Sentences with the word love in them

Complete the sentences with the missing words.
1) What do you write to the people you love … St Valentine’s Day?
2) Jack London, an American writer, was born … 1876.
3) Are you always at home … New Year’s Eve?
4) … June it is not very dark in St Petersburg … night.
5) … Thursday night all the boys decided to meet … the living room.
6) How many classes have you got … Friday?
7) Let’s meet … the afternoon. — Why? Let’s meet … the evening.
8) That day … four o’clock a strong wind was blowing.
9) We usually stay at home … New Year’s Day.
10) Do you give your friends presents … Easter?
11) … midnight, when the clock struck twelve, there appeared Father Frost.
12) A lot of people go to church … Christmas.

ГДЗ Английский язык 6 класс (часть 1) Афанасьева. UNIT 3. Step 7. Номер №3


Перевод задания
Вставь пропущенные слова в предложения.
1) Что ты пишешь людям, которых любишь, … День Святого Валентина?
2) Джек Лондон, американский писатель, родился … 1876 году.
3) Вы всегда дома … канун Нового года?
4) … июне в Санкт−Петербурге не очень темно … ночам.
5) … четверг вечером все ребята решили встретиться … гостиной.
6) Сколько уроков у тебя … пятницу?
7) Давайте встретимся … днем. − Почему? Давайте встретимся … вечером.
8) В тот день … четыре часа дул сильный ветер.
9) Мы обычно остаемся дома … Новый год.
10) Вы дарите друзьям подарки … Пасху?
11) … полночь, когда часы пробили двенадцать, появился Дед Мороз.
12) Многие люди ходят в церковь … Рождество.

1) What do you write to the people you love on St Valentine’s Day?
2) Jack London, an American writer, was born in 1876.
3) Are you always at home on New Year’s Eve?
4) In June it is not very dark in St Petersburg at night.
5) On Thursday night all the boys decided to meet in the living room.
6) How many classes have you got on Friday?
7) Let’s meet in the afternoon. — Why? Let’s meet in the evening.
8) That day at four o’clock a strong wind was blowing.
9) We usually stay at home on New Year’s Day.
10) Do you give your friends presents at Easter?
11) At midnight, when the clock struck twelve, there appeared Father Frost.
12) A lot of people go to church at Christmas.
Перевод ответа
1) Что ты пишешь людям, которых любишь, на День Святого Валентина?
2) Джек Лондон, американский писатель, родился в 1876 году.
3) Вы всегда дома в канун Нового года?
4) В июне в Санкт−Петербурге не очень темно по ночам.
5) В четверг вечером все ребята решили встретиться в гостиной.
6) Сколько уроков у тебя в пятницу?
7) Давайте встретимся днем. − Почему? Давайте встретимся вечером.
8) В тот день в четыре часа дул сильный ветер.
9) Мы обычно остаемся дома в Новый год.
10) Вы дарите друзьям подарки на Пасху?
11) В полночь, когда часы пробили двенадцать, появился Дед Мороз.
12) Многие люди ходят в церковь на Рождество.

47 месяцев назад

My sister is . . . . . . over the phone. 3. Our relatives are . . . . . . . 4. My mother is very . . . . . . , she is the brain of our family. 5. Our parents arrange . . . . . . . 6. My friend . . . . . . me in everything I do. 7. In my family the elder children . . . . . .the younger ones. 8. All members of our family . . . . . . , so we are always very busy. 9. My favourite pastime is . . . . . . . 10. Anna seldom . . . . . . on Sundays. 11. We like our house . . . . . . . 12. Our college group is . . . . . . . a. cleans the rooms b. fond of chatting c. feel at ease d. considerate and helpful e. have my duties about the house f. to be tidy g. a professional h. look after i. supports j. do a lot of work about the house k. to go shopping l. intelligent m. united n. East or West, home is best o. our free time


1. Welcome to my house! Feel at ease.

2. My sister is fond of chatting over the phone.

3. Our relatives are considerate and helpful.

4. My mother is very intelligent, she is the brain of our family.

5. Our parents arrange our free time.

6. My friend supports me in everything I do.

7. In my family the elder children look after the younger ones.

8. All members of our family do a lot of work about the house, so we are always very busy.

9. My favorite pastime is going shopping.

10. Anna seldom cleans the rooms on Sundays.

11. We like our house to be tidy.

12. Our college group is united


2. Fill in the missing word. There are two words you do not need to use.

1. The heavy rain caused the driver to lose control of his car and crash into a tree.

2. What started out as a light breeze soon became a very strong wind.

3. The well-trained lifeguard was able to rescue the drowning swimmer and quickly bring him to safety.

4. The lead actor felt under the  weather and Daniel was asked to replace him in the school play.

5. The big earthquake caused many buildings to collapse and people were left homeless.

6. When the avalanche hit the area, dozens of people were snowed in for many hours.

7. Cars and factories produce toxic fumes that harm the environment.

8. A terrible flood caused by three days of continuous rain has destroyed many houses inthe small fishing village.

9. drought will occur in an area when it hasn’t rained for an unusually long period of time.

10. The terrible fire left dozens of buildings in ruins

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