Sentences with the word inhabit

населять, обитать, жить


- жить, обитать, населять

they inhabited a two-room apartment — они жили в двухкомнатной квартире
so many thoughts inhabited his mind — в его голове роилось столько мыслей

- арх. постоянно проживать

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

The woods are inhabited by many wild animals.

В лесах обитает множество диких животных.

Last year these people inhabited all the islands.

В прошлом году эти люди заселили все острова.

Weird notions inhabit his mind.

Странные идеи заполняют его голову.

Predators have inhabited the woods for many centuries.

В этих лесах на протяжении столетий обитали хищники.

Several hundred species of birds inhabit the island.

Этот остров населяет несколько сотен видов птиц.

This part of the country is inhabited by native tribes.

Эта часть страны населена племенами туземцев.

There is a romantic quality that inhabits all her paintings.

Во всех её картинах есть что-то романтическое.

Strange notions inhabited her mind.

В её голове поселились странные мысли.

The people inhabited the islands that are now deserted.

На этих, ныне пустынных, островах раньше жили люди.

The novel is inhabited by a cast of eccentric characters.

В романе присутствует группа эксцентричных персонажей.

Over 1,500 different species of fish inhabit the waters around the reef.

В водах вокруг рифов обитают более полутора тысяч различных видов рыб.

Возможные однокоренные слова

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: inhabit
he/she/it: inhabits
ing ф. (present participle): inhabiting
2-я ф. (past tense): inhabited
3-я ф. (past participle): inhabited

inhabit — перевод на русский


It is inhabited?

— Был обитаем?

My island suddenly became inhabited and I look myself rich and with citizens.

Мой остров внезапно стал обитаем, и я по-настоящему почувствовал себя королем.

-Is it inhabited?

— Он обитаем?

Is this island inhabited?

-Этот остров обитаем?

— I take it the dome’s inhabited.

Я так понимаю, что купол обитаем.

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The marble slab of a sepulcher proves the existence of the grave, but not of what lies beyond the grave, a world inhabited by an incalculable number of anonymous beings.

Мраморное надгробие доказывает существование могилы, но за могилой лежит мир, населенный множеством неизвестных существ.

Huygens had argued from his telescopic observations that Mars was another world and probably, an inhabited one.

Гюйгенс, основываясь на астрономических наблюдениях, настаивал, что Марс — это тоже другой мир и, возможно, населённый.

Here is an exotic inhabited world mostly covered with a liquid.

Перед нами лежит необычный населённый мир, большая часть которого покрыта водой.

A city inhabited by the buildings.

Город, населённый зданиями.

A place inhabited by beings not unlike myself.

Мир, населенный существами, которые подобны мне.

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We inhabit a universe of galaxies.

Мы живем во вселенной, полной галактик.

Our most basic, common link is that we all inhabit this small planet.

Нас всех объединяет то, что мы живем на этой маленькой планете.

The demand for product steadily increases the longer we inhabit your planet.

Чем дольше мы живем на вашей планете, тем больше возрастает потребность в продукте.

President Kennedy said, «Our most basic common link… is that we all inhabit this small planet.

Мы все должны помнить, что мы вместе живём на этой большой планете.

It’s the world that we inhabit.

Таков мир, в котором мы живем.

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These are a few of the species that inhabit the water world called Earth.

Это всего лишь несколько видов организмов, которые населяют водный мир под названием Земля.

It is Cinisi, a disgraced place, for all those who inhabit it are broken, ugly and their ass is staved in.

Это Чинизи, срамное место, которое населяют Уродливые бедняки с ввалившимися задницами.

And will be home to the Indian peoples that have inhabited the region… now for generations.

Парк станет домом для индейцев, которые населяют этот регион… на протяжении множества поколений.

«In spring, the gods inhabit Tipaza and talk in the sun and smell of wormwood.

«Весной, боги населяют Типазу и говорят друг с другом на языке солнца, и запах полыни.

We live on 22 acres of solid rock inhabited by murderers, thieves, and rapists.

Мы живем на 9 гектарах цельного камня, который населяют убийцы, воры и насильники.

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This demon is nothing more than a parasite that inhabits another creature.

Этот демон ничто иное как паразит, который вселяется в другие существа.

Always it inhabits the helpless creatures first, from insect to animal, slowly making its way up the ladder of life forms.

Сначала, он вселяется в самых беспомощных насекомых, животных. Потом он переходит к более сложным формам.

My machine allows your mind to inhabit the body of someone in the past, see what they see, feel what they feel.

Моя машина позволяет разуму вселяться в тело любого человека из прошлого, видеть то, что он видит, чувствовать то, что он чувствует.

It can inhabit dead humans and control Inhumans.

Он может вселяться в мёртвых людей и управлять Нелюдьми.

Mike said the people Bob inhabited were his children.

Майк сказал, что те, в которых вселялся Боб, были его дети.

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I try to imagine him out there incarnate, looking for another victim to inhabit.

Я могу себя представить, как он рыщет в поисках ещё одной жертвы, в которую он мог бы вселиться.

And you think that’s how he was able to inhabit Lisa.

И ты думаешь,что именно из-за этого он смог вселиться в Лизу.

Are you saying that someone used or will use this machine to inhabit Jack and me in 1961?

Вы хотите сказать, что кто-то использовал или будет использовать эту машину чтобы вселиться в нас с Джеком в 1961-м?

You were inhabited by Dawn Stiles.

В тебя вселилась Доун Стайлз.

Antonia has inhabited Marnie’s body.

Антония вселилась в тело Марни.

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He needs a human body to inhabit.

Ему нужно тело.

I’m going to inhabit my body and bring this baby into a world of aware, peaceful individuals and not fucking drug-addicted robots.

Я собираюсь осознать свое тело и привести этого малыша в мир осознанных, мирных личностей, а не чертовых, наркозависимых роботов.

To keep living century after century, she carries with her the first body she inhabited.

Чтобы сохранять свою жизнь столетие за столетием, она сохраняет своё первое тело.

If you each know the officers you inhabit then you know they are equally ready to give their lives for this ship.

Если все вы знаете офицеров, тела которых вы захватили, тогда вы знаете, что они также готовы отдать свои жизни за этот корабль.

The soul of Hitler can only inhabit the body of somebody who possesses his blood.

Душа Гитлера может вернуться только в тело в котором течёт его кровь.

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Species that inhabit open country form larger flocks than those of forested areas.

Виды, которые населяют открытую местность, образуют более крупные стаи, чем виды в лесных районах.

Cats-which inhabit almost every corner of my home-live on every continent except Antarctica.

Кошки, которые населяют почти каждый уголок моего дома, живут на всех континентах, кроме Антарктиды.

Suppose the soul able to move and inhabit different bodies.

Существует мнение, что человеческая душа способна перевоплощаться и обитать в разных телах.

Frogs are amphibians, creatures that inhabit both land and water environments equally successfully.

Лягушки амфибии, существа, которые обитают как на земле так и в водной среде одинаково успешно.

And I will inhabit here, or you can inhabit with me in England.

Я могу жить в этой стране, или ты можешь жить со мной в Англии.

Besides that, the brightest fish and corals inhabit these waters.

Кроме того, самые красивые яркие рыбки и кораллы живут именно на таком уровне.

Many species would have difficulty surviving in the regions they now inhabit.

Многим видам будет трудно выжить в тех регионах, в которых они сейчас живут.

Often they have certain trees which they inhabit.

Часто у них есть определенные деревья, на которых они обитают.

Despite its large size, only 400,000 people inhabit the peninsula.

Несмотря на свою огромную территорию, полуостров населяет лишь 400 тыс. человек.

Think of the planet like a human body that we inhabit.

Подумайте о планете, как о человеческом теле, в котором мы обитаем.

The demand for product steadily increases the longer we inhabit your planet.

Чем дольше мы живем на вашей планете, тем больше возрастает потребность в продукте.

We inhabit certain energies wherever we live.

Мы живем в определенных энергиях, где бы мы ни жили.

And the prisons we inhabit are not country clubs.

И тюрьмы, где мы живем, далеко не загородные клубы.

Freshwater dolphins and crocodiles inhabit the rivers and streams but are rarely seen.

Пресноводные дельфины (гангетические) и крокодилы обитают в реках и ручьях, но редко встречаются.

Mutant bacteria lacking this capsule cannot aggregate and do not inhabit the mucosal layer.

Мутантные бактерии, не имеющие этой капсулы, не могут собираться и не обитают в слое слизистой оболочки.

Therefore your impact on the environment you inhabit is inevitable.

Поэтому ваше влияние на окружающую среду, в которой вы живете, неизбежно.

Many of us inhabit the homes they built.

Многие из нас живут в домах, которые сами же и построили.

Broadly similar animals and plants inhabit the same biome.

Во многом схожие животные и растения обитают в одном и том же биоме.

However, they seldom inhabit deserts or tropical environments.

Тем не менее, они редко обитают в пустынных или тропических местах.

Locals say that there inhabit sirens and devils.

Местные жители утверждают, что в нём обитают сирены и черти.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

(1) Wild notions inhabit his mind.

(2) They inhabit the tropical forests.

(3) Many forms of aquatic life inhabit ponds.

(4) Wild tribes still inhabit part of the Philippines.

(5) I have no idea what sort of people inhabit the area.

(6) Several different species of fish inhabit these turbid shallow waters.

(7) Over 1(,500 different species of fish inhabit the waters around the reef.

(8) The characters in his novels inhabit a bleak and hopeless universe.

(9) Some very rare birds inhabit our stretch of the river.

(10) They inhabit reed huts built on stilts above the water.

(11) But new exquisite life can’t inhabit such places.

(12) Lark buntings inhabit the prairies, breeding in alfalfa fields.

(13) The bacteria that inhabit the undersea hot springs fall into this group.

(14) I’ve no idea what sort of people inhabit the area.

(15) The tribes which inhabit the Upper Hunter and the adjacent parts of the colony are extremely harmless and well disposed.

(16) The people who inhabit this world are people like us(, people who pass us in the street.

(17) Few creatures inhabit the ocean floor, where there is no light to sustain them.

(18) Our dramatispersonae are the people who inhabit these places and the people who speak about them in various public ways.

(19) What is the largest air-breathing creature ever to inhabit the earth?

(20) Woodpeckers inhabit hollow trees.

(21) He is the sort of well-groomed man you expect to inhabit an executive-size corporate office.

(22) On the Labour side, there is a solid body of such members who inhabit the Tearoom.

(23) Reading such a text we are reminded that the world we inhabit is constructed, not given; constructed in language.

(24) Lush simplicity, spatial silence and rhythmic repetition create a musical atmosphere the mind can inhabit.

(25) This demand has to be made in conjunction with demands for greater control over public housing, by those who inhabit it.

(26) The farina varies according to the region, and with it the spirits that inhabit the landscape, often seven in number.

(27) It may take patience, but it is important to be fastidious about what sort of home you are prepared to inhabit.

(28) It is clear that the destination of post-mortem existence was a world other than and different from the world human beings inhabit.

(29) It feeds upon flying insects and the tiny fish that inhabit the Aquasphere.

(30) A suggestive hint comes from Trinidad where small fish called guppies vary in color according to the stretch of water they inhabit.

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word inhabit, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use inhabit in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «inhabit».

Inhabit in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word inhabit in a sentence.

  1. They inhabit the tops of mountains.

  2. Adults inhabit greater depths than juveniles.

  3. Today five trout species inhabit park waters.

  4. Giraffes usually inhabit savannahs and woodlands.

  5. Starfish species inhabit all of the world’s oceans.

  6. Black bears also inhabit Black Moshannon State Park.

  7. Giraffes usually inhabit savannahs and open woodlands.

  8. Common starlings rarely inhabit dense, wet forests (i.e.

  9. As juveniles, common octopuses inhabit shallow tide pools.

  10. Approximately 300–600 wolves inhabit the Arabian Peninsula.

  11. Grizzly bears and black bears inhabit the forested regions.

  12. Giles», an area of Central London which she would later inhabit.

  13. They mostly inhabit broad-leafed savannas, woodlands and glades.

  14. Coastal cutthroat trout inhabit Fairview Creek and Osborn Creek.

  15. Over 200 species of animals inhabit the river and its tributaries.

  16. Animals living in the freshwater sloughs also inhabit marl prairies.

  17. Bivalves inhabit the tropics, as well as temperate and boreal waters.

  18. She does not so much inhabit a character as impersonate a starlet….».

  19. Common waxbills inhabit open country with long grass and rank vegetation.

  20. A planet’s life forms inhabit ecosystems, whose total forms the biosphere.

  21. Two species of owl, barred and northern saw-whet, inhabit the deep forests.

  22. Cougars and timber wolves are large apex predators that inhabit the forest.

  23. Several endangered and noteworthy animal species inhabit the Songor Lagoon.

  24. Excavated meat ant nests show that banded sugar ants will also inhabit them.

  25. Enemy tribes also have shamans, and on later levels all inhabit the same world.

  26. The rocks are known to be the northernmost place blue-gray gnatcatchers inhabit.

  27. Species that inhabit open country form larger flocks than those of forested areas.

  28. Bighorn sheep and mountain goats inhabit the rocky terrain and highest elevations.

  29. The town is part of a simulated reality the elderly can inhabit, even after death.

  30. Rats are adept at crossing water, and inhabit almost all islets off Rodrigues today.

  31. Fejervarya raja) can inhabit brackish water, but there are no true marine amphibians.

  32. Of marine species, manatees are also known to inhabit the waters surrounding the site.

  33. They inhabit places near hilly or rocky landscapes and those with water sources nearby.

  34. In areas where wolves inhabit pastoral areas, the parasites can be spread to livestock.

  35. Typically they inhabit dense vegetation in damp environments near lakes, swamps or rivers.

  36. Some populations inhabit protected areas, such as the Gola Forest Reserve in Sierra Leone.

  37. About 400 Bankers inhabit the long, narrow barrier islands of North Carolina’s Outer Banks.

  38. Some frogs inhabit arid areas, such as deserts, and rely on specific adaptations to survive.

  39. Where once 15 were known, now more than 1,000 giant tortoises inhabit the island of Española.

  40. These individuals inhabit «the most distant reaches» of modern Paganism, according to Kaplan.

  41. Larger densities of the animals inhabit quiet waters with mostly firm, smooth sloping beaches.

  42. Western jackdaws inhabit wooded steppes, pastures, cultivated land, coastal cliffs, and towns.

  43. There has to be enough space within the character for you to feel you can inhabit it as a player.

  44. Most of the species of this small family are found in Africa, though a few inhabit tropical Asia.

  45. More than 250 wildlife species, including the protected northern spotted owl, inhabit this forest.

  46. The Réunion swamphen was termed a land-bird by Dubois, while other swamphens inhabit lowland swamps.

  47. Marine mammals and commercial fishes, including tuna and mahi-mahi, also inhabit the Sargassum mats.

  48. Nose bots are fly larvae that inhabit a sheep’s sinuses, causing breathing difficulties and discomfort.

  49. Steelhead and chinook and coho salmon are the most common anadromous fish that inhabit the Chetco River.

  50. Humpbacks inhabit all major oceans, in a wide band running from the Antarctic ice edge to 81°N latitude.

Synonyms for inhabit

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word inhabit has the following synonyms: dwell, live, live in, live out and occupy.

General information about «inhabit» example sentences

The example sentences for the word inhabit that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «inhabit» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «inhabit».

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