Sentences with the word informal

неофициальный, неформальный, непринужденный, без соблюдения формальностей


- неофициальный, неформальный; без формальностей, не по форме

colloquial / informal language — язык неофициального общения, разговорный язык
informal description — неформальное описание
informal visit [dinner, meeting, call on smb.] — неофициальный визит [обед, -ая встреча, беседа с кем-л.]
informal consultations — неофициальные консультации

- непринуждённый, простой, обычный

friendly / informal / relaxed atmosphere — дружеская, непринуждённая обстановка
informal garden — неокультуренный сад, сад без искусственных насаждений

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Примеры с переводом

She’s informal with everyone.

Она со всеми держится непринуждённо.

She’s giving a small informal party this evening.

Вечером она даёт небольшой неофициальный приём.

Don’t fuss up for the party, it’s very informal.

Не особенно наряжайся на вечеринку: она очень неформальная.

The term is common in informal contexts.

Данное выражение часто употребляется в неформальной обстановке.

Slang is used mostly in informal speech.

Сленг в основном используется в разговорной речи.

A sleazy bar seemed to be an informal clubhouse for deviates.

Занюханный бар, похоже, был неофициальным клубом для всякого рода дегенератов.

There was an informal meeting in my living room.

В моей гостиной произошла неофициальная встреча.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

We had an informal meeting over lunch.

The two groups met for informal talks.

The atmosphere at work is fairly informal.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

formal  — формальный, официальный, церемонный, вечернее платье, официальный прием
informality  — отсутствие церемоний, отступление от формы
informally  — неофициально, без церемоний

Examples of how to use the word “informal” in a sentence. How to connect “informal” with other words to make correct English sentences.

informal (adj): not formal or official

Use “informal” in a sentence

It’s only an informal meeting.
They got an informal warning.
The atmosphere is relaxed, informal and friendly.

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April 11, 2023
All Dictionary

At an informal meeting on the 22nd of September the four great powers agreed that all subjects of general interest were to be settled by a committee consisting of Austria, Russia, Prussia and Great Britain together with France and Spain.

Their informal discussions laid the basis for more serious negotiations between Trumbic and Signor Torre, representing an influential committee of Italian deputies and senators.

On his arrival from Rome in 1847 he acted as informal diplomatic envoy from the pope, to ascertain from the government what support England was likely to give in carrying out the liberal policy with which Pius inaugurated his reign.

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In informal conferences with commissioners from the seceded states he assured them that Fort Sumter should be speedily evacuated.

It too, held the welcoming atmosphere of a hospital waiting room, with a living room, expansive kitchen, informal dining area and hallways leading off each side of the common areas.

He strongly promoted the League of Nations in the early part of that year; he attended the International Socialist Conference at Berne; and in Dec. 1920 he paid an informal visit to Ireland in the hope of promoting peace.

At first the whole proceeding was informal and impulsive enough; but by the 7th century it had grown thoroughly stereotyped and formal.

This last demand Benedetti submitted to the king in an informal meeting on the promenade at Ems, and the misleading reports of the conversation which were circulated were the immediate cause of the war which followed, for the Germans were led to believe that Benedetti had insulted the king, and the French that the king had insulted the ambassador.

So why would he suddenly want her to select the clothes he wore to an informal party where he knew no one.

This company, it is said, helped to attract the brokers back to the spinners, and an informal understanding was arrived at that the buying broker should not figure both as agent and principal in the same transaction.

Definition of Informal

casual and relaxed

Examples of Informal in a sentence

The informal dinner only required that you wear casual clothing and not fancy attire.


Because it was an informal meeting, all of the office staff were relaxed and at ease.


Since it was an informal hearing, the meeting between the two attorneys seemed more casual than official.




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  • Use the word INFORMAL in a sentences

Sentence Examples

I thought this was gonna be an informal talk.

But just at this time it’s very necessary that we have an informal get-together.

I’m afraid you’II think it’s almost too informal, my coming to the door this way but unfortunately our maid just had a little accident.

I just want to talk. If you’ll overlook this informal visit… I’ll forgive you for slighting me in the dining room.

Yet, God knows how informal these people are with me.

I’m afraid all this is rather informal.

This being Wednesday, tonight after supper, I will deliver one of my informal talks.

As is customary, tonight I had planned one of my informal talks.

I don’t want any more informal talks.

The creation is suited to the small, informal resort dinner.

Theatre people are very informal.

This is just an informal visit.

We’re all informal out here at Deep Springs Ranch.

After all, this is just an informal little get together to help me, as district attorney of Jericho County, tie up the loose ends of my report to the grand jury.

Yes, we need some informal stuff.

I called this informal hearing to prove to him how unfounded they were.

But you’re informal with each other.

A sort of informal meeting.

Well, you better get informal with him, or other people will.

Now, Miss Bruce, Just one of you. Something informal.

How delightfully informal of you to have dropped in like this.

Surgeons quite often ask nurses on informal occasions.

I only like to strike an informal note.

The reason for this informal gathering was the news on the radio tonight that you are wanted for murder.

Didn’t the invitation say informal?

Asimple ceremony followed by an informal breakfast will give us the effect we’re all looking for.

Oh, no, it was very useful to meet him for once in an informal way.

It’s like traveling in a tramp steamer, sort of informal.

It was just an informal little house party.

We’re having a few friends in. Very informal.

I must apologize, gentlemen, for the somewhat informal manner… In which we effected our introduction.

I’m very glad we’re gonna be informal.

informal, gay little gatherings.

Mr. Hutcheson, though a surrogates court is informal,

Keeps it kind of, uh, nice and informal.

We’re having a little informal reception tonight.

You know, Mrs. Nordley has led a sheltered sort of life, I guess and, well, let’s not get too informal.

Well, let’s don’t be too informal.

«ls it informal, or should I wear my Napoleon hat?»

As I said before, I prefer the informal type of social life.

I told Mrs. Marshall a small, informal dinner.

I’m afraid my arrival’s rather informal.

No, it’s just an informal American word meaning, comrade,

I hope you don’t think us too informal.

Here I am being informal with you.

As far as your rank is concerned we’re fairly informal about that in Force 316.

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