Sentences with the word introduction

введение, внедрение, внесение, интродукция, предисловие, учреждение, нововведение


- (официальное) представление, знакомство

letter of introduction — рекомендательное письмо
it was necessary to make introductions all round — нужно было всех представить друг другу

- предисловие, введение; вступление, вступительное слово

the introduction to the work — предисловие к научной работе /к сочинению/
to deliver one’s introduction — произнести вступительную речь /вступительное слово/

- введение (в научную дисциплину); вводный курс

an introduction to English literature — введение в курс английской литературы

- муз. интродукция
- введение, внесение (внутрь чего-л.)

the rapid introduction of a probe into a wound — быстрое введение зонда в рану

- введение, включение (в состав чего-л.)

foreign borrowings of recent introduction — недавно заимствованные иностранные слова

- введение, внедрение; установление, учреждение

the introduction of a new fashion — введение новой моды

- новшество, нововведение
- интродукция, введение в состав фауны или флоры
- воен. ввод в боевой состав

Мои примеры


the introduction of evidence at the trial — представление доказательств на судебном процессе  
the introduction of the bill to Congress — внесение законопроекта в конгресс  
introduction to a book — введение к книге  
to serve as an introduction — служить вступлением  
to make an introduction — представить  
introduction of new product in the market — выведение нового товара на рынок  
introduction into evidence — приобщение к доказательствам  
element of introduction — коллизионная привязка  
the introduction to the article [book] — вступление к статье [книге]  
inert gas introduction — введение инертного газа  
strong introduction — сильное введение  
weak introduction — слабое введение  

Примеры с переводом

He seemed to want no introduction to their friends.

Казалось, он вовсе не хотел, чтобы его представляли их друзьям.

This makes a fine introduction.

Получается отличное вступление.

The book begins with a long, tortuous introduction.

Книга начинается с длинного, запутанного вступления.

They have nice weather for their introduction to the Island.

Им повезло с погодой для первого знакомства с островом.

Introduction of colour print made a revolution in the photography.

Изобретение цветной печати произвело революцию в фотографии.

He got a no-frills introduction to the job

Его без лишних церемоний (по-быстрому/не вдаваясь в особые подробности/вкратце) ознакомили с работой.

It would be helpful if you were to precede the report with an introduction.

Было бы полезно, если бы ты начал свой отчёт с введения.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Mr Brown gave a brief introduction to the course.

I got loads of bumf about the introduction of the Euro.

…tacos represented my introduction to Mexican cookery…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

reintroduction  — повторное включение в состав, повторное внесение на рассмотрение, реинтродукция

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): introduction
мн. ч.(plural): introductions

Sentences with the word Introduction?



  • «buttery praise»; «gave him a fulsome introduction«; «an oily sycophantic press agent»; «oleaginous hypocrisy»; «smarmy self-importance»; «the unctuous Uriah Heep»; «soapy compliments»
  • «This wall forms the background of the stage setting»; «The branches made a roof»; «This makes a fine introduction«
  • «he used his business contacts to get an introduction to the governor»
  • «The introduction highlighted the speaker’s distinguished career in linguistics»
  • «they resisted the introduction of impractical alternatives»

All sentences (with pause)

Used with adjectives:

«He began his speech with a brief introduction.«
(brief, short, personal, lengthy, interesting, funny)

«The documentary was an excellent introduction to Roman history.«
(excellent, helpful, informative, useful, general)

«This book provides a comprehensive introduction to his writings.«
(comprehensive, thorough)

Used with verbs:

«The company delayed the introduction of the new drug.«
(delayed, accelerated, announced)

«He wrote an introduction to his collection of poems.«
(wrote, included)

«Let’s skip the introductions and get to work.«
(skip, forget)

«He made a brief introduction before announcing his name.«
(made, gave)

Used with prepositions:

«He mentioned his father in the introduction.«

«The introduction to her latest book was touching.«

Examples of how to use the word “introduction” in a sentence. How to connect “introduction” with other words to make correct English sentences.

introduction (n): an occasion when something is put into use or brought to a place for the first time

Use “introduction” in a sentence

Thank you for the introduction.
Everyone knows each other and there is no need for a formal introduction.
The presenter began with a brief introduction.

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  • Use the word INTRODUCTION in a sentences

Sentence Examples

The book appeared in France in 1958, and a year later in America with an introduction by Jack Kerouac.


Give us the introduction pickup and some choruses.

«I would have sent you somebody with a letter of introduction

And now, ladies and gentlemen, our next act will hardly need an introduction.

Dracula’s first appearance is much more theatrical in the Spanish versi├│n, but the simplicity of Stoker’s introduction of the count is also worth consideration.

The Spanish Dracula, included in this edition, along with a special introduction by Lupita Tovar Kohner, provides a rare opportunity to compare and contrast simultaneous studio interpretations of a single script.

We have with us tonight a man who is so well-known, he doesn’t need any introduction.

Do you suppose I could buy back my introduction to you?

Don’t I deserve an introduction?

Well, that’s a cheerful introduction for you to our West Indies.

Miss Marcal needs no introduction, I’ve seen her dance many times at the theater.

Well, use a short introduction.

And with an introduction from you, that’d be all we’d need.

An introduction from me, huh?

You have had a visit from Mrs. Haviland and yet ask for an introduction.

The girl’s introduction right away.

Please permit introduction of humble self.

Here’s somebody who wants an introduction to you.

I’m buying back me introduction to you.

I’d be glad to do anything I can to arrange an introduction, if you give me the lady’s name.



Well, I guess you two don’t need an introduction.

He’d a letter of introduction from your father… whom he’d worked for sometime before in India.

# Some of the songs I’ve had the pleasure of introduction to you #

I’ve got a letter of introduction to him.

-Oh…, sorry…, …my letter of introduction, right?

I must give you some letters of introduction, my boy.

Needs no introduction to you.

Dr. Ainsley finds you so attractive, he asked for an introduction.

Now I want him to write me a letter- a letter of introduction and recommendation, you see?

Hello, people, and thank you Don for the very lovely introduction you gave us…

introduction of new bills and joint resolutions.

A report on the introduction of the newly developed Dreyse needle rifle.

Permit humble introduction of sons number two and seven.

Your beautiful game has suffered many changes since its introduction in the Han Dynasty.

Now look here. I don’t know what your plans are… but I expect you’ll want a few letters of introduction.

After that introduction, I hardly know how to begin, Miss Elizabeth.

What would be your opinion of a man of such gifts — who refused to accept an introduction to another man who was poor and of no consequence?

Oh, and I know what was wrong with that introduction.

All right, give me a letter of introduction to Lubitsch.

I’ve told you who I am and where I come from and what my father’s business is here, and that, in an emergency should be introduction enough.

A letter of introduction.

A week’s leave and a letter of introduction to your father.»

Sir, I have a letter of introduction from General Sheridan…

Senor Juan has some letters of introduction… from high government officials in Washington to high officials in Hawaii… and the Philippine Islands, and that he’s a banker by profession.

There’s your introduction, go on.

Then you won’t need an introduction.

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