Sentences with the word insurance

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1. Insurance companies are already overburdened with similar claims.

2. Insurance claims are expected to soar.

3. The insurance company is responsible for this case.

4. The law will compel employers to provide health insurance.

5. Tax and insurance are deducted from your wages.

6. Buy an insurance policy that covers accidental damage .

7. They have to pay life insurance premiums.

8. He took a lowly job in an insurance firm.

9. Your father took out insurance to cover the mortgage.

10. Have you got fully comprehensive insurance?

11. We rang the insurance company to report the theft.

12. You can purchase insurance on-line.

13. Full-time employees are entitled to receive health insurance.

14. Can you claim for the loss on your insurance?

15. She gave false information to the insurance company.

16. Failure to provide insurance rendered him liable to prosecution.

17. The insurance company wanted me to have a medical.

18. Take out accident insurance before you go on your trip.

19. The insurance industry has produced its own proposals for universal health care.

20. Did you claim on the insurance after your car accident?

21. The insurance will cover the costs of repatriating you and your family in the case of an accident.

22. She works in insurance.

23. People without insurance had to pay for their own repairs.

24. Do you want insurance?

25. Sheila found some work as a secretary in an insurance company.

26. Unfavourable economic conditions were blocking a recovery of the American insurance market.

27. It is strongly advised that you take out some form of medical insurance.

27. try its best to collect and make good sentences.

28. Some insurers have wised up to the fact that their clients were getting very cheap insurance.

29. If suggested improvements are not carried out(, we have the right to suspend the insurance cover.

30. My goods were lost in the fire and the insurance company will have to pay up.

More similar words: instance, entrance, tolerance, surveillance, for instance, ensure, insulated, in support of, ranch, rancor, branch, franchise, cancel, cancer, dancer, chance, stance, glance, penance, finance, alliance, enhance, romance, advanced, guidance, parlance, ancestor, substance, balanced, by chance. 

insurance — перевод на русский


And your insurance documents all seem to be in order.

Ваша страховка, кажется, в полном порядке.

Is the insurance clause here?

Страховка здесь?

— Yes, insurance.

— Да, страховка.

But the insurances will pay, won’t they?

Страховка ведь это покроет?

— Oh, yes, insurances.

— Ах, да, страховка.

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It’s an insurance policy.

Это страховой полис.

— How is the insurance business, Mr. Neff?

— Как страховой бизнес, мистер Нефф?

I suppose you realize, Mr. Dietrichson… that, not being an employee… you are not covered by the State Compensation Insurance Act.

Мистер Дитрихсон, законы штата о страховой компенсации не касаются работодателей.

I have some life insurance, a $15,000 policy.

У меня есть страховой полис. Hа 15.000 долларов.

Where’s my insurance policy?

Слышишь, Hик? Где мой страховой полис?

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I am talking to you about insurance.

? А как же страхование.

Insurance, Stan.

Страхование, Стэн.

Insurance for personal cars covers death, accidents involving collision or acts of God.

Страхование автомобилей производится на случай гибели или аварии в результате столкновений или стихийных бедствий.



I don’t believe in insurance.

Я не верю в страхование.

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I know the name of the insurance company, now get out of here.

Я знаю имя страховой компании, а сейчас выметайтесь отсюда.

Look, I was the insurance investigator.

Слушай, я был детективом страховой компании.

— I’m John S. Mulligan, insurance officer.

Джон Эс. Маллигэн, инспектор страховой компании.

I tracked it down through insurance records. An old claim that was settled under terms of absolute secrecy.

Я нашел записи в архивах страховой компании — заявление владельца держалось в тайне все эти годы.

There was an insurance guy around here earlier.

С утра приходил парень из страховой компании.

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The insurance people say okay.

Страховщики согласились.

If two experts sign off on the island, the insurance guys will back off.

Если два ученых эксперта приедут на остров, страховщики отстанут от нас.

The insurance company made an offer to settle.

Страховщики сделали предложение.

His insurance company will pay, and you will go down as the bad guy.

его страховщики за все расплатятся, а тебя, Эрл, запишут в плохие парни.

The insurance boys know better than us

Страховщики это знают лучше нас

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Yeah, with $10,000 insurance, no children, and a wife that didn’t like him.

Да. Он застрахован на 10000 $, детей нет и его жена его не любила.

What insurance was she carrying?

А корабль застрахован?

Only he had accident insurance. So they had an autopsy and she didn’t get away with it.

Кстати, он был застрахован, поэтому назначили вскрытие, и она попалась.

He had accident insurance, didn’t he?

— Он был застрахован, так?

I know you get insurance at a discount but why be foolhardy?

Ты разумеется застрахован, но зачем так глупо рисковать собой?

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One of them fresh insurance fellas, ma’am.

Да какой-то новый страховой агент, мэм.

I wish I’d known someone in insurance when I started in the burglary business.

Мне не помешал бы знакомый страховой агент в начале карьеры..

The man at the insurance agency… — acted as though he thought I did it.

Страховой агент вёл себя так, как будто это я грабитель.

I’m from the municipal insurance office.

Я страховой агент.

I sell insurance.

Нет, Фил. Я страховой агент.

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Even his life insurance all goes to that daughter of his.

Он застраховал жизнь, и даже это достанется его дочери,..

Pussy insurance.

Застраховал киску.

Don’t you find it interesting that your friend had the foresight to purchase postal insurance for your stereo?

Не находишь ли ты занятным, что твой друг оказался настолько проницателен что застраховал пересылку твоего магнитофона?

Either of you guys think it’s a little suspicious that Peter took out a life insurance policy on Lois right before she went missing?

— Ты застраховал её до круиза? — Вообще-то, я застраховал её НА круизе!

— The other guy, Goldstein— he took out a life insurance policy on his wife just before she was killed.

Этот тип, Голдштейн, застраховал свою жену как раз перед её смертью.

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Он хочет продать мне страховой полис.

-No insurance.

-Потерял страховой полис.

Your insurance card.

Страховой полис.

It’s just a little insurance, that’s all.

Просто маленький страховой полис, не более того.

Are you sure you don’t want to exchange licenses and proof of insurance?

Я даже могу не предъявлять права и страховой полис?

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Sometimes the scores are in on it, ripping off the insurance company.

Иногда тебе сами все отдадут, чтобы получить страховку.

So he cheated his wife out of the automatic American Express insurance.

Но тем самым, он лишил свою жену… возможности получить страховку от Америкен Экспресс.

You loot the ship, and then you sink it for the insurance.

Хотели разграбить судно, а потом потопить и получить страховку.

We want to cheat the insurance company.

Мы хотим получить страховку.

To burn it down for the insurance money!

Сжечь, чтобы получить страховку!

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Смотрите также

  • страховка
  • страховой
  • страхование
  • страховой компании
  • страховщики
  • застрахован
  • страховой агент
  • застраховал
  • страховой полис
  • получить страховку

страхование, страховка, страховой


- страхование

insurance against all risks — страхование от всех рисков
insurance against fire — страхование от пожара
disability insurance — страхование по нетрудоспособности
life insurance — страхование жизни
social insurance — социальное страхование
third-party insurance — страхование ответственности перед третьими лицами
to effect insurance — застраховать, заключить договор страхования

- страховая премия; страховой взнос
- сумма страхования
- страховой полис; договор страхования
- средство защиты; гарантия

insurance of immortality — залог бессмертия
another lock as an additional insurance against thieves — ещё один замок как дополнительная гарантия от ограбления
to provide insurance against attack — обеспечивать защиту от нападения

- pl. эк. акции, выпущенные страховыми обществами

Мои примеры


insurance tailor-made to each client’s requirements — условия страхования, разработанные с учётом потребностей каждого клиента  
an insurance policy that covers your personal belongings — страховой полис, который покрывает ваши личные вещи  
automatically blanketed into the insurance program — автоматически включена в программу по страхованию  
insurance broker — страховой агент  
all the paperwork that comes under the general heading of insurance — вся канцелярская работа, связанная со страхованием  
comprehensive insurance — полное страхование  
rapid expansion of private health insurance — быстрый рост частного страхования здоровья  
insurance agent — страховой агент  
to cancel insurance — аннулировать страховой полис  
to carry / take out insurance — иметь страховку, быть застрахованным  
to provide insurance for — застраховать кого-л.  
to renew insurance — продлить страховой полис  

Примеры с переводом

Do I need to take out insurance on my vehicle?

Нужно ли мне приобретать страховку на мой автомобиль?

He is in insurance.

Он занимается страхованием.

She has a job in insurance.

Она работает в сфере /области/ страхования.

The insurance business is built on trust.

Страховочный бизнес основан на доверии.

His insurance covers the doctor’s fee.

Его страховка покрывает гонорар врача.

Our firm carries fire insurance.

У нашей фирмы есть страховой полис на случай пожара.

You should claim against the car insurance.

Ты должен подать иск против компании, страхующей автомобили.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The company has a new scheme for insurance coverage.

I have an insurance policy with a $1,000 deductible.

The insurance covers accidental damage to the vehicle.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

reinsurance  — перестрахование, вторичная страховка
underinsurance  — неполное страхование, недострахование, страхование на сумму меньшую

  • Use the word Insurance in a sentences

Sentence Examples

You’re an insurance investigator.

Let me guess, you’re an insurance investigator.

Are you accusing me of trying to get insurance money… by injuring my son?

Are you accusing me of insurance fraud?

Larry, tell me you’ve been keeping up our insurance premiums.

The insurance will pay Dreissiger for everything!

Let the insurance company know about the accident and give the widow £500 from my cash drawer.

This insurance policy provides for your little one and your old age, which will be here in a few weeks.

But Universal’s president, Carl Laemmle, insisted that the part be played by silent superstar Lon Chaney, whose fame for grotesque characterisations would provide box-office insurance for the risky property.

I┬┤ve heard your husband is an insurance agent, …so I┬┤m thinking of insuring my child┬┤s life.

Kanto Life insurance Co., Ltd.

Junior burns the house, you take the insurance and I take you.

You know something, lady, if you sold life insurance I’d go for a policy in 60 seconds.

Then there’s your insurance, if he gets knocked off in action.

I don’t want his insurance and I’m not gonna steal his pay.

It’s his life insurance money.

It’s his life insurance money, you know.

Under state control WORRY-FREE Funeral insurance Group Inc,Cremation.

Now, Monsieur La Valle, as for Madame Colet’s life insurance, it totals one million francs.

There’s 500,000 fire insurance… and 400,000 against burglary.

Then we’d better increase the burglary insurance to 850,000 francs.

Is the insurance clause here?

Speak to our insurance company.

How is the insurance business

I’m in a peculiar kind of insurance.

I know, Mac ÔÇô And that reminds me, I didn’t get mine for the insurance on the house.

Buy insurance from you. Is that it?

My real business is insurance… but I have a lot of spare time so I think up titles.

No place for anybody whose insurance ain’t paid.

insurance company found out we’re carrying explosives.

National insurance Company.

Oh, you’re the insurance man.

Don’t thank me. Thank the insurance company.

insurance what a crook … pneumonia. Thank you doctor.

I represent the Empire insurance Company.

One of them fresh insurance fellas, ma’am.

It’s the truth and nothing can prevent it but life insurance.

The lady is right and nothing can prevent it but life insurance.

Never a thought of me or the children, no insurance, nothing.

Very good insurance indeed.

Well, all you have to do now is write to my insurance company.

Some guy trying to sell me insurance.

Have you paid your National insurance?

  • Dictionary
  • I
  • Insurance


    • US Pronunciation
    • US IPA
    • UK Pronunciation
    • UK IPA
    • [in-shoo ruh ns, —shur-]
    • /ɪnˈʃʊər əns, -ˈʃɜr-/
    • /ɪnˈʃʊərəns/
    • US Pronunciation
    • US IPA
    • [in-shoo ruh ns, —shur-]
    • /ɪnˈʃʊər əns, -ˈʃɜr-/

Definitions of insurance word

  • noun insurance the act, system, or business of providing financial protection for property, life, health, etc, against specified contingencies, such as death, loss, or damage, and involving payment of regular premiums in return for a policy guaranteeing such protection 2
  • noun insurance coverage by contract in which one party agrees to indemnify or reimburse another for loss that occurs under the terms of the contract. 1
  • noun insurance the contract itself, set forth in a written or printed agreement or policy. 1
  • noun insurance the amount for which anything is insured. 1
  • noun insurance an insurance premium. 1
  • noun insurance any means of guaranteeing against loss or harm: Taking vitamin C is viewed as an insurance against catching colds. 1

Information block about the term

Origin of insurance

First appearance:

before 1545

One of the 30% oldest English words

First recorded in 1545-55; insure + -ance

Historical Comparancy

Parts of speech for Insurance

insurance popularity

A common word. It’s meaning is known to most children of preschool age. About 96% of English native speakers know the meaning and use the word.

Most Europeans know this English word. The frequency of it’s usage is somewhere between «mom» and «screwdriver».

Synonyms for insurance

noun insurance

  • allowance — An allowance is money that is given to someone, usually on a regular basis, in order to help them pay for the things that they need.
  • coverage — The coverage of something in the news is the reporting of it.
  • guarantee — a promise or assurance, especially one in writing, that something is of specified quality, content, benefit, etc., or that it will perform satisfactorily for a given length of time: a money-back guarantee.
  • warranty — an act or an instance of warranting; assurance; authorization; warrant.
  • backing — If someone has the backing of an organization or an important person, they receive support or money from that organization or person in order to do something.

Antonyms for insurance

noun insurance

  • breach — If you breach an agreement, a law, or a promise, you break it.
  • break — When an object breaks or when you break it, it suddenly separates into two or more pieces, often because it has been hit or dropped.
  • opposition — the action of opposing, resisting, or combating.

Top questions with insurance

  • what is social security insurance?
  • what is term life insurance?
  • what is gap insurance?
  • what is mtg insurance?
  • how much is car insurance?
  • how much is renter insurance?
  • what is comprehensive insurance?
  • what is title insurance?
  • what is mortgage insurance?
  • what is comp insurance?
  • how much life insurance do i need?
  • how much is renters insurance?
  • how to get health insurance?
  • how much is homeowners insurance?

See also

  • All definitions of insurance
  • Synonyms for insurance
  • Antonyms for insurance
  • Related words to insurance
  • Sentences with the word insurance
  • Words that rhyme with insurance
  • insurance pronunciation
  • The plural of insurance

Matching words

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  • Words starting with in
  • Words starting with ins
  • Words starting with insu
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  • Words starting with insura
  • Words starting with insuran
  • Words starting with insuranc
  • Words starting with insurance
  • Words ending with e
  • Words ending with ce
  • Words ending with nce
  • Words ending with ance
  • Words containing the letters i
  • Words containing the letters i,n
  • Words containing the letters i,n,s
  • Words containing the letters i,n,s,u
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  • Words containing ins
  • Words containing insu
  • Words containing insur
  • Words containing insura

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