Sentences with the word let down

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Let Down


For example, in order not to let down a company and a team, you have to recycle for several hours every day.

Например, чтобы не подвести компанию и команду, ты должен перерабатывать по несколько часов каждый день.

Here it was: I was about to confront 6,000+ people whom I had let down.

Вот это было: я собирался противостоять 6,000+ людей, которых я подвел.

I do not like to let down other people and I always do everything that I promised.

Я не люблю подводить других людей, и я всегда делаю все, что я обещал.

I don’t want to let down my pledge brothers.

You don’t want to let down the people you care about.

Ты не хочешь разочаровать людей, о которых заботишься.

However, many Kurds felt let down by the US when it refused to endorse the Region’s independence referendum in September 2017.

Однако многие курды чувствовали себя разочарованными США, когда они отказались одобрить референдум о независимости региона в сентябре 2017 года.

Every day children and young people are being let down by the current inadequate provision across the system.

Каждый день детей и молодежи подвели текущие неадекватное положение во всей системе .

We collectively let down our guard and shared how much things sucked.

Мы коллективно подвели нашу охрану и поделились тем, сколько вещей отстой.

Once again, I am sorry for all those I have let down and offended.

Еще раз я прошу прощения у всех, кого я подвел и оскорбил.

Young women are let down by most speech radio — there’s a real gap.

Молодые женщины подводят большинство речи радио — есть реальный разрыв.

I’m going to help everyone that you let down.

Я помогу всем, кого ты подвёл.

This is the team you’ve let down so badly.

Это команда, которую ты так ужасно подвела.

I have to let down people who trust me all the time, Father.

Мне постоянно приходится подводить тех, кто мне доверяет, отец.

Today I let down my friends, my family, Indycar, our city and my company.

И сегодня я подвел моих друзей, семью, Indycar, наш город и мою компанию.

Sheriff Briggs let down my husbandwhen he was a child.

Шериф Бриггс подвел моего мужа, когда тот был ребенком.

I’m sorry, Alixus, that I let down the community.

Мне жаль, Алексис, что я подвел наше сообщество.

It wasn’t the first time Kendal Strickland was let down.

Не в первый раз Кендал Стрикленд подвели.

You let down Frank, you let down me, you let down Max, most importantly.

We must not let down future generations through our inaction today.

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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Synonym: bring down, disappoint, get down, lower, take down. Similar words: get down, set down, get down to, put down, put-down, cut down, shut down, beat down. Meaning: v. 1. move something or somebody to a lower position 2. fail to meet the hopes or expectations of. 

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1 She let down her umbrella and furled it.

2 He’s the sort of man who would let down the tyres on your car just out of/from spite.

3 He let down a bucket into the well to draw water.

4 What a let down.

5 Don’t let down even if you’re nearing the destination.

6 He trudged home feeling lonely and let down.

7 She had been let down badly in the past.

8 Please let down the blinds.

9 The manager thought they had let down the firm.

10 Remove wheelnuts, let down tyre, put on spare.

11 Let down a rope so that I can climb up.

12 Are you going to let down or take up the hem of that dress?

13 When such advisers fail in their duty, they let down the whole system.

14 The play is tolerably amusing, but it is let down by the actors’ weak performances.

15 Those pesky kids from next door have let down my car tyres again!

16 He is a bit let down by the low grade he got.

17 The plane let down gently before landing at the airport.

18 She wanted to have her skirt let down several centimetres.

19 Sadly(, the film is let down by an excessively simple plot.

20 Quickly, Della let down her beautiful, long hair.

21 I feel let down after giving the club 10 years’ loyal service.

22 Clive expressed his distrust and fear of being let down by a very detached attitude in all his relationships.

23 Balletomanes got to see their favorite dancers let down their hair.

24 The general quality of the whole machine is let down by the tacky keyboard.

25 As they approach London they let down through the shining white floor of cloud into a dull grey light.

26 Let down by a short battery life, about three hours.

27 When I was young,( I let down my parents by quitting Sorbonne.

28 There were horse-drawn cabs with the hoods let down, and cars going by.

29 The company now has a large number of workers who feel badly let down.

30 In other matches skippers Kim Barnett and Mark Benson scored centuries but were badly let down by their team-mates.

More similar words: get down, set down, get down to, put down, put-down, cut down, shut down, beat down, put down to, outdone, outdoor, outdoors, next door, without doubt, eminent domain, down, downs, endow, dowry, widow, shadow, go down, hand down, hold down, lay down, shadowy, lie down, downpour, meadow, do with. 

опускать, подводить, спускать, уронить, разочаровывать, повредить репутации


- опускать, спускать

to let down a window — опустить /открыть/ окно
to let down one’s skirt — выпустить /удлинить/ юбку

- ослаблять, замедлять

to let down the speed — снижать скорость

- подводить; покидать в беде

to let down a friend — покинуть друга в беде
don’t let me down — (смотри) не подведи меня

- обескураживать; разочаровывать

the plot is good but the end lets you down — сюжет хорош, но конец разочаровывает

- ставить (кого-л.) на место; сбивать спесь

this lets him down a little — после этого он стал меньше зазнаваться /заноситься/
to let smb. down gently /easily, softly/ — щадить чьё-л. самолюбие

- ав. производить планирующий спуск перед посадкой
- отпускать, отжигать (металл)
- спец. растворять, разбавлять, разжижать; уменьшать содержание

to let one’s (back) hair down — а) распускать волосы; б) расслабляться, сбрасывать напряжение (после работы и т. п.); в) расходиться, вести себя раскованно, без стеснения

Мои примеры


to let down / lower a landing gear — опускать шасси  
to draw / let down the steel temper — отпускать сталь  
let down a friend — покинуть друга в беде  
let down a peg — сбить спесь с  
let down a window — опустить окно; открыть окно  
let down skirt — выпустить юбку; удлинить юбку  
let down the bars — ликвидировать ограничения; устранять препятствия; устранить препятствия  
let down the hemstitch — опустить подол  
let down the speed — снижать скорость  
let down — работать, не прилагая усилий; уменьшать содержание; повредить репутации  

Примеры с переводом

Don’t let down now, just when the job’s nearly finished.

Не опускай сейчас руки, работа почти сделана.

He let me down.

Он подвёл меня.

With my poor performance I really felt that I had let my teammates down.

Я действительно чувствовал, что своим плохим выступлением (игрой), я подвел моих товарищей по команде.

I’ve let down Bluestone 42.
Я подвёл Песчаник 42.

Never let your guard down!
Никогда не опускай свой щит!

So let‘s abandon the paradigm of let’s search for the coolest chemistry and then hopefully we’ll chase down the cost curve by just making lots and lots of product.
Давайте отложим в сторону подход по поиску самого прогрессивного химического соединения и его дальнейшего массового производства в целях снижения себестоимости нашего продукта.

You have let down our country and our Red Army.
Вы подвели нашу страну, нашу Красную Армию.

They let their wings down
Они опустили крылья

There is widespread recognition that rating agencies have let down investors.
Существует широко распространенное мнение, что рейтинговые агентства подвели инвесторов.

They said, «The blogsters let us down
Говорили, мол блогеры нас «опустили».

Snowden was handed off by China, was let down by Ecuador, and then got stuck in Moscow.
Сноудена отфутболил Китай, подвел Эквадор, а затем он застрял в Москве.

But I decided I wasn’t goanna let that get me down.
Но я решил, что это не заставит меня опустить руки.

The city council spokesman, who publicly only used the name Muhammad, said “We are officially let down and disappointed by NATO.”
Представитель городского совета, согласившийся назвать лишь свое имя Мухаммад, сказал: «НАТО нас открыто подвела и разочаровала».

If you don’t let us in, I’ll have you busted down from checking credentials to checking urinal cakes.
Если вы нас не впустите, я опущу вас с проверки документов до проверки дезодорирующих блоков в писсуарах.

Now the Kingdom’s longtime protector, the United States, which let down Abdullah by (reluctantly) embracing the Arab Spring, is poised to pull its troops out of neighboring Iraq.
Теперь давний защитник Королевства, Соединенные Штаты, которые подвели Абдуллу, (неохотно) приняв арабскую Весну, готовы вывести свои войска из соседнего Ирака.

Abe feels let down by Obama’s decision not to take a firm stand on the ADIZ – the latest in a series of aggressive moves by China to upend the status quo in the East China Sea.
Абэ чувствует, что Обама подвел его своим решением не занимать твердую позицию по ADIZ ? последнему из серии агрессивных действий со стороны Китая, направленных на изменение статус-кво в Восточно-Китайском море.

Once again, Nicaragua let me down.
Опять таки, Никарагуа подводит меня.

I will not let you down, sahib.
Я не подведу тебя, сахиб.

You ever let your guard down, Rigby?
Вы когда-либо подводили свою охрану, Ригби?

Don’t let your guard down, ever.
Не подведи своего ангеля-хранителя.

We must not let our girls down.
Мы не должны подвести наших девочек.

I don’t want to let myself down.
Я не хочу подвести себя.

I don’t want to let my parents down.
Я не хочу подвести своих родителей.


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How to use let down in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «let down» and check conjugation/comparative form for «let down«. Mastering all the usages of «let down» from sentence examples published by news publications.

» «And he let down, I think, our veterans, he let down our country.
And when I lost, it was like, I just let down my team, I let down my parents, that sort of thing.
The people of Flint were severely hurt by their governor and let down by the E.P.A., but they were also let down by the news media.
In one advertisement, his former wife was quoted as warning that Mr. Corzine would let down New Jersey voters just as he had let down his family.
And they know, for their children they’ve got to get better education, but they’re also let down by the education system, they’re also let down by the nutritional system, all kinds of things.
She also let down her sleek bun into loose waves.
If Canadian voters feel let down, they cannot be blamed.
Unfortunately, The First Purge was my biggest let down, yet.
Sorry for the let down, but our patience is appreciated.
Keke was honest about being let down by Wendy’s position.
We are feeling hurt and let down by the government.
Lee: No, I feel let down by those fucking clowns.
He was let down more than once by Minnesota’s defense.
People spoke to me of being tired, let down, heartbroken.
But he was let down by Hollywood’s portrayal of both.
And I didn’t want to let down my father’s name.
«I feel let down,» Ms. McDougal told The New Yorker.
Worst of all, he said, he let down his family.
Would I ever be able to let down my guard?
It was a good idea let down by poor execution.
It was a time of extreme shame and embarrassment — that I had let down my family, that I had let down my mother, who worked so hard to give me every opportunity in life.
Still, every experimental letdown opens up new avenues for inquiry.
Battery life is still a let down at around 24 hours.
You may be let down about what a community is lacking.
Humor can sometimes get a person to let down their defenses.
I felt that we’d let down the tradition of USA softball.
And Linus thought he was let down by the big gourd!
But now many of those authorities say they feel let down.
» Cypress Semiconductor: «I have been let down by Cypress Semi, too.
«The community is being let down and sold out,» she says.
At first, Dyer said she felt let down by the state.
The festival was a dream come true and a letdown.
I feel like I did let down a lot of people.
This feels like a classic letdown spot for the Colts.
It’s no wonder I felt depressed, let down, at a loss.
Being let down, it seemed, was a common experience for him.
We cannot let down our guard or malaria will fight back.
«We definitely let down the Big East last year,» Wright said.
The terrorists just waited for us to let down our guard.
This meant that people could let down their guard and relax.
Doe told The Guardian she felt let down by Persky’s decision.
I’m always sorry when readers feel let down by our coverage.
Boyish Connor perks up, only to be let down yet again.
I’ve failed, I’ve let down, and I’ve made plenty of mistakes.
«It was all a big letdown for me,» she said.
But on Wednesday he said he couldn’t let down his fans.
Trans rights advocates and Democrats felt let down by Democratic Gov.
You have been let down, and I will make everything better.
But I’m kind of used to being let down by the government.
We know that she’s going to be significantly let down by him.
Modular design is often a great idea that’s let down by execution.
Those caught up in the conflict feel let down by all sides.
Many of today’s absent fathers were themselves let down by their dads.
He was also let down by the music, finding the score lacking.
We apologize to Mariah and everyone we let down in the process.
These are all demographics who are commonly let down by mainstream therapists.
Janet Yellen cannot now be a letdown to President Donald Trump.
Senate Democrats have let down our troops, our children, and all Americans.
I’ve been let down at Phish shows and achieved ultimate euphoria too.
You’ll just have to shell out $18 and let down your BFF.
Our defensive intensity was fantastic, and then I think we let down.
I felt alone in the world, abandoned, let down, desperate, and frightened.
Durant insisted the Warriors won’t let down as they head to Cleveland.
It wasn’t a letdown, but nor was it quite a triumph.
Is this the first time you’ve been let down by an idol?
Look, the African-American community has been let down by our politicians.
Durant made sure there would be no late let down on Sunday.
He wouldn’t be patient enough to wait for milk to let down.
I looked forward to this meal all week and feel… let down.
Also, I admit to myself, I feel let down alone without Rush.
A strong run only to be let down with something crazy happening.
So when this situation took place, did you feel personally let down?
I thought about the people I had already let down so much.
But in other ways, it was a bit of a letdown.
«Let Down» was recorded in the mansion’s ballroom one night at 21 a.m.
«Let Down» was recorded in the mansion’s ballroom one night at 21997 a.m.
The low-res screens are the biggest letdown of these tiny replicas.
We were let down by all of the Democrats and a few Republicans.
We were confused and let down over the past four years — then BAM.
Yet even given these constraints, Ms Dlamini-Zuma has been a letdown.
In reality, when you are LGBT, you can never let down your guard.
Those parsing Chairman Jerome Powell’s press conference for clues may be let down.
They had a letdown, we made our run, cut it to two.
Go deeper: Pete Buttigieg says U.S. let down its guard on monopoly policy
Randall visits Shauna on his own to confront her about the let down.
Too many Nigerians have been let down by politicians to ditch their cynicism.
«We can’t let down our guard against the trade war yet,» Yamada said.
Again and again we got our hopes up, only to be let down.
Anyone looking for Clio’s 12 treatises will be let down — they’re not real.
Many feel let down by their MPs, almost all of whom supported Brexit.
By contrast, Harvard, where he transferred after two years, «was a letdown«.
Now, let down your walls down a little and watch the team grow.
She was not the first person I had let down with my writing.
» Dan felt «utterly let down» and was «withdrawing into himself like a turtle.
«I feel let down … we were looking forward to attending together,» Yeo said.
To say it was a let down or missed opportunity is an understatement.
The stock plunged on the big let down and has yet to recover.
On set, though, the mood was relaxed, and Kong let down her guard.
Trump: Look, the African-American community has been let down by our politicians.
Mimosas were poured (and refilled) and hair was let down — or taken off.
And you get let down because you put your trust in somebody else.
But when it came to actually driving sportily, they’ve been a let down.
Don’t be let down if people don’t fit your idealized versions of them.
Members of all these constituencies likely feel embarrassed and let down by him.
«I expected nothing and I’m still let down somehow,» one Twitter user wrote.
There are too many people I’ll let down, including myself and my daughter.
For an exhibition with a militant motherly touch, don’t miss The Let Down Reflex.
Today I let down my friends, my family, Indycar, our city and my company.
I feel very let down by the politicians who promised to stand with us.
Many critics and fans on social media saw the ending as a let down.
Anyone else feeling a little let down by the objectivity of this motley crew?
We and most importantly Charlie have been massively let down throughout this whole process.
Many Brits feel let down that a London-centric book jumped across the pond.
Many user ripped the Maddow for what they saw as a big letdown.
Sometimes you can’t put your faith in people because you’ll always be let down.
But investors were let down by the revenue miss since outlining a turnaround plan.
«I didn’t want to let her down like I’d been let down,» he says.
«The Sweet Hereafter» isn’t a wholly terrible episode but it’s definitely a let down.
And the lack of Likes in this space lets you let down your guard.
We cannot let down our schools, hospitals and public services that need this money.
Even the camera, in our very brief test, was a bit of let down.
Many in the government feel let down by the corporate sector, says an official.
Lore, for example, remembered selling Quidsi to Amazon as something of a letdown.
» Dominic Boyce, a 25-year-old drummer, said he «felt let down by humanity.
Having been repeatedly let down, we’re restive, ready to reset the realm of possibility.
It’s the kind of let down their die-hard fans have come to accept.
James Corden said he fears Britain’s youth has been «let down» by the result.
«Even though I think they’re bluffing, we should not let down our guard down.»
And I do not believe they will let down my daughter — or the country.
«It felt like she felt like she’d been let down by everybody,» she added.
But, as residents have let down their guard, the capital remains vulnerable to attack.
In fact, Trump supporters were let down most of all by the president himself.
«It would be surprising if the Australia government doesn’t feel let down,» he said.
When «All Tomorrow’s Parties» was finished, «I felt a little let down,» he said.
«I thought about the people I had already let down so much,» Hill wrote.
If anything, they’re tougher because they demand a willingness to let down her guard.
After the bell, Amazon slumped 220 percent after its quarterly report let down investors.
The truth was, sources conclude, it was Donald Trump that let down Melania Trump.
I learned that Jones’s listeners felt let down by government, medicine, and the media.
«I lacked the knowledge and the assistance needed to let down my milk,» she recalled.
In fact, observers say that Cubans will be let down if Obama doesn’t highlight repression.
«I am very sad today and very disappointed — it’s a huge letdown,» he says.
Second, they have been promised substantial pay rises by Mr Putin and feel let down.
All were let down by the very organizations they had entrusted with their personal information.
But here’s the thing, when you lay eyes on him, the devil’s a let down.
He said the recording happened in a place where he had let down his guard.
Acts of fierce, public violence have decreased [but] we should not let down our guard.
Microsoft now has a new plan to win back the consumers it has let down.
But they are also tired of being let down by those charged with serving them.
Apparently, we were justified in doing do, because «Rich Youngsta» was a huge let down.
But if Ellison doesn’t win his enthusiastic supporters are going to be extremely let down.
For big commitments, people will not suddenly let down their guard, however impressive technology becomes.
If not, they’re going to have a legion of letdown fans to deal with.
Even the London Metal Exchange’s (LME) new building in Finsbury Square was a letdown.
Instead, he let down its allies and handed China an invitation to shape the world.
Typically, Bolt’s only thoughts were with the team mates he felt he had let down.
Check it out … he says the fans deserve at least that after being let down.
I just feel like, when it came to the blending, I was really let down.
Nonetheless I feel we have let down our employees and for that I sincerely apologize.
» And it balanced newer songs with older, more straightforward, guitar-centered anthems, like «Let Down.
Her characters are let down by the adult world, but intrigued, too, and maybe galvanized.
«What has been thus played up in form should not be let down in color.»
«We were let down by all of the Democrats and a few Republicans,» Trump tweeted.
Ah, fathers, they wait so long before they let down their guard with their sons.
Nonetheless I feel we have let down our employees and for that I sincerely apologize.
Robertson, for his part, felt let down as their contributions slackened because of drug use.
Visitors who show up hoping to get a peek inside, however, are regularly let down.
Whatever Mr. Trump expected from the meeting, he and his colleagues were roundly let down.
My concern is the hurt that people are going through, they’re being so let down.
«I’m feeling a little let down right now,» Putnam said after closing with a 68.
I think we really were trying to maybe help people not feel so let down.
When she puts her trust, love, and life in someone’s hands she always gets let down.
The pause, while you «consider,» will warn the inviter they are going to be let down.
Pascal thought that he did let down Kim and didn’t do his job properly in Paris.
But, while the couple has stayed together, the source said Parrish feels «let down» by Hart.
If you use either of those often it can be a bit of a let down.
I’ve hidden from the world because I’m terrified of facing the people that I let down.
I have a family, I have children, I have ancestors that I WILL NOT LET DOWN.
«I never expected to be chosen,» he said, although he admitted he did feel let down.
» The actor added,  «Now if people feel let down by it, I don’t give a f—.
Manager Don Mattingly felt Straily pitched well enough but was let down by the Marlins’ defense.
This is partly because authorities are increasingly quick to punish institutions that let down their guard.
«I just feel really let down by the system,» she said to affiliate CNN News 18.
She said that while the camp counselors and staff felt let down, they didn’t lose money.
The first, which was a letdown to many Libertarians, received fewer than 22019 million viewers.
Anybody who’s voted for Brexit on the strength of his word should feel let down. Wanker.
The biggest let down of Guerrilla is the realization that this hopefulness might be in vain.
At first I was let down, but actually now I just see that as an opening.
At the end of Kid Cudi’s post, he apologizes for those he feels he’s let down.
In doing so, they have let down those who serve, and have served, with false promises.
They have been let down by their offense, which has scored zero, one and two runs.
I am very sorry to let down all the people that put their trust in me.
Am I right to feel like I have wronged and let down my employer and coworkers?
Seeing his Bitmoji avatar elicited an oxytocin surge so strong that my postpartum milk let down.
This is going to be a long-term battle and we cannot let down our guard.
» He added, «I was frightened, absolutely frightened, that we were going to be let down again.
They get woken up by a noise, or they’re so tired, their guard is let down.
» House Speaker Paul Ryan: «Senate Democrats have let down our troops, our children, and all Americans.
I’m feeling a little let down, but I see that they do have buckwheat pancake mix.
One «saw a different side when he let down the mask of the Phelper,» she said.
U.S. President Donald Trump tweeted on Monday that the Iranian government had let down its people.
And I hope that all women can let down their guard and cheer more for each other.
We’ll all let down our guards a little more, which can melt some of that romantic resistance.
I remember feeling let down, upset that I’d come all this way without getting to see them.
Unlike Sweden, Finland never disbanded its armed forces or let down its guard after the Cold War.
Ms Park says she did nothing worse than let down her guard with people close to her.
Or will she be let down by her partner and intern because they didn’t have quick hands?
Bang & Olufsen delivers bass and power in abundance, ensuring that you’re never let down when it matters.
During this time, you’ll see who you can rely on and may be let down by others.
The whole thing is a big letdown because it would be so easy to make good.
«I did feel a bit let down because I’d allowed myself to be vulnerable,» Chloe tells me.
I promise I will do my best to make this up to everybody I’ve let down today.
If Mr James let down Cleveland, that was in part because Cleveland didn’t do right by him.
In response, Trump repeatedly attacked the 2012 GOP nominee as a failure who let down the party.
Too many American high school graduates are «let down by patronizing and illusory degrees,» Judge Moukawsher wrote.
He gently let down a Los Angeles woman who wanted to auction Palmer at a charity event.
When you have expectations and they don’t go your way, you feel let down, you feel disappointed.
«I don’t wanna say what it is,» the withholding overlord let down a rabid crowd of fans.
Let Down Your Hair, a site-specific sculptural installation, comprises tendrils composed of thousands of acrylic nails.
Was I going to experience that same let down this time around, except in terms of sex?
Regional shares were also let down by lacklustre earnings performance by Asian firms in the second quarter.
The two can almost, amid their professional joustings and subterfuges, let down their hair with each other.
«I didn’t want to let down my colleagues who would have to cover for me,» Schaffner recalled.
Trump later said McCain «let down» his party and the people of Arizona by opposing the measure.
The veterans feel let down by the VA, like, why didn’t the VA protect me and help?
Everyone I’d let down, everyone who worked for me, who campaigned for me, who believed in me.
Given the way previous administration have promoted their own fiscal efforts, we’re used to being let down.
Friedsam, 26, converted five of 11 break points while Kasatkina was let down by six double faults.
When my friends finally did listen, I was often hurt and let down by what they thought.
The automatic lane-change feature might not be good enough for drivers to let down their guard yet.
Pushing past the disappointment about CTC, the TODAY editors tried the flavors, and we were not let down.
» Another friend quoted by the news site said, Cohen «feels let down by [Trump] and isolated by him.
Heughan, in fact, feels badly that some fans seem genuinely let down they aren’t in a romantic relationship.
On April 453, she posted multiple, time-limited Instagram stories about feeling let down by an unspecified friend.
And even though the initial visual comparison was a let down, I hopefully pushed on to taste them.
He looks like a very sweet man, and I’m a little let down by it, to be honest.
But I also felt let down by the lack of support when I had gone to the streets.
But the dingy wire fence and mossy concrete beneath it let down the enthusiasm of the sign’s welcome.
He’s at the level just below great in the ring, let down a bit by his mic skills.
I was looking forward to this since it was announced and to be so let down is heartbreaking!
So you have to be willing to sacrifice and be let down sometimes and just really work hard.
To all those I let down, and especially to those I directly offended and hurt: I’m very sorry.
Just make sure your upgrades aren’t let down by a weak link somewhere else in the audio chain.
Sure, I’ve been let down by DC movies before—but we also got Wonder Woman (which was awesome).
«Getting to know Dagenham helped me understand why so many Britons feel let down by politics,» MacAskill said.
But they are also emphatic that the president cannot let down his base on such a signature issue.
Both of them ought to be fired because they let down the president in a major, major way.
There were some delicious findings along the way, but ultimately, we were let down by Costco’s selection overall.
«What I would be afraid of is that, if it fails, we let down the world,» he said.
For the millionth time, the female of the species is let down by the male, and that’s that.
Berger is hoping to win the support of residents who feel let down by the Conservatives and Labour.
Either way, there’s one undeniable truth—give a song to Big Freedia, and you’ll never get let down.
When Lady Gaga met the Dalai Lama the other day, all the Chinese fans were completely let down.
Despite some of the controversy, the ACLU doesn’t seem willing to let down anytime soon on its principles.
The waiver process held up by the court’s majority a year ago continues to let down applicants today.
Speaking to WFLT, Rica’s mother, Ann Simmons, said her daughter had been let down by those around her.
This mistake would lead us to let down our guard, to grow careless and end up more vulnerable.
He also said he has «let down» the employees in companies in which he remains a majority owner.
I was intoxicated and I sincerely apologize to everyone whom I disrespected and let down for my actions.
It’s not the first time the couple has been let down by the results of their education initiatives.
This February, after being let down by yet another cocktail of medications, I started thinking about testosterone again.
As has happened so often in the past, Samsung’s best efforts at hardware are let down by software.
«I have to say, I was not disappointed or let down by anybody we had this year,» she says.
I’m not entirely sure why I felt so sure that Perry would understand that, but I was let down.
I have personal regrets about myself and my own behaviour and people I let down considerably during those years.
The Northern Irishman has been a constant presence on leaderboards but Sundays have so far been a let down.
It seems Blake Shelton was a little let down after the winner of The Voice was announced Tuesday night.
Anyone hoping to get more information about or demos of the secretive mixed reality device was quickly let down.
«I have to say, I was not disappointed or let down by anybody we had this year,» she said.
«Never in my life have I been more let down by an April fools day joke,» user @P_Kizzle tweeted.
And winning moviegoers will be that much harder now that we’ve already been let down once by The Mummy.
Even amid harsh self-reflection, the moms I spoke to who had been let down ultimately concluded as much.
As disappointing as this is, it’s worth remembering that El Niño, too, was a bit of a letdown.
Whether it be binge watching or enjoying a series, there’s often a let down after it is all over.
But if he or she is an over-prescriber, it can only happen if you let down your guard.
Liz Dux, a lawyer representing some of Savile’s victims, said her clients would feel let down by the report.
Even «audio transparency,» a feature that impressed me so much at CES, is a bit of a let down.
The country had stamped out the menace by 1958 but let down its guard and allowed it to return.
If you are planning to drink, don’t drink too much or too fast looking to let down your guard.
On «I Don’t Know,» he admits to his personal failings while pleading his case to someone he’s let down.
«We let down an entire nation today,» said defender Omar Gonzalez, whose 17th-minute own goal started the collapse.
«I feel like let down a lot of people,» he told PEOPLE in an exclusive interview on Sunday afternoon.
At the end of the meal, Will and I couldn’t help feeling let down by (half of) the porterhouse.
Former drug company executive Martin Shkreli’s much-anticipated appearance on Capitol Hill next week may be a letdown.
And while the couple appears as a united front, the source says Parrish still feels «let down» by Hart.
It is a let down to the people of India and the women and girls involved in these incidents.
Sure, there’s just enough there to talk yourself into it if you feel like being let down later on.
The decision for Freire felt unconvincing and a bit of a let down following the cracking showing from Sakara.
«Poland has been let down by its allies in the past,» said Tim Ripley, defense analyst at IHS Jane’s.
SEHGAL Like Jen, I was intrigued by the premises of certain nonfiction books and let down by the execution.
«Syrians have already felt let down by the way the United States has handled the Syrian conflict,» said Khatib.
They could let down some of the barriers and that’s with a lot of different aspects of the system.
» Beckinsale wittily wrote back to the fan, «fairly let down by your wonky beard but thought possibly rude to say.
But he is let down by a script that meanders and never really finds its way out of the woods.
A moderate House Republican said Trump let down the Obamacare rollback effort by not going out and selling a plan.
They let down the people who trusted them more than anyone, in the pursuit of better things for their country.
But I was pretty quickly let down when I realized that meaningful conversations about race were not on the table.
He argued better than he did during the first debate, but was an expected letdown from his last debate.
Although Mertens was let down by her serve on several occasions with eight double faults, she converted seven break points.
High-profile defendants all, but the most striking characteristic of the deals is how gently their tyres were let down.
I don’t want to let down any fans or anything like that, but if they wanted me, I would go.
Still, many Mueller devotees who were sure Mueller’s probe would end Trump’s presidency made it clear they felt let down.
It said police responded effectively and sensitively in some cases but «we also found victims who had been let down«.
It all equals reliable performance so you don’t let down your teammates when you’re in the thick of heavy action.
We let down our guard (in the fourth) — we got a little lazy — but Damian Lillard is hard to stop.
» On Tuesday morning Trump returned to Twitter: «We were let down by all of the Democrats and a few Republicans.
Meantime, of course, the beloved growth stocks that became so popular last year have let down their legion of fans.
But on the other hand, it’s hard not to pity someone who has been so brutally let down by life.
Germany feels let down by the refusal of Mr Hollande, fearful of his own far right, to back it properly.
That’s not to say that Deadline Day is always a let down, nor that we should stop engaging with it.
The message resonates with the frustrated poor who feel let down by the government, but his fans span all classes.
Instead, he has let down each and every one of those people who gave him the benefit of the doubt.
I felt genuinely let down when the season finale failed to make me get that achy lump in my throat.
For those who felt let down by the lack of Kitao drama, Branko Cikatic was more than happy to oblige.
Earlier in the year, Aaron Rodgers was being let down by his receivers and not playing up to his talent.
We think we are terribly sophisticated because we’ve created all of these tech advances, so we let down our guard.
She said Ames had felt let down by the den leader’s decision because he thought they shared a close relationship.
«They saw our players were disappointed and let down, so they wanted to encourage us to keep fighting,» Sathongwien said.
They have been let down by companies that hid safety defects (General Motors and Takata) or lied about emissions (Volkswagen).
Addressing Suu Kyi directly, Wa Lone’s wife, Pan Ei Mon, said that she felt let down by the Nobel laureate.
All too often I’m let down by smartphones and the hype built by anyone other than Apple, Samsung or Google.
They are let down and left behind by a system that renders them invisible: stifling their ambition and wasting their talent.
The Let Down Reflex continues at EFA Project Space (323 W 39th Street, 2nd floor, Hell’s Kitchen, Manhattan) through March 12.
Radiohead even used a Spectrum ZX to create some of the sounds in «Let Down» on the original OK Computer release.
That’s my task now, to unlearn, to let down walls, to reject the fear so that I don’t pass it on.
I suspect that what drove him deep down was a feeling that he had let down his devout, God-fearing parents.
Grade: F minus (the minus is because he let down his own followers, too) Van Jones is a CNN political commentator.
After the intensity of the first set, the second was a letdown as Djokovic went flat, winning only 12 points.
And even when you’re feeling let down by the lurching storytelling, Edwards’s eye for beautiful, almost painterly images carries the day.
Because I know what it’s like to have that said to you and then to potentially be disappointed and let down.
She has also tried a full gamut of treatment options—often let down by physicians who haven’t taken her symptoms seriously.
What the turtle did not understand: The aim of information warfare is to induce an adversary to let down its guard.
«The African son of a working-class family let down the country,» is how Mothakge put it that afternoon at KFC.
These contributions are why we in the industry are alarmed and let down by the recent actions of the Trump Administration.
When Wright missed curfew once and was called into Conti’s office, Wright felt as if he had let down his father.
If you’re tired of the same old Marvel and DC summer blockbusters, especially if you were let down by Batman vs.
It turns out I had been enjoying myself a great deal, despite feeling letdown by this year as a whole.
«We are disappointed and embarrassed to hear that we have let down a pizza-loving customer,» Domino’s said in a statement.
Critics of extreme partisan gerrymandering in both parties were let down when the court dodged the big question in both cases.
It skips quickly from one career landmark to another, and describes the many women in his life whom he let down.
We want to believe this so badly that we let down our guard, and our own evil crept back into us.
For fans who are expecting another story involving gags, whips and safe words, «The Mister» may come as a let down.
It might be why Wendy decides to let down her guard and clue Ben into how they ended up in Missouri.
The U.S. may be getting a little bit lucky with respect to Hurricane Dorian, but please don’t let down your guard.
Now Republicans must confront the possibility that they will once again let down their backers with no big win in sight.
Antoine was among the first to console Daly after his letdown in Sochi and his words struck a deep chord.
Princeton was let down by its 3-point shooting throughout the game, winding up 8-31 after the crucial Cannady miss.
«I was preparing myself for not being nominated because I didn’t want to be let down if I wasn’t,» she said.
I don’t think there was any real way to express that particular opinion without your wife feeling let down by it.
On the way over, the taxi driver told me that he felt let down by the Palestinian response to the news.
Called Dragstrip 66, the parties were costume-heavy club nights that offered drag fans a place to let down their Dynel.
I talk to founders who say they don’t want to let down their investors, therefore they’re going to keep at it.
«Well, that was fast,» the story originally read, going on to state that «America has been let down» by the news. .
But, to watch a Jackass movie where he didn’t get in front of a bull would be a fucking let down!
Khan has already responded to the Change petition, posting on the campaign page that Uber has let down its customers and drivers.
I put a lot of trust in you and I feel let down that you didn’t take this seriously enough to prepare.
They have been neglected and let down by people who are supposed to be looking after them, but they are not terrorists.
There is a real danger that, if wages do not rise, or living standards improve, this generation will feel doubly let down.
A British inquiry in February found that Tunisian security forces let down the Sousse victims by delaying their arrival on the scene.
For one of the games, I get paired in a relay with this really muscular guy that I absolutely cannot let down.
It’s the expression of a woman who’s been let down so many times that she can barely summon the will to care.
It was a moment catching Gia as she let down her guard and started the transformation back to the artist — Giorgio — underneath.
Fans of the Wildcats and impeccable suits, however, will be let down by Saturday’s first game, when Oklahoma finally ends Villanova’s run.
Surely this 14-year-old schoolgirl—a child who was let down continually throughout her life—deserves better than this in death.
But when it comes time to mate, they have the ability to let down their defenses, said Duke University biologist Stuart Pimm.
Apple’s big fall iPhone event is tomorrow, but if you’ve been hoping for something new from Beats, prepare to be let down.
And even if Mr Rasoul feels badly let down by those in authority, he is still buoyed by the «amazing» public support.
It’s not cheap at $190, but Sega fans who’ve been constantly let down by console clones won’t be disappointed with this one.
Wilsey says her son was let down twice, first by the mental health care system and then by the criminal justice system.
Evanger’s officials said they believe they have been «let down» by the beef supplier and have ended their business relationship with them.
So, in order to let down her guard and be herself creatively, she works on her verses in the studio completely alone.
And peeling off the suit at the end of day of playing Spider-Man can be a bit of a let down.
I feel like this place is going to be a let down for you because you’re so used to real diner food.
But it seems every time the president makes one of these pronouncements, the market gets excited, only to be let down again.
I knew our future ahead would be happy, but it didn’t stop me from feeling let down that Monday after our wedding.
And most of us have such friends, ones who would be let down if you let them down in your public service.
Cramer insisted that investors buy the dip carefully, so that they don’t get let down if the market sees another downward move.
German shares bore the brunt of the ECB’s letdown, and France also retreated, but shares in Britain and Southern Europe gained.
For Thunberg, this is the story of a generation let down and determined to effect change — whether leaders like it or not.
If you have sensitive teeth and have been let down by other teeth-whitening kits out there, it’s time to try Glowup.
While the rejection of blatant anti-AAPI bias is a relief, especially during APA Heritage Month, we can’t let down our guard.
I’ve been seeing different iterations of letdown, frayed-hem jeans all over the market but noticed its jacket counterpart was missing!
The homicide occurred last night, when the Rockets visited OKC and Sam Dekker let down a vicious slam over Kanter in transition.
Genieologists will feel particularly let down, because the story of Aladdin, told with spirit, should be the most genie-like of legends.
Without a partner in the room, you can feel people let down another wall, putting a different kind of honesty on display.
«We really have been let down and not assisted in the fundamental tasks that are needed to run the courts,» Marks says.
But four years in, I’m feeling let down about one thing: Why is it still so hard to find a celery soda?
Which is why audiences might feel let down by how Human Nature handles the birth of the world’s first Crispr-edited humans.
For Moira, it’s a panopticon, making it impossible to let down her guard even when she knows no one is watching her.
Check out Sweethome’s beach gear guide to ensure you won’t be let down by an uncomfortable chair, floppy umbrella or ineffective cooler.
The district’s student handbook restricts the length of male students’ hair from going beyond the eyebrows or ear lobes when let down.
Experts on piracy say some in the region have let down their guard as the number of hijackings decreased in recent years.
It’s strangely cozy, and there’s a thick canvas flap that hangs in the front that you can let down or tie up.
A real let down from the Obama rules (especially the automatic increases), but at least it finally updates the 2004 salary levels.
«So I want to take this moment right now to say … I’m sorry for people who felt let down by that moment.»
The Scribble Pen sounds amazing, but I’ve been let down by too many cool ideas that are just that, a cool idea.
She was like, ‘I’m gonna let down Val and I’m not gonna be able to keep going with Dancing with the Stars.
I think about all the people I let down who depended on me, all the times I failed to do my job.
The problem, as so often seems to happen when a pitching coach becomes a manager, was that the hurlers let down badly.
Granted, the job description comes with substantial risk of physical harm and a benefits package that has let down soldiers in recent years.
«I’m hoping reverse manifestation takes place and everybody that thinks this will be a violent horrible day will be let down,» Abalos said.
My regrets will be more along the lines of a sad list of people hurt, people let down, assets wasted and advantages squandered.
Wouldn’t the world be a better place if everyone just let down the veil and really opened about what they are good at?
If you’ve put your faith someplace it doesn’t belong, you will be let down…but at least you’ll be closer to the truth.
We’ve visited both cities for the past few years, and have never been let down by the tech sprouting up in these markets.
«If we let down our guard, America Movil will only get stronger,» said Senator Gerardo Flores, whose Partido Verde helped pass the reform.
«They never let down,» said White Sox coach Rick Renteria, who filled in after manager Robin Ventura was ejected in the seventh inning.
When Brown asked Douglas how he and his wife, Catherine Zeta-Jones, reacted to the news, the actor said he felt let down.
More time is needed for a review on their overall sound quality, but I don’t think existing Bose customers will be let down.
Some felt let down by the superstar, which is understandable, and others saw the importance of Bieber taking time off for self-care.
We should all set a higher bar for who deserves our attention and maybe then we won’t get let down so damn much. 
The public editor’s role, in theory, was to make sure that everyone in the newsroom felt appropriate pressure not to let down readers.
«I’ve been rarely let down by following my gut and being drawn to creative endeavors that feel right without any explanation,» she said.
But not everything is perfect with the V303’s camera, and pixel peepers will likely be let down by a number of things.
«I felt very let down,» says Colin Egemonye, a lawyer in Lagos who went to Anambra state, in south-eastern Nigeria, to vote.
Sony’s Tablet P tried to make dual screens work, but was let down by unoptimized apps and giant bezels that ruined the experience.
«One way to be let down by many coworkers is to have high expectations that everyone wants to be lifelong friends,» says Taylor.
I secretly hoped I would be let down by Kim’s products, knowing I surely can’t afford a $3,000 regimen on my own dime.
» On Tuesday, the president vowed that «we will return,» tweeting «We were let down by all of the Democrats and a few Republicans.
And he warned, given the stock’s run as of late, that the Apple bears are itching for an announcement that’s a let down.
It’s hard to watch and to remember that let down, but I don’t regret it because it taught me so much about myself.
The other basket of Trump’s supporters constituted individuals desperate for change who felt let down by the government and the economy, Clinton added.
They are right to feel let down by the generation before them and it’s inspiring to see them making their voice heard today.
For those of us who opposed Trump’s election, it is not time to let down our guard and stop drawing redlines where necessary.
After so many outstanding dishes, you may find yourself slightly let down by Dopo’s entrees, which tend to be more solid than spectacular.
Lopetegui felt let down by the club’s failure to replace Ronaldo, or to add the reinforcements in midfield and defense he had requested.
Cuban-American Sarah Gird, 67, described herself as an independent who had felt let down after twice voting for Democratic President Barack Obama.
Fans will appreciate seeing how it all came together — even if many of them were let down by the fruits of that labor.
«I feel very let down by all of them; I don’t know who to trust,» she said as she walked her two dogs.
And I think the reluctant voters who are simply voting for him out of desperation should apologize publicly to those they let down.
But this twist allows her to let down her guard, creating a teasing calm that well-trained horror fans know is only temporary.
American allies in the region felt let down by President Barack Obama, who made a deal with Iran and refused to strike Syria.
The only letdown was expecting the pleasingly gooey consistency of Camembert – the most Christmassy of cheeses – that these bites are made of.
His teammates said he went from being a great player to being a phenomenal one partly because he finally let down his guard.
During the training exercise, the hardest part of the violent sexual assault was the emotional pain of being let down by my teammates.
As someone who enjoys games, do you feel let down by AAA game developers for not bringing more variety to these imaginary worlds?
And then by the third, I think you let down your guard even a little bit more, but it’s all in a positive way.
Cha, who became a chef this winter because the snowboarding business was so bad, says retailers feel let down by the Pyeongchang 2018 organisers.
«All of that in aggregate just yielded terror that I might fail and let down all these people that believed in me,» he states.
«Once I got started with the live streaming I didn’t feel like I could let down the people who were following me,» said Takano.
Turtles All the Way Down is a painfully beautiful metaphor for anyone afraid to let down their walls and risk the messiness of love.
Fans of Disney flicks are probably used to being let down, however, since many of the studio’s classic animated features aren’t on Netflix anyway.
But like a good movie that’s been hyped to the hills, it’s almost impossible not to be let down when you finally see it.
«They had been let down by adults so many times in their life, and were nervous it wasn’t going to happen,» he told Today.
» He continued, «I especially apologize to our African American students, who I have let down by not initially recognizing the inappropriateness of this wording.
And even though he’s let down softly, he still doesn’t learn, and needs to be taught that one can’t convince someone to like them.
For those of us who want to believe, this is an emotionally exhausting cycle, as we’re built up and let down time and again.
I realize there are a lot of Black women hurt and let down by what I said and also by what I didn’t say.
This is one aspect of Huawei’s product design that hasn’t improved: I felt similarly let down by the Kirin chip inside 2014’s P93.
So while we’re likely to see some nasty peaks of carnage in the coming weeks, if we don’t, we can’t let down our guard.
The song sounds purposefully eerie, as though what we’re hearing are the ghostly laments of the women we’ve let down in Canada and worldwide.
«I’ve been continually let down and frustrated by the world on a micro and macro scale over the last couple of years,» Gage says.
And even if people want a splash and get it, that can lead to a bit of an unexpected let down afterwards, she says.
«We cannot let down our guard before a state that is becoming more and more authoritarian and that is curtailing our rights,» he said.
And yet another says he felt emotionally dead and hadn’t cried in a decade until posing for Crook helped him let down his guard.
In his first tweet, Gonzalez said he wanted to «follow and support» Cuban President Miguel Diaz-Canel and «never let down» the Cuban people.
One man documented on Twitter how he pointed TV cameras at three different phones to catch the big moment only to be let down.
But we don’t necessarily want to be at a CrossFit box high-fiving people who we’ll inevitably let down with our lackluster squat cleans.
Despite winning relay gold and silver in Rio, Campbell said she felt «let down» by a sport she had worked so hard to dominate.
I took all those quizzes hoping to be told I was gay and feeling let down whenever the answer came back that I wasn’t.
One of his greatest regrets, he said, is that he did let down young people who were part of the institutions he worked with.
The ads feature personal stories from rural individuals explaining how they had high hopes for Trump but have been let down by his policies.
Ultimately, I was a bit let down by the fact that I couldn’t really taste the rhubarb compote that I worked so hard on.
While Japan has developed a reputation as the most fundamentally sound team in the tournament, it was let down by its defense on Tuesday.
I noted that the only reason I finished it was because if hadn’t, I would have let down my colleagues and endangered my reputation.
Wildfire experts say fires frequently return to areas that have burned recently, underlining how no part of the state can let down its guard.
I’ve personally worn Columbia hats in driving snow, on 15,000-foot mountains, and in bitterly cold windstorms, and I’ve yet to be let down.
The truth was, I had let down a lot of people: my band, everyone who worked hard to schedule this tour, and our fans.
«Numerous times in our former companies we were let down by our software development partners and suppliers,» YouTeam co-founder and CEO Anton Mishchenko recalls.
A surprisingly decent screen is only let down by its size and limited resolution, which makes the occasional in-game fine print hard to read.
However, while marveling at the fact that only his head could be seen over the tall grass, he let down his guard and was ambushed.
Even more of a let down is the addition of Lucy Stevens to the pantheon of women journalists who fall in love with their sources.
Doctor Who: The Adventure Games is a near-perfect concept for a Doctor Who video game, let down by some unfortunate circumstances at the time.
Despite Lizarazu missing the second spot kick for France, Italy were let down first by Demetrio Albertini and then by Roma midfielder Luigi Di Biagio.
Many are resigned to the inevitable let down they expect to feel, among them more than one million people who signed a petition on Change.
But it also reminded us to momentarily let down our guard, rally those we love around the campfires of our lives, and pass the bottle.
Because of the power at stake between Elizabeth and Mary, who considered each other «sisters» at various points, neither ever let down her guard completely.
I would be let down if I paid the same for a nonalcoholic drink as I would an alcoholic one and it was a flop.
In a funny way, I’ve already had to deal with so much unpredictability, that I’m not now dealing with feeling let down by the world.
Tempered expectations is the vibe at the bar, where many viewers say they’ve been let down by the breakneck pace of the last two seasons.
Then when the supermoon actually occurs, readers may be let down, and trust space reporters less when it comes to the next noteworthy celestial event.
This girl is a «lover of life,» according to her bio, which is amazing because she’s been let down a lot in her short life.
And now for our highest and most coveted award, which goes to the politician who has done most to let down his party and country.
I apologize to all of those, past and present, I’ve let down by having Steve around them without giving them a voice in the decision.
This law impacts at least 25 million sexual-assault survivors, and it’s about supporting people who have been let down by the criminal-justice system.
However, while visiting Ellen Degeneres today, Kardashians revealed that she had actually been hoping to get something else for her birthday and was let down.
But I knew going into the race that I wasn’t eligible for it, so it wasn’t like I got excited and then got let down.
As crushing a letdown as it was, Sandgren shrugged off the setback and maintained the fearless tennis that had pushed Thiem to the wall.
But the Egyptian leader may be let down, as the Trump administration has made clear that, outside of Israel, it will sharply cut foreign aid.
«Despite all the drawbacks, I think we have not let down the Turkmen people,» he said, without elaborating on the nature of the technical problems.
Jesse says it was solid for teeing up the final 5 episodes … but he was a little let down by a lack of certain characters.
» However, when it came down to a trend she’d tried but felt let down by, Gomez took a more disappointed tone to utter: «Shoulder pads.
«The ultimate responsibility lies with the manager but, make no mistake, he was badly let down by players capable of so much better,» McNulty wrote.
When Peter was exposed as reportedly having a girlfriend too, I was a little let down and I don’t know why I had different expectations.
Rumors suggest the new phones will look very similar to the S8 and S8+, so those looking for a complete redesign may be let down.
We would get a wake-up kiss, don the glass slipper, let down our locks so he could clamber up the tower and rescue us.
Who Should Have Won: Pet Shop Boys, «I’m With Stupid» But any left feeling optimistic from previous years would’ve been immediately let down sorely disappointed.
The wrestler said the incident occurred at a low-point as his marriage was ending, in a home where he had let down his guard.
These were the most painful for me to read, because they came from people who had believed in me, and whom I had let down.
Two years ago, I bought Apple’s $1,000 iPhone X, but I was let down in all the ways in which Face ID wouldn’t always work.
RELATED: Cohen signals openness to cooperating with federal investigators «He feels let down by him and isolated by him,» another friend of Cohen’s told CNN.
In response, a group of artists set up a website letting Croats sign up and share ridiculous ways that they have let down their country.
You can really only get to that place with people if you’re willing to share a part of yourself and also let down your walls.
Without the pressure of having to hold on for dear life to a contract gig, I feel I can let down my guard a bit.
Following the letdown, my friends disperse into cabs, and I wander down the street with the 20-year-old who looks like Paris Hilton.
A burr grinder is a great tool to have if you can afford it, but lower-end grinders can be something of a letdown.
He was also regularly let down by his normally lethal forehand, and the set closed when Federer sent yet another forehand sailing beyond the baseline.
«If other countries let down their defense by failing to vaccinate, wild polio virus can again spread to countries that have eliminated it,» Heymann said.
Psychologically, as soon as you pull one of your starters out of the game, the other team is going to let down just a bit.
He’s a patient who has been let down by the system.. He’s a man who has been rejected by the woman he’d like to date.
More than anything I told him I was sorry; I felt like I was representing the show and I feel like he was let down.
Mr. Christie, who agrees in principle with the broad strokes of Mr. Trump’s immigration policy, says the president has been let down by his staff.
CreditCreditPhoto Illustration by The New York Times It was meant to be a destination on the internet where black people could let down their guard.
Hitting the stage is tough and nervy, but the letdown afterwards, when you’re offstage and immediately severed from that energy, can be overwhelmingly lonely.
Completing the look, Baldwin let down her blonde waves and clipped on a few gold hoop earrings along with a pair of oversized black sunglasses.
The second thing I began contemplating was composing farewell messages to the people I love, as well as apology notes to people I have let down.
In her 40 years in the United States, she had been let down by a system that stifled the voices of working-class and immigrant women.
There’s a vulnerability to letting someone in, and Rayana Jay sounds like she’s got the kind of self-assurance to let down her walls for love.
In each of the two months since, however, he’s dropped and in the April survey more felt the President had let down rather than exceededtheir expectations.
That seems like a total waste of Google’s efforts to revamp Wear OS and a letdown for everyone hoping for a good Android touchscreen smartwatch.
«Achhe din is only for the rich, the businessmen who get fat contracts, for the rest of us it has been a let down,» he said.
For example, if you want to have extra time to find out your crush’s secret, it’ll cost you cash, which is a pretty big let down.
«I’ve been thinking about it a lot, because I have a big heart, and I feel like let down a lot of people,» Lochte tells PEOPLE.
As for her glam, Lowes let down her hair to reveal a sleek side-swept blowout, which is a fun change from her usual wavy look.
A tremendous letdown, although to be honest, he could have played every single character in the whole movie and still not have saved this thing.
Sure, Trump has let down white supremacists in myriad ways, but they were all very «chatty» about the speech he gave on Charlottesville, Donovan tells Broadly.
In March, he called her comments «devastating» and «inflammatory,» saying he felt let down after a meeting he had arranged with her and Minnesota Jewish leaders.
I later returned to Sentimental Swingers with other headphones and was let down by them all — nothing sung as sweetly or as coherently as the Clears.
They’re not going to come out and say anything because they’re going to be scared – they’re going to feel let down by the game of football.
«I’ve been thinking about it a lot, because I have a big heart, and I feel like let down a lot of people,» Lochte told PEOPLE.
Bush Sr. served as president during some of the worst years of the AIDS epidemic, and many feel that he let down those who were suffering.
Sadly, while the flagship device is undoubtedly well-made, it’s entirely let down by Flyme OS, Meizu’s custom Android interface that comes installed on the phone.
The animals of the Galapagos, like island species everywhere, had let down their defenses over evolutionary time and simply could not cope with these bulldozing newcomers.
«In one of my resolute moments, I said if I ever speak to him, I’m going to tell him that I was let down,» Bush says.
We’ve all been let down on this Flat-Earth-rocket stuff before, but Hughes seems pretty insistent that this time there will actually be a launch.
Lillian is encouraged by her neighborhood’s slowed gentrification, only to be let down when a new gang’s tags are actually markers for high-speed internet service.
But could this potentially let down-ticket Republicans off the hook, and free up swing voters to cast split tickets—leaving her with a hostile Congress?
My birthday was on June 5th motherf—– … I didn’t hear s— from you … and I didn’t go telling the world what a let down you are.
It’s just that like a good movie that’s been hyped to the hills, it’s almost impossible not to be let down when you finally see it.
For years, she had imagined that during card play, the women let down their guards, spilled secrets, groused about their spouses and worried about their children.
Still, she said, in a globalized world where new and exotic microbes are only a plane ride away, the city could not let down its guard.
«When he crashed, he felt so guilty because he thought he’d let down all the people he had encouraged in ‘Darkness Visible,'» Ms. Styron told me.
Let down by legalization: One year after marijuana was legalized in California, sales are down, tax revenues are below forecasts, and the black market is thriving.
On the left, those caught up in the enthusiasms of 2008 feel let down by the prosaic reality of governing in a deeply polarized political system.
Veteran trader Art Cashin told CNBC on Tuesday that investors are wary of positive U.S.-China trade reports after having been let down in the past.
Day Trip The Hudson River acts as a moat around Bannerman Castle, its fairy-tale turrets the right height for Rapunzel to let down her hair.
You feel doubly let down, asking a version of Bee’s basic question: If you knew how the play ended when it began, would you see it?
In the film, four ladies – Regina Hall, Jada Pinkett Smith, Queen Latifah and Tiffany Haddish – let down their hair (and release their bladders) in New Orleans.
MORE (R-Ariz.) «let down» his party, the people of Arizona and «his best friend» by opposing the GOP’s latest attempt to repeal and replace ObamaCare.
I was sure that my superstar work status would be shattered if I dared to let down my guard and admit I didn’t know it all.
Nuttall has already talked about how UKIP can «replace Labour» – picking up votes in mainly working class communities that feel let down by their traditional representatives.
Kids like Evin were as mad and let down and worried as any of us: Tuesday was Election Day / On that day, I lost my way.
Many young people in central and southern regions long dependent on agriculture say they feel abandoned by Tunis and let down by the revolution’s promise of opportunity.
Yet this season has been a letdown since reaching the Acapulco final in early March and putting together any sustained form has proved beyond his capabilities.
Blade Runner 2049 is so mesmeric, so thoroughly transportive, that the real world waiting outside of the theater will strike you as bit of a letdown.
My birthday was on June 5th motherf—er … I didn’t hear s— from you … and I didn’t go telling the world what a let down you are.
Feeling «hurt» and «let down» after the last rose ceremony left him in the bottom two with Luke P., Jed pulled Hannah aside to share his concerns.
So, if you were wondering if you’d catch feelings after the first eight episodes only to be let down by it not being renewed, you’re in luck.
In their warrant they noted that Ms Park had «let down the trust of the people», was «consistently denying objective facts», and «showing no signs of remorse».
Nick Statt: I left the first half of The Walking Dead’s latest season feeling more let down than when the gory, sadistic premiere smashed open Glenn’s head.
It all amounted to «an undermining of the rule of law and representative democracy»; she had lost the trust of the public and «let down» her citizens.
«I was kind of let down that she left and kind of made fun of Iowans a little,» said Simone Frierson, a recent graduate of the university.
People on Twitter are not all that convinced, however…  Avocado spread is something I want to work but feel it will probably be a let down.
Alas, the joyful crowds who gathered in Khartoum to serenade his departure and paint their faces the colours of the Sudanese flag have been tragically let down.
Chicago has been let down by its bullpen in each of the first two games of the series and watched Matt Albers squander the lead on Tuesday.
A «diversity issue» of a magazine definitely should not provide more examples of the diverse ways the media can completely let down the people fighting for representation.
Ben Renkus, president of the Reading Pride Celebration, said dozens of people had gathered for the event on Monday but were let down when it didn’t happen.
A hell in which they were forced to overcome one hurdle after another, one let down after another, one disappointment after another, or one rejection after another.
It’s a pain so deep that most Torontonian sports fans are kind of used to it by now (we’re let down a lot) but, still, it sucks.
It was such a let down for many people that a few weeks later — like a miracle — 30 campsites were auctioned by the Oregon State Parks Foundation.
The lessons from Congressman Joe Pitts’s editorial are not that Democratic right-to-life members let down the right-to-life movement, just the opposite is true.
If the relievers let down the Giants, so did shortstop Brandon Crawford, who made two errors, one of which gifted the Cubs a run in the fifth.
Chris Christie of New Jersey is famously competitive, so it was no surprise that he was let down when Mr. Trump passed him over for the ticket.
The 22-year-old Barty was ultimately let down by her groundstrokes in crucial stages of decider as she finished with 54 unforced errors for the match.
» N.C. Someone’s about to be let down not so easily in Margaret Glaspy’s «You and I,» the advance single from her June 17 album «Emotions and Math.
Scaramucci acknowledged on Friday that he was initially let down by the fact that he was not named to a White House job right off the bat.
Despite my longing for the original Dawn of War, I have to stress that I never felt let down by Dawn of War III in my skirmishes.
This means fans won’t be let down the way they were after the 2007 movie adaptation «The Golden Compass» failed to get its two follow-up films.
Its bleak, fatalist atmosphere might be letdown by some of the design, but it’s still a game rich with style and some memorable vignettes and tragedies.
The authorities warned weary residents not to let down their guard, because flash flooding and mudslides could prove more deadly than the initial winds from the storm.
«Today I came in with a little more pressure on myself than singles because I know I have someone else that I can’t let down,» Gauff said.
I really hope people will see these pictures and think about why we build barriers and how we can maybe let down a few in our spaces.
«I felt like I let down myself and my family,» said Dr. Van Bavel, who gets asked to conduct peer-review 100 to 200 times a year.
The app connects to each device via Bluetooth and tracks your production, detects let down, will pause when full and is equipped to pump in seven different modes.
I have never thought of myself as unobservant, in fact quite the opposite, but I missed this and feel like I have let down a younger cast member.
«I’ve been thinking about it a lot, because I have a big heart, and I feel like let down a lot of people,» Lochte told PEOPLE on Wednesday.
«I am really training hard for the rematch, for all the fans that I let down in the first fight,» said Leo at his La Puente training facility.
My birthday was on June 5th motherf—ker … I didn’t hear s—t from you … and I didn’t go telling the world what a let down you are.
And he must gently let down his most enthusiastic supporters from the irresponsible highs he generated for them—for instance, by promising to end corruption within 90 days.
The Russian leader, Shingarkin senior said, is popular among voters and there is no one to replace him, but he is let down by the officials around him.
Though she was let down by Charles’ lack of loyalty, said that she had never asked him for «a penny,» nor asked him to help promote her brand.
«There are millions of ordinary Americans who’ve been let down, who’ve had a bad time, who feel the political class in Washington are detached from them,» Farage said.
Trump says he’s «very disappointed» Sweden’s Prime Minister was unable to act, and he says the inaction has let down the African-American community in the United States.
We assume that Google Assistant could add appointments to my calendar, read an email or remind me of upcoming event, and when it doesn’t, we feel let down.
Uber’s employees want to do the right thing, Frei said, but have been historically let down by management and not given an outlet to call out bad behavior.
Overwhelmed with the let down of her father and the loss of the study opportunity, Moe is last seen in a convenience store shoplifting for the first time.
Pimblett revealed that the banner was made by a close friend of his because he had been let down on a ticket for the European clash in Basel.
The opposition frets it may be let down by the UN and America, which it thinks are keener to focus on IS rather than on Syria’s domestic problems.
But, he met someone as brilliant as he was, and rather like Bellatrix he was very drawn to this brilliant person, and horribly, terribly let down by him.
Although the big reveal in «Extinction» feels like a major letdown, it at least proves we didn’t know the entire story behind Eli’s very obvious assassination scheme.
Anyway, if all that wasn’t enough to plunge you into an existential crisis, they have now been filmed performing «Let Down» for the first time in a decade.
In the meantime, Iran has found itself on the front pages of newspapers across the world for the wrong reasons and we should not let down our guard.
«The university system of Maryland has let down the University of Maryland community and the citizens of Maryland, and now is the time to fix it,» he added.
Ellmers has had every chance to match her votes to her prior conservative rhetoric, but instead ignores the voices and concerns of voters who have been let down.
Elias is not only a disappointed husband; he is a disappointed Norwegian citizen, a bureaucrat in a prosperous European country who has been let down by contemporary society.
Krrish Chhabria as Chotu has the glint of mischief in his eyes, but both he and Gada are let down by a middling film that tries too hard.
Though he was a consistent winner in Minnesota, Green was let down by his teams’ postseason performances and never made it to a Super Bowl as head coach.
We found some items from Champion, but a store associate told us that Sears did not carry major brands like Nike or Adidas, which was a letdown.
But Trump told reporters who traveled with him on Air Force One that he had decided it would let down his supporters if he did not press ahead.
Chile, playing with their trademark high octane style and driven forward by another relentless display by Arturo Vidal, dominated the match but were let down by poor finishing.
Some said that Trump was only working with Democrats because he had been let down by establishment Republicans — for example, in the failure to repeal and replace Obamacare.
The 2018 Masters runner-up had been rolling along with four birdies and an eagle at the par four fifth hole against one bogey before the let down.
«By choosing to reject object reality in Helsinki, the president let down the free world by giving aid and comfort to an enemy of democracy,» Mr. Flake said.
And I can’t deny that something has changed for me, some guard let down, a window opened that allows me to love my mother like a cloudless sky.
The point of the episode isn’t that they have money they shouldn’t, but that they’ve let down their classmates, who are waiting for them to perform the play.
«People debated with each other, and there were liberals, the Communists, who had been let down by the events of 1956″ — the Hungarian uprising crushed by the Soviets.
Werman: So, those original efforts to fight corruption — those efforts you were undertaking in tandem with this reliable partner of the United States — do you feel let down?
The ultimate test of Trump’s reality distortion field The end of the shutdown is a big letdown for some of the president’s biggest boosters in the media.
He was let down by the health care system, by family, and by society — only to be beaten to death by police officers who will face no consequences.
Both Haley and Nicole said they remain vegan and are happy about their decisions — they’re just let down by someone who they once saw as a heroic figure.
In Turkey’s last assault in Afrin earlier this year, the SDF felt let down by Russia, believing it had given assurances that Turkey would not attack the region.
Only in a couple of moments, when the focus isn’t even on him, does he let down Boesman’s guard enough to suggest the fear undergirding so much ferocity.
The South of my imagination — the South I somehow feared I’d let down — was a South in which large swaths of its people, culture, and history were erased.
«This had been gaining traction, but it has been let down by Macy’s inability to get the basics of retail right across all parts of its business,» he added.
«They’re all flattered the judge thinks they’re the only group that can handle this offender, but at the same time, they feel let down by their employer,» he said.
Obama even appointed a Republican, Comey, to succeed him, only to be let down when Comey meddled in the 2016 election in a way that scuppered Hilary Clinton’s chances.
The government of Enrique Peña Nieto must not let down its guard, in part because the Trump scare is a spur to do things Mexico should be doing anyway.
But not before quickly typing out a hasty reply, which he hopes won’t be too much of a letdown to Avery after that long speech: ya sounds gucci.
Furthermore, if you’re hoping to find to find some justification that your fave’s album is more a masterpiece than anything Beyoncé has done, you’re going to be let down.
House Speaker Paul Ryan Reality Check: Ryan on poverty By Tami Luhby, CNNMoney Obama and progressives such as him have let down the poor in America, according to Ryan.
Visual search is quickly becoming a commodity product for big tech companies like Google and Microsoft, but the feature can sometimes be a letdown in real-life usage.
While consumers last year claimed to be let down by Amazon Prime Day, mocking it as an «online garage sale,» the retailer said that its sales topped Black Friday.
It’s such a natural evolution from the limited, carefully programmed responses of the Amazon Echo that when it fails, I’m a little more let down than I should be.
Perhaps the biggest let down is that while all the four major local channels are represented, a good portion of people are only going to receive them on-demand.
«I feel my daughter has been let down big time…» If Paige incurs a third suspension her contract with WWE will be terminated, according to the company’s official policy.
By the time I realized Chronos was handwaving away real physical degeneration and final death, I’d spent so much time worrying about it that I felt almost let down.
Chances are, I’ll be entirely let down by this new show, but hey, as long as there’s some sort of implausible car chase involving Mini Coopers, I’ll be happy.
First, as a lifelong «Star Trek» fan whose dream was to one day write for the show, the new CBS reboot «Star Trek: Discovery» was a huge let down.
Students who aren’t involved in the protests feel like collateral damage, let down both by student leaders and by university administrators who have a duty to care for them.
That paper, published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, reviewed a number of ways in which heart patients are let down at the end of life.
Still, the flavor here is a definitely more experimental than at the previous three, which means you’re just as likely to encounter a life-changer as a letdown.
That said, the Speaker is a complete pro at getting things done and knows that the country will feel very let down, and obviously the markets will be crushed.
Svitolina, who recently moved up to third in the rankings, was broken eight times and let down by an inconsistent second serve, winning only 39% of her those points.
«I leave / I depart / I quit / I forsake / I abandon / I give up / I let down» she writes in the first poem in her latest collection, A Sand Book.
O’Brien often writes about people who have been let down, one way or another, and at a quotidian level she seems most comfortable when registering discomfort, and accepting amends.
The explanation seemed simple: The singer was let down by the evening’s poor sound quality, best exemplified by the moment early in her performance when her microphone simply dropped out.
Beckham and his boating crew had themselves a bad game, and let down a quarterback who for the most part played pretty well, if not as masterfully as Aaron Rodgers.
Despite my awareness of Roseanne Barr’s bizarre political shift, and despite having been let down already by comebacks of other beloved shows, I told myself that the Conners were special.
She has so far dealt well with Beijing’s bullying; though she is horribly vulnerable to being let down by Donald Trump if he strikes a grand bargain with the mainland.
The two investigations form part of our Unfollow Me coverage, which aims to amplify the voices of stalking victims and illustrate how often they are let down by the authorities.
But having actually played LawBreakers, I need to set the record straight on a pretty important point: LawBreakers was a dope game let down by dated aesthetics and confused marketing.
I have no doubts that these technologies will only continue to improve, but at the moment they were a bit of a let down compared to the mind-bending display.
If I take let down my guard for even a second, no matter how long the game has gone on, the AI will try and find a way back in.
SAP, Europe’s biggest technology company, said last year it had «let down South Africa» by paying $7.7 million in commissions to Gupta-related companies between December 2014 and November 2016.
«I think it’s fair to say that this year’s party conference season has been one big letdown for businesses across the UK,» Stephen Martin, the IoD’s director general, said.
The Women’s March has always left me with a discomforting belief that white women continue to let down the true leaders of the feminist and reproductive justice movement: Black women.
After his decision this past summer to vote against a GOP bill to repeal and replace ObamaCare, Trump said John McCain «let down» his party and the people of Arizona.
Luck, who at 22 is 26 years Mickelson’s junior, was let down by a pair of bogeys on par 3s coming home, including a painful one at his penultimate hole.
«Attorney General William P. Barr spoke to an audience of one, President Trump, and in so doing let down 329 million Americans,» Podesta said of Barr’s press conference earlier Thursday.
KIEV (Reuters) — Ukraine feels let down by the European Union for not keeping to a promise to give its citizens visa-free travel in the bloc, senior Ukrainian officials said.
«The hardest part about this is feeling that I have let down my teammates, the organization, and the fans,» Gordon, the 2015 National League batting champion, said in a statement.
As they wonder whether or not the report will be presented with an absurd amount of blacked out text, people are preparing for a potential let down with some jokes.
The space the player sits in is filled with things to poke and prod at, and at no point did I feel let down by not having enough to do.
«I cannot let down the millions of Socialists who trusted in me and shared with me the path of saying that ‘no is no’ to Mariano Rajoy,» Mr. Sánchez said.
The Red Sox are back on top, 4-33, after Hyun-jin Ryu started to falter and then the Dodgers’ bullpen let down their starter for a second consecutive game.
Multiple law enforcement sources tell us LV Metro PD conducted its own ballistic testing, and here’s the big let down — they determined it was not a match for Pac’s case.
We feel let down partly because we’re just sorry something we’ve invested time and feeling in is over, but also because the force that held us in thrall is dissipating.
«This is the lap which most people let down in slightly to get ready for the final 240 meters,» one commentator says, as if he were coaching El Guerrouj himself.
Hayley Hubbard would agree that fed is best, but she still couldn’t help initially feeling a little let down about having to supplement with formula for newborn son Luca Reed.
The fourth quarter is generally bumper period for companies that rely on digital advertising, so the next couple of quarters could feel like a let down for Snap and Twitter.
«We will all feel very let down by that,» said Victoria Valentino, a former model for Playboy who says Mr. Cosby drugged and raped her in Los Angeles in 1969.
Mr. Xi’s opening address on Wednesday morning was crafted to sound a warning that the party cannot let down its guard, said analysts and party insiders who have followed preparations.
» He added that he was «deeply disappointed» in himself and apologized to the people he «let down by having Steve around them without giving them a voice in the decision.
Other imitations are successful only in replicating the experience of visiting a real nightclub during the all-too-brightly lit hours of the day, which is invariably a letdown.
Ms. Pugh sincerely apologizes to all of those that she let down, most especially the citizens of Baltimore whom she had the honor to serve in multiple capacities for decades.
«The hardest part about this is feeling that I have let down my teammates, the organization, and the fans,» Gordon said in a statement released by the MLB Players Association.
Both feel let down by the so-called elites and think that the solution is an authoritarian figure strong enough not to care what a biased establishment thinks about him.
«I mishandled the answer, and fell way short of the mark,» he said, adding that he hopes to «regain the trust and respect of everyone that I have let down
How frustrating it must be to have all that untapped potential, waiting to be unleashed, only to be let down by an uncomfortable set of earphones that keep slipping out.
After the latest GOP effort to repeal and replace Obamacare collapsed on Tuesday, President Donald Trump tweeted «We were let down by all of the Democrats and a few Republicans.»
«The allegations against these officers are extremely serious, and we believe they have let down the public they are sworn to serve,» Inspector General Michael Nestor said in the release.
Far from playing a negative game, they created enough chances to score a hatful of goals but were let down repeatedly by a mix of bad luck and poor finishing.
«There are many things that are good about the car and they are unable to show themselves because the car is let down by one particular aspect,» said the Briton.
Drake is here, too, of course — saving his best rapping for a more formal project, perhaps, but still wound up about being let down by women and also by men.
When defender Omar Gonzalez, who put a ball into his own net, later told reporters, «We let down an entire nation,» his dejection was understandable but his remark seemed overstated.
«I had been let down by different breakfast tacos [around New York,] and we were very cautious of not wanting to make the same mistakes our forefathers did,» she says.
«When I heard it I was let down, but also really just hurt by it because I had thought we’ve moved away from some of that,» Borst told Fox 17.
It’s tantalizing to see how good a game like this could be, only to be let down again and again with elements that would feel out of date 10 years ago.
Closing track «Gravity» focuses on Obgongjayar’s relationship with his father—in this case his fatherly God—how he was let down «again, again again,» betrayed by someone he looked up to.
And let’s face it, it is a huge victory — especially after last month’s letdown in Kenya, where the courts failed to decriminalize their own colonial-era anti-gay sex laws.
I hate it when I forget, because I know she’s sitting by the phone and waiting for me to call, and I don’t want her to worry or feel let down.
I felt as though I’d not only let Gordon down, but I’d also let down my inner American-breakfast-eating self with this hash brown dish served minus the caramelized crispiness.
He said the United States had flouted nuclear and chemical weapons treaties, saying Moscow had diligently complied with the same pacts only to be repeatedly let down by the United States.
Robinson admitted to Pittsburgh Courier sportswriter Wendell Smith that he was trying so hard because he did not want to let down the blacks who, he thought, were depending on him.
After getting absolutely roasted by Daenerys (rude), our Strong, Silent, Undead type finally let down a bit of that emotional ice wall to give us a smile that melted our hearts.
Chongqing television’s main evening news showed Chen giving a speech to senior city officials, telling them he would not let down the party’s trust in giving him such an important job.
In short, he let down the working class people who needed him the most in a state that shed thousands of coal mining jobs and was ravaged by an opioid crisis.
«These are some of the most vulnerable children in the world, they have been let down time and time again,» said the charity’s co-founder Ben Teuten said in a statement.
Franken went on to speak with media outlets in his home state of Minnesota, saying he was «embarrassed and ashamed,» but hoped to regain the trust of those he let down.
RBS said it had let down some small business customers and that it should have done better in some areas, but said investigations had no shown any wrongdoing on its part.
And The Times let down its readers by not paying enough attention to an important line of investigative work being done by its chief competitor to the south, The Washington Post.
It was somewhat of a letdown following a short program on Thursday that earned them a season’s best score, although the team still went on to earn a bronze medal.
It’s a huge let down, not only for Trump but for immigration hawks in Congress, groups pushing for immigration restrictions like FAIR and NumbersUSA, and the president’s grass-roots conservative base.
«There is a sense of deep disappointment among the families that we have again been let down by the criminal justice system,» said Michael Gallagher, whose son died in the bombing.
And at present valuations, with stocks selling at about 19 times this year’s S&P operating earnings, the market has little wiggle room for a major letdown, the professor argued.
His profound challenge to Rachel is to decide whether she can let down her scientific hair long enough to crawl into a cabana for five days of casual sex with him.
They see the potential in everything, but things don’t always reach their full potential, and as these planets clash, you may find yourself let down by your career path or relationships.
Whoever played Mae’s love interest would have to be equally as complicated but open and expressive, the type of man that any woman would want to let down her walls for.
Not only did Melania Trump feel badly for her speechwriter, she also felt she had let down her husband on what should have been her most triumphant speaking engagement to date.
» Mr. Hernandez said he apologized to the judge and «to anyone who was hurt, to my family, friends and fans for what I have done and who I have let down.
«People feel really let down by Joe Wilson, and there’s a lot of really high emotion when it comes to him,» Ms. Edwards, 29, said in a phone interview on Tuesday.
So when I saw people hop, skip, and jumping around it was a bit of a let down, because I expected to glide over it like a swan on my lilo.
Many of the Creep Catchers told VICE News they’d been molested as children, or knew someone who had, and felt let down by the people who were supposed to protect them.
Donerton Bluetooth Speaker — £27.99 (list price £139.99) See Details Sony SRS-XB12 Wireless Speaker — save £16.50 Sometimes portable speakers can be let down by the bass, but that’s not the case here.
They have been reliant on their gay and lesbian brothers and sisters with deep pockets to take their concerns up the socioeconomic ladder and quite honestly, they have been sorely let down.
«We are deeply ashamed of the many ways in which we have let down survivors, both in the way we have acted and the way we have failed to act,» she said.
Mets RH Jacob deGrom (22-23, 223) Urena pitched well in each of his last two starts but was let down by his offense in a loss to San Diego on Saturday.
As someone who voted for Bernie Sanders in the primary, I didn’t feel cheated that he lost, but I was let down at the chance his movement would weaken as a result.
As enjoyable as «Our Kind of Traitor» is in its smartly paced and irreverent opening half-hour, it is let down by some muddled, choppily edited action sequences in its later stages.
«Workers will feel let down that the company is not prepared to fight the government’s decision to ship the production of the new blue passport overseas,» Unite national officer Louisa Bull said.
As we wrote at the time: Here’s the problem with the Nexus Q:  it’s a stunningly beautiful piece of hardware that’s being let down by the software that’s supposed to control it.
Unsurprisingly, I was let down by the results, which stated that while my girlfriend and I were romantically compatible and complementary in nearly every category, we weren’t especially well suited to marriage.
The only way we can avoid failure, being let down, and ultimately succumbing to the chaotic world around us, therefore, is to have the means (financial security) to rely only upon ourselves.
Manziel, now trying to rebuild his career in the Canadian Football League, settled comfortably into the booth of an empty restaurant, took off his Montreal Alouettes cap and let down his guard.
Fans of Camila Cabello and Shawn Mendes who ship their romance weren’t the only ones who were let down by their lack of kissing on stage at the MTV Video Music Awards.
While markets walked back some of their early gyrations, DBS warned it was «too early to let down your guard,» citing the need to watch for responses from the U.S. and China.
Since then, each time oil has climbed significantly higher, speculators have gotten more bullish, and each time, Cramer has seen them let down because oil has been stuck in a trading range.
However, the French youngster was let down by Drogba, who was caught up in an infamous row with referee Tom Henning Ovrebo, whom he called «a f—ing disgrace» live on television.
The Lighthouse is a triumphant second feature for Eggers, another brick in a loopy retelling of American history — and audiences ready to go along for the ride will not be let down.
Conor McGregor’s chances of fighting in the UFC this year just got exponentially higher … ’cause is he really gonna let down a ridiculously attractive fan who wants him back inside the Octagon??
As in that case, I actually find the experience a bit scary — I keep worrying that she can’t possibly keep it up to this level and that later I will be let down.
Garza fanned nine over 23 216/403 innings in his last outing but lost to Pittsburgh as he was let down by his defense, leading to five unearned runs in the sixth inning.
Benioff said that the more human, lighthearted moment with the bannermen was to contrast the savagery and violence of that scene and offer up a chance for Arya to let down her guard.
They had penalty appeals turned down and were repeatedly denied by outstanding Sweden goalkeeper Robin Olsen but were also let down by some desperately poor finishing and final passes, possibly born of desperation.
He busied himself reading a newsfeed on his port and eventually dozed off, but Scarlet had heard enough stories about bag snatchers and child-nappings that she dared not let down her guard.
For «Maggie’s Farm», Mr Dylan offers a farmhouse affixed with a sign for fresh eggs; this literal image is a bit of a letdown for the famous bluesy anti-capitalist protest anthem.
The Krupp foundation’s board met on Friday after facing criticism from labor leaders that it had let down Hiesinger by failing to back him in the wrangling over strategy that preceded his resignation.
Let down for festival-goers «We just realized it was all a complete cluster and nothing was ready, there was no organization, there was no leadership,» said William Finley, from Raleigh, North Carolina.
For those of us who grew up with a view of romance shaped by Disney movies, 2017 dating norms  like «swipe right» have been… let’s say, a little bit of a letdown.
Asked whether BHP would invoke force majeure, Mackenzie told media after the company’s annual general meeting in South Australia that he did not expect the miner would let down any of its customers.
Those advocates have largely felt let down by the Trump administration, especially because his failed health care plan would have stripped money for treatment and let state decide whether to cover such services.
Trump, who also bashed McCain during a campaign rally Friday night, said the Arizona senator had let down his constituents, as well as his friend and fellow senator, Lindsey Graham of South Carolina.
While Mr Fujimori admitted that he had «let down [some] compatriots» after his pardon and asked for their forgiveness, that was less than the full-blown apology for his crimes many would like.
While advisors need to be transparent and up front about investment strategies, performance and fees, clients also need to speak up when they feel let down, regardless of the source of their frustration.
But many swimmers, she said, are reluctant to report an injury because they do not want to let down their partners or they are afraid they will lose their spot on the team.
Perhaps your emotional state is calibrated around a sports team, like the New York Knicks, and despite hopes that next season will be better you vaguely understand that you’ll be let down anyway.
«We are disappointed SAP has let down South Africa: its communities, our employees, the partners we work with in South Africa and, importantly, our customers here,» Fox-Martin said by phone from Johannesburg.
I feel for Kelly here: her pain in making the wrong decisions, her new situation of living with people who are angry and her despair that she may have let down her family.
But Krys cautioned that women who reported offences were often let down by the criminal justice system and called for action to address the lack of successful prosecutions and culture of victim-blaming.
Among the countries that ranked higher than their economic development was 57th-placed North Korea, which was let down by its «cooperation» score but still ranked three spots ahead of much-richer Spain.
According to his rep … Money was encouraged to have the minor surgery last week, but he didn’t want to let down his fans who bought tickets to his 2 Memorial Day Weekend shows.
But it is intriguing, which is maybe more appropriate for a show that loves to keep threads dangling (ahem, Kimmy), the better to pick them back up once we’ve let down our guard.
You might find that you want to believe in something or someone (perhaps a lover or family member) so badly that you fall for a scam, ignore red flags, or otherwise get let down.
I’m willing to bet there are millions of iPhone 6 or 20163S owners like me, who feel let down by the iPhone 7, abandoned by Apple, and unsure about what to upgrade to next.
The Woking-based team had a rough start to their new partnership with Honda in 2015, with Spain’s double champion Fernando Alonso and Britain’s 2009 winner Jenson Button repeatedly let down by engine failures.
Yet NAFTA has itself been let down by American leaders, who neither made the case that higher living standards are a positive-sum game, nor allowed the benefits of growth to be broadly shared.
The film’s current 99% critical rating on Rotten Tomatoes (Ed Power, of the Irish Independent, gave the film its first poor review earlier this week) is especially encouraging, given Proud Mary’s recent let down.
For many fans, this was the second time this year that they’d been let down by West (his headlining performance at the Governor’s Ball festival in June had been cancelled due to a storm).
Tesla and SpaceX co-founder, business magnate, former Trump adviser, and all around Real Human Man Elon Musk let down his hair recently when he attended a fun beach party … wearing a full suit.
Sweet Venus clashes with the planet of illusion, Neptune, on November 303, which may make for a boost in creativity and imagination—however, you could also find yourself feeling deflated, let down, or confused.
«So it was kind of a let down to know that the JAAA (Jamaica Athletics Administrative Association) did not support it,» added the nine-times Olympic gold medalist and double sprint world record holder.
«I’ve left a trail of destruction, hurt people I’ve loved, let down the people who love me,» Claybourne says in the clip, while violently punching a mirror and staring down a bottle of wine.
Over the course of a few weeks with the Pen-F, I kept trying to force using it for street or documentary-style photography, but each time I found myself a bit let down.
But she declined mentally, was devastated by Denis’s death, and was then let down by her dysfunctional children, Mark, who barely avoided prison, and Carol, who wrote a distasteful account of her mother’s dementia.
«The university system of Maryland has let down the University of Maryland community and the citizens of Maryland, and now is the time to fix it,» Hogan said in a statement at the time.
I talked about leaving because I felt so cheated and let down, but that feeling in itself was so valuable to me that I don’t think I would have ever gone through with it.
Speaking by phone, Watton said he has been ill with CFS/ME and unable to work in his former job as a builder for 15 years, and feels let down by the medical establishment.
A nipple piercing could also cause a quirk in her letdown reflex, which causes a nursing mother to lactate when she hears a baby cry even if she’s not breastfeeding at that moment.
Often these occasions function as the public-service-of-last-resort: a final hope for citizens who feel ignored or let down by, say, the police, the National Health Service or the local council.
He reminds me of other quintessential fastidious teen characters, like Brian Krakow of «My So-Called Life» or Alex on «Modern Family» — high-achieving rule-followers who sometimes feel let down by society’s decrepitude.
Based on three linked stories by John Green, Maureen Johnson and Lauren Myracle, this winningly sweet-tempered movie is about what happens when teenagers trying to play it cool finally let down their guard.
They tell me I should visit them even if he does not, but I don’t want to let down my husband, who does not want me to cultivate any sort of relationship with them.
«Contrary to what the SPD hoped, the long search for a leader has not turned out to be a high point for democracy but rather a big let down,» said Forsa chief Manfred Guellner.
The fresh GMC Terrain has one of the most impressive chassis in the class but, despite top-tier bones, the Terrain is let down by a high price point and a lack of standout features.
It would be easy for me to blow off a 10-mile run at 5:30 on a Friday morning, but I know I have two friends meeting me, who I would never let down.
Having an industry-focused event like the SAGs led by women is a way for the guild to declare that it is ready to support those who have been let down over and over again.
As the target deadline for Britain to quit the EU approached, Ovington and dozens of others whom Reuters met on a 14-day tour along England’s coastline said they felt increasingly let down by politicians.
His task now will be to avoid last year’s letdown when, after beating Cilic on his debut match, he then lost to Roger Federer and Jack Sock to miss out on the semi-finals.
That, despite Trump’s whining about having been «let down by all of the Democrats,» is the simple explanation for why Trump was unable to obtain any measure of bipartisan support for his health care initiative.
LONDON (Thomson Reuters Foundation) — Hate crimes against the gay community are rising rapidly in England and Wales but victims are often «let down» by the police, a watchdog said in a landmark report on Thursday.
There may still be upside for crude oil prices even if the market appears to be let down by a production cut extension by the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), analysts said Friday.
Although the ATS-V (like the rest of the current Cadillac line) is let down by its CUE infotainment system, it’s bolstered by another piece of in-car tech: the standard Performance Data Recorder (PDR).
» Elizabeth Hurley issued a statement, explaining that while she never experienced or witnessed any sexual harassment by Schwahn, she was «immensely saddened» by Park’s allegations and felt that she «let down a younger cast member.
They all displayed shocking cowardice and let down millions of vulnerable people, when they had reams of documentary evidence revealing the crime, enough to extract much more justice and far better outcomes for the victimized.
«Fat is the flavor-giver for meat,» wrote James Beard, and fans of Peter Luger in Great Neck or Brooklyn, for example, might find themselves slightly let down by the flavor of Primi’s leaner offering.
Although the Yankees have been largely let down by their offense this season — particularly the performances of Rodriguez and Teixeira, who have had precipitous drop-offs from 2015 — the team’s pitching also has been inconsistent.
While all displays of rage are tricky things to analyze from the outside, Black women’s fury is particularly and cruelly critiqued, overanalyzed, stereotyped, and treated like quite the wonder and letdown all at once.
How happy you were to «steal them away» for a second, or how «vulnerable» you feel with them because you’re finally ready to let down those walls you built up from your previously failed relationships?
It is, unfortunately, a let down compared to Fusco’s photographs — not because of the difference in quality between artist and amateur snapshots, but because Terpstra’s film feels more like a history lesson than anything else.
Falling one vote short was a feeling of «intense disappointment,» McCoy told CNN, adding that they had been let down when some candidates promised support for the ERA, only to change their minds once elected.
«That was a mistake, obviously, but we were betrayed, we were let down by a president and his administration that did not live up to what they said they were going to do,» Kerry said.
We&aposve gathered up a list of the 2019 shows that people were most excited for and then let down by, along with other series heavily promoted by networks and streaming services that fell flat.
The president argued that Democratic politicians have let down the African American community for more than 100 years but touted how black Americans have benefited from the Trump administration’s policies over the last three years.
«In conversations this morn with the British P.M. and her secretary of state, I said society and I felt badly let down by both the D.U.P. and the British government,» Mr. McGuinness said on Twitter.
TOKYO (Reuters) — Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Saturday requested people to refrain from non-essential meetings and said coronavirus infections could escalate if people let down their guard and don’t take proper containment measures.
Made of strips descending vertically from a ledge-like protrusion overhead and tapering to a V shape, it does indeed somewhat resemble a waterfall — or cluster of stalactites, or Rapunzel having let down her hair.
Home Affairs provides ceremonial «award letters» crediting those — far too few — art institutions showing support for families, like EFA Project Space, which encouraged visitors to bring their kids to the opening of The Let Down Reflex.
I had to face a new city, a complete void in the touring and playing music department which had previously been booming, and I felt let down by a lot of people and more intensely, myself.
May, who postponed a vote in parliament on her deal in December after admitting she was set to lose it, said lawmakers must not let down the people who backed Brexit in a June 2016 referendum.
For kids with food allergies, the trick-or-treating part of Halloween can be something of a letdown — especially if parents won’t let the little monsters and witches go door to door asking for treats.
But with each «Free Meek Mill» or reference to Drake she delivers in «Top Off,» it feels like a guard is let down for a bit, and sometimes even just the illusion makes all the difference.
The company did have some foldable news to share this week at Mobile World Congress, but the reality of it is probably a bit of a let down after seeing phone that turns into a watch.
Not one to be let down by an accident, the pop star, 32, was seen by reporters to be laughing and blowing kisses at the crowd as festival technicians attempted to fix the issue, Variety reports.
Hardware and extra devicesEven with the finest software audio optimizations known, your laptop’s sound can still be let down by a bad set of speakers or headphones, so the hardware side needs some serious consideration too.
While she had her hair mostly pulled back during the ceremony in St. George’s Chapel, she let down a few tendrils to frame her face as she posed with her new husband on the castle steps.
«You have been let down by officers of high rank with years of outstanding work behind them,» Henriques wrote to Hogan-Howe who has been heavily criticised in the press for his handling of the investigations.
«You have been let down by officers of high rank with years of outstanding work behind them,» Henriques wrote to Hogan-Howe who has been heavily criticized in the press for his handling of the investigations.
Carole Crane, considered one of the most prolific identity thieves in the Portland, Oregon area, is known for rifling through handbags in churches, preschools and doctor’s offices — all places where people often let down their guard.
«This crooked deal cannot stand,» and should be voided to «ensure that some measure of justice is finally delivered to Epstein’s victims who have been let down time and time again by their government,» Sasse said.
Just note that while in the spirit of an advent calendar, what with the 24 packets, this «calendar» is really just a box of coffees, so don’t be let down by the lack of little pockets.
Trump’s candidacy was fueled by his insistence that immigration policies needed to be hardened and that the Republican party had let down its voters by not pushing more aggressively for tighter border security in recent years.
«Let down by their national representation bodies… artisanal fishers have decided to take political control of their future,» said Claire Nouvian, founder and president of BLOOM in a statement on the organization’s website after the vote.
I was trying to get him to let down that guard, but he clearly has this… he wants to look his best, which I respect, but it’s my thing to get beyond that kind of presentation.
There are other ways to get help, but the people who do these things have probably asked for help or have shown signs that they need it but were let down by the adults around them.
As ambitious and egalitarian as the airline was, it was ultimately let down by the very aircraft that made its business model viable combined with crippling travel restrictions enacted to stop the spread of COVID-19.
» He said in the letter that he would seek «healing for my family and for my staff, my friends and all those who have place their faith in me and been let down by my behavior.
Activists have long looked to the US as a model for building robust democratic institutions, but in the face of a partisan impeachment trial that highlights connections between money and power, many are feeling let down.
They most likely have to do with the limited resources available to the school, despite Title I funding, and the ways in which low-income families have been let down by support systems outside the school.
The 22-year-old won two races, compared to Vettel’s one, but it could have been more — he was let down particularly in Bahrain while leading from pole by engine problems that dropped him to third.
«Wow, let down from the company I worked for, the union I trusted and the 20,750 brothers that didn’t want to bother,» wrote Daniel Keenan on the Facebook page for the Teamsters Alliance for Pension Protection.
South Carolina 77, Florida 70 In the moments after South Carolina clinched the first Final Four berth in team history, Coach Frank Martin found his 74-year-old mother, Lourdes, and finally let down his guard.
«Regardless of the outcome of Glen’s court appearance, there is no denying he has let down the club, our fans and the New Zealand public after we gave him this lifeline,» he said in a statement.
But there’s a growing sense in the community of being let down, especially as Venezuelan-Americans implore Trump to approve TPS for as many as 21,213.5 of their countrymen, many of whom are fleeing to Florida.
Fine performances and a strong evocation of setting have held «True Detective» aloft for season after season, even when it has been let down by the plotting or by particularly ripe pieces of neo-noir dialogue.
«After the cowardly attacks on the part of the Cartel of the Northeast in Nuevo Laredo, the (government of Tamaulipas) will not let down its guard and will continue acting with strength against criminals,» he wrote.
Turning a common Rubio campaign attack — that Mr. Cruz is «calculated» — back on his rival, Mr. Cruz suggested his colleague had let down voters who expected him to fight against what he calls «amnesty» for undocumented immigrants.
«You have to spend quite a bit of time on this because you have to get the client relaxed enough to let down their guard and tell you what’s actually going on in their family,» he said.
Advertise on Hyperallergic with Nectar Ads The Let Down Reflex is essential viewing for anyone engaged with issues of caring economies, so-called «women’s work,» or the question of living wages for the art world’s service workers.
«On November 11, one of our restaurants failed to live up to our expectations and in doing so, we let down a valued guest,» the president of Chili’s Grill & Bar, Kelli Valade, said in an open letter.
Jessie James Decker and husband Eric Decker are ecstatic to be welcoming another son into their family soon, but their daughter couldn’t help feeling a bit let down at finding out she would be getting another brother.
The production — which features the exquisite American actress Linda Emond («Homebody/Kabul») as Solness’s eternally bereaved wife — is let down by the casting of the sunny Sarah Snook as Hilde Wangel, the master builder’s too ardent disciple.
I am truly sorry that we have let down our users and community in this instance, and humbly ask our passengers and drivers to please allow us to keep improving the safety and reliability of our service.
And sometimes I am in a terrible mood, but I’ll still do it, and then I do feel like, ‘What if that fan experience was a let down for them and I wasn’t as exciting in person?
Liz and AOC seemed to have their hearts set on Dany sitting on the Iron Throne when all was said and done — but add they were also let down again by Sansa Stark’s storyline (bigger spoiler alert).
«This isn’t just about safety, it’s about fairness for people who bought apartments in good faith and were let down by dodgy builders or dangerous building products,» Victorian Minister for Planning Richard Wynne said in a statement.
They went to Open House parties, held in abandoned meatpacking plants, where partiers let down all their layers and displayed the infinite gradations of pain and joy to strangers while DJs played breaknoise directly into their heads.
While you might have driven a car (or still do) with out-of-date in-car navigation system sorely in need of an update, new car buyers will likely never feel let down by their aging navigation.
«I’m sorry for the one-two effect of the MAGA hat into the slave comment, and I’m sorry for people that felt let down by that moment,» West said during a radio interview with 107.5 WGCI Chicago.
And then, perhaps overconfident and with his guard let down, Giuliani lets slip that Trump reimbursed his personal attorney Michael Cohen for the $130,000 hush payment made to porn star Stormy Daniels 11 days before the election.
While that’s not as sad as his demise at the hands of depression, it is a special kind of letdown to realize your favorite writer will never come out with something new to devour and discuss.
Still, some feminists feel let down by Macron, who had strongly hinted that he might pick a female to be Prime Minister, only to select Édouard Philippe, an establishmentarian whose sole contribution to diversity is his beard.
Days after announcing that revenues had topped $1 billion last year, Valentino hosted an after-party titled «It’s Happening» at the Hôtel Salomon de Rothschild, and Alessandra Ambrosio and Dakota Fanning came to let down their hair.
Katie Hill has apologized to friends and supporters for engaging in an affair with a campaign staffer, but Susan Slates still feels let down by the 32-year-old Democrat who arrived in Congress just this year.
You read that right: We stuffy book nerds have somehow let down our hair enough to put together an entire issue devoted to books about orgasms, porn, kissing, vibrators, bedroom fantasies, extramarital affairs and even teenage hookups.
Warriors Coach Steve Kerr, who is well aware of his team’s tendency to have a letdown game following a blowout, seemed happy with the win but was not ready to declare the series over just yet.
TOKYO, March 28 (Reuters) — Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe on Saturday requested people to refrain from non-essential meetings and said coronavirus infections could escalate if people let down their guard and don’t take proper containment measures.
Each of these countries have persisted with the policies that seemed to halt the march of COVID-19, and epidemiologists warn that the virus is likely to surge back if nations let down their guard too early.
But it will be a slog: The fourth quarter is generally a bumper period for companies that rely on digital advertising, so the next couple of quarters could feel like a let down for Snap and Twitter.
We get Quentin Tarantino isn’t really an actor, but the mostly excellent 2012 film Django Unchained is let down by a bizarre scene involving Australians — with Tarantino putting on the most atrocious Aussie accent we’ve ever heard.
«We still need first for the United Nations Security Council to take its responsibilities and the rest of the international community not to let down Africa,» said Smail Chergui, commissioner of the AU’s Peace and Security Council.
As «Les Misérables» anxiously builds to its explosive climax, it becomes a heartbreaking group portrait of Issa and his cohorts, who are continually let down, sold out and betrayed by adults who should know and do better.
The decline in wind strength may have caused some residents to let down their guard despite dire warnings from the National Hurricane Center that catastrophic damage might take parts of the Carolinas weeks or months to recover.
We will also amplify the voices of stalking victims and illustrate how often they are let down by the authorities in the UK. VICE staff writer Nana Baah was cyberstalked and terrorized online by her ex-boyfriend.
Many victims of slavery receive an entirely inadequate service from the police, with «victims being let down at every stage», according to the watchdog, which assessed the police’s response to Britain’s landmark anti-slavery law, passed in 2015.
President Trump signs first bill into law Trump’s inaugural address centered on the themes that animated his stunning outsider campaign, which shattered political conventions and gave voice to heartland voters who felt badly let down by professional politicians.
I was really let down by the health-care practitioners, even specialists like trichologists and dermatologists, who are often not knowledgeable about our hair type and the things that could be wrong with our health that causes that.
«I was really trying to just say something, and in the moment, I really felt like I could have said more, and I really felt like I had let down other survivors by not saying more,» she said.
LET DOWN Southern Copper has stressed that, even with the granting of the license, construction on the project will not begin until concerns by local residents are cleared up — something the company has spent years trying to do.
Internally, multiple developers at ArenaNet tell The Verge that they felt let down by their employer, who, they say, walked back their branding about inclusion and standing against harassment, and caved to the whims of an internet mob.
The band opened with «Daydreaming» from last year’s «A Moon Shaped Pool», followed by «Lucky», the first of a host of «OK Computer» tracks that included «Exit Music (For a Film)», «Let Down«, «Paranoid Android» and «Karma Police».
Texas Tech upsets No. 4 Baylor LUBBOCK, Texas — Playing just two days after Kansas escaped their home arena with a one-point victory, the Texas Tech Red Raiders had a built-in excuse to let down versus Baylor.
Feloni: In terms of appealing to voters, how are you going to make a case to that particular type of American who voted for Obama but then voted for Trump because they felt that they were let down?
«We’re quite certain that what he did in Russia was partly to carry out tasks for Norwegian intelligence,» Risnes told NRK, while adding that his client felt he had been let down by those who had sent him.
According to a new study, the Americans who are most often let down by insurance providers are those who seek out behavioral treatments for substance use disorders, despite a cultural push towards greater accessibility for mental health services.
It’s also rechargeable and has a long-lasting 10-hour battery lifespan, so you really can take the music with you wherever you go, and not have to worry about being let down in your hour of need.
Awash with migrants, threatened by terrorism, let down by its eastern members, flanked by a nervous Russia and a volatile North Africa, the European Union can only hope that the new, emotional Britain will not get carried away.
«In death, however, I think all can be united in praying for the repose of his soul, for comfort for his grieving family, and that support and solace be given to those whom he hurt and let down
Instead, it’s that rarest of internet creatures: a place where people can let down their guards, act silly with their friends and sample the fruits of human creativity without being barraged by abusive trolls or algorithmically amplified misinformation.
I can continue to do my job as a writer and a director, work directly with doctors to ensure my disease is controlled, and feel the support of millions when I am let down by my own body.
After the stay was ordered on Friday, Mr. Halprin said that he was relieved and that he would not let down those who had been fighting to keep him off death row, according to Mr. Schardl, the lawyer.
WASHINGTON (Reuters) — White House spokesman Sean Spicer said on Wednesday he had let down President Donald Trump with his «inexcusable and reprehensible» comments comparing the use of poison gas by Syria’s president to the atrocities of Adolf Hitler.
«The position that state intervention in corporate decisions is a no-go supports a strategy that is driven by financial markets, and the people are being let down,» Knut Giesler at IG Metall, Germany’s largest trade union, said.
» Henderson added that he felt «deeply let down by the colleagues who misled me,» in contrast to Bell’s comments on Newsnight when he stated: «Of course James Henderson is to blame and of course he should have resigned.
Some (far from all) had been touched by financial hardship—a layoff was common in many stories—and (paradoxically, given their feelings about socialism) felt that, while in that vulnerable state, they’d been let down by their government.
In this year’s selection, the movies Investigating Paradise, The Journey, Zagros, The Blessed, and Beauty and the Dogs tackle warped interpretations of Islam, suicide bombers, honor killings, and being let down by an ideological revolution or a system.
The most partisan of fans who were hoping to see one fighter batter the other might have been let down, but the majority of spectators could only have been impressed by what was put forth by both men.
This show, to be sure, plays on stereotypes—when many think of Fire Island, they probably think of a place not far off from Logo’s version, where gay guys let down their hair and sparks and claws fly.
As someone with bitter memories of being let down by the feeble batteries of wireless gaming peripherals, I’ve developed something of a phobia for anything untethered, but this Powerplay action sounds like exactly the thing I’ve been waiting for.
Even the new cooperation with Saudi Arabia over Syria proved to be a bad bet as the Kingdom itself complained about being let down by its American ally on Syria — as well as on Iran, following the nuclear deal.
One also has to remember that millennials have been let down over and over again: We were told we were post-racial and post-feminism; that equality had been reached, and yet we all experience racism and sexism constantly.
I’m a little let down by it because I feel like I should be able to handle this, but it’s just something that I’ve never experienced before and I think it’s just been really hard on me and Luca.
He was let down by the team’s shaky defense, which failed to make a handful of plays it should have, and a bullpen that gave up three runs on its own plus the two runners Garcia left on base.
The 23-year-old native of Ohio struck out seven and walked only one over five innings but was let down by his defense, which made a few miscues as he was charged with five runs (four earned) allowed.
It’s great news for Android lovers who’ve felt let down by past Nexus cameras, but it also means there’s no longer any excuse for bad pictures from people who want the best expression of Google’s vision for mobile devices.
«After the cowardly attacks on the part of the Cartel of the Northeast in Nuevo Laredo, the (government of Tamaulipas) will not let down its guard and will continue acting with strength against criminals,» he tweeted, according to Reuters.
«I think we were let down, and Joe has said many times it was a mistake, obviously, to trust the words of the administration who didn’t follow through on what they said they were going to do,» Kerry said.
TOKYO (Reuters) — Paralympics boss Andrew Parsons expressed disgust on Tuesday that Russian authorities had let down the country’s clean athletes, after the World Anti-Doping Agency banned Russia for four years from major events, including the Tokyo Olympic Games.
People have been quick to voice their displeasure and say they feel let down by the video, which doesn&apost appear to have the same amount of production work and effort behind it as Rewind videos of past years:   
If people invest so much of themselves in the ideals of a company or CEO, they will be let down when and if they discover that the company and CEO are driven ultimately by different goals than the consumer.
Our work with deaf children across India shows that all too often those children who do make it into the classroom are let down by too little understanding and awareness of how to engage a deaf child in a lesson.
Now granted, my mother didn’t try to hit on my husband, like that happened on our show [with Courtney Stodden and her mom], but within that scene I definitely could have fit in a time I felt betrayed or let down.
But while it is a good outcome, and seems to showcase the President-elect’s commitment to «draining the swamp,» it is no reason for people who are worried about the corruption Trump may bring to Washington to let down their guard.
Many took that comment as a sign that the Fed could be near the end of its tightening cycle, but were let down when Powell’s latest remarks on Wednesday indicated that the central bank still intends to raise rates, Petrides noted.
If you’re spitting bile right now, that might be because you’ve thought of the Iron Throne as the series’ putative prize, and you’re feeling rightfully let down by the injustice of handing that position to an undeserving, fairly creepy sideline observer.
Income distribution inequality and polarization between the rich and poor brought about by «liberal economics» have let down the former middle class; concurrently, «democratic politics,» controlled and exploited by a small group of elites, has made people jaded and distrustful.
A month earlier, the country’s third-largest lender Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Ltd, passed on just 18 basis points of a 25-point central bank cut, prompting the treasurer to say the bank had «let down its customers».
«All Is True» makes a serious attempt to consider Shakespeare as a husband and a father as well as a famous playwright, but is let down by its naff dialogue and melodramatic tone (he expires after a bout of loud coughing).
China’s official Xinhua news agency said the slower pace of the increase reflected both economic realities and Beijing’s determination to pursue peace, but noted it still face complex security threats, including from terrorism, and would not let down its guard.
We know it’s kind of a let down that the United States has yet to get a chance to try out the Chicken Big Mac, but to be honest, it’s a pretty simple sandwich that you may be able to hack.
In what’s shaping up to be a major letdown for the hordes of taco-lovers that have already shelled out a reported $20–$80 for tickets, the details surrounding «Taco Fest Chicago» are unraveling faster than a poorly rolled burrito.
For everyone who felt let down by the 2007 movie and wanted something deeper and darker, retribution has come at last in the form of the BBC’s new His Dark Materials series, which is distributed in the U.S. by HBO.
When Mr. Fletcher pulled up a video and watched Mr. Doig speaking at a college, he said, he recognized his facial expressions and mannerisms, and now feels let down by someone he believes he helped, and wants to be proved right.
Officer Edouard opted to have a judge, not a jury, decide the case, and Justice Alan D. Marrus of State Supreme Court in Brooklyn said on Friday that Officer Edouard had «let down» his fellow officers in a difficult situation.
LONDON (Reuters) — Three times Tour de France winner Chris Froome spoke out in support of his embattled Team Sky boss Dave Brailsford on Monday while apologizing to fans who felt let down by mistakes over anti-doping and testing practices.
By telling such a serious story in such a sweet way, Jenny invites the player to let down their guard, to become involved on an emotional level without having a billion Extremely Intense Things thrown at them from the very beginning.
My mother prepared me at regular intervals for this so-called «real world» epic let down by telling me how disappointed I would be when I grew up to find that life «was not all one long party» full of music.
Kolar said his opposite number, Marc-Andre ter Stegen, stuck around after to congratulate him on both his performance and the result, but that he was let down with the behaviour of some of the other Barcelona players, Lionel Messi included.
Photo: Alyson Hardwick It’s not the first time she has felt let down: In 215, when she was in her third year at the same university, Ade Kur told VICE News another ex-boyfriend and fellow student violently raped her.
Photo: Alyson Hardwick It’s not the first time she has felt let down: In 299, when she was in her third year at the same university, Ade Kur told VICE News another ex-boyfriend and fellow student violently raped her.
Ebola experts also said they would not let down their guard because they remembered a brief, deceptive lull in the early days of the 2014 West African outbreak before it reached three capital cities and exploded, killing more than 11,000 people.
It was launched not on Kickstarter or Indiegogo but with its own independent crowdfunding campaign — and considering we’ve seen devices like this attempt such a thing and either let down or rip off their backers, that alone was a significant risk.
Trump did save hundreds of positions at Carrier, but manufacturing workers who now face unemployment say they feel let down by a deal that started out as a presidential campaign rallying cry but turned out to be less than it appeared.
If a class of Americans felt let down by their political establishment, felt their economic security slipping away and elected Mr. Trump, why is it surprising that the Middle East has given rise to the Islamic State and Al Qaeda?
It undoubtedly saved hundreds of positions at Carrier, but manufacturing workers who now face unemployment say they feel let down by a deal that started out as a presidential campaign rallying cry but turned out to be less than it appeared.
The list of potential threats to continued smooth operations is long: a mishap in the Amtrak tunnels, a bad thunderstorm, even commuters who let down their guard and decide they no longer have to wake up early to avoid bottlenecks.
They have received some support from the U.N.-backed Government of National Accord (GNA) in Tripoli, but many fighters feel let down by the government and its Western allies, saying that a lack of medical support, equipment and ammunition has hindered their progress.
I’ve hidden from the world because I’m terrified of facing the people that I let down, but I made it through because the people who love me most dragged me back into the light and reminded me that I was stronger than that.
Cherchesov’s team clearly lack quality in the final third of the pitch at the Tivoli Stadium in Innsbruck and the former Russia keeper said they get into good attacking positions often enough only to be let down by a poor final pass.
KINGSTON, Jamaica (Reuters) — Six-times Olympic champion Usain Bolt said he felt shocked and let down by the scandal-hit IAAF, but the Jamaican sprinter was against resetting athletics world records as the sport attempts to move on from the doping crisis.
Small business owners and advocates hoping for health-care reform were let down on Friday as the American Health Care Act, which sought to replace major components of the Affordable Care Act, was pulled from the floor of the House without a vote.
When federal bureaucrats regulate without regard for effects on citizens or their businesses, when federal officials favor some and disfavor others, when federal agency workers spend taxpayer dollars on useless conferences or social gatherings, the public is let down and self-government suffers.
I catch S U R V I V E on the larger Canyon stage, and I’m let down that they don’t have any projections on stage since they’re basically a movie soundtrack band playing for a crowd with a taste for psychedelics.
Kyle Courtney of Boerne, Texas, placed an ad saying he «grew up with» the news network but that he was let down with it’s coverage of the scandal, which included allegations that members of the Trump campaign colluded with Russia during the election.
Her role was recast with Noma Dumezweni, who is now set to star in the Harry Potter play, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child: Parts I & II. «I didn’t want to let down the audience, the theatre, playwright, or the actors,» Cattrall said.
Expectations for Sunday’s finale, «The Iron Throne,» were simultaneously sky high and terribly low — fans have been largely let down by this season’s offerings, but many held out hope that the final installment would bring a satisfying resolution to the various loose ends.
Agata, the other students, and I swam out to a deep slope off the coast of Amed, Bali, and I bobbed nervously on the surface and watched as Agata let down a rope that straightened out with the help of a lead weight.
The «free gift» was something of a let down (I believe it was the chocolate left for me near the bed) but the room and its view of the city’s ceramic tiled roofs and, beyond that, a deep cerulean sea, were lovely.
A heartfelt speech to her niece, Blue Iris (Pearl Amanda Dickson) who’s been let down by her deadbeat father, about women having to step up in this world, rings hollow when it’s followed by Lucy essentially kidnapping her on her quest for revenge.
PARIS, Feb 20 (Reuters) — French President Emmanuel Macron said on Thursday that he will not let down French fishermen in post-Brexit trade negotiations and that France will seek compensation if it doesn’t get the same access to British waters as before.
Peskov was responding to a question about whether the Kremlin felt let down by the lack of progress in improving ties with the United States since the inauguration of Trump, who pledged in his campaign to try to rebuild ties with Russia.
One of the most devastating tactics the militants employed, which helped them tie down a far greater force than their own, was to send consecutive waves of small units — about 50 strong — against the troops so they could never let down their guard.
But then I would shut the book again, and instead of a pleasurable caffeine buzz, I would only feel let down and disappointed and a little as though the book had manipulated me by trying to get me to buy into cheap sentiment.
Duke’s previous owner was a boy let down by the toy’s failure to live up to the promise of his TV commercial, and the melancholy sticks with him, just as it sticks with all the Toy Story characters who’ve had to grapple with abandonment.
She feels let down by the Republican health care plan — «If they take the expanded Medicaid away, it really, really is gonna kill Kentuckians because they won’t have health insurance,» she says — and she’s already seeing other ways that Trump health policies are hurting Kentucky.
In the autobiographical work which became a Pulitzer finalist last week, writer Heidi Schreck looks back on her high-school debate competitions discussing the Constitution, and contrasts that youthful joy with how this document has let down generations of women and people of color.
Even worse is that we’ve often been let down by the very people who should be helping us, including some feminist and leftist activists who have used racialized terms like «native informant» to describe us, undermining our agency as a minority within a minority.
What began as a clever, impactful masterclass in representation and social justice slowly spiraled into an unfortunate game of «so what prison-y thing can we do next» that not only outlived its welcome, but also let down many of its most cherished characters.
And what’s important is our Prime minister gets it because if it is the case that we lose access to a single market, if it’s the case that firms leave London, we’ll be poorer as a result and future generations will be let down.
BELFAST, Oct 20 (Reuters) — The head of Northern Ireland’s influential Orange Order said on Sunday he did not want to see violent street protests by unionists in the province against British Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s Brexit deal, despite feelings that they had been let down.
«The fact that Cardinal Pell was appointed to a very senior post in the Vatican rather than having to face any sanction for his mishandling of abuse cases was a slap in the face to all those he had let down so badly,» she wrote.
And for Trump’s social conservative supporters who voted for him over Bush or Rubio, believing that he could do what they had not on abortion and the religious liberty issues that drive them most, getting a «swamp pick» instead is a tremendous letdown.
More than that, I feel like my lack of experience will let down every bisexual woman I attempt to ask out, and that I’ll be used as proof to skeptics who think that all people who identify as bi are just making it up.
Following a Labour conference last week that struck a triumphant tone, May hopes to fire up thousands of Conservative members who feel let down by what some describe as an awful election campaign, when their leader was dubbed «the Maybot» for her repetition of catchphrases.

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