Sentences with the word kindly

kindly — перевод на русский


Would you be so kind in telling me what happened to you?

Не будете ли Вы так добры рассказать, что с Вами произошло?

Be very kind to him.

Будьте добры к нему.

Although you haven’t been kind to my uncle, I will be pleased to help you one more time.

Вы не были добры к моему дяде, но тем не менее я буду рада Вам ещё раз помочь.

I wonder if you’ll be kind enough to let me tell you my side.

Не будете ли вы так добры выслушать мою позицию.

Oh, how kind are you, Monsieur.

О, месье, как вы добры.

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Will you kindly respect my gray hair?

— Будьте любезны, уважьте мои седины.

Kind of you to see me.

— Спасибо. Вы очень любезны.

-Your Grace is too kind.

— Вы очень любезны, Ваша Светлость.

Then if you will be so kind, judge.

Если вы будете так любезны, судья.

— Thank you. You’re very kind.

Вы очень любезны.

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It simply is an act of self deception to put that kind of religious interpretation on out of thought.

Ёто просто акт самообмана налагать религиозные интерпретации на такого рода мысли.

Will be a love nest The practical kind

Может стать любовным гнездышком для продолжения рода

Then if she’s that kind of a girl, well, the rest is easy.

И если она такого рода девушка… то остальное просто.

Not much, perhaps, but just of a certain kind.

Возможно, но воображения определённого рода.

«With respect to the said newspapers the said Charles Foster Kane hereby relinquishes all control thereof and of the syndicates pertaining thereto and any and all other newspaper, press and publishing properties of any kind and agrees to abandon all claim thereto… »

С уважением к вышеназванным газетам, Чарльз Фостер Кейн отказывается от всяческого контроля над ними, над их профсоюзами, а также всеми другими газетами и любого рода издательствами. От имущественных претензий.

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This world’s divided into two kinds of people… the hunter and the hunted.

все люди делятся на два типа: охотники и жертвы.

Now, there are three kinds of music on this Fantasia program.

В программе «Фантазия» вы услышите три типа музыки.

Now, the number that opens our Fantasia program, the Toccata and Fugue, is music of this third kind, what we call absolute music.

Итак, программу «Фантазия» открывает Токката и Фуга, музыка третьего типа. Мы её называем чистая музыка.

Your love is the romantic kind.

Ваша же любовь романтического типа.

He said that there are three kinds of men.

Он сказал, что есть три типа людей.

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But it’s very kind of you to take an interest.

Очень мило, что вас это волнует.

— Oh, how kind.

— Ой, как мило.

— I’ll open the door. — It was kind of you to come, Miss Frazier.

Очень мило, что вы пришли, мисс Фрезер.

That’s very kind of you but this could never be like Kansas.

Это очень мило, но здесь никогда не будет так, как в Канзасе.

That’s very kind of you sister, but I’m not hungry.

Это очень мило с твоей стороны, сестрёнка, но я не голоден.

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Well, you know, they’re pretty, but it’s kind of odd, the whole idea of someone giving someone a flower ’cause it’s like, «Oh, you know, I like you, so let me give you something that’s dying.»

Ну, знаешь, да они красивые, но это немного странно, вся идея дарения цветов потому что это как «О, знаешь, ты мне нравишься, так что я хочу подарить тебе что-то что умирает»

It’s like this, miss. You see, the horse is kind of tired today… on account of having won the Grand National on Friday.

Дело в том, мисс, что он сегодня немного усталый… после того, как в пятницу выиграл Большой Национальный приз.

It’s kind of frightening.

Немного жутковато.

That sounds kind of old-fashioned and domestic coming from you, Trudy.

Это звучит немного старомодно. Странно слышать это от вас, Труди.

Have you got a brunette with green eyes, kind of slanted either alone or with a little guy, weighs about 115 pounds wears a grey hat and grey suit?

Брюнетка, с зелеными глазами, немного раскосыми, живет одна, или с невысоким парнем, весит где-то 52 килограмма, ходит в серой шляпе и сером костюме.

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Yeah, yesterday you got in trouble because you bought the wrong kind of sage.

Да, вчера у тебя были проблемы, потому что ты купил неправильный вид шалфея.

If he wants to be kind, it’s all right with me.

Если он хочет делать вид, что все в порядке со мной

Kind of a tall, dark, handsome-like gentleman.

На вид высокий, смуглый, красивый, как джентльмен.

Your husband created a new kind of journalism, and you helped him.

Ваш муж создал новый вид журналистики, и Вы помогали ему в этом.

That’s the worst kind of wolf.

Лиса — худший вид волка.

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— You’ll do nothing of the kind.

— Ничего подобного.

You’ll do nothing of the kind.

Ты не сделаешь ничего подобного.

It’s nothing of the kind.

Ничего подобного.

You didn’t do anything of the kind, Lizzie.

Ничего подобного, Лиззи.

I won’t do anything of the kind.

Не будет ничего подобного.

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— It’s awfully kind of you, but I can’t…

— Это ужасно мило с вашей стороны, но я не могу…

It’s awful kind of you to look after me.

Это ужасно мило с вашей стороны присмотреть за мной.

It’s very kind of you but I’ll be all right if they just change the cloth.

Мило с вашей стороны, но мне будет достаточного поменять скатерть.

It’s very kind of you, but I’m not very hungry.

Спасибо, это очень мило с вашей стороны, но я не голодна.

That’s wonderfully kind of you.

— Очень мило с Вашей стороны.

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If this is some kind of sick training session, you better… you better tell me!

Нет, папа. Если это какая-то нелепая тренировка, сразу скажи!

I was a bit worried, she was kind of nervous tonight.

Я переживал… Она сегодня была какая-то нервная.

I’ve no memory of ever being bit by any kind of bee.

Не помню, чтобы меня хоть какая-то пчела жалила.

Dad told me he heard you were in some kind of building work.

Отец сказал мне, что он слышал, будто у тебя какая-то работа, связанная со строительством.

A kind of magic or whatever it was.

Какая-то магия…

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Sentences with the word Kindly?



  • «was charitable in his opinions of others»; «kindly criticism»; «a kindly act»; «sympathetic words»; «a large-hearted mentor»
  • «kindly Arthur—so damnably, politely, endlessly persistent!»
  • «a kindly forgiving nature»; «a forgiving embrace to the naughty child»
  • «a kindly climate»; «kindly breeze»
  • «He spoke kindly to the boy»; «she kindly overlooked the mistake»
  • «criticism tempered with kindly sympathy»

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word kindly, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use kindly in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «kindly».

Kindly in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word kindly in a sentence.

  1. The history books of the time did not speak kindly of his actions.

  2. You write so well, so kindly,To caution, in vain, a garrulous old man.

  3. Ryan suddenly takes control of Jack’s actions by asking «Would you kindly?

  4. Tiridates I received her kindly and treated her as a member of the monarchy.

  5. Unlike Fauré, who was known for his kindly reviews, Messager was frequently severe.

  6. Gibbs was not a freak, he had no striking ways, he was a kindly dignified gentleman.

  7. Zhou kindly protests the gift at first, but allows Yue to keep it out of friendship.

  8. Tjioeng Wanara rules kindly over his people and later moves his capital to Pajajaran.

  9. In contrast to other criminals the crowd treated him kindly, making collections of money for him.

  10. In declining to meet his request to publish reasons, the board may well be acting kindly towards him.

  11. As McCartney explained, «He wrote back very kindly, saying, ‘my doctors tell me that I must eat meat’.

  12. We warm to the kindly turnip face, the revolving eyes, the mouth like a slashed coconut, the silly little songs ..

  13. John of Worcester copied Asser’s words, while William of Malmesbury described him as «a vigorous but kindly ruler».

  14. On 27 December 1634 she arrived in Rome and was received kindly by Pope Urban VIII, who entrusted her to the Carmelites.

  15. His inquiries assured him that the city was kindly disposed towards him and that his closest friends urged him to return.

  16. Could you or any of your readers kindly inform me whether there exists any account, medical or biographical, of this person?

  17. He took my hand, and rather concernedly, but kindly, said he hoped no harm was intended by all those people who were coming in.

  18. Will you kindly communicate with Berlin at once by wire (code or whatever system at your disposal) and inform them that on Sept.

  19. Percival said that the best thing about him «was not so much the genial, kindly, honest sportsman, but the Christian behind it all».

  20. By 1 January 1922, the weather had abated: «Rest and calm after the storm the year has begun kindly for us», wrote Shackleton in his diary.

  21. Kelly pledged his faction’s loyalty to the party, saying, «Let us unite as a band of brothers and look upon each other kindly and favorably.».

  22. Known initially as a kindly physician, mayor Doc Ames made his brother police chief, ran the city into corruption, and tried to leave town in 1902.

  23. Childe was popular among the institute’s students, who saw him as a kindly eccentric; they commissioned a bust of Childe from Marjorie Maitland Howard.

  24. Therefore, the responsibility of teaching the soldiers to take prisoners of war and to treat them kindly rests on the Political Section of each unit.».

  25. Fielding says Arliss «personified the kind of paternalistic, kindly, homely statesmanship that appealed to a significant proportion of the cinema audience ..

  26. Bartlett was touched by the kindness and generosity shown by many of those they encountered on the way, «typical of the true humanity of these kindly people».

  27. After the performance, Leno reported, «The King, the Queen and the Prince of Wales all very kindly shook hands with me and told me how much they had enjoyed it.

  28. Hare described a lunatic who believes that all university professors want to kill him; no amount of evidence of kindly professors will dissuade him from this view.

  29. To stop this useless slaughter you must at once come and see me at Bulawayo, where I will guarantee that your life will be safe and that you will be kindly treated.

  30. He called on her in September 1864; she received him kindly, and he visited her in three successive summers; he wrote to her nearly every month for the rest of his life.

  31. She was well liked by her attendants, a good judge of the character of visitors and courtiers, unpretentious, generous, kindly and an affectionate mother and grandmother.

  32. Few modern professionals commanded such a measure of esteem and kindly regard from his own immediate colleagues and his opponents in the cricket field as did Roy Kilner».

  33. Sporting Life noted that «the visitors took kindly to the curves of Sterling», as «the Athletics were easily beaten by the Stars» in Philadelphia’s contest against Syracuse.

  34. McCotter tried to gain entry into the September 22 Fox News debate, but reported via Twitter, «@Foxnews has kindly advised me I will be excluded from the Orlando GOP POTUS debate.».

  35. Hammerstein stated, «we were religious in keeping away from the trite things—the kindly old stage door man named Pop, the pretty little understudy who replaces the star on opening night.

  36. For example, the narrator notes: «It has been remarked (by a lady infinitely cleverer than the present author) how kindly disposed the world in general feels to young people who either die or marry.

  37. The archaeologist Ralph Merrifield, who knew Murray through the Folklore Society, described her as a «diminutive and kindly scholar, who radiated intelligence and strength of character into extreme old age».

Synonyms for kindly

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word kindly has the following synonyms: benign, benignant, charitable, benevolent, sympathetic, good-hearted, openhearted, large-hearted and kind.

General information about «kindly» example sentences

The example sentences for the word kindly that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «kindly» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «kindly».

любезно, доброжелательно, доброжелательный, добрый, приятный


- доброжелательно, благожелательно; сердечно; любезно; благосклонно

to speak [to write, to answer] kindly — говорить [писать, отвечать] тепло /ласково, любезно, доброжелательно/
he doesn’t take kindly to being treated as an inferior — ему совсем не нравится, что на него смотрят свысока
he did not take kindly to suggestions — он встречает любые предложения в штыки

- любезно (в формулах вежливости)

will /would/ you kindly tell me the time? — будьте любезны /добры/ сказать мне, который сейчас час?
kindly let me know — пожалуйста, дайте мне знать
kindly fill out the attached questionnaire — просьба заполнить прилагаемую анкету
kindly behave properly! — извольте вести себя прилично!
kindly go away — сделай милость, уходи

- разг. естественно; легко, без напряжения

to take kindly to one’s new duties — легко справляться со своими новыми обязанностями
old wounds have healed kindly — старые раны зажили сами собой

- сердечно

we thank you kindly — благодарим вас от всего сердца

- амер. с благодарностью

we would take it kindly if you would put in a good word for the boy — мы будем очень признательны, если вы замолвите словечко за этого молодого человека


- добрый; мягкий; добродушный; дружелюбный; отзывчивый

- мягкий, приятный; благоприятный, благотворный

kindly climate — мягкий климат
kindly showers — благотворные ливни

- благоприятный

kindly soil — благодатная почва
this soil is kindly (for crops) — эта земля хорошо родит

- арх. законный

Мои примеры


to look kindly at smb. — по-доброму смотреть (на кого-л.)  
kindly soul — добрая душа  
answer kindly — отвечать доброжелательно; отвечать любезно; отвечать ласково  
it shows a kindly spirit — это показывает доброжелательное отношение  
kindly ground — породы, в которых жилы становятся промышленными  
kindly remit — просим уплатить  
kindly show me the way — будьте любезны  
with kindly feeling — светло  
most graciously / kindly — всемилостивейше  
take kindly — благожелательно отнестись  

Примеры с переводом

They kindly offered to help us.

Они любезно предложили нам помочь.

They kindly invited us to come in.

Они любезно пригласили нас войти.

She melted at his kindly words.

Она растаяла от его добрых слов. / Её растрогали его добрые слова.

Will you kindly put that book back?

Вы не будете столь любезны положить книгу обратно?

A kindly woman helped him find his way home.

Одна добрая женщина помогла ему найти дорогу домой.

Your rudeness is beyond endurance — kindly leave my house!

Ваша грубость становится невыносимой, я бы попросил вас покинуть мой дом!

He very kindly offered me a lift.

Он очень любезно предложил меня подвезти.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Mrs Gardiner was a kindly old soul.

She does not take kindly to criticism.

Jimmy would probably not look too kindly on our request.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

kind  — вид, род, тип, разновидность, сорт, класс, добрый, любезный, хороший, сердечный
kindliness  — доброта, добрый поступок
kindling  — разжигание, растопка, зажигание, возбуждение, лучина для растопки
kindness  — доброта, доброжелательность, любезность, мягкосердечие, ласка, благоволение
kindler  — растопка
unkindly  — недобрый, недоброжелательный, неприязненно
seakindly  — с хорошими мореходными качествами, мореходный

Формы слова

срав. степ. (comparative): kindlier
прев. степ. (superlative): kindliest


adverb наречие













  1. доброжелательно

  2. любезно

  3. добродушно

  4. пожалуйста

  5. добросердечно

  6. сердечно

  7. благоприятно

  8. с удовольствием

Частота употребления

Кол-во употреблений kindly на 1 миллион слов: 1.

Примеры предложений

Our teacher is at once stern and kindly.
Наш учитель одновременно строгий и добрый.

Kindly refrain from smoking.
Пожалуйста, воздержитесь от курения.

Would you kindly switch off the radio?
Не были бы вы так добры выключить радио?

Kindly address yourself to the chairman, not directly to other representatives at this meeting.
Будьте добры представить себя председателю, а не другим участникам совещания.

He kindly answered the question.
Он любезно ответил на вопрос.

Would someone kindly link sentence No. 1 to sentence No. 2?
Не мог бы кто-нибудь быть так любезен и соединить предложение №1 с предложением №2?

He kindly drove me to the station.
Он любезно подвёз меня до вокзала.

She kindly listened to my request.
Она любезно выслушала мою просьбу.

She kindly showed me the way.
Она любезно показала мне дорогу.

He kindly answered questions.
Он любезно ответил на вопросы.

Would you kindly look at this?
Будьте добры, Вы не посмотрите на это?

If your friend reminds you kindly of your faults, take what he says not only pleasantly, but thankfully.
Если друг критикует вас с добрыми намерениями, вы должны не только принять эту критику с радостью, но и поблагодарить его.

He responded kindly to the question.
Он доброжелательно ответил на вопрос.

Kindly mind your own business.
Пожалуйста, не вмешивайтесь не в своё дело.

You will be treated kindly.
С вами будут любезны.

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