Sentences with the word mistook

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word mistook, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use mistook in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «mistook».

Mistook in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word mistook in a sentence.

  1. It was bitterness which they mistook for frolick.

  2. In the dark, Mexican soldiers mistook him for an adult and killed him.

  3. The aircraft mistook the British cruiser for their target and fired torpedoes.

  4. In doing so, he gunned down Perkinson’s daughter, Teresa, whom he mistook for Daisy.

  5. At night in heavy fog, the two units mistook one another for the enemy and exchanged fire.

  6. Bonnet initially mistook Rhett’s squadron for merchantmen and sent three canoes to capture them.

  7. Houston initially mistook the group for Mexican reinforcements and shouted out that all was lost.

  8. During their exchange, it mistook Sora for Xehanort, after which Sora fought the mysterious armour.

  9. As a result, the strike pilots mistook her for one of her undamaged sisters, and launched the attack.

  10. Initially the British mistook the frigate squadron for French warships and Swiftsure chased them away.

  11. In one noted case, an otherwise healthy young Austrian man mistook the poisonous Cortinarius rubellus for P.

  12. English naturalist Mark Catesby mistook immature birds for a separate species, which he called the brown curlew.

  13. Prien mistook her to be a battlecruiser of the Renown class, German intelligence later labelling her Repulse.

  14. At 06:55, Hessen and Schlesien mistook a mine buoy dropped by the battleship Kaiser for a periscope and attacked it.

  15. In the resulting chaos, MacArthur was taken prisoner by men of the 1st Division, who mistook him for a German general.

  16. Off the coast of St John’s, Newfoundland, Low mistook a fully armed man-of-war for a fishing boat, and barely escaped.

  17. Then in June a Marine mistook a local tribal leader driving near a convoy for a possible suicide bomber and killed him.

  18. When McMahan’s girlfriend accidentally found the song’s lyrics a on piece of paper, she mistook them for a suicide note.

  19. People joined the crowd as it walked, becoming so large that a group of National Guardsmen mistook it for a mob of looters.

  20. Her poor eyesight caused George V much laughter when she mistook a statue of a naked Lady Godiva for one of Queen Victoria.

  21. In the meantime, Amar tells Apu about her mother’s new work arrangements at the restaurant which she mistook for soliciting.

  22. However, the press mistook System Shock to be closer to a Doom clone which was cited for poor financial success of System Shock.

  23. She almost died on 21 September 1817 when, on a flight from Nantes (her 53rd), she mistook a marshy field for a safe landing spot.

  24. Königsberg chased after the German freighter Goldenfels, whose officers mistook the ship for a British cruiser and refused to stop.

  25. Frank Gordon, mistook the Texans for Union troops, and the delay caused by the subsequent confrontation prevented an immediate assault.

  26. In the gloom and confusion, he mistook Melampus for Immortalité and came alongside, only realising his mistake when Melampus opened fire.

  27. The British mistook Lanciere for a cruiser, while the Italian commanders received incorrect reports that the cruiser Bolzano had been hit.

  28. However, the German zeppelin L5 mistook the sinking Blücher for a British battlecruiser, and tried to bomb the destroyers, which withdrew.

  29. After some initial confusion (Liszt mistook Bache, who was nervous and tongue-tied, for someone wanting to borrow money) Liszt made Bache welcome.

  30. On 25 March 1795 her captain mistook Captain Thomas Fremantle’s Inconstant for a French ship and she was recaptured and taken back into British service.

  31. In August 2003, a 46-year-old man of British Columbia, Canada mistook the death cap mushroom for a puffball mushroom, and died after eating the mushroom.

  32. Short, fat, and so near-sighted that he once mistook a peacock for a man, Burges appears to have been sensitive about his appearance and very few images of him exist.

  33. He almost met his end before he had started; he was apprehended by the local communists in Mỹ Tho, who saw his French-style dress and mistook him for a colonial agent.

  34. Hugh Nonant wrote that Longchamp attempted on one occasion to hide dressed as a prostitute, which led to him being assaulted by a fisherman who mistook him for a whore.

  35. Clathrus ruber was illustrated in 1560 by the Swiss naturalist Conrad Gesner in his Nomenclator Aquatilium Animantium—Gesner mistook the mushroom for a marine organism.

  36. He also mistook Rana Kumbha, a ruler of Mewar in the fifteenth century, as being the husband of the princess-saint Mira Bai and misrepresented the story of the queen Padmini.

  37. At first they mistook them for Germans because they did not fire green flares as was agreed for a reconnaissance signal and several tanks were damaged in a short exchange of fire.

  38. Upon sighting Constellation at 12:30 pm, Barreaut mistook the ship for a British corvette and began to flee toward the Dutch islands of Saba and Sint Eustatius to evade his assailant.

  39. Nevertheless, he mistook the animal on the reverse for a polar bear, and expressed puzzlement: «I have traveled and toured California from one end to the other and have never yet seen a bear».

  40. Woodward was killed by his wife shortly afterwards—she claimed she mistook him for a prowler—and when Diamonds Are Forever was published, it was dedicated to Bryce, Cuneo and «the memory of W.

  41. Another air strike of six Albacores and two Swordfish was launched at 17:30 to finish off the crippled battleship, but they mistook the Italian cruiser Pola for the battleship in the fading light.

  42. The increasing mania generated several amusing, if unlikely, anecdotes that Mackay recounted, such as a sailor who mistook the valuable tulip bulb of a merchant for an onion and grabbed it to eat.

General information about «mistook» example sentences

The example sentences for the word mistook that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «mistook» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «mistook».

  • Use the word Mistook in a sentences

Sentence Examples

And then she mistook him for the stowaway.

I mistook you for someone else.

I said you mistook one boat for another.

Maybe they mistook our cellar window for a stage door.

Believe me, King of Shadows, I mistook.

Helena is here at hand And the youth, mistook by me… [LAUGHING] …pleading for a lover’s fee.

He mistook me for someone called

You mistook me for my sister.

On the way back, they mistook us for Germans threw a grenade. — Who threw it?

Not as tough as your dog, when you mistook him for a rabbit.

He mistook you for someone else.

Because they mistook you as my wife.

If caught, he’d blame the darkness… that he mistook me for Church or Dum-Dum.

Yes, and mistook the convict for him because the scent of the clothes

They mistook me for an itinerant busker.

I mistook you for a girl who used to come in here and sit all the time. It won┬┤t happen again—

Consequently, the people mistook his attitude for approbation.

He mistook her for a sneak thief.

I mistook you for somebody else.

I’m sorry, I mistook you for a gentleman.

Those soldiers were pursuing us, and we mistook them for Tom Danbury’s friends… and they mistook us for traitors.

I was looking for the bathroom and I mistook the door.

He mistook it for laziness.

When he first saw you, he mistook you for Oshizu

His aunt told me that when he first saw us arrive, he mistook me for you

I’m sorry, mademoiselle. I mistook you for somebody else.

So they mistook you for Marcus Brutus.

She mistook me for you. So I’m auditioning her.

She has the face of an angel. And a young university professor once mistook her for one. But when he discovered her profession, dancing in a nightclub his love stopped.

She mistook you for an admirer.

I merely mistook the type of game.

I bet it will turn out she mistook the arsenic for salt.

Oh, brother, but you’re much, much mistook.

What I mistook for his house was the Balzac Museum.

I mistook Mrs. Saunders for a gal… I used skip around with back in St. Louis.

I am sorry, I mistook her for her!

It was during the cocktail hour, and he mistook a small herd of them for the striped awning that we just bought from Abercrombie’s.

First, we arrived late to the war. Then they mistook us for the defeated side and forced us to bury the dead.

Suppose Nora had had a gun when she mistook the blind woman for a ghost.

Someone, or something… mistook your brother for Sir Henry.

I mistook him for Tarzan.

I’m sorry, I mistook you for a friend. You are his spitting image!

They mistook Adam for him.

Tell him my butler, who was highly nervous, mistook for a burglar and took a shot at me.

No that was George IV, whom I mistook for Charles.

That I mistook you for an aspiring cosmetic surgeon.

Sentences starting with mistook

  • Mistook him for another man. [5]

Short sentences using mistook

  • She mistook what he meant. [11]

More example sentences with the word mistook in them

  • That she mistook what really was in his eyes was not material, though he was thinking of days when he believed he had discovered the secret of life—a woman whose life was beautiful; diffusing beauty, contentment, inspiration and peace. [11]
  • Presently, while they were yet speaking of their departing, again there were voices without; and albeit I could scarce believe my ears I mistook not, and knew the tones for Ursula’s. [10]
  • Her dress was trimmed with what we simply mistook for scalps, and supposed it was in honor of the nation; but we blushed at our ignorance on discovering that it was a gorgeous trimming of marten tips. [4]
  • On our way to it we passed the drill-shed of the local cavalry, which we mistook for a skating-rink, and thereby excited the contempt of an old lady of whom we inquired. [4]
  • We judged that they mistook this superb artificial day for the genuine article. [5]
  • Perhaps she mistook the newspaper homage, the notoriety, for public respect. [4]
  • It was Mrs. Stubbs; but she was shouting against Niagara, and her husband mistook her pantomime for gestures of wonder and admiration. [4]
  • If you would simply state, in a line and a half under «Literary Notes,» that you mistook one «Hy. [5]
  • He mistook their purport, and his voice was wrathful as he replied, «Long enough yet to punish an insult! [10]
  • The Khalifa held out a hand to him, and Macnamara, boiling with rage inwardly and his face flushing—which the Khalifa mistook for modesty—kissed it. [11]
  • Even these the neighbors mistook for Portuguese, though they thought the language bore some distant resemblance to German. [10]
  • In short, he magnified beyond all reason the career and reputation of the author, and mistook the consideration he occupies in the great world. [4]
  • But she did it in such good nature withal that the fellow mistook her. [9]
  • She has wisdom in the raw, and a real grip on life, and yet all the men she has known have been river-drivers and farmers, and a few men from town who mistook the sort of Suzon she is. [11]
  • Detective Burke and I arrived ten minutes later, from the north, but mistook some excavations for footprints, and so lost a good deal of time; but at last we struck the right trail and followed it to the woods. [5]
  • Loving literature, in his way, he was characteristically incapable of recognizing the literary instinct, and the symptoms of its early stages he mistook for inherent frivolity, for lack of respect for the truth; in brief, for original sin. [9]
  • He looked at his watch again, and she mistook the action. [11]
  • Audubon remarks that he often mistook the musk-rat (35. [1]
  • It duped itself from cradle to grave with shams and delusions which it mistook for realities, and this made its entire life a sham. [5]
  • They were screeching as if in anger, but still remained perched on the tree, which they probably mistook for a gibbet. [10]
  • When she saw an indistinct shape in the corner, and mistook his knees raised under the quilt for his shoulders, she imagined a horrible body there, and stood still in terror. [2]
  • If he was a victim of the confusion of mind which mistook his own prosperity for the general benefit, he only shared a wide public opinion which regards the accumulation of enormous fortunes in a few hands as an evidence of national wealth. [4]
  • Perhaps, in truth, a sentiment had sprung up in her breast when she heard of my disappearance, which she mistook for love. [9]
  • I see in a second that what I had mistook for profanity in the mines was only just the rudiments, as you may say. [5]

This page helps answer: how do I use the word mistook in a sentence? How do you use mistook in a sentence? Can you give me a sentence for the word mistook?
It contains example sentences with the word mistook, a sentence example for mistook, and mistook in sample sentence.

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he though he knew me, but he mistook me for someone else

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Complete the sentences with the new words.
loud, rules, marks, noise, foreign, mistakes, happened, classmates
1) Very few people can speak a foreign language without … .
2) Children, please be quiet, don’t make so much … .
3) One of our school … is to wear a uniform to classes.
4) Some of my … are my very good friends.
5) The … music was coming from the room next door.
6) There are some … words in every language.
7) What … to you yesterday? You looked terrible.
8) What … do you usually get at school? Are they always good?

ГДЗ Английский язык 7 класс (часть 1) Афанасьева. UNIT 1. Step 7. Номер №4


Перевод задания
Закончи предложения, используя новые слова.
громко, правила, оценки, шум, иностранный, ошибки, случилось, одноклассники
1) Мало, кто может говорить на иностранном языке, без …
2) Дети, пожалуйста, будьте спокойны, не делайте так много …
3) Одно из … нашей школы − это носить форму на занятиях.
4) Некоторые из моих … мои очень хорошие друзья.
5) … музыка слышалась из соседней комнаты.
6) Есть несколько … слов в каждом языке.
7) Что … с тобой вчера? Ты выглядел ужасно.
8) Какие … ты обычно получаешь в школе? Всегда хорошие?

1) Very few people can speak a foreign language without mistakes.
2) Children, please be quiet, don’t make so much noise.
3) One of our school rules is to wear a uniform to classes.
4) Some of my classmates are my very good friends.
5) The loud music was coming from the room next door.
6) There are some foreign words in every language.
7) What happened to you yesterday? You looked terrible.
8) What marks do you usually get at school? Are they always good?

Перевод ответа
1) Мало, кто может говорить на иностранном языке, без ошибок.
2) Дети, пожалуйста, будьте спокойны, не делайте так много шума.
3) Одно из правил нашей школы − это носить форму на занятиях.
4) Некоторые из моих одноклассником − мои очень хорошие друзья.
5) Громкая музыка слышалась из соседней комнаты.
6) Есть несколько иностранных слов в каждом языке.
7) Что случилось с тобой вчера? Ты выглядел ужасно.
8) Какие оценки ты обычно получаешь в школе? Всегда хорошие?

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