Sentences with the word invite

invite — перевод на русский


She thinks I’ve invited a lot of other people.

Она думает, что я пригласил еще других гостей.

He’s already invited me for a weekend of fishing.

Он уже пригласил меня на выходные порыбачить.

I want you to invite André Jurieux.

Я хочу, чтобы ты пригласил Андре Журье.

— Did you really invite Jurieux?

— Ты правда пригласил Журье? — Правда.

Who’d you say invited you?

Кто вас пригласил?

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And now, my dear friends, after we elevated our hearts and minds, I invite you to come and toast the success of our endeavour and the happiness of our newlyweds.

А теперь, дорогие друзья, я приглашаю вас поднять тост за успех нашего начинания и за счастье наших молодоженов.

Well, I’m inviting you!

— Ну, я тебя приглашаю!

I’m inviting you then.

Тогда я вас приглашаю.

Hey, fellas, I’m inviting everyone, come on!

Эй, ребята, я приглашаю всех, идёмте!

I’m inviting you to the rehearsal of Achard’s play on Friday.

Приглашаю вас на генеральную репетицию пьесы Ашара в пятницу.

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«Dear sister, The famous Prince Zsbrschosky— by the way, a charming gentleman, and not without means — is giving a large ball to which we are invited.

Дорогая моя сестра, знаменитый князь Жбршонский кстати, очаровательный господин, и весьма богат устраивает большой бал, на который и мы приглашены.

You’re all invited to the wedding of Aunt Fanny’s eight-pound boy.

Вы все приглашены на свадьбу 8-фунтового мальчика тетушки Фанни.

Ladies and gentlemen, you’re all invited to attend the wedding of my daughter.

Дамы и господа, вы все приглашены на свадьбу моей дочери.

-Are we invited to the wedding?

— А мы приглашены на свадьбу?

The ladies are also invited.

Назавтра приглашены главные сотрудники вместе с супругами.

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Did you get that invite?

Ты получила приглашение?

You are hereby formally invited for a glass of wine.

Ни к чему не обязывающее приглашение на рюмку вина.

Did she invite him to dinner? Yes.

Ее приглашение, не…

He was invited because of me.

Приглашение, благодаря мне.

We’re only going to Sternberg’s. He invited us to his uncle’s estate.

Мы тоже домой не едем, а лишь принимаем приглашение Штернберга поехать в имение его дяди.

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— I invited you all here to meet a murderer.

— Я позвал вас познакомиться с убийцей.

So I invited her to your box today, do you understand?

А сегодня я позвал ее в твою ложу.

I’m gonna go back to my bed, I’m gonna put away the best part of a bottle of Scotch and under normal circumstances, you being normally what I’d call attractive, I would have invited you back to share my little bed with me and you might have come.

Я лягу в кровать, возьму с собой бутылочку виски. При нормальных обстоятельствах, учитывая, что вы привлекательная, я бы позвал вас в кровать, и вы, возможно, согласились бы.

— You invited him?

— Это ты позвал его? !

— You invited me and don’t even have a wine to spare.

Позвал в гости, а теперь жадничаешь.

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Who invited you?

Мы тебя не звали.

I was not invited.

Меня не звали.

They invited me to be his jester. Bu what do I need the prince for?

Меня звали в шуты, да что мне князь?

— I’m not invited.

— Меня не звали.

They didn’t invite us here.

Они не звали нас сюда.

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I’ll say Tiercelin invited me to his country home for Easter.

Скажу,что Тирселин предложил провести Пасху у него в деревне.

A mate invited me into part ownership with nine other guys, so I own one tenth of the yacht.

Товарищ предложил мне взять ее в совместное пользование вместе с 9 друзьями, так что мне принадлежит лишь десятая доля яхты.

For a small but international case he had to visit a village in the north and he invited me to accompany him.

Для небольшого международного дела ему нужно было посетить северную деревню и он предложил мне его сопроводить

Helmont invited us to visit with him in the castle.

Хельмут любезно предложил нам провести один день в его поместье.

Three months since I first invited you to be my favourite restaurateur.

Три месяца, как я предложил тебе быть моим любимым ресторатором.

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You’re a man of intelligence, so I invite you… to examine your own story in the light of those two facts.

Вы умный человек и я предлагаю Вам… взглянуть на историю в свете этих двух фактов.

Inviting’ you to share my life, Miss Prescott.

Мисс Прескотт, я предлагаю вам разделить со мной жизнь.

Before we proceed, I invite the parties to settle their differences amicably.

Прежде, чем мы начнём, я предлагаю двум сторонам уладить свои разногласия мирным путём.

I invite you all to recall the moment when I…

я предлагаю вам вспомнить мгновение, когда я…

Oleg invites me to celebrate at the Ostankino TV tower restaurant.

Олег предлагает встречать Новый Год в ресторане Останкинской башни.

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I will not have his education but I know to tolerate to me with who it invites to me.

Я не такой образованный как ты, но я знаю как должны вести себя гости.

You’re my invited guests.»

Вы — мои гости.

You’ll be dining alone. We’re invited for diner at the President of the Bar’s.

Ты будешь обедать один, мы с отцом уходим в гости.

Find something to do or invite somebody.

Займись чем-нибудь или позови кого-нибудь в гости.

Everyone that was invited… is related to one of the staff that was here when the place burnt.

Все гости — это потомки когда-то работавших в лечебнице сотрудников!

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I invited myself.

Я сам напросился.

I must admit I invited myself. You don’t have to do that with Anthony, he just expects people to arrive.

— Должен признаться, я сам напросился.

— He just sort of invited himself.

— Он вроде как сам напросился.

Oh, I’d love to, now that I’ve invited myself.

С удовольствием, раз уж я сама напросилась. Привет.

I invited myself to lunch.

Я напросилась к ней на обед.

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 What does the word invite mean?

According to the oxford dictionary, in the verb form, the Definition of Invite /inˈvīt/ is to make a polite, formal, or friendly request to (someone) to go somewhere or to do something.

Here are 26 examples of sentences with the word invite. If you have any questions, please write them in the comments below.

  1. Come, Miss, we cordially invite you!”
  2. Can I invite you for dinner sometime?
  3. This room is full of decoration that invites a magical atmosphere.
  4. We also invite Tamara to come as the guest of honor.
  5. “This statement invites many consequences,” said Benjamin.
  6. Didn’t you two indirectly invite us to come here?
  7. As stinginess is a trait that is reprehensible and invites hatred of others.
  8. In his letter, he declared to invite all associations with a patriotic spirit to attend.
  9. And now, let us invite Miss to attend the meeting as our honored guest.
  10. Meanwhile, the Golkar Party took the initiative to invite Nurcholish Madjid, and he was willing to be nominated by them.
  11. Rishi, it’s better if we don’t discuss this matter because it will only invite endless debate.
  12. Know that my teacher invites all the people of kang-ouw to come to hold our leader’s election.
  13. A man who is not known to rebuke a girl, let alone invite food, is not natural.
  14. Today, it is clear that the value bias reflected by the US government outside invites ‘blasphemy’ from its people.
  15. Who doesn’t know Benjamin? If Benjamin invites all his friends, there is an essential need.
  16. I don’t think it’s useless for me to spend much money to invite martial arts teachers from far away cities and educate you.
  17. However, JP is busy considering Mr. Puspo’s plan, who wants to invite polygamists and will give the Polygamy Award.
  18. Oh, we love it. Thank you for inviting us.
  19. However, seeing your father also invites heretical associations outside our program.
  20. We will look for medicine and invite even the most expensive healers.
  21. However, his efforts failed, and now he invites my leaders to find his girl.
  22. The room’s atmosphere had changed; it was all a bit cluttered, and some additional decorations installed close to the decorations are strange and inviting mysterious effects.
  23. Hi Harry. Thank you for inviting us.
  24. The air is cool, between 20o-25oC, inviting people to come to rest.
  25. Good evening, Mrs. Sarah. Thank you for inviting me to your company function.
  26. By inviting seven other generals after meeting with Prabowo, SBY showed that he was not taking sides.

приглашение, приглашать, просить, привлекать, звать


- разг. приглашение; зов


- приглашать, звать, просить

to invite a person to dinner [to one’s house, to a reception] — пригласить кого-л. к обеду [к себе домой /в гости/, на приём]
he didn’t invite me in — он не предложил мне войти

- склонять, располагать (к чему-л.); способствовать (чему-л.); побуждать (к чему-л.); стимулировать (что-л.); провоцировать (что-л.)

the quiet invites sleep — тишина располагает ко сну
the letter invites some questions — письмо вызывает ряд вопросов
to invite danger — создавать угрозу

- просить, призывать, предлагать

to invite questions [opinions] — просить задать вопросы [высказаться]
to invite smb. to reconsider the decision — призвать кого-л. пересмотреть решение
to invite tenders (for smth.) — эк. а) назначать торги (на что-л.); б) принимать к рассмотрению предложения; в) открывать подписку на акции или облигации
the Conference invites all states to consider the adoption of appropriate measures — конференция предлагает всем государствам рассмотреть вопрос о принятии соответствующих мер

- привлекать; манить

to invite attention to smth. — привлечь внимание к чему-л.
the swimming-pool invites us — нас тянет в бассейн

- редк. навлекать на себя

Мои примеры


to call for / invite bids — приглашать к торгам, просить назначить цену  
to invite (a) disaster — накликать беду  
to invite attention — привлекать внимание  
to ask / call for / invite suggestions — попросить совета  
to arouse / cause / create / evoke / invite suspicions — вызывать подозрения  
to invite a person to dinner — пригласить кого-л. к обеду  
to invite questions — просить задать вопросы  
to invite applications for shares — открыть подписку на акции  
invite applications for shares — открыть подписку на акции  
invite the board to vote — предложить членам правления провести голосование  

Примеры с переводом

The hour invites.

Время зовёт.

I invited them to a restaurant.

Я пригласил их в ресторан.

I’m afraid I wasn’t invited.

Я боюсь, что я не была приглашена. / К сожалению, меня не пригласили.

Everyone is cordially invited.

Всех милости просим.

I visited their house once, but they’ve never invited me back.

Как-то раз я гостил у них в доме, но больше они меня не приглашали.

The questions from the audience are invited.

Вопросы из зала приветствуются.

Did you send out the invites to the party?

Вы отправили приглашения на вечеринку?

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Возможные однокоренные слова

inviting  — привлекательный, манящий, притягательный, соблазнительный
invited  — приглашенный, заказной
invitement  — заманивание, обольщение

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: invite
he/she/it: invites
ing ф. (present participle): inviting
2-я ф. (past tense): invited
3-я ф. (past participle): invited

ед. ч.(singular): invite
мн. ч.(plural): invites

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


This means that you can invite other users at will.

А это означает, что приглашать других пользователей можно по своему желанию.

Not that I’d invite you to mine.

Не то, чтобы я стал бы приглашать тебя на свою.

Family may be disappointed that they cannot invite colleagues or more distant relatives.

Семья может быть разочарована тем, что они не смогут пригласить коллег или более дальних родственников.

And we invite you to participate.

И мы хотим пригласить вас к участию в нём.

Reform NATO and then invite Russia to join.

Реформировать НАТО, а затем предложить России вступить в нее.

The Ministers in Kiev could invite non-Parties to the Convention to apply these guidelines.

Министры могли бы предложить в Киеве странам, не являющимся Сторонами Конвенции, применять эти руководящие принципы.

Contact former co-workers and invite them for a coffee.

Свяжитесь со своими бывшими коллегами, пригласите их на чашечку кофе.

Now I invite you to play.

Теперь уже я приглашаю вас, чтобы играть.

We often invite local residents, arrange cultural holidays for students.

Мы часто приглашаем к себе местных жителей, устраиваем культурные праздники для студентов.

We invite them here to communicate directly with the producers.

Приглашаем их сюда, чтобы они могли напрямую общаться с производителями».

Create your event and invite the friends from the contact list.

Для этого просто создайте конференцию и пригласите в нее друзей из вашего списка контактов.

We invite you to join us in embracing it.

Мы приглашаем вас присоединиться к нам в его познании и усвоении.

We invite suppliers to participate in tenders.

Приглашаем поставщиков поучаствовать в тендерах, проводимых нашей компанией.

We invite interested individuals and companies to contact us.

Мы приглашаем заинтересованных людей и компании входить в контакт с нами.

I would never invite someone over here without asking.

Я бы никогда и никого сюда не пригласила без твоего разрешения.

We can invite your sisters some other year.

Мы можем пригласить твоих сестер на следующий год или позже.

For instance, invite certain people…

Надо просто иногда устраивать приёмы, приглашая определённых людей.

A guest is someone you invite.

I made you invite them because I like them.

Я заставил тебя их пригласить, потому что они мне нравятся.

I did invite her in but she wanted to wait outside.

Я не приглашал ее войти, но она и сама хотела подождать снаружи.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат invite

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Invite V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 is one of the verbs that are used very commonly in English tests as well as in everyday communication. Also, because it’s an irregular verb, invite doesn’t follow the regular rule. The verb “invite” has five different forms: base form, past simple, past participle form, present perfect, and present perfect participle. So what is invite‘s past? How do conjugate verbs with invite verbs?

Let’s find out with English tivi in the article below.

See more at: Verbs

Invite of Definition and Meaning

Invite is a verb that means to ask someone to come and visit you. It is also a verb that means to ask someone to come and visit you.

Base Form (V1) invite
Past Form (V2) invited
Past Participle Form (V3) invited
s / es/ es (V4) invites
‘ing’ form (V5) inviting

Invite of Past Simple V2

The verb Invite is also employed in its V2 form as “invited”’. It is used to indicate the past tense in sentences.

Invite of Past Participle V3

The V3 form is identical to the V2 form. The V3 form is “invited”. Invited is used in the past or present perfect tense. 

+ In the present perfect tense, we use the word V1 as ‘have + invited‘ or ‘has + invited’.

  • I, you, and we are used as ‘have + invited‘. 
  • ‘has + invited’ is used for he, she, and it. 

+ If you need to use the past perfect tense, use ‘had + invited‘ regardless of the subject.

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Conjugation of Invite V1 V2 V3 V4 V5

Conjugation table: Invite
Number Singular
Present Simple of invite I You She/He/It
invite invite invites
We You They
invite invite invite
Present Continuous of invite I You She/He/It
am inviting are inviting is inviting
We You They
are inviting are inviting are inviting
Present Perfect of invite I You She/He/It
have invited have invited has invited
We You They
have invited have invited have invited
Present Perfect Continuous of invite I You She/He/It
have been inviting have been inviting has been inviting
We You They
have been inviting have been inviting have been inviting
Past Simple of invite I You She/He/It
invited invited invited
We You They
invited invited invited
Past Continuous of invite I You She/He/It
was inviting were inviting was inviting
We You They
were inviting were inviting were inviting
Past Perfect of invite I You She/He/It
had invited had invited had invited
We You They
had invited had invited had invited
Past Perfect Continuous of invite I You She/He/It
had been inviting had been inviting had been inviting
We You They
had been inviting had been inviting had been inviting
Future Simple of invite I You She/He/It
will/shall invite will/shall invite will/shall invite
We You They
will/shall invite will/shall invite will/shall invite
Future Continuous of invite I You She/He/It
will/shall be inviting will/shall be inviting will/shall be inviting
We You They
will/shall be inviting will/shall be inviting will/shall be inviting
Future Perfect of invite I You She/He/It
will/shall have invited will/shall have invited will/shall have invited
We You They
will/shall have invited will/shall have invited will/shall have invited
Future Perfect Continuous of invite I You She/He/It
will/shall have been inviting will/shall have been inviting will/shall have been inviting
We You They
will/shall have been inviting will/shall have been inviting will/shall have been inviting
Conditional Present of invite I You She/He/It
would invite would invite would invite
We You They
would invite would invite would invite
Conditional Perfect of invite I You She/He/It
would have invited would have invited would have invited
We You They
would have invited would have invited would have invited
Conditional Present Continuous of invite I You She/He/It
would be inviting would be inviting would be inviting
We You They
would be inviting would be inviting would be inviting
Conditional Perfect Continuous of invite I You She/He/It
would have been inviting would have been inviting would have been inviting
We You They
would have been inviting would have been inviting would have been inviting
Present Subjunctive of invite I You She/He/It
invite invite invite
We You They
invite invite invite
Past Subjunctive of invite I You She/He/It
invited invited invited
We You They
invited invited invited
Past Perfect Subjunctive of invite I You She/He/It
had invited had invited had invited
We You They
had invited had invited had invited
Imperative of invite I You She/He/It
We You They
Let’s invite invite

See more at: Vocabulary

Example Sentences with Invite V1 V2 V3 V4 V5

In this section, we will learn about invite sentence examples:

  • They have invited us to dinner on Saturday.
  • She invited a large number of guests to the party,
  • I will invite my parents to my graduation ceremony.
  • Richard invites Mike Kaufman, the director, and me to attend him onstage.

Synonym Words For Invite

Synonym of invite word list. Here are a variety of words whose meaning is nearly the synonym of invite:

  • ask
  • bid
  • request
  • summon
  • have over
  • have someone round
  • request
  • ask
  • seek
  • petition
  • propose

Opposite Words For Invite

The antonym of invite word list. Here are some words that have nearly the opposite meaning as invite:

  • bar
  • forbid
  • ban
  • block
  • prohibit
  • disallow
  • demand
  • command
  • order
  • urge
  • enjoin

You might also like: Best List of Irregular Verbs in English

Some Frequently Asked Questions About Invite (Verb)

What is the V1 V2 V3 V4 V5 of invite?

The past tense of invite is invited. The third-person singular simple present indicative form of invite is invites. The present participle of invite is inviting. The past participle of invite is invited.

Base Form (V1) invite
Past Form (V2) invited
Past Participle Form (V3) invited
s / es/ es (V4) invites
‘ing’ form (V5) inviting

What is the V2 and V3 form of invite?

+ The V2 and V3 form of invite is “invited“.

What is the sentence of invite?

What is the past tense V2 of invite?

+ The past tense of invite is “invited“.

What is the past participle V3 of invite?

+ The past participle of invite is “invited“.

What is the present participle V5 of invite?

+ The present participle of invite is “inviting“.


Let’s learn with English TV the structure of the verb “Invite V1 V2 V3 V4 V5: Base Form, Past Simple, Present Continuous and Present Continuous and Present Continuous and Present Continuous forms. We wish you all the best of luck.

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