Sentences with the word journey

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


The longest journey is the journey inwards.

The outer journey stopped when you started meditating, and now the inner journey is also complete.

Путешествие наружу остановилось, когда вы начали медитировать, и теперь внутреннее путешествие тоже подошло к концу.

Namibia instead of continuing their journey.

Некоторые из них поселились в Намибии вместо того, чтобы продолжить их поездку.

We keep you informed and involved throughout their journey.

Мы для того, чтобы вы чувствовали себя полностью информированными и вовлеченными на протяжении всего вашего путешествия.

Your were chosen for this journey.

Тем не менее, не зря именно вы были выбраны для данного путешествия.

In these cases, the planned journey is defined by journey information, which describes all aspects of the journey.

Use the TFL journey planner to plan your journey.

Нажмите на кнопку планировщика поездок организации TfL справа, чтобы спланировать свои поездки.

His journey is an ordeal but it is also a journey of individual redemption, a journey into self-knowledge and knowledge of other peoples.

Его путешествие — это тяжелое испытание, но также путь личного искупления, путь к самопознанию и познанию других народов.

Sometimes return journey becomes the last journey for many labourers.

Иногда возвращение поездки становится последним путешествием для многих рабочих.

The journey to find ourselves (the first journey) is the process of individuation.

Every project becomes a journey which we share with our investors, and the goal is to make the journey worthwhile.

Каждый проект становится путешествием, которое мы разделяем с нашими инвесторами, и цель состоит в том, чтобы сделать путешествие стоящим.

If you pay for the journey yourself, bear in mind that you must have valid documents for travel when booking your journey.

Если вы оплачиваете поездку самостоятельно, имейте в виду, что при бронировании поездки у вас должны быть действительные проездные документы.

At the heart of the spiritual journey is the understanding that it is a journey.

But the journey to ready that talent for the task ahead, like my own journey, is far too long.

Но путь подготовки этого таланта для выполнения вышеупомянутой задачи, как и моё путешествие, слишком длинный.

Now, think about my journey here today, and let it inspire your journey.

Beginning a journey towards achieving personal excellence requires courage, while continuing that journey is even more difficult.

Начало пути к достижению личного совершенства требует мужества, а продолжать это путешествие еще труднее.

Along the journey he gathers different misfits who join his journey.

По пути он встречает различных попутчиков, которые присоединяются к его путешествию.

Our faith journey is indeed a journey.

Part of the startup journey is to understand it is a journey.

Lead them on a journey, the most wonderful journey of all time.

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Grammar Check

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Word index: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Expression index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Phrase index: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Synonym: excursion, expedition, jaunt, junket, outing, tour, trip, voyage. Antonym: voyage. Similar words: attorney, adjourn, journal, journalism, journalist, burner, money, keep an eye on. Meaning: [‘dʒɜrnɪ /’dʒɜː-]  n. the act of traveling from one place to another. v. 1. undertake a journey or trip 2. travel upon or across. 

Random good picture Not show

1. The longest journey starts with a single step. 

2. A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. 

3. A man knows his companion in a long journey and a little inn. 

4. A journey of a thousand miles begains with a single step. 

5. I’ve packed you some food for the journey.

6. Life is like a journey with an unknown destination.

7. He went forth upon a journey to far land.

8. All my good wishes for a pleasant journey!

9. We broke our journey in Madrid.

10. It’s a two-hour train journey from York to London.

11. He got injured on the outward journey.

12. The journey takes about an hour[], door to door.

13. The long journey completely drained me.

14. I’m sorry you had a wasted journey.

15. He equipped himself for a long journey.

16. Wish you a pleasant journey!

17. I don’t envy your journey in this bad weather.

18. The journey is easily manageable in half an hour.

19. I’m afraid you’ve had a wasted journey .

20. I wish you a pleasant journey.

21. The long journey exhausted the children.

22. Geoff was my companion on the journey.

23. The return journey was uneventful, the car running perfectly.

24. They went on a long train journey across India.

25. We stopped for refreshment halfway through the journey.

26. It’s a day’s journey by car.

27. Have a safe journey .

28. There are many hazards in a journey across Africa.

29. Journey of a thousand miles begins with single step.

30. He equipped himself for the journey.

More similar words: attorney, adjourn, journal, journalism, journalist, burner, money, keep an eye on, corner, learned, earnest, Internet, wilderness, eastern europe, around the corner, turn, be concerned about, turn on, churn, spurn, turn out, turn to, turn in, turn off, in turn, burn out, burn up, return, turn up, burning. 

путешествие, поездка, рейс, вояж, прогулка, путешествовать, совершать путешествие


- поездка; путешествие (преим. сухопутное)

the journey from childhood [from birth] to maturity [to death] — образн. путь от детства [от рождения] к зрелости [к смерти]
a journey of three days, a three days’ journey — трёхдневная поездка, трёхдневное путешествие
three days’ journey from here — три дня пути отсюда
a journey by rail — путешествие по железной дороге
a journey on foot — поход, пешее путешествие /-ая экскурсия/
journey to London [into the country] — поездка /экскурсия/ в Лондон [за город]

- рейс

to go ten journeys a day — делать /совершать/ десять рейсов в день

- горн. состав вагонеток

to cheat the journey — убивать дорожную скуку
to reach one’s journey’s end — достичь конца пути, прожить жизнь


- путешествовать, совершать путешествие, поездку, рейс

Мои примеры


a long journey across the country — длительное путешествие по стране  
his epic journey to South America — его грандиозное путешествие по Южной Америке  
a pictorial record of their journey — иллюстрированный отчёт об их путешествии  
a parlous journey on stormy seas — опасное путешествие по бурным морям  
duty journey — служебная поездка, командировка  
safe journey — безопасное путешествие  
sentimental journey — сентиментальное путешествие  
tiring journey — утомительное путешествие  
long road / journey — дальняя дорога  
perilous journey — опасное путешествие  
to scrape money for a journey — скопить денег на путешествие  
fix on a date for a journey — выбрать день отъезда  

Примеры с переводом

I wish you both a very good journey.

Приятного вам обоим путешествия.

Have a safe journey.

Счастливого пути. / Удачно доехать.

I had a sod of a journey.

Поездка была ужасной.

The journey time to Glasgow is 8.34 h.

Время в пути до Глазго составляет 8 часов 34 минуты.

I may wish boon fortune to the journey.

Желаю удачного путешествия.

Journey time: 25 mins 14 secs.

Время в пути: 25 минут 14 секунд.

Allow extra time for your journey.

Выделяйте на поездку время с запасом.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The journey was mercifully brief.

Undaunted, they continued on their journey.

Only the hardiest pilgrims made the journey.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: journey
he/she/it: journeys
ing ф. (present participle): journeying
2-я ф. (past tense): journeyed
3-я ф. (past participle): journeyed

ед. ч.(singular): journey
мн. ч.(plural): journeys

How to use journey in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «journey» and check conjugation/comparative form for «journey«. Mastering all the usages of «journey» from sentence examples published by news publications.

Because if Journey won’t perform with Perry, your choice isn’t Fake Journey or Real Journey, it’s Semi-Journey or No Journey at All.
Thankful for this journey 🙏🏻 Not a weight loss journey, but a journey to find strength: Inside & out.
Mayor Pete’s progress is our progress, his journey is our journey.
Mayor Pete’s progress is our progress; his journey is our journey.
The first season was a journey inward; this is a journey outward.
So we wanted Blake’s journey and Atlanta’s journey to mirror each other.
A journey to the World Cup was in all respects a journey.
«Though it’s been a long journey, it’s a rewarding journey,» she said.
«I would just say conduct yourself with class and dignity and realizing that everyone is on a journey, and her journey is her journey,» she adds.
«At the end of the day, my son has his own journey and it is his journey, not my journey,» Emmitt Smith said, according to ESPN.
It’s not a long journey, but there shouldn’t be a journey at all.
So, it’s been both a larger cultural journey and a personal cultural journey.
My family’s journey to adopt has become a journey to fight for families.
The journey home from Kathmandu feels twice as long as the journey there.
«Journey frog is sent out on a journey,» as Google Translate puts it.
He lived our journey and he challenged us to excel in our journey.
«We figured out that it’s not just Issa’s journey that’s like that — Molly has a journey like that and Lawrence has a journey like that,» he said.
I may have a view about that journey, I may have a critical outlook to the journey, but I definitely try for it to be a journey.
Beresheet’s journey to the Moon was already received as a successful, record-breaking journey.
But you never got there … Consciousness isn’t a journey upward, but a journey inward.
The journey Her journey started when Pratt felt an unusual pain in her leg.
The journey the hero goes on doesn’t need to be a traditional hero’s journey.
Well, obviously, my task was to follow Alice’s journey, and her journey isn’t clear.
I was like, well look at the journey, like your journey is really ugly.
Image: Screengrab via Eric Garland’s magical Twitter journey Image: Screengrab via Eric Garland’s magical Twitter journey Image: Screengrab via Eric Garland’s magical Twitter journey Image: Screengrab via Eric Garland’s magical Twitter journey Image: Screengrab via Eric Garland’s magical Twitter journey Image: Screengrab via Eric Garland’s magical Twitter journey Image: Screengrab via Eric Garland’s magical Twitter journey Image: Screengrab via Eric Garland’s magical Twitter journey Worst of all, once fellow Project Gizmodnik operatives were alerted that our cover has been blown, they have broken off contact, feigned ignorance, or frantically confessed to their roles in various FSB/GRU plots.
«The journey to limit crony capitalism: It’s a journey, it’s not a destination,» Jhunjhunwala said.
Yeah, it could be a lifetime journey, but I want to be on that journey.
Of course, my journey into debt was far easier than my journey out would be.
But the emotional journey, the real emotional journey, is only accessible to a select few.
What I can say is, it’s a journey, and that journey will leave you changed.
Loving guidance on our last journey, or the last leg of our journey, is deeply resonant.
And this was a week for us to celebrate my journey, which has become our journey.
«That’s a technical one, and the journey there … is a very unsettling journey for most people.»
Yeah, it was a very long journey from … well, the book itself was a long journey.
«It’s about the journey — the journey with our fans, the journey together as a group, because we’ve been through all the highs, all the lows and we’re still here,» he said.
My whole therapy journey and what’s happened — not journey; I hate that word — but unwrapping my pain.
The lofty journey started in Abu Dhabi and 16 months later landed back where its journey began.
Without collecting this information, it can’t send you down your personalized journey choose-your-own-adventure journey.
If episode three was Lionel’s journey out of the dark, this is Lionel’s journey into the light.
It’s a long journey, and we are on this journey and it’s a step-by-step approach.
See, you know more about the journey of my breakup than the journey to my proposal acceptance.
But you don’t subvert his hero’s journey by replacing it with a different, less expected hero’s journey.
We are starting a journey together and that journey will be exciting and it will be challenging.
If you haven’t had to have that journey you’ll just never understand what that journey is like.
Any change is a journey, and personalizing communication for where employees are in that journey is critical.
But more than that, I realized that my journey to higher ground was tied to his journey.
«Journey to Satchidananda» revisits the melody from one of her masterpieces, «Journey in Satchidananda,» released in 1970.
And with the turn of a page, the traveler is off on a journey within the journey.
For migrants like Abdullo, travel is about the destination, not the journey — but the journey is arduous.
«There is a difference between the most direct journey, and the journey that meets my needs,» he said.
It’s been an amazing journey so far swimming with and against you, but our journey isn’t over yet!
You leave this apocalyptic home and something on your journey occurs that becomes an awakening or spiritual journey.
It’s a journey you have to take every night, and sometimes you don’t feel like taking that journey.
For Archie, he is the hero of our show, but before he gets to that heroic journey, it’s going to be a journey more of revenge, and a journey of darkness and violence begetting violence.
She has a long journey ahead, but with all the love, her journey could absolutely be a positive one.
That latter journey is less direct, but birds are able to speed up the journey by using strong tailwinds.
Steve’s been on a solo journey without Journey since 1987, and the band currently features Arnel Pineda on vox.
The saying is that the journey is more important than the destination, and what a remarkable journey this was!
Not only are we taking our characters on a journey, but we’re taking Starfleet on a journey of discovery.
An empowering journey Being taught judo is a journey about empowerment and giving women a voice they didn’t have.
For someone like me, the Steele dossier is the beginning of the journey, not the end of the journey.
However, we also know that a positive body image is a journey, and that journey is not a linear one.
«We really had a very specific journey in our minds and we fulfilled the journey,» she told The Hollywood Reporter.
Her journey through the dystopian Republic of Gilead is a journey through a society completely dominated by violence and depersonalization.
«We understand that everybody’s journey is their own journey, yet we don’t allow our allies the same respect and time.»
«It’s been an incredible journey the last three years; it’s been an incredible journey the last two weeks,» Barty said.
For me, understanding the journey you’re on for your career and how Bain fits into that journey is step one.
THE JOURNEY Dramatizing a difficult moment in the establishment of Northern Irish home rule, «The Journey» imagines that the Rev.
Syrian Journey, nominated for MOST SIGNIFICANT IMPACT Syrian Journey is a digital project that explores the plight of the Syrian refugees.
Whether it’s this journey into the film world or our journey together into the science, politics, and social justice of this.
«It shows you that, ‘Okay, this is a totally different journey, but there’s something mystically special about this journey,’ » she said.
Kelly describes the journey of a service member’s remains, the journey his son would have taken, after being killed in action.
An acquisition by VMware would bring Pivotal’s journey full circle, though this is surely not the journey the Pivotal team expected.
The three of us sat in silence when the song ended, thinking about the end of his journey, his journey home.
Over and over and over again, the eternal returns, the hero’s journey and Trump is on his hero’s journey, right now.
«I made the mental journey out of my world long before I made the physical journey,» he wrote in his memoir.
He also produced the »Journey To» franchise (»Journey to the Center of the Earth,» 2008; »Journey 2 the Mysterious Island,» 2012) based on Jules Verne’s stories, which has been solidly profitable, with a worldwide gross of over $500 million.
The film would then have been about her journey to realizing his true identity, rather than his journey to convince her otherwise.
I think where his narrative passions lie are the journey of a father, the journey of teaching someone to become a warrior.
These two crisscrossing narratives between the Annie-Owen journey and the Fujita-Mantleray journey are likely a real, if slightly dreamy, prologue.
«The issue of race and community — we’re on a journey but it’s not a journey unique to New York City,» Bratton said.
Muniz has been vulnerable and gone on an emotional journey of self discovery during season 25 — and fans love a good journey.
«Tonight caps an amazing journey — a long, long journey,» she said, nearly a century after women won the right to vote nationwide.
In it, Dr Will talks about love and marriage and going on a journey with someone while also enjoying your own journey.
«We could be on a five-year journey because it’s all about how aggressively we are going about this journey,» Kwast said.
For one night last week, it was hard to deny her words that «tonight caps an amazing journey — a long, long journey
A book chronicling their journey called Our Towns: A 100,000-Mile Journey into the Heart of America will be released May 8.
» The next pair, «A Journey Through Divination and Astronomy» and «A Journey Through Care of Magical Creatures,» are to arrive «soon after.
«We talk about it each year, each team has their own journey and this is our journey,» Patriots safety Devin McCourty said.
This is the journey from the Belvédère to Can Decreix: a journey from We Want Everything to Actually, We Want Very Little.
This led us on a journey of inquiry and analysis, of acquiring knowledge and learning from it — a journey that continues today.
Watching Poincheval’s journey through time forms a point of contemplation for the viewer, who can only imagine the artist’s journey beyond their vision.
His journey is a path to sentience and understanding that mirrored my journey as I unraveled Sabrina’s mysterious motivations and an absent family.
In the drama that is the migrants’ journey, this is the intermission — the limbo of waiting for the journey to start up again.
The journey inspired the structure of her book, «American Journey: The Times of Robert Kennedy» (1970), an oral history edited by Mr. Plimpton.
My Generalized Anxiety Disorder was most likely triggered by my postpartum depression, and my journey with mental illnesses began with my journey into motherhood.
Please join me in sending healing energy to Anthony on his journey, and to all who’ve been left behind to journey on without him.
Please join me in sending healing energy to Anthony on his journey, and to all who’ve been left behind to journey on without him.
He founded Journey in 2015 to bring meditation to corporate environments, but now is hoping to democratize access with the launch of Journey LIVE.
The result is a sci-fi inspired journey, through various tempos which hopefully sends you on your own little journey to Mars and back.
«We feel blessed to be on such an incredible journey in life and sometimes the journey begins to lead in different directions,» they said.
Finally, at long last, my journey ended with poor Bilbo Baggins coming to terms with the fact that his journey had only just begun.
«I feel honored that Harvard chose to tell Christin’s story, her journey, and that I was a small part of that journey,» she added.
What Thunberg’s 3,000-mile journey will be likeThunberg and Herrmann’s 3,000-mile journey will start in the southwestern UK and terminate in New York.
We could be going on a journey, and the whole point of it is, everybody in the room has to go on the journey.
It is just as important to love yourself on the first step of a journey as it is at the end of a journey.
This is a journey following Mario to save Princess Peach, one of his most [beloved], so we wanted to make this an epic journey.
The first is called Journey IQ, and as the name suggests, the idea is to provide a better understanding of the entire customer journey.
Bass’s journey within a journey highlighted some of the complications of travel that, although they often come unexpectedly, are all part of the experience.
You start thinking about the journey people go on to get to that race, which is exactly what this film is about: that journey.
«Harry Potter: A Journey Through Charms and Defence Against the Dark Arts» and «A Journey Through Potions and Herbology» are arriving in late June.
Even though my journey was hard, there are many, many, many women before me for whom the journey was harder, if not made impossible.
In many respects, her journey has become her generation’s journey — from protester to parent and now grandparent, from earnest idealist to battle-hardened realist.
For many from my village, it required a journey by foot to Jordan, and then a journey across the world to the United States.
The journey to becoming a professional ballet dancer is long and difficult, but at the audition, that journey is a dance on the diagonal.
NFX Guild’s James Currier’s journey from baiting hooks to baiting big deals Jonah Goodhart started his entrepreneurial journey while still in college at Cornell University.
That’s one of the main themes of Sex Education, is that your sexual journey is your sexual journey, it’s okay wherever you are in it.
«Portals Into Futility was a journey for us to write, and hopefully a journey that also presents itself to the listener,» the band told Noisey.
Follow a Syrian boy’s terrifying journey to school in Aleppo Follow a Syrian boy’s terrifying journey to school in Aleppo This segment originally aired Oct.
She’s a person who has a very long journey to make and hers is a journey that makes a lot of transitions through the season.
«We just want to show that we are committed to the journey, that we are investing toward this journey, and we have a first product.»
And I’m so grateful for those who have decided to follow my journey ❤️ I know my journey isn’t over yet, so watch this space!
The 7,500-mile journey from eastern England to eastern China will take three weeks, around half the time needed for the equivalent journey by boat.
But it&aposs also then easier to be helpful throughout throughout the journey, because we&aposve seen that journey over and over again many times.
As in «Lolita,» the moral crisis is so consuming that it’s easy to miss the journey—but the journey is the essence of this novel.
His jail journey began as the Greyhound Bus idled at the Baton Rouge depot, amid a cross country journey from Miami to his California home.
And if you cannot, we are all left to conclude that there has been no journey or that the journey has not progressed far enough.
The first titles — «A Journey Through Charms and Defense Against the Dark Arts» and «A Journey Through Potions and Herbology» — will be published on June 27.
«We’re about to embark on a completely new journey,» Guidara told reporters, calling the prize a fitting end to the first phase of Eleven Madison’s journey.
He thinks he’s right like many bad guys think they’re right, and his journey according to his world view, is the correct journey to be on.
He was the only current NFL player who was advocating openly for legal pot as a medicine, so his journey becomes our journey, in a sense.
Schwarzenegger and Chan recently worked together on a new movie called Journey to China: The Mystery of Iron Mask (originally titled Viy 2: Journey to China).
Because people make a horrific journey out of hope of legal status on the other side, shutting that down will deter them from the horrible journey.
If a journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step, a journey of saving your flooded street should start with a single bucket, right?
Moving through the room, the viewer follows the journey initiated by each of the artists, but there’s also a larger journey of following all the works.
A. This was the one opportunity to journey to the center of Chris’s mind, to represent his brilliant mathematical mind and visualize that journey into it.
So I guess I agree to some extent that the journey is something, too, if by ‘journey‘ they just mean sticking in the game of life.
With Ms. Mirkovic, Mr. Loibner is commissioning a «summer journey» song cycle from several Austrian composers that is intended as a counterpart to «Winterreise» («Winter Journey«).
Green is far more interested in Jeff’s journey through his PTSD than his journey back to being able to walk again with the help of prosthetics.
A journey to another place, a journey to another time: Either way, it all begins with letting your mind wander, as far as it may go.
«It’s a journey of seeing this woman change over time and being with her at the end and trying to figure out what the journey meant.»
Fewer than 500 ships have made the journey since the route was first completed in 1906, but Sovcomflot said it expected the journey to become routine.
If you’re lucky, you can make the upriver journey in four weeks and the downriver journey in two, the same amount of time it took Conrad.
«This journey has been about understanding myself, but it’s also a journey to get past what I expected of others,» she said in an interview with Refinery29.
While the game pulls heavily from Walden’s text, it’s the player’s journey that organizes these excerpts inside the game’s journal, creating a unique retelling of Thoreau’s journey.
«For many of us this has been a difficult journey, a journey that has led to prison cells or exile,» Mr Solih said as he claimed victory.
Among those with elevated «bad» cholesterol, 41.2 percent who completed a Journey lowered it by at least 10 percent, compared to 303 percent of non-Journey-takers.
We have come a long way in the journey toward every app being an intelligent app, but we are still in the early stages of the journey.
The 7,500-mile (12,000 km) journey from eastern England to eastern China will take three weeks, around half the time needed for the equivalent journey by boat.
Her Uncertain Journey was a meditation on the unpredictability of life’s journey through a sea of risk, represented by strings that obscured ghostly silhouettes of steel boats.
I’m very grateful for my time with Flipkart and wish the team and Walmart all the best in continuing this incredible journey… a journey made in India.
«Do great work, and have faith that those things will add up and lead you on a journey that will be a most incredible journey,» Cook said.
I think there’s a lot of mirrors that Brittany can provide of who we are, and her journey, what we really tried … She goes on a journey.
«What’s interesting about the journey of Rafael as a character is it in some strange way resembles and intersects with my journey as a man,» he said.
It’s a record that moves from dark to light and has a strong feeling of journey, and at the core of the journey is hope and belief.
In August, the cruise ship operator will be offering a journey on the Queen Mary 2 that replicates the English Puritans&apos journey to the New World.
«This is really a journey and we’re reaching a critical moment in a journey to grow our Party, to grow trust, to unite our Party,» Perez said.
An undocumented immigrant’s underground journey to Canada An undocumented immigrant’s underground journey to Canada This segment originally aired March 16, 2017, on VICE News Tonight on HBO.
Here in our first episode of a two-part podcast, we played up until protagonist John Marston’s journey to Mexico, and friends, what a journey it is.
I want people to understand that it’s a journey, and part of that journey is taking care of yourself — that means making healthier choices, going to the gym.
«You’re seeing the journey not only of the artist but also you’re seeing the journey of the songs that makes the artist what an artist is,» Brooks said.
Jesse Burke’s latest project, entitled ‘Wild & Precious,’ documents a meaningful journey that Burke and his daughter, Clover, embarked on — a journey to cultivate connectedness between humankind and nature.
According to Kaizen, the journey would normally cost just £15, but he was charged £102.17 for the journey which took place during the early hours of Easter Monday.
A handful of core games are helping to contribute to the revenue growth, including Fantasy Westward Journey, Westward Journey Online, Hero Moba, and The Legend of Mir 2.
At least one member of the band Journey was spotted on a journey inside the White House, chatting with press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders during a Thursday visit.
Thousands of migrants have drowned on their journey across the central Mediterranean in the last couple of years, as millions make the journey to escape poverty and war.
«This is one more marker or signpost that Lincoln is on a journey, and that journey will not finally come out until the second inaugural,» Mr. White said.
He was still planning where to point his board for a 1,500-foot vertical journey between rock faces when a more violent sort of journey suddenly enveloped him.
The caravan, an annual event organized by activists to highlight the journey that migrants undertake, has typically dispersed into separate, smaller groups at some point along the journey.
«If I hadn’t stressed out so much, I think I would have been in a better place on that journey and I would have enjoyed the journey more.»
Another Journey: A Reflection on Togetherness, Protection, and Crying on a Livestream | Not Your Mama’s Gamer Jynx Boyne discusses the identity positions encoded in the costumes of Journey.
The story is full of Disney fantasy, but Cravalho says her character’s journey toward self-discovery — and the fact that she makes that journey alone — is relatable to everyone.
You’ll also get typing instructions from a personal coach who will work with you throughout your typing journey, and receive an advanced typing certificate upon completion of said journey.
» Lily Burana (@lilyburana) is the author of «Strip City: A Stripper’s Farewell Journey Across America» and, most recently, «Grace for Amateurs: Field Notes on a Journey Back to Faith.
Success is not only about reaching a goal; it’s about experiencing the journey to success and the people you meet during that journey who may encourage you to greatness.
Her parents and two brothers did not make the journey to Europe because one of the brothers, Nabih, 219, has leukemia and was too sick for the grueling journey.
In «Harry Potter,» the hero’s journey plays out progressively over seven books, resulting in a final battle, but each book also cycles through the journey on a micro scale.
I am here to help him on his journey and as he begins this new journey, we are all with you, Keith, and we’re all very excited for you.
I’ve also been thinking about defining a Heroine’s Journey as a story that moves in spirals or circles, instead of the Hero’s Journey, which is more of an arc.
» He continues, «And I said that at WrestleMania last year: It’s the end of my in-ring journey, but it’s not the end of my journey with the WWE.
My journey, and the journey for victims everywhere in the church, will be made easier when actions are taken that condemn those, especially prelates, who took our innocence away.
My journey went from learning about African American foodways to evaluating my own experiences and existence in terms of the African and African American journey with and through food.
The actual full Japanese title for the show is Kino’s Journey — the Beautiful World — the Animated Series, because it’s something of a remake of a 2003 anime titled Kino’s Journey.
Leading the pack was «Journey to the West: The Demons Strike Back,» the sequel to Hong Kong director-actor Stephen Chow’s 2013 film ‘Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons.
I am happy that the journey is over, a journey that was too long, and I am worried for the situation in the Mediterranean and the closing of European ports.
Moreover, based on extensive cave video review & discussion with several divers who know journey, SpaceX engineering is absolutely certain that mini-sub can do entire journey & demonstrate at any time.
But the show’s singular focus on Midge’s journey of self-fulfillment, and its insistence that there’s no room for her children on this journey, proves that in The Marvelous Mrs.
It was a journey that we weren’t on by ourselves:  Everybody went on that journey with us and that was one thing that made all the difference in the world.
But it’s important to remember the journey it took for her to get here, a journey that meant she was unable to release or perform music for a long time.
Migrants are willing to risk the journey and deportation because not making the journey and attempting to get asylum is a death sentence for oneself, one’s spouse or one’s child.
«It’s been, like, a really long journey,» Townsend said after beating Halep, a journey that included being stripped of travel funding by the USTA because of, it said, her weight.
They described the physical journey as a «hijrah,» the Arabic word used to refer to the Prophet Muhammad’s journey to escape persecution in Mecca, imbuing the act with religious meaning.
» «Just because some ppl are done with your journey, doesn’t mean your journey is done,» the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills star wrote, adding hashtags like «#LifeFromTheSideLines #Spoonie #LymeDiseaseAwereness #DeterminedToFindACure #AffordableForAll.
There’s no hero’s journey beyond the literal journey between southeast England’s empty venues and identikit hotels, no reflection on how Brent’s behavior affects others, no fundamental realizations about his unhealthy lifestyle.
It was a long journey leading to this moment and I’ve got a long journey ahead of me but I’m so happy for people to see me as I see myself.
That’s a play on bidding systems — which incentivize passengers to offer a tip to land a driver for their requested journey — that instead lets drivers jostle to «win» a passenger’s journey.
There’s definitely the eye on the tangible success at the end of this journey, because it’s not necessarily about us, it’s about everyone else that’s along for the journey with us.
Art that feels like the product of an unlikely journey is frequently presumed to be more authentic; if that journey is marked by disenfranchisement and injustice, the work becomes doubly profound.
Once Santa has kicked off his journey from the North Pole, the organization begins using its satellites’ infrared detectors to spot Rudolph’s bright nose and keep track of the big journey.
I’m interested in how you view her journey — especially having been on a similar journey yourself, going from a staff writer on other shows to now being in charge of one.
«It has lyrics that gave him a chance to go on a journey and to take us on that journey with him that’s really what his strong suit is,» said Connick.
Tiba: I like the word departure, but more in the sense that we had been preparing a long journey for like four years, and the journey is about to start now.
In her latest collection of work at the Metro Pictures gallery, she has embarked on not just another successful journey into the representation of women but, uncharacteristically, a journey into herself.
«It could be the best journey in the world, but if your bag is not there at the end of that journey it ruins the experience for the passenger,» he said.
The troubled yet worthwhile journey this book takes us on matches the mood of Yeats’s poem «The Second Coming» — and it’s a journey rife with depressing detail that also depresses Marantz.
A journey through Kobe Bryant’s life and career This interactive timeline takes you on a journey through Kobe Bryant’s life and gives you 24 defining moments of the NBA legend’s career.
» «Rio for me is all about enjoying the journey.
Read more: Endeavour Fund ventures — Ambitious journey across Atlantic
Let’s begin with the conclusion of Luke Skywalker’s journey .
» He followed that in 2014 with another, «Ruth’s Journey.
On Sunday, 4 March, they made the same journey from the hotel, again using the underground from Bow to Waterloo station at approximately 8.05am, before continuing their journey by train to Salisbury.
It’s that private journey, the interior space, and stepping away from the public journey of blackness, and how people consume who we are, what we make, food, culture and all of that.
But just — it really stunned me (to) be there in the summer of 2018 and have such an important plant at GE beginning its lean journey or re-beginning its lean journey.
«Deterrence … a step on the journey, and deterrence will be enhanced as that journey goes along,» Breedlove said during a talk at the Center for Strategic and International Studies in late June.
«We’re confident we’re back on track … the first quarter is the first step of a journey which for all of us from now on is a different journey,» CEO Marco Morelli said.
«The journey to Germany was good, we got food and water but the journey from Iraq to Greece was so bad, that I was just so tired by this point,» he explains.
All his life the water at forest’s edge had beckoned him to a journey, a journey he did not take until he was no longer a monkey but only a monkey’s corpse.
Google touches the consumer at many parts of their journey, and retailers are all at different places regarding how much they&aposve leveraged these tools and really optimized from a journey perspective.
Crushing our hearts with a heavy combination of fear and hopefulness, Hopper’s journey to let go of his former family and Eleven’s journey to find her own ends with the two holding hands.
So increasingly, we see governments moving towards large scale precincts where they work in partnership over not a two- to three-year journey, but a 10- to 15-year journey with a partner.
Mdidlesex is a modern Greek epic that tracks the Stephanides family’s journey from Asia Minor to Detroit, and eventually how that journey produced Cal Stephanides, the self-described «most famous hermaphrodite in history.»
I was really interested in the idea of, first of all, the role of that in the journey, the startup journey, but also in what it takes to bring big ideas to life.
» Erin Lindsey on Han Solo: «You sort of sense that somewhere in his life he’s made this journey from being naive and romantic—a journey we all make to some extent—to cynical.
Inspired by kung fu movies and vintage Japanese video games, the story consists of Kendrick on his journey to «find the glow,» which is derived from the Chinese classic Journey to the West.
So talk a little bit about that journey, because when we met, you had just sold to Facebook, I think, and you had just sort of started off on your journey there. Right.
It’s a wonderful journey if you allow that journey to happen because it opens up your eyes to what it is that you’ve put it front of Him that keeps you from Him.
You’re letting your hair grow because your journey is continuing.
Watching you grow up has been the best journey ever!
But looking back on it, my journey had it all.
It’s a really interesting spiritual journey that she goes on.
My whole journey was supposed to be about inspiring people.
The journey to get here, Amal told me, was tiring.
The cruise then continued on its journey back to Melbourne.
So why do people like me eagerly journey to Gurb?
Losing weight hasn’t been an easy journey for Gayle King.
The truth is we have to live the journey, right?
See, failure was every bit a part of the journey.
«Charlie has moved me forward in my journey,» Anderson says.
» Their lives were «an incredible journey of ups and downs.
What tips you want me to share in my journey?
Take this journey with us below or on Apple Podcasts.
I’m excited for your journey, never change who you are.
She tells the Daily Mail that curiosity drove her journey.
Almost 4,000 of them lost their lives in the journey.
Every journey … you might find something incredibly special out there.
Figuring out who we are is part of life’s journey.
My journey is more pleasurable because she is so vicious.
You are buying a journey from one city to another.
Ramirez says poverty drove her to make this journey north.
Une meeles Colin Joyce is enjoying the journey, on Twitter.
Or does Harbour’s journey on Stranger Things really end here?
It’s fair to say he’s had a diverse career journey.
Solar Impulse 2 began its journey in March of 2015.
They’re on a journey to be more than that, though.
Regardless, we’re happy to be on this journey with you.
The image shows a heartbreaking end to a harrowing journey.
Antoni Porowski is opening up about his mental health journey.
And I’m ready for us to take this journey together.
She had been searching for new shoes for her journey.
But the baby animal didn’t survive the 300 kilometer journey.
Now, she speaks to groups about her journey of healing.
So it’s been a very interesting journey for me creatively.
And luckily, it doesn’t diminish Andy’s journey in the film.
Consider it part one of your journey to complexion perfection.
The journey was long for Fox but definitely worth it.
That journey, Singh cautions, will still be a lengthy one.
The journey is neither going to be easy, nor short.
The journey of 75 km will take around 25 hours.
Circa Survive’s journey has been turbulent, to say the least.
Make sure you make the journey with a financial planner.
The UK trip is the last stop of his journey.
In reality, most companies embarking on this journey will fail.
In 1951, Heyerdahl’s film about the journey won an Oscar.
We wish we could find out how this journey ends.
Follow her journey to her third Olympic games on Instagram.
They thought the hard part of their journey was over.
Playing Missandei and Grey Worm’s journey has been so special.
«Kim is going in before her fitness journey!» says Khloé.
He seems genuinely interested in helping them on their journey.
Fertility Journey: IVF Alyza: We’ve been together for seven years.
So we’re about to just get on an inspirational journey.
I feel like I am on this journey with Paul.
The new link will cut the journey to 14 minutes.
By ordinary rail, the journey to Beijing takes 24 hours.
He’s learned a few key lessons on his nontraditional journey.
It’s been quite a sparse journey towards this landmark moment.
The character’s emotional journey helped Hudson become a breakout star.
So what exactly makes a journey to Mars so perilous?
It’s called Playing Hurt: My Journey from Despair to Hope.
That day was a turning point in my fertility journey.
Throughout her journey, this little hippo amassed a huge following.
«It’s been an incredible journey,» Baffert said earlier this week.
If each one could start — this journey could become marvelous.
Rudd’s journey to become Australia’s 26th prime minister wasn’t smooth.
Both our families are aware and supportive of our journey.
But that does not mean Mohammed’s journey will be easy.
Delman Lee: A bit of a personal journey as well.
And that is sort of how I started the journey.
So it was no surprise finding them on our journey.
Learn more about the film, and Schwartz’s remarkable journey, here.
So, I set off on my journey for Uber redemption.
And the journey, overland through Guatemala and Mexico, is dangerous.
Kate McKinnon’s Emmy has embarked on a journey without her.
Strangers is about one woman’s journey through her sexual explorations.
«The support throughout our journey has been incredible,» she says.
TUCKAHOE «Journey to Italy» (8453), directed by Roberto Rossellini. Jan.
«Respect: A Musical Journey of Women,» by Dorothy Marcic. Jan.
Ader would be the only one present for his journey.
The Nokia 8 is an important step on that journey.
Wishing you all the best on your new journey #thebachelor.
But on the outward journey the holds were largely empty.
I’m currently pitching projects, and it’s been quite a journey.
And the Journey to Mars didn’t help with matters either.
Cure: A Journey into the Science of Mind over Body.
He had met a partner to share that journey with.
Before Week 36 of this yearlong journey through the Bible.
A 10 minute journey now takes three times as long.
They include small children who’ve made the harrowing journey north.
«Respect: A Musical Journey of Women,» by Dorothy Marcic. Feb.
Y., said the hearing marks the «beginning of a journey
BOHEMIA «Gypsy Music: A Dazzling Journey,» violinist David Podles. Feb.
My journey with acne began before I’d even hit puberty.
For some, that journey took place over 50 years ago.
But Ibrahim wishes that she had not made the journey.
The Billionaire Raj: A Journey Through India’s New Gilded Age.
Monumental Journey does a good job in addressing this context.
To hear all about her journey, press play just above.
Carry it with you for the rest of the journey.
But talk about … a quick and dirty of your journey.
It’s amazing to be by your side through this journey.
This is one train journey we won’t be complaining about.
Zuckerberg loves to say the journey is 1 percent finished.
Obviously, Ellie and Pete’s journey correlates to Anders and Beth’s.
I can’t wait to start this new journey with you!
That vigilance nearly ended the men’s journey before it began.
Edwins is a passageway, a brief part of your journey.
Knowing where you want to go is half the journey.
It would be too soon to cut this journey short!
«Being part of their journey means a lot to me!»
Embracing the journey requires courage and a shift in thinking.
In the meantime, you can follow Romeo’s journey on Instagram.
Embarking on this journey, I was looking for something different.
Regardless of the reason, embrace the journey and share it.
Complete your Hello Kitty journey in Taiwan with Hello Kitty.
But the journey to that moment was far from easy.
Ms Abedi has made the journey 2400 times or so.
The crackdown has made an already dangerous journey more dangerous.
Cassius has a similar journey and I identify with that.
The journey spoke to me and I had similar thoughts.
So far, the journey has been a dream come true.
No greater revelation has come from our journey than this.
This storyline is inspired by your journey as a parent?
The company’s journey began with an armed robbery in Argentina.
Already, skipping class just as it begins its  educational journey.
So your journey time would only be half an hour.
«I hope my journey does the same for other people.»
It is a beautiful journey for you and your family.
I’m documenting my journey through the story — wherever it leads.
We recognize that this is a man on his journey.
I’m elated to share this musical journey with our fans!
I am comforted by those on this journey with me.
«This is the first step along that journey,» says Daffey.
«My mom calls it the tragic, beautiful journey,» Arlen added.
But Parker will get even more boosts on its journey.
I’ve come this far; I want to finish this journey.
Demi Lovato has reached another milestone on her sobriety journey.
I think our heroine has finally stopped refusing the journey.
Ratjen’s life was also to be changed by a journey.
This resume told a story about the candidate’s career journey.
Computer vision and artificial intelligence are core to the journey.
But they’re really important, and very important to my journey.
Finding the perfect pair of jeans isn’t an easy journey.
This memoir documents the heartbreaking, profound, joyful journey that ensues.
And finally, «Daylight» is a chilled out, melodic techno journey.
It is a journey to create new meaning through scents.
News audience and go on this journey together once again.
It’s part of the character’s journey in this first season.
With Bayo I want people to go on a journey.
«I’ve really enjoyed the journey as a whole,» he said.
Journey back from hypersonic becomes extremely difficult as velocity increases.
Is this a journey that spent nuclear fuel makes today?
Since then, she’s frequently posted photos of her health journey.
In 1895 you could make the same journey in days.
But different countries are at different stages of the journey.
Brad Feld has been writing about his journey for years.
Natasha Bure’s The Voice journey has come to an end.
For 18 months, many chose to delay the journey north.
The couple’s journey to conception was not a long one.
But I got no answers and eventually abandoned the journey.
Ngoc Lan was the only survivor of the harrowing journey.
Mogu’s long journey: From rejecting Alibaba’s advances to US IPO
We hope you consult EAGLE’s forecasts regularly along that journey.
Sunday’s cube disappearance finished a journey that started in August.
You never really finish finding yourself… it’s a constant journey.
Titans can share key insights for navigating your growth journey.
The journey I went on felt very similar to that.
To be a part of her last journey is amazing.
It all just kind of sounded like Journey or something.
We had no idea how challenging this journey would be.
«It’s so easy to focus on the journey,» he explained.
This journey would take over 2 hours in a car.
What made you share your writing journey on the radio?
«Everyone’s on a different path, a different journey,» Henson said.
So awesome to have been a part of his journey.
Earth’s technology requires a lengthy journey into mostly unmapped territory.
BROADLY: When did you first start your journey with crystals?
The journey itself will be a great adventure as well.
This feels like a real man on a dark journey.
Now he speaks to PEOPLE about the song’s long journey.
He explained his brother gives speeches on his recovery journey.
And many of America’s families are still living the journey.
But I know this: We’ve got to start that journey.
But mark my words, this journey is not yet done.
But planning a journey is one thing; making it another.
I’m glad he waited, since Dev’s journey is fantastic watch.
It’s going to be necessary for this journey you’re on.
Did Cash’s journey in the film feel familiar to you?
And not just for her journey letting go of Michael.
As a result, the journey usually involves overcoming frustrating hurdles.
This is a journey, not an argument, and it’s masterful.
And their latest journey to Morocco only underlines that point.
Celebrate small wins along the journey and do it frequently.
This evolutionary journey can be seen vividly throughout the film.
Safe to say, the panda is on it’s enlightened journey.
You don’t have to walk the journey to success alone.
Starting this journey, I was stressed this wouldn’t work out.
Larson’s new role will bring Woodhull’s journey into the spotlight.
It’s been quite the journey, but it’s well worth it.
In 2012, the monolithic Journey achieved that seemingly impossible task.
It’s been both a long journey and a frantic sprint.
The journey is generally believed to take a couple weeks.
The founder, what happens to the journey of the founder?
Failure is often part of any long journey toward success.
The journey is unique and specific to all of us.
After the idea and drive stage, you’re on your journey.
I’m sorry to end this journey on an inconclusive note.
You’re on a constant journey of keeping up with technology.
This would be the end of the sword men’s journey.
Thank you for joining me on the journey this week.
It’s been an interesting journey, we’ve met in the middle.
The journey from startup to public is easily a decade.
We both began the journey without quite knowing our destination.
After quite the journey, NASA’s InSight has landed on Mars.
You’ll recall … he recorded and posted his journey to jail.
Real people, now on the most dangerous journey of all.
Jenner’s destination is uncertain, but the journey is worth taking.
But I also believe that our souls choose their journey.
Wescott embarked on his «Needle 2 Square» journey in 2012.
«Safety is a journey, not a destination,» the NTSB tweeted.
The road on the journey to fulfillment is never straight.
Never lose sight of the overall journey that you’re on.
I know I’ve made plenty in our journey thus far.
«Meteorites are traumatized by their journey to Earth,» Karl says.
We were so happy to be part of the journey.
It’s a personal and difficult journey, with no support services.
Despite the journey, Hanna kept a smile on her face.
Members of the tribe are still making the arduous journey.
MLive takes a journey through the history of the festival.
I’m sure sharing this journey so publicly isn’t always easy.
The journey began in Agadir, Morocco and ended in Antigua.
Fortnite’s journey to Android has been an adventure unto itself.
MYANMAR’S journey towards democracy was never going to be easy.
The train journey marks the transition from girl to woman,
This is just a moment n your personal Hero’s Journey.
A new journey concerning finances, worth, and value begins soon.
As Emerson once wrote, life’s a journey, not a destination.
TMZ reports the Forbidden Journey is inducing nausea and vomiting.
Bischoff describes his journey in creating Cistern as, simply, epic.
The journey can’t be rushed but everything will be remembered.
To see outside yourself is the longest journey of all.
Cure: A Journey into the Science of Mind Over Body.
ZACKARY DRUCKER: Tell me about your personal journey around transness.
The journey to publication will be a lot less lonely.
But for others, the journey to freedom is not over.
But the journey was not everything it appeared to be.
Prior to his historic journey north, Kim worried world leaders.
«We’re at a critical stage of our journey,» Myers said.
Check out a startling visual journey of his recent visit.
Sia has shared a major milestone in her recovery journey.
Throughout the video his journey and performance heightens and intensifies.
But the journey to that destination may well have begun.
It is, frankly, a spiritual journey from start to finish.
The journey to this point has been a tumultuous one.
Maintaining privacy and security will be more journey than destination.
But that was just the beginning of his brave journey.
They, too, have flown in from Paris, a long journey.
Gabriela is in the final stretch of the journey north.
That means Alaska Air’s journey could be a bumpy one.
No one talks about the love that sustained the journey.
Jerry Krucell, Toney’s grandfather, made a separate journey to safety.
The journey undertaken here seems nearly as frightful and fascinating.
This is the journey to get from here to there.
He only has this other journey in front of him.
The narrative meanders, just as Chatwin did on his journey.
Entrepreneurs who were invited onboard the epic tech talk journey.
The Haitians are not the only ones making the journey.
Nearly 100,000 are children who have attempted the journey alone.
For me, dance has been the journey of a lifetime.
The journey is expected to take 30 to 35 days.
U.S. President Donald Trump is continuing his journey across Asia.
In any case, here’s how my journey went: 9 a.m.
It’s like a stop in an allegorical journey of life.
I try to share my journey with honesty and humor.
There were so many echoes of my own family’s journey.
My journey will also be driven by you, the readers.
You could be on a retention journey with your customer.
We’re really on a journey to know our customers better.
We’re really on a journey to know our customers better.
Thank you to everyone who shared this journey with us.
We got extremely lucky in many ways along that journey.
Her most recent book is «The Story, A Reporter’s Journey«.
Caught up in Livia’s journey, you barely notice it’s there.
But her journey doesn’t only reflect the advances of women.
But the journey was grueling, and only 30,000 adventurers persevered.
Adderall, we both agreed, was a perversion of that journey.
Not here; the crowd stood and sang along with Journey.
HUDSON «Concerto: A Beethoven Journey» (2015), directed by Phil Grabsky.
For Ms. Arcone, it has been a long journey back.
Congrats on surviving your harrowing journey amongst the Kleenex, Chanel.
Part of it is his unlikely journey to the NBA.
We can’t wait to share our journey with you guys.
His journey is expected to last at least six months.
That started me on this journey of becoming an athlete.
However, the team aspect was really important in my journey.
The journey has made him a better, more mature player.
«Your kakistocracy is collapsing after its lamentable journey,» Brennan tweeted.
For me, the journey began in April 2015, when Sen.
It has been a long journey from start to sledgehammer.
You’d think it’s all about the journey, not the destination.
This was when Baalsrud’s journey took its grimmest turn yet.
Neptune begins its retrograde journey through Pisces on June 18.
As we embarked on our journey onto the roller coaster.
The result is a beautiful and sapient journey through time.
They begin their journey by tapping into their own passions.
Did you try to reflect that journey in her wardrobe?
The Russian’s journey to success hasn’t been all highs, however.
What follows is a journey of forbidden love and discovery.
For this episode, the trio continues its journey through Texas.
The extreme conditions of the journey are also a factor.
Tell me about your journey towards the movie music business.
So I loaded in and started on my existential journey.
Clare: Peter was ahead on the journey when we met.
He helped me on my journey with shamanic sacred sexuality.
The Journey Tents cost between $150 and $300 per night.
In Syria, the school day begins with the journey there.
Or will Google’s resources help Fitbit on its own journey?
This was no quixotic journey, but it felt dreamlike nevertheless.
«It’s been a hard journey,» Lima wrote in an email.
This was the most revealing part of the entire journey.
If life is a journey, Doug Lynam is well traveled.
The teen documented her journey throughout her treatments on YouTube.
The group planned to continue their journey north on Monday.
Typically, that journey is oblique, witty and rich in surprise.
After a 238 day journey, the cars arrive in China.
I think they can work as a journey as well.
Along her journey, she’s helped by three otherworldly beings: Mrs.
Because of this arduous journey, Hill takes nothing for granted.
In the introduction, Mr. Clark described their journey to London.
«It’s good stuff,» he said as he began his journey.
I totally get that’s his journey, but it’s also mine.
The journey ultimately took him back to the dark web.
We’ll rarely use such terms as mindfulness, journey, vulnerability etc.
But Chester’s journey to rugby glory was far from assured.
I had to make that horrible journey back in pain.
«It’s been a superlong journey for me here,» Federer said.
«My creative journey began in my kindergarten class,» she recalled.
Rachel became their theological companion, a friend for the journey.
«This journey has been exhilarating,» Cooper said in a statement.
«Today is not the end of the journey,» she said.
This, I thought, is going to be an unusual journey.
And that doesn’t make for a great journey throughout life.
Ada’s journey, we understand, will be about learning to believe.
We’d made this journey together; we’d made it entirely alone.
Politically, I’m not quite sure where Aida’s journey leaves us.
Will suffers, but she also receives help on her journey.
They don’t have to undertake a long journey or camp.
LONDON — Britain’s journey into Brexit has been a little bumpy.
It’s a journey toward progress, and it’s only just beginning.
His sad journey is an extreme version of the country’s.
His journey with his own family has been more difficult.
The journey, in their own car, was easier this time.
That was a delight, every step of the painful journey.
This was the last booster test necessary before that journey.
The journey changes her — and not just her attitude.knickerbocker-orchestra.
Could they communicate what type of journey would interest them?
I didn’t want to take hormones, that’s not my journey.
I had a prior startup that was an interesting journey.
So that’s the journey we’re on right now with Tinder.
» He continued, «Living is a journey; living is a struggle.
Trump looms over the hero’s journey, a trickster, almost divine.
Across from «A People’s Journey» sits the Oprah Winfrey Theater.
«It has been a long journey to reach this goal.»
«Thank you again for coming on this journey with us.»
But something went awry a few minutes into the journey.
But Carey’s talent makes her journey a thing of wonder.
Homelessness and bankruptcy were part of this journey as well.
He called the move «a significant milestone» in that journey.
Her journey to public recognition has been a long one.
I wasn’t equal to imagining what that journey was like.
I’m not sure how to continue this journey without you.
Through that journey I have made many friends and acquaintances.
The caravan’s participants are making the journey for several reasons.
He probably envied Odysseus’s relatively smooth journey home to Ithaca.
This isn’t the end of the Apple Watch ordering journey.
You and I have been on very long journey together.
It’s an honor to be on this journey with you.
I want people to know that this is my journey.
Journey Brown and Noah Cain rushed for two touchdowns apiece.
It’s the story of every person’s journey through life, really.
But his wife eventually persuaded him to make the journey.
Male tarantulas can journey up to a mile, Padilla said.
They knew the journey ahead of them would be dangerous.
Journey, created in January through a merger between DoubleMap Inc.
Social realism will not help him on his picaresque journey.
«My journey, my life, has not been easy,» he said.
More difficult than stealing the boat was the actual journey.
What it is: Before there was Journey, there was Flower.
It was an amazing journey, these three or four years.
What is the role of travel in a personal journey?
Thus began his journey to become Italy’s most divisive writer.
The man started his journey in Washington, D.C., on Feb.
For me, the journey has been painful, even physically painful.
«This has been a strange and long journey,» he said.
Through that journey, we obsessed only on one metric: retention.
Gear up for that sonic journey with this concert special.
Appreciating all this, you know the journey we’ve been on.
Jackson was following along for much of the Obamas’ journey.
Harry and Meghan: An African Journey debuts Wednesday, Oct. 23.
In today’s 360 video, we witness one family’s journey back.
Mr. Davy began his arduous journey back to the capital.
«Our journey together is only just beginning,» Mr. Barnett said.
Now, 20 years later, «Journey to the Past» is back.
Some had been raped on the journey to Bidi Bidi.
Recently, Carmona’s experimenting has turned into a natural hair journey.
Mr. Hopkins’s journey into Creole history began in Mobile, Ala.
Then she set out on the long journey to Europe.
So, I think we’re just on that journey with Spectacles.
But the journey to Europe was filled with dangerous prospects.
Videos shared on social media showed the harrowing evacuation journey.
«This journey has become a rite of passage,» she writes.
No passport, no money Nadège described her journey to France.
But Bulleri’s journey spanned more than just village to city.
Between 210,000 and 10,000 men make this journey every month.
It’s not the speed but the journey, I tell myself.
For me, it’s been a journey and it still continues.
FAITH A Journey for All By Jimmy Carter 179 pp.
Our writer revisits his journey, and the «pilgrimage worthy» destination.
But the journey has given her something even more vital.
My body remembers the cold and pain of that journey.
He began his journey on the morning of April 16.
The second «pill journey» occurred in the past two months.
«I know the journey won’t always be easy,» he said.
But the Voyager crew packed for a much longer journey.
I hope this journey for him is an amazing one.
Still, the journey remains a major theme throughout the exhibition.
The crew of three began their journey in May 2019.
He takes a bicycle for the remainder of the journey.
That makes any journey they need to make incredibly dangerous.
«Have a safe journey,» one said before they both disappeared.
Theirs is a tense journey towards a begrudgingly admiring truce.
I [want my music] to take you on a journey.
Our writer took an unguided journey à la Robinson Crusoe.
You had a long journey to your first feature film!
At every step of the journey, her emotions built up.
Consider what’s most important to you in your life’s journey.
In some ways, my journey started on May 1, 2011.
My own journey along this road began in March 1991.
But if you want to sell it, a journey begins.
The Getaway Travel is supposed to be about the journey.
She posts about her workouts, personal journey, and motivational tips.
«We really think about the food consumer journey,» he said.
But I began preparing for my journey the night before.
It has been a long and liberating journey for me.
So, I want you to come on a quick journey.
And April is only a small part of the journey.
Ahead, a helpful timeline mapping out this pair’s romantic journey.
We have prepared water in the bucket for the journey.
His journey could provide important new details on his species.
That set Walt off on his journey to rescue Jesse.
In 2017, the couple embarked on another grueling medical journey.
«The journey starts here,» they said in unison, and vanished.
One exhibit details Henson’s journey to freedom in considerable depth.
This is a jovial kiki about Madonna’s broken ass journey.
In «Journey 2: The Mysterious Island» (2012) she played Kailani.
Of those, 2000%, just 21980 people, will make the journey.
So you have to take your own journey into it.
Also it is a journey of patience and unforeseen paths.
But Cool’s journey to Omaha actually started well before 2009.
He shared a series of photos from the journey (below).
That journey ended, and we do not speak much anymore.
The majority paid Libyan people traffickers to make the journey.
The United States team’s journey, however, was anything but smooth.
«I think everyone has their own journey,» Kardashian West said.
«This was not a journey that happened overnight,» he said.
But it’s much more about the journey than the destination.
I want my fans to be part of this journey.
The journey south doesn’t go well for either of them.
It’s been a long journey for us, hasn’t it been?
«It’s an honor to be on this journey with you.»
«I’m not a criminal,» Slim protests, early in the journey.
That could be the start to your mindful eating journey.
Tess Kossow’s journey to motherhood was more difficult than most.
I’d love to hear what’s been your journey since then.
MADAME PRESIDENTThe Extraordinary Journey of Ellen Johnson SirleafBy Helene CooperIllustrated.
It, too, will soon begin its long journey to oblivion.
The pain built up on the railway journey to London.
There is more than one way to walk any journey.
«I want them to continue their sleep journey with us.»
Here are some tips for each step of your journey.
This is what our show is all about, the journey!
Thanks to everyone who’s helped us on this amazing journey!
If it doesn’t, I am going to enjoy the journey.
You can download «the journey to the party» on itch.
Ten people died during the journey or later at hospitals.
The next steps must be discovered in the journey itself.
I had been shortsighted in my interpretation of Theon’s journey.
Mr. Kim has arrived, after a long, winding train journey.
The suspense of this episode’s journey is about finding Roger.
The journey began in forgotten linguistic papers and historical sketches.
Adult mentors are critical to guide students on this journey.
Now, Haqq is revealing even more about her pregnancy journey.
And your blessing for the journey gave her extra strength. . . .
It’s a journey into darkness, triumph, levity, and unimaginable pain.
And the mood is despair and the journey is futile.
Jupiter takes us on a journey and grants distant foresight.
«This is where Madden NFL’s accessibility journey began,» she said.
The journey to find this new path is just beginning.
Let’s remember, the journey to the moon is, ostensibly, scientific.
There’s nothing compassionate about enticing people to take this journey.
It’s all about the journey, it’s not about getting there.
Making a movie is a journey, not a straight line.
Unbearably large numbers of them fail to survive that journey.
Di Suvero’s journey to art has had its harrowing moments.
Join us on a journey that has only just begun.
It’s the final step of a long and wonderful journey.
It sure is one hell of a half hour journey.
Image: David Ctiborsky In what ways did the train journey as a whole, for instance the motion of the train and the sense of a journey, inform the style and pace of the album?
» He called the trip to the United States «a very dangerous journey, a very, very dangerous journey,» and said «the asylum policy of the Democrats is responsible because they will not change the policy.
«When we started designing Black Spire Outpost it wasn’t about a single person, it wasn’t about Luke or Anakin’s journey, it’s about your journey,» Chris Beatty, executive creative director for Walt Disney Imagineering said.
As much as we strive to be body confident, body positivity is more of a journey than a destination, and there are always going to be moments when the journey doesn’t feel so easy.
Katrin is confronting her own existential dilemma, and Constantine stays with her on every step of her journey, a journey, as we come to see, that Eric would not have been able to bear.
An archaic term used for the provisions one takes on a journey, Viaticum alludes to the 31-year-old’s own terminal prognosis as well as a journey she took to see a Brazilian healer.
«As we usher in a new journey for Sri Lanka, we must remember that all Sri Lankans are part of this journey,» Mr. Rajapaksa wrote on Twitter in his first remarks about the victory.
For more on Lady Dawn and her extraordinary journey, pick up this week’s issue of PEOPLE, on newsstands Friday «8G is everything I’ve learned about greens and health through my own personal journey,» she says.
The truck, designed by Otto, successfully completed a 22016-mile journey between Fort Collins, Colorado and Colorado Springs, Colorado, delivering 22016,2680 cases of Budweiser beers with nary an issue along its journey on Interstate 29.
Lizzie Plaugic: It was a torturous journey indeed for Nick and the other sad singles, but the subsequent journey of holy matrimony for the couples is likely to be just as torturous, if not televised.
Old Man’s Journey had me so verklempt at work that I had to take my own tiny IRL journey while playing it, a little walk in a break between sessions just to think and breathe.
His literary career began when he set off on a three-year journey across China, and later mined his experiences for «Stick Out Your Tongue,» a novella that documents a Chinese drifter’s journey through Tibet.
But this was just the beginning of a journey — «Oh my God, I hate the word ‘journey,'» Ms. Corman said during rehearsal, opting instead for «thing» — she would embark on, which is not yet over.
«To remove the bag from the journey is to change the journey,» said Randel Darby, chief executive of AirPortr, who said that as a frequent flier himself he looked for ways to maximize his time.
From casual runs in the streets of Sydney to half marathons in Anchorage to a mountain trail marathon in Northern Mongolia, running has become a part of my every journey, if not the journey itself.
The journey itself was a search for personal and artistic rejuvenation.
Mr. Santillan’s response to his misbegotten journey was the right one.
The couple’s journey toward parenthood was indeed not a straightforward one.
Their journey back to the building had been circuitous and improbable.
The hardest part of the journey is the first step, right?
Kino’s Journey starts October 6th, and will be streaming on Crunchyroll.
But, like any good noir film, the journey ends in deception.
I can really tie everything together in my journey with sneakers.
Q: How did your journey as an athlete inspire your brand?
Both shows tipped their hands early: They’re about an epic journey.
Certainly, Westworld’s journey is a hell of a lot of fun.
Press play to find out more about her self-preservation journey.
And what of baby Journey River, who was born in August?
I’m very grateful to have Laurie on this journey with me.
Journey with us into the jaw-dropping world of luxury beauty.
We wanted to map out what his hero’s journey looked like.
«Never think of your situation as a solo journey,» she added.
«It’s a long, hard journey, but it’s worth it,» O’Leary says.
I hope these will help in your own post-Jackie journey.
In a way we’re all on the same journey with Beyoncé.
This show was always about Thomas’ own growth and inner journey.
Such a long journey, while unconventional for tiny royals, makes sense.
The cancer came back and he did not complete that journey.
Their advertised journey promises hijinks and tearful goodbyes, all likely forgettable.
So we have gone on this «safety journey» for many years.
This kind of story happened quite a lot during the journey.
His journey was full of rejection, protest and finally limited acceptance.
Follow De Pecol’s amazing journey on her Instagram and her website.
That meant a 250-mile journey, nearly double what I’d anticipated.
I’m so happy that my journey has finally come to this!
Singapore said the journey should take just shy of 7773 hours.
Scott’s entire team perished on the return journey from the pole.
Kelly’s journey home streamed live online at NASA TV and DirecTV.
«Gary and I have been celibate this whole journey,» she said.
«Clockworks» — Meshuggah Best Jazz Vocal Album The Journey — The Baylor Project
The journey is dangerous enough due to the natural conditions alone.
Can you tell me a bit more about your faith journey?
He was looking for someone to join him on the journey.
«She made this journey exciting, beautiful and a lot of fun.»
For that part of the journey, too, Wenzke has practical tips.
«The whole family has been restored through Joey’s journey,» Munoz says.
The sale would mark the end of a 25-year journey.
The book is about the journey that I took with food.
Here’s a look at the ban’s journey through the legal system.
In total, they said their journey from Kunming took 50 hours.
And in many ways, that journey mirrors Layne’s real-life story.
Will her tearful breakup endear Bachelor Nation to continue her journey?
Musaab had used some of these pages to plan his journey.
«It’s been a journey but I’m only getting better,» she says.
This week, a great explorer nears the end of its journey.
But he was just so interested in the journey of parenthood.
The feline was unharmed and relatively unfazed by her daring journey.
It’s nice watching your friends evolve and go on that journey.
» Adds Harrison, 46: «Rachel and I went through this journey together.
Some were terrified of the journey ahead, others shrugged it off.
Despite ongoing dangers, Shi’ite pilgrims still make the journey to Karbala.
Luckily, the stream was far from over, as was my journey.
Byron says finding this ideal party house was quite the journey.
«It’s been a long journey,» Munoz said in a news release.
Make time for yourself to heal and start a new journey.
The brain changes tremendously on the journey from birth to adulthood.
Retiring overseas is a journey with a lot of moving parts.
Can t wait to dive into this journey with you #Season10ForTheGirls!
«The journey has gone far beyond urinals for women,» says Sonar.
This time around, that’s not the thrust of our hero’s journey.
The loss dropped the Kings to 2-2 on their journey.
They sat in curtained-off seats for much of the journey.
My journey in Delta first class actually started out in economy.
For Issa Rae, being comfortable in her Blackness was a journey.
The solution, says Mr Ismail, is to break up the journey.
There’s a lot of spaceship imagery, a lot of journey imagery.
I treasure the continuous journey of discovery in the medical field.
Taking a journey to the output rather than simply arriving there.
For the rest, their journey was at an end — for now.
That she lets us in on this journey is a gift.
I believed him, and decided to join him on said journey.
The production centers around Charles Darwin’s journey aboard the HMS Beagle.
It’s a dangerous journey that some of the robots haven’t survived.
And I’m so glad they gave Cece that journey as well.
After reading it, the book feels a journey toward self-actualization.
But his journey to the top has been fraught with challenges.
The premise of the album is just about taking a journey.
We thank you for being on this journey with us. -Scott
They wanted to be part of this journey and contribute ideas.
«It’s a journey and it’s not an easy one,» Kwant said.
Scott’s bizarre journey to becoming an All-Star is well known.
Watch the video to follow along on my sugar-free journey.
When you taste it, it really takes you on a journey.
It’s been such an interesting and trying but amazing journey already.
The journey may have meandered, but its destination is unchanged. 2.
On Android, the free app Journey is similar to Day One.
Please feel free to follow my journey via my blog, whittystittycommittee.
This is a long journey, not for the faint of heart.
HARTFORD «Madame Phung’s Last Journey,» documentary by Nguyen Thi Tham. Jan.
The Age of the Horse: An Equine Journey Through Human History.
We have a six and half hour journey ahead of us.
The Purpose Tour has been a whimsical journey for Justin Bieber.
The community online has empowered me throughout my journey since then.
The truth is, Kim K. has had quite the beauty journey.

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