Sentences with the word failure

Antonym: success. Similar words: fail, fail to, fair, faint, fairy, fairly, unfair, affair. Meaning: [‘feɪljə(r)]  n. 1. an act that fails 2. an event that does not accomplish its intended purpose 3. lack of success 4. a person with a record of failing; someone who loses consistently 5. an unexpected omission 6. inability to discharge all your debts as they come due 7. loss of ability to function normally. 

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1) Failure is the only high-road to success. 

2) Success has many fathers, while failure is an orphan. 

3) Success has many fathers, but failure is an orphan. 

4) Every failure one meets with adds to one’s experience. 

5) Self-distrust is the cause of most of our failure

6) Failure is the mother of success. 

7) You make the failure complete when you stop strying. 

8) Failure in a great enterprise is at least a noble fault. 

9) Failure teaches success.

10) Failure is the condiment that gives success its flavor.

11) All their plans ended in failure.

12) Don’t be disheartened by a single failure.

13) The failure was caused by bad management.

14) Don’t let one failure discourage you,( try again.

15) Failure shows you have reasons to start again.

16) Fear of failure loomed large in his mind.

17) He ascribed his failure to bad luck.

18) All my efforts ended in failure.

19) The failure is due to the inadequacy of preparations.

20) All the schemes and intrigues are doomed to failure.

21) Don’t let one failure discourage you.

22) The probable cause of death was heart failure.

23) Their plans seemed doomed to failure.

24) This failure leaves the child depressed and frustrated.

25) The attempt ended in abject failure.

26) I impute his failure to laziness.

27) He is becoming hardened to failure.

28) A man can fail many times, but he isn’t a failure until he begins to blame somebody else. 

29) I believe that fame and celebrity, influence and power, success and failure, reality and illusion are all somehow neatly woven into a seamless fabric we laughingly call reality. 

30) There is no such thing as darkness; only a failure to see. 

More similar words: fail, fail to, fair, faint, fairy, fairly, unfair, affair, fair play, nail, rail, mail, sail, jail, trail, daily, email, state of affairs, entail, retail, detail, assail, prevail, trailer, ailment, retailer, railroad, detailed, in detail, junk mail. 

Sentences with the word Failure?



  • «his assurance in his superiority did not make him popular»; «after that failure he lost his confidence»; «she spoke with authority»
  • «The children teased the new teacher»; «Don’t ride me so hard over my failure«; «His fellow workers razzed him when he wore a jacket and tie»
  • «the company had to declare bankruptcy»; «fraudulent loans led to the failure of many banks»
  • «from its creation the plan was doomed to failure«
  • «despondent about his failure«; «too heartsick to fight back»
  • «`failure‘ is a dirty word to him»
  • «the custom of killing the divine king upon any serious failure of his…powers»-J.G.Frazier; «the divine will»; «the divine capacity for love»; «‘Tis wise to learn; ’tis God-like to create»-J.G.Saxe
  • «an entire town devastated by an earthquake»; «gave full attention»; «a total failure«
  • «his failure to pass the test»
  • «the surprise party was a complete failure«
  • «he felt that his entire life had been a failure«; «that year there was a crop failure«
  • «he resented my failure to return his call»; «the mechanic’s failure to check the brakes»
  • «kidney failure«
  • «industries hit hard by the depression»; «she was severely affected by the bank’s failure«
  • «The teacher imputed the student’s failure to his nervousness»
  • «laden with grief»; «oppressed by a sense of failure«
  • «a gossipy malevolent old woman»; «failure made him malevolent toward those who were successful»
  • «the power failure caused a refrigerator melt that was a disaster»; «the thawing of a frozen turkey takes several hours»
  • «a practical failure«; «the once elegant temple lay in virtual ruin»
  • «The idea of his failure prepossesses him»
  • «a child prone to mischief»; «failure-prone»
  • «let’s call heads a success and tails a failure«; «the election was a remarkable success for the Whigs»
  • «They taxed him failure to appear in court»
  • «he will work here temporarily»; «he was brought out of retirement temporarily»; «a power failure temporarily darkened the town»
  • «a failure traceable to lack of energy»
  • «wholly undismayed by the commercial failure of the three movies he had made»
  • «I will not perform the ungrateful task of comparing cases of failure«- Abraham Lincoln
  • «The early Church not unnaturally adopted the position that failure to see the messianic character of his work was really caused by the people’s own blindness»

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Failure and success are not opposites.

Поймите, что неудача и успех не являются противоположностями.

Failure is something we can avoid only…

Поэтому неудача — это единственное, что нам помешало…

Failure doesn’t happen to them.

Но ведь провал то случился не у них.

Failure means the world we know is left behind.

Провал означает, что мир, который мы знаем, останется позади.

Failure makes the same goal seem less attainable.

Неудача делает ту же цель, кажется, менее достижимой.

Failure now would be more costly than in the past.

Провал имел бы в настоящее время более тяжкие последствия, нежели в прошлом.

Failure is what leads to success.

Провалы — это то, что ведет нас к успеху.

Failure indicates that the spell fails for all targets.

Провал броска указывает, что заклинание терпит неудачу для всех целей.

Failure may endanger stability and feed new conflicts.

Неудача может поставить под угрозу стабильность и разжечь новые конфликты.

Failure is what makes us stronger and smarter.

Неудача — то, что позволяет стать нам более умным и опытным.

Failure in this capacity will adversely affect you psychologically.

Неудача же в этом деле может оказать на вас негативное воздействие с психологической точки зрения.

Failure seems to go to their heads.

Неудача, по всей видимости, поражает их разум.

Failure, like success, has many causes.

Как неудачи, так и у успеха есть свои причины.

Failure that often occurs makes him not believe in his strength.

Некоторые неудачи, иногда имеющие место, не создают у него ощущения неуверенности в собственных силах.

Failure only sticks when you stop trying.

Неудача является перманентной только тогда, когда вы перестаете пытаться преуспеть.

Failure always made me try harder the next time.

Неудача всегда заставляла меня стараться еще больше в следующий раз».

Failure isn’t what defines you.

Неудачи — это совсем не то, что определяет вас как личность.

Failure can actually be… a good thing.

Более того, неудача может быть… «успешной».

Failure, tragedy and defeat makes you more resilient.

Неудача, трагедия и поражение делают вас более устойчивым к различным жизненным ситуациям.

Failure became a challenge to them.

Эта неудача стала для него своего рода вызовом.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат Failure

Результатов: 57948. Точных совпадений: 57948. Затраченное время: 251 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

отказ, недостаточность, неудача, провал, сбой, неспособность, отсутствие


- неудача, неуспех, провал

- провал на экзамене
- недостаток (чего-л.); отсутствие (чего-л.)

failure of rain — сушь, отсутствие дождей
crop failure — неурожай, недород

- неудачник

he was a failure in art — он был неудачником в искусстве

- неудавшееся дело

his invention turned out (to be) a failure — его изобретение не оправдало надежд
the play was a failure — пьеса провалилась

- невыполнение, неосуществление

failure to keep a promise — нарушение обещания
failure to pay a bill — неуплата по счёту

- оплошность, недосмотр; ошибка

they made a failure of keeping watch — они проглядели

- что-л. несостоявшееся или не сделанное

failure to report — юр. недонесение
alarm was felt at his failure to return — когда он не вернулся, все встревожились
failure to explain the noise worried us — источник шума был не установлен, и это нас волновало
his failure to answer questions made the police suspicious — подозрения полиции были вызваны тем, что он не отвечал на вопросы

- несостоятельность, банкротство; прекращение платежей

numerous bank failures — многочисленные банкротства

- тех. авария, повреждение; перебой; отказ в работе; остановка или перерыв в действии

there was a failure of electricity — отключилось электричество
failure of a pump [of a dynamo] — повреждение насоса [динамо-машины]
failure of shots — горн. осечки (при палении)
failure inhibition — предупреждение аварий
failure load — разрушающая нагрузка

- физ., тех. разрушение
- вчт. отказ; выход из строя; сбой; фатальная ошибка
- геол. обвал, обрушение; оседание; сползание

Мои примеры


his failure to pass the test — его провал на экзамене / непрохождение им теста  
the backwash of the company’s failure — негативные последствия банкротства компании  
oppressed by a sense of failure — угнетаемый ощущением неудачи  
central failure — основной недостаток  
charge her failure to negligence — приписать её провал халатности  
conspicuous failure — явная неудача  
abject failure — полный провал  
to experience failure — потерпеть неудачу  
to end in / meet with failure — кончиться неудачей  
crop / harvest failure — неурожай  
power failure — отключение электричества  
failure to work an invention — неиспользование изобретения  

Примеры с переводом

She has a dread of failure.

Она боится возможной неудачи.

He was a failure in politics.

В политике он потерпел неудачу.

The play was voted a failure.

Пьеса была признана неудачной.

The failure dashed his spirits.

Неудача охладила его пыл.

He died from kidney failure.

Он умер от почечной недостаточности.

Engine failure cracked the plane up.

Самолёт потерпел катастрофу из-за отказа двигателя.

What if you elect me and I’ll turn out a failure?

Что если вы изберёте меня, а я окажусь неудачником?

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

We listened to his familiar tale of woe as he talked again about the failure of his marriage.

…the bill’s failure to pass in the legislature was due to nothing more than partisan spleen…

…burdened with impossibly high expectations, the movie came to be regarded as an almost failure…

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Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): failure
мн. ч.(plural): failures

A failure to recognize changes in old relationships and making appropriate adjustments can be misread as indifference

Scar could understand what she was doing; failure could not be tolerated and he had lost a very valuable artifact

«I didn’t plan for failure

For doctor, death is a failure

Your offspring is late with payments, init? Interest rate of 100% applies after failure to repay a loan on the agreed date, init?»

Glenelle was on the beach with a book when Ava pinged her regarding that failure

failure of resolution and will, to see such frailty, still shocked him

He spent those first seconds of knowing failure listening to the blood pump like crashing surf in his ears and waiting for the inevitable call from Horcheese in the cockpit

It was not wise to admit failure, especially up front

Failure to perceive the spiritual principles of the leadership involved in the eldership has led to many destructive, devastating, and disastrous results in too many churches

The sense of disappointment, of failure, was crushing in the darkness

Probably not until the final failure of the last substrate in Al-Harron

Despite the joys of new friendship I came to think of myself as a failure

If the water is dirty, prepare for failure

Spring: A spring of clear water indicates riches, joy and success; if the water is dirty, it bodes problems and delays; a spring with no water means illness and failure

 We fear failure, but we fear success and the fear of

To look into the eyes of a God and see the flaws, to witness the failure of resolution and will, to see such frailty, still shocked him

Can you imagine the Islamic and Moslem extremist nations that desire the death of Israel seeing this take place? Can you imagine what will happen when those nations hear the Jewish people admitting their failure before God – and that their judgment was due to their sin – and in love embracing their enemies and blessing them that cursed them?

Almost as though observing from a distance, I watch my other self flounder as doubts about my chances of concluding the quest with any degree of success become definite, bottomless failure; my perennial loneliness becomes an old age of isolation in a world slowly spiralling down into barrenness and desolation as I eek out my days, hated by those who remain here … the few who could not escape across … Berndt’s face stares at me, full of the loathing he feels for my failure

What had been successful for her? She looked back at that and saw that when time was as long as hers, everything is destined for failure

 Not all romantic relationships involving children in the background need to end in failure;

He’d rather not have that label applied, the singularity’s failure to appear gave it a pseudo-science connotation

Faced with the possibility of failure, I suddenly realise just how much I want Alastair’s child … I suppose it shows in my face; Dr Jim nods as though confirming something to himself

Was it a power failure?

have the surgery, since the odds of success and failure

Not only was Jacob left with heart failure, but with a

“I will not risk failure at this late date

Boras was so confident of himself that the thought of failure never entered his mind; his ego simply wouldn’t allow it

Success and failure as attributed to

I believe that the official line was that she died of heart failure though my understanding is that it was a toss up which of her organs failed first … and I don’t mean that to sound unfeeling

The possibility of failure is not one that Leona wishes to contemplate, bringing with it the prospect of a dizzying career at window two of the drive-thru obesity factory; that or Snuggle’s ad infinitum

” Why couldn’t he admit to Ava that she had refused his help? Would it just sound like he was trying to rationalize his failure to prevent this?

After a moment or two, the host steeled his resolve to admit, “I was a miserable failure at those ‘simple’ experiments!”

‘Yes, from what we can piece together, it seems that the failure of the project affected his mind, it appears that he dug up the body of your brother and hauled it into the hostel to the bedroom he shared with his wife

failure and leave for Lombardy

Her voice had failure in it

He took every firing as a personal failure, when she’d started to look at it that way, her entire way of looking at life changed

She may have even considered him a personal failure of hers, if it weren’t for his special ability to read her mind

Any failure to follow your specific orders could be considered treason, do you understand that?”

All of her efforts ended in failure

Child neglect is failure to provide for the child’s basic needs, both physically,

Abuse of alcohol or a substance leads to failure in fulfilling major obligations at

They fear failure above all else

“There is no need to batter yourself over the failure to eliminate Swivel

It was a fragment of what recent history called The Rikandra Failure

Because of our failure, the infection continues to spread eastward

Entire races could vanish in an instant and for what? When viewed through this perspective, existence itself was a failure

duty and the terrible consequences of failure, and his

This desire cannot be fulfilled and through failure he grows ever desperate, eventually falling prey to the most absurd forms of hope

Yet despite their failure, Alec drew a dagger with his left hand and stood ready, prepared to give his luck a try

Did she really wish to return from her first mission a failure?

He mostly smiled at her, as proud as ever, as though her failure had never occurred

Time passed, and he continued to wait, wondering if this was perhaps the first round of his torture; to be trapped, surrounded by the full weight of his failure, knowing the only escape was death, but unable to fulfill it

The smallest failure would weaken the whole setup

Our creator has made the notions of power, success, and failure part of our Universe

This is what this failure relieved

If she was saddened by the failure of her suitors for another year, she made no mention of it

He sensed a failure of catastrophic proportions

The army of races sensed the potential failure as well

Failure is only a result and should be viewed as a

Failure is the First

Failure is the First Step to Success

failure of some is joy for the others

What we have here is failure to communicate

the failure of the ugly in any form, even of

By dividing the whole circulation into a greater number of parts, the failure of any one company, an accident which, in the course of things, must sometimes happen, becomes of less consequence to the public

Couldn’t he see this was a time for joy, not sorrow? Was he so burdened by our mutual failure to save Euredon that he could never know happiness again? Didn’t he feel this bond between us, this promise that we’d always prosper side by side?

I thought your story establishes that mortal failure well

“What failure? I told you that the storm delayed us… My point is that they gave that

To dream of failure signifies fears of inadequacy and low self-esteem

Part of adaptability is also knowing that one failure is only one failure, that there are often many different ways to accomplish the same task; and being open to new ways of doing things

Gaining these skills doesn’t happen by osmosis – they must be learned, and learning depends upon a foundation of developmentally appropriate experiences where children can succeed, but also where they fail and learn how to deal with failure by trying again and again

failure was when we added to their misery by losing hope

In fact, without the fear of failure or the greed for reward that accompanies the self-centered self, you are free to express who you really are

It is surely apparent to even the most muddle-headed of fellows that a failure to take the test will result in a failure to be awarded the allowance?»


The colony law, which imposes upon every proprietor the obligation of improving and cultivating, within a limited time, a certain proportion of his lands, and which, in case of failure, declares those neglected lands grantable to any other person; though it has not perhaps been very strictly executed, has, however, had some effect

The shame in my failure was enough with just me knowing about it

The price of failure is much too high

In fact, his academic record was at best patchy; school never held much interest, there were even suggestions that he undergo ‘imprinted learning’ (a latterly illegal process of grafting knowledge onto neuron networks) such was his failure at the core subjects – even mathematics, which at the time seemed irrelevant

So what would be the point of informing them about it? even to place the thought in their minds: the possibility of the ship’s failure? No

She’d listened to updated versions of this programme all of twenty times, hoping with each new report there would be something – at least evidence that he would never be returning, rather than what amounted to no more than speculation; there was always the expert detailing how such cutting edge technology inevitably carried a risk of catastrophic failure

The station has already developed a temporary communications failure and many of your staff are already with us anyway

Sebastian stood there, feeling like a fool and failure until he felt Aspen touch his bare arm

Power failure confirmed a few seconds later when every other light winked out, replaced by an emergency red glow

As the countdown reached one minute, the doubt popped up in Scott’s mind and seemed to intensify with each passing second: was this just a ruse to get him to vacate the ship? Did this alien really care, let alone know what would be the correct timing? Surely they need to have experimented first, and the cost of failure too much to risk it

Once again the feelings of failure and frustration settled over us and we wondered if we would ever get it right

To try and fully explain exactly how God worked and what He did, will always result in failure, errors or misunderstanding on our side

Many people also see failure from our side as reason for punishment

The intendant, in order to be sure of finding the sum assessed upon his generality, was empowered to assess it in a larger sum, that the failure or inability of some of the contributors might be compensated by the overcharge of the rest ; and till 1765, the fixation of this surplus assessment was left altogether to his discretion

failure of his first marriage and now he was doing the same in his

We were all a bit worse for wear and me and Bert took the rise out of Nobby for his failure to get off with Ivy Tillman

Should there be any general failure or declension in any of these things, the produce of the different taxes might no longer be sufficient to pay him the annuity or interest which is due to him

determine the success or failure of the mission

In those branches of business which cannot be transacted without gold and silver money, it appears, that they can always find the necessary quantity of those metals; and if they frequently do not find it, their failure is generally the effect, not of their

„Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery

What may not be as easily remembered is his utter failure (purposeful failure, I might add) to make appointments that would make his administration „look like America,» not when so many key positions ended up being filled by minority men and white women

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