Sentences with the word fall out

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Hair by nature should fall out when it reaches the third, final, phase of its growth.

Волос по природе своей должен выпадать, когда достигает третьей, финальной, фазы своего роста.

They usually have to be removed by the doctor, although they can also fall out by themselves.

Они, как правило, должны быть удалены врачом, хотя они также могут выпадать сами по себе.

Ultimately your teeth can fall out.

В конце концов, ваши зубы могут выпасть.

Most hairs are maintained from the very beginning, while some may fall out during the first two months and gradually grow back.

Большинство волосков поддерживаются с самого начала, в то время как некоторые из них могут выпасть в течение первых двух месяцев и постепенно растут обратно.

Maltese may have problems with teeth, without additional care they fall out with age.

В Мальтийском могут быть проблемы с зубами, без дополнительного ухода, они падают с возрастом.

It would fall out when I doubted.

Они выпадали, когда я пыталась заставить кого-то сомневаться.

Such hair does not grow and eventually fall out.

В эту стадию волос не растет и, в конце концов, выпадает.

Hemorrhoids do not reset or fall out again immediately after reposition.

Геморроидальные узлы выскальзывают в покое и не вправляются или снова выпадают сразу после вправления.

Primary teeth fall out at different times.

Разные виды зубов выпадают в разное время.

Although baby teeth eventually fall out, it’s still important to take care of them.

Хотя молочные зубы в конечном итоге выпадают, все равно важно заботиться о них.

Reviews about the rings are also contradictory — they often fall out.

Отзывы о кольцах тоже противоречивые — они часто выпадают.

But despite this reduction, they still fall out every day — only their intensity and frequency change.

Но несмотря на такое их сокращение, выпадают они все равно ежедневно — меняется только их интенсивность и частота.

But with age, the teeth deteriorate and fall out, no matter how we want to stop this process.

Но с возрастом зубы портятся и выпадают, как бы мы ни хотели остановить этот процесс.

They remain only in a child born prematurely, and fall out in 2-4 weeks.

Они остаются лишь у ребенка, родившегося раньше срока, и выпадают через 2-4 недели.

When your teeth are not properly cared for, they decay and fall out.

Если ваши зубы расположены не самым правильным образом, то со временем они начнут расшатываться и выпадать.

Patients at a young age have carious teeth that are easily destroyed and fall out.

У больных в молодом возрасте имеются кариозные зубы, которые легко разрушаются и выпадают.

If the teeth fall out, then journalism becomes «the merry widow».

Если зубы выпадают, то журналистика превращается в «весёлую вдову».

It’s bad if they fall out or the dreamer tries to pull them out.

Плохо, если они выпадают или сновидец пытается выдергивать их.

As you can see, the tasks of such a helicopter will fall out much more difficult than just the fight against terrorists.

Как видим, задачи такому вертолету будут выпадать куда сложнее, чем просто борьба с террористами.

It is supposed that one colour cannot fall out endlessly, as a result player will get his prize after all.

Предполагается, что один цвет не может выпадать бесконечно, в результате чего игрок все-таки получит свой приз.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат fall out

Результатов: 1032. Точных совпадений: 1032. Затраченное время: 167 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

выпадать, вываливаться, ссориться, рассориться, случаться, выходить из строя


- выпадать
- воен. выходить из строя, расходиться

fall out! — разойдись!

- ссориться

discussing the new play the two friends fell out — обсуждая новую пьесу, друзья поссорились

- оказываться; случаться

all fell out for the best — всё вышло к лучшему
it fell out that … — случилось так, что …
it may never fall out that we meet again — может случиться так, что мы больше никогда не встретимся
how did it fall out that … — как получилось, что …

- амер. сл. уснуть

Мои примеры


to fall out of synchronism — выпадать из синхронизма  
to fall out of favour with the king — впасть в королевскую опалу, немилость  
teeth fall out — зубы выпадают  
to fall out of a habit — отвыкать  
cause to fall out — ссорить  
fall out of cultivation — терять культурную форму; одичать; дичать  
fall out of a window and land on head — выпасть из окна и удариться головой  
fall out on one foot — выпад махом одной ноги  
fall out as — выпадать в виде  
fall out of favor — впасть в немилость  

Примеры с переводом

Jim and Mary fall out every few weeks, but their quarrels never last.

Джим и Мэри ссорятся каждую неделю, но мгновенно мирятся.

Your hair is beginning to fall out.

Ваши волосы начинают выпадать.

The drugs made her hair fall out.

Из-за действия этих лекарств /наркотиков/ у неё выпали волосы.

We heard the break and saw the glass fall out of the window.

Мы услышали звук раскалывающегося стекла и увидели, как оно вылетело из окна.

It so fell out that the two were not to meet again until after the war.

Так получилось, что эти двое встретились только после войны.

I had planned to have a sports career, but things fell out otherwise.

Раньше я планировал профессионально заняться спортом, но судьба сложилась иначе.

Club members were soon falling out about how to spend the money they’d made washing cars.

Вскоре члены клуба начали ссориться по поводу того, как потратить деньги, которые они заработали мойкой машин.

After stuffing the turkey, the chef quickly trussed it so the forcemeat wouldn’t fall out during roasting.

Начинив индейку, шеф-повар быстро перевязал её, чтобы во время обжарки фарш не выпал наружу.

Synonym: come about, come out, follow, go on, hap, happen, occur, pass, pass off, take place. Similar words: all out, pull out, roll out, fill out, go all out, sell out, spell out, smell out. Meaning: v. 1. have a breach in relations 2. come as a logical consequence; follow logically 3. come off 4. leave (a barracks) in order to take a place in a military formation, or leave a military formation 5. come to pass. 

1. When rogues (or thieves) fall out, honest men come by their own. 

2. Her baby teeth are starting to fall out.

3. Most married people fall out over money.

4. The drugs made her hair fall out.

5. Mum and I used to fall out a lot.

6. «Fall out, men!» shouted the sergeant-major.

7. The chemotherapy made her hair fall out.

8. I don’t like to fall out with my friends.

9. In his sleep he let the book fall out of his hand.

9. is a online sentence dictionary, on which you can find good sentences for a large number of words.

10. Some of the men were obliged to fall out from fatigue.

11. They turn red and the tears fall out.

12. Well, she would fall out of love with him.

13. It should fall out in one piece.

14. I was endlessly letting things fall out of my hands.

15. Do you know how many subscription cards can fall out of a magazine as you thumb through 10 pages?

16. What if you fall out with your partner or fellow shareholders?

17. Discs must fall out with their artists as much as anyone else, I reason, but this idea produces the Go!

18. Put on your lifejacket, which would help you to stay up if you fall out of the boat.

19. Bad habits are easy to fall into but not easy to fall out of.

20. Tie up the top of the bag so the rubbish doesn’t fall out.

21. After a long drill, the commander told his men to fall out.

22. A side effect of the treatment is that your hair starts to fall out.

23. Make sure you are strapped in very well, or else you will fall out.

24. Maybe it’s true that life begins at fifty. But everything else starts to wear out, fall out, or spread out. Phyllis Diller 

25. Back at home again I came down to breakfast one morning scratching my head and my hair started to fall out.

26. Some days she took a hot bath and let hot water fall out of a saturated washcloth.

27. A drawing pin through the pocket ensures the holder does not fall out; comfort, security and peace at last.

28. Apart from the 4-SUBS, traffic levels meant there was little chance for stock to fall out of the bottom of the cascade.

29. If a child can open them more than four inches he could fall out.

30. Mrs Cook, a heart patient, was suffering from a condition which made her agitated and likely to fall out of bed.

In this post, you’ll learn the phrasal verb ‘fall out’ and its meaning.

When someone loses their teeth, we can say that their teeth fall out.

  • Her baby teeth are starting to fall out.

The same applies to hair.

  • Her hair started falling out because she was so depressed.

When it comes to relationships, ‘fall out’ means “to cut off a relationship over an argument”.

The noun ‘falling out’ means a severe quarrel or disagreement.

Falling out over something means you have a big argument that ends a relationship.

Examples of ‘fall out’ in sentences:

  • I haven’t spoken to my brother for nearly three years because of a falling out we had over our father’s estate.
Fall out of love: meaning

People often use the verb ‘fall out’ to describe the end of romantic relationships.

When you ‘fall out of love’ with someone that means you don’t love this person anymore.

Here are some quotes from BuzzFeed post* (find the full post below)

  • A while ago, we wrote up the moments when people realized they were falling out of love with their significant other.
  • I’m not sure if I’ve fallen out of love with him or if I’m just telling myself that so I don’t break into a million pieces.

There are various ways to describe the end of relationships. In this video, I talked about some of them with my friend and English teacher Tabitha Lucas.

In particular, we talked about these expressions:

  • to unfriend somebody (only on social media)
  • to cut ties
  • we don’t talk anymore
  • we don’t go out/hang out
  • to lose contact with somebody
  • to drift apart

Once you’ve watched the video, share your examples with falling out or with any expressions you liked.

You can share your personal stories or stories you read or saw on TV. The most important thing is to use the words in the context.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

If you want to learn more from Tabitha, follow her on Instagram @tabilucas

You can find more words and vocabulary quizzes here

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Additional resources for ‘fall out’:

fall out meaning in Collins dictionary

fall out sentences on Youglish

People Are Sharing The Moment They Fell Out Of Love With Their Significant Others, And It’s Heartbreaking

Fall out: Meaning and Usage in a Sentence


fall out


  • to disagree with someone about something
  • the result of an action
  • when someone moves out of line
  • to lose one’s position on something
  • to come out of place
  • to leave an event

Example Sentences

  1. I had a fall out with my mom about her losing my earrings.
  2. My sister and I had a fall out a few years ago and we haven’t spoken in years.
  3. If I had known what the fall out would be, I would not have told them about my new business venture.
  4. When he fell out of line the whole formation was a disaster.
  5. When I fell out of my chair everybody laughed at me.
  6. I forgot to buckle my little sister into her stroller correctly so she fell out.
  7. My cat fell out of the tree and hit my car, I think she cracked the windshield.
  8. I can’t get braces until all of my baby teeth have fallen out.
  9. I have a test tomorrow morning, I will need to fall out.


It is not clear exactly where the phrase originated, but it is believed to be related to a military operation, where soldiers fall out of line.


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