Sentences with the word must

March 17, 2022
Modal Verbs

50 Sentences of Must, Example Sentences with Must

1.You must eat something.

2.I must buy one of these.

3.Something must be wrong.

4.I know you must be happy.

5.We must take that chance.

6.I must have fallen asleep.

7.We must begin before five.

8.Alex must’ve put up a fight.

9.They must have had an accident.

10.I must say something to you now.

11.We must fasten our seatbelts.

12.You must stop playing computer games.

13.You must be mistaken.

14.She must learn to drive. It will be very useful.

15.Banks must examine all documents.

16.You must not come in.

17.It must be there.

18.She must not disturb me.

19.Must you make that noise?

20.He must be over fifty.

21.I must get some sleep.

22.The students must study English at least eleven hours a week.

23.You must apply for that job.

24.We must sit down.

25.You must take some time off and get some rest.

26.You have sore throat. You must not drink cold water.

27.You must return.

28.I must stay here.

29.I must warn them.

30.You must be starving.

31.She must tell the truth to the court.

32.Alex must get up early.

33.I must’ve misplaced it.

34.There must be a chance.

35.We must be leaving now.

36.You must eat something.

37.We must help each other.

38.I must go home.

39.You must eat your food.

40.I must be losing my mind.

41.We must have been crazy!

42.You must stop here.

43.You must wear a seatbelt when you drive.

44.You must answer at least one question.

45.She looks sick. She must go home.

46.I must do some work.

47.I must return the book now.

48.He mustn’t be late for the meeting.

49.I must be careful not to upset her.

50.They must leave immediately.

модальный глагол must

Модальный глагол must используется преимущественно для выражения долженствования, но в разговорной речи часто заменяется на оборот have to. В этой статье мы рассмотрим значения глагола must, примеры употребления, отличия от have to, should, be supposed to.


  • Таблица: глагол Must в утвердительной, отрицательной и вопросительной форме.
  • Значения глагола Must.
  • Модальный глагол Must и Have to.
  • Разница между Must, Have to, Should, Be Supposed to.

Глагол must, как и все модальные глаголы, употребляется по особым правилам:

1. В утвердительной и отрицательной форме между must и глаголом в неопределенной форме не ставится частица to.

Правильно: You must forgive them. — Вы должны их простить.

Неправильно: You must to forgive them.

2. Глагол must не образует форму будущего времени с помощью глагола will. У него, в отличие от can, нет формы прошедшего времени. В будущем и прошедшем времени глагол must можно заменить на оборот to have to (быть должным).

Правильно: You will have to find a new house. — Ты должен будешь найти новый дом.

Неправильно: You will must find a new house.

3. В форме третьего лица единственного числа модальный глагол must не изменяется, к нему не прибавляется окончание -s, то есть не существует формы «musts»:

Правильно: He/She/It must.

Неправильно: He/She/It musts.

4. По особой схеме строятся вопрос и утверждение (см. таблицу).

Схема Пример
Утверждение Подлежащее + must + глагол I must go.
Отрицание Подлежащее + must + глагол I must not (mustn’t) go.
Вопрос Must + подлежащее + глагол Must I go?

Must not можно сократить до mustn’t. Обратите внимание, что у отрицательной формы must not не противоположное must значение (не должен), а совсем другое значение (запрет). Подробнее читайте ниже.

Значения модального глагола Must

Модальный глагол must употребляется для выражения долженствования, запрета и предположения.

Модальный глагол must в английском языке

1. Долженствование, приказ, настойчивый совет

На практике зачастую трудно провести грань между долженствованием, приказом, настойчивым советом и просто советом. Но наиболее общее значение глагола must — долженствование. В этом значении must употребляется с глаголом в неопределенной форме.

You must obey. — Ты должен подчиниться (приказ).

You must do your duty. — Ты должен выполнить свой долг (долженствование, приказ).

You must read more. — Ты должен больше читать (настойчивый совет).

Глагол must может относиться не только к настоящему, но и к будущему времени:

We must finish our work tomorrow. — Мы должны закончить нашу работу завтра.

He must return in an hour. — Он должен вернуться через час.

Для выражения долженствования, совета могут использоваться и другие средства, подробнее об этом читайте ниже.

2. Категорический запрет

Модальный глагол must в отрицательной форме обозначает категорический запрет, а не «не должен».

You must not smoke in this area. — Запрещается курить на этой территории.

You mustn’t break item in a store. — Нельзя разбивать товар в магазине.

Более мягкие формы запрета — это can’t (особенно популярно в разговорной речи) и may not:

You can’t just leave without paying for your meal. — Вы не можете просто уйти, не заплатив за блюдо (это запрещено).

You may not take these tools. — Вам нельзя брать эти инструменты (это запрещено).

3. Предположение

С помощью must выражается уверенное предположение, которое говорящий считает правдоподобным. Предположение может относиться к настоящему и прошедшему времени. Обратите внимание, что для неуверенного предположения, которое говорящий не считает правдоподобным, используется глагол may / might.

3.1 Предположение, относящееся к настоящему времени

Схема: must + инфинитив.

He must see us from there. — Он, должно быть, видит нас оттуда.

Sandy must remember my address. — Сэнди, должно быть, помнит мой адрес.

Особенно часто используется оборот с глаголом to be:

You must be John. — Вы, должно быть, Джон.

He must be busy now. — Он сейчас, должно быть, занят.

Если предполагается, что действие совершается в момент речи, используется глагол с окончанием -ing:

Where is he? — He must be swimming in the pool. — Где он? — Он, должно быть, плавает в бассейне (сейчас).

3.2 Предположение, относящееся к прошедшему времени

Схема: must + have + Past Participle.

Where is my phone? I must have forgotten it at home. — Где мой телефон? Я, должно быть, забыл его дома.

She must have been very dissapointed. — Она, должно быть, очень разочаровалась.

Примечание: как выразить предположение, относящееся к будущему времени?

Глагол must не используется для выражения предположения, относящегося к будущему. Для этого можно использовать другие средства, например: probably, perhaps — вероятно, to be likely to (быть возможным, вероятным).

Январь, должно быть, будет холодным. — January will probably be cold / January is likely to be cold / Perhaps, January will be cold.

Она, должно быть, простит своего мужа. — She will probably forgive her husband / She is likely to forgive her husband / Perhaps, she will forgive her husband.

Также обратите внимание, что предположение с must не может быть построено в отрицательной форме. Для этого тоже используются другие слова.

Он, должно быть, не говорит по-английски. — He probably doesn’t speak English.

Модальный глагол Must и оборот Have to

Синонимом глагола must является оборот have to — быть должным. В отличие от must, он может использоваться в любом времени. В отрицательной форме он выражает не запрет, а отсутствие необходимости («не должен»). Между ними есть довольно тонкая смысловая разница.

Must используется как «сильное» долженствование, выражая обязанность или необходимость сделать что-то, что вы действительно считаете необходимым, имеющее к вам личное отношение, а также что-то крайне важное.

I must pass the exam. — Я должен сдать экзамен (это мое обязательство).

Have to может выражать «мягкое» долженствование: необходимость что-то сделать, зачастую вынужденная, иногда не такая уж и важная.

We have to hurry. — Нам нужно поторопиться (Мы должны поторопиться).

You don’t have to tip a bartender here. — Здесь ты не обязан давать чаевые бармену (не должен).

He didn’t have to help me. — Он не обязан был мне помогать.

I will have to wait. — Мне придется подождать.

Однако в разговорной речи have to часто используется в том же значении, что и must.

I have to pass the exam. — Я должен сдать экзамен.

Это предложение можно понять двояко: 1) я должен сдать экзамен, потому что вынужден, обязан, 2) я должен сдать экзамен, потому что это мой личный моральный долг (как с глаголом must).

Попробуем сравнить два предложения с must и have to, чтобы лучше понять разницу. Компания ушла в поход, в процессе выяснилось, что Тиму трудно нести свои вещи. Приходится ему помогать.

We must help Tim. — Мы должны помочь Тиму.

В этом случае Тим — это наш друг, мы не может его бросить, ему нужно, обязательно нужно помочь. Ну и что, что взял больше вещей, чем может нести? Мы ему поможем. На нашем месте Тим поступил бы так же.

We have to help Tim. — Мы должны помочь Тиму.

Какой-то Тим взял больше барахла, чем он в состоянии утащить. Из-за него всем приходится идти медленнее, он постоянно просит подождать. Придется ему помочь, но в следующий раз мы его с собой не возьмем.

Это очень приблизительный пример, потому что вариант с have to может подойти и для первого случая с Тимом-другом. Многое зависит от контекста, конкретного случая и даже того, с какой интонацией вы скажете фразу.

Вообще, в разговорной речи намного чаще используют have to, когда нужно сказать что-то вроде «я должен», «я вынужден», «мне приходится» и т. д.

Разница между Must, Have to, Should, Be Supposed to

Разницу между must и have to мы уже разобрали. Посмотрим, чем от них отличаются модальный глагол should и оборот be supposed to. Главное отличие в том, что они не выражают долженствования, хотя и могут переводиться на русский язык со словами «нужно» или «должен».

Should — это модальный глагол, используемый (в частности) для выражения совета, пожелания, рекомендации. То есть не «ты должен», а «тебе следует»:

You should try this cake, it’s delicious. — Тебе следует (ты должен / тебе стоит / тебе нужно) попробовать этот пирог, он очень вкусный.

We shouldn’t leave the door open. It’s cold out there. — Нам не стоит (не следует) оставлять дверь открытой. Снаружи холодно.

Выражения с оборотом be supposed to часто переводятся со словом «должен», но это не «должен» в значении «обязан, вынужден», а «должен» в значении «по идее должен» или «подразумевается, что». Разница огромная.

I saw you outside smoking, but you were supposed to be working. — Я видел, как ты курил на улице, то ты ведь (по идее) должен был работать (но не работал).

This is supposed to be the best day in my life, but I’m not feeling happy. — Это должен быть (по идее) лучший день в моей жизни, но я не чувствую себя счастливым.


Здравствуйте! Меня зовут Сергей Ним, я автор этого сайта, а также книг, курсов, видеоуроков по английскому языку.

Подпишитесь на мой Телеграм-канал, чтобы узнавать о новых видео, материалах по английскому языку.

У меня также есть канал на YouTube, где я регулярно публикую свои видео.

MUST is a modal verb.

With modals verbs, there is only one form of it for every subject pronoun:

  • I must
  • You must
  • He must
  • She must
  • It must
  • We must
  • They must

You see there is no change in the word MUST.

Just like the other modal verbs, there is never an S at the end of must:

  • He musts stop. (This is NOT CORRECT)
  • He must stop. (This is CORRECT)

After Must we have the verb, or more specifically, the base form of the infinitive.
This means the infinitive without To. For example the infinitive is To Go so the base form is just the Go part.
Instead of To study, only study. Instead of To speak, we only put speak after the modal verb Must.

For example:

  • You must to go.(This is NOT correct – we don’t use all of the infinitive – we need to remove the TO part)
  • You must go. (Correct)
  • He must waits.(This IS NOT correct – we don’t conjugate the verb so no S is necessary at the end – we need the base form of the infinitive)
  • He must wait. (This is correct)

Some example sentences with Must are…

  • I must study
  • You must respect your parents.
  • He must wear a helmet when he rides his bike.
  • She must see a doctor before it becomes worse.
  • It must be ready by tomorrow.
  • We must listen to all of the instructions.
  • They must follow the rules.

In what situations do we use MUST?

1. To express obligation or duty

MUST is used to express obligation or duty.
This also refers to complying with rules, laws and regulations.
If this obligation isn’t completed, then there will be problems or serious consequences.

  • She must pass the English exam. She cannot graduate without it.

As a part of the regulations, she needs to pass the English exam before she can graduate. There is an obligation to pass.

  • You must wear a seatbelt at all times.

This is the law so it is your obligation to wear one.

  • You must eat all of your vegetables or you won’t get any dessert.

This is what the mother or father says to their child. It is an obligation and the child does not have a choice.

2. To emphasize the necessity of something

MUST is used to emphasize the necessity of something, that something is needed or necessary.

  • Plants must have light and water to grow.

Light and water are needed or are necessary for the plant to grow.

  • The road is very busy. You must look both ways before crossing it.

You need to do this, unless you want to get run over.

  • You must study before the exam if you want to get a good grade.

Yes, study is always needed.

3. Deduction – Sure that something is true (Certainty)

Must is used when you are sure or certain that something is true based on evidence.
It can be used when we don’t know something exactly but we are very certain that it is true.

  • Look at all of that snow. It must be really cold outside.

I’m sure or certain that it is cold outside (based on the evidence of all the snow out there… and snow is cold)

  • Mary must be home. I heard a noise coming from her room.

I’m sure it is Mary because she is usually home from school at this time of day.

  • It’s five in the morning and you still haven’t gone to bed? You must be tired!

I’m certain you are tired because I would be tired too if I hadn’t slept all night.

4. Expresses positive logical assumptions about the past (Must + have + past participle)

Must can also be used when making positive assumptions, using logic, about things that happened in the past. For this we use Must + have + the past participle

  • That must have been my mother calling me while I was in the meeting. Nobody else has my private number.

That is my logical assumption about what happened in the past, someone calling me.

  • He must have won the lottery with the new house and car he has just bought.

I can’t think of any other way he would suddenly have so much money so my logical assumption is that he must have won the lottery.

5. A strong recommendation (or strong advice)

Must can also used as a strong recommendation or as strong advice.

It means that something is highly recommended (stronger than using should)

  • The cupcakes here are delicious. You must try one.

Yes, I highly recommend it.

  • You must see the new Joe Jackson movie, it’s fantastic.

It is my advice … my strong recommendation.

  • You must get that strange mole checked out by a dermatologist.

As you can see, all of these examples are strong recommendations and are highly recommended by you.


The negative of Must is Mustn’t
Mustn’t is a contraction, or short way of saying Must not.
Mustn’t is a negative obligation. It is important that you do NOT do something.
In a way, mustn’t is the same as saying it is prohibited or it is not allowed.

Mustn’t = Do not do this! You don’t have a choice.

Let’s look at some examples sentences with mustn’t.

  • You mustn’t use your phone while you are driving.

Yes, it is prohibited to use your phone while driving as you will be distracted and may cause an accident.

  • Students mustn’t talk during the exam.

Talking is not allowed during the exam.

  • You must not open the gift until your birthday.

This means you must wait. You are not allowed to open the gift before then.

  • You mustn’t tell Susan. It’s a surprise for her.

Yes, it is important that you do NOT tell Susan or it will ruin the surprise.

MUST Summary Chart

MUST - English Modal Verb Meaning, Uses and Example Sentences

Lesson tags: Advice, Modal Verbs, Must, Obligation
Back to: English Course > Modal Verbs

Must sentence examples. The sentences below are ordered by length from shorter and easier to longer and more complex. They use must in a sentence, providing visitors a sentence for must.

  • It must wait. (8)
  • We must save! (8)
  • He must see her! (8)
  • We must have it! (10)
  • We must have time. (8)
  • Only if this must be! (10)
  • I must see my daughter. (8)
  • Collins, you must marry. (4)
  • We must face your position. (8)
  • But people must have seen us. (9)
  • The man must be a gentleman. (10)
  • They must all go to Brighton. (4)
  • They must now rehearse together. (4)
  • You must be tired, in this heat. (8)
  • Papa must meet them at his clubs. (9)
  • She was doing it because she must. (8)
  • Excuse me, for I must speak plainly. (4)
  • An engagement, you know, must be kept. (4)
  • I must find with what to fly a little. (8)
  • I should think you must be sure, madam. (8)
  • You know that I must hate to repeat it. (9)
  • He must not come till Mainwaring is gone. (4)
  • It must have lain two days under that bust! (8)
  • I only know that I must get back to my wife. (8)
  • You are officers, and must never forget that. (8)
  • We must have Mrs. Long and the Gouldings soon. (4)
  • I must go up to their confounded chatter again. (10)
  • If it was so, he must help her over her fear now. (9)
  • Mr. Ewins came in, and the Russian said he must go. (9)
  • Quickly it must be done, or it would never be done! (8)
  • I must go and write for money: it is my profession. (10)
  • I do think one must take things as they are, Dad dear. (8)
  • You must not look condemnation at your Louy for that. (10)
  • But if you have adopted it, it must be all right, Anna. (9)
  • What she said I did not comprehend, she must have hit hard. (10)
  • He must have desired to paint himself as black to her as possible. (10)
  • Why, because of his love, must he bury the will and force of a man? (8)
  • We can get her away from London, and later on, we must manage somehow. (8)
  • Must a maiden have met with misfortune, to make her feel a longing to weep? (5)
  • And, feeling that he must finish with it now, he took a cab into the West End. (8)
  • For example, when you drink a glass of beer in a party you must say ‘Xundheit! (20)
  • If Lienhard came now, her fate would be decided, and she knew that he must come. (5)
  • The cabman must be paid, of course; so a jewel must be pawned. (22)
  • There Foxleigh, too, some day must go, asking of Nature why she had murdered him. (8)
  • I must say their laughter throughout was far beyond the mirthfulness of the facts. (9)
  • They must, I think, be wiser than I am; They have the secret of the bull and lamb. (10)
  • He must have a pension, twelve dollars a month, or eighteen, from a grateful country. (9)
  • She spoke of it openly to prove that Jane must marry a title and John become a peer. (10)
  • But she says that you and I must keep to our arrangement not to see each other till July. (8)
  • You must have thought me so rude; but indeed it was not my own fault, was it, Mrs. Allen? (4)
  • He put Barclugh under strict orders that he must not move out of bed for two or three days. (18)
  • I use images which, after all, are false to the thing I wish to express; but they must serve. (9)
  • If a country means to be free, the fire must run through it and make it feel that certainty. (10)
  • But as her face looked blankly innocent, he must have decided that she meant nothing offensive. (9)
  • Our souls must be on fire when we wear solemnity, if we would not press upon his shrewdest nerve. (10)
  • There must be a fire in there, for she could see the flicker through the curtains not quite drawn. (8)
  • The young lady lands us where we were at the beginning; such must have been her humorous intention. (10)
  • He could not do that, he had answered; he must get to her living heart or there was no help for him. (12)
  • I am sure his sisters, rating him as they do, must have thought it so, supposing he had meant nothing. (4)
  • It must have been guidance, for in my bed there lay my sister, and I could not leave her, I love her so. (10)
  • They like change, old Richie, and we must be content to let them take their twenty shillings for a sovereign. (10)
  • I consider I owe this to you, but I must tell you I should not have the courage if it were not for another reason. (8)
  • It must be allowed him that in prose as well he had the inventive gift, but he had it in verse far more importantly. (9)
  • It would be rather hard to prove this, and I must ask the reader to take my word for it, if he wishes to believe it. (9)
  • She did, most fully; and reflecting how entirely she did so, the thought assailed her: some one must be loving him! (10)
  • He must have been in a singular state not to see her heart in the refusal, as was she not to see his in the request. (10)
  • The ground would be dug away from under his feet; he must be brought to leave the city and, preferably, the country. (12)
  • He found himself now in the embarrassing position of one who must pay a compliment or run the risk of losing a good thing. (8)
  • He said she must be feeling herself quite a young lady now, in her long dresses, and he praised the dress which she had on. (9)
  • His great ambition must be covered by a house-top: he and the cat must warm themselves on the domestic hearth! (10)
  • Elizabeth, however, did not choose to take the hint, being well aware that a serious dispute must be the consequence of any reply. (4)
  • Within twenty-four hours she was hoping to be gone; her father and mother must be spoken to, Susan prepared, everything got ready. (4)
  • Crushing his right hand down upon the map of the New World, Pitt decreed that French dominion in Canada must be brought to a close. (19)
  • Here was a paper with a fine reputation, but uncertain or disappearing profits; it must be strengthened, enlarged, and made to pay. (16)
  • These noble animals unite use and beauty in such measure that the censor must be of Catonian severity who can refuse them his praise. (9)
  • To the fortune of a wife, the goodness of my own will make me indifferent, but her family and character must be equally unexceptionable. (4)
  • It must be noted, further, that the Egyptian Government, although nominally a monarchy, limited, not absolute, was in reality theocratic. (3)
  • In a place of nearly a million people (I count in the outlying places) newspapers must be more than books; and that alone says everything. (9)
  • His looks and speech unconsciously discouraged it, so that if Cecilia had been at all that way inclined, she must long ago have been healed. (8)
  • However, it would be all in the family they supposed they must really look upon Mr. Bosinney as belonging to the family, though it seemed strange. (8)
  • But the pearls of the book must be allowed to be that egregious amateur in toothpick-cases, Mr. Robert Ferrars (with his excursus in chapter xxxvi. (4)

Also see sentences for: blight, mould.

Definition of must:

  • must, must, v.i. to be obliged physically or morally. (0) | must, must, n. wine pressed from the grape, but not fermented: potato-pulp prepared for fermentation. (0) | must, must, n. an occasional state of dangerous frenzy in adult male elephants.(0)

Glad you visited this page with a sentence for must. Now that you’ve seen how to use must in a sentence hope you might explore the rest of this educational reference site to see many other example sentences which provide word usage information.

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Сегодня мы потренируем использование must – одного из модальных глаголов. Я предлагаю весьма разнообразные упражнения на глагол must, которые будут полезны и для детей, и для преуспевающих студентов.

Начнем по традиции с самых простых Must exercises, которые подойдут учащимся 3-5 классов. Затем перейдем к более сложным упражнениям, где отработаем использование модального глагола must для выражения большой вероятности.

Далее обратим внимание на возможные формы инфинитива после must – а это уже будет полезно для старшеклассников и даже для студентов. Практически все упражнения даны с ответами. Начнем!

Упражнение 1. Составьте предложения с mustn’t.

1.       In the street…

2.       In the park

3.       At the zoo

4.       In the library

a)      … you mustn’t feed animals

b)      … you mustn’t play football.

c)       … you mustn’t break trees.

d)      … you mustn’t be very noisy.

Упражнение 2. Write in must or mustn’t

  1. Stop watching TV. You_______ do your homework.
  2. I_______brush my teeth.
  3. Your shoes are dirty. You _______clean them.
  4. You _______drop litter in the streets.
  5. I _______tidy my room.
  6. You _______play on the road.

Упражнение 3. Write what you must or mustn’t do when you travel.

  1. You _________ drink dirty water.
  2. You_________ be careful when you travel.
  3. You _________ always wash fruit and vegetables.
  4. You_________ play on the road.
  5. You_________ throw litter.
  6. You_________ listen to your parents.

Упражнение 4.  Напишите в Past Indefinite.

  1. Greg must put on his red cap.
  2. Greg must make his bed.
  3. Greg must stay in bed.
  4. Sally must cook lunch.
  5. Jenny must learn the words
  6. Liz must go there.
  7. Liz and Greg must stop.
  8. Liz and Greg must work hard.

Упражнение 5. Complete the dialogue with must/mustn’t.

Tom: Mum, I don’t want to go to school.

Mother: But you (1) _______ Tom: The pupils don’t love me.

Mother: Well, you (2) _______ shout at them. You (3) _______ be polite and friendly.

Tom: They (4) _______ use their mobiles but they do. They (5) _______be late for school but they are.

Mother: You (6) _______  be so angry. Try speaking to them.

Tom: That won’t help. I think I have a running nose … Mother: Oh, no, come on, Tom. Shame on you! You are OK. You (7) _______  go to school. You’re a teacher.

Упражнение 6. Составьте 6 предложений.







with matches.

your vegetables.

your homework.

to sleep.

my camera.

the baby.

Упражнение 7. Make sentences from В to go with the sentences in A. Use must ox musn’t.

1)      You’re ill.

2)      Jill’s very thirsty.

3)      That dog is dangerous.

4)      Steven’s glasses are broken.

5)      It’s Jill’s birthday soon.

6)      Jill’s room is in a mess.

7)      Monica’s late for work.

8)       Be quiet.

9)      Jillian’s very tired.

10)   We’re having a party on Saturday.

A.      Girls | go | near it.

B.      go | to the optician’s.

C.      You | come.

D.      she |hurry.

E.       She| go | to bed.

F.       We | make| any noise.

G.     You | see | the doctor.

H.      Jill |have | a drink.

I.        Jill | tidy |it.

J.        Friends | forget | to send him a card.

Пример: 1-G – You must see the doctor.

Must exercises. Формы инфинитива после must.

Упражнение 8. Вставьте Must+ подходящая форма инфинитива.

  1. Sally’s Norwegian is very good, she _________ (study) very hard when she was in Norway.
  2. Samuel____________ (take) a bath at that moment.
  3. Irene ________ (be) at home now.
  4. Sally knows her relatives are coming. They _______ to her of their arrival in due time.
  5. Lukas ________ (play) the violin now.
  6. The stranger ___________ (understand) me, as he nodded his head.
  7. We ____________ (meet) somewhere before.
  8. Alex saw an old man sleeping soundly on the bench. A shower was falling, he_______ (to get) wet to the skin.
  9. Meredith _______ (be) ill or she would have come.
  10. Lila turned pale. She_________ (get) frightened.

Упражнения на глагол must для выражения вероятности.

Упражнение 9. Переведите, используйте must в каждом предложении.

  1. Должно быть, Грег даже не слышал об этом.
  2. Вероятно, этот дом построен давно.
  3. По-видимому, ученики сейчас сдают тест.
  4. Не обижайся, Льюис сказал это случайно.
  5. Вероятно, Молли дала мне неверный адрес.
  6. Девочки, по-видимому, забыли полить огород, и мама была недовольна.
  7. Тетя Поли, вероятно, ждет нас на станции.

Модальный глагол must упражнения. Ответы.

Exercise 1. 1-b, 2-c, 3-a, 4-d

Exercise 2.

1 – 3, 5 must

4, 6 — mustn’t

Exercise 3.

1, 4, 5 – mustn’t

2, 3, 6 – must

Exercise 4.

  1. Greg had to put on his red cap.
  2. Greg had to make his bed.
  3. Greg had to stay in bed.
  4. Sally had to cook lunch.
  5. Jenny had to learn the words
  6. Liz had to go there.
  7. Liz and Greg had to stop.
  8. Liz and Greg had to work hard.

Exercise 5.

1, 3, 7 – must

2, 4, 5, 6 – mustn’t

Exercise 6.  Возможны различные варианты.

Exercise 7.  

2-H – Jill must have a drink.

3-A – Girls mustn’t go near it.

4-B – He must go to the optician’s.

5-J – Friends mustn’t forget to send him a card.

6-I – Jill must tidy it.

7-D – She must hurry.

8-F – We mustn’t make any noise.

9- D – She must go to bed.

10-C – You must come.

Exercise 8.  

  1. must have studied.
  2. must have been taking
  3. must be
  4. must have written
  5. must be playing
  6. must have understood
  7. must have met
  8. Must have got
  9. Must have been
  10. Must have got

Exercise 9.

  1. Greg mustn’t have even heard about it.
  2. This house must have been built long ago.
  3. The students must be having a test now.
  4. No offense, Lewis must have said it by accident.
  5. Molly must have given  me the wrong address.
  6. Girls must have forgotten to water the garden, and their mom was not happy.
  7. Aunt Polly must be waiting for us at the station.

Возможно, вам также пригодятся:

  • упражнения на модальный глагол can.
  • упражнения на модальный глагол may.

Понравилось? Сохраните на будущее и поделитесь с друзьями!

Глаголы must и ought выражают долженствование. Глагол must может выражать приказ или очень настоятельный совет. Глагол ought образовался из устаревшей формы прошедшего времени глагола owe в значении «быть должным» и выражает долженствование в сослагательном наклонении (и очень близко по значению к should).



1. Глагол must выражает





We must all keep together (мы должны…).
You must do as you are told.
Soldiers must obey orders without question.
On the other side of the wood there was a field that he must cross.
Plants must get enough light and water if they are to grow properly.
British industry must improve its productivity.
I really must stop smoking.
You must be here before eight o’clock tomorrow.
You really must come and see us soon.

2. Вместо must можно (а в американском английском обычно так и делается) употреблять have (to)/have got (to):

We all have to keep together.
We‘ve all got to keep together.

(have got to более характерно для британского английского)

3. Have to предпочтительнее, чем have got to

a) с наречиями частоты – always , never, normally, rarely, sometimes и т.п:

I often have to work at the weekend to get everything done.

b) в вопросах и отрицаниях в past simple:

When did you have to give it back? (не ‘When had you got to give it back?’)
We didn’t have to wait too long for an answer (не ‘We hadn’t got to wait too long…’)

Если have сокращается (I’ve, he’s, it’d), то got выбрасывать нельзя:

The experiment has failed twice before, so it’s got to work this time, (not ‘…so it’s to work this time’.)

4. Have got не употребляется с will (или любыми другими модальными глаголами):

Employees will have to accept the new conditions or be dismissed. (не ‘Employees will have got to accept… ’)

5. Have to употребляется, когда необходим инфинитив (которого нет у глагола must):

It’s annoying to have to get up early on Sundays (не ‘to must get up… ’).

6. Употребление must предполагает, что выражается мнение говорящего, а употребление have to – что необходимость исходит от более объективных обстоятельств (законов и правил, распоряжения руководства и т.п.):

I must do some more work; I want to pass my exam.
In my job I

have to work

from nine to five. (более естественно, чем … ‘I must work from nine to five’.)

We must go to New York soon and see your mother.
My wife’s an interpreter: she often

has to go

to New York (более естественно, чем ‘… she must often go to New York’)

I must stop smoking (мое желание)

‘ve got to stop

smoking (врач требует)

This is a terrible party. We really must go home.
This is a lovely party, but we’ve got to go home because of the baby-sitter.

I’ve got bad toothache. I must make an appointment with the dentist.
I can’t come to work tomorrow morning because I’ve got to see the dentist.

You really must go to church next Sunday — you haven’t been for ages (мое мнение)
Catholics have to go to church on Sundays (этого требует их религия)

Must you wear dirty old jeans all the time? (тебе это нужно?)
Do you have to wear a tie at work? (это правило?)

Это правило почти не соблюдается в США и в американском английском во всех случаях в разговорной речи обычно употребляется have to.



Так как глагол must выражает приказ или совет (которые нельзя выполнить в прошлом), он не употребляется для выражения долженствования в прошлом (за исключением косвенной речи) и вместо него употребляется had to:

She’s always had to work hard. (не ‘She’s always musted…’)
We had to cut short our holiday because my mother was ill. (не ‘We musted…’)
I had to cycle three miles to school when I was a child.
My parents had to work very hard to build up their business.

Но в косвенной речи можно употреблять как must, так и had to или would have to:

The doctor said that I must stop smoking.
Everybody told me I must stop worrying.
The doctor said that I had to / would have to stop smoking.
Не said they must do as they were told.



1. Глагол must может относиться как к настоящему, так и будущему, но можно подчеркнуть «будущность», употребляя will have to:

We’ll all have to keep together.

2. Если уже предприняты какие-то приготовление, то лучше употреблять have (got) to:

When you leave school you’ll have to find a job (это будет только в будущем).
I’ve got to go for a job interview tomorrow (уже есть договоренность).

Можно употреблять going to have to:

We’re going to have to repair that window.

Нужно учитывать, что must звучит очень официально, а will have to делает распоряжение более вежливым:

You can borrow my car, but you must bring it back before ten.
You can borrow my car, but you’ll have to bring it back before ten.



1. Must not/mustn’t выражает запрещение что-либо делать (с тем же смыслом можно употреблять am/is/are not to):

You must not get separated from the group.
You are not to get separated from the group (также звучит весьма формально).

Отсутствие необходимости что-то делать выражается так:

We don’t have to keep together.
We haven’t got to keep together.
We don’t need to keep together.
We needn’t keep together.
(можем и не держаться вместе)

На вопрос ‘Must we/Do we have to/Have we (got to)/Need we keep together?’ можно ответить:

Yes, you must/ Yes, you have to / Yes, you’ve got to.

No, you don’t have to/ No, you haven’t got to/ No, you don’t need to/ No, you needn’t.

А на вопрос ‘Can/May we go separately?’ можно ответить:

Yes, you can/ Yes, you may.

No, you may not/ No, you can’t/No, you’re not to/No, you mustn’t (варианты расставлены по возрастанию решительности отказа).

2. В вопросах, на которые ожидается

отрицательный ответ

, предпочтение может отдаваться have to (но употребление must также возможно):

Do we have to answer all the questions?/ Have we got to…?

Так же можно выражать неудовольствие:

Do you have to play your trumpet here? It’s deafening me!

Употреблению must может отдаваться предпочтение (хотя звучит формально), если задающий вопрос ожидает скорее

утвердительного ответа


Must I clean all the rooms?
Why must you always leave the door open?



1. Must употребляется для выражения очень уверенных предположений:

Your father must be nearly eighty now.
You must be hungry after your long walk.
Mary must have a problem – she keeps crying.
You must be Anna’s sister — you look just like her.
If A is bigger than B, and B is bigger than C, then A must be bigger than C.
I’m in love. – You must be very happy.
There’s the doorbell. It must be Roger.

В таком значении must широко употребляется и в американском английском.

2. В качестве отрицательной формы, выражающей, что логически невозможно, обычно употребляется не mustn’t, а can’t:

If A is bigger than B, and B is bigger than C, then C can’t be bigger than A.
It can’t be the postman at the door. It’s only seven o’clock. (не ‘It mustn’t be the postman…’)
She’s not answering the phone. She can’t be at home.

Но mustn’t употребляется в такого рода предложениях в tag-questions после must:

It must be nice to be a cat, mustn’t it?

3. В американском английском must not (сокращение mustn’t употребляется в США достаточно редко) употребляется для выражения того, что в принципе возможно, но есть явные доказательства, что в данном случае это не так:

He only left the office five minutes ago. He can’t be home yet (вообще невозможно, что он уже дома)
She’s not answering the doorbell. She must not be at home. (в принципе возможно, что она дома, но скорей всего ее нет)

Для сравнения:

The restaurant

can’t be

open – the door’s locked (точно закрыт).
That restaurant must not be any good – it’s always empty (скорее всего не очень хороший).

В британском английском can’t можно употреблять и в этом случае:

She walked past without saying ‘Hello’. She must not have seen you.
(так скажут американцы и некоторые британцы).
She walked past without saying ‘Hello’. She can’t have seen you.
(так скажет большинство британцев)

4. Можно употреблять have (got) to be:

Their goalkeeper has got to be at least two metres tall! (или ‘Their goalkeeper must be…’)

5. Must have + past participle употребляется, чтобы выразить уверенное предположение о прошлом:

We went to Rome last month. – That must have been nice.
A woman phoned while you were out. – It must have been Kate.
That’s not Kate’s car. She must have borrowed it from her parents.
I can’t find my keys. I must have left them at home.

Can употребляется в вопросах и отрицаниях:

Where can John have put the matches? He can’t have thrown them away.

6. Для уверенного предположения в отношении происходящего в момент речи употребляется must be + …ing:

I can’t hear anyone moving around upstairs. You must be imagining things.

В отношении будущего можно употреблять must be + …ing или must be going to:

What are all those workmen doing? – I think they must be going to dig up the road.
I was wrong about the meeting being today. It must be happening next Friday.

7. Need not / needn’t (или does not have to) употребляется (особенно в британском английском, чтобы сказать, что что-то не обязательно так. Must not в такого рода предложениях не употребляется:

Look at those tracks. That must be a dog. – It needn’t be — it could be a fox. (или ‘…It doesn’t have to be…’) (не ‘…It mustn’t be…’)

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