Sentences with the word lettuce

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Some vegetables like lettuce have little fibre or nutrient value.

Некоторые овощи, как салат, имеют небольшое количество клетчатки или питательных веществ.

Iceberg lettuce is mostly water and has little nutritional value.

Короче, салат «айсберг» состоит в основном из воды с немногой к никакому питательную ценность.

Fresh lettuce is my all-time favorite food.

Свежий латук — моя любимая еда на все времена.

Give the person salad leaves (lettuce and spinach) and explain that these are always green.

Дайте человеку листья салата (латук или шпинат) и объясните, что они всегда зеленые.

Eating potassium-rich foods like red leaf lettuce may stabilize your blood pressure.

Употребление в пищу богатых калием продуктов, таких как красный салат-латук, может стабилизировать ваше кровяное давление.

It turns out they’re growing lettuce in the middle of the desert using water sprayed on top.

Оказывается, они выращивают салат-латук прямо в пустыне, используя воду для его опрыскивания.

They also eat plenty of greens like romaine lettuce.

Кроме того, они потребляют большое количество зеленых овощей, таких как салат Ромэн.

Carney called him Rabbit because of his rabbit-like nibbling on lettuce and tomato sandwiches.

На самом деле, Карни назвал его «Кроликом» из-за того, как он грыз бутерброды с помидором и салатом.

And of course, calcium is found in plant foods, especially salad vegetables (celery, cabbage, leaf lettuce) and herbs.

И конечно кальций содержится в растительных продуктах, особенно салатных овощах (сельдерей, капуста, листовой салат) и зелени.

Currently it can produce spinach, cabbage, red and green lettuce, coriander, and more.

В настоящее время предприятие может производить шпинат, капусту, красный и зеленый салат, кориандр и многое другое.

Also blanched spinach, carrots, lettuce, zucchini, cucumbers, even peas can be use to supplement their diet.

Также бланшированные шпинат, морковь, салат, кабачки, огурцы, даже горох можно использовать, чтобы дополнить свой рацион питания.

Fresh produce like lettuce, raspberries, basil, and snow peas have caused past outbreaks.

Продукты, такие как салат, малина, базилик и снежный горох вызвали прошлые вспышки.

Coffee is not eaten raw like lettuce or apples.

Кофе не едят сырым, как например салат или яблоки.

Wild lettuce can be turned into a team that can help treat the above-mentioned problems.

Дикий салат можно превратить в команду, которая может помочь справиться с вышеупомянутыми проблемами.

Their aim is to use such cosmic technology in the growing of organic broccoli — with lettuce, carrots and onions to follow.

Их цель — использовать такую космическую технологию в выращивании органической брокколи — с салатом, морковью и луком.

The advantage of lettuce and other leafy vegetable is that you can harvest them at any stage.

Преимущество салата и других листовых овощей в том, что их можно собрать на любом этапе.

Leafy vegetables like spinach, lettuce and cabbage are also believed to provide maximum protection against cancer.

Также считается, что листовые овощи, такие, как шпинат, салат и капуста обеспечивают максимальную защиту от рака.

Make the clean lettuce leaves and tear the most.

Сделать чистых листьев салата и слезу в наибольшей степени.

green leafy vegetables, beetroot, lettuce

с такими продуктами каклистовые овощи, свёклу, салат,

Tom ate my bacon, lettuce and tomato sandwich.

Том съел мой бутерброд с беконом, салатом и помидорами.

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Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) is an annual plant of the daisy family, Asteraceae. It is most often grown as a leaf vegetable, but sometimes for its stem and seeds. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Add the lettuce leaves and parsley and simmer over low heat for 5 minutes, or until all the greens are just tender.


This vegan Greek salad is made with crisp romaine lettuce tossed with fresh veggies and tofu feta cheese, all tossed in a tangy vinaigrette dressing.


These delicious paleo carnitas are wrapped up in fresh butter lettuce and topped with the best thing ever: bacon jalapeño guacamole.


One head of romaine lettuce contains 44 % RDA of Omega-3 essential fats.


… and it’s a perfect height for a little girl who loves to wash lettuce and is always asking to help in the kitchen.


Now you need to roll the cabbage with dressing into a «lettuce» wrap.


Toss lettuce with avocado mixture, tomatoes, and next 2 ingredients.


Romaine lettuce is is super fresh paired with fries.


Combine lettuce, basil, oregano, and 2 Tbsp.


It’s grilled and it’s served on a whole wheat bun with lettuce


I’m not decided if I’ll eat this on bread since it was amazing on its own, maybe I’ll use lettuce instead, or I’m sure it’d be great in a salad.


In fact, those lettuce wraps helped the chain’s performance after a Chicago TV newscast mistakenly dubbed the PyeongChang Winter Games the P.F. Chang Games on screen last month.


Brush with marinade, then grill halved crisp lettuces like Romaine on a barbecue, three minutes each side.


I am going to make this for lunches this week and add the lettuce everyday as I go so it doesn’t get too soggy.


slow roasted pork, black beans, salsa Verde, avocado, lettuce, corn relish and coconut brown rice, and cheddar


I’ve been eating it all week on top of a salad of iceberg lettuce, cilantro and red onions, and it is AWESOME.


And lettuce leaves are prone to nasty bruising when roughly handled.


From recipes featuring everything from chicken and black beans to pork and tofu, these 15 lettuce wraps are sure to please every palate.


I regularly stock up on plantains, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, pastured-eggs, beets, carrots, cucumbers, onions, avocado, lettuce, etc..


Start with salad dressing, then tomatoes, cucumbers, olives, cheese, chicken, and end with lettuce.


Certain types of lettuce, such as iceberg, are known to be harmful to our furry friends.


Kale is an angry lettuce that needs to be tamed.


The «porcupine crack» ignored in favour of the lettuce.


Such as chopped baby lettuces or spinach too.


Ingredients 1/2 cup spinach 1 mango 1 avocado 4 romaine lettuce leaves Preparation Mash up the avocado; add a little sea salt if you like.


Place lamb meatball in a butter lettuce leaf or flatbread.


For serving, toast the buns and layer with cauliflower steaks, lettuce, tomato, onion, avocado and vegan ranch.


As far as veggies, go for asparagus, lettuce, and carrots.


It also had four beautiful 20» x 40» greenhouses which I immediately instructed their transformation and after about 60 days we had plenty fruits, vegetables even full heads of lettuce.


Loved the baby koala and lettuce board.


TUESDAY (4/24) B: Broccoli and Cheese Mini Egg Omelets (1) with 1 cup strawberries (0) L: Chopped Salad with Shrimp, Blue Cheese and Bacon (7) D: Instant Pot Pork Carnitas (3) over 2 cups chopped lettuce (0), 1 ounce avocado (1) and Creamy Cilantro Tomatillo Dressing (1) Totals: Freestyle Points 13, Calories 843 **


grilled jumbo shrimp or chicken, little gem lettuce, crouton, shaved parmesan with caesar dressing


Leave about an inch of the lettuce showing all the way around.


per person) 2 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil 1 carrot, grated 2 stalks of celery, diced 1/2 small/medium red onion, diced (optional) 1 teaspoon dill 1 teaspoon tarragon Juice from 1 lemon 2 tablespoons fresh parsley (optional) Salt and pepper to taste 1 head of red or green leaf lettuce or 6-8 cups of mixed greens 1 cucumber, sliced 2 tomatoes, sliced or chopped (or 1 cup cherry tomatoes) 1 cup hazelnuts


I COULD NOT eat breads, corn, potatos, fruit and even lettuce tasted sweet to me.


On a bottom bun, layer chicken, bacon, tomatoes, eggs, lettuce, cheddar cheese, California avocados, and blue cheese crumbles.


If you’re using mixed greens or lettuce, you won’t have to cook them.


Be aware of what kind of leafy greens you feed your rabbit, as some of them (like iceberg lettuce) contain almost no vitamins or nutrients — on the contrary, some contain landanum, which can be harmful in large quantities.


Serve the mixture on a bed of crisp shredded lettuce, watercress, and cilantro (coriander), with the chopped eggs scattered over the top.


I’m thinking it would be great in a lettuce wrap, too.


— Pour dressing on top and mix until all vegetables are well coated, place on top of chopped romaine lettuce.


SCOOP about 1/2 cup meat into lettuce leaf for each wrap; top with dollop of yogurt, additional salsa, and olives if desired.


I love them sandwiched between a burger bun with all the toppings — sliced pickles, tomato, onion, lettuce, Thousand Island dressing (or mayo and ketchup) and mustard.


Toss lettuce with about 1/2 the dressing.


Juicy steak bites, rice, beans, cheese, lettuce, avocado, cilantro, and peppers on tortilla chips with sour cream, salsa, and lime.


Thursday, Lakeside Organic Gardens of Watsonville shipped a small load of iceberg lettuce to New Leaf Community Market in Santa Cruz using cardboard boxes lined with a sustainable alternative.


We use it in a burrito bowl with an avocado cream sauce, mexican seasoned black beans and corn, lettuce, tomato, cotija cheese, and tortilla chips.


7:30 pm — steel cut oats with peanut butter and maple syrup 12:00 pm — curried peanut soup 3:00 pm — healthy salted peanut butter buckeye SNACK TIME 7:30 pm — these lettuce wraps


Like most annuals, lettuce plants live out their lives in quiet, three-act dramas that follow the seasons.


I just had to chop up some lettuce and heat up beans and rice on the stove.


Sentences with the word Lettuce?



  • «a head of cauliflower»; «a head of lettuce«
  • «crisp lettuce«
  • «iceberg is still the most popular lettuce«
  • «fresh bread»; «a fresh scent»; «fresh lettuce«
  • «aquacultural methods»; «hydroponic lettuce«
  • «limp lettuce«; «he felt his body go limp»
  • «wilted lettuce«

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word lettuce, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use lettuce in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «lettuce».

Lettuce in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word lettuce in a sentence.

  1. There are several types or cultivars of lettuce.

  2. Romaine lettuce is often used for Caesar salads.

  3. Crowding lettuce tends to attract pests and diseases.

  4. Captive tadpoles have eaten boiled lettuce and pet food in pellet form.

  5. At room temperature, lettuce seeds remain viable for only a few months.

  6. Spain is the world’s largest exporter of lettuce, with the US ranking second.

  7. For example, the larvae of the ghost moth is a common pest of lettuce plants.

  8. There are seven main cultivar groups of lettuce, each including many varieties:.

  9. Lettuce is also used as a primary ingredient in the preparation of lettuce soup.

  10. Stem lettuce was first developed in China, where it remains primarily cultivated.

  11. However, genetically modified lettuce is not currently used in commercial agriculture.

  12. Pale to white lettuce, such as the centers in some iceberg lettuce, contain few nutrients.

  13. After harvest, lettuce lasts the longest when kept at 0 °C (32 °F) and 96 percent humidity.

  14. However, this has led to the development of herbicide-resistant weeds in lettuce cultivation.

  15. Most lettuce is used in salads, either alone or with other greens, vegetables, meats and cheeses.

  16. Romaine lettuce is one of the symbolic items on the Jewish Passover Seder plate as a bitter herb.

  17. Viruses, including hepatitis A, calicivirus and a Norwalk-like strain, have been found in lettuce.

  18. During the 81–96 AD reign of Domitian, the tradition of serving a lettuce salad before a meal began.

  19. Western Europe and North America were the original major markets for large-scale lettuce production.

  20. Red-throated divers are usually on the sea, and brent geese feed on sea lettuce and other green algae.

  21. Although China is the top world producer of lettuce, the majority of the crop is consumed domestically.

  22. As of 2017, world production of lettuce and chicory was 27 million tonnes, 56% of which came from China.

  23. Contaminated lettuce is often a source of bacterial, viral, and parasitic outbreaks in humans, including E.

  24. The primary cash crop in the EAA is sugarcane, though sod, beans, lettuce, celery, and rice are also grown.

  25. Depending on the variety and time of year, lettuce generally lives 65–130 days from planting to harvesting.

  26. Each fruit contains one seed, which can be white, yellow, gray or brown depending on the variety of lettuce.

  27. Due to its short lifespan after harvest, lettuce was originally sold relatively close to where it was grown.

  28. Temperatures above 27 °C (81 °F) will generally result in poor or non-existent germination of lettuce seeds.

  29. By 50 AD, many types were described, and lettuce appeared often in medieval writings, including several herbals.

  30. With the exception of the iceberg variety, lettuce is also a good source (10–19% DV) of folate and iron (table).

  31. Stem lettuce, widely consumed in China, is eaten either raw or cooked, the latter primarily in soups and stir-frys.

  32. Celtuce, a lettuce variety grown primarily in Asia for its stems, crosses easily with lettuces grown for their leaves.

  33. Lettuce spread to the Greeks and Romans; the latter gave it the name lactuca, from which the English lettuce is derived.

  34. Vegetables were not in short supply however, as the garden staff grew lettuce, cabbage and carrots in the kitchen gardens.

  35. The cultivated variety appears to have been about 75 cm (30 in) tall and resembled a large version of the modern romaine lettuce.

  36. For example, ancient Egyptians thought lettuce to be a symbol of sexual prowess and a promoter of love and childbearing in women.

  37. Salmonella bacteria, including the uncommon Salmonella braenderup type, have also caused outbreaks traced to contaminated lettuce.

  38. Brent geese feed on sea lettuce and other green algae, and hundreds of European golden plovers may roost on the reserve at high tide.

  39. Vegetables included leeks, garlic, melons, squashes, pulses, lettuce, and other crops, in addition to grapes that were made into wine.

  40. After the 1940s, with the development of iceberg lettuce, 95 percent of the lettuce grown and consumed in the US was crisphead lettuce.

  41. The current word lettuce, originally from Middle English, came from the Old French letues or laitues, which derived from the Roman name.

  42. The Romans referred to lettuce as lactuca (lac meaning «dairy» in Latin), an allusion to the white substance, latex, exuded by cut stems.

  43. Weeds can also be an issue, as cultivated lettuce is generally not competitive with them, especially when directly seeded into the ground.

  44. Around 50 AD, Roman agriculturalist Columella described several lettuce varieties some of which may have been ancestors of today’s lettuces.

  45. Food-borne pathogens that can survive on lettuce include Listeria monocytogenes, the causative agent of listeriosis, which multiplies in storage.

  46. Today, the majority of lettuce is grown for its leaves, although one type is grown for its stem and one for its seeds, which are made into an oil.

  47. In 1586, Joachim Camerarius provided descriptions of the three basic modern lettuces head lettuce, loose-leaf lettuce, and romaine (or cos) lettuce.

  48. Generally grown as a hardy annual, lettuce is easily cultivated, although it requires relatively low temperatures to prevent it from flowering quickly.

  49. A 2007 study determined that the vacuum cooling method, especially prevalent in the California lettuce industry, increased the uptake and survival rates of E.

  50. Europe and North America originally dominated the market for lettuce, but by the late 20th century the consumption of lettuce had spread throughout the world.

Synonyms for lettuce

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word lettuce has the following synonyms: boodle, bread, cabbage, clams, dinero, dough, gelt, kale, lolly, lucre, loot, moolah, pelf, scratch, shekels, simoleons, sugar and wampu.

General information about «lettuce» example sentences

The example sentences for the word lettuce that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «lettuce» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «lettuce».



- бот. салат-латук (Lactuca sativa)
- сл. деньги; «зелёненькие» (доллары)

Мои примеры


tomato-and-lettuce sandwich — бутерброд с помидором и салатом  
iceberg lettuce — бот. кочанный салат  
leaf lettuce — бот. листовой салат  
cabbage lettuce — салат кочанный; кочанный салат  
celery lettuce — салат ромэн рыхлокочанный  
cos lettuce — салат ромэн рыхлокочанный  
crincle garden lettuce — листовой курчавый салат  
field grown lettuce — салат, выращенный в открытом грунте; огородный салат  
lettuce face mask — маска для лица с экстрактом латука  
lettuce pills — дражированные семена салата  

Примеры с переводом

She rinsed the dirt off the lettuce.

Она смыла грязь с листьев салата.

I like a little lettuce and tomato on my sandwiches.

Мне нравится когда в моих сендвичах немного (меньше чем обычно) салата и помидор.

He patted the lettuce dry with a paper towel.

Он просушил салат-латук бумажным полотенцем.

Iceberg is still the most popular lettuce.

Салат айсберг по-прежнему остаётся самым популярным видом салата.

You have a piece of lettuce stuck between your teeth.

У вас между зубов застрял лист салата.

Milk, cereal, juice — oh, and put lettuce on the list too.

Молоко, хлопья, сок … ах да, запиши ещё и салат-латук.

Fill the bread with a mixture of lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumbers.

Хлеб начините смесью салата, помидоров и огурцов.

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): lettuce
мн. ч.(plural): lettuces

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