Sentences with the word leisure

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These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


His ideal was leisure, not labor.

Его идеалом был досуг, а вовсе не труд.

Informed by his socialist commitments, Morris worried that leisure could be selfishly misused.

Опираясь на свои социалистические обязательства, Моррис был обеспокоен тем, что досуг может быть неправильно использован в эгоистичных целях.

People usually travel for two reasons, business or leisure.

Люди, как правило, путешествуют по двум основным причинам: деловая поездка или отдых.

Fishing is primarily a leisure in which person accumulates energy for the future.

Рыбалка — это, прежде всего отдых, в результате которого человек аккумулирует энергию на будущее.

Remember that eventually you want the child to complete these leisure activities independently.

Помните о том, что в конечном итоге вы стремитесь к тому, чтобы ребенок занимался этой деятельностью в свободное время самостоятельно.

Aircraft normally cannot stop in mid-air to ascertain their position at leisure.

Самолеты как правило, не может остановиться в воздухе, чтобы выяснить их позицию на досуге.

It also means improved access to technology, health care and leisure.

Это также значит, что вы получите доступ у улучшенным технологиям, здравоохранению и досугу.

Foreign commercial banks expand our opportunities in business and in leisure.

Иностранные коммерческие банки расширяют наши возможности как в бизнесе, так и в отдыхе.

Stylish two rooms lux for work and leisure.

Современные, стильные двухэтажныё апартаменты, для отдыха и работы.

No globally comparable indicators on leisure among youth are available.

Нет никаких сопоставимых на глобальном уровне показателей, касающихся досуга молодых людей.

The study distinguishes benefits from leisure mobility and utility from work related trips.

В исследовании проводится различие между выгодами от мобильности в целях отдыха и полезностью поездок, связанных с работой.

This divide occurs both in the workplace and during leisure pursuits.

Этот разрыв происходит как на рабочем месте, так и во время досуга.

These pavilions were used by officials for gathering and leisure purposes.

Эти павильоны часто использовались должностными лицами для сбора, а также с целью отдыха.

Well-designed curricula and plans leave enough time for leisure.

Грамотно построенные учебные программы и планы оставляют достаточное количество времени для досуга.

She has less time for leisure.

И у нее куда меньше времени для досуга.

Or maybe work is just less dull than leisure.

Или, может быть, работа менее скучна, чем отдых.

Creative discipline capitalizes its leisure, returns refreshed, reinvigorated, eager.

Творческая дисциплина извлекает пользу из своего досуга, возвращается отдохнувшей, воодушевленной, энергичной».

For many, technology frees up time for educational and leisure pursuits.

Для многих людей технологические новшества высвобождают время, которое можно использовать для собственного образования и досуга.

Instead of having leisure afternoons, they have homework.

Вместо того, чтобы наслаждаться отдыхом на каникулах, девочкам приходится выполнять домашнее задание.

As for intellectual leisure, forEvery child should have mental rest.

Что касается интеллектуального досуга, то для каждого ребенка должен быть и умственный отдых.

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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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1. Marry in haste, and repent at leisure

2. Idle folks have the least leisure

3. Marry in haste, repent at leisure

4. None but a wise man can employ leisure well. 

5. Lazy folks [people] have the least leisure

6. The secret of being miserable is to have leisure to bother about whether you are happy or not. 

7. The busiest men find (or have) the most leisure (or time). 

8. Time stays not the fool’s leisure.

9. Whale-watching has become a growth leisure industry.

10. I have not a moment’s leisure.

11. We’ve been working all week without a moment’s leisure.

12. What do you do in your leisure time?

13. Most people only have a limited amount of leisure time.

14. You will be able to stroll at leisure through the gardens.

15. We have more leisure than our parents had.

16. Please glance over it at your leisure.

17. He read books at his leisure.

18. Originally, Hatfield had been intended as a leisure complex.

19. Life today is compartmentalized into work and leisure.

20. He likes leisure and hates work.

21. The more we do, the more we can do; the more busy we are, the more leisure we have. William Hazlitt 

22. Wealth may be an excellent thing, for it means power, leisure, and liberty. 

23. Wealth may be an exscellent thing, for it means power. leisure, and liberty. 

24. The most busiest men find (or have) the most leisure (or time). 

25. The money will enable us to upgrade the town’s leisure facilities.

25. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.

26. What we do during our working hours determines what we have; what we do in our leisure hours determines what we are.

27. As for me, if I had fifty-three minutes to spend as I liked, I should walk at my leisure toward a spring of fresh water.

28. The more we do, the more we can do. The busier we are, the more leisure we have.

29. Most people now enjoy shorter working hours and more leisure time .

30. He put the idea by until he was at leisure to consider it carefully.

How to use leisure in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «leisure» and check conjugation/comparative form for «leisure«. Mastering all the usages of «leisure» from sentence examples published by news publications.

Leisure, the problem with the modern condition was the dearth of leisure.
There is research showing that parents take less leisure time than non-parents, and that mothers take less leisure time and have more fragmented leisure time than fathers do.
Most leisure facilities will close to the public including theaters, cinemas, theme parks, sports and leisure centers.
Most leisure facilities will close to the public including theatres, cinemas, theme parks, sports and leisure centres.
In fact, Travel + Leisure recently launched a «bleisure» section highlighting business leisure travel, and featured my tips.
When he painted — a leisure habit he was trying to incorporate into his everyday life — there was no leisure in it.
Vrbo’s survey was conducted among U.S. adults who have traveled for leisure in 2018 and plan on traveling for leisure in 2019.
The notion of every citizen living a life of leisure requires paying for that leisure, or so a capitalist system would dictate.
This «keeps it accessible to a demographic that, statistically speaking, has less money to spend on leisure (especially sexual leisure),» Sassoon noted.
Although Governors Island is a great venue for leisure activities, people do not visit the island only for leisure and commercial experiences.
«In thinking about the relationship between work and leisure, I would argue that rather than thinking about how leisure can promote greater productivity at work, a more important consideration is about how work inhibits our leisure time,» Mr. Fletcher said.
«The current leisure environment does present a number of challenges for the sector’s businesses,» said Mike Saul, Head of Hospitality and Leisure at Barclays.
The leisure airline connects secondary cities in the UK with leisure destinations across Europe, notably to Spain where cases of COVID-19 have risen sharply.
Instead of bringing about a leisure class living in actual leisure, we have wrought a world where the upwardly mobile are instead obsessed with productivity.
Air Canada has said it plans to use the company, which operates leisure carrier Air Transat, to grow its strong-performing leisure business and Montreal hub.
Joyce said the airline was seeing weakness in the price-sensitive domestic leisure market served by budget carrier Jetstar, but premium leisure demand and corporate demand remained steady.
These categories are part of a schema Stebbins developed in the 1970s called «The Serious Leisure Perspective,» which breaks down «serious leisure» into three categories: amateur, hobbyist, and volunteer.
For each hour less the group spent in work, time spent at leisure activities rose about an hour, and 75% of the increased leisure time was accounted for by gaming.
And you often image both labor and leisure onscreen from a specifically Black working-class perspective, when many people think of leisure as being not attainable at all [in that realm].
A version of this story appeared on Travel + Leisure.
In Europe, the STOXX Europe 295.606 Travel & Leisure index .
The FTSE 350 Travel & Leisure index fell 1.9 percent.
Industrials, Construction, and Travel & Leisure were other big losers.
» Leisure, Veblen wrote, «does not connote indolence or quiescence.
Not so for Sia Michel, the Arts & Leisure editor.
» He also identified another instance of demand outweighing supply in the leisure property market, saying: «Rental values in non-traditional investment sectors such as hotels and leisure were also robust in July.
To the Editor: Re «How High School Ruined Leisure» (Sunday Review, May 19): KJ Dell’Antonia is correct to say that schools ruin leisure activities by making people feel compelled to do them.
The literati class, called Sadaebu, spent its leisure time by creating landscape paintings accompanied by short poems expressing emotions, while the North Korean government considered enjoying leisure time as antithetical to proletarian values.
» Collins was quick to point out that «knitting is a leisure activity, and in order to have leisure time and money to spend, you have to have a certain amount of disposable income.
Air New Zealand estimates that 75 percent of its premium economy passengers are leisure travelers, while American Airlines says its premium economy passengers are primarily leisure travelers who previously flew in economy class.
How often China’s young luxury travelers go abroad for leisure.
The STOXX Europe 600 Travel & Leisure index fell 1.2 percent.
Does the app primarily service work time or leisure time?
You then go and grab your package at your leisure.
Leisure and hospitality saw a net gain of 42,000 jobs.
I was then able to shop online at my leisure.
KJE: But there’s some leisure in that motherfucker too, though!
«Ah, a little leisure reading,» Dylan says modestly, looking down.
A version of this story originally appeared on Travel & Leisure.
In the film, he’s reading Homer’s «The Iliad» for leisure.
Spotted by Travel + Leisure, the thread went wild with puns.
Leisure is king here, with beaches and golf courses galore.
WYOMISSING, Pa. – WYOMISSING, Pa. (AP) _ Gaming and Leisure Properties Inc.
It depends on what you do with your new leisure.
Larry Laffer of the Sierra games series Leisure Suit Larry.
A life of leisure, though priceless, can certainly be costly.
The retail and leisure sector recorded its best ever reading.
The third leg of the stool is family and leisure.
The European travel and leisure sector was down 0.4 percent.
An expansive game room allows for ample amusement and leisure.
Travel + Leisure recommends 4C’s Adventures for a tour and exumavacation.
They had leisure and strength to make a social movement.
Representatives for Bain, Apple Leisure and Fosun declined to comment.
«Photography has always had a connection with leisure,» says Strand.
They met in 2000 while working at Travel & Leisure magazine.
Travel and leisure stocks were among the best performers Monday.
There was no leisure time and certainly no coddled kids.
HBCUs don’t have that leisure, they don’t have those resources.
Employment in the leisure and hospitality sector jumped by 74,000.
Ms. Holmes’s previous trips to the coliseum were for leisure.
We did this at our leisure, not during proscribed hours.
I’m always looking at the Book Review and Arts & Leisure.
The wider travel and leisure index plunged more than 12.6%.
The wider travel and leisure index plunged more than 12%.
The wider travel and leisure index plunged more than 14%.
Arts & Leisure ____ Thursday we will officially say hello to summer.
Meanwhile, 16% would spend it on either goods or leisure.
Hope you enjoy the puzzle (AT your LEISURE, of course).
They’ve also been featured by Travel + Leisure and The Cut.
Later, the novel was leisure reading for the middle class.
Hawley can return to that question mark at his leisure.
Those on the top rungs are not a leisure class.
The house’s slowness gives Oz leisure to let sentences unfold.
Because soon leisure time and nighttime became commodities to monetize.
The airport was also named the best for leisure amenities.
In Greek, leisure is rendered as scholé — that is, school.
Leisure historically meant freedom from the work needed to survive.
Travel + Leisure has also called it «Southern California’s Coolest City.»
Leisure and hospitality was strong, as was education and healthcare.
In a rather quiet day for company news, Swedish leisure products supplier Dometic slid 7% to land at the bottom of the STOXX 600 on the latest downward trend in U.S. leisure vehicle shipments.
Sullivan described the shift from traditional commercials to publicity stunts as a transition from TV ads that interrupt a viewer’s leisure experience to content-based ads designed to be their own form of leisure.
Virtual, augmented, and «mixed reality» has the long-term potential to capture two-thirds of our leisure time, and 50 percent of our leisure dollars, Bank of America Merrill Lynch wrote is a recent note.
For more nude beaches around the world, check out Travel + Leisure.
Unlike leisure travel, which spikes in winter, conferences are not seasonal.
Today, it’s … I guess it’s a combination of leisure and news.
Travel and leisure stocks also moved higher, helped by airline stocks.
Employment in the leisure and hospitality sector increased by 21,000 jobs.
The Dow Jones U.S. Travel & Leisure index was down 1.3 percent.
O) to real estate investment trust Gaming and Leisure Properties (GLPI.
Leisure and hospitality sector payrolls increased by 34,000 jobs last month.
«Golf is a combination of sport and leisure,» Mr. Karen said.
Leisure and hospitality sector payrolls increased by 26,000 jobs last month.
The stock boosted the travel and leisure index, which gained 0.8%.
«It was like a full-time job,» Demonbreun told Travel + Leisure.
Michele and Paltrow are on to something, according to Travel + Leisure.
Travel and leisure stocks led the gains with a 2% jump.
Leisure and hospitality and financial services each saw growth of 16,000.
Behind the hospice unit at the VA center is Lake Leisure.
Revenues and profits at leisure parks have risen similarly since 153.
Businesses need labor, and labor requires housing and spaces for leisure.
Real estate, leisure and consumer retail are also on the list.
«There’s so many different aspects of it,» Teigen told Travel + Leisure.
The leisure and hospitality industries — primarily bars and restaurants — added 2000,24.6.
The STOXX Europe 600 Travel & Leisure index closed down 1.2 percent.
A recent study by Barclaycard calls these changes «the leisure effect».
Instead, they mostly spend time in leisure activities, though not happily.
Travel and leisure stocks were the worst performers, down 1.4 percent.
The appeal for both leisure and business travelers is obvious: price.
Consumers have no more spare leisure time for new TV apps.
The exhibition «ILSSA Frameworks» opened at Unrequited Leisure, Nashville, in September.
CIUDAD QUESADA is a town built for leisure, and little else.
Throughout the night, guests were invited to perform at their leisure.
The STOXX Europe 106.303 Travel & Leisure index closed down 1.2 percent.
As they age, they may become less active, reducing leisure expenditures.
Travel and leisure was another top-gaining sector, amid earnings news.
Those in the leisure industry have also benefited, Mr. Downing said.
Leisure Traveler on their way to a travel magazine cover shoot.
Its best score was 48th overall in the leisure options subindex.
Travel and leisure companies are beginning to see the coronavirus impact.
But some, Mr. Kasriel observes, simply found full-time leisure unsatisfying.
Together, the stocks drove the travel and leisure sector down 0.5%.
Climate Fwd: Also this week, leisure travel on a warming planet.
I endured my job and found satisfaction in my leisure hours.
ARTS AND LEISURE An item in the television listings on Sept.
I’d love something that helps brand me at work and leisure.
Dressed in a summer-weight caftan, he seemed at his leisure.
The fight occurred at the Star City leisure complex in Birmingham.
You don’t get that much leisure time, especially in New York.
Europeans also began to enjoy new forms of culture and leisure.
The leisure center has been razed, eliminating the public swimming pool.
Dealmaking in the leisure and entertainment sector has been heating up.
Travel & leisure stocks led the gainers, helped by weaker oil prices.
Employment in the leisure and hospitality sector increased by 55,000 jobs.
Was it a space for leisure, strolling and quiet dialectical chitchat?
What she did love, though, was the leisure and the luxury.
Rather than frittering away that precious leisure time on frivolities, as Veblen’s leisure class did, they devote it to enriching experiences, like attending the opera, holidaying in far-off lands and working out at fancy gyms.
So if business travelers are turning to new digital channels at an equal or even greater rate than leisure travelers for planning, why is business so far behind leisure in the migration of actual booking to digital?
«Leisure doesn’t improve quality of life unless one knows how to use it effectively,» Wallman tells CNBC Make It. Wallman defines leisure time as any time when you’re not occupied with work or chores, paid or unpaid.
At Their Leisure If innovations in housework helped free women to enter the labor force in the 22004s and 203s, could innovations in leisure — like League of Legends — be taking men out of the labor force today?
For the uninitiated, the word is a blend of business and leisure.
It also noted that more money was going on leisure and entertainment.
The travel and leisure sector was also higher as oil prices whipsawed.
There were also big gains in retail and leisure and hospitality payrolls.
That leisure has resulted in bloated in-boxes that require constant maintenance.
National Anthem must be made compulsory at all places of leisure activities.
Sectors with the most jobs lost are retail and leisure and hospitality.
It’ll be the first-ever Harry Potter-themed coaster, reports Travel + Leisure.
We’ve found the best cat toys for your furry friend’s leisure time.
Investors didn’t like travel and leisure or airlines, as well as transports.
Both groups move together, following the choreography of labor and leisure, respectively.
Grant also shows us shelters and spaces for human residence and leisure.
A calculation by Travel + Leisure suggested their contribution in 2013 was $6.8bn.
Even when they’re staying in, they put their leisure-wear on display.
«I would return here again and again,» one reader told Travel + Leisure.
Travel + Leisure recommended Freebird as one of the top apps for 2017.
Starwood shareholders will also receive stock in Interval Leisure Group Inc IILG.
The STOXX Europe 600 Travel & Leisure index dropped by around 1 percent.
New Zealand-based LEISURE is a nontraditional band of the new age.
Leisure tourism remains banned (until Congress acts), so the cruise is educational.
Now, people like myself are able to do it at our leisure.
I travel a lot but never for the explicit purpose of leisure.
Leisure and hospitality sector payrolls are forecast to have accelerated after stalling.
Correction — A previous version misstated the number of leisure and hospitality positions.
Travel and leisure stocks rose 2 percent after a 12-percent slump.
Travel and leisure stocks rose 1.6 percent after a 12 percent slump.
Everybody get up at your leisure, it’ll be time to slam eventually.
Leisure centers and theaters; shopping malls and universities; airports and, naturally, arcades.
This means there is now less distinction between working and leisure hours.
Early retirees spend time managing their money, but are otherwise at leisure.
The Trinity Sports and Leisure Center in North Dublin is nothing spectacular.
Recently I investigated Russell’s archive, and wrote about it for Arts & Leisure.
That means expanding into other hospitality services, including leisure bookings and experiences.
Sectors with significant goodwill assets fell sharply on Monday, with leisure & entertainment .
DE leisure airline Niki before combining the business with TUI’s airline TUIfly.
And they were not allowed to drink alcohol in their leisure time.
TORONTO (Reuters) — Canadian yoga and leisure apparel maker Lululemon Athletica Inc (LULU.
If these Insecam streams are anything to go by, leisure is fleeting.
Then NASA would be able to deal with the matter at leisure.
When we turn leisure into work, we forget how to be spontaneous.
Tropicana’s real estate operations are going to Gaming and Leisure Properties (GLPI).
The full report, «Leisure World: First-Half 2017,» is available at www.fitchratings.
Technology, travel and leisure, and utilities were the worst performing sectors Monday.
Whenever she does leave her classroom, pure leisure doesn’t sound so appealing.
But what does it mean for fast food, leisure cruises and bulldozers?
«You’re not a big fan of leisure time, are you?» asks Welch.
For leisure, I actually just like to just keep my mind going.
All things considered, just a top tycoon for a top leisure empire.
Expats reported poor leisure options as well as bad health and wellbeing.
And according to Travel + Leisure, this castle in Romania could be yours.
It means not being able to take vacation or having leisure time.
We also want to have leisure time to relax and enjoy ourselves.
Most obviously, clothes can be used to distinguish work time from leisure.
ARTS & LEISURE The dance item in the Week Ahead column on Jan.
The Times interviewed Mr. Johns for the Arts & Leisure section last Sunday.
If you keep working, maybe one day you will have some leisure.
«Leisure activities have to be connected to your priorities,» Mr. Loflin said.
The pursuit of excellence has infiltrated and corrupted the world of leisure.
After leading the rebound this week, travel and leisure stocks fell 3%.
Arts & Leisure ____ Many pregnant women have been systematically sidelined in the workplace.
Travel and leisure stocks were the worst performers, down more than 27%.
Leisure travelers are naturally more selective and cost conscious than business travelers.
In contrast, young women’s leisure time grew by 1.4 hours a week.
But that doesn’t stop the brothers from planning ambitious leisure trips together.
The travel and leisure index that also houses airline stocks dropped 1%.
Audiobooks We’re barreling toward summer, with long drives and leisure hours ahead.
There is a podcast for you to enjoy at your leisure, too.
Health care and hospitality, leisure, professional and business services flourished last year.
Here are a few places that reward business and leisure travelers alike.
And yet leisure did not decrease in the dramatic fashion he predicted.
Zhonghong is a conglomerate with holdings in real estate, leisure and tourism.
So workers need to make the most of their limited leisure time.
Share of state employment in the leisure, hospitality, and retail industries: 25.6%
Share of state employment in the leisure, hospitality, and retail industries: 25.8%
Share of state employment in the leisure, hospitality, and retail industries: 26.4%
Share of state employment in the leisure, hospitality, and retail industries: 27.0%
Share of state employment in the leisure, hospitality, and retail industries: 27.8%
Share of state employment in the leisure, hospitality, and retail industries: 31.8%
Share of state employment in the leisure, hospitality, and retail industries: 37.3%
Share of state employment in the leisure, hospitality, and retail industries: 40.2%
Share of state employment in the leisure, hospitality, and retail industries: 25.5%
Share of state employment in the leisure, hospitality, and retail industries: 26.0%
Share of state employment in the leisure, hospitality, and retail industries: 28.0%
Share of state employment in the leisure, hospitality, and retail industries: 28.1%
Share of state employment in the leisure, hospitality, and retail industries: 28.2%
Share of state employment in the leisure, hospitality, and retail industries: 28.5%
Share of state employment in the leisure, hospitality, and retail industries: 28.7%
Share of state employment in the leisure, hospitality, and retail industries: 28.8%
Share of state employment in the leisure, hospitality, and retail industries: 30.2%
Public parks are more than the leisure lawns they masquerade as today.
Arts & Leisure _____ Many preschool teachers live on the edge of financial ruin.
Airlines had also warned that a Brexit vote could lead to a slide in demand for leisure and business travel, though analysts say that a fall in the pound could make leisure travel to the UK more attractive.
Every president needs a security detail but the Constitution doesn’t entitle the president to as much leisure travel as he wants, and possibly even prohibits the president from using leisure travel to funnel public money into his own pocket.
There were declines in vacancies in the leisure and hospitality sector, and construction.
Guests also have access to the B&B’s leisure club and woodland walk.
There is ample leisure time and an abundance of everything anyone could need.
The new guidelines also suspend recreational and leisure flights such as sky diving.
Participants were able to run the scenarios on their phones, at their leisure.
It’s here, it’s really the artists coming in and out at their leisure.
Aside from Leisure Seeker with Donald Sutherland, Mirren stars in Winchester, out Feb.
Travel & Leisure reports that a night on the slope for two costs $204.
In contrast with Calais, Zeebrugge largely handles cargo with far fewer leisure travelers.
This may seem like a bizarre trade off — «leisure» activities for «productive» ones.
Once restrictions (are) lifted, floods of Chinese will travel for business and leisure.
Unite Here considers these new contracts «historic» for the leisure and hospitality industry.
According to Travel + Leisure, the best time in 2016 wasn’t until late October.
Dubai has emerged as a tremendously popular destination for both business and leisure.
Hotels and leisure shares have mostly outperformed the broader markets since Election Day.
Among services, leisure and hospitality’s weakness could be a reflection of consumer confidence.
War & Leisure, the fourth studio album from singer Miguel, which dropped on Dec.
Neha Kesarwani, Vertoe’s co-founder, says that company has focused on leisure travellers.
The leisure and hospitality industry, for example, has an almost equal gender split.
These artists are wandering the street not for leisure, but out of necessity.
All sectors closed in positive territory, with the exception of travel and leisure.
Meanwhile, nearby Newark Liberty International Airport is just the worst, Travel + Leisure reports.
European travel and leisure stocks fell 0.8 percent, the worst-performing across sectors.
Doubles start at $3,085 per night, according to a 20143 feature inTravel + Leisure.
«You’re talking about housing, logistics, tourism, leisure, all hyper-growth sectors,» he said.
From there, she popped in and out of the shot at her leisure.
No wonder the travel and leisure stocks have been defying the short-sellers.
Gottfried was summarily arrested, and imprisoned at the leisure of the German government.
But we do have some control over how we spend our leisure time.
Women cannot simply decide to travel outside Chechnya, for work or for leisure.
Once again in March, Obama incorporated leisure-inspired attire into her onstage look.
It is a kind of feast or famine for work, leisure and earnings.
The venue is reportedly one of Kim Jong Un’s most prominent leisure developments.
I had the leisure to make eggs for breakfast, instead of dry cereal.
That discussion also must address the value we place on consumption, leisure, entertainment.
Education and health services added 29,000 while leisure and hospitality grew by 93,000.
There was a reduction in leisure time by a little more than that.
Travel and leisure stocks were the worst performers on Thursday, down 1.7 percent.
In Europe, the STOXX Europe 40.973 Travel & Leisure index was down 240.97 percent.
Seth Laskin, a former aircraft deicer at Philadelphia International Airport, told Travel + Leisure.
Meanwhile, travel and leisure surged in afternoon trade to close up 20.6 percent.
LITCHFIELD «Amour Provence,» discussion and book signing with the author Constance Leisure. Aug.
«We mistook violence for passion, indolence for leisure, and thought recklessness was freedom.»
On the other hand, travel and leisure stocks fell 1.1 percent on average.
The services sector includes consumer industries such as real estate, retail and leisure.
But, there wasn’t much reason to use a computer during your leisure time.
But having too much leisure gets in the way of more important work.
This new minimalism doesn’t just promise improved leisure time, but professional success, too.
High-end leisure options abound here too, like a water-based jetpack ride.
It seeks to turn leisure time — a precious, dwindling commodity — into billable hours.
But in America, leisure is defined solely by its relationship to a job.
We can’t adequately talk about rest and leisure without discussing access and inequality.
It was dead last in both the leisure options and personal happiness subindexes.
Spam is one thing in email, which you might check at your leisure.
Watching games has felt more like a chore than any leisure activity should.
They’ll offer plenty of support for leisure activities, which is all you need.
Men, as a result, have significantly more time for both work and leisure.
He expressed doubts, however, that leisure travel behavior would see a similar shift.
By saving time and eliminating drudgery, it would create the possibility of leisure.
Readers then consume them at their leisure with food and friends or family.
He has been featured in Travel + Leisure, Time, Newsweek, and Vibe, among others.
Here’s the changelog as proof, which you can also peruse at your leisure.
Forget the professional athletes or the leisure-seeking schlubs who root for them.
It has grown fat from a life of leisure; maybe you could, too.
Every hour was choked with food stops, beaches, «leisure» time and noteworthy sights.
Yang Li Yellow & Black Check Bomber Jacket, $1,172.51 $586.26, available at Leisure-Center.
Like an incredible pajama-towel hybrid, the robe’s leisure potential knows no bounds.
The couple still has time for leisure and getting to know their community.
The transformation also brought women greater opportunities for work, leisure and social mobility.
The STOXX 600 index rose 0.3%, with the travel & leisure index up 0.6%.
On the weekends, most people want flexibility for leisure, errands and family rides.
Mining and logging pay was up 5.3% and leisure and hospitality rose 3.1%.
Europe’s travel & leisure index ended at its lowest in to nearly seven weeks.
This often means placing passengers into one of two groups: leisure or business.
Travel & Leisure released its list of 50 Best Places to Travel in 2020.
Travel & Leisure released its list of 50 Best Places to Travel in 2020.
Travel & Leisure isn’t the only travel publication to take notice of Asheville recently.
The low fares are scheduled to begin this month, Travel and Leisure reports.
Australia was just named Travel + Leisure&aposs Destination of the Year for 2020.
Travel and leisure stocks were the best performing European sector, rising about 1.4%.
He suggested that leisure travelers consider more than just the official price tag.
History has shown charm to be the final ambition of the leisure class.
Nearly 160,000 U.S. leisure travelers flew to Cuba last year Nearly 160,000 U.S. leisure travelers flew to Cuba last year, along with hundreds of thousands of Cuban-Americans visiting family, mostly on expensive, frequently chaotic charter flights out of Florida.
A typical answer is that if machines will do all our work, we will be free to pursue leisure activities…[but] I do not find this a promising future, as I do not find the prospect of leisure-only life appealing.
The researchers tried to account for socioeconomic factors, but it remains possible, he says, that people who have sufficient money and leisure time to play tennis live longer because they have sufficient money and leisure time, not because they play tennis.
«For me, I like to think of leisure in its purest sense — that is, it is time away from work, not facilitating it,» said Thomas Fletcher, chairman of Leisure Studies Association and a senior lecturer at Leeds Beckett University in Britain.
Andy Pesky, the senior vice president of leisure sales and marketing at Protravel International, which has $400 million a year in leisure sales, said that the country is one of the company’s top three destinations in sales for travel this summer.
People use the local leisure centre together; the Notting Hill carnival is rooted here.
Swipe at your leisure to procure more matches; Super Like to show your interest.
Beaches were ranked according to capacity for tourism, economy, lifestyle, leisure, surfing and play.
In terms of sectors, Travel & Leisure stood alone as a winner, up 0.32 percent.
Feeling a way on this or just leisure talk, we have a great relationship.
In 2016 it was voted the best city in the world by Travel + Leisure.
I would hope that a life includes leisure, time with loved ones, and exercise.
Fortunately the limitless frontiers of VR have once again solved your problems of leisure.
Delta said both leisure and business-travel demand was «healthy» in the fourth quarter.
«It’s a private business that can ban customers at their own leisure,» Rivarde said.
It’s inspired by Honda’s four stroke generator and the Honda Motra, 50cc leisure bike.
There were also gains in other industries, including information, healthcare and leisure and hospitality.
HOW much golden leisure can you expect at the end of your working life?
People now have more choices than ever before in how to spend their leisure.
Studies have shown that gardening is better than other leisure activities for fighting stress.
Jacqui Gifford, a senior editor at Travel + Leisure, told CNBC’s «On the Money» Cheapair.
Older workers are less convinced by the president’s vision of a life of leisure.
Bourdain told Travel + Leisure he merely goes «limp» when he’s stuck behind slow travelers.
Saudi Arabia is targeting improvements in tourism and leisure in its Vision 2030 plan.
Those pressures came at the expense of leisure time and sleep, the report found.
Leisure and hospitality continued to be a big contributor to job growth, adding 45,000.
Ritz and Escoffier: The Hotelier, the Chef and the Rise of the Leisure Class.
Crummack, who has previously served as CEO of online leisure and travel retailer lastminute.
Booking corporate travel is unnecessarily time-consuming, expensive and burdensome compared to leisure travel.
Travel and leisure was one of the few sectors to end in the red.
Stura says he’s looking forward to the cow living a long «life of leisure
Mr. Sciotti says in other markets, such as Italy, leisure bookings are more common.
It also entails interesting leisure activities, creative pursuits and mental and physical well-being.
He could probably afford to live a life of leisure, but chooses not to.
So, what are men doing with that extra half hour of luxurious leisure time?
Travel and leisure stocks rose 0.7 percent, helped by the fall in crude prices.
This basket includes groceries, meals, leisure activities and expenditure on clothing and general services.
But travel and leisure sector stocks were among the worst-performing on the index.
They define «leisure» as activities outside of work, household chores, school and religious activities.
Josef Pieper wrote that leisure is not an activity, it’s an attitude of mind.
The album isn’t some grand political statement; it certainly holds more leisure than war.
They also probably have the money and the time to spend on leisure activities.
Beside military and commercial operations, they would have a large number of leisure uses.
If that sounds like you, head over to the preorder page at your leisure.
She continued to act, but her activism took up much of her leisure time.
Seasonal occupations, like construction, leisure and hospitality are also affected across all skill levels.
A 5.1 percent fall in Deutsche Lufthansa’s shares weighed on travel and leisure stocks.
Health care and social assistance added 22,2000 while leisure and hospitality grew by 2235,1603.
Prior to this trip, he had previously only used the platform for leisure travel.
City’s investments have also brought a school, a college, a leisure center, a library.
Just ask Arnold Donald, CEO of the world’s largest leisure travel company, Carnival Corporation.
Founded in 1967, Monarch Airlines a major player in the British leisure charter business.
«Other types of leisure time physical activities had no effect on hospitalization,» Shiri added.
He says that managerial culture used to be about flexible workdays and more leisure.
Among leisure travelers, some trips are being postponed until couples are done having children.
The leisure and hospitality industry was the big employment-gain leader for the month.
Also, these leisure travelers now book six weeks in advance instead of six months.
As soon as that happened their fighters could pick us off at their leisure.
That includes wealthier leisure travelers who pay more for the comfortable seats up front.
Workers in retail and the leisure and hospitality group have seen the smallest gains.
Browse the site at your leisure, and save the recipes you’d like to cook.
As Travel & Leisure notes: Starwood is a champion of innovation in the hotel industry.
They gave him money for cabs and leisure, high-end dinners and expensive gifts.
Mexican Slang’s dissonant clatter is still there on «Leisure Life,» premiering on Noisey today.
That was due to the Easter holidays, when more price-sensitive leisure travellers fly.
Plath had none of the leisure for contemplation that we associate with male writers.
Canadian yoga and leisure apparel maker Lululemon Athletica rose 5.8 percent on earnings beat.
But such leisure has little connection with a writer’s ability to create valuable work.
«Most of the problems will be in the travel, leisure, entertainment sectors,» Kelly said.
However, travel and leisure stocks, the worst affected by the outbreak, dropped about 5%.
Workers of the city, unite and consider spending your leisure time at this Encores!
For your leisure time, here’s our compendium of the best wine books of 2018.
As with any leisure activity, escape rooms have picked up their share of fanatics.
It is also expected to hurt the transportation, tourism and leisure and hospitality industries.
Indoor and outdoor leisure facilities such as bowling alleys, arcades and soft play facilities.
Between 2004 and 2015, young men’s leisure time grew by 2.3 hours a week.
Well, then, why not look to the people who take leisure especially seriously, celebrities.
Travel and leisure stocks also struggled on Monday after Ryanair reported second quarter earnings.
Travel and leisure stocks were among the worst performing in Europe, down 0.96 percent.
As a result, cruises have been a standout in the travel and leisure space.
In May, Oyo acquired Leisure Group for $415 million in a major Europe push.
Simply reducing sedentary behavior by engaging in more active leisure time can also help.
The leisure and hospitality sector — which includes restaurants and hotels — added another 40,000 jobs.
The destination had been reviewed glowingly by The Guardian, Travel + Leisure and Architectural Digest.
Travel and leisure was the only sector to finish positively, up by 0.4 percent.
National Leisure Group worked its way up the market, eventually getting acquired in 2007.
There were big increases in job openings in leisure and hospitality, and construction sectors.
Travel & Leisure has released its list of 50 Best Places to Travel in 2020.
Travel & Leisure has released its list of 50 Best Places to Travel in 2020.
Travel & Leisure released its list of the 50 Best Places to Travel in 2020.
Starting in 1967, I began writing regularly for the Times ‘ Sunday Arts & Leisure section.
Leisure and hospitality also contributed 25,000, followed by trade, transportation and utilities with 21,000.
Whites-only clubs leveraged middle-class women’s leisure time to campaign for social reforms.
One way to do this will be combining work and leisure, experts tell CNBC.
Theme parks and leisure centres are struggling to compete for families’ time and dollars.
Leisure and hospitality employers added only 5,000 jobs last month, the least since September.
And spend leisure time doing activities that have nothing to do with glowing screens.
This emphasis on »culture fit» isn’t unique to Google; it seems to have spread across industries as work hours have lengthened and eaten into our leisure time, and as offices, especially in the valley, have further blurred the distinction between work and leisure.
«Pyongyang’s leisure infrastructures are populated by a mélange of the traditional higher echelons of party and military, along with newer entrepreneurial social sectors, not of course forgetting their offspring,» said Robert Winstanley-Chesters, who studies North Korean leisure spaces at Australian National University.
His schedule at one point included Emotional Management, Substance Recovery, Current Issues in Mental Health, Self-Esteem, Fitness/Easy Exercise, Leisure Skills/Computer, Fitness/Weight Lifting, Discharge Planning, Wellness Recovery Action Plan, Coping Skills/Fitness, Leisure Skills/Journal and Conditional Release Prep.
«We’re huge race-car fans,» said Morgan Snyder, director of leisure communications at Visit Indy.
You’re invited to CB2’s upcoming ‘Lets Leisure‘ event in partnership with Domino and Refinery29.
For executives are using corporate jets less for business, and rather more for their leisure.
Yes, accruing points, like golf or SoulCycle, is a leisure pursuit for the privileged some.
The leisure and hospitality sector added no jobs after payrolls increased by 89,000 in January.
In most of the countries singled out, few people have the means for leisure travel.
Airbnb is asking hosts to offer free stays for those evacuating, per Travel and Leisure.
Leisure and hospitality, another sector also impacted by weather, added 36,000, as did health care.
It’s footwear, it’s leisure wear, it’s athletic wear, and the list goes on and on.
Maybe you prefer a life of leisure and don’t know what a box jump is.
TUI’s shares dropped 3.9 percent, the biggest faller among European travel and leisure stocks .SXTP.
But the whole thing is available online for amateur volcanologists to read at their leisure.
There were also increases in healthcare, leisure and hospitality, financial activities and wholesale trade employment.
The STOXX Europe 600 Travel & Leisure index was the top sectoral faller, down 2.2 percent.
St. Louis coroner’s assistant Baxter Leisure said that a man with Crawford’s name had died.
So much so that other popular leisure activities are starting to feel somewhat left out.
But the largest thing that held game development back was a lack of leisure time.
For the last two presidents, their preferred leisure time has been spent primarily playing golf.
The STOXX Europe 241.11 Travel & Leisure index was the top sectoral faller, down 20.75 percent.
They don’t meticulously plan their drug use… drug use is just an opportunistic leisure activity.
As a result, the Royal Caribbean riptide swept all of the travel and leisure stocks.
Job growth was concentrated in lower-paying areas, with leisure and hospitality adding 2000,20.7 positions.
Leisure and hospitality gained 55,000 jobs, the highest among industries according to the Friday report.
The STOXX Europe 600 Travel and Leisure index fell 2 percent, the top sectoral decliner.
The flip side is that leisure spending for late-stage retirement will be correspondingly less.
Veblen theorized that the absence of work, or conspicuous leisure, was the ultimate status symbol.
Instead, he uses the extra time to catch up on leisure reading or work emails.
For leisure customers, depending upon brand, Alexa in the room could be an unwelcome device.
In her reading, the flâneur is a masculine figure, privileged, and an icon of leisure.
But Ruppanner theorized that even time parents are reporting as leisure is actually used productively.
He was nearing retirement, looking forward to a life of leisure and even more travel.
«War & Leisure,» which came out earlier this month, initially feels like a return to economy.
Surveys indicate that during those years they value work less and religion and leisure more.
We have the right infrastructure in terms of airports, health care, leisure facilities and business.
This may seem great in terms of allowing Americans more control of their leisure time.
Genting’s leisure and hospitality business in both these countries account for 81% of consolidated EBITDA.
Travel and leisure rose 0.58 percent as a sector, with Lufthansa closing up 2.3 percent.
But participating in Old World leisure pursuits — including archery and falconry — often seals the deal.
Dreamworld and owner Ardent Leisure Group Ltd did not immediately respond to requests for comment.
Consumer-facing firms such as hotels, restaurants and leisure companies reported the weakest PMI performance.
Among women’s leisure sneakers, Adidas and Nike drove almost half the growth in the segment.
The Palm Gateway will include 1,265 residential units as well as shopping and leisure facilities.
Cinema chains Inox Leisure Ltd and PVR Ltd also fell, about 4.6% and 2.6%, respectively.
They could be one of the almost 2900 million nonmanagement jobs in leisure and hospitality.
Best for: Moms who find yoga pants restrictive and prefer the leisure part of athleisure.
Letting the clickbait do its thing and engaging with it at your leisure is fine.
This 259-square-foot house with vaulted ceilings has «rugged leisure» written all over it.
ARTS & LEISURE An article last Sunday about the play «The Effect» misstated its opening date.
In a bowl that looks like a late 80s design for a leisure centre carpet?
How do you make the mental leap from all-consuming work to leisure and restoration?
«It’s not just for leisure travel; it’s a matter of quality of life,» she says.
It gives you an extra day of laughs, leisure, and, for Katy Perry, Twitter hackers.
They may actually be the future of leisure if robots wind up leaving us jobless.
There were gains in professional and business services employment as well as leisure and hospitality.
The leisure centre opposite looked entirely different, but I was starting to realize Peckham’s appeal.
First, with or without children, you will never have enough money or enough leisure time.
«Checked-bag fees tend to fall disproportionately on price-sensitive leisure travelers,» Mr. Leff said.
In its truest forms, learning is a leisure activity, and schools can ruin that, too.
Higher food and leisure prices were the main inflation drivers while energy was a drag.
ARTS & LEISURE The cover photo illustration last Sunday omitted the name of the dancer featured.
Female travelers to Zurich for business or leisure can book rooms for single nights, too.
The presentation invites viewers to remove their shoes and to sit and read at leisure.
The travel and leisure industry, such as hotels and cruise lines, has taken a beating.
In emerging markets like India and China, rising incomes are driving demand for leisure travel.
It was sort of like a leisure thing when I first got here in 1975.
In the best case, it said, workers will have higher wages and more leisure time.
The latter would increase your leisure time while directly adding more jobs to the economy.
They’re urban spaces that have been reclaimed for the people in the name of leisure.
An indoor Victorian-era private swimming and leisure club, founded in 1876, in Hillhead, Glasgow.
The leisure and hospitality sector contributed 19693,000, and the education and health services sector 36,000.
This includes positive images of older people, active leisure and programs for spiritual well-being.
However, the nonstop flight could help attract both business and leisure travelers, Al Hinai said.
Repairs started in December 2017, Travel + Leisure reported at the time, and have been ongoing.
Knowledge would be essential to our leisure and civic life as well as our work.
Here are the best places to travel in Asia in 2020, according to Travel & Leisure.
Travel & Leisure has released its list of the 50 Best Places to Travel in 2020.
Here are the best places to travel in Europe in 2020, according to Travel & Leisure.
Looking at Europe’s prominent industries, travel and leisure closed slightly down following some rating downgrades.
Several homes and the community’s plaza, its main leisure space, were removed by the construction.
Travel and leisure stocks were the worst performers on Tuesday after weaker-than-anticipated earnings.
A different culture might be a crucial element to inspiring the pursuit of leisure activities.
Airlines are betting the rise will boost revenue even if leisure travel dips, he said.
Fosun, which owns French leisure group Club Med, gave no financial details of the transaction.
Browse them at your leisure and save the ones you like to your recipe box.
Hotels say much of the increase is coming from a growing number of leisure travelers.
Now the very process of spending and buying is part of the experience of leisure.
ARTS & LEISURE An article last Sunday about 2698 summer movies, using information provided Warner Bros.
«In America men often work long hours even when they are well off; such men, naturally, are indignant at the idea of leisure for wage-earners, except as the grim punishment of unemployment; in fact, they dislike leisure even for their sons,» he wrote.
«In one stroke, I have become a man of leisure,» Fergus jokes, as I laugh/sob.
Increased leisure time should also mean more time between the sheets to boost the birth rate.
Travel + Leisure previously confirmed that the couple plans on returning to Africa together for their honeymoon.
For Arnold Donald, CEO of the world’s largest leisure travel company Carnival, it was no different.
Fosun (FOSUF), a Chinese conglomerate with health, leisure and financial interests, bought Club Med in 2015.
These apps are all aimed at boosting productivity, which will then earn you more leisure time.
A scene from 1988’s ‘Leisure Suit Larry Goes Looking for Love (in Several Wrong Places).
According to Travel + Leisure, the Big Bounce America was created by Cameron Craig and Grahme Furgeson.
For all its leisure appeal, San Francisco is a business travel town, hotel occupancy figures suggest.
According to Travel + Leisure, Bordignon took Wareham for a short flight in his two-person plane.
Z. In normal circumstances, hotels are usually no more than passing footnotes to travel and leisure.
«Traveling now with my children is now what’s most important,» Obama said, according to Travel + Leisure.
According to Travel + Leisure, this traveler’s long last name got him saddled with a $94 fee.
Travel + Leisure reports that the Airfare Spot put together an itinerary that spans the entire globe.
That’s appealing to business travelers, of course, and a lot of leisure travelers in urban centers.
Delta Air Lines is offering one-way flights that start at $69, as Travel + Leisure reported.
Travel and leisure stocks jumped 1.2 percent on the prospect of airlines carving up Monarch’s assets.
About 98 percent of hotel rooms today come equipped with wireless access, according to Travel & Leisure.
The games are instead split into dancing and social modes you can access at your leisure.
The case relates to an EU subsidy for building a conference and leisure centre outside Prague.
Guests are also all provided with a bicycle to explore the sprawling property at their leisure.
In the East Riding of Yorkshire GPs can book patients into sessions at a leisure centre.
The word »retirement» still suggests that it’s time to stop working and embrace leisure full time.
As an example, Russell pointed to upper class members of society with plenty of leisure time.
There was a modest gain in leisure and hospitality employment while wholesale traders laid off workers.
N. and I eat green curry bowls and end the evening with our respective leisure pursuits.
European airline stocks rose, with the travel and leisure index rising 1.3%, after the Brexit extension.
As Travel + Leisure reported, Trump has not implemented any specific measures to improve air-travel safety.
«That’s really serving as a catalyst for national leisure travel,» Laskoski told CNBC’s «Squawk Alley » Friday.
Mr. Stura said Freddie would enjoy «a life of leisure,» being cared for alongside «cow friends.»
His return to New York wasn’t for leisure but for the chance to do good work.
Fenwick will oversee the bank’s healthcare, hospitality and leisure, insurance and financial services, and property teams.
Fosun, a conglomerate with health, leisure and financial interests, owns Club Med and Mattel Theme parks.
Leisure and Resorts World had acquired a 23-hectare slot in Boracay for the casino project.
«We have not made any decisions on expanding the electronics ban,» the TSA told Travel + Leisure.
The company operates more than 500 restaurants and pub restaurants predominantly in leisure locations and airports.
The biggest area where the economy added jobs was leisure and hospitality, with a 55,000 increase.
Travel + Leisure reports that you can book a $445 roundtrip to Iceland and London right now.
Starwood shareholders are also expected to get Interval Leisure Group stock valued at $5.83 per share.
Additionally, the travel, leisure and retail companies will benefit from the extra cash in consumer pockets.
Travel & Leisure and Retail were among the best performers, up 1.44 percent and 0.77 percent respectively.
«Swimming ranks amongst the most popular leisure activities worldwide,» O Laighin told Reuters Health by email.
Which gives those leisure travellers, who have to pay out of their own pocket, more clout.
Buying a complete game promises so many possibilities, and maybe also the leisure to appreciate them.
Millions of people can be streaming different things at the same time and at their leisure.
And according to Travel + Leisure, it’s now a reality thanks to French expedition cruise company Ponant.
More animals are living in our houses and are given over to a life of leisure.
The government will target investments in tourism, leisure parks and mixed development projects in the area.
I had nothing but rug-rat leisure to watch the afternoon broadcast all on my own.
Obama has traveled extensively abroad in his post-presidency, both for leisure and to deliver speeches.
Combining business and leisure travel, or «bleisure» travel, is being closely watched by the travel industry.
Zeitfracht and Nayak have already bought Air Berlin’s cargo marketing platform Leisure Cargo and maintenance units.
Set upon a life of leisure, Moondog looks for loopholes in the task set before him.
JC Except for the pants, which connote a level of leisure I do not believe in.
The leisure and hospitality sector gained 209,0.13 jobs, the most in nearly 20.1-29.6/22008 years.
The vessel has a storied history, with presidents cruising on it for both leisure and business.
To shower, you have to pay £2 ($2.40) to access a leisure center across the street.
Instead of promoting a toxic work culture, everyone should have the leisure that managers once did.
It’s worth noting that «leisure reading» is down among all age groups, according to one analysis.
The Vibe In this family-focused town, leisure time often revolves around school activities and sports.
The online business offers deals on leisure services, including hotel rooms, restaurant tables and spa packages.
The word «retirement» still suggests that it’s time to stop working and embrace leisure full time.
For example, Travel + Leisure reports, the £2.99 trip to Dinard is only available on April 4.
They have taken much more of their wealth in the form of leisure rather than money.
But even those who want to preserve their leisure time may hesitate to ask for it.
Bonus: Travel + Leisure reports that rainfall is at its lowest in Hawaii from April through September.
I tried to keep it balanced—the farmer on the dry ground versus the leisure center.
In a perfect world, a typical Sunday would be relaxing and refreshing — a true leisure day.
Travel and leisure stocks jumped 0.6% to lead gains, as most sectors fell below the flatline.
But in leisure and hospitality, fewer than 1 in 5003 are able to work from home.
High exposure: Air transport, automotive, hotels/motels/inns and casinos, leisure, rail industries, and surface transport.
And the largest percentage of workers who can’t telework are in the leisure and hospitality industry.
This can cost them leisure time, professional gains and a sense of satisfaction in their partnerships.
This is helping to keep ticket prices low, which also drives demand, especially among leisure travelers.
The reason: To spend more time with her three grandchildren and to have more leisure time.
Apple and Netflix, for better and for worse, have changed how we spend our leisure hours.
Around 20,000 Jewish settlers live in the Golan itself, many working in farming, leisure and tourism.
The paper examined the relative benefits of both intellectual and physical leisure activities in older adults.
Shares of cinema hall chains Inox Leisure Ltd and PVR Ltd plunged 15% and 20%, respectively.
The Lenovo Yoga C21080 is part laptop, part tablet — excellent for both school work and leisure.
Of course, some people consider the lottery a form of leisure and budget for it accordingly.
The obvious problem areas remain the energy and travel and leisure sectors, but that could spread.
Arts & Leisure ____ The New York Times has reconstructed how the disaster happened, from beginning to end.
Shares of cinema hall chains Inox Leisure Ltd and PVR Ltd plunged 15% and 20%, respectively.
British Airways’ owner, Easyjet, Lufthansa and Ryanair all pulled the travel and leisure sector 1.2% lower.
ARTS & LEISURE An article last Sunday comparing streaming services misstated prices for the streaming service Mubi.
And she didn’t have the life of leisure that would give her such a positive attitude.
When Moore asked Sykes what she likes to do for leisure, she replied washing her car.
Los Alamitos 1 mile Garden Grove 22 405 22 Leisure World Long Beach Westminster Westminster Blvd.
That said, I did appreciate that it seemed to be a place of leisure for Singaporeans.
He argues the sporty K50 will appeal to a more leisure-oriented driver than Tesla’s cars.
Aristocrat Leisure expects the acquisition to be earnings accretive in the first full year of ownership.
Also complicating those calls is the simple fact that for many leisure fliers, price is paramount.
And in the midst of preparing the necessities, don’t forget to plan for some leisure activities.
The central location and popular brand recognition make it an ideal pick for leisure travelers, too.
Leisure and hospitality jobs rebounded in June by adding 59,21625 jobs after losing 2900,220006 in May.
Travel and leisure stocks were also among the worst performers following some downgrades in the sector.
Today’s introduction comes to us from Scott Heller, the deputy Arts & Leisure editor and theater editor.
Easyjet Plc and British Airways-owner IAG led the wider travel and leisure sector down 4.3%.
Condor, a German leisure airline owned by the Thomas Cook Group, said that safety is paramount.
Downey’s boutique in Dungarvan, Ireland: deciding, at her leisure, what to buy and what to return.
Household goods stocks added 0.65% on average and travel and leisure stocks notched a 53% gain.
Travelers should look beyond Taipei to Taiwan’s mountains in 2020, Chadner Navarro reported for Travel & Leisure.
We’re glad that the fashionable leisure wear of the 70s is finally in its comfy resurgence.
They have grown up in a society with more prosperity and leisure than any generation before.
Once onboard, travelers in many countries can avail themselves of Wi-Fi for work or leisure.
«When technology facilitates social connectedness, pleasure, learning and leisure, it is positive for development,» Gotsis said.
Industries that could see big impacts would be agricultural, leisure and hospitality and construction, he said.
Gocompare is headed by Matthew Crummack, the former boss of online leisure and travel retailer
IN HIS SPELLS of leisure time, when he had any, Paul Volcker liked to go fishing.
Challenging leisure activities — such as hobbies — improve mental and physical wellbeing, foster learning, and build communities.
In November 2019, Australia was announced as Travel + Leisure&aposs Destination of the Year for 2020.
It bought Leisure Group from Axel Springer for $415 million to target Europe’s vacation rental market.
Together, the restaurant, leisure and hospitality, and airline industries account for about 17 million U.S. jobs.
It has involved the K11 Art Mall and the Hong Kong Leisure and Cultural Services Department.
There’s also talk of cranking out covfefe leisure suits, PJs, panties, thongs, bras and even clogs.
Maybe more than the official drink of Puerto Rico, it’s the official drink of tropical leisure.
What if we viewed leisure time not as goofing off, but as necessary time for reflecting?

In old age when we have enormous leisure time it is natural for us to ask ourselves questions about self-consciousness and co-ordination between the brain, the mind and the soul

Marry in haste, as the saying goes, and repent at leisure,

not that leisure is exactly the way you can describe it,

‘Does that mean you don’t have leisure … holidays?’

spend the leisure money, where to go out to eat, and the list goes on

Tourism and leisure are the future

I don’t have time to go into the science of this right now, I’ll attach notes you can read at your leisure

I am indeed surprised by your ignorance of the presence in your own community of an internationally renowned rod-maker, and not fifty paces from this very spot! Might I direct you just down the boardwalk to the Mercantile? There you will find not this sad pole’s equal, but its lord and master!” The Sportsman exclaimed; then added, “I’m sure the tackle you sell is adequate for the leisure fishing interests of the tourists or stray visitor who might of caprice decide to ‘go fish a bit, since there’s a lake here and all,’ but do not impugn the truly exquisite work of master craftsmen by putting these on offer for anything but what they are

“What they saw was a skilled angler, of modest age, with outstanding equipment, at his leisure in the midst of this grand city, enjoying the out of doors at his luncheon break

He just crushed the plant to pulp, ytith and all, getting them stuck in the sap and snapping them at leisure

Being far from your boyfriend is really a little hard, because I always imagined that thought about him what he’s doing and how he spends his leisure time

It was a leisure stroll through hand-carved tunnels occupied only by vermin and the dead

greater part of his time, in the intervals of his leisure he is often willing to work at another for

Then the avatar’s systems would have the leisure of about sixteen milliseconds to take over Ava’s personification and be the systems administrator from then on

Ava’s veron space could then be reclaimed at leisure

It would be possible to examine it at leisure, there was no danger from it now since it wasn’t getting any neural cycles

He had no leisure to attend to the cultivation and improvement of land

When the establishment of law and order afforded him this leisure, he often wanted the inclination, and almost always the requisite abilities

They carried all Xonia’s clothes across the passage to Helez’s suite and put them on her bed so that she could select the ones she liked at her leisure

Soon he will have to think about retiring to a life of leisure and enjoying his spoils and grandchildren,” Zarko replied respectfully

Too often, however, we do work that negatively affects happiness, and then have to spend much of our leisure time undoing these effects

But as husbandmen have less leisure than shepherds, they are not so frequently employed in those pastimes

A shepherd has a great deal of leisure; a husbmdman, in the rude state of husbandry, has some; an artificer or manufacturer has none at all

Those improvements in husbandry, too, which the progress of arts and manufactures necessarily introduces, leave the husbandman as little leisure as the artificer

The person entrusted with the executive power, not having leisure to attend to the decision of private causes himself, a deputy was appointed to decide them in his stead

They generally have a good deal of leisure, during which they may perfect themselves in every branch, either of useful or ornamental knowledge, of which they may have laid the foundation, or for which they may have acquired some taste in the earlier part of life

} That state cannot be very great, of which the sovereign has leisure to carry on the trade of a wine-merchant or an apothecary

enhanced features, primarily geared for the leisure of those using them

I got up the next morning and the countesses cook had sent my breakfast I ate this at my leisure looking forward to Yvette visiting me then Lt Howarth showed up

Veblen, in the early twentieth century, wrote „A Theory of the Leisure Class

» He might have more profitably devoted his time to writing on the leisure of the theory class

Leisure capital, however vital in supporting ―quality‖ standards of living, is not (the) primary factor that develops moral character, although it certainly helps not having to worry about where your next meal is coming from

leisure as he could command

He was relentlessly carving up his mind and soul to feast on at his leisure

This facet of human life is so woven into the very fabric of our daily existence, both work and leisure, that to ignore it is to omit a vital ingredient of our humanity

The terror brought by these international networks was not grasped by many in the West who either were unwilling to have their leisure disturbed by reality or who simply could not grasp the nature of evil

The most important aspect of having positive living conditions is of course not to waste them and uselessly burn up all that good karma, but to use the rare jewel of leisure for study and spiritual practice

24 The wisdom of a learned man comes by opportunity of leisure, and he who has little business shall become wise

* Loves sports, leisure and traveling

have far more leisure than those who are always hurrying

If you are earnest you will use your leisure fully

Will it help me if I give my leisure hours to painting?

Travelers can wander at leisure the

It’s not rude, pushy or spammy, and if you have included a link to an article on your website, they are free to check it out at their own leisure

We selected a few examples to encourage others to explore these at their leisure as well

Of your leisure hours

Elves and humans could be seen taking their leisure on the sands, or riding the huge breaking waves toward the shore in tiny dugout canoes

heaven and the Earth; but the signs of this time you know not to discern; Then they brought to him one possessed of a demon dumb and blind; and he healed him so that the dumb and blind began to speak and see; And all the multitudes wondered and said Is this think you the son of David? 43 And the apostles returned to Jesus and told him everything that they had done and wrought; And he said to them Come let us go into the desert alone and rest yes little; And many were going and returning and they had not leisure not even to eat bread

leisure time that was used quite differently by

prosperity and leisure in the belief everyone would

everyone lots of leisure time that was used quite

leisure all year long in our regions and, with help from both

From there, we could listen to everything and anything Alistair spoke at our leisure

Masters have neither need nor leisure to write them; and when a Master says

“So, she’s a lady of leisure now, then,” said Nick, sipping his pint

It was a hot summer’s day and he set off through the beautiful Wiltshire countryside and he hiked at leisure with his backpack on his back without a care in the world

6 Ganid was, by this time, beginning to learn how his tutor spent his leisure in this unusual personal ministry to his fellow men, and the young Indian set about to find out the motive for these incessant activities

Gonod had much business to transact in Naples, and aside from the time Jesus was required as interpreter, he and Ganid spent their leisure visiting and exploring the city

He was never a drinker and yet enjoyed his leisure without it and was always able to provide for his family because of that

He paid the driver, who said he would stay with him and take him around at his leisure for $5 all night

They intended to make about a hundred inhabitants altogether, and knew they could renew themselves at their leisure as and when their bodies wore out; this would be a perpetual turnover with the same neighbours and friends for eternity, if they wished

This makes this a party kind of month, a month for fun and leisure activities

It might be advisable to spend some leisure time at a health spa or schedule regular massages into your diary

You are spending more on leisure activities too

This shows that your leisure activities are becoming more spiritual and refined

wanted to read and that would give me — as a fan — hours of pleasure, because I would be able to dip in and out of it at leisure and know

‘If we could trap Conan on that island, alone, we could hunt him down at our leisure, with bows, as men hunt a lion

This is a time for leisure activities, for exploring the ‘rapture’ side of life

‘You will have plenty of leisure

Whether you are traveling for business or leisure, it is always best to bring your digital camera with you

He killed at leisure

He was a boy with a spider, pulling off its legs at his leisure

Another lesson to be dissected at leisure, later

enjoy that most rare of Nature’s gifts – Leisure time

We stole a small, transport ship—one of my royal barges that I used to travel the planet at my leisure

Over time that Robert spent with Annie, showing her how to manage the farm, they had very little time for any leisure pursuits

Then we could park them on the moon and retrieve the crews and ships at our leisure

(A) There are many areas where Akashic records exist, or are created, but there is only one central location where all beings can find and locate and browse them at their leisure

along at our leisure most of the time, moving

community, finances, and leisure activities, often find that their

Three months later they received in a large envelope twenty-nine letters and more than fifty pictures that he had accumulated during the leisure of the high seas

We will have ample time to review this book at leisure

It should be safe for Jews to walk the streets of the Ghetto at leisure in less than two hours

ant things, joyful things, and they can have whatever they wish 要 the ultimate life of leisure

“No problem, first a quick description of the Wilson strong box, it weighs approximately a hundred and ten kilo’s plus contents so it needs two men to carry it, the reason it needs two men is not only the weight factor, the slightest jar will activate the combination alarm, it also has a global positional alarm, move it away from it’s setting by as little as fifty centimetres and the contents are rendered unusable by a printers dye spray, the combination lock on the lid is a work of art, it allows for no tolerance whatsoever, one wrong number and you‘ll be neck deep in trigger happy cops before you can turn around, as for your observation that it has never been done before, when I open this one it will be the second time that it has been done, Wilson Brothers do not like to advertise the fact that their box is less than burglar proof, I estimate that I can render the alarm systems ineffectual in two and a half to three hours, we can then remove it to another location to open at our leisure, once the alarms are deactivated its only a matter of cutting it open, this should take approximately ten hours, then we help ourselves to the contents

Who practises the art of leisure He has read the book

Could you try to find me copies of those two books, so that I could study them at leisure? If not, I will keep those

Once there, the rich were assured a life of plenty and leisure in a fertile land covered with 124

and into the hallway which led to the leisure room where the

By the time they reached the leisure room Jamaal

Use your free and leisure times with care, caution and control

leisure activities for our family and ourselves

Definition of Leisure

free time from doing tasks

Examples of Leisure in a sentence

During my leisure time, I enjoy reading.


One of Jesse’s favorite leisure activities is swimming.


At your leisure, will you please proofread my essay for me?


My daughter spends all of her leisure time dancing and listening to music.


Even though the trip to San Francisco is mainly for business, I hope to have a little time left over for leisure pursuits.


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