Sentences with the word look over

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


As an owner of the business, you will still need to look over the end results to guarantee accuracy.

Как владелец бизнеса, вам все равно нужно будет просмотреть конечные результаты, чтобы гарантировать точность.

You will need to look over and re-examine these answers many of times.

Вы должны будете просмотреть и вновь исследовать эти ответы многие из времен.

We may have to look over our past actions, or dig through old childhood patterns in order to find our way forward.

Возможно, нам придется взглянуть на наши прошлые поступки или прорваться сквозь старые образцы детства, чтобы найти наш путь вперед.

I was hoping you could look over the civil proposal.

Я надеялась, что ты сможешь взглянуть на государственный тендер.

You’re using software, which means fewer people need to look over your books.

Вы используете программное обеспечение, что означает, что меньше людей должны просматривать ваши отчеты.

I would like to have a plate with sausage on it while I look over the menu.

Я бы хотела тарелку с сосиской пока я просматриваю меню.

If you correctly set the connection parameters, then you can look over tables and views of the connected database.

Если вы правильно заполнили параметры подключения, то вы можете просмотреть таблицы и виды(views) в подключенной базе данных.

I’ll look over the video, and get back to you.

Тогда я просмотрю видео и вернусь к вам.

The kid just asked me to look over the files.

I have to look over this contract.

I’ll wait here and look over the questions.

I just said that I would look over it with her.

Haven’t had a chance to look over your stuff yet.

And then… you can look over these still shots.

Also you can look over my contacts.

In the video below you can take a look over this outstanding BMW and also hear the amazing sound that it produces.

На видео ниже вы можете взглянуть на этот выдающийся ВМШ, а также услышать удивительный звук, который он производит.

Each Monday morning I look over my calendar and see what I got to do.

В понедельник каждую неделю я просматриваю свой календарь и выделяю ключевые вещи, которые мне нужно выполнить.

First thing Monday, I’ll look over the Witwer evidence.

В понедельник первое, что я сделаю, это просмотрю улики Уитвера.

They even look over her shoulder when she does her homework.

Он даже смотрят через ее плечо, когда девочка делает свою домашнюю работу.

Employees resent it when their boss constantly look over their shoulder.

Более того, их раздражает, когда начальство постоянно заглядывает им через плечо.

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Suggestions that contain look over

Results: 1239. Exact: 1239. Elapsed time: 271 ms.


Corporate solutions



Grammar Check

Help & about

Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

просматривать, осматривать, перебирать, проглядеть, не заметить, простить


- фраз. гл. тщательно изучать

Мои примеры


to look over the house — осмотреть дом  
cast a look over — поверхностно изучить; быстро просмотреть  
look over manuscript — просмотреть свою рукопись  
look over the apartment — осмотреть квартиру  
look over the house — осмотреть дом  
look over — смотреть сквозь пальцы; тщательно изучать; пересматривать  
look over / through — просматривать  

Примеры с переводом

We must look the school over before sending our son there.

Нам надо тщательно изучить эту школу, прежде чем отдавать туда нашего сына.

Random good picture Not show

1. Let me look over my schedule.

2. He didn’t dare look over the edge.

3. Look over there — there’s a rainbow!

4. Will you look over his album?

5. Some officials will look over our factory this Friday.

6. We must look over the house before we decide to rent it.

7. When I look over and see Terry I tingle all over.

8. Get onto my shoulders and have a look over the fence.

9. Would you quickly look over these figures for me and see if there are any obvious mistakes?

10. Then … I look over towards Summerchild’s desk.

11. I look over the contents page.

11. try its best to collect and make good sentences.

12. The puddle suddenly disappears and I look over at Marie.

13. I shifted unobtrusively, to crane a look over the parapet.

14. I stop too; climb the natural embankment and look over the homeward stretch down to the pueblo.

15. She cast a murderous look over his hard male profile.

16. He watched to see if they would look over at him and Slater, but they didn’t.

17. He will also regularly look over pollution control installations in his district to ensure their satisfactory operation and maintenance.

18. From time to time Jos would look over Mungo’s shoulder, suggesting tactics which invariably proved disastrous.

19. As I walk back toward the shore I look over at the snorkeling boat heading out.

20. And how many despatch riders ever look over their shoulders?

21. One man may steal a horse, while another may not look over the hedge. 

22. One man may steal a horse while another may not look over a hedge. 

23. I had a few minutes before the meeting to look over what he’d written.

24. It can help to have an impartial third party look over your work.

25. A pleasant spoken young constable arrived at Riverview with a warrant and asked if he might look over the boat.

26. Think of a particular organization performance challenge you face as you look over the designs shown in the illustrations on page 266.

27. It freed scholars to pursue their researches without having to look over their shoulders at the Holy Office.

28. He automatically steps into the room, casting a melodramatic look over his shoulder.

29. As he raced up the narrow track he took a quick look over his shoulder.

30. On the way to his house he paused on Telegraph Avenue to look over the machines in a used-car lot.

More similar words: overlook, look out, look on, talk over, think over, over and over, look, look in, look to, look for, look at, look up, look into, look down on, look back, look after, look through, look forward to, over, cover, go over, oversee, all over, be over, get over, overall, over there, hand over, uncover, run over. 

Have you looked over at the Sunlight Foundation’s website?


There are the top 15 for boys and the top 15 for girls for you to look over.


The mayor… should not be controlling the budget of the person who’s looking over their shoulder.


He looks over at him, shakes his head and replies, «I don’t know.


We just have a few guidelines we would like you to look over.


Of course their meeting comes at a politically pivotal time in state government as the redistricting maps for Congressional lines are being looked over by a special master.


I looked over at my friend and sighed and she knocked hers over and we just laughed.


I looked over at Lil munching on peanut butter toast and thought of all the times I’d fed it to her prior to going to daycare.


I looked over at my wife and asked, «Did you pack the kids» iPads?»


As Ronk spit out that pejorative, I looked over at Catskill Heritage Alliance leader Kathy Nolan, sitting only a few feet from the press section.


The following online checking accounts come with the highest interest rates among the banks we researched, but they come with slightly different requirements which you should look over before committing to an account.


As a result of this, umbrella strollers got to be popular that we now have more alternatives to look over.


With summer here, we are already bombarded with so many events, galas, and parties that we now need to look over at our wardrobe because we definitely don’t want to fizzle out amongst all the sizzling ladies out there.


The Liar faces looking over their shoulder, constantly, and trying to keep up with their lies.


If you’re not motivated to work, you likely won’t work if no one is looking over your shoulder.


Jesus looks over at Ted, apparently offended, and yells, «that’s not a house, you moron, it’s obviously a rocket-ship!»


«I think what actually happened is I think the prime minister looked over, stared daggers at Vince, and Vince might have then given a quite stronger nudge.»


Not only are the fall colors beautiful and such a pretty area to look over from your patio, but the decorating details are fabulous.


A few weeks ago I was having drinks with friends at Soho House and looked over at a guy sitting in a big comfy chair with a cup of coffee and a book.


Or an professional accountant for looking over their own finances?


It’s like sitting down with two of the most powerful social media leaders and looking over their shoulders as they show you the exact, step-by-step, systematic approaches they use in their own businesses every day to achieve huge successes using social media to bring in the profits.


«They kept looking over at me and I think they might have thought I was my sister.


But then I look over at my son, roaring with laughter as he whizzes down a slide or shouting out a new word from the top of the jungle gym.


As he drove her across town one morning in the spring of 1989, Liu looked over at him and said she felt like they were already married.


Veronica Petrinec looked over at William J. Manzo Park in Titusville and thought back to her own childhood, when hurricane damage closed the park where she liked to play.


The Foxes currently sit in 16th place and looking over their shoulder was a thing of the past — they’re in the thick of it now.


The Oswego Common Council is looking over Mayor Tom Gillen’s proposed 2015 budget.


I got my shot and then I looked over at Dahlia and she kept yawning repeatedly.


The festival is a buffet of FOMO — that’s «fear of missing out» — and everyone you talk to is looking over your shoulder or glancing at their phone, worried they’re missing something big.


Buffalo, NY (WBEN) The Board of Regents is looking over a proposed replacement to Common Core.


Hairs plays an important role in one’s personality and they are considered to be the essential part to look over.


Just look over at the top of the right-hand sidebar and follow the simple prompts.


I received a complimentary copy of the book to look over for this review but all opinions are my own and how I really feel, I couldn’t live with myself otherwise.


Funny thing is we probably will but how much will that matter when the tie looks over.


My husband was talking to the sales person about billing, prices, etc. and looked over at me and called me out.


I looked over at Homestories but didn’t see the new link party but I’ll keep checking Thanks so much for the tip!!


I remember I kept looking over at her while she talked and laughed with her parents, and I still wasn’t able to believe, even after 10 months together, that she had chosen me.


You remember that scene in Miracle, when Kurt Russell’s Herb Brooks looks over at Soviet coach Viktor Tikhonov late in the USA-USSR match and realizes, «He doesn’t know what to do»?


Hosea Ballou looked over at him and said, «If you were a Universalist, the idea would never occur to you.»


I looked over at Scott and he started to sob in the middle of a sentence.


I wrote a manifesto when I started to rebrand my blog style, definitely need to look over again and put these tips into action!


Note to Silicon Valley: Colorado is looking over your shoulder.


In the correspondence office, there are very few choices to look over as clients just have admittance to site’s email framework.


I looked over, and sure enough it was Ben, next to Jennifer Garner.


This also works both ways so make sure when you’re dating you ALWAYS market yourself in the best way possible so that you don’t get looked over.


«It can manifest in different ways: being looked over for a promotion, being ridiculed at a meeting, or feeling disengaged at work,» Manning says.


I looked over at the store employee who explained that the lemonade and brownies were being offered in exchange for a dollar donation to the Whole Kids Foundation.


He walked toward the kitchen, and I looked over at Tio and grinned, and then I looked around the place: the old calendars, a poster about a bullfight in Mexico City, and the clock that advertised an American soft drink.


They believe that with security of tenure of office, the occupant of that position will be empowered to undertake their duties without looking over their shoulders.


I looked over at the other side of the road and saw a nice sidewalk going under the bridge and off into the distance.


  • Dictionary
  • L
  • Look over


    • US Pronunciation
    • US IPA
    • UK Pronunciation
    • UK IPA
    • [loo k oh-ver]
    • /lʊk ˈoʊ vər/
    • /lʊk ˈəʊvə(r)/
    • US Pronunciation
    • US IPA
    • [loo k oh-ver]
    • /lʊk ˈoʊ vər/

Definitions of look over words

  • noun look over the act of looking: a look of inquiry. 1
  • noun look over a visual search or examination. 1
  • noun look over the way in which a person or thing appears to the eye or to the mind; aspect: He has the look of an honest man. The tablecloth has a cheap look. 1
  • noun look over an expressive glance: to give someone a sharp look. 1
  • noun look over looks. general aspect; appearance: to like the looks of a place. attractive, pleasing appearance. 1
  • verb without object look over to turn one’s eyes toward something or in some direction in order to see: He looked toward the western horizon and saw the returning planes. 1

Information block about the term

Origin of look over

First appearance:

before 1905

One of the 15% newest English words

First recorded in 1905-10; noun use of verb phrase look over

Historical Comparancy

Parts of speech for Look over

look over popularity

A pretty common term. Usually people know it’s meaning, but prefer to use a more spread out synonym. About 43% of English native speakers know the meaning and use word.

According to our data about 51% of words is more used. This is a rare but used term. It occurs in the pages of specialized literature and in the speech of educated people.

Synonyms for look over

verb look over

  • audit — When an accountant audits an organization’s accounts, he or she examines the accounts officially in order to make sure that they have been done correctly.
  • calculate — If you calculate a number or amount, you discover it from information that you already have, by using arithmetic, mathematics, or a special machine.
  • inspect — to look carefully at or over; view closely and critically: to inspect every part of the motor.
  • check out — When you check out of a hotel or clinic where you have been staying, or if someone checks you out, you pay the bill and leave.
  • assess — When you assess a person, thing, or situation, you consider them in order to make a judgment about them.

noun look over

  • checkup — A checkup is a medical examination by your doctor or dentist to make sure that there is nothing wrong with your health.
  • supervision — the act or function of supervising; superintendence.
  • surveillance — a watch kept over a person, group, etc., especially over a suspect, prisoner, or the like: The suspects were under police surveillance.
  • scrutiny — a searching examination or investigation; minute inquiry.
  • investigation — the act or process of investigating or the condition of being investigated.

Antonyms for look over

verb look over

  • ignore — to refrain from noticing or recognizing: to ignore insulting remarks.
  • neglect — to pay no attention or too little attention to; disregard or slight: The public neglected his genius for many years.
  • forget — to cease or fail to remember; be unable to recall: to forget someone’s name.
  • disprove — to prove (an assertion, claim, etc.) to be false or wrong; refute; invalidate: I disproved his claim.
  • invalidate — to render invalid; discredit.

noun look over

  • ignorance — the state or fact of being ignorant; lack of knowledge, learning, information, etc.

See also

  • All definitions of look over
  • Synonyms for look over
  • Antonyms for look over
  • Sentences with the word look over
  • look over pronunciation

Matching words

  • Words starting with l
  • Words starting with lo
  • Words starting with loo
  • Words starting with look
  • Words starting with looko
  • Words starting with lookov
  • Words starting with lookove
  • Words starting with lookover
  • Words ending with r
  • Words ending with er
  • Words ending with ver
  • Words ending with over
  • Words containing the letters l
  • Words containing the letters l,o
  • Words containing the letters l,o,k
  • Words containing the letters l,o,k,v
  • Words containing the letters l,o,k,v,e
  • Words containing the letters l,o,k,v,e,r
  • Words containing l
  • Words containing lo
  • Words containing loo
  • Words containing look
  • Words containing looko
  • Words containing lookov

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