Sentences with the word participant

participant — перевод на русский


I would like to thank the participants…

Я бы хотел поблагодарить участников…

The experiment took place in the Marsh Chapel of Boston University on Good Friday 1962. Today two of the participants return there for the first time.

Ёксперимент проходил в часовне ћарш Ѕостонского «ниверситета в страстную п€тницу 1962. —егодн€ двое из участников вернулись туда впервые.

Many of the participants themselves agreed, but could they be certain their experiences were genuine?

ћногие из участников согласились, но могли ли они быть уверены в подлинности собственного опыта.

We’ve intercepted his order about the arrest of our congress participants.

Нами перехвачен его приказ об аресте всех участников нашего съезда.

Participants of the auto race have been greeted by sounds of orchestra at Arbatov market square. What auto race?

На базарной площади города Арбатова при звуках оркестра встречали участников автопробега…

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Kate, by… showing us this photo, you’re only proving that you were a willing participant in your relations with Gene.

Кейт… показав нам эту фотографию, Вы только подтверждаете своё добровольное участие в Ваших отношениях с Джином.

You do accept that your daughter was a willing participant in his escape.

Вы признаете, что ваша дочь приняла участие в его побеге.

She found one of Luke’s «participant» ribbons and a certificate Haley got for showing up somewhere on time, and put all three of them together on the same shelf!

Она нашла ленту Люка «за участие» и сертификат Хейли, просто за то, что она куда-то там явилась, и поставила все три рядом на одну полку!

You’re lucky they gave you your participant trophy!

Тебе ещё повезло, что они дали тебе приз за участие!

Daria admitted to me that at some point she became a willing participant in the murders, and she said she would do it again.

Дария призналась, что в какой-то момент она стала добровольно принимать участие в убийствах, и она сказала, что сделал бы это снова.

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I know that because she’s never forgiven me even though she was a willing participant and equally responsible.

Я знаю это, потому что она так и не простила меня, хотя она была добровольной участницей, и у нас равная отвественность.

I was a willing participant, very willing, okay.

Я была добровольной участницей, даже очень добровольной.

I wasn’t a participant in the fraud, it was completely unconnected.

Я не была участницей этого мошенничества, я была совершенно не причём.

You took part in the popularity ranking for the Couple Making participants, right?

Вы ведь участвовали в голосовании в поддержку участниц Couple Making.

She was one of our first prison participants.

Она стала одной из первых участниц.

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As if it were being broadcast live, And you are actual participants.

Притворитесь, что это настоящее ток-шоу, которое будет транслироваться в прямом эфире на всю страну, а вы будете в нем участвовать.

This colony’s security is predicated on its citizens’ willingness to be active participants in its governance.

Безопасность этой колонии основана на желании граждан активно участвовать в её управлении.

Have you decided on the participants of the promotion tour?

Вы уже решили участвовать в рекламной акции?

It’s my understanding Mr. Gardner’s still a profit participant while suspended as a lawyer.

Как я понимаю, мистер Гарднер все еще участвует в распределении прибыли, в то время как он отстранен от юридической практики.

So you’re not a willing participant in any of this? Is that what you’re saying?

Значит, вы участвуете в этом не по своему желанию?

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Participant in conferences on overweight and healthy lifestyle issues.

Участник теле-передач по проблемам избыточной массы тела и вопросам здорового образа жизни.

Participant cannot vote for herself having registered as a user.

Участник не может отдать свой голос самому себе, зарегистрировавшись в Конкурсе в качестве пользователя.

Participant of the decade of art of Uzbek. in Moscow (1953).

Участница Декады таджикского искусства в Москве (1957).

The Participant agrees that he uses the game web project on his own free will and at his own risk.

Участник согласен с тем, что использует площадку онлайн проекта по своей доброй воле и на свой собственный риск.

The prize cannot be reclaimed by the Participant.

Приз не может быть повторно востребован участником.

The license is terminated if the Participant deletes the content he generated from the the game platform.

Лицензия прекращает своё действие, если Участник удаляет свои материалы с игровой платформы.

Organizer does not give the Participant is no guarantee that the final profit or benefit from participation in the system.

Организатор не дает участнику никакой гарантии того, что он извлечет выгоду или пользу от участия в компании.

Participant of exhibitions: mountains., region, region.

Участник выставок: гор., обл., регион.

For reaching each of 10 Atmosphere Levels the Participant receives in-game awards.

За достижение каждого из 10 Уровней атмосферы Участник получает награды, которые могут быть использованы в игре.

«Participant» means any person who participates in the Competition.

«Участник» означает любое физическое лицо, которое принимает участие в Конференции.

Participant in various seminars on migration, particularly in relation to Colombia-Ecuador.

Участник различных семинаров по вопросам миграции, в частности, в связи с делом Колумбии и Эквадора.

Participant shall give the Organizer the consent to the processing of its personal information provided by it by completion of the Application.

Участник даёт Организатору согласие на обработку своей персональной информации, указанной им в процессе заполнения Заявки.

Participant reality show «House-2» Ilya Sidorov jumped off the second floor balcony.

Участник реалити-шоу «Дом-2» Илья Сидоров спрыгнул с балкона второго этажа.

Participant of the exhibition of cartoons «confrontation» in the State Russian Museum in 1996.

Участник выставки карикатуры «Очная ставка» в Государственном Русском музее в 1996 году.

1993 Participant and paper presenter at the Commonwealth Law Conference, Nicosia.

1993 год Участник и докладчик на Конференции стран Содружества по правовым вопросам, Никосия.

Participant of exhibitions in Odessa, Gabrovo (Bulgaria).

Участник выставок в г. Одессе, г. Габрово (Болгария).

Participant: You are considered a Participant immediately upon successfully completing the application process.

Участник: вы становитесь Участником сразу после успешного завершения процесса подачи заявки.

Personal Data means information about specific Participant that enables to identify such Participant as personality.

Персональные данные — информация об определенном участнике, которая позволяет идентифицировать этого Участника как личность.

Relations of Participant and third parties regarding the protection of personal data provided by Participant to third parties are regulated by Participant and such third parties separately.

Отношения Участника и третьих лиц по обеспечению конфиденциальности персональных данных, предоставляемых Участником третьим лицам, регулируются Участником и такими третьими лицами самостоятельно.

In the event of a dispute as to the identity of a Participant based on an email address, the Participant may be disqualified.

В случае возникновения сомнения относительно личности Участника на основании адреса электронной почты, Участник может быть дисквалифицирован.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат Participant

Результатов: 19137. Точных совпадений: 19137. Затраченное время: 166 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

участник, участвующий


- участник

a participant in a conference — участник конференции
active participants in the Olympic Games — активные участники Олимпийских игр


- участвующий, принимающий участие

Мои примеры


an active participant in the negotiations — активный участник переговоров  
active participant — активный участник  
reluctant participant — пассивный участник  
willing participant — добровольный участник  
participant in guilt — совиновник  
culpable participant — соучастник преступления  
pension plan participant — участник пенсионного плана  
participant in a crime — участник преступления  
compulsed participant in a crime — вынужденный участник преступления  
criminal participant — участник преступления  
guiltless participant — невиновный участник  

Примеры с переводом

He was a willing participant in the crime.

Он был добровольным участником преступления.

He was an unwilling participant in the demonstration.

Он стал невольным участником этой демонстрации.

He was allowed to attend as an observer but not active participant in the toss.

Ему разрешили присутствовать при обыске, но не участвовать в нём.

He seemed to be a willing participant in the prank.

Похоже, он принял активное участие в этом розыгрыше.

I wasn’t a participant in the preparations, merely a spectator.

Я не принимал участия в подготовке, а просто наблюдал.

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): participant
мн. ч.(plural): participants

1. She was an unwilling participant in his downfall.

2. She is an active participant in this activity.

3. He has been an active participant in the discussion.

4. Each participant was to pay his own expenses.

5. The engineer was an eager participant in technical co — operation.

6. A youthful teacher, he finds himself an unwilling participant in school politics.

7. I had finished six months participant observation.

8. But another participant argued that it didn’t really matter whether it was additional money or not.

9. Even the most fully developed participant cultures will contain surviving strata of subjects and parochials.

10. Which format a participant should choose will depend upon his or her career stage, work situation and individual learning style.

11. Particularly during successful long-term participant observation, the borderline between overt and covert recording can become blurred and quite difficult problems emerge.

12. More important, in the civic culture participant political orientations combine with and do not replace subject and parochial political orientations.

13. It is up to each participant to feel his way towards the consensus outcome.

14. Another participant pointed out that the Northern Ireland budget over the last five years had only increased in line with inflation.

15. In a few moments the other participant in the sequence they were shooting would come, the estate agent from Sudbury.

16. The participant observer in such a naturalistic framework really only observes.

17. But the Commission is also a direct participant in fostering the necessary adaptability in the labour market.

18. One participant involved in training said people here have low self-esteem and must contend with almost daily harassment.

19. One participant had conducted some research into small businesses in West Belfast for a research report.

20. There is no comparison between the knowledge and skill of such a player and the ordinary casual participant.

21. A pyramid venture was started recently at one licensed dealer, every participant contributing £100, and bringing in more people.

22. I was examining teachers and teaching in one school using such methods as participant observation, unstructured interviews and documentary evidence.

23. It also demonstrated how volatile the presidential race is, with change an ever-present participant.

23. try its best to collect and make good sentences.

24. She wrote: Philip presents as a compliant and willing participant in classroom activities.

25. Interestingly neither of these two people were sociologists, though sociologists have carried out participant studies amongst homosexuals and criminal gangs.

26. Other ethnographic techniques Ethnographic research is not carried out only by means of participant observation and unstructured interviewing.

27. Because of other demands on his time, the Chancellor will not usually be a leading participant on a regular basis.

28. A murder victim is not a stage-prop in the drama of his death but an active participant.

29. Using the methods offered by the new technical media, he must become a self-aware participant in the total apparatus of production.

30. A riot in a drab housing project outside Paris leaves one participant on his deathbed, a victim of police brutality.

  • Use the word Participant in a sentences

Sentence Examples

participant in 26th Year of Showa Era Arts Festival, 1951

Marcia, dear, this is one hunting trip… where you’ll have to be more of a spectator than a participant.

The 40% participant… refused to telephone the 60% partner.

The participant put it around his body in this manner.

participant in the Arts Festival 33rd Year of Showa Era (1958)

1962 Arts Festival Minister of Culture Award Winner 1962 Arts Festival Official participant

You know, the distasteful curiosity of the non participant.

Sergio Bruni, the last participant.

Well, not everybody’s a participant in life.

It is a carefully choreographed participant in the waltz.

It is believed that Bruckner was a participant in a daring jewel robbery… less than an hour earlier at the Hotel Fairview.

I was, what you might call, a casual participant in MGM musicals because over 20 years went by between the little effort which you’ve just seen and my next attempt.

I was a witness and a participant.

General Del Marco, …participant in the campaign to Rome, …close friend of Duce, …hero of Ethiopia, …hero from 3 wars…

Aspirant of the Tzarist Russia, participant in the battle of Tsushima.

I mean yes. You are a participant. We have seen to that.

I again an active participant of the same.

So I want to go into this dream like observer, not as a participant.

You were a participant in the biggest interdimensional cross rip… since the Tunguska blast of 1909.

«Co-ed Softball… participant Award.»

You know, I want to get back to this participant thing…

Since yesterday you became a bit excited, today I want you to distance yourself from the events you’re watching, as if you were only a witness, not an actual participant.

Have you ever been an actual participant in a human wedding?

I was a participant in what the Army later called the Geronimo Campaign. It is my wish to throw some light upon the extraordinary events that I witnessed and on the men that lived them.

I’ve been a participant in some of the most insidious lies and witness to deeds that no crazed man could imagine.

whereby, one of the participants takes a part of the other participant‘s person into the place where they might more commonly keep bubblegum, say, and proceeds to masticate…

until the other participant arrives at a state of pleasurable relaxation.

The second participant then gives the first participant ten quid and goes home.

I don’t believe in it, and I won’t be a willing participant.

Be an unwilling participant.

OK, the last participant has arrived.

You will be an observer in the memory but not a participant.

Specifically tailored to each participant

Does any participant challenge the composition of the court?

From 89-93, scientific participant in expeditions to the ice cap, the Arctic Ocean, and arctic North America.»

A participant, someone from the drug company.

I will never be a participant in that kind of crap.

You can only be an observer of their lives, never a participant.

Which brings me to the other participant.

He’s the last participant.

Next participant is Anjali Khanna.

And since Mrs. Hooper was a participant, he hated her, too.

I mean, when you meet John Doe, the Gary Cooper character’s a participant in the plight of the common man.

-You’re a willing participant.

Unlike the stars of the studio era He would not be a passive participant in His own career.

So, every time you make a concession to one participant

So, he was a passive participant.

We wish you to be a participant.

Dylan was a willing participant.

April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

With painful dejection he awaited the end of this action, in which he regarded himself as a participant and which he was unable to arrest.

He was, however, in no way implicated in the murder of the young princes, and he was probably a participant in the conspiracies against Richard.

Jerome appeared, overly chipper, talking up the other climbers as if he was a life-long participant in the sport, not a second day novice.

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Even though it would be a short trip, it was an opportunity to photograph the floral spectacle, with the added opportunity to meet another participant in the Dawkins family chronicle.

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On the Recipient tab, click Participant.

На вкладке Получатель щелкните Участник.




Ice Bucket Challenge participant dislocates her jaw

Участница испытания ведром ледяной воды вывихнула челюсть




— / —

Словосочетания (42)

  1. conference participant — участник конференции
  2. direct participant — прямой участник
  3. domestic participant — местный участник
  4. fellow participant — другой участник
  5. foreign participant — иностранный участник
  6. full participant — полноправный участник
  7. indirect participant — косвенный участник
  8. market participant — участник рынка
  9. participant at the exchange — участник на бирже
  10. participant democracy — совместные действия организованной группы лиц



On the Recipient tab, click Participant.
На вкладке Получатель щелкните Участник.

Ice Bucket Challenge participant dislocates her jaw
Участница испытания ведром ледяной воды вывихнула челюсть

That the Prosecutor, the defence or any other participant in the proceedings be prohibited from disclosing such information to a third party;
запретить Прокурору, защите или любому другому участнику, участвующему в разбирательстве, раскрывать такую информацию какой-либо третьей стороне;

Drop a participant from a course
Удаление участника с курса

Argentina is an active participant in all international disarmament and non-proliferation forums, regimes and instruments dealing with both weapons of mass destruction and conventional weapons.
Аргентина является активной участницей всех международных форумов, режимов и документов в области разоружения и нераспространения, имеющих отношение как к оружию массового уничтожения, так и к обычным вооружениям.


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 Meanings and Examples of PARTICIPANT


 n.  people who take part in a particular activity

Classic Sentence: (32 in 3 pages)

1  It was the first of a long series of such outrages, of which I was doomed to be a witness and a participant.

The Narrative of the Life By Frederick Douglass
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER I

2  You certainly have the credit of being the first of us to find this out, and, as you say, it bears every mark of having been written by the other participant in last night’s mystery.

A Study In Scarlet By Arthur Conan Doyle

3  With painful dejection he awaited the end of this action, in which he regarded himself as a participant and which he was unable to arrest.

War and Peace(V4) By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 10: CHAPTER XXXVIII

4  Had he remained with you, his life must have become a hateful burden, nor would he have participated in your griefs.

The Count of Monte Cristo By Alexandre Dumas
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 112. The Departure.

5  When I first sought it, it was the love of virtue, the feelings of happiness and affection with which my whole being overflowed, that I wished to be participated.

6  The people of the free states have defended, encouraged, and participated; and are more guilty for it, before God, than the South, in that they have not the apology of education or custom.

Uncle Tom’s Cabin By Harriet Beecher Stowe
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER XLV

7  Every feature of the programme was perfectly executed and was viewed or participated in with the heartiest satisfaction by every visitor present.

Up From Slavery: An Autobiography By Booker T. Washington
Context  Highlight   In Chapter XVII.

8  «I see that you participate in a prevalent error,» said Madame Danglars.

The Count of Monte Cristo By Alexandre Dumas
Context  Highlight   In Chapter 76. Progress of Cavalcanti the Younger.

9  I did not participate in these feelings, for to me the walls of a dungeon or a palace were alike hateful.

10  I was anxious to have them participate with me in this, my life-giving determination.

The Narrative of the Life By Frederick Douglass
Context  Highlight   In CHAPTER X

11  Certain slang phrases which participate in the two epochs and have at once the barbaric character and the metaphorical character resemble phantasmagories.

Les Misérables (V4) By Victor Hugo
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 7: CHAPTER II—ROOTS

12  The same thing that took place in Moscow had happened in all the towns and villages on Russian soil beginning with Smolensk, without the participation of Count Rostopchin and his broadsheets.

War and Peace(V4) By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 11: CHAPTER V

13  He had no plan, he was afraid of everything, but the parties snatched at him and demanded his participation.

War and Peace(V6) By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 16: CHAPTER III

14  For the ancients these questions were solved by a belief in the direct participation of the Deity in human affairs.

War and Peace(V6) By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 17: CHAPTER I

15  Science does not admit the conception of the ancients as to the direct participation of the Deity in human affairs, and therefore history ought to give other answers.

War and Peace(V6) By Leo Tolstoy
Context  Highlight   In BOOK 17: CHAPTER I

Example Sentence: (89 in 6 pages)

16  But the Commission is also a direct participant in fostering the necessary adaptability in the labour market.

17  One participant involved in training said people here have low self-esteem and must contend with almost daily harassment.

18  One participant had conducted some research into small businesses in West Belfast for a research report.

19  There is no comparison between the knowledge and skill of such a player and the ordinary casual participant.

20  I was examining teachers and teaching in one school using such methods as participant observation, unstructured interviews and documentary evidence.

21  It also demonstrated how volatile the presidential race is, with change an ever-present participant.

22  She wrote: Philip presents as a compliant and willing participant in classroom activities.

23  Other ethnographic techniques Ethnographic research is not carried out only by means of participant observation and unstructured interviewing.

24  Because of other demands on his time, the Chancellor will not usually be a leading participant on a regular basis.

25  A murder victim is not a stage-prop in the drama of his death but an active participant.

26  Using the methods offered by the new technical media, he must become a self-aware participant in the total apparatus of production.

27  A riot in a drab housing project outside Paris leaves one participant on his deathbed, a victim of police brutality.

28  Two such distinct behaviours can at times be observed, either by the participant himself or by an outside observer.

29  It will become a virtual world that we inhabit as an observer or a participant.

30  Each participant also behaves as if there exists only one presupposition pool shared by all participants in the discourse.

Definition of Participant

one who takes part in an activity

Examples of Participant in a sentence

Each participant will be given a name tag to show that they paid to come to the conference.


Because he was a participant last year, the player automatically has a spot in the competition.


Each participant was given a chance to take part in the game, but some decided to sit out.


We asked the participant to fill out a questionnaire so that we could find out how much they enjoyed the fashion show.


The choir member loves to sing but doesn’t know if she wants to be a participant in this year’s recital.


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