Sentences with the word original

оригинальный, исходный, первоначальный, оригинал, подлинник, первоисточник, чудак


- первый, первоначальный; исконный

- оригинальный, подлинный

the original picture — подлинник /оригинал/ картины
the original document [text] — подлинный документ [текст]

- оригинальный, незаимствованный

original plan [invention, idea] — оригинальный план [-ое изобретение, -ая мысль]

- новый, свежий

original thought — свежая мысль
original remark — оригинальное замечание
an original point of view — иная точка зрения

- творческий, незаурядный, самобытный

original writer [composer] — незаурядный писатель [композитор]
original mind — самобытный ум
an original thinker — оригинальный мыслитель

- редк. врождённый; наследственный

original disposition — наследственная склонность (к чему-л.)

- странный, своеобразный; чудаковатый

an original man — странный человек; чудак, оригинал
original behaviour — необычное поведение


- оригинал, подлинник; подлинное произведение

to take a copy from the original — снять копию с подлинника /с оригинала/

- язык оригинала; язык, на котором создано произведение

to read Homer in the original — читать Гомера в подлиннике
to study Don Quixote in the original — изучать «Дон Кихота» на испанском языке

- первоисточник
- прототип, оригинал (художественного произведения)
- незаурядный, необыкновенный человек
- чудак, оригинал

the man is a real original — этот человек — настоящий оригинал
he was looked upon as an original — его считали чудаком

- почтовая марка из первого издания
- редк. происхождение; начало
- редк. автор, создатель
- pl. редк. первые жители или поселенцы

Мои примеры


the original conception of the book — первоначальный замысел книги  
a slavish copy of the original — копия, слепо подражающая оригиналу  
a mind so innovational, so original — настолько передовой, настолько оригинальный ум  
original dwelling — первоначальное местожительство  
original invoice — оригинал счёта  
the original part of the house — самая старая часть дома  
to buy at the original price — купить по исходной цене  
original triangulation — первичная триангуляция  
book of original entry — главная бухгалтерская книга  
original claim — главная претензия  
original code — исходный код  
original culture — исходная культура  

Примеры с переводом

It’s a very original idea.

Это очень оригинальная мысль.

Some of the original text has survived.

Часть оригинального текста сохранилась.

His work is truly original.

Его работы по-настоящему оригинальны.

Some of the original bridges survive.

Некоторые оригинальные мосты уцелели.

He was an original rogue.

Он был прирождённым негодяем.

He fined down his original statement.

Он отточил своё исходное утверждение.

The colours are much more striking in the original.

В оригинале цвета гораздо более яркие.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

She’s wearing one of her original fashion creations.

He admitted that with the benefit of hindsight the original launch had not been large enough.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

originality  — оригинальность, самобытность, новизна, уникальность, подлинность, свежесть
originally  — первоначально, оригинально, по происхождению
unoriginal  — неоригинальный, заимствованный

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): original
мн. ч.(plural): originals

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Affordable and often very original jewelry.

Доступные по цене и, зачастую, очень оригинальные, интересные ювелирные изделия.

The original Crown was replaced with a steel combined with an RK chain Chiaravalli self-lubricating o-rings, leaving only the original pinion.

Оригинальные Корона была заменена стали в сочетании с РК цепи Chiaravalli самосмазывающиеся o кольца, оставив только оригинальные шестерни.

Beautifully and sympathetically restored water mill retaining a wealth of original features from the original mill as well as solid chestnut beams and original stone floors.

Красиво и сочувственно восстановленная водяная мельница, сохранившая множество оригинальных черт оригинальной мельницы, а также цельные каштановые балки и оригинальные каменные полы.

Photos of the original church can be found in the remaining west tower along with some of the original mosaics.

Фотографии оригинальной церкви можно найти в сохранившейся западной башне вместе с некоторыми оригинальными мозаиками.

Only a quarter of the original town walls and three bastions of the original four survive.

You can’t be an original scientist without having some other original characteristics.

The modern cognates of original words have been used whenever practical to give a close approximation of the feel of the original poem.

Современные родственники оригинальных слов использовались каждый раз, когда практично, чтобы дать близкое приближение чувства оригинального стихотворения.

Due to original technology and the industrial mode of production, the company products successfully compete with the original consumables and is a worthy alternative.

Благодаря оригинальным технологиям и промышленному способу производства, продукция компании успешно конкурирует с оригинальными расходными материалами и является достойной альтернативой.

As a guideline, you may contribute only original work that you have created yourself from original elements.

В качестве руководства вы можете добавлять только оригинальные работы, которые вы создали сами из оригинальных элементов.

The rest either failed to meet some of their original targets or missed the original budget or deadlines.

Остальные либо не смогли достичь своих первоначальных целей, либо не уложились в первоначальный бюджет или сроки.

The difference between original thinkers and everyone else, is that original thinkers aren’t afraid to have bad ideas.

Разница между оригинальными мыслителями и всеми остальными заключается в том, что оригинальные мыслители не боятся этих плохих идей.

They store the original photos too, so you can restore your media in their original versions when you need to.

Они хранят оригинальные фотографии тоже, так что вы можете восстановить ваши изображения в их оригинальных версиях, когда вам нужно.

The assumption is that by restoring the original ecosystem the original level of benefits will be restored.

При этом исходят из того, что при восстановлении первоначального состояния экосистемы восстанавливается и первоначальный объем благ.

Independent companies also provide a battery replacement service, returning the original unit with new battery but original case.

Независимые компании также предоставляют услугу замены батарей, возвращая исходный блок с новой батареей, но оригинальным корпусом.

Extensions have to be separated from the original system in a way that the original system is not affected.

Расширения должны быть отделены от исходной системы таким образом, чтобы исходная система не была затронута.

The original lyrics had four verses, of which only two are heard on the original recording.

Первоначально текст песни состоял из четырёх куплетов, из которых только два присутствуют на оригинальной записи.

It wasn’t an original record, because the original song had two verses…

Я обнаружил, что это была не оригинальная запись, потому что у оригинальной песни было две версии…

Prague rarity is the original roof truss, which has been preserved in its original state.

Пражской редкостью является оригинальная кровля, которая сохранилась до сих пор в первоначальном состоянии.

The most original modern metal band — they developed such an original style that it’s difficult to trace the typical subgenres in their stuff.

Самая оригинальная современная металлическая группа — они разработали такой оригинальный стиль, что трудно отследить типичные поджанры в их материалах.

The original phone with original batteries had a good power on rating at about 500 hours of standby time.

Оригинальный телефон с оригинальными батареями обладал хорошей мощностью при работе около 500 часов в режиме ожидания.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат original

Результатов: 150889. Точных совпадений: 150889. Затраченное время: 242 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Original is a 2009 film directed by Antonio Tublén and Alexander Brøndsted. It won the Golden Goblet for best film at Shanghai International Film Festival. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

If the item does wear out, simply return it with your original confirmation of purchase to any Walmart Canada store and we’ll replace it with an identical item of the same size.


My original post included instructions on how to make a single serving, which I do all the time.


I used Godiva liquor with the bourbon, added 1/3 more flour (someone mentioned that), used the original chocolate, dried, used 2 oz dark unsweetened, two eggs, and really followed the «beat until fluffy» under every step.


Although nutrient levels vary among them, milk powders retain many of the nutritional properties of their original milk source.


Also please note that there are substantial differences in some of the processes here from Ken’s original recipe.


The Baby K’tan Breeze Baby Carrier has the same design as the original Baby K’tan Carrier, but it is made of 50 % breathable mesh and 50 % cotton to reduce heat and moisture.


Should someone ever send their bag back to Hermès to be serviced, it will return to its original craftsman.


Paul Althaus, the great interpreter of Luther’s theology, explains the original Reformation meaning of this term:


I did make a few tweaks to the original recipe, however.


So my immediate reaction to that would be you’d have to be somebody who was part of the original development of this, because it was just a ridiculous amount of bitcoins and a ridiculous amount of wealth in order to spoof that.


Heidi, I love all these new recipes just as much, but I wanted to highlight also what I think is the original «weeknight dinner» recipe from 101 Cookbooks: the Caramelized Tofu with brussels sprouts.


Mark May, an Internet analyst with Citigroup, estimated the fair market value of Yahoo’s stock under the new plan at $ 40 a share, compared with $ 32 if Yahoo had proceeded with the original strategy.


And yet they won’t sell a product that is the original whole food.


Any return on that investment is on 500k not on my original 100k


I added chopped red onions to the original recipe, for sweetness, and a soft-boiled egg, because, well, that goes without saying.


In fact, Apple filed a motion with the court Tuesday to fold the case between Qualcomm and the contract manufacturers into Apple’s original lawsuit.


The couple envisioned a restaurant that was a combination of tasty Mediterranean markets and their mothers» kitchens, where simple ingredients and imaginative recipes would come together for a refreshing and original experience.


the original potato salad was a dish my german great grandmother would make for her family, and my mom would make it at least once a week during the spring and summer.


John established the original Mount Palomar vineyards, and was our first winemaker in 1975.


In the original recipe, I used a cashew cream to create a rich and decedent rice pudding.I decided to swap out the cashew cream for canned pumpkin.


From Augustine onwards, Western emphasis on original sin, the bondage of the will, and the irresistibility of grace have resulted in the doctrine of double pre-destination.


There has always been support from a segment of the Democratic Party for legislating hard caps on the size of banks, with 30 Democrats in the Senate supporting the original iteration of Brown’s legislation — the Brown-Kaufmann Amendment — when the Dodd-Frank financial reform bill was originally being debated in the spring of 2010.


Many of the consequences of excessive crying described in my original post would only be seen later in the child’s life, in school years or beyond.


The part that always saddened me about it was that he didn’t get his original children back, but ten more to replace the ones that died.


I wish I could say I still have the original recipe.


Given that great ideas often come from older, other ideas — I asked Berkun why there continues to be such prestige (at least in the U.S.) attached to original or novel concepts.


Kick scooters are the original 2 wheeled scooters designed for older elementary school age children with good balance and coordination.


This is an improved version of my original cauli-pizza recipe which I posted on my blog more than 2 years ago.


I worked at the Renaissance Faire (the original one).


Still, if you rolled over that original $ 425 and took Baltimore at +100, you would double your bet and finish with $ 850.


With his art represented in over 40 galleries in North America and a four-year wait for original paintings, «The Collection» is the perfect opportunity to get a glimpse of Arvid’s artistic process.


I went 6 weeks past my original due date.


It’s equally possible that the people running this new network might decide to keep commercial and government interests off them, the same way that universities do with their research intranets, to prevent the same sort of co-opting that happened to the original internet.


Vinyl is the material that went into the original diaper covers your grandma used to use.


I’ve tried the original recipe before and I loved it.


the first two times, i stuck to the original recipe, but for this third batch i went all out!


Financial The California FreshWorks fund has raised more than $ 270 million, well over its original $ 200 million goal.


For things that look interesting, take the time to read the books and source materials offered by the original authors.


The same mistranslation also occurs from the original Greek texts of the New Testament where peitho and peitharcheo are translated into, respectively, obey and disobey but actually mean…


CT’s favourite was the White Choc Chunk & Macadamia Nut, which was the company’s original cookie and I guess has withstood the test of time.


Mary is preserved from the damage of original sin for the sake of Jesus.


So, to recreate this recipe in a healthy way, I’m using whole, frozen fruits instead of processed fruit juice which makes it almost identical to the original recipe but much healthier.


Golden date juice concentrate replaces caster sugar in the original recipe so it makes this treat even more indulgent and leaves you feeling a little less guilty…


But it’s going to suck for media companies if they put all of this time and effort into original content and no one sees it,» said one media executive, whose company was paid for making Facebook Live videos, but hasn’t signed a larger deal for long-form content.


Nutrition Link, an informative newsletter published quarterly which features original educational articles, news of interest to child nutrition professionals, and DPG events.


Also, if I understand what you are trying to say, i.e. that no changes have been «proven», then the opposite is equally true, i.e. that the fidelity/accuracy of the current text has not been «proven» either, and for exactly the same reason, i.e. no one has the original text.


But after facing backlash online, Twain apologized and walked back her statement in a thread of tweets, calling her original comments «awkward.»


That isn’t to say that the Gospel of Thomas should be given more credibility, but that the collections of sayings in Matthew and Luke aren’t original.


If you loved the original recipe, I’d encourage playing around with it and substituting your own favorite pantry items.


Not only is this obnoxious, but you could also lose access to important content and information saved in your original accounts.



noun существительное

множественное число (plural):






  1. оригинал

    original document
    оригинал документа

  2. оригинальность

    original idea
    оригинальность идеи

adjective прилагательное

















  1. оригинальный

    original equipment manufacturer
    производитель оригинального оборудования

    original stone walls
    оригинальные каменные стены

    original interior design
    оригинальный дизайн интерьера

    original point of view
    оригинальная точка зрения

    own original style
    собственный оригинальный стиль

    original architectural elements
    оригинальные архитектурные элементы

    original record
    своеобразный рекорд

    original box
    фирменная коробка

  2. первоначальный

    original draft resolution
    первоначальный проект резолюции

    original image
    исходное изображение

    original position
    начальное положение

    original unity
    изначальное единство

    original application
    первичная заявка

  3. подлинный

    original purpose
    подлинная цель

    original owner
    настоящий владелец

  4. самобытный

    original culture
    самобытная культура

  5. первозданный

    original appearance
    первозданный облик

  6. исконный

    original name
    исконное название

numeral числительное
















  1. первый

    original author
    первый автор

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений original на 1 миллион слов: 388.

Примеры предложений

The original was stolen last year.
Оригинал был украден в прошлом году.

Bill has a lot of original ideas.
У Билла много оригинальных идей.

What do you think of the original plan?
Что ты думаешь о первоначальном плане?

The movie is not so interesting as the original.
Фильм не так интересен, как оригинал.

Maybe Tom wasn’t sticking with the original plan.
Может быть, Том не следовал исходному плану.

You seem to have lost sight of original objective.
Вы, кажется, потеряли из виду первоначальную цель.

I had some trouble finding the original quote.
У меня возникли трудности с поиском оригинальной цитаты.

The expansion of the Roman Empire wiped out a considerable number of the original European languages.
Экспансия Римской империи уничтожила немало первоначальных европейских языков.

Who were the original people here?
Кто были первые обитатели этих мест?

That’s an original idea.
Это оригинальная точка зрения.

Is that an original painting?
Эта картина оригинал?

I prefer to watch films in the original.
Я предпочитаю смотреть фильмы на языке оригинала.

I always watch my films in the original version.
Я всегда смотрю свои фильмы в оригинальной версии.

This road should have already been completed according to the original plan.
Согласно первоначальному плану эта дорога должна быть уже завершена.

I insisted that we change our original plan.
Я настоял, чтобы мы изменили наш первоначальный план.

I’m sticking to my original plan.
Я придерживаюсь своего первоначального плана.

Trinity Square was the original center of St. Petersburg.
Троицкая площадь была первоначальным центром Санкт-Петербурга.

Tom doesn’t know the difference between an original and a forgery.
Том не знает разницы между оригиналом и фальшивкой.

Because of a flaw in the original design, our website is vulnerable to SQL injection attacks.
Из-за ошибки в оригинальной версии наш веб-сайт подвержен SQL-инъекциям.

He adhered to the original plan.
Он упорно придерживался первоначального плана.

He has a lot of original ideas.
У него есть множество оригинальных идей.

They have decided to stick to the original plan after all.
В конце концов они решили придерживаться первоначального плана.

The original is unfaithful to the translation.
Оригинал не передаёт перевода.

He stuck to the original plan.
Он упорно придерживался первоначального плана.

It’s difficult to tell an original from a fake.
Тяжело отличить оригинал от подделки.

Let’s stick to the original plan.
Давайте придерживаться исходного плана.

What’s become of the original plan?
Что стало с первоначальным планом?

When you translate, you must remember that sentences should sound natural, and that the meaning of the original sentences should be preserved as much as possible.
При переводе нужно помнить как о том, чтобы предложения звучали естественно, так и о том, что они не должны слишком уж отходить от исходного смысла переведённых слов.

They’re original. Go ahead, smell them. They smell original.
Они чудные. Давай, понюхай, они даже пахнут чудно́.

Is it better than the original?
Это лучше, чем оригинал?

Examples of how to use the word “original” in a sentence. How to connect “original” with other words to make correct English sentences.

original (adj, n): existing since the beginning, or being the earliest form of something; the first one made and not a copy

Use “original” in a sentence

This is an exact copy of the original.
I’ll stick to the original plan.
I prefer the original, not the duplicate.

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  • Use the word Original in a sentences

Sentence Examples

This land… whispering with overripe breath… its tale of original sin.

The original name for this was entomophobia, which is, yes, the fear/ disgust at being bitten, being stung, or the fear of future infestation, but if you have delusional parasitosis, you believe you’re already infested.

It is the original voice of the medium.

Jane By Design 1×11 — The Replacement original air date June 5, 2012

I arranged with a friend to have this copied for Mrs. Caldwell so that her husband wouldn’t realize that she had sold the original back to me.

original movie was made without intertitles, but they were made by Aleksandar Erdeljanovic.

The intertitles of «L’Agonie de Byzance» were added in 2007 by Gaumont with the aid of the original script saved in the BNF department of the Arts of the Spectacle. by Ektinar

This edition of «Assunta Spina» has been restored from a positive nitrate from the period, tinted according to the Caesar Film original with Portuguese titles, preserved in the Cinemateca Brazilia in Sao Paulo under the title «Neapolitan Blood»; it was released 60 years ago as a lavendar negative with the original titles

The original German intertitles are not preserved.

The original tints were recreated and footage discovered in London and Copenhagen has been restored.

The original negative is considered lost.

Our reconstruction efforts have tried to be faithful to the original concept of the film.

Have a diamond shop cut a stone that is just like the original.

Hamlet was performed for the first time on the 4th of February 1921 in Berlin; no original negative survives.

an original negative of the Federal Film Archive, Berlin and a celluloid, tinted copy, with Portuguese intertitles from the Fundacao Cinemateca Brasileira, preserved in the Federal Film Archive in Koblenz.

Most intertitles were kept from the original negative and have been extended for reconstruction.

The new intertitles used the original format

The shots have been made at the original locations in Vienna, Salzburg and vicinity.

Only about half of the 2976 meters of the original film survived, and in poor condition.

The text of the other intertitles follows the original script.

original Story Adaptation:

There was no original copy of the film by Manfred Noa, ELENA (1923/1924).

The original text of the intertitles were not available.

original story and screenplay:

At the same time, the original French titles were restored from two 17.5mm prints in its collection.

which is somewhat shorter than the original.

What had been preserved was, however, a heavily damaged copy of the film that had been printed to 16mm film stock, lacking the full frame of the picture’s original aspect ratio.

The intertitles appear with their original graphic treatment.

Reconstruction and synchronisation of the original music by Gottfried Huppertz: Frank Strobel

Restored and tinted version from an original nitrate negative

The original negative was incomplete: a roll was missing, many intertitles were unkown.

The german intertitles correspond as far as possible to the original negative. They were complemented with translations from the french copy.

original music composed and performed by The Alloy Orchestra.

This rare full-frame print, to which the original division in 6 chapters has been restored, was the main source for the film print that you are about to see.

I thought it was an original idea of mine.

No original 35mm nitrate materials for ETERNAL LOVE are known to survive.

An original movement that they call the Swanee Shuffle

The original negative is lost.

The print was partially out of sequence and its subtitles differed from those of the original release version.

CHEMI BEBIA (original Georgian title)

The original negative has been lost.

We’ll substitute it for the original and when she unveils it, she’ll have a cruel imitation.

Let’s see how yours compares with the original.

They’ve taken the original.

Imagine them getting the original. Oh?

Make two carbon copies and throw the original away.

April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

The confession of faith issued by the London-Amsterdam church (the original of the Pilgrim Fathers’ churches) in 1596 declares that the Christian congregation having power to elect its minister has also power to excommunicate him if the case so require (Walker, Creeds and Platforms of Congregationalism, p. 66).

But he was too original to remain long content with a subordinate position, and the pottery business was developing so rapidly that he had every inducement to commence work on his own account.

He wrote a chronicle of the monastery and several biographies — the life of Gerhard Groot, of Florentius Radewyn, of a Flemish lady St Louise, of Groot’s original disciples; a number of tracts on the monastic life — The Monk’s Alphabet, The Discipline of Cloisters, A Dialogue of Novices, The Life of the Good Monk, The Monk’s Epitaph, Sermons to Novices, Sermons to Monks, The Solitary Life, On Silence, On Poverty, Humility and Patience; two tracts for young people — A Manual of Doctrine for the Young, and A Manual for Children; and books for edification — On True Compunction, The Garden of Roses, The Valley of Lilies, The Consolation of the Poor and the Sick, The Faithful Dispenser, The Soul’s Soliloquy, The Hospital of the Poor.

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With the death of Juvenal, the most important part of whose activity falls in the reign of Trajan, Latin literature as an original and national expression of the experience, character, and sentiment of the Roman state and empire, and as one of the great literatures of the world, may be considered closed.

We still have the original drawing of Martha’s directions.

Soon afterwards he went to Saumur, where in 1679 were published Liberii de Sancto Amore Epistolae Theologicae (Irenopoli: Typis Philalethianis), usually attributed to him; they deal with the doctrine of the Trinity, the hypostatic union of the two natures in Jesus Christ, original sin, and the like, in a manner sufficiently far removed from that of the conventional orthodoxy of the period.

At some period, long subsequent to its original excavation, and after many large stalactites had grown, it was completely filled with glacial mud charged with acid, whereby the dripstone was eroded into singularly grotesque shapes.

Christianismi restitutio (1553; perfect copies in Vienna and Paris); a copy in Edinburgh University Library is complete except that the missing first sixteen pages are replaced by a transcript from the original draft, containing matter not in the print (this supplementary manuscript was reproduced by photography, 1909); a transcript of other portions of the draft is in the Bibl.

In 1652 he married Cromwell’s daughter, Bridget, widow of Ireton, and was made commande in-chief in Ireland, to which title that of lord deputy was added, The chief feature of his administration, which lasted from September 1652 till September 1655, was the settlement of the soldiers on the confiscated estates and the transplantation of the original owners, which he carried out ruthlessly.

The central authority was gradually made effective, and a definite system of payment, by removing the original cause of brigandage, and the establishment of a strict discipline learnt perhaps from the English troops, gradually stamped out the most serious of the many evils under which the country had suffered.

_Nouns_, or the names of the objects of our perceptions, doubtless constituted the original class of words; (if I may be allowed to assume such a hypothesis as an _original_ class of words;) but the ever-active principle of association, soon transformed nouns into verbs, by making them, when employed in a particular manner, expressive of affirmation. ❋ Samuel Kirkham (N/A)

Her composition was a good example of what a silly child, with an even sillier mother could do, in the way of original work, for surely the essay was _original_. ❋ Amy Brooks (N/A)

” Hence that admirable writer postulates some “terrible original calamity”; and thus the hateful doctrine, theologically called “original sin, ” becomes to him almost as certain as that “the world exists, and as the existence of God. ❋ Richard Francis Burton (1855)

The Latin original translates as: ‘Mine is a heart that scorns the light, and believes that the glory that you strive for is cheaply bought with life’. ❋ Unknown (1644)

Hollywood, where the term original idea is an oxymoron, is developing at least six movies about … ❋ Unknown (2008)

With modern design, the term «original» can be a bit tricky, especially if the piece in question is still being produced and sold in the current marketplace. ❋ Unknown (2011)

The title original for this post was «BLOODY HELL!», but I thought … it’s not that nice. ❋ Unknown (2009)

I think the original is almost 50/50 or even more laughs than scares. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Seems the best way to keep the spirit. jackieboi the original is a classic. can’t be topped, at least not with those hacks … i think ill redbox dear john when this comes out. ❋ Unknown (2010)

I don’t know who the original is about, but this one is about a zombie. ❋ Zombaritaville (2010)

«Notes on Robert Frost,» which fill about two thousand pages of typescript; the original is at the University of Virginia, but there’s a good copy at Dartmouth, which is where I read them. ❋ Unknown (2010)

FYI, the title of the original is actually «Clouds in my Coffee» ❋ Zombaritaville (2010)

(In fact, reading graphic novels after the original is a good general policy.) ❋ Meghan Cox Gurdon (2010)

Admittedly, it was a second-hand posting; the original is here. ❋ Unknown (2010)

And although the original is a classic in many ways, one thing it definitely lacked was some actually cool martial arts. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Neither has McInnis been cleared of misrepresenting his water-musings articles to the Hasan Family Foundation, which he described as «original,» leaving him open to charges of fraud. ❋ Jason Salzman (2011)

In fact, the only really discernable difference between this series and the original is the hair. ❋ Unknown (2009)

It, too, has been copied by many users world-wide, but this original is the best! ❋ Unknown (2009)

original 1 : look at all [those people] [over there]
oringinal 2 : [yeh] they all look the same ❋ Sammy (2004)

[What is] [original]? ❋ Thelittleazngurl (2006)

[I am the] orgininotator ❋ Bengaman (2004)

«[Whatever] you [think] [my name is] is not original ❋ Hairdressing Buffoon (2007)

original ❋ Wissamvii (2018)

[Original] is [original]!!! ❋ Hellwe (2007)

bro… [I had] original [sex] for [the first time] last night… ❋ Tresamigas (2018)

«Have [you seen] The Originals?»
«[Of course], it’s only like [my favorite show]!» ❋ Karma Akabane (Avocado) (2018)

[Hey], [at least] I acknowledged [mine]! ❋ Killing Kittens (2004)

[Express] your originality through [song] or [words]. ❋ Simply L (2004)

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