Sentences with the word nothing

Sentences with the word Nothing?



  • «This idea will never amount to anything»; «nothing came of his grandiose plans»
  • «the child stayed home alone»; «the pillar stood alone, supporting nothing«; «he flew solo»
  • «A few words would answer»; «This car suits my purpose well»; «Will $100 do?»; «A `B’ grade doesn’t suffice to get me into medical school»; «nothing else will serve»
  • «he would become emotional over nothing at all»; «she was worked up about all the noise»
  • «he deserves a good kick in the butt»; «are you going to sit on your fanny and do nothing
  • «it looked like nothing I had ever seen before»; «reduced to nil all the work we had done»; «we racked up a pathetic goose egg»; «it was all for naught»; «I didn’t hear zilch about it»
  • «agreed to provide essentials but nothing beyond»
  • «They bled me dry—I have nothing left!»
  • «his proposal was nothing but a house of cards»; «a real estate bubble»
  • «our prisoner was just a private and knew nothing of value»
  • «build a defense on nothing but the accused person’s reputation»
  • «he swung late on the fastball»; «he showed batters nothing but smoke»
  • «a broken back is nothing to be casual about; it is no fooling matter»
  • «he was certain to fail»; «his fate is certain»; «In this life nothing is certain but death and taxes»- Benjamin Franklin; «he faced certain death»; «sudden but sure regret»; «he is sure to win»
  • «nothing good will come of this»
  • «What is happening?»; «The meeting took place off without an incidence»; «nothing occurred that seemed important»
  • «was settled in a comfortable job, one for which he was well prepared»; «the comfortable thought that nothing could go wrong»; «was comfortable in his religious beliefs»; «she’s a comfortable person to be with»; «she felt comfortable with her fiance’s parents»
  • «he deserved nothing but condemnation»
  • «sent confusing signals to Iraq»; «perplexing to someone who knew nothing about it»; «a puzzling statement»
  • «this is a dead town; nothing ever happens here»
  • «nothing marred her beauty»
  • «make love, not war»; «make an effort»; «do research»; «do nothing«; «make revolution»
  • «a do-nothing government»
  • «nothing so frumpish as last year’s gambling game»
  • «he lives in a dream that has nothing to do with reality»
  • «he was so dull at parties»; «a dull political campaign»; «a large dull impassive man»; «dull days with nothing to do»; «how dull and dreary the world is»; «fell back into one of her dull moods»
  • «people who will do nothing unless they get something out of it for themselves are often highly effective persons…»-G.B.Shaw; «effective personnel»; «an efficient secretary»; «the efficient cause of the revolution»
  • «nothing can rival cotton for durability»; «Your performance doesn’t even touch that of your colleagues»; «Her persistence and ambition only matches that of her parents»
  • «a placid everyday scene»; «it was a routine day»; «there’s nothing quite like a real…train conductor to add color to a quotidian commute»- Anita Diamant
  • «a seduction on my part would land us with the necessity to rise, bathe and dress, chat falsely about this and that, and emerge into the rest of the evening as though nothing had happened»
  • «nothing could be further from the truth»; «further from our expectations»; «farther from the truth»; «farther from our expectations»
  • «further complicated by uncertainty about the future»; «let’s not discuss it further»; «nothing could be further from the truth»; «they are further along in their research than we expected»; «the application of the law was extended farther»; «he is going no farther in his studies»
  • «These aspects of civilization do not find expression or receive an interpretation»; «His movie received a good review»; «I got nothing but trouble for my good intentions»
  • «a sorry horse»; «a sorry excuse»; «a lazy no-count, good-for-nothing goldbrick»; «the car was a no-good piece of junk»
  • «We heard nothing from our son for five years»
  • «nothing lifted the heaviness of her heart after her loss»
  • «a humdrum existence; all work and no play»; «nothing is so monotonous as the sea»
  • «limitless vastness of our solar system»; «The long unmeasured pulse of time moves everything. There is nothing hidden that it cannot bring to light, nothing once known that may not become unknown.»—Sophocles
  • «her impassive remoteness»; «he remained impassive, showing neither interest in nor concern for our plight»- Nordhoff & Hall; «a silent stolid creature who took it all as a matter of course»-Virginia Woolf; «her face showed nothing but stolid indifference»
  • «he retracted nothing that he had said about the inappropriateness of either a corporeal God or a God who is a person»; «his praise released from her loud protestations of her unworthiness»
  • «they said nothing of great interest»; «primary colors can add interest to a room»
  • «we accomplished nothing, simply because of the large number of people involved»; «the problems involved»; «the involved muscles»; «I don’t want to get involved»; «everyone involved in the bribery case has been identified»
  • «Can you locate your cousins in the Midwest?»; «My search turned up nothing«
  • «He made to speak but said nothing in the end»; «She made as if to say hello to us»
  • «She made out that she know nothing about the crime»
  • «My ex-husband means nothing to me»; «Happiness means everything»
  • «he looks nothing like his father»
  • «his bookcases were filled with nothing but novels»; «he burned all the novels»
  • «nothing so fatal as to strive too officiously for an abstract quality like beauty»
  • «the picnic is on, rain or shine»; «we have nothing on for Friday night»
  • «Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord»—Romans 12:19; «For vengeance I would do nothing. This nation is too great to look for mere revenge»—James Garfield; «he swore vengeance on the man who betrayed him»; «the swiftness of divine retribution»
  • «she tends to make a big production out of nothing«
  • «the government has done nothing to ease restrictions and manufacturers are growing restive»
  • «nothing will result from this meeting»
  • «want nothing from you but to get away from your uncivil tongue»- Willa Cather
  • «scouring the entire area revealed nothing«
  • «a thorough search of the ledgers revealed nothing«; «the outcome justified the search»
  • «he was secure that nothing will be held against him»
  • «These words mean nothing to me!»; «What does his strange behavior signify?»
  • «nothing disturbed the even tenor of her ways»
  • «a tinseled charm and unabashed sentimentality»- Jerome Stone; «an unembarrassed greeting as if nothing untoward had happened»
  • «You would do well to say nothing more»; «could not well refuse»

nothing — перевод на русский


There is nothing sexy about depression, Rebecca.

В депрессии нет ничего сексуального, Ребекка.

It is so weird. We have nothing in common, and yet we have the same father.

У нас нет ничего общего, но при этом один отец.

Pistachio, there’s nothing out here.

Фисташка, здесь нет ничего.

«It is nothing — but the people’s foolish fancies!»

«Нет ничего, лишь глупые людские заблуждения!»

Nothing but love.

Нет ничего, кроме любви.

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Oh, that ain’t nothing.

Это все пустяки.

You know of course, that there’s nothing, no one for me to go back to.

Это все пустяки, ты ведь знаешь. Это не причина возвращаться.

Ah, that’s nothing.

А, это пустяки.

— It was nothing.

— Это пустяки.

Nothing, you say?


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‘Cause I got nothing left to lose.

Потому что мне больше нечего терять.

I’ve nothing to say to you, and I’m tired of being called things by every crackpot on the city payroll.

Мне больше нечего вам сказать. и я устал от таких допросов по поводу и без повода.

Here I’ve been sitting here doing nothing but talking about Jamie.

Вот делать больше нечего, кроме как говорить о Джеми.

There is nothing to do here.

— Здесь больше нечего делать.

And there’s really nothing for me to say, after we’ve had dessert, of course except thank you and goodbye.

И мне больше нечего сказать, особенно после десерта кроме разве что, спасибо и досвидания

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Nothing’s making sense here.

Это просто бесмысленно.

How many times I have to tell you you shouldn’t fight for nothing.

Ну сколько раз ему говорить, чтоб ты не дрался просто так.

Those glasses you found in Phil Byrnes’ place are nothing but window pane.

Очки, которые вы нашли в комнате Фила Бернса — просто для красоты, в них оконное стекло.

Nothing, only I never would have known you from his description.

Ну, просто я не узнала бы вас по его описанию.

It’s nothing but rabbit— and sick rabbit at that!

Это же просто кролик! К тому же, больной кролик.

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She had nothing to do with this.

Она не имеет к этому никакого отношения.

Nothing else matters.

Остальное не имеет значение.

Parry had nothing to do with the accident.

— Пэрри не имеет отношение к инциденту.

He’s got nothing to do with it.

Он не имеет к этому отношения.

— That’s got nothing to do with this case.

— К этому делу это не имеет никакого отношения.

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It’s nothing, really. Heh-heh.

Это ерунда, правда.

Nothing but a heap of nonsense.

Ерунда какая-то.

— Oh, nothing much.


I knew you’d feel differently after you hit the open road, but this is nothing, Johnny.

Я знал, что ты почувствуешь себя по-другому, когда отправишься в путь. Но это еще ерунда.

It’s nothing, just a little cut.

Ерунда. Небольшой порез.

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He’s the South’s King, nothing will happen to him.

с ним все будет в порядке.

Of course there’s nothing wrong.

Все в порядке.

Why make her believe anything’s wrong when nothing is wrong?

Зачем давать ей думать, что здесь что-то не так, когда все в порядке?

Nothing wrong with this chair.

— С этим стулом все в порядке.

I hope there’s nothing wrong.

С дядей Вильямом все в порядке?

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I kill you for nothin’.

Я убью тебя бесплатно.

I’m tired of feeding ya for nothing.

Надоело вас бесплатно кормить.

Maybe I didn’t send you through Law School for nothing.

Может быть, не я послала тебя на юридический факультет за бесплатно.

He wants to go to work for you for nothing.

ќн хочет работать на вас бесплатно.

Let her come in for nothing.

Пусть она войдет… бесплатно.

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«Nothing — just a boob breaking jail!»

«Ничего особенного, просто какой-то олух сбежал из тюрьмы!»

Nothing much.

Ничего особенного, а что?

Nothing like it after you get used to it.

Ничего особенного, после того как привыкнешь.

Oh, it’s nothing.

Да нет, ничего особенного.

Nothing brilliant worth mentioning… not even in my memoirs!

— Чем вы занимаетесь? — Ничего особенного. Я не собираюсь говорить об этом даже в моих мемуарах.

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-How I feel has nothing to do with it.

— Мои чувства тут ни при чем.

I’d nothing to do with it.

Я тут ни при чем.

The beach had nothing to do with it.

Пляжная перепалка тут ни при чем.

-What are you laughing about? There is nothing to laugh about.

— Что тут смешного?

The town is beseeched, and the trumpet call us to the breach; and we talk, and, by the Holy, do nothing.

Город осаждён. Слышите, трубы зовут нас к пролому; а мы тут болтаем и бездельничаем, истинный Бог!

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ничего, ничто, мелочь, ноль, ничего, ничто, совсем нет


- пустяк; мелочь

a mere nothing — пустяк
sweet /soft/ nothings — нежности, сладкие слова, любовные уверения
gay nothings — шуточки
the little nothings of life — мелочи жизни

- ноль

He is five feet nothing. — Его рост ровно пять футов.
The score was three to nothing. — Счёт был три — ноль.

- нуль; ничтожество; пустое место (о человеке)

He is a real nothing. — Он ничего собой не представляет.

- отсутствие (чего-л.); пустота

One cannot live on nothing. — Без денег жить нельзя.
You can live here for next to nothing. — Здесь можно жить очень дёшево /почти даром/.

- небытие; нереальность; полное исчезновение

to fade away into nothing — растаять; постепенно исчезнуть
The conversation dropped to nothing. — Беседа сошла на нет.

- церк. атеист; безбожник

Catholics, Protestants and people who are nothing — католики, протестанты и неверующие


- нисколько; совсем нет; ни в малейшей степени


- ничего

- ничто (по сравнению с кем-л., чем-л.)

nothing to smth. — ничто по сравнению с чем-л.
That’s nothing to what followed. — Это ничто по сравнению с тем, что было дальше.
Learning is nothing to genius. — Учёность перед гениальностью — ничто.

- ничто (для кого-л.)

That is nothing to him. — Это его не касается.
This is nothing to you. — Это не ваше дело.
She is nothing to him. — Она его не интересует.
It is nothing to me whether he comes or not. — Мне совершенно безразлично, придёт он или нет.

- (of) ничего от; ни в малейшей степени не

Nothing of the kind /of the sort/. — Ничего подобного.
Nothing more to be said. — Не о чем больше говорить.
He has nothing of his father in him. — В нём нет ничего отцовского /от отца/.
he is nothing of a scholar — В нём нет никаких качеств учёного.


- пустячный; ничтожный; никчёмный; бестолковый; бесперспективный

She was stuck in a nothing job. — Она застряла на никчёмной, бесперспективной работе.

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

There’s nothing new about this.

В этом нет ничего нового.

He’s nothing like his brother.

Он совсем не похож на брата.

‘What did you do last weekend?’ ‘Oh, nothing much.’

— Что ты делал в прошлые выходные? — Да ничего особенного.

There’s nothing in this box.

В этой коробке ничего нет.

She is nothing like her sister.

Она ни капельки не похожа на свою сестру.

It’s nothing to what I saw in Paris.

Это ничто по сравнению с тем, что я видел в Париже.

‘What have you been doing?’ ‘Nothing. Just sitting here.’

— Что ты делаешь? — Ничего. Просто сижу здесь.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Возможные однокоренные слова

everything  — все, все самое важное, куча, масса
no  — нет, не, никакой, нисколько не, отказ, отрицание
nobody  — никто, никому не известный человек
nothingness  — ничто, небытие, ничтожество, пустяки, несущественность
anything  — что-нибудь, все, что-либо, что угодно, сколько-нибудь, в какой-либо мере
something  — что-то, нечто, что-нибудь, кое-что, немного, приблизительно, несколько
thing  — вещь, предмет, дело, штука, нечто, кое-что, существо, факт, обстоятельство, вещица

In a way she did, it was a grimy old industrial city where there was nothing to do but drink and fuck and has-been old music still pneumatically amplified

There is nothing that is so frustrating than seeing other

do, the ER acronym has nothing to do with Emergency Room — as in the US medical drama

“He was at the crime scene and he started talking about how I should be on his show, like nothing ever happened, like everything was fine between us

for without me ye can do nothing

Nothing is unachievable in life, whatever you believe, you can achieve

living that life is nothing more than creating goals, achieving those goals, and doing that over and over and over again

Tdeshi was gone Jorma, you have to get over that, but nothing was implanted in this flesh

«It has nothing to do with the supernatural

It is obvious that nothing of consequence can be resolved any earlier

With the insignia from his uniform he has the money to finance a family to raise and train a child to be my shadow, a child who has been trained to do nothing but zero in on those papers

· There’s nothing left to learn the hard way

He went over the house, looking for things out of place and found almost nothing

You need to know that repentance has nothing to do

Luke: 7:42: And when they had nothing to pay, he frankly forgave them both

We started with nothing remember? I think it was a whole five thousand I invested initially if you remember

There was nothing that he could eat, but he was used to that

had nothing to loss

Meanwhile, there was nothing pressing

Psalms: 119:165: Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them

It was really nothing more than a long tie-dye tee shirt, and was accepted street and business attire for both sexes

It was hot already, she wouldn’t want anything more than this and the energy resources available on this planet guaranteed that even in lavish quarters like these, air conditioning would be nothing more than a laboratory curiosity for all time

That means, there will be nothing missing or

Perhaps he was worrying over nothing

There is nothing that God does without a

However the native humans got here back in the ice age, they brought few diseases with them and almost nothing of the native biosphere could infect such an alien biology as a human being

that, there is nothing you do spiritually that is in vain,

by your faith even though nothing came out of it, He

Our intellectual accomplishments have nothing to do with emotional maturity

She said nothing, he knew he had to go on, she wasn’t going to beg

There is nothing wrong with retiring from a lifelong career, but to cease working in

Still, from Johnny’s experience he knew that nothing usually went that smoothly

What’s left is nothing but sterile and lifeless soil

After I left you I was content with a little place on the prairie, well, not that little, but compared to a nation it was nothing

I’m unhappily married to a freeloading spider who just squats around the web doing nothing but waste his precious energy and cost me precious sleep

Also, because much stress is now psychological or emotional, there’s nothing obvious to run away from or fight and so the stress hormones build up in the body with damaging effects

There was nothing in it at all

There was nothing to do here, really, except sit down at the hotel and watch T

Ackers shook his head as he switched off his database and computer, “If Agent Seventy-Seven has nothing to add to this mission except herself, then perhaps we don’t need any more of her help

Nothing organic here! So I would suggest that you make it yourself for your own use and make some extra for your plants!

Whenever we asked some senior citizens about the meaning of this term, they felt it was just a new term and nothing more

She didn’t dare rifle thru everything on that first trip, but she took a quick look in the box while on the toilet and found the maps but nothing that stood out as a cargo receipt

There was nothing else in Herndon’s folder but a scrap of scratch paper and a blank copy of the storage contract

His rampant nervousness was nothing that the guards and Scar had not seen before

«Ain’t nothing wrong, sweetheart

‘She knew nothing about these classes of yours … what do you say to that?’

She could see no use for herself there, but there was little doubt Herndon would be glad of her company, if for nothing else, someone to spell him driving the boat

He would listen to nothing, but drove like he was possessed

‘Inspector, it is nearly three thirty and my client has had nothing to eat

This whole world is nothing but kids playing

There is nothing wrong in having them but what is wrong is getting too possessive about them or getting attached to them

«This changes nothing,» he said

As such, they were always turning and looking impassively at things, and it gave Scar the creeps like nothing else in the world

«You will die and show me nothing but your blood!»

She was well away from her command controls now and there would be nothing she could do in time before he got to her

Is there nothing else out here?»

Ackers immediately sprang into action, using nothing but words to try and confuse and misdirect the potential assassin

Look how well he had handled the situation! Of course the boy was nothing but a civilian, and there really wasn’t much of a situation to handle, but Ackers was too relieved to think about any of these things

If you are leaving all your money to charity and nothing for your family, then emphasise the reason for doing so

Clearly there were two different groups breaking in to steal the Chip and they had nothing to do with each other

He cursed himself for not thinking about that sooner, but there was nothing he could do about it now

There was nothing to do but wait to be caught

She was tired of his secrecy, did he think the ghosts told her nothing? The vision crossed her mind of yelling to her sister that Herndon had gone berserk and the Instinct might not protect her

Following is a story of a man who chose to do nothing but wait for God’s help

He never did any real parenting or nothing

Zitteraal stares back, says nothing

Even more surprising than that, his head wasn’t bleeding or nothing!

John turns again to Zitteraal, who has seen nothing

Nothing appears out of the ordinary

We’ve already tried, there’s nothing we can do about it from up here

’ He commented apropos of nothing

Clarisse says nothing

He hoped nothing bad would come of the ill-won wealth


‘No, nothing here

Despite this, I hear the odd word … which frustratingly tells me nothing!

John bristles, but says nothing

The practice of breathing exercises has nothing whatever to do with spiritual development

John continues to stare at her, says nothing

are? Nothing has come back?

‘That sounds serious – nothing wrong between the two of you, I hope

Nothing occurs at random

John says nothing

‘But I’ve told you there is nothing I want to say to you

there is nothing left to bestow, so let us call the document a testament or a caution, if

inaction – that is to simply let myself fall and to do nothing

I wish to do nothing

The old man says nothing, doesn’t move

If I was going to get a tattoo it would say that and nothing else

There was nothing better in life, for me anyway, than skin

I was a practically shy lad, and nothing much has changed over

«Well, sometimes it’s nothing at all but sometimes we’re talking tens of thousands at a time

It is fun clearing up the sitting room of the annexe … I know Stephen said to leave it until we know for definite that Liz is coming, but I had nothing much to do this afternoon and sometimes a good cleaning session is therapeutic

about how we could improve things, nothing spectacular, just a typical machine

There’s nothing you could’ve done,

He searches the waves frantically, sees nothing but the boat’s wreckage and the storm

wore bright colours, drove a rag-top and wanted for nothing, until, that is, Eva came

Of course Tahlmute would discuss nothing about the journey with Estwig along, instead he discussed the theater in this region and what he found interesting and what he found provincial

It could blacken the atmosphere so nothing could grow for years

April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

For you see no one point precisely; not one distinct feature is revealed; no nose, eyes, ears, or mouth; no face; he has none, proper; nothing but that one broad firmament of a forehead, pleated with riddles; dumbly lowering with the doom of boats, and ships, and men.

Corps a few weeks before; he had come from the Asiago uplands and knew little or nothing of the II.

Dusty knew nothing of the immortal divisions, but since an Other was the evil equivalent of a Watcher, they were in some serious trouble.

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The book contained much invective against Pitt, and in after life Coleridge declared that, with this exception, and a few pages involving philosophical tenets which he afterwards rejected, there was little or nothing he desired to retract.

It met now and then, and directed sentiment, being twice dispersed by United States troops; but it passed no laws, and did nothing that conflicted with the Territorial government countenanced by Congress.

With this process, which in all its essential features was completed in the 11th century, doctrinal developments had little or nothing to do, though from the 9th century onwards liturgiologists were busy expounding the mystic symbolism of garments which, until their imagination set to work, had for the most part no symbolism whatever (see below).

Either this look meant nothing but that as long as one has eyes they must look somewhere, or it meant too much.

She breathed in nothing but water and panicked, clawing at the arm wrapped around her.

Napoleon was here defeated, and with only 30,000 men at his back he was compelled to renounce all ideas of a further offensive, and he retired to rest his troops to Reims. Here he remained unmolested for a few days, fop Blucher was struck down by sickness, and in his absence nothing was done.

The village is celebrated as the site of the following discovery: In 1896 interest having been aroused by the discovery, only twelve miles away, of the Buddha’s birthplace (see LuMBINI), William Peppe, then resident manager of the Birdpur estate, opened a ruined tope or burial mound situate at Piprawa, but nothing of importance was found.

Examples of how to use the word “nothing” in a sentence. How to connect “nothing” with other words to make correct English sentences.

nothing (pron): not anything

Use “nothing” in a sentence

Nothing is more precious than independence and liberty.”
There’s nothing in the fridge.
There’s nothing funny about it.
I have nothing to hide.
Nothing is more precious than independence and freedom.
I stay indoors all day and do nothing.
I have nothing to say.
She has nothing in common with him.
There’s nothing left to say.
There’s nothing out of the ordinary .
Nothing is permanent in this world.
Nothing is in its proper place.

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no thing; not anything; naught: to say nothing.

no part, share, or trace (usually followed by of): The house showed nothing of its former magnificence.

something that is nonexistent.

something of no importance or significance: Wealth is nothing if you’re not healthy enough to enjoy it.

a trivial action, matter, circumstance, thing, or remark: to exchange a few nothings when being introduced.

a person of little or no importance; a nobody.

something that is without quantity or magnitude.

a cipher or naught: Nothing from nine leaves nine.

(used in conventional responses to expressions of thanks): Think nothing of it. It’s nothing. Nothing to it.


in no respect or degree; not at all: It was nothing like that. Nothing dismayed, he repeated his question.


amounting to nothing, as in offering no prospects for satisfaction, advancement, or the like: She was stuck in a nothing job.



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Idioms about nothing

    for nothing,

    1. free of charge.
    2. for no apparent reason or motive.
    3. futilely; to no avail: They had gone to a great deal of expense for nothing.

    in nothing flat, in very little time: Dinner was finished in nothing flat.

    make nothing of,

    1. to treat lightly; regard as easy.
    2. to be unsuccessful in comprehending: He could make nothing of the complicated directions.

    nothing but, nothing other than; only: We could see nothing but fog.

    nothing doing,

    1. Informal. emphatically no; certainly not.
    2. no activity, inducement, advantage, etc., present to the eye: We drove through the town but there seemed to be nothing doing.

    nothing less than / short of, absolutely; completely: She was used to nothing less than the best.

    think nothing of,

    1. to treat casually.
    2. to regard as insignificant: He thinks nothing of lying to conceal his incompetence.

Origin of nothing

First recorded before 900; Middle English; Old English nānthing, nathing; see no2, thing1

Words nearby nothing

not have it, not have one’s heart in it, not have the heart to, not having any, nother, nothing, nothingburger, nothing but, nothing doing, nothing if not, nothing like Unabridged
Based on the Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2023

Words related to nothing

nobody, annihilation, aught, bagatelle, blank, cipher, crumb, diddly, extinction, naught, nihility, nix, nonbeing, nonentity, nonexistence, nothingness, nought, nullity, obliteration, oblivion

How to use nothing in a sentence

  • In the meantime, he should just accept that the holdup has nothing to do with his politics.

  • The decision not to run the cartoons is motivated by nothing more than fear: either fear of offending or fear of retaliation.

  • It has nothing to do with the regulatory job he is nominated for.

  • “There is a heavy security presence but nothing has changed,” agrees Father Javier.

  • Nothing made Groucho funnier than having this Margaret Dumont around not understanding the jokes.

  • The vision—it had been an instantaneous flash after all and nothing more—had left his mind completely for the time.

  • We should have to admit that the new law does little or nothing to relieve such a situation.

  • Nothing remarkable occurred in our march through this country.

  • It was very warm, and for a while they did nothing but exchange remarks about the heat, the sun, the glare.

  • «There is no more war,» Brion translated for Ulv, realizing that the Disan had understood nothing of the explanation.

British Dictionary definitions for nothing


(indefinite) no thing; not anything, as of an implied or specified class of thingsI can give you nothing

no part or shareto have nothing to do with this crime

a matter of no importance or significanceit doesn’t matter, it’s nothing

indicating the absence of anything perceptible; nothingness

indicating the absence of meaning, value, worth, etcto amount to nothing

zero quantity; nought

be nothing to

  1. not to concern or be significant to (someone)
  2. to be not nearly as good as

have nothing to do with or be nothing to do with to have no connection with

have nothing on or have got nothing on

  1. to have no engagements to keep
  2. to be undressed or naked
  3. informal to compare unfavourably with

in nothing flat informal in almost no time; very quickly or soon

nothing but not something other than; only

nothing doing informal an expression of dismissal, disapproval, lack of compliance with a request, etc

nothing if not at the very least; certainly

nothing less than or nothing short of downright; truly

there’s nothing for it there’s no choice; there’s no other course

there’s nothing like a general expression of praisethere’s nothing like a good cup of tea

there’s nothing to it it is very simple, easy, etc

think nothing of

  1. to regard as routine, easy, or natural
  2. to have no compunction or hesitation about
  3. to have a very low opinion of

to say nothing of as well as; even disregardinghe was warmly dressed in a shirt and heavy jumper, to say nothing of his thick overcoat

stop at nothing to be prepared to do anything; be unscrupulous or ruthless


in no way; not at allhe looked nothing like his brother


informal a person or thing of no importance or significance

sweet nothings words of endearment or affection

Word Origin for nothing

Old English nāthing, nān thing, from nān none 1 + thing 1

usage for nothing

Nothing normally takes a singular verb, but when nothing but is followed by a plural form of a noun, a plural verb is usually used: it was a large room where nothing but souvenirs were sold

Collins English Dictionary — Complete & Unabridged 2012 Digital Edition
© William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1979, 1986 © HarperCollins
Publishers 1998, 2000, 2003, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2012

Other Idioms and Phrases with nothing

In addition to the idioms beginning with nothing

  • nothing but
  • nothing doing
  • nothing if not
  • nothing like
  • nothing new under the sun
  • nothing of the kind
  • nothing short of
  • nothing to do with
  • nothing to it, there’s
  • nothing to sneeze at
  • nothing to speak of
  • nothing to write home about
  • nothing ventured, nothing gained

also see:

  • come to nothing
  • count for (nothing)
  • go for nothing
  • have nothing on
  • have nothing to do with
  • here goes (nothing)
  • in no time (nothing flat)
  • leave a lot (nothing) to be desired
  • make nothing of
  • make something of (nothing)
  • much ado about nothing
  • not know beans (from nothing)
  • not to mention (say nothing of)
  • stop at nothing
  • sweet nothings
  • think nothing of
  • want for nothing

The American Heritage® Idioms Dictionary
Copyright © 2002, 2001, 1995 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

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