Sentences with the word learnt

Examples of Sentences Using the Verb Learn

Updated on February 21, 2019

As an English learner, you’ll want to know about the verb learnLearn is one of the few verbs in English that have two acceptable forms for the past simple and as a participle. Learnt or learned is acceptable in both American and British English, but learned is more common in American English. 

Base Form: ​Learn

Use the base form of the verb in simple tenses including the present simple. The base form of learn is also used with the future form and modal forms such as canshould, and must:

  • I usually learn a lot when I travel.
  • Will you learn anything about math today?
  • You should learn at least one foreign language.

Past Simple: Learned or Learnt

Use either learned or learnt in past simple positive sentences:

  • The children learnt about squirrels in school yesterday.
  • I learned to play the piano at the age of five.

Past Participle: Learned or Learnt

Use the past participle learned or learnt in past, present, and future perfect forms. This past participle form is also used in passive sentences.

Perfect Forms:

  • Shelley’s learnt a lot in the United States.
  • Peter had learned to count to ten before he turned one year old.
  • They will have learned their lesson by the end of next week.

Passive Forms:

  • Latin was learned by most students in the early 1900s.
  • Patience is a lesson that has been learned by anyone trying to study a language.

Present Participle: Learning

The present participle learning is perhaps the most common form as it is used in past, present, and future continuous forms, as well as with the past, present, and future perfect continuous forms:

Continuous Forms:

  • He’s learning a little Chinese this month.
  • I wasn’t learning anything new when you interrupted the meeting.
  • He’ll be learning a lot of new things this time next week.

Perfect Continuous Forms:

  • She’s been learning English for a few years.
  • They’d been learning a lot from Tom before Alice returned.
  • Tom will have been learning Japanese for two years by the end of next term.

Here are example sentences in each tense in English. As you study these examples, imagine a timeline on which the actions take place to help become familiar with tense usage. Please note that passive forms are much less common in everyday English than active forms.

  • Present Simple: She learns languages quickly.
  • Present Simple Passive: Math is learnt slowly by some.
  • Present Continuous: Jack is currently learning Russian.
  • Present Continuous Passive: Russian is being learnt by the students.
  • Present Perfect: Angela has learnt four languages.
  • Present Perfect Passive: Four languages have been learnt by Angela.
  • Present Perfect Continuous: Angela has been learning Arabic for the past few months.
  • Past Simple: Jennifer learnt how to play poker yesterday evening.
  • Past Simple Passive: Poker was learnt quickly by all.
  • Past Continuous: She was learning her lesson when he telephoned.
  • Past Continuous Passive: The lesson was being learnt when he arrived.
  • Past Perfect: She had learnt the song by heart before Jack did.
  • Past Perfect Passive: The song had learnt by heart by the class before the singer arrived.
  • Past Perfect Continuous: Our children had been learning English for two months before we moved.
  • Future (will): She will learn quickly.
  • Future (will) passive: A new song will be learnt soon.
  • Future (going to): She is going to learn a new language next year.
  • Future (going to) passive: A new song is going to be learnt next week.
  • Future Continuous: This time next week we will be learning in a new classroom.
  • Future Perfect: She will have learnt everything by the end of the month.
  • Future Possibility: She might learn something new.
  • Real Conditional: If she learns Russian, she will travel to Moscow.
  • Unreal Conditional: If she learnt Russian, she would travel to Moscow.
  • Past Unreal Conditional: If she had learnt Russian, she would have traveled to Moscow.
  • Present Modal: She can learn easily.
  • Past Modal: She can’t have learnt that so quickly!

Quiz Conjugate with Learn

Use the verb learn to conjugate the following sentences. In some cases, more than one answer may be correct.

  1. Angela _____ Arabic for the past few months.
  2. Math _____ slowly by some.
  3. Poker _____ quickly by all.
  4. She _____ the song by heart before Jack did.
  5. A new song _____next week.
  6. She _____ everything by the end of the month.
  7. If she _____ Russian, she would have traveled to Moscow.
  8. Angela _____ four languages.
  9. She _____ languages quickly.
  10. Jack _____ currently _____ Russian.


  1. has been learning
  2. is learnt / is learned
  3. was learnt / was learned
  4. had learnt / had learned
  5. is going to be learnt / is going to be learned
  6. will have learnt / will have learned
  7. had learnt / had learned
  8. has learnt / has learned
  9. learns
  10. is learning

Many words are spelled differently in American and British English, even if they fulfill the same function in a sentence.

Learnt and learned are two different spellings of the same verb. One is accepted in British English, but not in American English.

Depending on where you are writing, you might choose learnt or learned. But, which is it?

Continue reading to find out.

What is the Difference Between Learnt and Learned?

In this post, I will compare learnt vs. learned. I will use each spelling in an example sentence to demonstrate its proper context. Plus, I will show you a mnemonic to help you decide whether you should use learned or learnt.

When to Use Learned

Define learned and define learntWhat does learned mean? Learned can be an adjective or a verb.

As an adjective, learned is a synonym of knowledgeable and sometimes describes to a person who is highly educated. The sentences below demonstrate the usage of learned as an adjective.

  • The learned astronomer told me that Pluto is not a planet, but I will always disagree.
  • When I became a learned man, I saw the world in a different way.

As an adjective, learned is pronounced with two syllables. The first syllable is stressed, much the same way as the word perfect (ler-ned)

Of course, learned is also the past tense form of the verb learn, which means to acquire knowledge. See the following sentences for examples.

  • When I was young, I learned to ride a bicycle.
  • The snowman learned not to spend too much time in greenhouses.
  • Thone introduced her to roller skiing about 12 years ago. He had learned about it from other coaches and elite Nordic skiers, who were using it for off-season training. –The Wall Street Journal

When to Use Learnt

What does learnt mean? Learnt is an alternative spelling of the same word. It rhymes with burnt. It is only used as a past tense verb, and only in British English, like in these sentences:

  • “My big brother learnt his math at Cambridge,” the little orphan boy lied.
  • Fifty years ago he used a fairly minor motorcycle accident as an excuse to step away from the spotlight. But the end of the “perfect” Dylan – the one who fused what he had learnt from Woody Guthrie and the symbolist poets with the energy of rock’n’roll, and who mocked the world from behind impenetrable shades – did not mean the end of his creativity. –The Guardian

As you can see in the chart below, which graphs the appearance of the phrases “he learned” and “he learnt” in British English books since 1800, learnt is less common even in that corpus.

Definition of learned definition of learnt definition

This chart is not scientific or infallible, since it only tracks word use in books written in English, ignoring all other sources. Still, it helps visualize a clear long-term trend.

Trick to Remember the Difference

learnt versus learnedHere is a helpful trick to remember learned vs. learnt, and it is a pretty simple one.

You should probably never use learnt. It is only common in British English as a past tense verb, and even in that context, it is overshadowed by learned.

In situations where you want to capture the way some speakers of English might actually talk, it could be helpful to choose learnt over learned. At all other times, choose learned instead.

You can remember to choose learned over learnt since learnt rhymes with burnt. Just like you wouldn’t want to eat a burnt cookie if there were other cookies available, you wouldn’t want to use learnt if there were other words available.

There is another word available; that word is learned.


Is it learnt or learned? Learnt and learned are variant spellings of the past tense form of the verb learn, which means to acquire knowledge.

  • As an adjective, learned is the only appropriate spelling, and it is pronounced with two syllables.
  • Learnt is more common in British English than American English but is still overshadowing by learned.

You should always choose learned, especially in formal writing. It is more common even as a British English verb, the one context where learnt is accepted.

You can remember to avoid learnt since it rhymes with burnt, and most people also seek to avoid things that are burnt.


  • 1 What is the Difference Between Learnt and Learned?
  • 2 When to Use Learned
  • 3 When to Use Learnt
  • 4 Trick to Remember the Difference
  • 5 Summary

learn — перевод на русский


They help the children learn to balance, don’t they?

Они помогают детям научиться держать равновесие.

— No, I-I get it, but you need to learn to channel some of that anger into the work.

Да, я понимаю, но тебе надо научиться перенаправлять часть своего гнева в работу.

— I really ought to learn to dance.

— Я должен научиться танцевать.

Go home and learn how to be a good father.

Идти домой и научиться быть хорошим отцом.

You must learn sacrifice… and also never to collapse.

Вы должны научиться самопожертвованию… и также никогда не падать духом.

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Later, I learned she was still going with him…

Позднее я узнал, что она все еще встречается с ним.

I have learned that even the mightiest… must sue for certain favors.

Я узнал, что даже самые могущественные… должны просить о милостях.

Later I learned she also compared me to the moon.

Позже я узнал, она также сравнивала меня с Луной.

Later I learned she was a Parisian.

Позже я узнал, она была парижанкой.

In Europe, it’s the important thing I learned.

Это самое важное из того, что я узнал в Европе.

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Our ancestors also said that there are things worth learning from our enemies.

что нужно учиться у врагов.

When did you start learning the bassoon?

Когда ты начал учиться играть на фаготе?

It takes her longer, but she has to learn.

Это занимает больше времени, но она должна учиться.

I won’t even have to learn.

Мне даже можно не учиться.

You guys got an awful lot to learn.

Вам надо учиться, ребята.

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If there’s one thing that I’ve learned in life, it’s to always have a backup.

Но что я и выучил в жизни, так это, то что всегда должен быть запасной план.

Like yourselves, I studied them a long time. And I learned to know them well.

Как и вы, я видел их долгое время и выучил их очень хорошо.

And you can never be sorry for the trouble you took to learn them.

Но ты никогда не пожалеешь, что выучил их.

I learn English in school in Torino.

Я выучил английский в школе, в Турине.

Did you learn this song I wrote for Miss Brooks?

Ты выучил песню, которую я написал для мисс Брукс?

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It’s time you rebels learned you can’t take the law into your own hands.

Пора мятежникам понять, что мы представляем здесь закон.

Took me three wives to learn that.

Мне потребовалось три жены, чтобы понять это.

Takes a long while to learn that that’s true.

Нужно очень долгое время, чтобы понять, что это правда.

We never learned what he meant.

Мы никак не могли понять что это значит.

You live with it all of your life, it’s hard to learn that she isn’t yours.

Ты живешь с ним всю жизнь. И потом тяжело понять, что оно не твое.

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— What do you wanna learn that stuff for?

Зачем тебе нужно учить эту чепуху?

They refuse to learn French.

Они отказываются учить французский.

Why learn French?

Зачем тебе учить французский, Если у тебя есть жених?

It’s very useful for learning English.

Просто словарь — он помогает учить язык.

A general should learn that much of the language.

Генерал должен учить язык.

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Fixing to learn me the english language?

Пытаетесь научить меня английскому языку?

Now you won’t want to learn me things, will you?

Вы не хотите научить меня, ведь так?

I’m afraid a lot of men will want to learn you things.

Боюсь, слишком много мужчин были бы не против научить вас разным вещам.

Hey, we should have learned you the facts of life.

Эй, мы должны были научить тебя жизни.

— Will they learn to like it?

Их смогут научить?

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Oh, yes… I’ve learned so much!

Ах, как много я еще не знаю!

I learned it didn’t pay to let anybody know how you feel or really think.

Я знаю, что лучше не давать знать другим, что ты на самом деле думаешь.

I’ve learned that too well.

Я знаю это слишком хорошо.

I learnt the difference between a fine oil painting and a mechanical thing like a photo.

И знаю разницу между… отличной масляной картиной и механической вещью, такой как фотография. Фотография показывает действительность.

I learned one rule about gunslingers.

Я знаю одно на счет стрелков.

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I’ll stay to learn Italian.

Я останусь изучать итальянский.

They want to learn more about human beings.

Хотят меня изучать.

The French officers wanted to learn Spanish so my mother superior assigned the task to me, I also speak French.

Офицеры хотели изучать испанский язык, и настоятельница поручила это мне. Я говорю еще и по-французски.

I think they begin to learn their lesson.

Я думаю, что они начинают изучать свой урок.

He’s away home tomorrow when he could be learning the ropes.

Завтра он уезжает домой, будет тратить время впустую, вместо того, чтобы здесь изучать премудрости профессии.

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Weren’t you men detailed by the Captain to report here to learn gunnery?

Это не вас, парни, капитан направил изучить артиллерийское дело?

I didn’t think you’d learned it from a correspondence course.

— Не знала, что так можно её изучить.

I wonder if she’d like to learn the minuet.

Интересно, захочет ли она изучить менуэт.

We’ve received completely new type of engines and i have to learn everything about them

Теперь мы получили двигателей нового типа и я вынужден снова их изучить

Andi try to learn it in order to to surmount obstacle.

Я стараюсь его изучить, и этим преодолеваю препятствие.

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Отправить комментарий

Synonym: communicate, express, phrase, put, say, tell, voice. Similar words: in a word, in other words, cord, order, work, record, in order, border. Meaning: [wɜrd /wɜːd]  n. 1. a unit of language that native speakers can identify 2. a brief statement 3. new information about specific and timely events 4. the divine word of God; the second person in the Trinity (incarnate in Jesus) 5. a promise 6. a secret word or phrase known only to a restricted group 7. an exchange of views on some topic 8. the sacred writings of the Christian religions 9. a verbal command for action 10. a word is a string of bits stored in computer memory. v. put into words or an expression. 

Random good picture Not show

1. The word «Impossible» is not in my dictionary. 

2. A kind word is never lost. 

3. There is great difference between word and deed. 

4. One honest word is better than two oaths. 

5. Love rules his kingdom without a word

6. A word spoken is past recalling. 

7. Many a true word is spoken in jest. 

8. A word to the wise is enough. 

9. The word once spoken can never be realled. 

10. To a wise man one word is enough. 

11. Believe somebody on his bare word

12. A word in season is most precious. 

13. Every brave man is a man of his word

14. There is many a true word spoken in jest. 

15. A wise man hears one word and understand two. 

16. A word spoken is an arrow let fly. 

17. A word in time is worth two afterwards. 

17. try its best to collect and make good sentences.

18. A word spoken cannot be recalled. 

19. A word is enough to the wise. 

20. Suit the action to the word

21. A word and a stone let go cannot be recalled. 

22. An honest man’s word is as good as his bond. 

23. While the word is in your mouth, it is your own; when ’tis once spoken, ’tis another’s. 

24. A word is no arrow, but it can pierce the heart. 

25. The chinese word for crisis is divided into two characters, one meaning danger and the other meaning opportunity. 

26. Half a tale [word] is enough for a wise man. 

27. Education commences at the mother’s knee, andevery word spoken within the hearsay of children tends towards the formation of character. 

28. Life is a leaf of paper white, thereon each of us may write his word or two. 

29. Speak clearly if you speak at all, Carve every word before you let it fall. 

30. On the great clock of time there is but one word, «Now». 

More similar words: in a word, in other words, cord, order, work, record, in order, border, works, worth, worry, world, at work, can afford, afford to, work off, work at, work up, worthy, work out, at worst, worker, network, workout, in order to, out of order, border on, disorder, be worth, according. 

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

предложение словом

предложение со слов

фразу словом

предложение со слова «

I’m sure you know somebody who can’t say anything about any idea, plan, or activity without crutching the sentence with the word but.

Уверен, вы знаете людей, которые не могут говорить об идее, плане или деятельности, не испортив предложение словом «но».

He started a sentence with the word «atomic» or «nuclear» and then randomly chose words from the auto-complete suggestions.

«Я начинал предложение со слов «ядерный» или «атомный» и потом выбирал одно из автоматически предложенных вариантов.

Do not start a sentence with the word «but».

He just started every sentence with the word atomic or nuclear and gave the phone to fill in the rest.

Он просто начинал каждое предложение со слова «атомный» или «ядерный» и давал телефону заполнить остальное.

I made up a sentence with the word that I had just learned.

Starting a sentence with the word «you» almost guarantees a non-productive conversation.

Начинать фразу со слова «ты» — верный путь к непродуктивному разговору.

You don’t need to finish every sentence with the word «sir.»

You should avoid beginning a sentence with the word «also.»

You should avoid beginning a sentence with the word «also.»

It is grammatically incorrect to end a sentence with the word «and,» but I get so upset when I think about Ike.

Грамматически неправильно заканчивать фразу словом «и», но я так расстраиваюсь при мысли об Айке.

Insert a period after C, delete whereas and begin new sentence with the word Domestic.

Mr. de GOUTTES wondered whether it was necessary to introduce the second sentence with the word «Nevertheless».

Mr. Lallah suggested replacing the words «as to» in the third sentence with the word «affirming» rather than «stressing» or «suggesting».

Г-н Лаллах предлагает заменить в третьем предложении выражение «что касается» словом «подтверждая» вместо слов «подчеркивая» или «предполагая».

The United Nations Appeals Tribunal, by its decision of 10 October 2011, decided to adopt an amendment to article 5, paragraph 1, by replacing the word «two» in the second sentence with the word «three».

В своем решении от 10 октября 2011 года Апелляционный трибунал Организации Объединенных Наций постановил принять поправку к пункту 1 статьи 5, заменив во втором предложении слово «две» словом «три».

There are two reasons why a writer would end a sentence with the word «stop» written entirely in

СУЩЕСТВУЕТ две причины, почему писателю может захотеться закончить фразу словом «точка», написанным целиком заглавными буквами (ТОЧКА).

And it’s incredibly more for the control group that did the sentences without money and way less not only for the people who unscrambled the sentence with the word salary but also way less if they saw Monopoly money in the corner.

Большинство из контрольной группы, получившие предложения без упоминания денег, гораздо реже из людей, получивших предложение с упоминанием зарплаты, и даже люди, с деньгами из монополии, реже обращались за помощью.

Ok, Ferrari CEO Louis Camilleri implicitly stated that he does not intend to listen to «that word» in the very same sentence with the word Ferrari.

Во время презентации в прошлом году, генеральный директор Ferrari Луи Кэри Камиллери заявил, что не хочет слышать это слово «в той же фразе, в которой есть Ferrari».

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 17. Точных совпадений: 17. Затраченное время: 74 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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