Sentences with the word memories

memories — перевод на русский

As of now, The Princess’s memory of what happened then can be used to testify, and it’s our only weapon.

И сейчас память Принцессы о произошедшем можно использовать как доказательство и это наше единственное оружие.

«Memory loss»!

Потерявшая память!

Listen carefully! For someone as fake as you, I will not regain my memory!

я не хочу возвращать память!

You never did have a good memory.

У тебя всегда была плохая память.

In memory of him.

На память о нём.

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This can’t continue, she needs to overcome those memories.

Так не может продолжаться. Ей нужно пережить те воспоминания.

You have to leave all of earthly memories behind.

Тебе нужно будет оставить все свои воспоминания.

So basically all your current memories will be erased.

все твои воспоминания будут стерты.

Leave my memories?

Оставить мои воспоминания?

The memories… why have they come back?

Воспоминания… почему они вернулись?

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My only memory of him is that he wasn’t there.

Единственное, что я помню о нем — это то, что он все время был в отъезде.

I’ve no memory of ever being bit by any kind of bee.

Не помню, чтобы меня хоть какая-то пчела жалила.

Sure memory the images of the Bible.

— Конечно, я помню картинки из Библии.

For example, I’m losing my memory.

Устал. Ничего не помню.

It’s seared forever in my memory. We’d just barely made it through the end of the year, and the plum blossoms had begun to bloom shortly after the beginning of the new year.

Я все еще отчетливо помню… как мы едва пережили тот год, а затем, весной того года, расцвела слива…

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We share too many memories to just let it drop, trust me.

Поверь, нам с тобой многое стоит вспомнить.

Tell him to search his memory, quickly.

Пусть попробует вспомнить.

I want to ask you some questions that will bring back memories… of another time to you.

Я хочу задать пару вопросов, которые помогут тебе вспомнить о совсем других временах…

When Lazarus rose from the dead, he had no memories.

Вернувшись из царства мертвых, Лазарь не смог ничего вспомнить.

You still have no memory?

Что? Всё ещё не можешь вспомнить?

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The Enterprise is en route to Memory Alpha.

«Энтерпрайз» на пути к Мемори Альфе.

She is onboard to supervise the transfer of all newly-designed equipment directly from the Enterprise to Memory Alpha.

Она должна контролировать передачу недавно разработанного оборудования непосредственно с «Энтерпрайза» на Мемори Альфу.

As soon as we’re within viewing range of Memory Alpha, you and Romaine will go to your positions in the emergency manual monitor.

Как только мы окажемся рядом с Мемори Альфой, вы и лейтенант Ромэйн займете пост у мониторов ручного управления.

— Is that Memory Alpha?

— Это Мемори Альфа?

Captain, during the disturbance, Memory Alpha was hailing.

Капитан, во время инцидента нас вызывала Мемори Альфа.

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Implicated in an abortion case and interrogated at the Police HQ, she will revisit in her memory the snapshots of her life.

В ходе полицейского допроса по подозрению в совершении аборта… она будет вспоминать фрагменты своей жизни.

That memory is driving me crazy…

Даже противно вспоминать.

«I will always treasure our relationship and think of you with fond memories…

«я всегда буду ценить нашу дружбу и благодарно теб€ вспоминать.

We’ve had a lot of great memories.

Мы будем вспоминать о тебе.

I don’t need memory

Мне не нужно вспоминать.

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I have only one desire, that you disappear forever from my memory.

У меня только одно желание — забыть тебя навсегда.

«about the lamentable practice in our theatre of permitting «mature actresses to continue playing roles «requiring a youth and vigor of which they retain but a dim memory.»

Здесь нельзя не упомянуть о практике в наших театрах, когда зрелые актрисы играют роли, требующие молодости, о которой они успели забыть.

To lose my memory.

Я хотел бы обо всем забыть.

I have a very bad memory.

Это чтобы не забыть. Терпеть не могу…

Was it because of your memory?


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So, since you’re gonna be stuck remembering this for the rest of your life, you have to decide what that memory will be.

Что ж, .. …раз это такой яркий эпизод, .. …тебе решать, что запомнить.

Just be your normal self, Shine. I want to have a good memory of you.

Оставайся лучше красоткой Светиком, я хочу запомнить тебя такой.

I got to commit this to memory.

Я должен всё запомнить.

That will be her memory.

Так она меня и запомнит.

Now we have to make Capulina record the robot’s memory with what we want it to tell Santo.

Теперь мы должны записать голос Капулины робот запомнит всё, что мы хотим сказать Санто.

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Let me refresh your memory.

Ну так я тебе напомню.

So first Your memory I’ll jog

Напомню вам закон один:

Niles, refresh my memory.

Найлс, напомни мне.

Refresh my memory.

Напомни, кто это?

— Thanks for the memories.

Спасибо, что напомнила.

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I’ve got a good shape, and a painting preserves great memories.

Будет мне, сколько тебе, останутся воспоминания. Живопись не стареет.

Memories will remain

Останутся воспоминания.

So that we at least have some memories.

Хоть воспоминания нам останутся.

The glory you see around me is nothing but a memory.

От великолепия, что вы видите вокруг, остались лишь воспоминания.

All I have is memories.

Только воспоминания у меня и остались.

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First, a patient loses the recent memories, then personal memories, and finally intellectual memories.

Traumatic memories aren’t stored like regular memories.

В силу этого, травматические воспоминания организованы в памяти не так, как обычные воспоминания.

While it’s agreed that recovery of lost or repressed memories does happen, the authenticity of these memories is sometimes disputed.

Несмотря на то, что случаи восстановления утраченных или подавленных воспоминаний действительно происходят, подлинность этих воспоминаний иногда оспаривается.

Some of my most cherished memories are summer memories.

Procedural memories cannot be consciously recalled.

Процедурная память, с другой стороны, не может быть применена сознательно.

False memories are memories of things that we did not actually experience.

Ложные воспоминания — это память о вещах, которые мы никогда не испытывали на самом деле.

However, research has shown that memories of abuse function very differently than average memories.

Однако исследования показывают, что воспоминания о насилии по своим особенностям очень отличаются от обычных воспоминаний.

There are many memories made and ready for you to explore and make your new memories here.

Есть много воспоминаний, созданных и готовых для вас, чтобы исследовать и создавать новые воспоминания здесь.

These long-term memories, unlike short-term memories, are relatively permanent.

Эти долгосрочные воспоминания, в отличие от краткосрочных воспоминаний, являются относительно постоянными.

This year, they managed to change the actual emotional content of memories, turning good memories bad, and vice versa.

В этом году им удалось изменить фактическое эмоциональное содержание воспоминаний, превращая хорошие воспоминания на плохие, и наоборот.

Damage to neurons in the hippocampus prevents the formation of new memories and also disrupts neurons that have formed networks encoding existing memories.

Повреждение нейронов в гиппокампе предотвращает образование новых воспоминаний, а также разрушает нейроны, которые сформировали сети, кодирующие существующие воспоминания.

The photos are part of our memories, and I want these memories to always remain bright.

Фотографии — это часть наших воспоминаний, и хочется, чтобы эти воспоминания всегда оставались яркими.

I had lost all my memories, but the memories of that monster only became clearer with time.

Write 5 memories that you have of your parents or another family member and add them to your memories page.

Напишите 5 воспоминаний о своих родителях или каких-нибудь других членах семьи и добавьте их в раздел «Воспоминания».

When memories can no longer be retrieved or we have difficulty in forming new memories, the effects are frequently tragic.

Когда воспоминания больше не могут быть восстановлены, или у человека имеются трудности в формировании новых воспоминаний, последствия часто трагичны».

They are able to strip the memories of humans, provided such memories are short term.

Episodic memories are autobiographical memories of the events in our own lives.

Автобиографическая — это воспоминания эпизодов из нашей жизни.

In a sense, forgetting is our brain’s way of sorting memories, so the most relevant memories are ready for retrieval.

В некотором смысле забывание — это механизм сортировки воспоминаний нашего мозга, чтобы под рукой оставались наиболее релевантные воспоминания.

You want good memories, not bad memories.

The documentary follows recent studies showing that music can improve the memories of dementia patients, and even help them develop new memories.

Недавние исследования также выявили, что музыка может улучшить память у пациентов, страдающих деменцией, и даже помочь им сформировать новые воспоминания.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат memories

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  • Use the word Memories in a sentences

Sentence Examples

I tried to perfect my synaptic scanning techniques so that I could transfer Juliana’s memories into a positronic matrix.

You must not have memories of your mother or the country Korea.

The battle starts now. [ intro to «need you now» plays ] dpicture-perfect memories d dscattered all around the floor d

Her memories from those three years that she roamed this earth as a spirit… I’m going to help her regain those memories.

Since that’s when she started seeing spirits… once she regains her memories of that time… it’ll transform Gong Shil.

The memories of the land where the peaches grow.

But these rooms hold memories of thirty happy years, and in the churchyard is a grave that is never out of my thoughts.»

A song full of bittersweet memories.

we are not going thus to sell our most beautiful memories.

Tell her that what I shall treasure most on my long journey home are the fondest memories of her.

All the next day, Margaret was haunted by memories of the previous evening.

Afraid of awakening painful memories, Bernard said nothing to the Chevalier about his terrible dream.

# Yet their memories seem to cling to me #

For the loving memories of our chilhood I┬┤ll give him up for you.

The memories are flooding in.

memories from my youth, my child.

But memories can’t turn to love in one day.

You will not remember what I show you now, and yet I shall awaken memories of love and crime and death.

In the current of the waves offshore, the memories gradually disappear.

memories of Utatsubashi Bridge warmed Shiraito.

Robert, if we were to say goodbye today we should have nothing but beautiful memories of each other to last to the end of our lives.

Bunch of memories, of times gone by, blossoming old days I’ll never forget.

memories rush back to me, leaving a scent of sweet emotion behind them.

But though I cherish all those dear and everlasting memories… which even the bare mention of that great conflict… must awaken in every true Kentuckian’s bosom… I fail to see any possible connection… between this reverend gentleman’s military record… and the guilt of this man Gillis.

But I wouldn’t let it go cheaply. It means a lot to me on account of the memories.

Yes. memories come to my mind too.

I’m taking your memories with me.

While many of them relive the meeting in their memories… still others are already planning the next review.

Sort of away From old friends and… Old memories.

The horrors of war, however, remained in the memories of the people of the Low Countries The theme is not drawn from history

The wedding brings back memories

Brings back fond memories.

I wanted to say that in this house, full of your memories,.. I will take away the life!

Used to be fond of memories of her native Spain, especially by singing.

I listened to all the childhood memories… I care to hear for one night.

I couldn’t stay here and face all those memories.

You leave them the memories of the finest things ever done on the stage, sir.

The memories of the finest things ever done on the stage.

[Chuckles] So many people have such bad memories.

I’ll not go without trying to blacken your memories with your insane injustice you’ll carry on your souls till the day you die. Till the day you die you ask yourselves in your heart three questions.

Amazing advantage of women’s beauty, or perhaps men’s memories… — they seemed as young and pretty as ever.

I often come here, it brings back my happiest memories and I remembert it every night

I’ll take you far from Paris, where there are no unhappy memories for us.

April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

So), and his happy memories of the Lake of Como (i.

The Mercians gladly mingled with the West Saxons, and abandoned all memories of ancient independence.

I still have confused memories of that illness.

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Her memories overshadowed, she threw open the curtains.

It sounded like a good chance to get away from this house and the memories for a while.

Breathless, Dusty closed his eyes and leaned against the punching bag, unable to shake his first memories of Damian or his last memories of his sister, Trinka.

While the two maintained mutual respect, Jake Weller appeared unsettled in Dean’s presence, a combination of insecurity over Dean’s more extensive experience and memories of past encounters that had pushed the lawman into compromising situations.

Suddenly and simultaneously a crowd of memories awoke in his fancy—of the look Platon had given him as he sat under the tree, of the shot heard from that spot, of the dog’s howl, of the guilty faces of the two Frenchmen as they ran past him, of the lowered and smoking gun, and of Karataev’s absence at this halt—and he was on the point of realizing that Karataev had been killed, but just at that instant, he knew not why, the recollection came to his mind of a summer evening he had spent with a beautiful Polish lady on the veranda of his house in Kiev.

The reason that we do not observe this process in ordinary children is, because we seldom observe them at all, and because they are fed from so many sources that the memories are confused and mutually destructive.

Listening to the captain’s tales, Pierre—as often happens late in the evening and under the influence of wine—followed all that was told him, understood it all, and at the same time followed a train of personal memories which, he knew not why, suddenly arose in his mind.

Synonym: computer memory, computer storage, memory board, remembering, retention, retentiveness, retentivity, storage, store. Similar words: in memory of, from memory, memorial, memorize, once more, all the more, demoralize, member. Meaning: [‘memrɪ]  n. 1. something that is remembered 2. the cognitive processes whereby past experience is remembered 3. the power of retaining and recalling past experience 4. an electronic memory device 5. the area of cognitive psychology that studies memory processes. 

1. Experience is the father of wisdom and memory the mother. 

2. The creditor has always a better memory than the detor. 

3. She was conscious that her memory was failing.

4. How much memory does the program occupy?

5. I have a very good visual memory.

6. Nothing improves the memory more than trying to forget.

7. Yesterday once more,memory,raining,snowing smiling are touching my heart.

8. Kept diaries, not stop what is pen, or memory.

9. Those memories, I was alone with memory.

10. Her honeymoon seemed a distant memory .

11. She tried to obliterate all memory of her father.

12. Memory will fade, but my heart will go on.

13. His short-term memory was damaged in the accident.

14. Yesterday is today’s memory, tomorrow is today’s dream.

15. He grins, delighted at the memory.

16. I retain a clear memory of those days.

17. I have a bad memory for names.

18. As one grows older one’s memory declines.

19. The scene was embedded in his memory.

20. The party was fresh in her memory.

21. Love remained short,the memory last long.

22. Happiness is good health and a bad memory.

23. The scene is still vivid in my memory.

24. The artist drew the scene from memory.

25. Life, half is memory, half is to continue.

26. Before it was reality, now it’s just a memory.

26. try its best to gather and create good sentences.

27. Disappear a memory. And leaving is unforgettable memories.

28. Memory can be profoundly shaped by subsequent experience.

29. The memory was buried deep within my subconscious.

30. My childhood will never fade from my memory.

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