Sentences with the word otherwise

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


We who believe this must act otherwise.

«Мы, те, кто верит в это, должны действовать иначе.

Although they claim to be harmless some students think otherwise.

Ученые утверждают, что оно безвредно, но некоторые люди думают иначе.

And this just might prevent violent revolutions that could otherwise happen.

И только это может предотвратить насильственные революции, которые в противном случае могут произойти.

What’s interesting about aboulomania is that the affected person is otherwise completely normal.

Что интересно об абуломании, так это то, что пострадавший человек в противном случае полностью нормален.

We may experience weight fluctuations throughout our lives, planned or otherwise.

Мы можем испытывать колебания веса на протяжении всей жизни, как мы планируем или иным образом.

Defacing or otherwise damaging library property.

Повреждать или иным образом ухудшать состояние имущества Казино.

But with the believer it is otherwise.

Но с верующим, склонным к размышлению, дело обстоит иначе.

As discussed earlier, the courts have held otherwise.

Однако, как мы отмечали выше, на практике суды решили иначе.

To think otherwise distorts his thinking.

Думать иначе — значит искажать ее истинную цель.

Anyone who says otherwise is irresponsible.

Всякий, кто думает иначе, поступает безответственно.

Perhaps we could not live otherwise.

Мы, наверно, не смогли бы жить иначе.

But nobody thinks; otherwise people would learn from small children.

Однако никто не задумывается об этом; в противном случае, люди учились бы у маленьких детей.

Any other decision cannot be interpreted otherwise than politically motivated.

Любое другое решение не может быть истолковано иначе, чем политически мотивированное.

Perhaps people born in 1975 will think otherwise.

Возможно, люди, рождённые в 1975 году, посчитают иначе.

I was an influence that he didn’t otherwise have.

Я являлся тем влиянием, которое у него иначе не было бы.

Nothing can be otherwise except for full support and mutual integration with each other.

Ничего не может быть иначе, кроме как полной поддержки и полного взаимного включения друг в друга.

Anyone who says otherwise is kidding themselves.

Сами-Знаете-Кто победил, …а тот, кто говорит иначе, лишь обманывает себя.

I know you’d rather believe otherwise.

Я понимаю, что Вам бы хотелось думать иначе.

Technology and globalization have helped people form more connections than they would otherwise.

Q — Технологии и глобализация помогли людям сформировать больше связей, чем они могли бы в противном случае.

It is great for wealthier investors who would otherwise hit the FDIC limits.

Это здорово для более богатых инвесторов, которые в противном случае попали бы в пределы FDIC.

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1. This theory makes sense of an otherwise inexplicable phenomenon.

2. Walk slowly on the ice,otherwise you’ll fall.

3. Stand still there, otherwise I’ll shoot.

4. Her heels gave her the height she otherwise lacked.

5. Protestors were executed, jailed or otherwise persecuted.

6. Olivier’s performance redeemed an otherwise second-rate play.

7. He says it’s genuine, but we think otherwise.

8. These weaknesses negated his otherwise progressive attitude towards the staff.

9. The radio had been stolen, but otherwise we got the car back in one piece.

10. Sometimes u need to look back, otherwise u will never know what u have lost in the way of forever searching.

11. You obviously think otherwise.

12. I can’t come to dinner on Tuesday-I’m otherwise engaged .

13. Shut the window,( otherwise it’ll get too cold in here.

14. If those who have broken up can still be friends,they’ve never been in love,otherwise they are still in love.

15. Don’t be mean with fabric, otherwise curtains will end up looking skimpy.

16. Sometimes you need to look back, otherwise you will never know what you have lost in the way of forever searching.

17. Turn off the gas when the milk boils. Otherwise it will be spilt.

18. My parents lent me the money. Otherwise, I couldn’t have afforded the trip.

19. The pictures showed cracks and other irregularities in otherwise perfectly regular crystals.

20. I hope the coming love would last for a lifetime,otherwise just don’t come.

21. Of course I was wrong; it would be hypocritical to pretend otherwise.

22. The accident was my fault-it would be foolish to pretend otherwise.

23. We were going to play football, but it was so hot that we decided to do otherwise.

24. He has occasional injections to maintain his good health but otherwise he lives a normal life.

25. The wise never marry, And when they marry they become otherwise.

26. We’re committed to the project. We wouldn’t be here otherwise.

27. Franklin told Howe to hurry up and take his bath; otherwise, they’d miss their train.

28. fend for yourself to look after yourself without help from anyone else: His parents agreed to pay the rent for his apartment but otherwise left him to fend for himself.

29. Life is not the game of life, or it will be without a single success; can’t live without game, otherwise monotonous boring.

30. Better not to ignore the past but learn from it instead. Otherwise, history has a way of repeating itself.

иначе, в противном случае, иным образом, иной, другой


- иначе, иным способом, иным образом; по-другому

this must be done quite otherwise — это надо сделать совсем по-другому
he could do it no otherwise — он не мог сделать это иначе
they don’t influence him any otherwise than by example — они действуют на него только /не иначе как/ примером

- в других отношениях

the rent is high, but otherwise the house is satisfactory — квартирная плата высока, но в остальном /в других отношениях/ дом нас вполне устраивает
an otherwise satisfactory piece of work — во всех других отношениях вполне приемлемая работа
you reminded me of what I would otherwise have forgotten — вы мне напомнили о том, о чём бы я иначе забыл

- или же, в противном случае

go at once, otherwise you will miss the train — отправляйтесь немедленно, иначе опоздаете на поезд
and otherwise — и наоборот
the merits or otherwise of the plan — достоинства или недостатки этого плана


- противоположный; иной, другой

we hoped his behaviour would be otherwise — мы надеялись, что он будет вести себя иначе
their otherwise friends — их друзья в кавычках
his answer could not be otherwise — он не мог ответить иначе

Мои примеры


if conditions were otherwise — если бы условия были другими  
except as otherwise provided — если иное не предусмотрено  
unless otherwise specified — если не задано иное  
unless otherwise mentioned — если не оговорено иное  
if not specified otherwise by the law — если иное не предусмотрено законом  
under otherwise equal conditions — при прочих равных условиях  
except as otherwise noted — за исключением тех случаев, когда указано иначе  
except as otherwise provided in — за исключением тех случаев, когда предусмотрено иное  
otherwise minded — инакомыслящий  
put it otherwise — иными словами; иначе говоря  

Примеры с переводом

Put your coat on, otherwise you’ll get cold.

Наденьте пальто, иначе вы простудитесь. (здесь get cold — простудиться)

Do what I tell you, otherwise you’ll be sorry.

Делай, что я тебе говорю, или пожалеешь.

God saw otherwise.

Бог судил иначе.

I might otherwise have left.

В других обстоятельствах я бы ушёл.

I have otherwise no reason to suspect them.

У меня нет других причин их подозревать.

I went at once; otherwise I should have missed him.

Я тотчас же пошел, иначе я упустил бы его.

Almost thirty thousand women, Irish and otherwise.

Почти тридцать тысяч женщин, ирландок и других национальностей.

ещё 13 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Their arrival livened up an otherwise dull afternoon.

The women talked in the living room while the men were otherwise occupied.

We were delayed at the airport. Otherwise we would have been here by lunch time.

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There are no rules in English that teach us that certain words cannot start sentences. There are plenty of myths surrounding these questions, but none of them hold when challenged. This article will look into starting a sentence with otherwise and how you can make the most of it.

You can start a sentence with “otherwise” when it is used to show a different situation from the previous sentence. However, it is not common practice, and it’s not formal either, so you’re better off not doing so. “Otherwise” works best to start a subordinate clause.

Can You Start A Sentence With "Otherwise"?

You might be wondering what instances there are that allow us to use “otherwise” at the start of a sentence. Generally, these cases come around based on your style of writing. For example:

  • He had to do something quickly to help the situation. Otherwise, who knows how things might have gone.

As you can see, the above sentence needs to be split into two. “Otherwise” has to start the second sentence because the overall sentence would be too wordy and difficult to read for many people.

There is nothing grammatically incorrect with the above example, but it’s not a common thing that many formal writers will use.

What Does “Otherwise” Mean At The Beginning Of A Sentence?

So, how can we use “otherwise” at the beginning of a sentence? It all comes back to what it means and how it refers to the previous sentence.

“Otherwise” means “or else” or “failing that” at the beginning of a sentence. We always use it to link back to the previous statement, and we’re showing what might happen if the previous sentence is not fulfilled or completed.

Typically, “otherwise” introduces a negative clause. It gives us some kind of negative effect that would be challenging for somebody to overcome.

Examples Of How To Use “Otherwise” At The Beginning Of A Sentence

It might help you to see a few more examples of how “otherwise” works to start a sentence. Once you’ve seen some of these, you should be able to use it correctly yourself.

  1. He shouldn’t have said anything to them about it. Otherwise, no one would have a clue what was going on.
  2. You will need to buy all of these items yourself. Otherwise, you’re not going to have much fun while we’re on vacation.
  3. You have to do these things before the end of the day. Otherwise, you’ll end up grounded by your parents.
  4. I have to complete my homework before tomorrow! Otherwise, Mrs. Smith is going to kill me!
  5. I thought you might quite like to go to the cinema with me. Otherwise, I suppose we could just go to a restaurant.
  6. We will need to find the tickets before we board the train. Otherwise, they’re not going to let us on!
  7. She has to be there. Otherwise, who will be in the audience to support me with this?

“Otherwise” can start a sentence when used as a conjunctive or transitional word. That means we need a sentence to come before “otherwise” to allow us to link back correctly to the meaning from before.

Where Should I Place The Comma When Using “Otherwise” At The Beginning Of A Sentence?

The punctuation rules that come with “otherwise” aren’t too dissimilar to what you might expect. Still, it would be helpful to know how to punctuate the word before writing it yourself.

You should place a comma after “otherwise” whenever it starts a sentence. It’s a conjunctive phrase, and we need the comma after it to show that it’s additional to the sentence, but it isn’t directly necessary to change the meaning.

Here’s how the comma rules work with “otherwise:”

  • Correct: I need you to be there with me. Otherwise, I don’t know what I’m going to do.
  • Incorrect: I need help with this essay. Otherwise my teacher is going to give me the worst mark!

You might also like: “Otherwise” – Comma Rules Explained (Helpful Examples)

Is It Informal To Start A Sentence With “Otherwise”?

We’ve mentioned a few times in this article that starting a sentence with “otherwise” isn’t strictly formal. We typically use it informally (it’s mostly used at the start of a spoken sentence).

“Otherwise” is informal because we typically use it to start a subordinate clause with formal writing. We want to place two contradicting clauses together when using “otherwise” in most formal cases.

Of course, most of that depends on your tone and style. Some formal writers are happy to place “Otherwise” at the start of a sentence. However, the general consensus is that it should be avoided.

Alternatives To Starting A Sentence With “Otherwise”

It might help you to understand some synonyms for the word. That way, you might have better luck with something that’s considered slightly more appropriate with formal writing.

  • Or else
  • Or
  • If not
  • Failing that
  • Without that
  • Apart from that
  • In other ways

Can You End A Sentence With “Otherwise”?

“Otherwise” isn’t only for the beginning of a sentence. We can also find it in other places.

You can end a sentence with “Otherwise” when using it as an adjective or an adverb. These are both common formats for “otherwise,” and we can use them to describe something as “different” or “alternative” from an expected scenario.

Here’s how it might look:

  • He booked the tickets to suit the times of the people who would not come otherwise.
  • I wish that things were otherwise.
  • We needn’t talk about it otherwise.

Can You Use “Otherwise” In The Middle Of A Sentence?

You could even get “otherwise” in the middle of a sentence.

“Otherwise” can work in the middle of a sentence when it’s an adverb or when it connects two clauses. It’s most common in the middle of a sentence, especially with formal writing.

Here’s how you might be able to use “otherwise” in the middle of a sentence:

  • Hurry up, please, otherwise we’re not going to make it.
  • The otherwise completely helpless woman managed to save herself from harm.
  • We need to go, otherwise someone is going to tell us off!

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

  • Dictionary
  • O
  • Otherwise
  • Sentences
  • Make a note of the questions you want to ask. You will invariably forget some of them otherwise.
  • The decorations for the games have lent a splash of colour to an otherwise drab city.
  • All of the books had been burned or otherwise destroyed.
  • I didn’t like the ending, but otherwise it was a very good book.
  • Take approximately 60mg up to four times a day, unless advised otherwise by a doctor.
  • The studio could punish its players by keeping them out of work, and otherwise controlling their lives.
  • Something must be wrong; otherwise, he would have called.
  • Art allows us to express things that we would not be able to express otherwise.
  • Go home — otherwise your mother will worry
  • I wouldn’t have thought otherwise
  • The women talked in the living room while the men were otherwise occupied.
  • The test helps identify problems that might otherwise go unnoticed.
  • An otherwise hopeless situation
  • The facts are otherwise
  • Richmond’s Tom Hislop punctuates an otherwise quiet day at the office for Richmond.
  • That he could have otherwise acted there seems little doubt.
  • Success or otherwise
  • To believe otherwise
  • The expression otherwise than means in any other way than and should not be followed by an adjective: no-one taught by this method can be other than (not otherwise than) successful; you are not allowed to use the building otherwise than as a private dwelling
  • An otherwise intelligent person
  • Do it right; otherwise, you’ll have to do it over
  • The answer could not be otherwise
  • Otherwise they may get broken.
  • Under the circumstances, I can’t believe otherwise.
  • An otherwise happy life.
  • We hoped his behavior would be otherwise.
  • An otherwise pleasure had become a grinding chore.

Examples of how to use the word “otherwise” in a sentence. How to connect “otherwise” with other words to make correct English sentences.

otherwise (adv): differently, or in another way

Use “otherwise” in a sentence

Hurry up, otherwise you’ll be late for school
Leave now, otherwise you will miss the bus.
Put on your coat, otherwise you’ll catch the cold.

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Used with verbs:

«He never thought otherwise.«
(thought, believed, specified, suggested)

«She pretended otherwise.«
(pretended, proved)

Used with adjectives:

«She was otherwise engaged.«
(engaged, healthy, unknown)

«He is an otherwise intelligent guy.«
(intelligent, perfect, excellent)

«The food was otherwise excellent.«

Previous Word by Letter: other

Next Word by Letter: ought

Previous Word by Frequency: opinion

Next Word by Frequency: pair

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  • Sentences with the word presentation
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  • Sentences with the word organized

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