmed on Tuesday that Lee was a British passport holder.
Have you started to see the effects of a biological passport?
Previously, Semlex received 15.50 euros per passport, the prior contract shows.
He tried to leave using a «World Passport,» a dubious document.
The middle one is enclosed via zipper, for that aforementioned passport.
It was not only his first time applying for a passport.
Do you need to change the gender marker on your passport?
The thing I bring that reminds me of home: My passport.
Pyongyang was furious — the man’s passport said he was Kim Chol.
Despite the passport restrictions, in Poland Jews were encouraged to emigrate.
A landlord found an expired Dominican Republic passport on the sidewalk.
«They argued that the passport was only used «for personal protection.
Vladimir Putin lands at Helsinki airport and proceeds to passport control.
No other non-member, TheCityUK points out, has full passport rights.
I still have a German passport and live in Norway now.
You can apply for that new passport when you get back.
Rarely has it meant laying claim to Taiwan passport holders overseas.
But the State Department revoked his passport, stranding him in Russia.
She looked skeptically at my passport again, then at my face.
She stamped my passport and motioned to me to pass through.
He holds a passport from the small Caribbean island of Dominica.
Anyone who can qualify for a passport or citizenship can play.
Previously, women only had a page in their male guardian’s passport.
«I want to go to Canada with my passport,» he said.
China confiscated his passport, only returning it in July last year.
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While she held onto my passport, we pretended to be friends.
Those who visit can earn cheese stamps on a special «passport
Finally, I flashed my stamped passport to get the «Ratatouille» cheesecake.
I’m not getting a blue passport ‘back,’ I’ve never had one.
He founded Passport 17 years ago with less than $1 million.
She would also have to give up her passport, he said.
So Philo asked Ngombo if he had his passport on him.
Considering him a threat, the kingdom canceled his passport in 1994.
The judge ordered Abush’s passport confiscated until the matter is resolved.
His Malaysian passport has been revoked and an arrest warrant issued.
Inside, at French passport control, four agents sat behind their windows.
In fact, I was the lone individual passing passport and customs.
He is now free on bail, without his passport, awaiting trial.
Like, can you show me your — the stamps in your passport?
«Anyone who gets a Qatar passport, we’ll respect him,» Jassim said.
«It’d be less stressful to lose my passport, absolutely,» he said.
He can show no passport nor can he prove his identity.
» The next day, he said: «Arcell, do you have a passport?
His daughter’s name appeared on receipts, checks and a passport application.
My face was my passport, just like it was everyone else’s.
As an adult, I dreaded presenting my passport at airports abroad.
The shutdown, to his relief, had not closed the passport agency.
She said she was apprehensive that her passport could be canceled.
Mexican authorities confiscated her American passport and cellphone during that period.
Get back there formally, once more with European passport in hand.
At no point were my credit card details or passport demanded.
His family had not even known that he had a passport.
Masood: O.K. Basically, I got the number for the Canadian passport.
His, his Canadian passport has him as being in Pakistan, right?
His passport had been stolen in a burglary a year earlier.
Passport renewals cost $110 and expedited passports are an additional $60.
In one case, the embassy took a citizen’s passport on Jan.
Open your NookPhone’s passport app and edit any aspect of it.
The corners of his passport were also cut, rendering it invalid.
In that case, no customers’ passport details were compromised, Delta said.
Ray was traveling on a Canadian passport under a false identity.
At one point, he asked me if he had his passport.
Northern Irish citizens can hold both an Irish and British passport.
One of the sisters was also targeted for obtaining a passport.
You need a passport to go from Iowa to New Hampshire.
His travel will be restricted and he will surrender his passport.
» Watson finally was given his passport after wisely «expediting this conversation.
That makes it the second-most powerful passport in the world.
«If I get a German passport, it will be my history.»
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Zendure’s Passport 30W costs $59.99 and comes in white or black.
If you don’t have a passport, you’ll need a new one.
The bureau took possession of Manafort’s passport yesterday, his lawyer said.
When they ask to see your passport, hand them that instead. 
Chaka positions itself as a passport to local and global investing.
It is the name on my birth certificate and my passport.
That’s because passport and consular services are funded by fee revenue.
Accepted documents include a driver’s license, passport, or national identification card.
Meanwhile, a news channel broadcast Baloch’s passport and personal contact details.
At least, she did theoretically — until the government cancelled her passport.
And I had an American passport — the ultimate guarantee of security.
The passport scans were taken on the day of Khashoggi’s disappearance.
Among these: Cohen’s passport shows no stamp to the Czech Republic.
The FBI took possession of Manafort’s passport yesterday, his lawyer said.
Under the terms of her bond, Huffman also surrendered her passport.
So grab your passport and shopping bag for the outdoor markets.
The legislation also strengthens efforts to detect and prevent passport fraud.
One of them removed my handcuffs and gave me my passport.
He pulled out his French passport, and they let us go.
Not checking passport requirements almost forced me to cancel a trip.
I did about a hundred reproductions of my dad’s passport photo.
Their photos and passport details were widely distributed among media organizations.
Muthana was issued a passport as a US citizen, that’s true.
But the government challenged her citizenship before giving her a passport.
«There’s not much that can be done with a passport number alone, as long as you have the actual passport in your possession,» said Paul Stephens, director of policy and advocacy for the Privacy Rights Clearinghouse.
My family proceeded without me and I spent the next 24 hours rebooking myself on a new flight, purchasing new passport photos, filling out paperwork and getting myself to the passport office by 6:30 a.m.
«Criminals need, at the country they are leaving or entering, at a bare minimum passport number, name, date of issue, date of expiry, and sometimes the scan bar at the bottom of the passport,» Henderson said.
After being told that her marriage didn’t entitle her to a new passport, Gould made an appointment to get a new passport as a «de facto» couple, which seems similar to an American common law marriage.
Mos Def allegedly tried to use a «world passport» Thursday to leave South Africa, but since there is no such thing as a «world passport» … he was arrested and banned from the country for five years.
Metropolitan Diary Dear Diary: I had a passport problem to resolve, so I took myself down to the main passport office and the early-morning line for those without appointments who are flying within two weeks.
Air Canada is warning users who entered their passport information into the airline’s app that users’ passport numbers may have been stolen after a data breach caused the loss of customers’ personal information, the BBC reports.
But some countries don’t scan passport barcodes or microchips, and that’s where even a low-cost phony passport can help a criminal gain entry, according to Brian Stack, vice president of engineering and darkweb surveillance at Experian.
In essence, a U.S. citizen would be in danger of having a passport request or renewal denied — or having their passport revoked entirely — if they have a cumulative federal tax bill over $50,000, including penalties and interest.
Icelandic officials said it was unlikely that Stefansson had to show a passport at the airport since he traveled within Europe’s passport-free Schengen travel zone but the plane ticket he used was under someone else’s name.
The Indian government last Friday suspended the diplomatic passport of Mallya, once called the «King of Good Times» for his extravagant lifestyle, and said the passport would be revoked if he did not respond within a week.
It also referred to the color of Delta’s uniforms as «passport purple» instead of «passport plum» and the labor union representing United’s flight attendants is the Association of Flight Attendants, not the Association of Professional Flight Attendants.
Deluxe Passport Cover and Luggage Tag Set, available at Leatherology, $85It might be difficult to snag them an under-$100 plane ticket, but the next best things are classy accessories to hold their passport and luggage tag.
She had to sign a loan agreement and hand in her British passport before being allowed to return to the United Kingdom, and ultimately was billed more than $1,000, with her passport being held until she paid.
One woman wearing a mask was asked to take her passport out of its case, so she pulled her mask down to put the case in her mouth while she handed the passport to the TSA agent.
SPARE PASSPORT Japanese public broadcaster NHK said on Thursday Japanese authorities allowed Ghosn to carry a spare French passport in a locked case while out on bail, potentially shedding some light on how he managed to escape.
Syrian passport holders have visa-free or visa-on-arrival access to just 29 countries, compared to the more than 180 places you can easily reach with an American, German, or Japanese passport, to name a few.
Lee holds a British passport, while Gui is a naturalized Swedish citizen.
Zero Zero Robotics’ Hover Camera is now called the Hover Camera Passport.
None had ever held a passport before, much less applied for visas.
But drug problems and multiple arrests prevented him from securing a passport.
If you’re from out of the country, then you’ll need a passport.
«They will ask about every single detail in your passport,» Hass remembered.
A compromised passport number could be your ticket to identity theft woes.
Renewing your passport would also result in a new number, Kennedy said.
Because it’s happening soon, I need to get her passport info ASAP.
They were his passport and case file, the key to his survival.
Like, a self-portrait of you holding a photo ID or passport.
In the simplest terms, a ship’s flag is like a person’s passport.
Many Venezuelan arrivals do not have a passport, let alone a visa.
She’s currently waiting for her new passport to arrive in the mail.
She says she believes authorities planted Regeni’s passport at her aunt’s home.
He has surrendered his passport and will stand trial later this year.
Well, according to Peretti, the TSA said Peele’s passport was too worn.
He certainly wouldn’t recognise her from her passport picture aged four months.
In December, the Chinese government abruptly canceled Abduweli’s passport, rendering him stateless.
G-men in Washington were ordered to dig up Corbally’s passport records.
Ms. Cabo replied with a photo of a swimsuit with a passport.
The legislation would also strengthen efforts to detect and prevent passport fraud.
He was freed on $1,000 bail and ordered to surrender his passport.
I gave them a copy of my passport and my drivers license.
The shah held Mr. Sadr partly responsible and ordered his passport stripped.
My passport alone means I can travel to a lot of places.
Shortly after, while travelling in the Netherlands, the Philippines revoked his passport.
Innokenty was issued a new passport, a draft ticket, and other documents.
Today, the app released the most-swiped Passport destinations around the world.
Singaporean passport-holders can cross borders into 159 nations without extra documentation.
More importantly, the Passport simply doesn’t offer some features you might want.
The Passport nameplate returns to the market after a 17-year absence.
Along with the passport he got a one-way ticket to Turkey.
Her passport was confiscated and she wasn’t allowed to leave the country.
Madrais’ passport is also expired, another violation of Philippine laws, he added.
Two months later, Iranian police seized his passport and eventually arrested him.
Feigen is reportedly still in Brazil, as authorities have confiscated his passport.
My passport, which I forgot to take out of my book bag.
Even an Antipodean interloper who serendipitously held a British passport was impressed.
And as a result, passport photographs across Cuba all look super-sharp.
The country is looking to replace passport checks with facial recognition technology.
After they took his passport, Provvisionato was driven to his rental apartment.
Baquer Namazi has a US passport with his birthplace listed as Iraq.
Western European passport holders can travel to the US without a visa.
In fact, the 39-year-old lawyer’s bump already deserves a passport!
It’s what’s prompting the sale of RFID-blocking wallets or passport covers.
I have a Dutch passport, but I left when I was 5.
With the 7-inch screen, Alexa becomes a passport to visual entertainment.
As a result, Chung’s passport will no longer be valid after Jan.
There is a concern that if there is no longer a passport?
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Apparently Luis Suarez forgot his passport for the team’s flight to London.
But Passport is still studying what that means for its bottom line.
Xiao claimed in the newspaper ad to be a Canadian passport holder.
The financier, whose Malaysian passport has been revoked, has denied any wrongdoing.
Less common, though, is on-air talent running afoul of passport control.
They also asked for Cipriani’s passport so he couldn’t leave the country.
The Olsen twins’ illustrious canon of cinematic hits — Passport To Paris, anyone?
Headlines City of London lobbying group drops demand for EU ‘passport‘ on.ft.
Ali is a Muslim born in Philadelphia and holds a U.S. passport.
Seagal signed his passport in front of Putin at a Kremlin ceremony.
This makes the idea of a «world» passport both appealing and alarming.
Darrell Cole is a man with a few stamps in his passport.
That has left the passport office in Conakry flooded by impatient applicants.
Can you find your wallet, passport, and chapstick when you need them?
But Chad, desperately poor, had quite simply run out of passport paper.
Exposed data included passport details, birthdates, addresses, phone numbers and payment cards.
Zzym’s attorneys called on the State Department to immediately issue a passport.
Ms. Hassan was able to grab her passport, but no family photos.
Mr. Clinton already had a diplomatic passport as a former president. Mrs.
The current fee for adults to renew their passport books is $110.
There should be an Earth passport — Mos Def claims he has one.
Matching passport covers and luggage tags for two who love to travel
A Bride and Groom Shop Personalized Passport Covers, available at Etsy, $35
How else would they let us through the passport line so easily?
His French passport has an acute accent, but his American one doesn’t.
She said, ‘Your passport is cancelled—you cannot get into this country.
«Ultimately,» she says, «the passport will be just one line of business.»
I handed my passport to the officer that asked me standard questions.
He left my passport on the counter and said I could go.
He was born in China but does not hold a Chinese passport.
Porsche’s new Passport subscription program could be just what you’re looking for.
Her relatives stole her passport and credit cards from her husband’s home.
Passport, a mobility management startup, has partnered with Charlotte, N.C., Detroit, Mich.
But I’m moving along, passport in hand, smiling for no particular reason.
They need male consent to marry, divorce, obtain a passport and travel.
Paris Hilton ran into a potential issue when she lost her passport.
Last year the government issued its first passport with a transgender category.
Where this happens, authorities carry out an individual examination of passport photos.
The agent looked through my passport and found a piece of paper.
Mullah Mansour routinely traveled with a fake passport under a different name.
She says her passport was confiscated, forcing her to remain inside China.
She grabbed her suitcase and forged passport and left her family behind.
It said the EU’s Schengen passport-free travel zone was at stake.
The attackers got Mr. Siddiqui’s laptop, data drives, phone, passport and luggage.
The Marriott database contains not only credit card information but passport data.
In this moment of solitude, consider letting a book be your passport.
«Wild animal tamer» reads the professional description on Ms el-Helw’s passport.
It was not immediately clear how many passport holders would be affected.
She packed her passport and guitar and took a boat with refugees.
When he returned with the new passport, ICE took him into custody.
The passport issue might also help resolve one aspect of the conflict.
The next Passport Concierge will be at Hilton Cleveland Downtown from Nov.
«They said, ‘There’s a flag on your passport from Interpol,'» she said.
Some wonder if passport-free travel will ever again be the same.
Callimachi: O.K., so, we have — let’s start with his Canadian passport, O.K.?
To get yourself an NZ passport, you need to register your citizenship.
Mr. Tuan still faces police harassment and his passport has been confiscated.
Nwankpa was released on a $25,000 bail, and has surrendered his passport.
At present, only foreign passport holders can enter and gamble in them.
The old passport-forging desk is laid bare in a glass case.
His father Manoa Thompson is Fijian and Hayne holds a Fijian passport.
Entry into the United States on a Venezuelan passport requires a visa.
Six victims were Spanish, including one who also held an Argentine passport.
Even obtaining a passport was flagged, regardless of whether it was used.
«You need to wait, sir,» said the woman who checked my passport.
Think stuff like your passport, jewelry, medicine, wedding ring, and Coachella tickets.
I’ll bring you, and you have to explain it at passport control.
Get ready to add a few new stamps to your beauty passport!
When an officer saw my foreign passport, he told me to leave.
In those experiments, passport-system employees chose wrong about half the time.
Even the surly customs officer who stamped my passport brought them up.
This is despite having a valid visa and holding a British passport.
Brazil does not extradite its citizens, and I have the Brazilian passport.
Shoppers can get a «passport» stamped at any of the downtown businesses.
Geovanis, who married a Russian woman, obtained a Russian passport in 2014.
Revoking a passport is a far cry from revoking their citizenship, however.
Like Mr. Ayala, she is from Ecuador and has a Spanish passport.
One European name was enough, and so, surely, was one European passport.
Other reports have indicted that Ghosn used a fake passport and identity.
Passports: The Department of State is moving forward with new passport rules.
Collins now must surrender his diplomatic passport and firearms within 2500 days.
Not good, especially with an American diplomatic passport hidden in my bag.
A free traveler app called Mobile Passport partnered with RushMyPassport this week.
Mobile Passport is becoming even more essential an app for every traveler.
The European Union requires hotels in member states to collect passport information.
She also pleaded guilty to money laundering and using a forged passport.
After a passport inspection and some questioning, I made it into Canada.
A judge ordered him to give up his passport, the document says.
He posted $150,000 bond and surrendered his US passport, according to Kindlon.
Australia will also evacuate an undisclosed number of New Zealand passport-holders.
Take it and put it in your wallet or with your passport.
Take it and put it in your wallet or with your passport.
His passport image became a way to excavate those stories and narratives.
He has said publicly that he does not have a Chinese passport.
While at a Starbucks, her bag had been stolen — wallet, passport, tout.
Low, whose Malaysian passport has been revoked, has previously denied any wrongdoing.
When he visited Australia this summer, my friend’s passport never got stamped.
Malavolta has a passport, but his fiancee only has an ID card.
But the TV star was ordered to relinquish her passport by December.
The agent took her passport and led her into a small office.
«Passport numbers were an element we examined while conducting the forensic investigation [of the breach], but we found no evidence that any passport numbers were stolen,» an Equifax spokesperson said in an email to me at the time.
While arriving in Washington Dulles International Airport after a flight from São Paulo, the man presented a genuine French passport as his ID. But the facial recognition system flagged the man’s face as not matching the passport photo.
U.S. District Judge R. Brooke Jackson in Denver ruled the State Department exceeded its authority under the Passport Act of 1926 and barred the department from relying on its binary-only gender marker policy to withhold a passport.
At the airport, however, the couple discovered that Ms. Clay’s passport was invalid — it expired in five months, rather than the requisite six, which meant they had to obtain an expedited passport and fly out two days later.
The Marriott investigation has revealed a new vulnerability in hotel systems: What happens to passport data when a customer makes a reservation or checks into a hotel, usually abroad, and hands over a passport to the desk clerk.

Examples of how to use the word “passport” in a sentence. How to connect “passport” with other words to make correct English sentences.

passport (n): an official document containing personal informationand usually a photograph that allows a person to travelto foreign countries and to prove who they are

Use “passport” in a sentence

Where’s my passport?
May I see your passport?
This passport is valid for five years.
I’ve lost my passport. What should I do?
You can’t leave the country without a passport.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”

April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

Membership of the corps is gained after a somewhat trying novitiate, but is the only passport to the various social and sports societies.

Babington then applied for a passport abroad, for the ostensible purpose of spying upon the refugees, but in reality to organize the foreign expedition and secure his own safety.

The latter now sought to escape from France, where events were becoming intolerable; and after some unsuccessful attempts to obtain a passport to leave Paris,.

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There she obtained an Austrian passport to the frontier, and after some fears and trouble, receiving a Russian passport in Galicia, she at last escaped from the dungeon of Napoleonic Europe.

This last resulted in a great number of nominal conversions, as baptism was the passport to government favour, and church membership was based on the learning of the Decalogue and the Lord’s Prayer, and on the saying of grace at mealtimes.

In spite of some hesitation, with regard rather to the official character than to the historical authenticity of the letters attributed to the popes of the earlier centuries, the False Decretals were accepted with confidence, together with the authentic texts which served as a passport for them.

The heretic, having developed powers of rational choice, perceives his heresy, to wit, his want of adaptation to the moral environment, and turning round embraces the new faith that is the passport to survival.

In all haste Liszt procured a passport and escorted his guest as far as Eisenach.

Disguised in female attire and aided by a passport obtained by the devoted Flora Macdonald, he passed through Skye and parted from his gallant conductress at Portree.

In 1853 he went on personal business to Smyrna, where he secured a passport from the American consul;; the Austrian consul, however, caused him to be seized and detained on an Austrian brig-of-war.

Варианты (v1)

Варианты (v2)


  • паспорт сущ м

    1. passport, certificate

      (аттестат, сертификат)

      • действительный паспорт – valid passport
      • экологический паспорт – ecological certificate
    2. id


имя существительное
passport паспорт
pass пасс, пас, передача, проход, пропуск, паспорт
certificate сертификат, удостоверение, свидетельство, аттестат, акт, паспорт
protection защита, охрана, покровительство, ограждение, протекционизм, паспорт

Предложения со словом «паспорт»

Через два дня придешь, получишь паспорт , деньги.

Two days come, get a passport , money.

Деньги, паспорт , транспорт для выезда из страны.

Money, passport , transport out of the country.

У него был британский акцент и украденный у тебя паспорт .

He had an English accent and your stolen passport .

Вы говорите, что у вас есть паспорт и виза.

You say you have a passport and a visa.

Паспорт, кредитки, новое удостоверение, места работы.

Passports, credit cards, IDs, the works.

Я не уверен что у меня есть действительный паспорт .

I’m not sure I have a valid passport .

Босх бросил паспорт и бумажник в сумку, а фотографии спрятал в карман куртки.

He dropped the wallet and passport back into the duffel bag but put the two photos in his coat pocket.

Граждане или постоянные жители других стран должны иметь действующий паспорт или действующую визу.

Citizens or permanent residents of other countries must have a valid passport or valid visitor’s visa.

Все пассажиры, путешествующие с юга Мексики должны предъявить действующий паспорт .

All passengers traveling southbound from Mexico must carry a valid passport .

Паспорт, водительские права, свидетельство о рождении, карточка избирателя.

Passport, driver’s license, birth certificate, voter’s registration card.

Привез также паспорт с визой, кучу наличных, массу буклетов и билетов и полный план игры.

He had the passport and the visa, plenty of cash, lots of directions and tickets, a game plan.

Вам нужны фальшивые усы, горсть перца и новый паспорт .

You need a fake mustache, a fistful of paprika, and a new passport .

Я не питаю радужных надежд, но полагаю, что паспорт поможет.

I’m not optimistic, but I hope the passport helps.

Она должна сдать свой паспорт и отмечаться в местном полицейском участке в полдень каждый день.

Her passport will be surrendered and she should report to the local constabulary every day at noon.

Мы нашли кредитную карту на то же имя, что и поддельный паспорт .

We found a credit card under the same name as his fake passport .

Его паспорт нашел владелец маленького ресторанчика в Болонье и передал в полицию.

His passport was found by the proprietor of a small restaurant in Boulogne, who handed it in to the police.

Свяжусь с таможней и национальной безопасностью, проверю, не крали ли паспорт Таны.

I’m gonna call Customs and Homeland Security, see if Tana’s passport was swiped.

Сборщик мусора бросил паспорт на стол и пробил на табельных часах свою карточку.

The trash collector tossed it on the correct desk and punched his time card on the way out for his drive back to Queens and his usual late dinner.

Там был только паспорт и половинка 100-долларовой купюры.

It was just a passport and this hundred — dollar bill torn in half.

Американский паспорт в этой стране стоит дорого, и некоторые наши сограждане, как известно, продавали их.

An American passport is worth a LOT of money in this country, and some of our fellow citizens have been known to sell theirs.

Вы не можете получить визу без паспорта , а новый паспорт не можете получить без страны.

You cannot get a visa without a passport , and you cannot get a new passport without a country.

Паспорт был лишь одним из кучи документов, которые она купила у известного монреальского фальсификатора.

The passport was part of a perfect set of new papers she’d purchased from a noted forger in Montreal.

ТОЛЬКО вам ПО силам КУПИТЬ ДЛЯ сына заграничный паспорт .

Only you can afford to buy a foreign passport for your son.

Даже чемодан не собирай, просто бери липовый паспорт из офиса и езжай.

Don’t even bother packing, just grab a fake passport at the office and go…

Она проверила паспорт , водительские права, карточку со своей страховкой.

She examined the passport , the driver’s license, the card bearing her social security number.

Поддельный паспорт — его первая остановка.

Fake passport would’ve been his first stop for sure.

Этот паспорт был выдан ему для явки в районный уголовный суд, а не для неограниченного использоваться в деловых целях.

This passport had been issued for him to appear at the District Criminal Court and not for unlimited use for business.

Может ты один из тех иностранцев, которые всегда названивают и просят раздеться перед компьютером, потому что они потеряли паспорт и деньги.

You could be one of those foreign guys who always calls me up and makes me get undressed in front of the computer because he lost his passports and money.

Я приехал на своей машине, мой паспорт внизу.

I came in my car, I left my ID at reception.

Жалейте о чем хотите, но мой паспорт внизу!

You’re sorry, but my ID’s at reception.

Ты хочешь её фото на паспорт или формата А4?

Do you want legal size paper or three — hole punch?

Пассажиры из других стран должны иметь паспорт и пропуск на посадку.

International passengers are required to have a passport … and an airline boarding pass to travel.

Пожалуйста. Вот Ваш паспорт и билет.

Here’s your passport and boarding pass.

Наплыв начался после того, как правительство упростило программу «деньги за паспорт », чтобы помочь Кипру восстановиться после краха банковской системы 2013 года и последующего спада.

The wave began after the government streamlined its money — for — passports program to help Cyprus recover from the 2013 collapse of its banking system and an ensuing recession.

Во время длившегося четыре с половиной часа телемарафона он насмехался над теми, кто «имеет паспорт гражданина Российской Федерации, но действует в интересах иностранного государства и на иностранные деньги».

In a four and a half hour marathon, he derided “those with a passport of citizenship, who work in the interests of foreign governments for foreign money.”

Абромавичюс получил украинский паспорт около месяца назад, и он признается, что понимает примерно 85% того, что говорится на правительственных заседаниях на украинском языке, который он знает достаточно посредственно.

His Ukrainian passport is about a month old, and he admits to understanding about 85 percent of what he hears in government meetings held in Ukrainian, which he doesn’t speak.

Требуется также представить два удостоверяющих личность документа с фотографией (например, паспорт , национальное пресс-удостоверение, полицейский пропуск для представителей прессы, водительское удостоверение или удостоверение личности государственного образца).

Two pieces of identification bearing a photograph (such as passport , national press credential, police press pass, driver’s licence or state identification card) are also required.

Трамп, как заметил ведущий юмористического телешоу Джон Стюарт, это «паспорт Америки», или, по крайней мере, значительного числа американцев – белых, немолодых и живущих в маленьких городках.

Trump, in the comedian Jon Stewart’s words, is “America’s id,” or at least the id of a large number of mostly white, mostly older, mostly small — town Americans.

лицо обязано сдать секретарю Суда все удостоверяющие личность документы, в частности свой паспорт .

The person must supply the Registrar with all identity documents, particularly his or her passport .

Документы, подтверждающие Вашу личность и место проживания, такие как: международный или национальный паспорт , счета за коммунальные услуги или банковская выписка

Documents needed as proof of your identity and residency such as an International Passport , National ID, utility bills or bank statements

•идентификационная информация, предназначенная для подтверждения личности: паспорт или удостоверение водителя, а также сведения, полученные в кредитном бюро, адресных агентствах и прочих источниках, не входящих в RoboForex.

ID information used to verify your identity (passport or driver’s license, as well as information obtained from credit bureaus, address agencies and other non — RoboForex sources.)

Выезжающие из Грузии иностранцы должны представить действительный заграничный паспорт или другой заменяющий его документ, а также карточку мигранта.

Aliens leaving Georgia must present a valid foreign passport or other similar document as well as their migrant card.

Подтверждение личности: паспорт , водительские права или внутренний паспорт

Proof of identity – passport , national identity card or driving license

Это может быть государственный паспорт , водительское удостоверение (для тех стран, где водительское удостоверение является главным удостоверением личности) или национальная идентификационная карта (не пропуски компаний).

It may be a government — issued passport , driver’s license (for countries where the driver’s license is a primary identification document) or local ID card (no company access cards).

Эти документы обычно включают в себя удостоверение личности, паспорт или водительское удостоверение, подтверждение адреса, такие как счета за коммунальные услуги и доказательство вашей оплаты.

These documents shall typically include an identity card, passport or driver’s license, proof of address such as a utility bill, and proof of your payment method.

И афганский солдат был так удивлен, увидев меня, что даже забыл поставить мне печать в паспорт .

And the Afghan soldier was so surprised to see me that he forgot to stamp my passport .

Дорогой, я кладу кошелёк и паспорт в нагрудный карман куртки, хорошо?

Honey, I’m putting your wallet and passport in the breast pocket of the jacket, okay?

На этот раз он встретился с заместителем атташе ФБР по правовым вопросам для того, чтобы представить свой паспорт и обсудить окончательные договоренности.

Now he met with an FBI assistant legal attaché to present his passport and make final arrangements.

Предъявите, пожалуйста, билет и паспорт .

Will you give me your ticket and passport ?

«Я никуда отсюда уезжать не собираюсь», — заявил Саакашвили, показав свой недавно полученный украинский паспорт .

I am here with serious intentions and for the long haul, Saakashvili said, holding up his recently acquired Ukrainian passport .

Потому я достал свой американский паспорт и стал в очередь для Extranjeros.

So I took my U.S. passport and got in the line for Extranjeros.

Вы должны иметь при себе действительный паспорт и визу для следующих стран.

You require a valid passport and visas for the following countries.

Также здесь можно раздобыть липовый паспорт .

Also not a bad place to score a fake passport .

Кроме того, автор утверждает, что она передала свой паспорт своему деверю после приезда в Швецию.

In addition, the author has claimed that she handed over her passport to her brother — in — law upon arrival in Sweden.

Я ненадолго отлучусь, так что, положи паспорт под коврик у задней двери.

Look, I’ll be out for a while, so just put the passport under the back doormat.

Иванишвили получил свой последний грузинский паспорт в июне, а грузинский министр иностранных дел сохранял его российское гражданство еще год.

Ivanishvili had been issued his most recent Georgian passport only in June, and the Georgian foreign minister kept his Russian citizenship for a year after his appointment.

Получив паспорт , он хочет поступить на службу в украинский спецназ.

He wants to move on to work for Ukraine’s special forces once he gets a passport .

Хотя Санта-Клаус никак не прокомментировал эти слова, сейчас понятно, что, путешествуя по миру 24 декабря, он мог бы выбрать себе паспорт из нескольких возможных вариантов.

Though Santa Claus has not commented on the matter, it is now clear that he could choose several passports when he travels the world on December 24th.

У моей матери был британский паспорт , который выдавали гражданам индийского происхождения, родившимся в Кении до обретения страной независимости.

It was a British passport , given to citizens of Indian origin who had been born in Kenya before independence from the British, like my mother.

Все, кто когда-либо получал паспорт в Америке, скажут тебе, что когда получаешь паспорт , там всегда указано место рождения.

So anyone who’s gotten their passport in America will tell you, when you get your passport , it still says what country you were born in.

Sentence using the word passport. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use passport in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for passport.

  • How could he have come to Milan without a passport? (10)
  • But I wonder why they sent Risk to me for a passport, anyway? (18)
  • This business has been done before and they did not need a passport. (18)
  • She is a woman who goes on missions, and carries a husband into society like a passport. (10)
  • I need a passport to get to New York to have the money advanced and the business concluded. (18)
  • She was like those frank lands where we have not to hand out a passport at the frontier and wait for dubious inspection of it. (10)

Also see sentences for: convoy, guard, pass.

Glad you visited this page with a sentence for passport. Now that you’ve seen how to use passport in a sentence hope you might explore the rest of this educational reference site to see many other example sentences which provide word usage information.

  • Use the word PASSPORT in a sentences

Sentence Examples

Yes, I’ll get you a seat on the flight as soon as I get your passport from the office.

She just left for the airport with President Joo’s passport.

I’d like to see his room and a copy of his passport.

«You are ordered to report for passport examination in the morning.»

Countess Geschwitz will lend me her passport

«Consul General, here is your passport and plane ticket to Berlin!»

For heaven’s sake, where’s my passport?

Our ambassador at Berlin received his passport at 7:00 last evening.

If they start their passport nonsense, we’ll lose valuable time.

It’s up to you to get us a passport.

I got his passport right there.

INSPECTOR: Your passport.

Let me have your passport.

Get back in line where you belong. passport!

I said passport, not pasteboard.

Come on with that passport!

Have you still got your Dutch passport?

Your passport says nothing about your military rank.

Captain Harvey, may I see your passport?

Now will you kindly let me see your passport?

I’ll get by on a diplomatic passport.

What’s he done? Two years in this country over his original passport limits. It’s about time we got around to him.

Got my passport and dropped over.

Nope, you gotta have a passport. — Okay, we’ll get ourselves one.

You can’t get a passport unless you have a receipt that you paid your tax.

Don’t passport photographs make one look terrible? .

There is only one safe course for Se├▒or Antonio… that you sign the passport for his return.

Prepare the passport for the Spanish envoy.

My Lord Ambassador… this passport will assure your safe journey to the border.

Very grateful, but all passport mysteries have been solved.

Go change and pick up your passport.

Your passport must be stamped in every town you pass through.

After the chains comes the passport.

No one will put me up around here due to my yellow passport.

Cold passport to the great unknown.

Give him his passport and his money.

Next. — My passport is yellow.

Your Eminence, this man is Jean Valjean, a yellow passport convict.

Why, certainly, and give him his knapsack and passport.

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