Sentences with the word originally

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word originally, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use originally in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «originally».

Originally in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word originally in a sentence.

  1. Mascis originally played on Bug.

  2. Clemens originally obtained his D.

  3. It was originally intended for No.

  4. It was originally a private estate.

  5. M-28 were originally a portion of M-15.

  6. The letters «A&M», originally A.M.C.

  7. Thompson’s grave was originally unmarked.

  8. The album was originally released in 2003.

  9. The main buildings were originally harled.

  10. Michael’s Cathedral was originally named «St.

  11. The case was originally argued on January 22, 1968.

  12. The cantata was originally published in 1878 as No.

  13. Calvin was originally trained as a humanist lawyer.

  14. Hankey commercial, the baby originally held the Mr.

  15. Malone originally scripted Todd as a serial rapist.

  16. The recovered bell was originally carried on the pre-dreadnought battleship Hood.

  17. It also played at the TV series John Doe (Episode 9), originally aired 12/6/2002.

  18. Beowulf technology was originally developed by Thomas Sterling and Donald Becker.

  19. The new prototype was much closer to what Captain Verdeja had originally planned.

  20. All these works are based on liturgical texts, originally set to Gregorian chant.

  21. The Guilhem cloisters are inside the museum’s upper level and are much smaller than originally built.

  22. According to Khan, his paternal grandfather, Meer Jan Muhammad Khan, was originally from Afghanistan.

  23. The rink was originally intended as a «temporary» measure, but it became popular, and so it was kept.

  24. A total of $800,000 was originally budgeted for Phantasmagoria, but it ended up costing $4.5 million.

  25. The contracts for the ships had originally been allocated while still members of the Mackensen class.

  26. The highway was originally shown on maps running between Forest Lake, Minnesota and Powers, Michigan.

  27. It is known only from pollen deposits, and was originally described from Eocene deposits in Victoria.

  28. The half dime was originally struck from 1794 until 1805, though none were dated 1798, 1799, or 1804.

  29. Even originally unaligned tribes were drawn to affiliate themselves with one of the two super-groups.

  30. The bill originally provided for commemorative quarters but was amended to provide for halves instead.

  31. Although the park originally depended on the railroad, the railroad’s closing did not affect the park.

  32. Reduced production of surfactant can also occur in surrounding tissue that was not originally injured.

  33. A calutron is a mass spectrometer originally designed and used for separating the isotopes of uranium.

  34. The reserve was originally a dairy farm that was restored into wetland habitat in the 1990s and 2000s.

  35. Cleveland’s father was a Congregational and Presbyterian minister who was originally from Connecticut.

  36. The project was greenlit in May 2000, with the originally planned reunion episode serving as the pilot to the new series.

  37. Near the burial chamber’s west wall sat Unas’s coffin, made from greywacke rather than basalt as was originally presumed.

  38. The parish of Emmanuel, now meeting in the St George’s building on Broadway, was originally part of Christ Church parish.

  39. The show’s seventh season was originally intended to comprise 39 episodes, ranging from «Bonnie & Neddy» to «Reboot».

  40. The 137th episode of the series overall, it originally aired on Comedy Central in the United States on November 16, 2005.

  41. Plunketts Creek Township was originally much larger than it is now, and two other townships were formed from parts of it.

  42. Multiple realignments of the road that is now Alt US 40 have occurred since it was originally built as the National Road.

  43. The Benkei bell is also associated with the legendary hero Tawara Tōda, who originally donated it to the Mii-dera temple.

  44. The numeral 7 had originally been the production number of Shepard’s spacecraft, but had come to represent the Mercury 7.

  45. Johar had originally intended to dub Mukerji’s voice, but she improved her diction and eventually provided her own voice.

  46. The Upper Porch Room leading off the Long Gallery, perhaps originally intended as a «sanctuary from the fun and games», was furnished as a bedroom by the mid-17th century.

  47. Delius’s parents were born in Bielefeld, Westphalia, and Julius’s family had already lived for several generations in German lands near the Rhine but was originally Dutch.

  48. Columbia originally had modified SR-71 zero-zero ejection seats installed for the ALT and first four missions, but these were disabled after STS-4 and removed after STS-9.

  49. The photo, showing large number of People’s Armed Police squares, was one taken of the 2009 Shishou riot and originally published on 26 June by Southern Metropolis Weekly.

  50. Overall, almost all heroic and positive imagery is directly or indirectly identified with the king and was originally intended to glorify him as a wise and powerful ruler.

Synonyms for originally

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word originally has the following synonyms: in the first place, earlier, in the beginning, to begin with and primitively.

General information about «originally» example sentences

The example sentences for the word originally that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «originally» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «originally».

первоначально, оригинально, по происхождению


- первоначально; исходно, поначалу

I was originally hired to another job — сначала меня наняли на другую работу

- по происхождению

my father came from that country originally — мой отец родом из этой страны

- оригинально, необычным образом

to speak [to think, to write] originally — говорить [думать, писать] оригинально /по-новому/

Мои примеры


a story originally set in London that has been transposed to Paris for this film — история, действие которой изначально произошло в Лондоне, но для этого фильма перенесено в Париж  
to speak originally — говорить оригинально /по-новому/  
intend originally — иметь в качестве первоначальной цели; первоначально намереваться  
originally isolated — первоначально выделенный; ранее выделенный  
as originally worded — в первоначальной формулировке  
gas originally in place — первоначальные запасы газа в коллекторе  
oil originally in reservoir — начальное содержание нефти в пласте  
originally-synthesized — первоначально синтезированный  
think originally — думать оригинально; думать по-новому  
this technique was developed originally in physics — эта техника была первоначальна разработана физиками  
value originally advanced — первоначально авансированная стоимость  

Примеры с переводом

The building was originally a school.

Это здание изначально было школой.

I come from London originally.

Изначально я родом из Лондона.

He is originally German.

Он немец по происхождению.

These dogs were originally bred in Scotland to round up sheep.

Этих собак первоначально разводили в Шотландии для выгона овец. (чтобы они помогали пасти овец)

Originally the room had fitted carpets.

Поначалу в комнате было ковровое покрытие.

My family come from Scotland originally.

Моя семья родом из Шотландии.

That van originally belonged to us.

Изначально этот микроавтобус принадлежал нам.

ещё 20 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The building was originally used as a prison.

…indigo is a dyestuff originally from India…

Canals were originally built for the carriage of coal.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

original  — оригинальный, исходный, первоначальный, оригинал, подлинник, первоисточник, чудак

Examples of how to use the word “originally” in a sentence. How to connect “originally” with other words to make correct English sentences.

originally (adv): first of all

Use “originally” in a sentence

The school was originally very small.
This book was originally written in French.
My family originally come from Spain.

Back to “3000 Most Common Words in English”


April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

Of the twenty-four cities which originally composed the league, only eighteen remained as members by the reign of Hadrian (see Achaean League).

Brongniart was also the coadjutor of Cuvier in the admirable Essai sur la geographie mineralogique des environs de Paris (Paris, 1811); originally published in Ann.

We can’t suppose the knife was originally taken with any murderous intent.

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Patricius, an adjectival form from pater, father; not, as some say, from pater and ciere, to call), a term originally applied to the members of the old citizen families of ancient Rome (see I.

Laticiferous vessels arise by the coalescence of originally distinct cells.

The Thracians, the progenitors of the Vlachs, took refuge in the mountainous districts and for some centuries disappeared from history: originally an agricultural people, they became nomad shepherds.

The probability seems to be that the earliest Perceval-Grail romance was composed at Fescamp, and was coincident with the transformation, under the influence of the Saint-Sang legend, of the originally Pagan talisman known as the Grail into a Christian relic, and that this romance was more or less at the root of all subsequent versions.

The curriculum, originally modelled on that of England, is being gradually modified by the necessities of a new country.

Or we may take the opposite view, and regard the story of Osiris and his war with Seth (who shut him up in a box and mutilated him) as a dualistic myth, originally on the level of the battle betweenaGaunab andTsui-Goab, or between Tagar and Suqe.

JOSEPH ALLEINE (1634-1668), English Nonconformist divine, belonged to a family originally settled in Suffolk.

  • Use the word Originally in a sentences

Sentence Examples

originally we have already played our drama very familiarly in the area of Beijing and Zhejiang Needless lined up again

For this battle, I chose a song. It wasn’t originally a duet, but it’s an elton john song.

And my name is Elder Church, originally from the great city of Cheyenne, Wyoming.

It’s what I wanted to do originally, too, is, you know, be by myself, take care of myself, do my own thing, and I got that, so pretty content.

This was originally just a water vase that was used to carry water.

«What sport was developed in England in the 1800s and was originally derived from hurling?»

What was originally a poor posture will soon become second nature.

All right, the necklace you’re wearing was actually one I had originally bought for her.

It is fashionable in recent adaptations of Dracula to modify this famous line to: «what sad music they make» or «what sweet music they make», but Lugosi intones it with just the note of malevolent ambiguity that Stoker originally intended.

As shot, Dracula’s following line originally began, quote:

Deane originally planned to play Dracula, but soon realised that Van Helsing had all the good speeches, so he took the role of the professor.

Carl Laemmle Jr, who produced Dracula, had originally hoped for the project to be a lavish «superproduction», as Universal’s A-pictures were then known.

originally 124 minutes long, the film had been banned in Germany.

That I can sacrifice anything for her My body originally belongs to her Also is to belong to your everyone of ah

I think originally to interrupt her hope with the death

Mr. Song originally did not die

Who are the people staying here after guaranteeing to graduate originally

I originally planned to go to Tokyo to live with you Then ask their pardon

Because he regrets abandonning you originally He has already felt guilty very much


And that is how, my friend, your family originally went into service.

Now this was originally a Buntline special… but I had the barrel cut down about two inches and the trigger dogs smoothed down.

The results of my extensive examinations establish beyond doubt… that the creature was brought to life originally… by an electrical impulse of terrifying potency.

originally, it was straight.

I┬┤ll make it up to you by going through with it now as originally planned. I┬┤ll make it up to you by—

by going beautifully through with it now… as originally and most beautifully planned.

Oh, then it wasn’t Mr. de Winter’s room originally ?

There were only 24 bottles in the world originally.


We’re from Texas originally.

And I have always believed in the theory originally projected by Edgar Allen Poe, the American writer, that the best place to hide anything is where everyone can see it.

You must think that Noh theatre Comes originally from Tokyo but performers come from Tokyo to take his lessons

The Goths were located originally

originally the Goths were located in…

originally, my husband started business with £100.

You see, Dimitrios bought the houses originally in my name.

That’s why he went to him originally.

originally, we planned to do everything from here.

He was originally arrested in the visitors’ gallery of the Tynwald Court in the Isle of Man.

originally owned by an 18th-century nobleman.

originally, it was designed for 31 2 patients.

Here’s a copy of the grant for this land and a letter from the man who surveyed it originally.

Well, I thought that as the treasure was originally spoils of battle,

Well, we just came down from Montana. originally, we’re from Colorado.

Maybe if the police find out about Backett and find the two men or find where the money came from originally, why Backett said it wasn’t his.

originally from Wisconsin.

Let’s see, where are you from originally?

originally I come from Newark, New Jersey.

Sentences starting with originally

  • Originally the story was called «Those Extraordinary Twins. [5]
  • Originally a lawyer, he was in succession a mechanician, a poet, and an editor, meeting with far less success in each of these departments than usually attends men of less varied gifts, but of more tranquil and phlegmatic composition. [6]
  • Originally he came from somewhere in the West, it was said, but he had early obtained one or two minor diplomatic places; he had lived a good deal abroad; he had traveled a little—a good deal, it would seem, from his occasional Oriental allusions. [4]
  • Originally it was delivered as a lecture to the Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences on April 3, 1893, the one hundred and tenth anniversary of Irving’s birth. [4]
  • Originally some dependent colonies made the Union, and, in turn, the Union threw off their old dependence for them, and made them States, such as they are. [7]
  • Originally Manitou had been the home of Icelanders, Mennonites, and Doukhobors; settlers from lands where the conditions of earlier centuries prevailed, who, simple as they were in habits and in life, were ignorant, primitive, coarse, and none too cleanly. [11]
  • Originally there had been a hundred of these unfortunates, but about half had been sold on the trip. [5]
  • Originally it was advertised as a «pleasure excursion. [5]

More example sentences with the word originally in them

  • Thus, after seven years of vicissitudes, ended a «pleasure trip» to the silver mines of Nevada which had originally been intended to occupy only three months. [5]
  • In the same year, for ‘Macmillan’s Magazine’, I wrote ‘Barbara Golding’ and ‘A Pagan of the South’, which was originally published as ‘The Woman in the Morgue’. [11]
  • Set up originally with the bark on, the worms worked underneath it in secret, at a novel sort of decoration, until the bark came off and exposed the stems most beautifully vermiculated, giving the effect of fine carving. [4]
  • Like a caldron where a witch mixes all manner of strange things for a philter, each barricade consisted of every sort of rubbish, together with objects originally useful. [10]
  • The aid which we feel impelled to give to the helpless is mainly an incidental result of the instinct of sympathy, which was originally acquired as part of the social instincts, but subsequently rendered, in the manner previously indicated, more tender and more widely diffused. [1]
  • This breezy height was the summit proper—so I accomplished even more than I had originally purposed to do. [5]
  • Like this: it was «conjectured»—though not established—that Satan was originally an angel in Heaven; that he fell; that he rebelled, and brought on a war; that he was defeated, and banished to perdition. [5]
  • The architect was waited for with much anxiety, for the rooms originally furnished for the Emperor in the Caesareum had been despoiled and disarranged to decorate the rooms at Lochias, and Pontius was wanted to superintend their immediate rehabilitation. [10]
  • Only the first volume originally contained much more Egyptian material, and the third I lengthened beyond my primary intention. [10]
  • Let us then turn this government back into the channel in which the framers of the Constitution originally placed it. [7]
  • It may be true that Lanphier insists that the two men for whose benefit it was originally devised shall at least bear their share of it! [7]
  • Comments upon other topics than those to which his department was originally devoted, especially upon social questions, were made a distinct feature. [4]
  • Being originally much too large for the apartment which it was now employed to decorate, it had been sawn short off at the waist. [12]
  • In a letter to Mr. Frederick A. Duneka, general manager of Harper & Brothers, he tells something of the manner of the story; also his revised opinion of Adam’s Diary, written in ’93, and originally published as a souvenir of Niagara Falls. [5]
  • Now, the latter title, A Romany of the Snows, was that which I originally chose for the volume published in England as An Adventurer of the North. [11]
  • I insist upon this government being placed where our fathers originally placed it. [7]
  • Malbrouck had announced their coming by a blast from his horn, and Margaret was standing in the doorway wrapped in furs, which may have come originally from Hudson’s Bay, but which had been deftly re-manufactured in Regent Street. [11]
  • The roof of the whole long structure had originally consisted of palm branches, upon which mud and turf had been piled; but this, too, was now in repair only on the central building. [10]
  • He said that the snake-grass was not in my garden originally, that it sneaked in under the sod, and that it could be entirely rooted out with industry and patience. [4]
  • These water-works, of the most ingenious construction, many of them invented and contrived by scientific engineers, were the weapons with which man had conquered the desert that originally surrounded this lake, forcing it into green fertility and productiveness of grain and fruit. [10]
  • My discontent with the futile end of the tale as I originally knew it and saw it was justified. [11]
  • But you were the favourites of Heaven originally, and your manifold and unfair prosperities convince me that you have crowded back into that snug place again. [5]
  • The saying that the Emperor could not dispense with him, but he might do without the Emperor, had originally applied to his father, whose position he filled to the monarch’s satisfaction in every respect. [10]
  • In Boston, William T. Ball, one of the leading theatrical critics during the late 90’s, asserted that it was originally written by an English actor (name not divulged) who gave it to him. [5]
  • But if originally sound and subsequently diseased, there has certainly been some excess, deficiency, or wrong quality in the materials or stimuli applied to it. [3]
  • Since there was so much time to spare that nineteen years of it could be devoted to the construction of a mere towhead, where was the use, originally, in rushing this whole globe through in six days? [5]
  • There was no shifting of ground, nor inconsistency of testimony between the new piece of evidence and what he originally introduced. [7]
  • The spirit being set before him in a huge case-bottle, which had originally come out of some ship’s locker, he settled himself in an arm-chair with his large head and face squeezed up against the back, and his little legs planted on the table. [12]
  • Trumbull has only said that he originally put it in, not that he did not strike it out. [7]
  • It is a question, therefore, for him and his friends to answer, why they could not let it remain where the fathers of the government originally placed it. [7]
  • After all, the question still recurs upon us, How did that fraud originally get into the State Register? [7]
  • Was her action punished by the same unscrupulous tactics of the Street that originally made the fortune? [4]
  • There is some proof of what I say in the fact that one of the stories in A Romany of the Snows, called The Going of the White Swan, appropriately enough published originally in Scribner’s Magazine, has had an extraordinary popularity. [11]
  • It is not probable that the portrait was originally published with the «General Historie. [4]
  • This appears more probable than that the species in all cases originally tended to retain their ornamental plumage during the winter, but were saved from this through natural selection, resulting from the inconvenience or danger thus caused. [1]
  • It was laid out originally by the munificent American, Count Rumford, and is called English, I suppose, because it is not in the artificial Continental style. [4]
  • That which was originally the rule became the exception. [5]
  • The passage was originally taken from the «Histoire Naturelle des Betes Ruminans et Rongeurs, Bipedes et Autres,» lately published in Paris. [6]
  • Given a land originally peopled by a thousand Saxons and a thousand Celts—and in a dozen generations five-sixths of the population would be Celts, but five- sixths of the property, of the power, of the intellect, would belong to the one-sixth of Saxons that remained. [1]
  • Yet this small, originally infertile island has been for two centuries, and is today, the most vital influence on the globe. [4]
  • The spina was originally constructed of wood, subsequently it was of stone, and its height was generally about 29 feet. [10]
  • Philip had insisted on re-conveying the Ilium property to Mr. Bolton, retaining only the share originally contemplated for himself, and Mr. Bolton, therefore, once more found himself engaged in business and a person of some consequence in Third street. [5]
  • Texas, principally south of the line, and west of Arkansas, though originally within the purchase from France, had, in 1819, been traded off to Spain in our treaty for the acquisition of Florida. [7]
  • The true origin of David Claridge, however, may be found in a short story called ‘All the World’s Mad’, in Donovan Pasha, which was originally published by Lady Randolph Churchill in an ambitious but defunct magazine called ‘The Anglo-Saxon Review’. [11]
  • This double offence of bad faith to me and slander upon a good man is so totally outrageous that I now ask to have King and Davis placed as I originally recommended,—that is, King for register and Davis for receiver. [7]
  • The melodeon was not, originally, designed for the Gothic worship. [4]
  • Sometimes he did not appear at breakfast, although Honora clung with desperation to the hour they had originally fixed: sometimes Mr. Manning waited for him until nearly ten o’clock, only to receive curt dismissal. [9]
  • The centurion was nearly sixty years of age, and his frame, originally a powerful one, was now broken by every sort of dissipation, and could no longer resist the effects of the strain and excitement of this night. [10]
  • Of them the most conspicuous was Clifford Melville, whose name was originally Joseph Sobieski, with habitat Poland, whose small part in this veracious tale belongs elsewhere. [11]
  • I had originally meant to devote a chapter to them, but Luca’s recent investigations led me to decide on leaving it unwritten. [10]
  • I think you may expect the legacy she originally left you. [10]
  • It does not matter to whom it was originally written, the name would not be recognized. [5]
  • In our own marriages the «best man» seems originally to have been the chief abettor of the bridegroom in the act of capture. [1]
  • This was a man who had got his position originally by nepotism, and represented the worst elements of a national life where the spoils system is rooted in the popular mind. [11]
  • I do not know what it was originally intended for, but they said it was built for a reservoir. [5]
  • I say that Judge Douglas and his friends have changed it from the position in which our fathers originally placed it. [7]
  • Only the work is not proving as good as I originally expected. [10]
  • It was originally intended to be one of a series of biographies of noted men, which were to give the facts accurately but to treat them humorously. [4]
  • It is an inherited habit which was originally thought—that is to say, observation of an exterior fact, and a valuable inference drawn from that observation and confirmed by experience. [5]
  • Can he be induced to tell, or, if he has told, can Judge Douglas be induced to tell how it originally was concocted? [7]
  • Those who believe in the principle of gradual evolution, will not readily admit that the sense of smell in its present state was originally acquired by man, as he now exists. [1]
  • The remark quoted in my text will surprise every one who has read Mr. Wallace’s celebrated paper on ‘The Origin of Human Races Deduced from the Theory of Natural Selection,’ originally published in the ‘Anthropological Review,’ May 1864, p. clviii. [1]
  • I have read in books of natural history that dogs came originally from wolves. [6]
  • Lanphier cannot be ignorant of how and by whom it was originally concocted. [7]
  • I have been having a most uncomfortable time for the past 4 days with that breast-pain, which turns out to be an affection of the heart, just as I originally suspected. [5]
  • These gentlemen all have my highest esteem, but no one of them is originally suggested by me except Mr. Dayton. [7]
  • It appears also, from Sir J. Lubbock’s work, that Bachofen likewise believes that communal intercourse originally prevailed. [1]
  • I say he did not shift his ground, but that he brought forward his original charge and the evidence to sustain it yet more fully, but precisely as he originally made it. [7]
  • Originally, the diamond deposits were the property of the Orange Free State; but a judicious «rectification» of the boundary line shifted them over into the British territory of Cape Colony. [5]
  • The watch had cost two hundred dollars originally, and I seemed to have paid out two or three thousand for repairs. [5]
  • This had been constructed in a large hall, originally the largest of the laboratories, where incense was prepared for the sanctuary and medicines concocted for the sick in the temple hospital. [10]
  • It is the classificatory system which so strongly leads to the belief that communal and other extremely loose forms of marriage were originally universal. [1]
  • Judgment in Sangamon Circuit Court against Joseph Miller obtained on a note originally 25 dolls and interest thereon accrued. [7]
  • Now, in the case of Madagascar, the formalities had originally been observed, but by neglect they had fallen into desuetude ages ago. [5]
  • It had originally belonged to the Weltenburg family as a strong offensive and defensive building, then frequently changed hands. [10]
  • It had originally been made for his wife and her twin sister who had died young. [10]
  • It had originally been grey, and its bill was as straight as a sparrow’s, but when the Saviour hung upon the cross, it pitied him, and with its little bill strove to draw the nails from the wounded hands. [10]
  • He had originally been destined for the ecclesiastical profession, but though he surpassed all the other pupils in the school, he was deprived of the hope of ever becoming a priest, for the Church wants no cripples. [10]
  • Many cases could be advanced of organs and instincts originally adapted for one purpose, having been utilised for some distinct purpose. [1]
  • All I have asked or desired anywhere is that it should be placed back again upon the basis that the fathers of our government originally placed it upon. [7]
  • What ancient nation, as the same author asks, can be named that was originally monogamous? [1]
  • With civilised nations, as far as an advanced standard of morality, and an increased number of fairly good men are concerned, natural selection apparently effects but little; though the fundamental social instincts were originally thus gained. [1]
  • We might, by arresting the further spread of it, and placing it where the fathers originally placed it, put it where the public mind should rest in the belief that it was in the course of ultimate extinction. [7]
  • Friedrich Froebel had also pronounced esteem for manual labour to be genuinely and originally German, and therefore each pupil was assigned a place where he could wield spades and pickaxes, roll stones, sow, and reap. [10]
  • To imperil an accused person by arbitrarily altering and widening the charge against him in order to compass his conviction when the charge as originally brought promises to fail to convict, is a thing unheard of before. [5]
  • It was an absurd volume, though originally issued with serious intent, its title being The New Guide of the Conversation in Portuguese and English. [5]
  • Originally, it was a perpendicular hole packed solidly full of blue rock or cement, and scattered through that blue mass, like raisins in a pudding, were the diamonds. [5]
  • Originally, Nevada was a part of Utah and was called Carson county; and a pretty large county it was, too. [5]

This page helps answer: how do I use the word originally in a sentence? How do you use originally in a sentence? Can you give me a sentence for the word originally?
It contains example sentences with the word originally, a sentence example for originally, and originally in sample sentence.

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The second is there are some communities that we thought originally would take mobile homes that have decided they don’t want them. And we’re not going to cram mobile homes down the throats of communities in Louisiana and the Gulf — and other parts of the Gulf Coast.

Michael Chertoff





Originally is an adverb.

The adverb is an invariable part of the sentence that can change, explain or simplify a verb or another adverb.



Originally is an album by drummer Art Blakey and The Jazz Messengers recorded in 1956 and but not released on the Columbia label until 1982. The album features unreleased tracks from the sessions that produced The Jazz Messengers and Hard Bop which have since been released as bonus tracks on those albums and Drum Suite.

Definition of originally in the English dictionary

The first definition of originally in the dictionary is in the first place. Other definition of originally is in an original way. Originally is also with reference to the origin or beginning.


Synonyms and antonyms of originally in the English dictionary of synonyms


The following words have a similar or identical meaning as «originally» and belong to the same grammatical category.

Translation of «originally» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of originally to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of originally from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «originally» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish


570 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi


380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic

فِي الْأَصْلِ

280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian


278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese


270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali


260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French

à l’origine

220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay


190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German


180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese


85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

lúc đầu

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi


75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish


70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish


50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian


40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian


30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek


15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans


14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish


10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian


5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of originally


The term «originally» is very widely used and occupies the 1.150 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Very widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «originally» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of originally

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «originally».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «originally» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «originally» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about originally


Famous quotes and sentences with the word originally.

The Woodstock dove on the iconic poster is really a catbird. And it was originally perched on a flute.

All disgust is originally disgust at touching.

I re-invented my image so many times that I’m in denial that I was originally an overweight Korean woman.

I’ve been to New York a lot. I grew up in London but I’m from Chile originally.

Game theory is a branch of, originally, applied mathematics, used mostly in economics and political science, a little bit in biology, that gives us a mathematical taxonomy of social life, and it predicts what people are likely to do and believe others will do in cases where everyone’s actions affect everyone else.

The second is there are some communities that we thought originally would take mobile homes that have decided they don’t want them. And we’re not going to cram mobile homes down the throats of communities in Louisiana and the Gulf — and other parts of the Gulf Coast.

Animals that we eat are raised for food in the most economical way possible, and the serious food producers do it in the most humane way possible. I think anyone who is a carnivore needs to understand that meat does not originally come in these neat little packages.

Ramona was originally an accidental character I added to the Henry Huggins books because I noticed that none of the characters had siblings. I added Ramona as Beazus’ pestering little sister.

I originally just wanted to be an artist.

My background was in performing originally.


Discover the use of originally in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to originally and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


Words Were Originally Magic

Looks at the role of language in psychotherapy, discusses the work of Lacan, Bateson, Ackerman, and Weakland, and examines the client-therapist conversation


Common Sense — Originally Published as a Series of …

Please visit for more books by this and other great authors.


The Loves of Chærcas and Callirrhoe. Written Originally in …

Chariton. violence of his flame, thought of the follow-* ing artifice, but unknown
either to Statira pr tp the eunuch ; though the latter knew of his passion. It is
customary for the king, and the chief men among the Persians, when they go to
war, …


A History of the Laurel Brigade: Originally the Ashby …

First printed in 1907, this volume presents a nearly contemporary view of the lauded Confederate unit.

William McDonald, Bushrod C. Washington, 2002


How to Profit from Our Afflictions: Originally The Crook in …

Originally written in the 1700s in England by Thomas Boston, the Rev. Dr. Curtis Crenshaw has modernized the English and added modern examples of trials and afflictions. There is no one who does not need this book!


It’s Not You, It’s the Dishes (originally published as …

Marriage can be a mysterious, often irrational business. But the key, propose Paula Szuchman and Jenny Anderson in this incomparable and engaging book, is to think like an economist.

Paula Szuchman, Jenny Anderson, 2012


Lincoln in the Times: The Life of Abraham Lincoln, as …

A history of the sixteenth president’s political rise, administration, and death includes coverage of such major events as his campaign, the Gettysburg Address and Emancipation Proclamation, and his assassination.

David Herbert Donald, Harold Holzer, 2005


Piano Duet Repertoire: Music Originally Written for One …

Here is a guide to works from 1,700 composers in a descriptive listing of works from 1760 to 1980 arranged alphabetically by composer – from Abeille to Zutphen, with plenty of more familiar names in between.


The legend of Pocahontas: originally titled The Princess …

Featuring a Foreword by Karla Dougherty, this book eloquently renders the story of the brave Indian princess who saves the life of colonist Captain John Smith. The book depicts Native American life before and after the Europeans came.

Karla Dougherty, Virginia Watson, George Wharton Edwards, 1995


Early Homes of New England: From Material Originally

Homes, churches, and town halls and their fireplaces, mantels, window designs, and doorways that exemplify the rich architectural heritage of colonial New England are discussed and pictured in photographs and drawings

Early American Society, 1978


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term originally is used in the context of the following news items.

The Mighty Ducks Role That Jake Gyllenhaal Was Originally Cast To …

Most movie fans first noticed Jake Gyllenhaal around the turn of the century. In actuality he’d been acting for nearly a decade at that point in a … «Cinema Blend, Jul 15»

Odin Sphere Leifthrasir Was Originally Going To Be Just A Port

What was originally going to be just a port, had become a big remodel, with an end that looked further away after starting it. That said, it feels as … «Siliconera, Jul 15»

Taylor Armstrong’s ‘RHOBH’ Spot Originally for Cody Simpson’s …

It looks like there is drama in them there hills. As we previously reported, Taylor Armstrong will be making her much anticipated return to the … «Mstarz, Jul 15»

Michael Jackson Was Originally Going To Play Jar Jar — And This Is …

Michael Jackson is known as the king of pop. He changed the way that we looked at music and is one of the most iconic singers of all time. «, Jul 15»

Govinda To Buy Land In UP That Originally Belonged To Haji Mastan

Actor Govinda has finalised a deal for a 30-bigha farm land in Mohanlalganj at the outskirts of Uttar Pradesh. Sources said the land originally … «koimoi, Jul 15»

Police: Theater gunman originally from Alabama

LAFAYETTE, La. (AP) — The movie theater gunman who stood up about 20 minutes into the showing of «Trainwreck» and began firing into the … «News Courier, Jul 15»

Expanding Medicaid costs balloon in N.D.

BISMARCK — North Dakota will spend millions more than originally projected for Medicaid expansion under the Affordable Care Act, a tab that … «Jamestown Sun, Jul 15»

Grant originally intended for turf field continued into 2018

The town learned on July 20 that the STEAP grant that was planned to be used for a turf field at the Community Center was extended until 2018 … «The Redding Pilot, Jul 15»

You’ll Never Believe Which Hollywood A-Lister Was Originally Set …

Despite perfecting the part of the cash-strapped heiress Rose DeWitt Bukater, it seems Winslet only secured the part after it was originally turned down by … «, Jul 15»

Ant-Man’s Scrapped Opening Was Originally ‘Like a Bond Movie’ But …

He was retrieving some microfilm from this, originally Cuban general and then it because a Panamanian general… It really was designed in … «, Jul 15»


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  • 1

    originally [əˊrɪdʒɪnǝlɪ]


    1) первонача́льно

    2) по происхожде́нию

    3) оригина́льно

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > originally

  • 2

    Персональный Сократ > originally

  • 3

    English-Russian dictionary of biology and biotechnology > originally

  • 4

    əˈrɪdʒɪnəlɪ нареч.
    1) а) первоначально, по происхождению He is originally German. ≈ Он немец по происхождению. Syn: inherently, indigenously б) исходно, изначально;
    сначала, поначалу The bricks had originally been a deep dark red. ≈ Кирпичи были сначала темно-красными. Syn: initially, primarily
    2) редк. оригинально, ново;
    необычно, необычным образом The author treats this subject very originally. ≈ Автор раскрывает тему очень необычно. Syn: in an original manner, with originality
    исходно, поначалу;
    — I was * hired to another job сначала меня наняли на другую работу по происхождению;
    — my father came from that country * мой отец родом из этой страны оригинально, необычным образом;
    — to speak * говорить оригинально
    originally оригинально ~ первоначально ~ по происхождению

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > originally

  • 5

    1. adv первоначально; исходно, поначалу

    2. adv по происхождению

    3. adv оригинально, необычным образом

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. creatively (other) creatively; freshly; imaginatively; in a new manner; in origin; independently; ingeniously; inventively; startlingly

    2. initially (other) at first; at the outset; at the start; basically; first; formerly; in the beginning; incipiently; initially; primarily; primitively

    English-Russian base dictionary > originally

  • 6


    1. первоначально; исходно, поначалу

    I was originally hired to another job — сначала меня наняли на другую работу

    2. по происхождению

    my father came from that country originally — мой отец родом из этой страны

    3. оригинально, необычным образом

    to speak [to think, to write] originally — говорить [думать, писать] оригинально /по-новому/

    НБАРС > originally

  • 7




    He is originally German. — Он немец по происхождению.


    б) первоначально, изначально; сначала

    The bricks had originally been a deep dark red. — Кирпичи были сначала тёмно-красными.


    2) оригинально, ново; необычно, необычным образом

    The author treats this subject very originally. — Автор раскрывает эту тему очень необычно.

    Англо-русский современный словарь > originally

  • 8

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > originally

  • 9


    originally оригинально originally первоначально originally по происхождению

    English-Russian short dictionary > originally

  • 10



    1) первоначально, исходно, поначалу

    2) оригинально, своеобразно, необычным образом

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > originally

  • 11



    не оригинально!)

    1) впервые

    J-integral is derived using the definition originally proposed in[13]

    J-интеграл можно получить, воспользовавшись определением, впервые предложенным в работе [13]

    2) главным образом

    English-Russian dictionary of scientific and technical difficulties vocabulary > originally

  • 12

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > originally

  • 13

    Англо-русский технический словарь > originally

  • 14

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > originally

  • 15


    первоначально, по происхождению

    исходно, изначально; сначала, поначалу

    оригинально, ново; необычно, необычным образом

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > originally

  • 16


    первоначально; сначала

    Politics english-russian dictionary > originally

  • 17


    1) первоначально

    2) по происхождению

    3) оригинально

    * * *

    1 (0) необычным образом; оригинально; первоначально; по происхождению; поначалу

    2 (a) исходно

    * * *

    первоначально, по происхождению

    * * *

    [o’rig·i·nal·ly || ə’rɪdʒnəlɪ]
    первоначально, по происхождению, оригинально

    * * *









    * * *

    1) а) первоначально, по происхождению
    б) исходно
    2) редк. оригинально, ново; необычно, необычным образом

    Новый англо-русский словарь > originally

  • 18

    первоначально; по происхождению

    Англо-русский словарь по психоаналитике > originally

  • 19

    первоначально; оригинально

    English-Russian dictionary of technical terms > originally

  • 20









    English-Russian smart dictionary > originally


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • Originally — O*rig i*nal*ly, adv. 1. In the original time, or in an original manner; primarily; from the beginning or origin; not by derivation, or imitation. [1913 Webster] God is originally holy in himself. Bp. Pearson. [1913 Webster] 2. At first; at the… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Originally — (Art Blakey album) Studio album by Art Blakey Released 1956 …   Wikipedia

  • originally — index ab initio Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • originally — [adv] initially at first, at the outset, at the start, basically, by birth, by origin, first, formerly, incipiently, in the beginning, in the first place, primarily, primitively, to begin with; concepts 578,585,797,799 Ant. secondarily …   New thesaurus

  • originally — [ə rij′i nəl ē] adv. 1. with reference to origin, or beginning 2. in the first place; initially 3. in an independent or new way …   English World dictionary

  • originally — /euh rij euh nl ee/, adv. 1. with respect to origin; by origin: Originally he came from California. 2. at the origin; at first: Originally this was to be in three volumes. 3. in the first place; primarily: Originally nomads, they first learned… …   Universalium

  • originally — o|rig|i|nal|ly W2S2 [əˈrıdʒınəli, dʒənəli] adv in the beginning, before other things happened or before things changed ▪ The family originally came from France. ▪ The building was originally used as a prison. ▪ We originally intended to stay for… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • originally — [[t]ərɪ̱ʤɪnəli[/t]] ♦♦♦ ADV: ADV with v, ADV with cl/group When you say what happened or was the case originally, you are saying what happened or was the case when something began or came into existence, often to contrast it with what happened… …   English dictionary

  • originally — adverb in the beginning: The family originally came from France. | The book was originally conceived as an autobiography, but it became a novel. (sentence adverb): Originally, we had planned a tour of Scotland but we never got further than… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

  • originally — o|rig|i|nal|ly [ ə rıdʒənli ] adverb *** at first: His novels were originally published in serial form in a magazine. Originally, the dogs were bred for racing …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • originally */*/*/ — UK [əˈrɪdʒ(ə)nəlɪ] / US [əˈrɪdʒən(ə)lɪ] adverb at first His novels were originally published in serial form in a magazine. Originally, the dogs were bred for racing …   English dictionary

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