Sentences with the word out of date

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out of date








Men somehow think that in an age of scientific achievement, this ancient book is out of date.

Люди почему-то думают, что в век научных достижений эта древняя книга устарела.

In other words, the article was either premature or out of date.

Другими словами, эта статья либо преждевременна, либо устарела.

Although some may regard it as out of date, my delegation believes it continues to be valid.

Хотя некоторые могут рассматривать этот документ как устаревший, моя делегация считает, что он по-прежнему остается в силе.

It also analyzes whether your applications are out of date and updates them for you.

Он также анализирует, являются ли ваши приложения устаревшими и обновляет их для вас.

The first and most obvious is that the recommendations in the guidelines may become out of date.

Первое и наиболее очевидное — рекомендации в руководящих принципах могут устареть.

By the time the research is complete it may be out of date.

Пока проверка закончится, ПО может устареть.

Out of date fortress guns could not cause a great harm to allied fleet.

Устаревшие крепостные орудия не могли причинить союзному флоту ощутимого вреда.

Out of date textbooks put sustainable development at risk.

Устаревшие учебники ставят под угрозу достижение устойчивого развития

Out of date plugins are prime targets for those in search of security weaknesses and can also break when newer versions of WordPress and other plugins are released.

Устаревшие плагины являются первоочередными целями для тех, кто ищет недостатки в безопасности, а также могут ломаться при выпуске новых версий WordPress и других плагинов.

Out of date and non-serviced laboratory equipment can put laboratory users at risk of infection.

Устаревшее и необслуживаемое лабораторное оборудование может подвергнуть людей, работающих в такой лаборатории, риску заражения.

The legislation governing our sector is hopelessly out of date.

Очевидно, что законодательство, которое эту сферу регулирует, безнадежно устарело.

Whatever is not eternal is eternally out of date.

«Все, что не для вечности, является вечно устаревшим».

However, this view is not only out of date, now science has deployed it to 180 degrees.

Однако этот взгляд не просто устарел, теперь наука развернула его на 180 градусов.

This is especially important as new recreational drugs are constantly emerging, often rendering professional literature out of date.

Это особенно важно, поскольку постоянно появляются новые рекреационные наркотики, которые часто делают профессиональную литературу устаревшей.

The site links to laws and research reports, but is somewhat out of date.

Сайт ссылается на законы и исследовательские отчеты, но несколько устарел.

We are too small-numbered to survive following to our centuries-old but already out of date unwritten laws.

Нас слишком мало, чтобы выжить, следуя нашим многовековым, но уже устаревшим неписанным правилам.

The way people do research is changing so rapidly that by the time you finish reading this answer it will probably be out of date.

Как люди проводят исследования настолько быстро меняется, что к тому времени как вы закончите читать этот ответ вероятно устарело.

I always wonder whether I should contribute from experience that is now so out of date.

Я всегда задаюсь вопросом, должен ли я внести свой вклад из опыта, который сейчас настолько устарел.

The addresses and phone numbers can be out of date.

Информация о телефонах и адресах может быть устаревшей.

Some delegations considered that the concept of «bottomry» was out of date and should be excluded from the list of maritime claims.

По мнению некоторых делегаций, понятие «бодмереи» устарело и должно быть исключено из перечня морских требований.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат Out of date

Результатов: 1495. Точных совпадений: 1495. Затраченное время: 190 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

устаревший, устарелый, старомодный


- устарелый; старомодный

Мои примеры


be out of date — устаревать; устареть  
get out of date — устаревать  
it is now out of date — устарел  
out-of-date capacity — устаревшие производственные фонды  
out-of-date item — устаревшее изделие  
out-of-date key — ключ, срок действия которого истёк; недействительный ключ; устаревший ключ  
out-of-date model — устаревшая модель  
out-of-date module — модуль, изменённый со времени последней компиляции  
out-of-date ship — устаревшее судно  
out-of-date treaty — устаревший договор  

Примеры с переводом

The information in the tourist guide is already out-of-date.

Информация в туристическом путеводителе уже устарела.

Their manufacturing methods are hopelessly out-of-date.

Их производственные методы безнадёжно устарели.

You should not use that source, inasmuch as it is badly out-of-date.

Не следует использовать этот источник, поскольку он безнадёжно устарел.

1. A passport that is out of date is invalid.

2. But it’s out of date already.

3. That radio looks so out of date.

4. These sets of machines were out of date.

5. This kind of machine is out of date.

6. Suddenly she felt old and out of date.

7. In summary, his views are out of date.

8. Will denim jeans ever go out of date?

9. My passport is out of date.

10. These figures are very out of date.

11. Think how rapidly medical knowledge has gone out of date in recent years.

12. We are all out of date in relation to the challenges that we face in our work. 2.

13. The elementary school buildings are out of date and some are insanitary ….

14. But analysts say such familiar complaints are largely out of date.

15. Some legal experts say an inquest is an out of date and inappropriate way of investigating the deaths.

16. I beg to point out that your information are out of date.

17. It seemed that our genuine concerns and grievances were largely ignored and we were dismissed as being out of date and out of touch.

18. Perhaps my notion of wilderness is romantic and hopelessly out of date, but I have to say that I find paragliding an intrusion.

19. I take a certain perverse pleasure in offering one of these a-topical tone poems, unsolicited and out of date.

20. But if those assumptions were ever right, as we head into the twenty-first century they are definitely out of date.

21. It sounded like one of a series of novels for young girls that was now sorely out of date.

22. Children used to computer games will enjoy this, but the gizmos will soon seem out of date.

23. Yet it is instantly available, unlike official statistics that are always out of date.

24. Firstly, changing external factors meant that many plans became rapidly out of date and so they could never be implemented properly.

25. First, social trends and policy changes are affecting low-income families in ways that leave studies rapidly out of date.

26. The development plan is only one of the material considerations[ of date.html], and its policies and assumptions may be out of date.

27. You don’t seriously think I’d drive around knowing that my insurance was out of date?

28. Wesley Smith Seeing is believing … the videophone which takes the blind out of date.

29. Therefore, to some degree any public relations proposal for any potential client is out of date as soon as it is written.

30. Meanwhile, librarian Jane Lane has recently had to discard around 100 social science books because they were woefully out of date.


Example Sentences

Recent Examples on the Web

Security teams should ensure that vulnerable and out-of-date OT devices are properly patched and updated, even if this has to be a manual process.

Sameer Malhotra, Forbes, 23 Mar. 2023

But a government review, reported by the Washington Post last summer, found that UNOS relied on out-of-date technology and didn’t allow appropriate scrutiny of its systems by government officials.

Nicole Wetsman, ABC News, 22 Mar. 2023

Cherkonov, framing the conflict, as Ukraine’s President Volodymyr Zelenskyy often does, as a fight for freedom and democracy against out-of-date imperial authoritarianism.

Scott Peterson, The Christian Science Monitor, 8 Mar. 2023

Some sites are more than a century old, with out-of-date plumbing and ageing materials leading to disruptions in care.

Katherine Hignett, Forbes, 19 Feb. 2023

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘out-of-date.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

First Known Use

1589, in the meaning defined above

Time Traveler

The first known use of out-of-date was
in 1589

Dictionary Entries Near out-of-date

Cite this Entry

“Out-of-date.” Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


More from Merriam-Webster on out-of-date

Last Updated:
30 Mar 2023
— Updated example sentences

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Merriam-Webster unabridged

Definition of Out Of Date

old enough that something is no longer relevant to modern times

Examples of Out Of Date in a sentence

Slavery is an out of date concept in most first world countries, which is why it is illegal in practically all of them.


My grandparents continue to use out of date landline phones even though they are considered practically ancient by now.


Swords have become out of date weapons thanks to firearms, but many enthusiasts still like to practice with them.


Other words in the Uncategorized category:

Most Searched Words (with Video)

out of date

1. Expired; no longer fit to be consumed or able to be used. I wouldn’t eat that ham if I were you—it’s out of date. My passport was out of date, so they wouldn’t let me on the flight.

2. Lacking current information or technology; outdated. No wonder your phone isn’t working—the software is out of date. The information in this encyclopedia is all out of date.

3. No longer in fashion; not of the current style. She wore an elaborate hat to the wedding that, while elegant, was a bit out of date.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

out of date

1. Too old to be used, past the point of expiration, as in This milk is out of date. [Early 1600s]

2. Old-fashioned, no longer in style, as in Dean has three suits but they’re all out of date. [Early 1800s]

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

ˌout of ˈdate

not modern; not including the latest information: This atlas is out of date.I’m afraid you must have been using an out-of-date catalogue.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

out of date

No longer in style; old-fashioned: clothes that went out of date last year.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

See also:

  • to date
  • of even date
  • name the day
  • double date
  • heavy date
  • drop-dead date
  • best before date
  • potential
  • potential formal date
  • Can I see you again?

up-to-date – современный, новейший, актуальный, отвечающий последним требованиям, содержащий новейшую информацию

out-of-date – старый, устаревший, старомодный, недействительный

In today’s podcast, I am going to talk about the English word «up-to-date». Well, it is really three words – «up», «to» and «date» – normally we spell it with hyphens in between – but we can think of «up-to-date» as a single word. «Up-to-date» is an adjective. It means «having the latest information or ideas». We can say that something, or someone, is «up-to-date».

В сегодняшней передаче я собираюсь рассказать об английском слове «up-to-date» (современный, актуальный). Что ж, на самом деле это три слова — «up», «to» и «date» – обычно мы пишем их через дефис – но можем считать «up-to-date» одним словом. «Up-to-date» – это прилагательное. Оно означает «владеть самой последней информацией или передовыми идеями». Мы можем употребить «up-to-date» по отношению к чему-то или кому-то.

I will give you some examples in a minute. But first, you need to know that the opposite of «up-to-date» is «out-of-date». If something is out-of-date, it does not contain the latest information or ideas. Sometimes it means «old fashioned» or «no longer valid».

Сейчас я приведу вам несколько примеров. Но сначала вы должны знать, что антоним к «up-to-date» – это «out-of-date» (устаревший). Если что-то является out-of-date, то это что-то не содержит последних информации и мыслей. Иногда это означает «старомодный» или «недействительный».

Lets look at some examples.

Рассмотрим несколько примеров.

Kevin, as you know, is mad keen about football. Often on Saturday he goes to see his team play. But he also want to know what is happening in the other football matches that are taking place at the same time. So he gets text messages on his mobile phone, to give him the latest scores in the other matches. Kevin likes to be up-to-date. The text messages keep Kevin up-to-date with the other football matches.

Кевин, как вы знаете, помешан на футболе. Часто, по субботам, он ходит на игры своей команды. Но он также хочет знать, что происходит в других футбольных матчах, идущих в то же время. Итак, он получает на свой мобильный телефон текстовые сообщения, дающие ему последние сведения о голах, забитых в других матчах. Кевин любит быть в курсе (up-to-date). Текстовые сообщения позволяют Кевину быть в курсе событий других футбольных матчей.

Joanne is planning to go on a picnic with some friends. Will the weather by OK, or will it rain? The weather forecast yesterday was that the weather today would be cloudy but dry. but perhaps that weather forecast is now out-of-date. So Joanne listens to the weather forecast on the radio to get up-to-date information about the weather. The weather forecast still says that the weather will be cloudy but dry, so Joanne and her friends set off for their picnic. However, they get lost, because they are using an out-of-date map, which does not show some roads which have been built in the last ten years.

Джоанн планирует съездить на пикник с друзьями. Будет ли погода хорошей, или будет дождь? Вчера в прогнозе погоды сообщили, что сегодня погода будет облачной, но сухой. Но, возможно, сейчас прогноз устарел (out-of-date). Итак, Джоанн слушает прогноз погоды по радио, чтобы получать актуальную (up-to-date) информацию о погоде. Прогноз погоды все еще передает, что погода будет облачной, но сухой, поэтому Джоанн с друзьями отправляется на пикник. Однако, они сбиваются с пути, потому что используют устаревшую (out-of-date) карту, которая не показывает некоторые дороги, проложенные в течение последних десяти лет.

John loves technology, or – rather – he loves technological gadgets which do clever things. Not all of these gadgets are useful, but John loves them anyway. He has just bought the latest, the most up-to-date iPhone. Is an iPhone useful, or is it just a gadget? I don’t know!

Джон любит технику, или – скорее — он любит технические устройства, способные делать умные вещи. Не все эти устройства полезны, но они все равно нравятся Джону. Он только что купил последний, новейший (up-to-date) iPhone. Есть ли польза от iPhone, или это просто гаджет? Я не знаю!

Mary has some important exams at the end of the year. She also has to complete a project to show to the examiners. Her teacher asks her, «Are you up-to-date with your project?» That means, have you done everything you should have done by now? If Mary’s work is not up-to-date, we say that she is «behind» with her work. She will have to work hard all weekend in order to catch up.

У Мери важные экзамены в конце года. Ей также нужно закончить проект, чтобы показать его экзаменаторам. Преподаватель спрашивает ее: «Ты успеваешь с проектом? (Are you up-to-date with your project?)» Это значит, сделала ли ты все, что должна была к этому времени? Если работа у Мери не готова, мы говорим, что она отстает (to be behind with smth). Ей придется усердно работать все выходные, чтобы наверстать упущенное.

George thinks that it would be a great idea to go to Paris for the weekend with some friends. But he can’t. His passport is out-of-date. That means, it is no longer valid. He will need to get his passport renewed.

Джордж считает, что неплохо было бы съездить на выходные в Париж с друзьями. Но он не может. Его паспорт недействителен (out-of-date). Это значит, что срок его действия истек. Джорджу нужно будет обновить паспорт.

Kevin sees an advertisement for a job in the newspaper. It looks attractive. It is closer to home, and it would pay more. The advertisement says that he should send an up-to-date CV (CV stands for curriculum vitae, which is Latin and means an list of the things that you have done in your life – what school you went to, what you studied at university, what jobs you have done – things like that.) The last time that Kevin looked at his CV was three years ago, so the CV is out-of-date. He needs to update his CV, by adding information for the last three years. He needs to bring his CV up-to-date.

Кевин видит объявление о работе в газете. Выглядит привлекательно. Ближе к дому, да и зарплата больше. В объявлении сказано, что ему нужно послать свежее CV. (CV – curriculum vitae – на латыни это означает список дел, сделанных вами в жизни – в какую школу вы ходили, что вы изучали в университете, какой работой вы занимались – что-то вроде этого (резюме)). В последний раз Кевин заглядывал в свое CV три года назад, так что CV не актуально (out-of-date). Ему нужно обновить CV, добавив информацию о последних трех годах. Ему нужно сделать свое CV актуальным (up-to-date).

Joanne’s grandmother is 92 years old. Despite her age, she likes the latest pop music, and she always watches the news on television, because she likes to keep up-to-date with what is happening in the world. Joanne’s grandfather, however, has some very out-of-date attitudes – he wants to bring back compulsory military service, for example, and thinks that too many married women go out to work.

Бабушке Джоанн 92 года. Несмотря на возраст, ей нравятся новинки популярной музыки, и она всегда смотрит новости по телевизору, потому что хочет быть в курсе происходящего в мире (up-to-date). У дедушки Джоанн, впрочем, весьма устаревшее (out-of-date) отношение к жизни — он хочет вернуть обязательную воинскую службу, например, и думает, что слишком много замужних женщин выходят на работу.

And finally, I looked in my fridge a few minutes ago. There was some yoghurt at the back of the fridge. The label on the yoghurt pot says «Best before 28 August». Today is 6 October. The yoghurt is out-of-date. Shall I eat the yoghurt anyway? Maybe not.

И, наконец, несколько минут назад я заглянул в холодильник. В глубине холодильника осталось немного йогурта. Этикетка на упаковке йогурта гласит: «Использовать до 28 августа». Сегодня 6 октября. Йогурт испортился (out-of-date). Съесть мне йогурт несмотря на это? Наверное, нет.

Peter Carter


  • fuddy-duddy, stick-in-the-mud – человек с устаревшими взглядами; старомодный; скучный; консервативный; закостеневший; отсталый; ретроград
  • old-school – старомодный; консервативный, придерживающийся старых идей и традиций; винтажный

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I would say that, in the future, the book will be reserved for things that function best as a book. So, if I need a textbook that’s going to be out of date because of new technological inventions, you’re better off having it where you can download the supplements or the update.

Art Spiegelman





Out of date can act as an adjective and an adverb.

The adjective is the word that accompanies the noun to determine or qualify it.

The adverb is an invariable part of the sentence that can change, explain or simplify a verb or another adverb.


Definition of out of date in the English dictionary

The definition of out of date in the dictionary is no longer valid, current, or fashionable; outmoded.

Synonyms and antonyms of out of date in the English dictionary of synonyms


The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «out of date» and belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «out of date» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of out of date to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of out of date from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «out of date» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish


570 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi

तारीख से बाहर

380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic


280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian


278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese

fora da moda

270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali

আউট তারিখ

260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French


220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay

luput tarikh

190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German


180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

lỗi thời

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil

தேதி முடிந்தது

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish

tarihi geçmiş

70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian


65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian


40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian


30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek


15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans

uit datum

14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish


10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian


5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of out of date


The term «out of date» is very widely used and occupies the 7.652 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Very widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «out of date» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of out of date

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «out of date».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «out of date» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «out of date» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about out of date


Famous quotes and sentences with the word out of date.

Marie von Ebner-Eschenbach

So soon as a fashion is universal, it is out of date.

For a long time many believed that there would be an automatic adjustment and counted on a rapid increase in the wages of the emerging nations, on our advances in technology and the costs of transport preventing disruption. But this reassuring analysis is out of date.

The image of my face I hold in my mind is always about 10 years out of date.

And their pals vote for their stuff when they’re not on the panel, and it just keeps going that way. And they tend to be very fringe artists, so anything before the 20th century is not worth considering. This is out of date.

They believed that Britain was in Ireland defending their own interests, therefore the Irish had the right to use violence to put them out. My argument was that that type of thinking was out of date.

I love Los Angeles. I love when people make fun of it. I think, ‘Good, don’t come.’ All the jokes about it feel out of date.

I would say that, in the future, the book will be reserved for things that function best as a book. So, if I need a textbook that’s going to be out of date because of new technological inventions, you’re better off having it where you can download the supplements or the update.


Discover the use of out of date in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to out of date and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


Routledge Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Index

Results with normal children show that, typically, 3-year-olds fail both the out-of-
date photograph and belief tasks, while most 4-year-olds pass both. However, if a
normal child passes only one of these tasks, there is a reliable tendency for …


The Fairy Spinner: And Out of Date Or Not? (1875)

This scarce antiquarian book is a selection from Kessinger Publishing’s Legacy Reprint Series.


Proceedings of the Fourth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on …

The vertices represented in the actual graph but not present in the virtual graph
will be called out- of-date vertices, and each spanning-tree edge found in Step 2
between two out-of-date vertices will be called an out-of-date edge; note that this


Chambers Universal Learners’ Dictionary

‘dateline nc the line drawn on the map of the W Pacific, east and west of which
the date is different. out of date 1 old-fashioned : ‘/7ns coat is out of date/very out-
of-date ; That has gone out of date ; an out-of-date coat. 2 no longer able to be …


Harrap’s essential English Dictionary

4 Something dates if it goes out of fashion too soon: / like to buy classical styles
that won’t date. t> phrases 1 Something or someone is out of date if they a are
oldfashioned: Your opinions are out of date a out- of-date styles, b lack the most …


Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Performance Tuning Cookbook

After creating the statistics for the column, the column becomes out-of-date after
executing DML commands, such as INSERT, UPDATE, anol DELETE, because
these commands change data, thereby affecting data distribution. In this scenario


New Software Engineering Paradigm Based on Complexity …

Out of Date ……………………….72 2.8 Current Software Quality Assurance
Paradigm Is Out of Date ……….72 2.9 Current Software Visualization Paradigm Is
Out of Date ……………….73 2.10 Current Software Documentation Paradigm Is out
of Date …


Dimensions of Library and Information Science: Kaula …

Out-of-Date Books Prof Kaula was quite disappointed about the recent trends in
libraries, where out-of-date books were stored and the new documents and
books were not acquired. It has been investigated by a survey that 80 per cent of

Velaga Venkatappaiah, 1990


Truth: Can You Handle It?

Out-of-date traditional church practices have affected millions of people, in one
form or another, for well over a thousand years. Many out-of-date traditions are
practiced on a world-wide scale, and have undeniably influenced the modus …


Readings in Object-oriented Database Systems

When the value of an intrinsic attribute is changed, it may cause the attributes
which depend on it to become out of date with respect to their defining attribute
evaluation rules. Instead of immediately recomputing these values, we simply
mark …

Stanley Benjamin Zdonik, David Maier, 1990


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term out of date is used in the context of the following news items.

Junior Seau’s daughter should be allowed to speak at Hall of Fame …

… domestic violence, to the Washington Redskins scandal, to the Adrian Peterson fiasco, the league appears out of date with the rest of society. «, Jul 15»

Sky prepares launch of new ‘Apple and Netflix-style’ set-top box

… acknowledged that the YouView technology, developed in partnership with TalkTalk and Britain’s public service broadcasters, is out of date. «, Jul 15»

Searching for Mrs Livingstone

My guide book, I realised, was rather out of date. «You might get a ferry if you drive south-west,» said the woman running Mutarara’s only hotel. «BBC News, Jul 15»

DCF monitor of abused boy is unlicensed

… for Oliver’s death, while criticizing it for inadequate staffing and technology and “grossly out of date” policies for protecting children. «Boston Globe, Jul 15»

The X-Men Are Great As Old Farts

… take to recharge. The younger X-Men tease former teacher Emma Frost about looking old and out of date. The X-Men Are Great As Old Farts. «Kotaku Australia, Jul 15»

Jeb Bush now says he wouldn’t ‘phase out’ Medicare. What he …

… is looking brighter and brighter — in no small part because of the Affordable Care Act. The argument Bush is making is ten years out of date. «Washington Post, Jul 15»

How the CIA Turned a Sex Doll Into a Spy Trick

In any event, notes McIntosh, disguises and other tradecraft paraphernalia can go quickly out of date with the changing times. In the mid-1960s, … «Newsweek, Jul 15»

Grant Woodward: Dirty Leeds tag is out of date

The fact is the stereotype of Leeds fans being little more then a bunch of nasty hooligans spoiling for their next scrap is hopelessly out of date. «Yorkshire Evening Post, Jul 15»

Gull problem is ‘spiralling out of control’ says Cheltenham man who …

… protection are based, is 15 years out of date and did not survey the numbers of urban gulls, whose numbers are now spiralling out of control. «Gloucestershire Echo, Jul 15»

City’s immunization records out of date for 63000 Ottawa students

Ottawa Public Health says it still does not have up-to-date immunization records for some 63,000 Ottawa students and says if parents don’t get … «, Jul 15»


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