Sentences with the word noble

Sentences with the word Noble?



  • «a baronial mansion»; «an imposing residence»; «a noble tree»; «severe-looking policemen sat astride noble horses»; «stately columns»
  • «looking careworn as she bent over her mending»; «her face was drawn and haggard from sleeplessness»; «that raddled but still noble face»; «shocked to see the worn look of his handsome young face»- Charles Dickens
  • «She was descended from an old Italian noble family»; «he comes from humble origins»
  • «an exalted ideal»; «argue in terms of high-flown ideals»- Oliver Franks; «a noble and lofty concept»; «a grand purpose»
  • «left their clothes dirty looking»; «a most disagreeable looking character»; «angry-looking»; «liquid-looking»; «severe-looking policemen on noble horses»; «fine-sounding phrases»; «taken in by high-sounding talk»
  • «of noble birth»
  • «a noble spirit»; «noble deeds»
  • «a noble gas such as helium or neon»; «noble metals include gold and silver and platinum»

благородный, знатный, инертный, дворянин, нобль, титулованное лицо


- благородный, великодушный

noble actions — благородные поступки
noble sentiments — великодушные чувства
noble deed — благородный поступок
noble mind — высокий ум
noble soul — великая душа

- величавый, величественный; статный

noble edifice — величественное сооружение
on a noble scale — с размахом, щедро
a building planned on a noble scale — здание с благородными пропорциями

- прекрасный, замечательный; превосходный

noble horse — прекрасная лошадь, конь-красавец
noble cellar — превосходный погреб /запас старых вин/

- титулованный, знатный

noble estate — дворянское сословие, дворянство
noble birth — благородное происхождение
noble blood — благородная /дворянская, аристократическая/ кровь
noble rank — высокое положение, знатность
to be born noble — родиться в дворянской семье, быть аристократом по рождению

- благородный (о металле)
- хим. инертный (о газе)

noble science /art/ — а) сл. бокс; б) ист. фехтование


- нобль (старинная английская золотая монета)
- амер. сл. руководитель штрейкбрехеров; представитель компании, поставляющей штрейкбрехеров
- амер. сл. ханжа, лицемер

Мои примеры


a noble gas such as helium or neon — инертный / благородный газ, например, гелий или неон  
a brave knight and his noble steed — отважный рыцарь и его благородный скакун  
that raddled but still noble face — это усталое, но всё-таки благородное лицо  
of noble birth — знатного происхождения  
a noble hack with four horses — великолепный экипаж, запряжённый четырьмя лошадьми  
noble / honorable motives — благородные порывы  
noble act — благородный поступок  
noble aims — возвышенные цели  
noble warrior — доблестный воин  
noble wine — прекрасное вино, высококачественное вино  
a man of noble birth — человек благородного происхождения  
thrice-noble — в высшей степени благородный  

Примеры с переводом

We entered into a noble forest.

Мы вошли в величественный лес.

He was a man of noble character.

Он был человеком благородным.

He was trying to make out which was noble and which was valet.

Он пытался понять, кто из них был дворянин, а кто — слуга.

A noble anger was gleaming over his wan face.

Его бледное лицо излучало благородный гнев.

He was of noble birth, and even akin to the royal family.

У него было благородное происхождение, он даже состоял в родстве с королевской семьей.

They claim to be of noble ancestry.

Они заявляют о своём благородном происхождении.

She was descended from an old Italian noble family.

Она происходила из старой итальянской дворянской семьи.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

“Many good morrows to my noble lord!” Shakespeare, Richard III

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Возможные однокоренные слова

ennoble  — облагораживать, жаловать дворянством
nobleness  — благородство
nobly  — благородно, прекрасно, превосходно

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): noble
мн. ч.(plural): nobles

срав. степ. (comparative): nobler
прев. степ. (superlative): noblest

noble — перевод на русский


The misery that has accompanied him from his birth until this very day but he has still managed to do that single and most noble duty of men.

Бедность, которая его сопровождала с его рождения по сей день но он все равно смог исполнить единственный и самый благородный долг человека.

for there is none of you so mean and base, that hath not noble lustre in your eyes.

Ведь нет средь вас столь низких, в чьих бы взорах Теперь огонь не вспыхнул благородный.

If we no more meet till we meet in heaven, then, joyfully, my noble Westmoreland, my dear Lord Gloucester, my good Lord Exeter, and my kind kinsman, warriors all, adieu!

Коль нам на этом свете не придётся Увидеться, то радостно пред смертью простимся, благородный Уэстморленд, Мой милый Глостер, Эксетер добрейший, И ты, кузен, и воины!

Noble Banquo, thou hadst no less deserved, nor must be known no less to have done so.

Мой благородный Банко, ты не меньше Нам послужил.

He truly is noble and dignified.

По-настоящему благородный.

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Never king of England had nobles richer and more loyal subjects, whose hearts have left their bodies here in England and lie pavilion’d in the fields of France.

Король английский не имел доселе Дворян — богаче, подданных — верней. Здесь, в Англии, теперь лишь их тела, Сердца же их во Францию стремятся.

I’m not one of your stuffy Norman nobles.

Я не один из ваших нудных норманских дворян.

Assembled in the palace are many scholars, many rulers and nobles.

Во дворце собрались множество ученых, множество правителей и дворян.

Moliere entertained the nobles.

Мольер развлекал дворян.

Does not take an expert in , why the main effort most of our nobles is not how to make their children people

Никак не возьму в толк, почему главное старание большей части наших дворян состоит не в том, чтобы сделать детей своих людьми,

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There’s a breakdown of the cost of the Erin Noble, but, uh, Mr. Herrera is reviewing that.

Здесь расклад, во что нам обойдется Эрин Ноубл, но мистер Херрера уже его просматривает.

Donna Noble, welcome to the creation of the Earth.

Донна Ноубл, добро пожаловать на создание Земли.

By the way, Donna Noble, since you didn’t ask.

Донна Ноубл, раз уж вы не спросили.

Thank you, Donna Noble. It’s been brilliant.

Спасибо, Донна Ноубл, всё было великолепно.

— Don’t tell me. Donna Noble.

— Дай угадаю – Донна Ноубл.

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De Cantel is one of the oldest and noblest names in France.

Де Кантель — одна из самых древних и знатных фамилий во Франции.

We Velazcos are noble.

Род Веласко один из знатных.

She entertained only the noble elite in her bed of pleasures.

Принимала в постели только знатных особ.

Brauer catered to european noble families, Making hundreds of timepieces.

Брауэр делал часы для многих знатных семейств Европы, он создал несколько сотен часов.

No, we are simply two noble Britishmen out on a stroll.

Нет, мы просто два знатных британца на прогулке.

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-Whether for serf or noble.

— И для рабов, и для знати.

We too shall have our noble licence that factitious historians wanted to contest.

У нас должна быть лицнзия от нашей знати, так как историки по искусству хотели конкурса.

Of course, it pleases Roman vanity to think that you are noble.

Тщеславным римлянам проще думать, что ты — из знати.

I explained to Her Glory that her council of nobles and the Troyius Tribunal

Я объяснил Ее Величеству, что их совет знати и тройский трибунал решили, что я должен научить…

And what on earth do our revolutionaries of noble birth want?

А нашим революционерам ИЗ знати какого надобно рожна?

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All the old things, at least they are noble.

Благородство было в старину.

How noble of you.

С ума сойти, какое благородство!

If she decides to be noble and takes her own life

Если она решит… проявить благородство… и покончить с собой,

Guy makes a speech, how do we know how noble he is unless he suffers?

Он выступает, но как оценить его благородство, если он не страдает.

Fly to the rescue and then I’ll shoot you right through your noble intentions.

Спеши на выручку и жди пулю в награду за свое благородство.

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Are these yours, Miss Noble?

Это ваши, мисс Нобл?

Are you in pain, Mrs. Noble?

Вам больно, миссис Нобл?

Lawyer J. Noble Daggett of Dardanelle, Arkansas may think otherwise, as might a jury, petitioned by a widow and three small children.

Адвокат Джей Нобл Даггет из Дарданелл, штат Арканаз может решить иначе, как и суд присяжных, в который обратится вдова с тремя маленькими детьми.

Yours, J. Noble Daggett.

Твой Джей Нобл Даггет.

Ladies and gentlemen, Ross Noble. CHEERING

Дамы и господа, Росс Нобл АПЛОДИСМЕНТЫ

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You are the most noble man that I know.

Вы благороднейший человек, их тех, которых я знаю.

As you see, I have been received into the most noble, most prestigious Order of the Garter.

Как видите, я посвящен в благороднейший, …влиятельнейший Орден Подвязки.

A toast… to the noblest and most underrated means of alleviating suffering:

Тост … за благороднейший и самый недооцененный способ облегчения страданий:

The bravest and most noble of them all.

Храбрейший и благороднейший из всех.

The katana, most noble of all the blades.

Катана, благороднейший из клинков.

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Nobles and courtiers, amuse yourselves while you may!

Развлекайтесь, пока можете, придворные и аристократы!

All the nobles are going to be there.

Там собираются все аристократы.

The nobles from Gold island.

Аристократы с Золотого острова.

In short, you nobles will come to an agreement with the liberals even with the Masons at our expense; yes, at the expense of the church because it’s clear that all our wealth the patrimony of the poor, will be divided among the insolent ringleaders

Значит, вы, аристократы, идете на сделку с либералами И даже масонами. За наш счет, за счет церкви.

If the nobles find out, there’ll be the devil to pay.

Если аристократы узнают, мы век за зто не расплатимся.

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Can’t you understand? I’m trying to do something noble for once in my life.

Милая, как ты не поймёшь, я впервые пытаюсь выглядеть достойно.

It was noble of you.

Это было достойно.

You might’ve discussed it with Nelle before sprinting, but you were noble.

Тебе надо было обсудить это с Нэлл до твоего спринта, но ты повел себя достойно.

You weren’t trying to be noble.

Ты даже не пытался вести себя достойно.

I suspect she gave him advice, as usual and hoped he’d do the noble thing and turn himself in.

Я подозреваю, что она дала ему совет, как обычно, и наивно думала, что он поступит достойно — пойдёт и сдастся.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word noble, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use noble in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «noble».

Noble in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word noble in a sentence.

  1. He is too noble for that».

  2. He was a noble political missionary.

  3. Hassium should be a rather noble metal.

  4. Nihonium should be a rather noble metal.

  5. The Eisenhower Dollar was a noble failure.

  6. Leone knows she is a noble but little else.

  7. Born into a noble family of Orthodox religion.

  8. The violent tones and gestures of noble Lords ..

  9. The war starts clear and noble just like it did ..

  10. The noble gases have full valence electron shells.

  11. Some noble gases have direct application in medicine.

  12. The noble gases up to xenon have multiple stable isotopes.

  13. Candide and Martin visit the Lord Pococurante, a noble Venetian.

  14. One noble, Mastusius, objected, so Demiphon sacrificed his daughter.

  15. Balakirev family (Russian noble crest, nobility granted before 1600).

  16. The noble gases—including helium—can form stable molecular ions in the gas phase.

  17. His sword is an attribute of kingship, and the young noble kneels in his service.

  18. The chemistry of the heavier noble gases, krypton and xenon, are well established.

  19. He was also awarded a noble title, eventually being raised from baron to viscount.

  20. Matthews’ matrilineal ancestry traces its origins to the noble O’Neills of Ireland.

  21. As well as being unrestricted by gender, no racial distinctions were made in conferring noble status.

  22. In one speech he declares: «The hopes and dreams of the common man are as noble as those of any king.

  23. For the first six periods of the periodic table, the noble gases are exactly the members of group 18.

  24. The inertness of noble gases makes them very suitable in applications where reactions are not wanted.

  25. The weather was fine, and one combatant reported the area to be «a noble, rich and beautiful region».

  26. It seems that most of the knightly and noble French participants, being mounted, successfully escaped.

  27. Francis’s mother was Doña María de Azpilcueta y Aznárez, sole heiress of two noble Navarrese families.

  28. Some atoms, like the noble gases, have no electron affinity: they cannot form stable gas-phase anions.

  29. The noble gases have weak interatomic force, and consequently have very low melting and boiling points.

  30. Rimsky-Korsakov family (Russian noble crest of Czech noble origin and Polish noble ancestry: Korsak I).

  31. The noble gases glow in distinctive colors when used inside gas-discharge lamps, such as «neon lights».

  32. Both of Salih’s parents belonged to noble households of the Bedouin (nomadic Arab) tribe of Banu Kilab.

  33. He instead serves as comic relief, and it is the Ghostbusters’ noble heroism that progresses the story.

  34. The battle was later commemorated on Edward’s gold noble coin, which depicted the King seated in a ship.

  35. Observers said he was a «most noble looking man a ladies man such piercing blue eyes I never saw before.

  36. On March 23, 1962, he mixed the two gases and produced the first known compound of a noble gas, xenon hexafluoroplatinate.

  37. All the lighter noble gases are insulators instead: for example, the band gap of bulk radon is expected to be 7.1±0.5 eV).

  38. He became convinced that the American revolutionary cause was noble, and he traveled to the New World seeking glory in it.

  39. In the following years, both peasant and noble discontent would come to be expressed in new political movements in Georgia.

  40. It was one of many internecine and familial feuds within the English noble families in the second half of Henry VI’s reign.

  41. He may have chosen some of his noble mistresses for political purposes, but the evidence to support this theory is limited.

  42. There was a threefold division of the ranks of the Templars: the noble knights, the non-noble sergeants, and the chaplains.

  43. It was the cadency mark of the fourth son of a noble family, and features in many coats of arms, including the Plantagenets.

  44. Abundances on Earth follow different trends; for example, helium is only the third most abundant noble gas in the atmosphere.

  45. Gaveston was killed during an earlier noble rebellion against Edward in 1312, and Despenser was hated by the English nobility.

  46. Conditions in Normandy were unsettled, as noble families despoiled the Church and Alan III of Brittany waged war against the duchy, possibly in an attempt to take control.

  47. It fiercely protected its trade obligations (Vira Bananjudharma or law of the noble merchants) and its members often recorded their achievements in inscriptions (prasasti).

  48. Ramza, part of the noble Beoulve family of knights, and Delita, his childhood friend who was an ordinary commoner, witness the murder of Delita’s sister during an uprising.

  49. As with the other noble gases, helium has metastable energy levels that allow it to remain ionized in an electrical discharge with a voltage below its ionization potential.

  50. The melting and boiling points for a given noble gas are close together, differing by less than 10 °C (18 °F); that is, they are liquids over only a small temperature range.

Synonyms for noble

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word noble has the following synonyms: aristocratic, aristocratical, blue, blue-blooded, gentle, patrician, august, grand, lordly, coroneted, highborn, titled, imperial, majestic, purple, regal, royal, kingly, kinglike, monarchal, monarchical, princely, queenly, queenlike, baronial, imposing, stately, impressive, dignifying, ennobling, exalted, sublime, high-flown, high-minded, lofty, rarefied, rarified, idealistic, noble-minded, greathearted, magnanimous, honorable, honourable, unreactive, Lord and nobleman.

General information about «noble» example sentences

The example sentences for the word noble that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «noble» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «noble».

  • Use the word noble in a sentences

Sentence Examples

noble, niece of the governor, beautiful mien, untouched.

Yes, yes yes, let’s see what these noble Africans have learned.

Julius married the noble Cornelia.

«noble Lord, Your servant is guarding the Holy Shrine from the trampling of foreign feet!»

«Forgive Your poor servant, who is not worthy to be Buddha’s priestess… but who wants to sacrifice to the noble One her greatest and dearest treasures: her puppets.»

«The noble Mikado sends You this gift…

«noble chief, You can only keep this geisha if, according to the laws of the Yoshiwara, you marry her for 999 days.

Henceforth, I will also defend your noble ideas.»

These past 70 years, as you should well know, this house has belonged to the noble line of Melo.

The blessing of the priest sanctifies the union of two noble hearts.

O noble Sir Salvago, you are too unassuming.

want to bring to you the gratitude and the joyful amazement of the noble assembly.

I beg my noble guests not to disdain my invitation, just a simple meal.

He has become far too mighty, the noble sir!

A noble mercenary, nothing more.

After a night of battling I thought I’d found it and mounted my horse, free and proud like a god, my filled heart puffed up with noble feelings.

He is not the noble man you think he is.

You try to defame him, but he is noble and sublime and I am miserable and depraved.

The head of this gang of wild fellows, of noble robbers, is Alviano Salvago.

And that wild spirit, the untamed daughter of the mountain, then resonated with a hitherto unknown and noble passion.

In an amazing turn of events the candy boy became a noble heir.

We’ve seen him, many of you noble men don’t know the candy boy.

Heiji, you are a noble man.

Nathan, his father, born of a noble family of Israel, but a slave in Egypt

Desecration most foul, O mighty Caliph, hath been wrought upon thy noble House! This Ahmed is but a common thief.

So noble, so aristocratic!

Big Jim was the noble type.

Not all who are respected as noble men are worthy of the name.

His noble and respected patron had kidnapped some local girls.

Here was no noble lord. Jirozo was no wise man.

Her noble mind will regard you with scorn, my young gentleman…

But work hard, become a noble man like my father and one day I may love you.

My King is the most noble Christian of all Christians.

Marriage is a noble institution.

-How noble of him. -lsn’t it?

On your spirit of self-sacrifice and your proven valour depend many lives Children, women, old men The honour of our Fatherland rests on the outcome of this noble enterprise

Most noble Grand-Duke… might your unworthy slave know what has happened?

The ugliest are to march on the outside… so the noble gentlemen will have a pretty sight to look at.

[Organ playing] Now, young ladies you who are about to graduate to the noble profession of nursing will recite the florence nightingale pledge.

But for me it’s more noble… something greater! I’m not embarrassed to hold it high.

Why, Miss Schuyler, I want to be noble.

That’s a noble sentiment.

Felt very noble, didn’t you?

«The government asks this noble nation to remain calm and not be carried away by unjustified emotion.»

April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

Rodrigo Diaz, called de Bivar, from the place of his birth, better known by the title given him by the Arabs as the Cid (El Seid, the lord), and El Campeador, the champion par excellence, was of a noble family, one of whose members in a former generation had been elected judge of Castile.

As on your physiognomical voyage you sail round his vast head in your jolly-boat, your noble conceptions of him are never insulted by the reflection that he has a nose to be pulled.

The Durazzo Pallavicini palace has a noble facade and staircase and a rich picture-gallery.

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The prevailing feeling is a noble spaciousness both in scale and in form, an equanimity based upon knowledge and character, a grandeur of conception expressed by severely simple execution, There is nothing superfluous, nothing common, nothing trivial.

The noble statuette of Cheops in ivory, found in the stone chamber of the temple, gives the only portrait of this greatest ruler.

This many-sidedness of view is illustrated by the curious blending of noble and merely utilitarian sentiment in his account of friendship: a friend who can be of no service is valueless; yet the highest service that a friend can render is moral improvement.

She gave him his love of music and schooled him in all the proper ways a noble man should behave.

The Cape Monthly Magazine, the most important of the periodicals, was issued from 1857 to 1862, and was again continued under the editorship of Professor Noble from 1870 to 1881.

Berengaria, a woman of very noble character and eminent ability, deserved a better husband than her cousin of Leon, who was nicknamed El Babosothe Slobbererand who appears to have been epileptic. In 1212 the king of Castile reaped the reward of long years of patience.

The Winnipeg, which flows from the territory lying south-east of Lake Winnipeg, is a noble river some 200 m.

During the time I was with them I could not see anything noble in them, unless it was that they were _noble_ murderers, _noble_ cowards, _noble_ thieves. ❋ Theresa Fulford Delaney (1881)

Frenchman brought with him a Latin grammar, written in his own language, with which my friend was quite pleased, until she came to a passage relating to the masculine gender in nouns, and claiming grammatical precedence for it on the ground that the male sex is the noble sex, — «_le sexe noble_.» ❋ Thomas Wentworth Higginson (1867)

I am the fine lady, Helena — I was the cause of his being cheated — I was intent upon _the noble end_ of outshining a certain Mrs. Luttridge — the _noble means_ I left to others, and the means have proved worthy of the end. ❋ Maria Edgeworth (1808)

_ our noble, _doubly noble_ Madeleine, the humble companion of any one, but especially of such a coarse person as Lady Vivian! ❋ Anna Cora Ogden Mowatt Ritchie (1844)

I cannot but remind those about me of the merits of my noble friend — [then correcting himself, Earl Grey went on] — I wish I could call him my _noble_ friend (_noble_, I mean, in rank, as he is already _noble_ in mind) — I wish I could see him ennobled by his Sovereign, as his services entitle him to be; for who would deny him that honour, who recollects the career which he has run from Rodney’s glorious day, the battles off Cape St. Vincent and the Nile, down to his own brilliant exploits in the ❋ John Ross (1816)

The term noble is applied to varieties that produce wines with the potential for developing great complexity over many years in the bottle; these include the French Cabernet Sauvignon, Pinot Noir, and Chardonnay, the Italian Nebbiolo and Sangiovese, and the German Riesling. ❋ Harold McGee (2004)

— The noblest jealousy, if the term noble is appropriate, is a sort of ambition or pride of the loving person who feels it is an insult that another one should assume it as possible to supplant his love, or it is the highest degree of devotion which sees ❋ B. G. Jefferis (N/A)

— The noblest jealousy, if the term noble is appropriate, is a sort of ambition or pride of the loving person who feels it is an insult that another one should assume it as possible to supplant his love, or it is the highest degree of devotion which sees a declaration of its object in the foreign invasion, as it were, of his own altar. ❋ B.G. Jefferis (N/A)

For people engaged in what they called a noble cause (defending transsexuals), McCloskey and Conway showed a remarkable disinclination to tell Dreger what they had done. ❋ Unknown (2008)

The city of San Francisco was on a mission to get rid of panhandlers coming up with what it calls a noble way to do it. ❋ Unknown (2008)

Twice a week regularly I betook myself to the captain’s little cottage on the Wem road, and spent an hour with him in mastering the principles and practice of what he called the noble arts of self defense. ❋ Herbert Strang (N/A)

— My wife is _so_ pleas’d, — _so_ happy, — _so_ overjoy’d, — at what she calls your noble disinterested regard for her Fanny, that one would think she had quite forgot the value of _money_. ❋ Susannah Minific Gunning (N/A)

That’s what he called our noble race — supermonkeys! ❋ Harry Leon Wilson (1903)

«Yes, sir, you’re what I call noble, not to pay any attention to the boasts my brother is making of how he has backed you down.» ❋ Holman Day (1900)

And with deeper pleasure yet have I found her writing of what she called the noble work against superstition done by Charles Bradlaugh and myself, rendering the propaganda of Theosophy far more practicable and safer than it would otherwise have been. ❋ Besant, Annie (1893)

«He is probably running after those abominable dogs in pursuit of the feeble fox — what they call the noble sport.» ❋ Unknown (1881)

His love of travel and unswerving faith in potash’s fertilizing power, which he calls a «noble business,» has helped elevate potash from a poorly understood mineral to a vital ingredient for boosting food supply. ❋ JACQUIE McNISH (2011)

The sons of Haman, particularly, vowed to avenge their father’s death, and pursue his designs, which they call noble and brave, whatever hazards they run; and a strong party they had formed both in Shushan and in the provinces in order hereunto. ❋ Unknown (1721)

«Ninety-nine percent of police officers are outstanding individuals of great character who meet the high standards of what I call a noble profession,» he said. ❋ Unknown (2010)

Used in everyday conversation, such as describing a TV show:
«[That show] last night was [noble]!»
After observing a cool (and perhaps dangerous [stunt]) «[Noble]!» ❋ A.mbs (2009)

[Sarah]: Have you met Noble?
[Alice]: No
Sarah: You should he is the [sweetest] guy ever. ❋ Hypnos :) (2021)

[Eeeh]. Look at those noblings outside Coop in Shipston-on-Stour… What is the world coming to? [What on earth] will become of them when they get older?
Answer: They will transform into fully fledged [nobs], like a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly. ❋ Sah Rah (2007)

Guy: Hey Noble, like that kill?
Noble: Hey Man!
Guy: Hi, Noble.
*[next day]*
Guy 2: Hey Noble, I saw you with Guy 1 yesterday!
Noble: Yeah, He’s a Dickhead ❋ The_Mezz_Man (2010)

Guy: You guys are such fucking [dorks], football is the best sport ever no ones better than me
Girl: Oh my god, that guy is sooo hot, he plays football!
Normal student: God noble is such a shitty town, the team sucks and the [jocks] are asshole
Normal Student 2: Yeah so true dude. [Sick and tired] of Noble. ❋ PrincipleAsshat (2011)

[Pledge]:»[That guy] is being a ‘Nobles’… [What a Dick]!» ❋ Norbes (2009)

I went to the bathroom and when I came back [the picture] on my home [screen] had dicks drawn [all over it]. Oh man you just got Nobled ❋ The Angry Sheet Metal Worker (2019)

Girl 1. I went out last night and got Nobled.
Girl2. Nobled? Whats that?
Girl1. I [mt] the biggest douche bag ever. He lived in his «[Glory days]» and made himself to be a [self proclaimed] legend, of nothing. ❋ Jmoneystunts (2010)

«Are you coming to watch [the Milton] v Nobles game?»
«Nah, we already know Nobles is going to win.»
«Are Nobles kids really [stuck up]?»
«Well, [is it] stuck up if you truly are better?» ❋ BestOf22 (2018)

are in nobl ? [i am one] of the owners ❋ Noblman (2019)

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