Sentences with the word fear


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Бояться нечего»

перед страхом»




It is sometimes used for ‘fear’.

И иногда используется «для вреда».

And he reserved the term ‘fear’ only for the conscious experience of fear.

И он зарезервировал термин «страх» только для сознательного переживания страха.

It is highly energetic, and does not know the meaning of the word ‘fear’.

Это очень энергичный, и не знает значения слова «страх».

The positive intention or purpose behind ‘fear’ is usually ‘safety’.

Позитивное намерение или цель «страха» обычно — желание безопасности.

You cannot let the ‘fear’ of feeling uncomfortable dictate your life.

Вы не можете позволить «страху» чувствовать себя некомфортно диктовать свою жизнь.

What a blessing as you remember experiencing ‘water depredation and fear’ in the desert.

Какое благословение, когда вы помните ощущение «отравления водой и страх» в пустыне.

Notice the word ‘fear’ used three times.

Слово «страх» повторяется трижды.

I do not want to say the word ‘fear’.

Я не использовал бы слова «бояться».

The term ‘fear’ in this article is used in the generalized sociological perspective and as applied to public opinion polls.

Заметим, что термин «страх» в статье используется в социологической обобщенной перспективе, применительно к данным массовых опросов.

I’ve heard the word ‘fear’.

И я забыл про слово «страх».

The main sentiment driving French society, the report concluded was ‘fear’.

Главным чувством, движущим французским обществом, социологи назвали «страх».

We are also dealing with the Barney ‘fear’ right now.

Мы все еще говорим о «Барни» в настоящем времени.

The ‘smell of fear’ makes us dangerous.

«Запах страха» заставляет нас рисковать.

Why do you use the word ‘fear’ with regard to inner solitude?

Почему вы используете слово «страх» по отношению к внутреннему одиночеству?

But I know, if I am careful, there is nothing to fear’.

Но я знаю, если я буду осторожна, ничего страшного не случится’.

Neurosurgeons avoid brain surgery, conduct unnecessary tests ‘out of lawsuit fear’

Нейрохирурги избегают операций на головном мозге, проводят ненужные анализы «вне страха судебного процесса»

Their biggest ‘fear’, if they have one, is not of the unknown, but of becoming complacent and stagnant.

Их самый большой страх, если, конечно, таковой имеется, это не быть неизвестным, а стать самодовольным и инертным.

There are countless definitions of phobia, the most apt defining it as a ‘fear of fear’.

Существует множество определений слова «фобия», самое подходящее — «страх перед страхом».

Even worse, out of ‘fear’ it is arresting and subjecting to repression anyone who dares to remind it of its mistakes.

Хуже того: она «с перепугу» хватает и репрессирует всякого, кто осмеливается упоминать об ее ошибках.

It is the willingness to act in spite of the fear’.

Это способность делать свое дело, несмотря на страх»

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат fear’

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

fear — перевод на русский


Then I fear I forgot myself and let her kiss me.

И тогда, боюсь, я забылся и дал ей себя поцеловать.


Боюсь, это черта старой девы.


Боюсь, это было крайне недостойно леди.

I fear you have betrayed my friendship.

— А, Холгрейв! Боюсь, вы предали нашу дружбу…

─ I fear for you.

— Я боюсь за тебя!

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This is fear talking.

В тебе говорит страх.

But with our patients there was very often a great deal of fear, a great deal of crying, sobbing And then of course one would want to move in and try and get the patient to relate that to what they were actually experiencing in themselves.

ќднако наши пациенты ……очень часто… испытывали страх, кричали, рыдали … ¬ таких случа€х один из нас пыталс€ успокоить пациента и говорил, что мы испытали это на себе.

«I have not been able to live with this persistent fear during the war.

«Этот вечный страх, пока шла война, совсем доканал меня…

Fear lurked in every corner of town.

Страх притаился во всех уголках города.

The alarm spread…the jungle flared with fires lighted to drive off the natives black fear.

Вуду! Злой Дух! Тревога распространяется … джунгли светятся от огней костров, призванных отпугнуть страх черных африканцев.

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You must realize that women like me have much to fear from certain people.

Вы должны понимать, что женщины вроде меня должны очень опасаться определенных людей.

Nor will he, of course, have any reason to fear being caught.

К тому же он не будет опасаться возможного разоблачения.

Travellers of the Gobi Desert have good reason to fear the singing sands, Barbara.

Всем странникам пустыни Гоби есть все основания опасаться пения песков, Барбара.

I’m beginning to fear that he won’t be able to.

Я начинаю опасаться, что он не сможет этого сделать.

Innocence, that prime virtue, cannot and must not fear public scrutiny.

Ибо невиновность, главное достоинство, не должно и не может опасаться общественного надзора.

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Fear, Chris.

Мне страшно.

«I fear the Lord,» cries Jonah…

«Мне страшно, — воскликнул Иона.

Our fear and hers are the same.

Нам точно так же страшно, как и ей.

I fear to walk alone, without your care.

Мне страшно, когда я не чувствую твоей заботы

I nearly went mad with fear.

Мне было страшно.

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— I tell you I had no fear. — [Scoffs]

Говорю тебе, я не испугался.

If I show any fear… the strike will crumble.

Если увидят, что я испугался,… забастовка прекратится.

No, but this morning I saw a toad and feared some evil spell.

Нет, мадемуазель, но этим утром я видел жабу и испугался каких-нибудь злых чар.

Though what he did, was out of fear.

За память о нем! Хотя он и испугался.

The boy was very upset because he feared for his mother.

Мальчик был расстроен. Он очень испугался за свою маму.

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That awful fear of my hands.

Эта кошмарная боязнь своих рук.

And fear of indifference as well.

А также боязнь безразличия.

The fear of physical pain drove him to that grotesque act of self-abasement.

Боязнь физической боли… Вот что заставило его совершить этот чудовищный акт самоуничижения!

Fear of water… (MOANING)

Боязнь воды…

(SOBBING) Fear of water.

Боязнь воды.

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«I fear no spirits!»

«Я не страшусь демонов!»

— And did you know that I haven’t had a fear of fire since the early age?

— А ты знаешь, что я с малых лет не страшусь огня?

As worthy cause I have to fear I am.

Я сам того страшусь и вашу честь

I fear you.

Я страшусь тебя…

I start to fear.

Знаешь чего я страшусь?

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Why, you’re frantic with fear.

Ведь ты обезумел от ужаса.

— A darned violent fear.

— Весь трепещу от ужаса.

Already earlier in my life, I had been in great fear.

В моей жизни уже было состояние подобного ужаса.

But the same feelings of fear remain?

Но оставляет после себя ощущение ужаса.

Just let me be rid of … this deadly … sickening, animal fear!

Только избавь меня от этого смертельного, отвратительного, животного ужаса!

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You’ve nothing to fear there.

Вы не должны беспокоиться.

You need have no fear, Sir Wilfred.

Вам не о чем беспокоиться, сэр Уилфред!

Who knows the father, doesn’t fear for the daughter.

Увидев её отца в работе, за девушку можно не беспокоиться. Я её люблю.

— Don’t get lost, Doctor. — Never fear.

Не потеряйтесь Не смейте беспокоиться

Maria has nothing to fear.

Марии не о чем беспокоиться.

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It is feared that there may be no survivors of this strange incident.

Есть опасения, что при его крушении никто из людей не выжил.

Then your fears about that phaser were correct.

Ваши опасения насчет бластеров были верны.

-It seems our worst fears are confirmed.

— Кажется, наши худшие опасения подтвердились.

— Precisely. Our fears are justified. The thing seems serious.

Думаю, наши опасения оправдываются, дело серьезное.

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Sentences with the word Fear?



  • «age-old customs»; «the antique fear that days would dwindle away to complete darkness»
  • «the fear of God»; «the Chinese reverence for the dead»; «the French treat food with gentle reverence»; «his respect for the law bordered on veneration»
  • «he was in bondage to fear«; «he sought release from his bondage to Satan»; «a self freed from the bondage of time»
  • «quiet the dragons of worry and fear«
  • «care had aged him»; «they hushed it up out of fear of public reaction»
  • «fear clogged her mind»; «The story was clogged with too many details»
  • «fear seized the prisoners»; «The patient was seized with unbearable pains»; «He was seized with a dreadful disease»
  • «She came near to screaming with fear«
  • «Panic struck me»; «An interesting idea hit her»; «A thought came to me»; «The thought struck terror in our minds»; «They were struck with fear«
  • «a continuous rearrangement of electrons in the solar atoms results in the emission of light»- James Jeans; «a continuous bout of illness lasting six months»; «lived in continuous fear«; «a continuous row of warehouses»; «a continuous line has no gaps or breaks in it»; «moving midweek holidays to the nearest Monday or Friday allows uninterrupted work weeks»
  • «his defensiveness was manifested in hurt silence»; «the fear of being sued for malpractice has magnified physicians’ defensiveness»
  • «I fear the winters in Moscow»; «We should not fear the Communists!»
  • «his trembling was evidence of his fear«
  • «I fear she might get aggressive»
  • «I fear I won’t make it to your wedding party»
  • «I fear the results of the final exams»
  • «fear God as your father»; «We venerate genius»
  • «fear of illness haunts her»
  • «healthy scepticism»; «a healthy fear of rattlesnakes»; «the healthy attitude of French laws»; «healthy relations between labor and management»; «an intelligent solution»; «a sound approach to the problem»; «sound advice»; «no sound explanation for his decision»
  • «actions indicative of fear«
  • «fear is exceedingly infectious; children catch it from their elders»- Bertrand Russell
  • «she had run in fear of…his evil leering eye»- Amy Lowell
  • «his fear of being alone verges on morbidity»
  • «smother a yawn»; «muffle one’s anger»; «strangle a laugh»; «repress a cry of fear«
  • «never fear«; «bringing up children is never easy»; «that will never do»; «what is morally wrong can never be politically right»
  • «too numb with fear to move»
  • «pandemic fear of nuclear war»
  • «The poison paralyzed him»; «fear paralyzed her»
  • «The horror petrified his feelings»; «fear petrified her thinking»
  • «Could her scarred mind ever be free of fear?»; «a face scarred by anxiety»; «the fire left her arm badly scarred»
  • «anticipation produced in me a sensation somewhere between hope and fear«
  • «For fools rush in where angels fear to tread»; «step on the brake»
  • «he is superior to fear«; «an ignited firework proceeds superior to circumstances until its blazing vitality fades»
  • «perceptible only as unaccountable influences that hinder progress»; «an unexplainable fear«
  • «a widespread doctrine»; «widespread fear of nuclear war»

Fear is a feeling induced by perceived danger or threat that occurs in certain types of organisms, which causes a change in metabolic and organ functions and ultimately a change in behavior, such as fleeing, hiding, or freezing from perceived traumatic events. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Not only does this challenge involve baking bread but different kinds of bread which will really challenge my bread making fears!


In this mindset, everything becomes driven by fear.


It was my fear to really try the car out in the initial laps that held me back from it’s full potential.


She gave her real name and her real hometown (in Southwest Iowa), then negotiated out of both for fear of being recognized by former classmates or 2002 Iowa pom squad members.


The prospect of lower-for-longer interest rates, needed to help a struggling economy, has revived those bubble fears.


As talks of a merger between supermarket giants Asda and Sainsbury’s gather momentum and fears grow that stores could be at risk of closing and jobs…


It seems to shatter all belief in the concept of a Creator Spirit before whom humankind can but bow in awe and fear.


This recipe is so good I’m afraid to be alone with the finished product for fear of eating it all at once!


If that cargo doesn’t leave through Port Metro Vancouver, our fear is that it will start leaving through competing ports in Seattle, Los Angeles, or San Francisco.


Oil prices hit $ 75 on Tuesday, the highest level in nearly three and a half years, as fears mounted over the prospect of new US sanctions on Iran.


i guess the dawkins» of this world should count themselves lucky that they do live in a humanist world informed by christianity, he, as do we all get’s to say what he thinks with no fear of beheading because of this.


I may have gotten over my fear but it’s still not happening, Mom.


See Daniel Mercer, «Price fear over power merger» (The West Australian, 11 August 2014).


They feed on the fear that drives their ego and allows them to thrive when stocks are falling.


i wouldnt call it islamaphobia cuz i dont fear muslims.i simply dont want them here cuz they are the enemy.and if they want to live here they should change to suit america instead of bringing that sharia law crap here.they are in my back yard so they should obey my laws.


But even so, the fear is that when each European users is forced to review and consent to every single data-type they hand over the Facebook, they may reduce their total permissions, thus lowering engagement overall.


Confession raises all sorts of fears, but racism has become one of the most shameful sins I can think of.


Bless them for standing in our thin places between too-much and not-enough, the places where our hearts are breaking and our fears are manifesting and we are so scared and so alone, bless them for being the ones that show up in the fault lines to hold our hands and pray and weep with those who weep.


Syrah has moved to put a $ 50 million debt facility in place to cover any contingencies or unforseen events that could occur as the mine ramps up over the next six to 12 months, cooling fears of an equity raising.


We understand the fear of many binary options traders not wanting to open accounts with binary options brokers that are not regulated; it is because of the ever increasing number of scams in the binary options industry.


A Fallujah resident who spoke to The Washington Post anonymously for fear of IS relation, explained that people have resorted to eating a gray-colored bread made from grain and birdseed since no flour or rice is available.


And the fear that we won’t have time to hug all our children and each other enough as we will be drowning under all the duties of everyday life.


It was all about fear and greed: open with a shock headline about the imminent death of the dollar and close with an exclusive investment that can (theoretically) run rings around the best professional portfolio.


Understandably, the frequent recurrence of such unexpected consequences in the secular world as well encourages the pathological fear of all extremisms (not including its own) that marks postmodern skepticism and helps to make what Robert J. Lifton called «Protean Man» look like an indispensable culture hero.


Or maybe the price will drop because of FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt)?


Wild swings in price can cause our behavioral biases to take over and we sell when fear kicks in.


I want to conquer your fears because I know that’s the driving force behind being broke.


In one interview, Tangie’s sister, Raynell Hurst, described Tangie as sounding like Nicole Brown Simpson living in fear of O.J. Hurst quoted Tangie as saying, after one of Thompson’s threats, «I’m not running from Bennie anymore.


The currency has been under a lot of pressure on fears that the United Kingdom could experience a «hard» Brexit and practically lose access to the European single markets when it leaves the European Union — which could shock the local economy.


But a separate experiment showed that those fears of looking incompetent, or hypothetically incompetent, were misguided.


«GBP fell on the back of the Telegraph report on fear that we could be out of the EU without a deal even sooner than thought — though actually this doesn’t make sense because the only way we could leave earlier than March 2019 would be if a deal had been struck,» Jane Foley, head of forex strategy at Rabobank, told CNBC via email.


The Telescope Collective captured Digifest participants» hopes and fears about automation at work.


What doubt, fears, and «what-ifs» pop up as you consider the big changes you can (or need to) make?


I was asked the other day why global economies aim to have inflation, other than fear of deflation, there doesn’t actually seem to be a particularly good reason for what is seemingly an immutable law of macro economics.


After Friday’s nervous trading session that was overshadowed by fears that the Syrian conflict will escalate further, Saturday’s «contained» missile attack actually helped investor sentiment and caused…


Rather than using fear as a fence to keep us safe, perhaps we can center our friendships on a deep love that keeps us in the center of God’s will for those relationships, which means that we will do what we can to protect our relationship, not abandon it.


Trump’s tariffs have raised fears of a trade war.


«The government has the obligation to ensure that lawyers can carry out their professional duties without fear of intimidation or interference, and without being identified with their clients and causes.»


Please don’t let the fear of food get in the way of a wonderful time or a wonderful dish.


We live in fear,» the March For Our Lives website says.


Your link between spirituality and fear is very interesting.


I have now overcome my fear of braided bread.


I am so happy to be past my fears and homebaking all the time now!


Can we honestly say that we are doing enough about such fears?


A prospective study published in the journal Obesity shows such fears are groundless.


ArcelorMittal (MT) led the fallers in the French market, down 5.17 % on fears of slowing demand for its steel products.


I know he got 5red cards in the just concluded season but I love that fear He instill in his opponents.


Given that the effect of Fed movements is almost entirely psychological, and that we’ve got a long way to go as problems emerge among trillions of dollars of mortgage debt, my guess is that the Fed will want to save its weak ammunition to assuage fear in periods where crisis is more evident.


But no fear, if you haven’t yet downloaded their App (which features an array of raw, delicious treats), we’ve found our favourite recipe on their website.


Most importantly, it washed away the fears of coming off my bike or tripping over my shoes in transition, and left me with a desire to train more and harder.


страх, опасение, боязнь, вероятность, опасаться, бояться, страшиться, ожидать


- страх, боязнь

- опасение

there is not the slightest fear of rain today — нет никаких опасений, что сегодня будет дождь
I had a fear that you had missed the train — я опасался, что вы опоздали на поезд
shut the window for fear of rain — закройте окошко, как бы не пошёл дождь /на случай дождя/
they are in daily fear of dismissal — им каждый день грозит увольнение
no fear — разг. конечно, нет; ни в коем случае; опасаться не приходится
you will not fail me. — No fear

- благоговейный страх, трепет

to put the fear of God into smb. — нагнать страх на кого-л., расправиться с кем-л.; ≅ держать в страхе божьем
without fear or favour — справедливо, беспристрастно


- бояться; пугаться

she feared for the boy when she saw him at the top of the tree — она испугалась за мальчика, увидев, что он влез на дерево
never fear — не беспокойтесь, будьте уверены

- опасаться, ожидать (чего-л. нежелательного)

to fear the worst — ожидать наихудшего
you shall know, never fear — вам сообщат, не беспокойтесь
I fear the guests are late — боюсь, что гости опоздают
two are feared drowned — есть основания опасаться, что двое утонули

- разг. сожалеть

I fear — ≅ к сожалению
is there enough money? — I fear not
it is raining I fear — кажется, идёт дождь

- почитать; относиться с благоговейным страхом

to fear God — бояться бога

Мои примеры


from fear of a whaling by his active parent — из страха быть выпоротым своим энергичным родителем  
a primal fear of the unknown — первобытный страх неизвестного  
to chase all fear — отбросить всякий страх  
to conquer fear — преодолеть страх  
devoid of fear — бесстрашный  
to draw back in fear / horror — отпрянуть в страхе, ужасе  
to expose one’s fear — показывать свой страх  
to fear greatly / very much — очень бояться  
to fear for — бояться за  
more than half dead with fear — чуть живой от страха  
to inspire smb. with fear — наполнить кого-л. чувством страха  
insusceptible to fear — лишённый страха, не знающий страха  

Примеры с переводом

It fears me.

Это меня пугает.

Dismiss your fear.

Забудь о страхе.

She fought her fear.

Она боролась со своим страхом.

I fear the results of the final exams.

Я опасаюсь за результаты выпускных экзаменов.

Women feared to go out at night.

Женщины боялись выходить на улицу ночью.

He is a stranger to fear.

Он не знает страха.

His wife seemed depressed, and he feared for his children.

Его жена казалась подавленной, и он опасался за своих детей.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Police fear that there may be further terrorist attacks.

She was desperate with fear.

His knees trembled with fear.

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

fearful  — страшный, ужасный, испуганный, пугливый, напуганный, пугающий, робкий, полный страха
fearless  — бесстрашный, неустрашимый, безбоязненный, мужественный
feared  — опасаться, бояться, страшиться, ожидать

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: fear
he/she/it: fears
ing ф. (present participle): fearing
2-я ф. (past tense): feared
3-я ф. (past participle): feared

ед. ч.(singular): fear
мн. ч.(plural): fears

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