Sentences with the word paradise

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It was a primordial paradise where time had no meaning.

Это был первозданный рай, в котором время не имело никакого значения.

A wonderful way to get into paradise.

Замечательная притча о том, как попасть в рай.

This is because we were in paradise.

И это было из-за того, что я был на Небесах.

Students from schools, colleges and universities also visited this book lover paradise.

Также этот фестиваль, рай для книголюбов, посетили ученики школ, студенты колледжей и университетов.

Sweden is a paradise compared to here.

Швеция — это просто рай по сравнению с этой страной.

This is paradise compared to what’s coming.

Это рай, по сравнению с тем, что будет.

What a bald paradise that must have been.

Что за рай для лысых это, наверное, был.

Well, another day in paradise.

Что ж, ещё один день в раю.

I thought we could spend a week together in paradise.

Думаю, мы вместе с тобой могли бы провести недельку в раю.

If they are killed, they will reach paradise.

А если убьют их, то они отправятся прямиком в рай.

Kyrgyzstan is a paradise for those who cannot live without mountains.

Кыргызстан это настоящий рай для тех, кто не мыслит себя без гор.

Dreaming of paradise is a blessing in itself.

Видеть сон о рае — это само по себе благословение.

Excuse me, we live in paradise.

Ну, одним словом, мы живем в раю.

Communism claims to paradise come to earth again.

Коммунизм претендует на то, чтобы быть вновь пришедшим на землю раем.

A paradise for all who cannot imagine life without pleasure.

Калифорния — рай для всех, кто не мыслит жизни без наслаждения.

For billions of years the north pole was a tropical paradise.

Но на протяжении большей части последних 100 миллионов лет южный полюс был тропическим раем.

A complaining soul complains even in paradise.

Есть особая прослойка граждан, которая будет жаловаться даже в раю.

But it was spring and I discovered paradise.

Но я приехала туда весной и обнаружила себя в раю.

We felt we were in paradise.

И мы поняли, что были в раю.

A place often referred to as paradise.

Во многих источниках достаточно часто упоминается такое место, как рай.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат paradise

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Looking for sentence and phrases with the word you? Here are some examples.

Sentence Examples

1. There is no Paradise on earth equal to the union of love and innocence. 

2. There is no Paradise on earth equal to the union of love andd innocence. 

3. Parts of California seem like Paradise to me.

4. They all expected to go to Paradise.

5. A Paradise that you cannot leave is hell.

6. The faultfinder will find faults in Paradise.

7. This island is a Paradise for bird-watchers.

8. Adam and Eve dwelt in Paradise.

9. Milton’s » Paradise Lost » is a famous epic.

10. The Koran describes Paradise as a place containing a garden of delight.

11. The hotel felt like Paradise after two weeks of camping.

12. Steps into the dream the Paradise, fantasizes your my romantic plot.

13. His idea of Paradise is to spend the day lying on the beach.

14. They moved to the country hoping to find Paradise.

15. That area is an ornithologist’s Paradise.


Tips to remember how to use «Paradise» in sentences:

  • Understand the meaning and type of that word in reputable dictionaries like Cambridge or Oxford to understand the basic meaning of the word «Paradise».
  • Through the example sentences that we give above, understand how to use the word.
  • Learn the correct pronunciation of the word, the correct pronunciation will help you remember the word better.
  • Read the whole sentence containing the word «Paradise», this will help you familiarize yourself with the pronunciation of the word in the sentence.
  • Learn to associate the image or action of the word «Paradise» through the meaning of the examples, this will help you remember the usage of the word longer.
  • Do not forget to practice many times with useful sentence patterns so that you can remember them for a long time.
  • Combine practice and make your own sentence patterns containing the word, you will progress very quickly!


April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

James remained in a fool’s paradise till the last, and only awakened to his danger when William landed at Torbay (November 5, 1688) and swept all before him.

Religious faith, love of adventure, the hope of making advantageous conquests, anticipations of a promised paradise all combined to force this advance upon the Orient, which though failing to rescue the sepulchre of Christ, the ephemeral kingdoms of Jerusalem and Cyprus, the dukedom of Athens, or the Latin empire of Constantinople, yet gained for France that prestige for military glory and religious piety which for centuries constituted her strength in the Levant (see CRUSADES).

West and beyond the suburb, Heraclea, lay the paradise of Daphne, a park of woods and waters, in the midst of which rose a great temple to the Pythian Apollo, founded by Seleucus I.

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According to the Mahabharata he is at last promoted to Paradise as the reward for his munificent charity.

Japan must indeed be a paradise for children to judge from the great number of playthings which are manufactured there.

Then Sophia or Prunikos sent the serpent (as a benefactor) to persuade Adam and Eve to eat the tree of knowledge and so break the commandment of Ialdabaoth, who banished them from paradise to earth.

The next night, however, having dreamt that he beheld Firdousi in paradise dressed in the sacred colour, green, and wearing an emerald crown, he reconsidered his determination; and the poet was henceforth held to be perfectly orthodox.

Mexico is a paradise of lizards, which are noted for their diversity in form as well as for their remarkable colouration.

BIREN (or BtHREN), Ernst Johann (1690-1772), duke of Courland, was the grandson of a groom in the service of Duke Standard Wing Bird of Paradise (Semioptera wallacei).

The clash of arms breaks upon his pagan paradise with no uncertain sound; he is swift in narrative, breathless in escapade.

рай, благодать, раек, галерка


- рай (тж. перен.)

an earthly paradise — земной рай
the joys of paradise — райское блаженство
Paradise Lost — «Потерянный рай» (произведение Мильтона)

- блаженное состояние
- разг. галёрка, раёк (в театре)
- редк. сад, заповедник (на Востоке)
- зоологический сад, зверинец
- уст. красивый, декоративный сад; монастырский сад

to live in a fool’s paradise — жить иллюзиями
the Yankee paradise — Париж
Children’s Paradise — «Детский мир» (магазин)

Мои примеры


fool’s paradise — призрачное счастье  
earthly paradise — рай земной  
a fool’s paradise — призрачное счастье; нереальный мир; мир иллюзий  
live in a fool’s paradise — жить беззаботно, не задумываясь о будущем; жить беззаботно; жить иллюзиями  
the gate of paradise — райские врата  
bird of paradise — райская птица  
or the gates of paradise — Райские врата; Врата рая  
paradise apple — райское яблоко; райская яблоня; райка  
paradise stock — подвой парадизка  
the gates of paradise — райские врата  

Примеры с переводом

The market is a shopper’s paradise.

Этот рынок — рай для покупателей.

Hawaii is a paradise for surfers.

Гавайи — это рай для сёрферов.

A home near the sea is my idea of paradise.

Моё представление о рае — это дом возле моря.

The Koran describes paradise as a garden of delight.

Коран описывает рай как сад наслаждений.

He calls it a paradise compared to the camp.

Он говорит, что в сравнении с лагерем это сущий рай.

The area is a veritable paradise for those who love walking and swimming.

Это место — настоящий /истинный/ рай для тех, кто любит пешие прогулки и плавание.

The vacation was advertised as a week in paradise.

Отдых в этом месте был разрекламирован, как неделя в раю.

For their various and bizarrely shaped plumage, males of the bird of paradise species have few rivals.

По разнообразию и причудливой форме оперения самцам райских птиц почти нет равных.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

This shop is an antique collecting paradise!

The hotel felt like paradise after two weeks of camping.

Their marriage was very happy at first, but now there’s trouble in paradise.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): paradise
мн. ч.(plural): paradises

  • Use the word Paradise in a sentences

Sentence Examples

The dominion of one woman is paradise… to the dominion of three.

Well, this book tells you how to find paradise… through Christ.

paradise, on the west coast!

We’re following him to paradise, we call ourselves Mormon

And Brigham Young led them to paradise.

Right on the next bus to paradise:

Be careful how you proceed, Arnold (We’re going to paradise!

They traveled across the United States to find paradise in Sal Tlay Ka Siti.

But you said that we could find paradise by listening to you.

Well… when we say that, we mean paradise within yourself.

You traveled from your sparkling lovely paradise in Ootah to tell ridiculous stories to people less fortunate to make fun of them!

In the name of Allah, the imans and the muezzins were going to promise Mahomet’s paradise to the ones who would fall in battle.

paradise is a fool’s dream and Allah is a myth.

Will I be with You tonight in paradise?

This proud phrase that a German prince could transform the World into a paradise if only people were to take this seriously.

Already in paradise, Adam and Eve…

# I’m tired already of paradise so kiss me, kiss me, kiss me!

We’re sitting at a rich table, we’ve been invited by a beautiful woman, but… we’d still be sitting in paradise today if God hadn’t told Eve:

#Lift me and let me rise # # To paradise #

on the historic night when he took a bite he discovered a new paradise?

And after your death let me know, where you are: in paradise or in Hell and how you’re doing.

just like a miracle a golden light falls down on us from paradise that only happens once, that won’t ever be repeated, perhaps it’s only a dream life can give this to you only once, maybe it’ll be all over by tomorrow

come, pick and chose that only happens once, that won’t ever be repeated, perhaps it’s only a dream just like a miracle a golden light falls down on us from paradise that only happens once, that won’t ever be repeated, perhaps it’s only a dream

There’s paradise in every slice of bacon

And Milton, a blind man, gave us paradise Lost.

You’re living in a fool’s paradise.

«A moment spent in paradise like this Is not too clearly purchased by a life»

Second chapter paradise LOST

Here I am, starting for paradise and you expect me to economize on the trip.

Why, my dear Sir Nayland Smith, I will show you the sword myself just before I dispatch you to your cold, saintly Christian paradise.

Luck has allowed us a few drops of a paradise cocktail.

At least I won’t be joining her in paradise.

# Can seem to be a paradise #

Heaven or hell lies in this little moment for me. You could raise me up to paradise or you could blast my world into nothingness.

I’m in paradise, your majesty

* close your drowsy eyes * * drift to paradise * * give him love, And you’ll hold your man *

* close your drowsy eyes * * drift to paradise *

To have you would be paradise divine

To have you would be paradise I know

To have you would be paradise

They’re in Valrosa now and she says it’s paradise.

* Pater, dimitte illis; quia nesciunt, quid faciunt – “Father forgive them, for they know not what they do” (Luke 23: 34) * Hodie mecum eris in paradise – “Verily, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise” ❋ Unknown (2008)

The term paradise itself derives from the Persian language of Avestan. ❋ Adam Leith Gollner (2008)

“I am unfamiliar with everything that the term paradise implies,” Data said. ❋ ESTHER FRIESNER (1990)

But his paradise is almost lost without characters and dialogue as imaginative as their setting. ❋ Unknown (2009)

Most residents are anxious to get back to what they call their paradise and rebuild their lives — Kelly. ❋ Unknown (2005)

Outstanding administrators and builders, the Persians built roads and palaces, inns and even parks—known in Greek as paradeisoi, from which comes our word paradise. ❋ Barry Strauss (2004)

It accords much better with the Lord’s purpose and method to suppose that this phrase and the term paradise, which he afterwards employed to express the same idea, were adopted by him from the current custom, than that they were then first introduced. ❋ William Arnot (N/A)

No matter how you starve and suffer here, you will feast in paradise, that is, if you will follow the directions. ‘ ❋ Unknown (1903)

Protestants of France had a church which they called paradise, because, when they were in the house of God, they thought themselves in paradise. ❋ Unknown (1692)

I have found that the definition of «paradise» is a very relative one. ❋ Unknown (2008)

[Well] [stay] [all night] in paradise ❋ Ravagium (2016)

oh [grace], [i am] in paradise [when i] am with you ❋ Kellylovesgrace (2005)

1. I want to go to The Alps, it’s paradise!
2. I want to go to Tibet and see the mountains to relax in paradise3. A person was telling me about the rainforst’s in Maui, sounds like paradise!
4. A friend mentioned they lived in Montana in the countryside, he said it sucked, but I thought it sounded like paradise5. I want to go to The Bahamas, its ABSOLUTE PARADISE!
6. I hear there are good lake resorts throughout Canada, must be paradise7. I have only lived in the countryside damnit! I need to go to the big city and experience life!
8. I have only lived in the city damnit! I need to go to the suburban towns and get some zest in my life!
9. She told me about traveling through Italy, sounds amazing…like paradise10. a new exchange student is from [Australian outback], i’ve only heard of [outback steakhouse], I think I should visit there, he said its paradise11. I am going hunting in Africa, I don’t really want to run into any aborigines, but just to get a few [wildebeest’s] and see the african wildlife ❋ PhatPJ (2009)

[Julius]: [Burger King] is paradise for me.
Gwendi: Being with [Silvan] is paradise for me. ❋ Kohlröschen (2017)

[florida],paradise,[drivers],pay,food,[third world] technology all suck. ❋ Al 88 (2005)

hot chick #1: dammnn that paradise over here lookin’ [hot asf]
hot chick #2: [i know but] [back off] she’s mine !! ❋ Madisonbeersf!ckinhot (2020)

[Lucy] thought when she’d [die], she’d [go to] Paradise. ❋ OneBadAsp (2006)

[Let]’s [go to] Paradise, [Ca] ❋ Pair O’ Dice (2019)

Paradise is [a girl] name people
[Did you know] that Paradise is [so funny] ❋ Tropicalxavery (2018)

Ex.- Baby, you are so [paradise]! [I wanna] [kiss] you! ❋ Maxxx Waxxx (2010)

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