Sentences with the word injury

травма, повреждение, вред, ущерб, ушиб, рана, оскорбление, обида, порча


- телесное повреждение, ушиб, рана, травма, увечье

to suffer injuries — получить повреждения
radiation injury — мед. лучевое поражение
to inflict injuries on smb. — нанести кому-л. телесные повреждения
employment /industrial/ injury — производственная травма
personal injury — телесное повреждение

- вред; (имущественный) ущерб

civil injury — юр. гражданское правонарушение, деликт
to the injury of smb. — в ущерб /во вред/ кому-л.
injury by fire — убыток /ущерб/, причинённый пожаром
injury by /from/ collision — повреждения в результате столкновения

- обида, оскорбление; клевета

exposed to injury — беззащитный

Мои примеры


a conjecture about the extent of the injury — предположение о тяжести полученной травмы  
an injury caused by repetitive wrist movements — травма, причиной которой послужили многократные движения запястья  
to decrease the risk of an injury — уменьшать риск травмы  
minor / slight injury — небольшое повреждение  
serious / severe injury — серьёзное повреждение  
to receive / suffer / sustain an injury — получить повреждение  
bodily injury — телесное повреждение  
internal injury — ушиб внутренних органов  
injury to the head — ушиб головы  
to work an injury — нанести, причинить вред  
at a site of injury — в месте повреждения  
irreparable injury — неисправимый ущерб  

Примеры с переводом

Luckily she escaped injury.

К счастью, она избежала травмы.

He was unable to play tennis after the injury.

После травмы он был не в состоянии играть в теннис .

He suffered a severe head injury.

Он получил тяжёлую травму головы.

They dropped her from the team because of leg injury.

Её не включили в команду из-за травмы ноги.

He’s been out of action for 6 months with a serious knee injury.

Он не работал в течение шести месяцев из-за серьезной травмы колена.

Injury data were abstracted from the same source.

Сведения о травмах были почёрпнуты из того же источника.

Apply a cold compress to the injury.

Приложите к ушибленному месту холодный компресс.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

She survived the accident without injury.

The two passengers escaped serious injury.

Several passengers escaped without injury.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

injurant  — вещество, вредное для организма
injured  — раненый, травмированный, поврежденный, пострадавший
injurious  — вредный, оскорбительный, губительный, несправедливый, клеветнический
injurer  — оскорбитель
self-injury  — членовредительство, самоповреждение, аутолиз

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): injury
мн. ч.(plural): injuries

injury — перевод на русский


Or at birth, he received some pitiable… physical injuries to the brain tissues.

Или при рождении он получил какие-то микроскопические… Травмы, повредившие его мозг.

Human fish swimming in the ocean of atmosphere develop psychic injuries as they collide with one another.

Человеческий малек, плавающий у самого дна гигантского воздушного океана, сталкиваясь между собой, приобретает болезненные психологические травмы.

-There don’t seem to be any major injuries.

-Не похоже, что у них есть серьёзные травмы.

Not unless she suffered any injury.

Она занималась, чтобы избавится от последствий травмы? — Нет.

She’d just recovered from a terrible injury.

Она только что оправилась от ужасной травмы.

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At least it’ll tell us the nature of the injury to her mind.

По крайней мере, это расскажет нам о природе повреждения ее разума.

We should reach the base of the brain shortly. From there it’s not far to the site of the injury.

Скоро мы достигнем основания мозга, оттуда недалеко до места повреждения.

That’s the site of the injury, that dark spot.

Темное пятно, это место повреждения.

Shock, radiation burns, internal injuries for certain.

Шок, радиоактивные ожоги. Наверняка есть повреждения внутренних органов. Он плох, сэр.

Internal injuries.

Внутренние повреждения.

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In his message he said he would fullfil his promise upon the occasion of you two re-encountering one another. how did you come by such injuries?

если вам двоим снова доведётся встретиться. откуда у вас такие раны?

Those injuries; they must be from Sagarimatsu?

Эти раны ты у склонившейся сосны получил?

You see, I love the dancehalls atmosphere but a war’s injury keep me from dancing.

Люблю, знаете, атмосферу танцплощадок, но из-за раны на войне…

We repaired the survivor’s injuries, and found the species interesting.

Мы залечили раны выжившего и нашли этот вид весьма интересным.

— What injuries?

— Какие раны? — Придется от всего отказаться.

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— Yes. Would you tell the court what was the nature of your injury?

Расскажите суду, в чем была природа вашего ранения?

Do you think that Captain Kirk and his very attractive officer will feel that we’re responsible for their injuries?

Думаешь, капитан Кирк и его очаровательный офицер решат, что это мы ответственны за их ранения?

Sometimes they stopped because of tiredness and injuries.

Иногда кто-то из них останавливается из-за слабости или ранения.

But her injuries are comparatively minor, when you consider the incredibility of her being alive at all.

Но её ранения сравнительно малы, если учесть, что удивительно, что она вообще осталась жива.

Anything that decreases entertainment-related injuries.

Все, что снизит ранения от развлечений.

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— No injuries.

Нет раненых.

Again, without any casualties and without any injuries.

И снова без убитых и раненых.

So far, our survey teams have found no deaths or injuries among the crew.

Пока наши исследовательские группы не обнаружили на борту убитых или раненых членов экипажа.

Several injuries reported on deck 27.

Несколько раненых на 27 палубе.

Now that we are moving the ship as you requested I would like to know the nature of the injuries to the members of my crew.

Теперь, после того, как мы начали перемещение корабля по вашему требованию, я хочу знать состояние раненых членов моего экипажа.

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Residents of neighboring houses were left without communications Tried to strike … physical injury to members of the Board.

Жильцы соседних домов, оставшиеся без связи, …пытались нанести физические увечья членам правления.

I’d probably considered it from most of its various angles — including the one that certain injuries or imperfections are — a subject of merriment while remaining quite serious — with the person possessing them.

Пожалуй, я обсудил ее почти со всех доступных точек зрения — включая мнение, что некоторые увечья и недостатки являются — предметом насмешек и веселья, при этом оставаясь крайне серьезными — для человека, от них страдающего.

Physical injury and….

Физические увечья и…

Thirteen sustained cruet injuries.

13 нанесли себе увечья графинчиком для масла.

What do they have to say about the other injuries?

А что они сказали про другие увечья?

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But the police were finally able to bring it under control… and there have been no reports of injuries.

Но полиция смогла взять ситуацию под контроль и никто не пострадал.

The colony was shaken by powerful temblors but, fortunately there were no injuries and only minor damage was reported.

Колонию хорошо встряхнуло несколькими мощными землетрясениями, но, к счастью, никто не пострадал. И были причинены лишь незначительные повреждения сооружениям.

Luckily, no serious injuries.

К счастью, никто серьезно не пострадал.

There were no major injuries but the girl hurt her ear

Сильно никто не пострадал, но девушка повредила ухо.

Make sure we got no injuries in there.

Смотри, чтоб никто не пострадал.

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— And this horrible injury?

— А этот ужасный ушиб?

After being attacked by a hostile alien ship, I sustained an injury and lost consciousness.

Во время атаки враждебного корабля, я получила ушиб и потеряла сознание.

This is your fourth sports injury in three months.

это твой четвертый ушиб, за три мес€ца в спорте

Guess I must have some undiagnosed brain injury,

Полагаю, должно быть у меня был нераспознанный ушиб мозга,

She has a small injury to her spleen,

У неё небольшой ушиб селезёнки,

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I know you’re not supposed to touch them because it might be a back injury and all.

Я знал, что его нельзя трогать — мог быть поврежден позвоночник.

Oh, honey, I’m afraid Rupert had a little injury.

О, сладкий, боюсь Руперт немного повреждён.

Sir,you have a spinal injury.

Сер, у вас поврежден позвоночник.

Bp 50 over 30, she’s bradycardic with severe spinal injury.

Давление 50 на 30, у нее брадикардия и поврежден позвоночник.

— See? I’m fine. — Well, I said you didn’t have an injury to your brain, but you still got a fever of 101.

— Я сказал, что мозг не повреждён, но у тебя температура 38,3.

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We know there’s injuries and the damage is massive.

Нам известно, что там был нанесен огромный ущерб и разрушения.

Then, sir, are you aware of the injury you may do to a young lady’s reputation if you meet her and detain her in conversation when she’s unaccompanied?

Тогда сэр, вы осознаёте, какой ущерб можете нанести молодой леди, беседуя с ней наедине в безлюдном месте?

Then if you’ll just sign these waivers for personal injury or death while in the line of duty, we can begin our shift.

Тогда, осталось подписать отказ от претензий за личный ущерб или смертельный исход на рабочем месте, и сможем приступить к работе.

It inflicted grievous and irreparable injury.

Ей нанесен ужасный и непоправимый ущерб.

And to add insult to injury, you defecate all over his yard.

И чтобы увеличить ущерб ты обосрал весь его двор.

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Sentences with the word Injury?



  • «We added two students to that dorm room»; «She added a personal note to her letter»; «Add insult to injury«; «Add some extra plates to the dinner table»
  • «an avenged injury«
  • «the injury hurt badly»; «the buildings were badly shaken»; «it hurts bad»; «we need water bad»
  • «the bandaged wound on the back of his head»; «an injury bound in fresh gauze»
  • «a crippling injury«
  • «he put an ice pack on the injury as a precaution»; «an insurance policy is a good safeguard»; «we let our guard down»
  • «was the relief supposed to be protection from future harm or compensation for past injury
  • «spinal cord»; «spinal injury«
  • «well-stretched muscles are less susceptible to injury«
  • «the quarterback is undergoing treatment for a knee injury«; «he tried every treatment the doctors suggested»; «heat therapy gave the best relief»

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Well, therein lies the psychological injury.

Танцевала, не так ли? Ну, в этом заключается психологическая травма.

Closed injury of the anterior abdominal wall dependsFrom the strength to which this injury is inflicted.

Закрытая травма передней брюшной стенки зависит от силы, которой эта травма наносится.

An incomplete injury means there is some function below the primary level of injury.

Неполная травма означает, что есть частичное функционирование ниже первичного уровня травмы.

Bodily injury therefore may include injury to any of those parts of his body responsible for his mental and other faculties.

Телесное повреждение, следовательно, может включать в себя травмы в любой из этих частей тела, ответственных за умственные и других способности.

Offence characteristics: legal code violation, method of inflicting injury, and level of injury.

Характеристики преступления: нарушение законодательства, способ нанесения повреждений и степень повреждения.

One of the most challenging situations facing practitioners who work with pain and injury conditions is correctly interpreting nerve injury symptoms.

Одна из самых сложных ситуаций, с которой сталкиваются практикующие массажисты, работающие с болью и травмами, связана с правильной интерпретацией симптомов повреждения и защемления нерва.

The development of a traumatic species causes jaw injury or injury.

Развитие травматического вида вызывает челюстная травма или ранение.

Some hemangiomas develop after an injury, but whether an injury can actually cause a hemangioma has not been proven.

Некоторые гемангиомы развиваются после травмы, но не доказано, может ли травма на самом деле вызвать гемангиому.

The pattern of injury, evaluation, and treatment will vary with the mechanism of the injury.

Характер повреждения, оценка и лечение будет зависеть от механизма травмы.

If the x-ray is being done to diagnose an injury, care will be taken to prevent further injury.

Если рентгенография делается, чтобы диагностировать травму, будут приняты меры, чтобы предотвратить дальнейшее повреждение.

They investigated the relationship between helmet use, injury types, and injury severity among skiers and snowboarders.

Мы исследовали взаимосвязь между использованием шлемов, типами травм и тяжестью последствий среди лыжников и сноубордистов».

Fortunately, if an injury occurs, the affected individuals can utilize worker’s compensation to settle a personal injury claim.

К счастью, в случае травмы пострадавшие лица могут использовать компенсацию работника для урегулирования претензии в связи с травмой.

There are several types of injury, they are classified depending on the injury, severity, characteristics.

Существует несколько видов травмы, их классифицируют в зависимости от места повреждения, тяжести, характерных особенностей.

This injury has caused other injury, for like begets like, and negativity only breeds negativity.

Эта травма вызвала другие повреждения, как для порождает подобное, и негатива только породы негативности.

A sports injury is an injury that resulted in a physical damage to the integrity of the tissues caused by external influences.

Спортивная травма — это повреждение, повлекшее за собой физическое нарушение целостности тканей, вызываемое внешним воздействием.

If you have had a recent burn, nerve injury, or other injury.

They may also increase the risk of injury, particularly soft tissue injury.

Они также могут увеличить риск получения травмы, особенно травмы мягких тканей.

In addition to the damage caused at the moment of injury, brain trauma causes secondary injury.

В дополнение к ущербу, причиненному в момент травмы, черепно-мозговая травма вызывает вторичные повреждения.

Having a previous knee injury increases the likelihood that the injury will occur again.

Наличие предыдущей травмы колена увеличивает вероятность того, что травма возникнет снова.

Moral injury is an injury to an individual’s moral conscience resulting from an act of perceived moral transgression which produces profound emotional shame.

Моральная травма относится к травме морального сознанию индивида в результате акта воспринимаемого морального проступка, который производит глубокий эмоциональный стыд.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат injury

Результатов: 37031. Точных совпадений: 37031. Затраченное время: 113 мс


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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word injury, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use injury in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «injury».

Injury in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word injury in a sentence.

  1. The injury reports are conflicting.

  2. The injury required six months of rest.

  3. The source of the injury remains unknown.

  4. But injury in some form was most probable.

  5. His only injury was from biting his tongue.

  6. Agnew’s 1979 season was disrupted by injury.

  7. This injury kept her out until late October.

  8. Priya continues the case due to Ram’s injury.

  9. The injury ended Larwood’s tour at that point.

  10. He was hitting .317 at the time of the injury.

  11. This injury would trouble him in the years to come.

  12. A hip injury limited Clijsters’s remaining schedule.

  13. Van der Meer was the only injury problem for AZ ’67.

  14. Davis, because of its contribution to serious injury.

  15. Early in the 1903 season, Hirst suffered a leg injury.

  16. Toshack ended with 5/40 from 20.1 overs with Miller unable to bowl due to injury.

  17. Following his injury, Loxton played in neither; Australia won both by an innings.

  18. Hungary were without Gyula Rákosi, János Göröcs and Károly Sándor through injury.

  19. Whitaker was in the path of Yamasaki’s final attack, but survived without injury.

  20. Rhabdomyolysis accounts for 7–10% of all cases of acute kidney injury in the U.S.

  21. In general, the higher the level of injury, the more physical stimulation the man needs to ejaculate.

  22. They shall take up serpents», which suggests that Christians might take up «serpents» without injury.

  23. However, Grove received a knee injury late in the season, which he did not think much of at the time.

  24. Only one of the survivors had a serious injury, a broken clavicle; he was hospitalized for five days.

  25. Gable dressed but did not play because of a groin injury suffered just before the trip to Washington.

  26. Hutton was troubled by his injury; his wrists no longer rotated fully and he abandoned the hook shot.

  27. Australia won the toss and elected to bat, allowing Lindwall further time to recover from his injury.

  28. Bush ran for 121 yards and three touchdowns against Connecticut, his first game back from the injury.

  29. The high injury toll and congested schedule contributed to complaints about Joe Warbrick’s behaviour.

  30. An injury to his thumb freed Trumble from cricket commitments for a while, to his new wife’s delight.

  31. Loose, trailing line can wrap around and cut its way into its flesh, resulting in irreversible injury.

  32. Melzer’s reagent will turn the flesh dark blue, after the natural bluing reaction to injury has faded.

  33. Complaining of exhaustion, and struggling with an injury, Allen rested from the MCC’s next tour games.

  34. On the defense, linebacker Rey Maualuga suffered a hip injury and safety Kevin Ellison broke his nose.

  35. He never recovered fully from the injury, and died the following year at his house in Hendon, aged 60.

  36. By the time of New Zealand’s next game, against England in London, Gallaher had recovered from his injury enough to play.

  37. Until 2010, no male had competed in aerials—one athlete was selected but did not end up taking to the snow due to injury.

  38. There was no loss of life or injury to anyone, and the property damage outside of the explosives magazine was negligible.

  39. One destroyed two mobile homes, damaged seven cars, and resulted in one minor injury; the other caused only minor damage.

  40. Despite a rotator cuff injury during the 1985 season, Smith posted career highs in multiple offensive categories in 1987.

  41. Others criticised the club, believing that Trautmann had been forced to play while still not fully recovered from injury.

  42. He suffered a calf injury on June 13 that required his fifth stint on the 15-day disabled list, and his first since 2003.

  43. Rhabdomyolysis complicated by acute kidney impairment in patients with traumatic injury may have a mortality rate of 20%.

  44. Harvey replaced the injured Sid Barnes, while Ron Saggers replaced Don Tallon, who had a finger injury, as wicket-keeper.

  45. In the first Test, hampered by a finger injury, he scored 39 and 45 as England recorded their only victory of the series.

  46. The Panthers were at a 4–7 record before Delhomme’s season-ending injury, and his backup, Matt Moore, led the team to a 4–1 finish to the season for an 8–8 overall record.

  47. The nature of the injury was unspecified, but was believed to have occurred during a game against the Islanders on November 13, 2011, when he appeared to be in discomfort.

  48. Towards the end of the season, he began to suffer from severe back pain, something he blamed on an injury incurred as a child while helping his father carry sacks of coal.

  49. A left-arm medium-pace seam bowler, Toshack was a member of the first-choice team, and played in the first four Test matches before succumbing to a persistent knee injury.

  50. Beattie was fit to play by the start of the 1977–78 season, but a knee injury sustained in a league match led to him withdrawing from the England squad to face Luxembourg.

Synonyms for injury

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word injury has the following synonyms: accidental injury, hurt, harm, trauma, wound and combat injury.

General information about «injury» example sentences

The example sentences for the word injury that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «injury» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «injury».

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