Sentences with the word extreme

Sentences with the word Extreme?



  • «I wasted a year of my life working on an abort»; «he sent a short message requesting an abort due to extreme winds in the area»
  • «such action is neither necessary nor advisable»; «extreme caution is advisable»; «it is advisable to telephone first»
  • «carry too far»; «She carries her ideas to the extreme«
  • «the tete-a-tete was decorous in the extreme«
  • «in diametric contradiction to his claims»; «diametrical (or opposite) points of view»; «opposite meanings»; «extreme and indefensible polar positions»
  • «heavy metal guitar players use vacuum tube amplifiers to produce extreme distortion»
  • «his face was flushed with excitement and his hands trembled»; «he tried to calm those who were in a state of extreme inflammation»
  • «an extreme example»; «extreme temperatures»; «extreme danger»
  • «an extreme conservative»; «an extreme liberal»; «extreme views on integration»; «extreme opinions»
  • «the extreme edge of town»
  • «extreme cold»; «extreme caution»; «extreme pleasure»; «utmost contempt»; «to the utmost degree»; «in the uttermost distress»
  • «he was hospitalized for extreme fatigue»; «growing fatigue was apparent from the decline in the execution of their athletic skills»; «weariness overcame her after twelve hours and she fell asleep»
  • «his resentment took the form of extreme hostility»
  • «a galvanometer of extreme sensitivity»; «the sensitiveness of Mimosa leaves does not depend on a change of growth»
  • «orders have recently picked up after a period of extreme softness»; «he attributes the disappointing results to softness in the economy»

Synonym: conclusive, drastic, endmost, exaggerated, excessive, extravagant, final, last, overdone, radical, terminal. Antonym: moderate, proper, temperate. Similar words: extremely, tremendous, Supreme, remember, retirement, requirement, measurement, next. Meaning: [ɪk’striːm]  n. 1. the furthest or highest degree of something 2. the point located farthest from the middle of something. adj. 1. of the greatest possible degree or extent or intensity 2. far beyond a norm in quantity or amount or degree; to an utmost degree 3. beyond a norm in views or actions 4. most distant in any direction. 

1, Assassination is the extreme form of censorship. 

2, His political ideas are rather extreme.

3, She lived on the extreme edge of the forest.

4, We are working under extreme pressure at the moment.

5, You should exercise extreme caution when driving in fog.

6, Diamonds have extreme resistance to abrasion.

7, Some of his views seem rather extreme.

8, Extreme poverty still exists in many rural areas.

9, The heat in the desert was extreme.

10, Their communication systems are inefficient in the extreme.

11, Migrating birds show extreme sensitivity to air currents.

12, He lives at the extreme edge of the forest.

13, We must proceed with extreme caution .

14, Extreme caution should be exercised when buying part-worn tyres.

15, In extreme cases, the disease can lead to blindness.

16, Extreme stress had driven him to the brink of a nervous breakdown.

17, I’d advise extreme caution.

18, I’m having extreme difficulty in not losing my temper with her.

19, My dad’s in the front row,( on the extreme left of the picture.

20, She suffered extreme embarrassment at not knowing how to read.

21, The extreme penalty of the law in some countries is the death penalty.

22, Only a tiny minority hold such extreme views.

23, His views are rather extreme.

24, The extreme cold seemed, if anything, to intensify.

25, Extreme shyness can be very incapacitating.

26, The girls were afraid of snakes and picked their way along with extreme caution.

27, She claimed that the way she had been treated at work had caused her extreme emotional and psychological distress.

28, Any good weight loss regime should not lead to extreme hunger.

29, After three weeks she had got used to the extreme heat.

30, Their views are non-conformist and their political opinions are extreme.

крайний, экстремальный, чрезвычайный, крайность, крайняя степень


- крайний, предельный; самый дальний

the extreme edge /border/ of a field — (самый) дальний край поля
extreme length [width] — наибольшая длина [ширина]
extreme range — а) крайний предел, максимум; б) наибольшая дальность (полёта); в) воен. предел досягаемости
extreme old age — глубокая старость
extreme youth — ранняя молодость, юность
the country’s extreme north — крайний север страны
at the extreme end — в самом конце

- крайний, чрезвычайный; высший

extreme patience — величайшее терпение
extreme poverty — крайняя нищета
extreme penalty — юр. высшая мера наказания
extreme fashions — ≅ крайности моды
extreme cold weather clothing — спец. полярное обмундирование
to go on an extreme diet — сесть на голодную диету

- предельный, экстремальный

extreme conditions — предельно тяжёлые /экстремальные/ условия работы или испытания

- крайний, экстремистский

to hold extreme views — придерживаться крайних воззрений, быть экстремистом


- крайность; чрезмерность; крайняя степень

in the extreme — в высшей степени, чрезвычайно
at the extreme of poverty — в ужасающей /страшной/ нищете
to run to an extreme — впадать в крайность
to go to extremes — а) удариться в крайности; б) прибегать к крайним мерам
I find the task wearisome in the extreme — я считаю эту работу в высшей степени скучной
his enthusiasm was carried to the extreme — его энтузиазм не знал предела

- обыкн. pl (крайняя) противоположность; крайности; диаметрально противоположные предметы или явления

love and hate are extremes — любовь и ненависть
extremes meet — посл. крайности /противоположности/ сходятся
to go to the other extreme — впадать в другую крайность

- экстремум, экстремальное, крайнее значение
- крайний член пропорции
- лог. крайний термин (больший или меньший в отличие от среднего)

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

Extremes meet.

Противоположности сходятся. / Крайности сходятся.

She went on an extreme diet.

Она села на строжайшую диету.

A man is in extreme want of food or clothing.

Человек, крайне нуждающийся в еде или одежде.

It cools with extreme slowness.

Он охлаждается чрезвычайно медленно.

In fact, the truth lies between the two extremes.

На самом деле, истина лежит между двумя крайностями.

They are living in extreme poverty.

Они живут в крайней нищете.

He professed extreme regret.

Он изобразил крайнее сожаление.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

His mood changed from one extreme to the other.

Extreme poverty still exists in many rural areas.

I have urged upon him the need for extreme secrecy.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

extremely  — чрезвычайно, очень, крайне, в высшей степени, бесконечно
extremeness  — крайность
extremist  — экстремистский, экстремист, сторонник крайних мер
extremity  — конечности, оконечность, конец, крайность, край, чрезмерность, крайняя нужда
extremal  — экстремальный
extremism  — экстремизм

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): extreme
мн. ч.(plural): extremes

How to use extreme in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «extreme» and check conjugation/comparative form for «extreme«. Mastering all the usages of «extreme» from sentence examples published by news publications.

So: extreme rain, extreme heat, and maybe extreme cold, too.
FIRE is extreme, and extreme methods have extreme results — not always for the better.
I think that ends where we are now, with a culture of extreme individualism and extreme competitiveness and extreme isolation.
Extreme left is just as nuts as the extreme right.
Or in this case, from extreme dry to extreme wet.
«We lived in extreme, extreme, poverty,» the abstract painter says.
Many critics felt that extreme conditions called for extreme rhetoric.
On shock sites, extreme violence often pairs with extreme politics.
Batteries are sensitive to both extreme cold and extreme heat.
The rest of the time, extreme conditions demand extreme behaviors.
Have there been more extreme increases or more extreme decreases?
The Groupe Union Défense is nevertheless the extreme of the extreme.
Extreme measures seem less extreme when it’s a matter of survival.
Houston and San Francisco are extreme cases, but not that extreme.
The bacterium is resistant to extreme hot and extreme cold situations.
Extreme weather: O’Rourke also proposes preparing communities to fight against extreme weather.
Extreme weather events — like wildfires and hurricanes — are also becoming more extreme.
«There’s extreme highs with the job, and sometimes extreme lows,» Hills said.
He has endured extreme cold, extreme pain and isolation on his expeditions.
Extreme proposals are a way to make less extreme proposals seem acceptable.
Just as extreme inflexibility can lead to problems, so can extreme flexibility.
Extreme physical discomfort was punctuated by extreme gratitude for the technician, Kim.
Extreme greed is back The CNN Business Fear & Greed Index is flashing «extreme greed,» a reversal from the «extreme fear» gripping markets a year ago.
Extreme secularism in France looks no different to extreme Shia ideology in Iran.
«We are looking at extreme weather and extreme swings in weather,» he says.
They’re reserved for very extreme cases, and this is a very extreme case.
A character like Ramsay is so extreme and he’s done such extreme things.
Now it’s actually called extreme weather, because with extreme weather, you can’t miss.
Now it’s actually called extreme weather, because with extreme weather you can’t miss.
Trilobites Nature’s most extreme animal has an equally extreme circulatory system, researchers found.
But the heat forecast was extreme — too extreme for a full-length competition.
But the heat forecast was extreme — too extreme for a full-length competition.
The mud-slathered thing is called Sprinter Extreme and it’s, well, very extreme indeed.
Extreme privilege rubbed shoulders with extreme want more violently than anywhere I’d ever been.
Weather is getting stuck in place, making both extreme dryness and extreme downpours routine.
The meta-gimmick of Extreme Rules is that each match has, well, extreme rules.
Instead, the position was associated with both the extreme right and the extreme left.
An extreme concentration of wealth means an extreme concentration of economic and political power.
Their four-hour durational duet proceeded in extreme slow motion and extreme close-up.
How do you make things more extreme when they’re already off-the-charts extreme?
At first, Taiwan’s economic policy toward China oscillated between extreme restriction and extreme liberalization.
There’s a sense that things are so bad that extreme times require extreme solutions.
Extreme weather-tracking satellites prepare for launch Extreme weather requires extreme satellites to track it, and that’s exactly what a new generation of satellites is aiming to do.
The extreme nature of the programme was matched only by the extreme viciousness of the infighting, and the extreme incompetence with which plots were hatched and backs were stabbed.
Image: Extreme Light InfrastructureConstruction of Europe’s Extreme Light Infrastructure (ELI) will be completed in 2017.
Ultimately, the extreme response to this 1984 reflects the extreme climate it’s being presented in.
This might manifest as extreme unresponsiveness—staring blankly—or it might manifest as extreme agitation.
Mr Putin cultivates links with parties on both the extreme right and the extreme left.
I went in there with extreme confidence, extreme energy and a love for the game.
«Extreme Times Call for Extreme Heroines» is the title of a work in the show.
Recycling the classics dodges the enticing issue of how extreme technology could generate extreme design.
«You may need to take extreme steps because this is an extreme situation,» Edelman said.
So what had been real but not extreme differences became extreme differences in political outlook.
We are left in awe by the extreme poverty as well as the extreme wealth.
Extreme weather gets more extreme Warmer oceans make tropical storms more intense and longer lasting.
Students learn about extreme weather patterns and how rain gardens mitigate extreme heat and flooding.
Thus, fighting extremism with extreme responses — such as «extreme vetting» — can hardly be a sustainable solution.
He called for cyber warfare to hit propaganda efforts online and «extreme, extreme vetting» of immigrants.
The extreme activists learned they can get what they want by being extreme and extremely loud.
Extreme physical exertion and extreme emotional distress also often have been linked to sudden heart attacks.
The Extreme Pro line is also built to withstand water, shock, extreme temperatures, and X-rays.
People became more moderate and thoughtful—they gave extreme rating scores only in truly extreme cases.
It starts with Trump: His extreme language and behavior, amplified by social media, fuels extreme reactions.
The American people’s opposition to extreme reform ensured that congressional Democrats backed down from anything extreme.
Only extreme emotional-spiritual catharsis or extreme stripped-down intimacy would make for a worthwhile comeback.
Alton and Roy are on the run from both an extreme religion and an extreme government.
They will just continue to lose and lose and lose if they move to the extreme left and try to capture the extreme, extreme left at the expense of the middle.
I feel like I went from one extreme in my career to another extreme in my life.
Unfortunately, there are a few issues that arise when the X1 Extreme is pushed to the extreme.
Neo-Nazi, fascist, and racist views, the argument goes, are so extreme that they justify extreme tactics.
But as with honeybees and our brains, extreme constraint or extreme latitude in families can cause problems.
If you take extreme actions, you might get extreme results and not always the results you want.
The book has a lot of that: It’s tracking my life from extreme invisibility to extreme visibility.
Long dismissed for her antipornography views, she’s a brilliant powerhouse, an extreme voice for our extreme times.
«If you have extreme health care circumstances, you will find extreme health care ingenuity,» Gomez-Marquez said.
Men and women, whites and minorities, and extreme liberals and less-extreme liberals remain in the race.
LUNTZ: The media puts on quotes to people who say the most extreme items, the most extreme language.
And it’s obvious, even if we don’t have statistical confirmation, that extreme wealth can do extreme spiritual damage.
If we’re dealing with the extreme anxieties that come with living in 2018, we’ve got to go extreme.
The extreme right and the extreme left both have a penchant for lawlessness that fuels violence and terrorism.
Recovery workers face extreme heat, choking dust and other extreme conditions as they search for signs of life.
The best salespeople, the analysis found, were neither extreme extroverts nor extreme introverts, but people in the middle.
It’s sometimes, in extreme forms, associated with football hooliganism and with a minority of extreme right-wing groups.
«Michigan’s not an overwhelmingly extreme left state or extreme right state,» she said in an interview last week.
A population’s path from extreme tight to extreme loose and back again exemplifies what I call autocratic recidivism.
Does it seem to you that the recent spate of extreme weather has been more extreme than usual?
Getting «face tats» may seem like an extreme measure but bigger, fuller eyebrows are having an extreme moment.
STREB Extreme Action Company will perform «SEA (Singular Extreme Actions)» in the Lumberyard’s parking lot (July 6-8).
«More extreme positions create more extreme climate events, especially heat waves and storms,» in Europe, Dr. Trouet said.
Extreme jealousy and possessiveness NCDAV lists extreme jealousy and possessiveness as two early warning signs of domestic violence.
«But they are more extreme right now, because the premises of this administration are more extreme and unilateralist.»
Extreme cold waves, it says, are less common since the 1980s, while extreme heat waves are more common.
He gravitated toward extreme behavior, extreme people and extreme situations, epitomized by his annual expeditions to Mardi Gras in New Orleans, which he recorded as a Dionysian rite of drunkenness, nudity and sexual excess.
Some 24 percent identified as left or extreme left, while 25 percent described themselves as right or extreme right.
«Her extreme, extreme radical left past is something we need to make sure the voters know about,» McSally said.
The recent study suggests people vote for extreme candidates or take extreme political positions, because they are totally bored.
CIA black sites and enhanced interrogations were an extreme response to extreme conditions in the aftermath of 9-85033.
On the whole, though, extreme cold temperatures are rarer than extreme warm temperatures, just because temperatures are warmer overall.
The administration continues to euphemistically refer to this as «extreme vetting» when it is nothing more than extreme bureaucracy.
So,» he resumed, «the Democrats get more extreme, the Republicans get more extreme, and you have an ungovernable America.
Transmissible cancer is extreme, and it would seem that in this case it’s eliciting a likewise extreme genetic response.
He stakes out maximalist positions and issues brutal ultimatums to compel action, arguing that extreme problems demand extreme tactics.
Doing so will make them cheaper to manufacture than a module created to withstand extreme heat and extreme humidity.
Every member of ACT-UP-Paris seems to be wavering between extreme courage and extreme fear at all times.
It’s not often you get to see flamingos marching in single file — but extreme situations call for extreme measures.
«The market is very reactionary, but even though there is an extreme position story, there’s not an extreme adjustment of that extreme,» said Bart Wakabayashi, head of Hong Kong FX sales at State Street Global Markets.
What we often forget is that meeting extreme weight loss demands is not only extreme difficult, it’s never totally safe.
«There is an extraordinary, extreme, right-wing voice in America – extreme,» Mirren, 70, said to British broadcaster Channel 4 News.
The extreme Faraday rotation is a signal that «the repeating FRB is in a very special, extreme environment,» Kaspi said.
In the spacesuit, we have that insulation that keeps the astronaut from getting the extreme heat or the extreme cold.
If we just stayed in the extreme—the purest extreme bubble—there would have been no future for the band.
Trump has few, if any, fixed beliefs, which means his foreign policy is likely to lurch from extreme to extreme.
It&aposs very extreme, just like Donald Trump made people so nervous and he was so extreme with the GOP.
There’s all kinds of things you can do to be an extreme outlet for what feels like an extreme constriction.
Studies indicate that climate change increases the frequency and intensity of events like extreme heat and extreme rainfall from hurricanes.
Extreme Temperatures Like most skin conditions, facing extreme temperatures and seasonal changes can be rough, but especially for eczema sufferers.
And when nobody knows how to be extreme anymore, a confused man resorts to his final primal act of extreme.
Again, this is the most extreme place we’ve ever left life — possibly the most extreme place life has ever been.
The program covered 4,269 homes at extreme risk of wildfire in 2017, up from 3,861 extreme-risk homes in 2014.
If people end up unhoused, with no access to medical care, they have moved from extreme risk to extreme risk.
The divide between these two universes of information is extreme — so extreme that I sometimes find it hard to describe.
It’s ultra-fast and ultra-bloody and ultra-ultra — it’s an extreme of an extreme, in all the best ways.
It’s certainly a fragmented vision at The Photography Show this year, where extreme aesthetics seem to suit an extreme world.
Her path to meme-generation ubiquity — if not mainstream radio saturation — has been a slow simmer that’s atypical for most young performers, who often fall victim to extreme virality, or extreme record label interference or extreme misguided enthusiasm.
Less extreme and more extreme optionsYou can tailor your approach to be more or less anti-Google, as you feel necessary.
Likely reasons Democratic discussion is increasing: The extreme weather events — hurricanes, wildfires, extreme heat — have added new urgency to the discussion.
You can unify around an extreme conservative or an extreme liberal, as the parties did under Barry Goldwater and George McGovern.
«My absolute FAVORITE band at the time was #EXTREME…and I hear the host say, «we’ll be right back with Extreme!
Extreme weather is getting more extreme, and until FEMA recognizes and acts on that reality, it will find itself overwhelmed indefinitely.
Jack Bouroudjian, chief economist and founder of UCX, said the market is seeing extreme moves because it is at extreme levels.
I want to show androgyny in a way that’s not «neutral,» but rather the opposite—extreme masculinity mixed with extreme femininity.
Extreme poverty is decreasing, while extreme inequality is on the rise — two trends with far-reaching consequences all over the globe.
His beat is going to be Congress, roughly speaking, but it’s specifically the extreme right and the extreme left in Congress.
And Nick Hargrove from Wilmington, N.C., hopes to see more extreme sports enter the Olympics: … they could add other «extreme» games.
I want to make already extreme music more extreme because, to me, that is the fucking ground zero of the harshest.
Ontonagon County is at an extreme, but at the extreme, it illuminates the bleak dislocation much of Trump country has suffered.
It’s easier, say for Mars, to do technology for extreme cold, but extreme heat has been a slower evolution over time.
It’s an extreme example (experts caution against extreme fasts and fasting longer than 123 hours) for which Dorsey has been criticized.
J.P. Morgan said the possible last days of extreme value underperformance are unfolding, with technicals showing extreme discounts for value stocks.
It seems fitting that it’s referred to as an «extreme cuisine,» as it’s probably a taste for extreme cheese heads only.
«Right now we’re on extreme ends, with the government on the extreme right and the opposition on the extreme left,» said Kong Len Wei, youth leader at MCA, whose parliamentary seats halved to just seven in the last election.
The extreme height of the capitals, along with the extreme angular letter design displays one who is impressed by his own power.
«Today’s executive order from President Trump is more about extreme xenophobia than extreme vetting,» said Democratic Senator Edward Markey in a statement.
The agenda that could actually make America great again would combine the best ideas of the extreme left and the extreme right.
Yet neither side, extreme left, extreme right has offered and developed any kind of credible plan to reduce costs by increasing competition.
Yet we elect presidents based on coalitions consisting of extreme right, right leaning, and centrist or extreme left, left leaning, and centrist.
«Extreme poverty has gone from 36 percent to 9 percent, » Gates told Noah, and 137,000 «[move] out of extreme poverty» each day.
This is a community that is currently facing extreme inhumane policies and racist rhetoric that puts their lives in extreme, immediate danger.
RevengeIf you manage to get noticed in this very extreme lineup because the music you make is so extreme, that’s quite impressive.
This is further evidence that if retailers aren’t offering extreme discounts or extreme convenience, they’ll keep losing business to those who do.
Such extreme event attribution studies have been used to detect the influence of human-caused global warming in other extreme temperature events.
«She’s very extreme, and very extreme physically, but also she creates this sort of glamour, almost like a hard glamour,» Castro says.
«He’s told me that he is aware the media is extreme, and how you must be extreme to get attention,» D’Antonio says.
«We urge the U.S. side to fully acknowledge the extreme sensitivity of the relevant issue, and extreme harmfulness of it,» he added.
The planet swings through extreme cold when it is far away from the star, and extreme heat when it is close by.
But the extreme weather events right now are some of the most extreme we’ve ever seen, threatening more human lives than usual.
And every day we learn more from our colleagues on the news side about the extreme, extreme shadiness of his business operations.
«Hedge funds have swung from extreme bearishness to extreme bullishness,» Ned Davis Research energy strategist Warren Pies said in a note Monday.
The house, which abuts a nature preserve, «is really in the woods,» says Bupp, which means extreme privacy but also extreme shade.
«Just understand that you will not be able to perform to same level in extreme heat as without extreme heat,» Winger said.
That’s one extreme view, and my opposite view, which is perhaps also extreme, is that everyone counts, even in the far future.
In Germany, just 13 percent of respondents described themselves as left or extreme left, and only 7 percent as right or extreme right.
It’s the most extreme voices that dominate headlines because they are the most extreme and unusual and so they get more air time.
GOP is «too extreme«: More than half of Americans (52%) think the GOP is «too extreme,» while 40% think that way about Democrats.
Amazon’s business tends to oscillate between periods of extreme high-spending and extreme profitability, and the company is now fully in the former.
«The weather conditions are bouncing from extreme to extreme — from excessive wetness to record setting heat waves,» said Brad Rippey, a USDA meteorologist.
«I believe the action of these few representatives are an expression of extreme arrogance and an extreme lack of self-confidence,» Hua said.
Normally, she’d be a big blob of light, but high dynamic range gives you details in moments of extreme brightness and extreme darkness.
Part of the Bundys’ rationale is that extreme actions are necessary to counter what they see as extreme actions from the federal government.
EXTREME WEATHER EVENTS GROWING: Extreme weather events are pushing the Earth into «truly uncharted territory,» the United Nations’ weather agency said on Tuesday.
I call on families, on the youth, to join this plan with discipline, with conscience and extreme collaboration to confront this extreme situation.
Both the extreme right and extreme left dehumanize Jews, and it is far easier to kill a dehumanized stereotype than a real person.
Given Spencer’s extreme views and mainstream success, a lot of people have argued that extreme action is necessary to counter his dangerous message.
Weirder yet were paintball video games like the Extreme Paintbrawl series and even a PowerBar-sponsored mountain climbing game called Extreme Rock Climbing.
Extreme rainfall events are trending upward, and nine of the top 1153 years for extreme one-day precipitation events have happened since 1990.
Similarly, those with phobias may go to extreme lengths to avoid what they fear and react with extreme distress when confronted with it.
«Opera singers are so extreme with their voice and we’re extreme with our bodies,» Mr. Nosan said, as stagehands and singers rushed by.
Extreme rainfall, and the extreme lack of it, affects untold numbers of people, taxing economies, disrupting food production, creating unrest and prompting migrations.
And although extreme weather has always occurred, the warming climate is worsening many types of extreme weather — and even causing some of it.
They’re still «pretty miserable» in extreme heat or extreme cold, but they stop talking about it on social media, and that’s a concern.
«He wasn’t as frightened or appalled by people who were in extreme situations, because it didn’t seem that extreme to him,» Burns said.
This is when trading is suspended at certain extreme price levels, and it acts as a protective measure during times of extreme volatility.
When I first started it was going through a super extreme period, then things tamed, now they’re starting to get more extreme again.
«He’s told me that he is aware of how extreme the media is, and how you must be extreme to get attention,» D’Antonio says.
Regarded as extreme in her own time, Dickinson remains extreme in ours, because of the opaqueness of her poems—and their complex subject matter.
«Extreme vetting» vote: She voted with congressional Republicans on an Obama-era bill that would place «extreme vetting» measures on Iraqi and Syrian refugees.
«You can’t just cut this stuff off and use the rhetoric that the extreme right and the extreme left is using here,» he warned.
» After scrupulously considering every possible objection to the identification, everyone in the group raises a glass to Dr. Duennes’s toast: «Extreme bees, extreme people.
Reports about anti-Semitism in the United Kingdom and France suggest that anti-semitism comes from the extreme right, the extreme left, and Muslims.
As Guyenet wrote on his blog: The more extreme a diet, the harder it is to adhere to, and the ketogenic diet is extreme.
But if Trump does withdraw from the accord, it will be a signal that the most extreme faction in an extreme administration is winning.
I sometimes have to wonder if Watchmen delights in this sort of extreme violence for extreme violence’s sake, even if there are meaningful ramifications.
When President Donald Trump labeled protesters against extreme inequality and extreme weather as doomsayers, I wondered if it was time to expand my experience.
As we’ve seen time and time again in recent months, it often takes an extreme moment to push the platforms to address extreme content.
They’re going to be more extreme, and when you’re talking Idaho extreme, that’s being much more to the right, and that’s what we see.
This may sound extreme, but not long ago bariatric surgery also seemed barbaric — and it has quickly become a common treatment for extreme obesity.
Extreme weather events become more extreme, and climate change is «‘loading the dice’ toward more extreme floods, heat waves, droughts, and hurricanes,» says Michael Mann, a climatologist and director of the Earth System Science Center at Pennsylvania State University, in an email to The Verge.
«This was a dangerous situation that could have been far worse for our officers but they showed extreme courage, extreme bravery and extreme professionalism, all of which was captured on body cam video,» said Harrison, who added the he had reviewed the body cam video.
In Australia the frequency of extreme weather events has been increasing, and since 2001 the number of extreme heat records has outnumbered extreme cool records by almost three to one for daytime maximum temperatures, and around five to one for night-time minimum temperatures.
While there is some debate over whether extreme highs are more dangerous than extreme lows, there are a number of mechanisms that make heat concerning.
«People look at how we are living and think it’s kind of extreme, but they don’t see that driving a car is extreme,» Ulman said.
He pitched this idea Friday morning at TED, where extreme wealth meets extreme optimism in the power of technology to solve all the world’s ills.
«We’ll launch mixed patrols with the Slovenians in July but, if the flow of migrants doesn’t stop, then extreme evils require extreme remedies,» he declared.
The Extreme 510 Portable SSD is an update to SanDisk’s rubber-wrapped Extreme 500 Portable SSD that’s now IP55-rated for water and dust resistance.
As a president, Trump clearly continues to be extreme where he campaigned as extreme, and there are diminishing marginal returns to endlessly reiterating that point.
The feature cut may have a reputation for extreme content, but it actually removed about 30 minutes of scenes deemed too extreme for stateside audiences.
I worried at some points initially that the song wouldn’t be extreme enough but in retrospect it’s likely the most extreme thing I’ve ever done.
The analysis used methods that have also been used to analyze other extreme weather and climate events, including record heat waves and extreme precipitation events.
«My son can be maybe a little bit extreme,» he said, though he added that he never thought he was extreme enough to kill anyone.
I’m sure it’s different for everyone, but it makes sense that there’s a basic element of human psychology whereby extreme situations lead to extreme reactions.
«I love to meet extreme complexity with extreme endurance, and my clients love that so much research and development goes into each piece,» he said.
Extreme poverty (living on $1.25 a day) was unheard of in Syria before the war; now more than half of Syrians live in extreme poverty.
You have extreme hobbiesIf you’re a thrill seeker with a penchant for extreme sports, you’ll probably be deemed higher-risk by a life insurance company.
She had watched videos of teens doing extreme flips in their backyards, part of the extreme sport of Gtramp, which features elite-level trampoline tricks.
At one point, Lil Pump stomps across the screen, machine gun aimed into his own mouth — an extreme image to go along with extreme music.
» Extreme Networks: «I’m not really a fan of Extreme Networks and that’s because I’ve got so many others in that area that I’d rather buy.
And DxOMark has begun including extremely nitpicky breakdowns of camera performance in the particularly difficult circumstances of extreme low light and extreme wide-angle photography.
We should never surrender to the false prophets of ethnic, religious, racial, and social hatred, be they on the extreme left, or the extreme right.
Chamberlain, for his part, vacillated between extreme optimism (when it came to Hitler’s intentions) and extreme fatalism (when it came to Britain’s own military capabilities).
The YouTube algorithm tends to recommend content that gets progressively more extreme, so in just a few clicks, you can go from a mainstream to extreme.
This is true of all of us: Regardless of sex, our brains fall somewhere along a continuum, with extreme male and extreme female at either end.
This dichotomy of Newark’s extreme need and the proposal’s extreme generosity provides a striking illustration of what cities stand to gain—or lose—from Amazon’s decision.
Trump shared some blame, Sandweg said: his extreme rhetoric had forced local politicians to take extreme positions on ICE because of the fear in the communities.
Mainstream parties moving right, they hypothesise, may legitimise extreme parties and push them into yet more extreme positions—creating a bidding war that mainstreamers cannot win.
Punk is such an extreme form of music, the most extreme form of rock and roll ever invented, and it’s always attracted different kinds of extremes.
«If Trump is able to confirm extreme conservatives, and future Democratic presidents extreme liberals, there will be more disagreement on an already divided Court,» he said.
By contrast, from 1910 to 1960 — the first 50 years of reliable temperature records in the country — extreme heat and extreme cold were about equally common.
If a respondent was told that candidate held extreme in-party views, ideologically extreme respondents registered feeling thermometer ratings 20183 points warmer than ideologically neutral respondents.
But if people stop registering extreme temperatures as extreme, it may limit the public’s willingness to take or support action on global warming, the researchers said.
MR: The problem with the European elections is that the turnout is low, so it will be difficult to use that as a measurement of the popularity of the extreme left or the extreme-, or-, or the extreme right, the populist, the wrong type of populist parties.
Bolstering medical treatment of extreme injuries would lessen the impact of extreme violence and shootings while the slow work of fixing the underlying systemic issues is happening.
Disclaimer: Extreme bearish attitudes can get more extreme, and we now seem to be in a market where the overshoots occur to the downside and not up.
The vast majority of characters were rated both good and beautiful, and most of the exceptions were extreme cases like The Mountain that warranted an extreme reaction.
«I know this action is extreme but it’s also a reaction to an extreme attack by the government,» Ramalho told reporters minutes before starting his hunger strike.
Parties running for office will also have to contend with about 35 percent of strongly Europhobic French voters (a combination of extreme right and extreme left electorates).
As climate-related disasters like floods, droughts, and extreme heat continue to get more frequent and extreme, agricultural producers will find it more difficult to grow crops.
«He has already taken a lot flak for it in France, particularly from outlets close to the candidates on the extreme left and extreme right,» Rohac said.
In order to answer these questions, I decided to head to France to find out, searching for the most extreme moments of Europe’s most extreme music festival.
The problem, as Downs explained, is that the country will swing from extreme to extreme, with each side antagonizing the other until the middle drops out entirely.
Ocean heat waves are growing more common, and it’s likely extreme El Niño and La Niña systems will form, leading to more extreme weather around the globe.
If one extreme is forcing women to give birth against their will, the equally extreme other side would be forcing women to have abortions against their will.
As self-driving cars get better, the hope is operators will only have to take over in extreme situations and that those extreme situations will become rarer.
«I’ve lost probably a dozen real friends because of this election and that’s both on the extreme left and the extreme right of my friends,» he said.
Around half the world’s extreme poor live in the region, according to the World Bank, who raised the threshold for extreme poverty from $1.25 to $1.90 in 2015.
FBI Director James Comey says extreme situations call for extreme measures … which is why he’s actually revealing there IS an open investigation into Russia and the presidential election.
Among the study participants, 68.1% of the biological female brains fell closer to the female extreme while 74.5% of biological male brains fell closer to the male extreme.
«We are not talking about transportation,» Bugatti boss Wolfgang Durheimer told me last year, when he unveiled the Chiron, a more extreme successor to the ultra-extreme Veyron.
» Another says 3G and its portfolio companies have a clever way of doing business: «Extreme aggression with a smile, so we gave them extreme rejection with a smile.
It would «allow participation to expand exponentially» by drawing out less-extreme voters to low-turnout elections, which would, in turn, incentivize politicians to take less-extreme stances.
Certain things I do in videos, I go to the extreme, but I won’t go to the major, major extreme where my daughter’s gonna look back at it.
«Lots of autistic women would not be able to keep up with extreme beauty standards because of sensory issues, such as extreme sensitivities to tactile stimuli,» Sommer explains.
«Many of [the people tweeting at me] are quite worked up, either overwhelmed with extreme love for the other John Kelly or overwhelmed with extreme hatred,» Kelly said.
At least three instances of extreme weather would not have happened without climate change, according to the American Meterological Society’s annual report on extreme weather and climate change.
Hedge funds indeed hold a substantial short position in sterling futures but the catch is that their cumulative short position is still far from an extreme amount. extreme.
The country’s weather bureau on Tuesday said that climate change could cause more extreme weather events, following floods, drought and extreme high temperatures in some regions this year.
It is not a time for the extreme right or the extreme left, but a time most voters want, on issue after issue, a swing to the middle.
Friedman would be representing not the American people but a small, extreme minority of Americans who have in mind the interests of a small, extreme minority in Israel.
By contrast, House Republican leaders have allowed the most extreme faction of their group to launch extreme attacks against the Mueller investigation to define the GOP midterm brand.
With the SanDisk Extreme Pro, the best features are right in the name — this SD card is fast enough for professionals, with a durable design for extreme conditions.
Any extreme version of perfectionism, if it’s rooted in obsessions and then compulsions—like avoidance—could be considered OCD, if it’s extreme enough to cause distress or disfunction.
Tell us in the comments, then read the related article to find out what the fashion writer Alexander Fury has to say about extreme clothes for extreme times.
They do it in secret to please a very extreme base or because some of these people are from the very extreme base, like Vice President Mike Pence.
Both Republicans and Democrats believe that people from the other party are more extreme than they really are — and that’s because journalists tend to present the extreme voices.
There, as in many countries in Europe, the most extreme political groups tend to be tied — if not officially, then often ideologically — with the most extreme soccer fans.
«Most of the time, you’re just crossing your fingers and praying that you don’t draw extreme inside or extreme outside,» said Gary Stevens, a Hall of Fame jockey.
Ocean heat waves are growing more common, and it’s likely more extreme El Niño and La Niña systems will form, leading to more extreme weather around the globe.
It is a world animated by desperate fear, in which extreme threats call for extreme measure, and in which nefarious conspiracies lurk around every corner and in every mosque.
Conditions are ripe for extreme weather events The planet has warmed significantly over the past several decades, causing changes in the environment in which extreme weather events are occurring.
In France, for example, voters may yet be faced with a choice in the second round between a candidate from the extreme right and one from the extreme left.
But all that is a Kinderspiel (child’s play) compared with incendiary Germanophobia spewed by France’s extreme right and extreme left political constituencies – approximately 40 percent of the French electorate.
Variations within SCN9A not only cause pain insensitivity, but have also been shown to trigger two severe conditions characterized by extreme pain: primary erythermalgia and paroxysmal extreme pain disorder.
Its vision of Paris is a city of classic and enduring beauty, but whose politics are rotten, and whose society is divided between the extreme wealth and extreme precarity.
Katherine and her husband live with his father, and both men are severe to the extreme with Katherine, forcing her to stay indoors and submitting her to extreme boredom.
» Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) sounded just as upset in a speech on the floor Thursday morning: «It’s the most extreme measure with the most extreme consequences.
No. Gianina and Damian were the most volatile couple of the season, exhibiting extreme anger at one another and then, almost instantly, shifting all the way to extreme horniness.
Five hours and thirty-eight minutes of malice and mistrust, in which the characters—mostly men—are trapped in extreme weather conditions and settle their differences with extreme violence.
Throughout the whole game is a fantastic metal soundtrack created by extreme metal artist Curt Victor Bryant, who was part of the formative Swedish extreme metal band Celtic Frost.
Polarization, though less extreme elsewhere, is playing out across Western societies, driving once-centrist voters toward more extreme parties on the right and left — spaces often occupied by populists.
Trump has taken the US in an extreme direction when it comes to IsraelUnder President Donald Trump, the US has moved in an extreme direction with regard to Israel.
Mr. Friedman would be representing not the American people but a small, extreme minority of Americans who have in mind the interests of a small, extreme minority in Israel.
Speaking to reporters in Valletta earlier on Wednesday, Louis Grech, the Maltese deputy prime minister, warned of «extreme nationalism» and «extreme xenophobia» and a surge in protectionist trade policies.
Extreme rainfall events are also increasing in part due to climate change, and nine of the top 10 years for extreme one-day precipitation events have happened since 1990.
Extreme heels — about eight inches high — were in.
The regime has, every day since the uprising began in 2011, chosen the most extreme tactics possible, even when those tactics are obviously so extreme that they will inevitably backfire.
«There are more people that would buy non-extreme versions of Ferrari than those that will buy extreme versions,» he said, adding this move did not mean compromising on price.
But if virtually every other kind of extreme content does well on virtually every other platform, it’s hard to believe that politically extreme content on YouTube would be the exception.
Planning for extreme weather European countries must accept the reality of climate change and learn to adapt to extreme weather events, according to Dr Friederike Otto, director of the ECI.
Extreme vettingMore intensive security reviews and extreme vetting, due to the third iteration of Trump’s travel ban, have also affected both the Iraqi P-2 and the Afghan SIV programs.
They said that if you’re passionate about what you’re doing and you put in extreme effort — not just average effort, but extreme effort — the results are going to be fine.
Allowing underage users, extreme content A recent Channel 4 undercover  investigation  in the U.K. found that Facebook knowingly permitted extreme content and allowed underage users to remain on the platform.
For the House of Representatives and state legislatures, low-turnout, one-party primary elections currently empower big donors and extreme ideological activists and facilitate the nomination of extreme, unrepresentative candidates.
One analysis of extreme weather data found that human-caused climate change was a «significant driver» of 21 out of 27 extreme weather events, including droughts, floods and heat waves.
For Mr. Noé — he is an extreme director, and dance is an extreme art — a dancer’s body has a range of emotions that don’t simply land on good or evil.
I am only predicting extreme circumstance because after what 28 left us with, going to extreme measures is the only way we can prepare for what 212 holds for us.
Extreme, long-shot campaigns often attract a Star Wars bar collection of extreme opportunists and conspiracy theorists — and the Trump campaign was the Good Ship Lollipop for many such types.
After all, in the first round of the French presidential election, the candidates of the extreme left and the extreme right had collectively polled almost 50 percent of the vote.
And in the world of science, be sure not to miss this piece by Kendra Pierre-Louis on how extreme weather can start to feel … well, not all that extreme.
I am deeply troubled by the extreme and unprecedented actions taken by Comey in recent days, however, and the extreme and unprecedented manner in which Comey and unnamed FBI sources talking to the media have had an extreme and unprecedented impact on the presidential campaign, benefiting one political party and one presidential candidate.
Here’s why extreme floods will become more common in the future: Extreme floods along the coastline may become much more common if sea levels continue to climb unchecked, new research says.
The heat index chart also clearly lays out at what point you need to be worried about heat-related illnesses (it’s broken down into: caution, extreme caution, danger, and extreme danger).
I think, as do a lot of other people, the extreme divisions in society—which are reflected in the politics—that has reached an extreme, beyond most of what I remember.
«Extreme rainfall, however, is getting heavier: The south-central United States has seen an increase in the frequency and intensity of one-day and two-day extreme rainfall events,» he wrote.
Most telescopes specialize in either wide shots of the skies, or in extreme close-ups of individual objects, but WFIRST will be a multipurpose workhorse capable of excelling at either extreme.
«Many places are subject to more than one climate-related impact, such as extreme rainfall combined with coastal flooding, or drought coupled with extreme heat, wildfire, and flooding,» the scientists wrote.
Lelkes conducted experiments that asked participants to rate a number of hypothetical candidates, including a moderate Democrat, an «ideologically extreme» liberal Democrat, a moderate Republican and an «ideologically extreme» conservative Republican.
Flying east to Madagascar on Friday, Francis will find a vast island facing extreme poverty and deforestation, as well as rising seas and extreme storms that scientists attribute to climate change.
That’s the extreme example, and there’s much subtler examples, that are just using extreme verbs on existing truths that are … let’s call it gray news instead of fake news or something.
» Sinema offering extreme moderation in Arizona —   AP:  «Democratic Rep.
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» «This is yet another senseless act of extreme violence.
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» «This is yet another senseless act of extreme violence.
After all, it’s difficult to ignore extreme, pummeling weather.   
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Leonardo’s «Virgin» meets virtual reality — simpleminded in the extreme.
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He faced an extreme balancing act during the service .
» The law does not define what constitutes «extreme circumstances.
» She added, «He’s taken things to a new extreme.
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» Reed, the Stony Brook professor, suggested simply «extreme events.
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He runs way far to one extreme, and Democrats fall into the trap and often run way far to the other extreme, which I think is bad politics and also bad policy.
It turns out these extremophiles were even more extreme than previously recognized, and studying them further can help us understand how life might survive in other extreme environments, such as outer space.
For example, you can save £131 on a SanDisk Extreme PRO 512GB SDXC memory card, and pick up a SanDisk Extreme PLUS 64GB microSDXC memory card with SD adapter for under £15.
«How can one express the extreme loss of someone so close to you, the extreme emptiness that one feels now and forever,» he wrote in a letter, according to the Miami Herald.
And most important, the stated purpose of the ban is to create a pause so that extreme vetting measures can be established, but the current vetting procedures of travelers are already extreme.
The 6K retina display boasts 10-bit color, an anti-reflective coating, portrait mode capability, and «extreme dynamic range» (which is better than high dynamic range, you see, because it is «extreme«).
Even if Barry steers away from Louisiana, this won’t be the last time the region has to deal with the dual threat of extreme late-season flooding and extreme early-season hurricanes.
In circumstances where extreme pricing power exists, such as the launch of new therapies protected with market exclusivity, binding arbitration provides a much needed counterbalance to drug manufacturer’s extreme price setting power.
In San Francisco, extreme wealth and extreme poverty coexist; the tech-wealthy can and should be expected to do more to fix homelessness and inequality, Tipping Point Community CEO Daniel Lurie says.
Traditional signs of capitulation — extreme oversold conditions (RSI), new lows at the NYSE (nearly 1,000), high put/call ratio, extreme readings in the VIX, junk bond outflows — are all flashing «buy» signals.
Now, pour into this hollow man Steve Bannon’s toxic, apocalyptic nationalism and his professed mission — «deconstruction of the administrative state» — and you get a perfect storm of extreme orthodoxy and extreme insecurity.
Regarding Kavanaugh himself, Americans are still split on whether his views are mainstream or too extreme, with 39% who say he’s mainstream and 37% who think he’s too extreme on important issues.
Extreme wildfire threat in the Southwest High winds and dry conditions combine for an extreme wildfire threat in parts of New Mexico and West Texas on Wednesday, the National Weather Service said.
» Hannah adds: «The people I follow on social media are more concerned about ethical eating so they aren’t about extreme diets but I think some people do [take diets to the extreme].
» Sanders also drew a line between Trump’s role in mainstreaming the birther movement in 2012 and his presidential campaign in 2016, saying that «I think this is part of his entire campaign of bigotry» and that Trump is «trying to appeal to those extreme, extreme, extreme extremes, who still believe that Obama was not born in America.
«Hate speech» is divided in three tiers, with Tier 1 being the most extreme (from «violent speech» to mocking the «concept» of hate crime, whatever that means), and Tier 3 the least extreme.
Columbia’s OutDry Extreme ECO Shell rain jacket incorporates the company’s new OutDry Extreme technology, which replaces fabrics covered in PFCs with a water-tight rubber-like membrane perforated with millions of tiny holes.
When we spoke, he had just finished trips in Queensland and other parts of the country facing extreme weather, some of which scientists say is growing more extreme due to rising global temperatures.
Practicality and extreme design are often mutually exclusive when it comes to expensive bikes (just look at the awkward angles of the extreme choppers that cruise up and down the 173 every weekend).
Because the political and economic situation in Papers, Please is so extreme—ruling-out any conventional routes of non-participation, protest and redress of grievances—the Arstotzkan resistance takes an equally extreme form.
«What I thought was, ‘Self, you have done all this extreme reporting in the most extreme parts of the world,'» Amanpour recalled on the latest episode of Recode Decode, hosted by Kara Swisher.
It is an extreme way to live, but in the end Gotland, despite its reputation for placid beauty, is pretty extreme itself: remote and wind-whipped and fierce — with, finally, a corresponding architecture.
Surely, there are many extreme anti-vaxxers, but there are also many who are not extreme, like me, who feel that the vaccine schedule for children has gotten a bit out of hand.
Much of Siberia falls within the zone, but I decided to visit northern Scandinavia, where the art of maintaining extreme comfort in the face of extreme cold seemed likely to be more advanced.
Trump’s actions are an extreme outlier in an era of extreme weather as the U.S. flies blindly into a world of rising waters and storms our coastal cities won’t be able to withstand.
But we found it very funny to go down this really extreme path of borderline terrorism and extreme racism, we blow up this guy’s building, and then, what’s the least expected next beat?
«The extreme uncertainty, not just in the U.S. but all around the world, is weighing on companies, and when you get extreme uncertainty there is a tendency to hunker down,» Graham told me.
While not all of these extreme events can be attributed to climate change, the profound changes in the earth’s atmosphere raise «the likelihood of a large number of extreme events,» one scientist said.
Extreme Makeover: Home Edition is returning to television in 2020.
Not all responses to the ad have been so extreme.
At least, they didn’t used to, except in extreme cases.
But, according to Scott, ATVing is not nearly extreme enough.
It&aposs very — President Trump is talking but extreme vetting.
Instead, younger people are turning to surfing and extreme sports.
These numbers reflect the extreme level of persistent wealth inequality.
The extreme cold in the Midwest has complicated the search.
In the polls the populists extreme right is actually leading.
That success can be credited to the game’s extreme accessibility.
Content Warning: Descriptions and depictions of extreme violence, sexual assault.
Content warning: violence against children and extreme, violent sexual imagery.
Her lady parts were prodded and poked with extreme prejudice.
Of course, following humility to an extreme end isn’t enough.
On the plus hand, I now have extreme amazon thighs.
Do you think politics belong in extreme metal at all?
Yeah, he might be extreme, certainly by San Francisco standards.
It’s such an extreme and vague extrapolation of the real.
Especially if, like Mark Reisenauer’s father, you have extreme claustrophobia.
People should not resort to such kind of extreme steps.
Thursday, Evans had «sudden and extreme» changes in her vitals.
I recognize the extreme position of privilege I am in.
Facing extreme backlash, Trump denied ever making the controversial comment.
Drier conditions and high temperatures drive more extreme fire behavior.
Watching stuff happen in extreme slow motion never gets old.
Planes at Phoenix’s airport couldn’t take off in extreme heat.
In extreme cases, inhaling peanut dust can cause a crisis.
In extreme cases, you face the possibility of prison time.
Q: When extreme success hit, how did you handle that?
But not everyone has a reaction as extreme as Linsey’s.
Elon Musk has become infamous for his extreme work schedule.
In 1986, the Supreme Court ruled extreme partisan gerrymanders unconstitutional.
Let’s not go to the very end of the extreme.
By extreme tanning, dark makeup & braids, this fraud is exposed!
There will be extreme vetting applied to all of them.
Earth is noticeably hotter, the weather stormier and more extreme.
Talk about the extreme buildup to Jane finally having sex.
The polygons do break up, but only in extreme circumstances.
Absent extreme and unlikely circumstances*, Trump will never be president.
«(The lawsuits) put the project at extreme risk,» he said.
This may sound a bit extreme, but hear us out.
When I woke up, I had extreme feelings of anxiety.
The process of «extreme vetting» has yet to be explained.
The result: extreme inflation, making imports of basic goods unaffordable.
While its problems are extreme, though, they are not unique.
Moves in some bond markets have been even more extreme.
Extreme conditions in one place can also trigger changes elsewhere.
But swings in demand have of late been particularly extreme.
«But not everything needs to be taken to the extreme
The results can be terrifying if used to the extreme.
Trump is simply the most extreme example of a trend.
It said she is believed to be in extreme danger.
This is a natural process that happens in extreme environments.
Khloé tends to have the extreme version of normal problems.
The usual extreme viewpoints still exist on Vine, of course.
To many Japanese, Mr Aono’s work style will seem extreme.
I’ve encountered localism, but nothing as extreme [as Lunada Bay].
Easterners’ sense of inferiority provides fertile ground for extreme parties.
In The Perfection, this pattern is put to the extreme.
That was enough to get Tilray halted for extreme volatility.
The travel ban, policies on ‘extreme vetting’ at airports, etc.
Yet almost 22008m people remain mired in extreme poverty today.
Unfortunately, this base is characterized by extreme and uncompromising views.
However, the two candidates’ views are similarly extreme, readers wrote.
«I am not an extreme case,» Donahue told the panel.
It’s hard not to feel an extreme amount of responsibility.
Why is the market reacting in such an extreme manner?
Trump’s immigration plans understandably sound unconventional and extreme to many.
Beto O’Rourke spoke about the extreme weather impacts in Texas.
There’s also extreme uncertainty surrounding Brexit and Italy’s budget negotiations.
Extreme cold snaps pose a particular puzzle in this regard.
Trader Guy Adami, meanwhile, touted a stock at another extreme.
But extreme summer heat has not been the only issue.
The crash resulted in an extreme build up of traffic.
Some are not so extreme, others are very, very puffy.
That, he argues, would effectively tackle cases of extreme poverty.
The region is prone to natural disasters and extreme weather.
And they went from rural poverty to modern extreme wealth.
But when we did it, we just had extreme problems.
Such extreme isolationism, however, is completely divorced from economic realities.
«They’ve ridden that bounce from extreme oversold levels,» added Elfenbein.
Extreme comes with a warning to establish a safe word.
Both of these medical issues can present with extreme fatigue.
You only want to break into it in extreme emergencies.
Let people know where you’re going and exercise extreme caution.
«The highs and lows were so extreme!» she writes. 5.
Preventing extreme global warming will be neither cheap nor easy.
The petition said that «extreme attorney misconduct» marred his conviction.
It is impossible to guard against extreme inflation with precision.
Kenny’s listening habits may be extreme, but she’s not alone.
If you believe the government’s figures, extreme poverty is falling.
But the switch has been accompanied by extreme political polarisation.
There were extreme moments of highs and wonders and amazingness.
The facts of the Encompass case were «extreme,» Hellman said.
That dynamic could favor more extreme authoritarian candidates as well.
And Tolstoy was an extreme narcissist and was never happy.
And we’re going to have a thing called ‘extreme vetting.
Given the odds against her, she resorts to extreme measures.
The rise outpaced projected decreases in deaths from extreme cold.
Those nine seats, however, show that extreme gerrymandering is risky.
In extreme cases, damage was as high as 15 percent.
Perhaps unsurprisingly, such extreme economic inequality has not gone unchallenged.
Still, it is an extreme case of a wider phenomenon.
And you can kind of stretch that to the extreme.
Ahead, indulge in the most extreme extractions worth your while.
To say that I am ashamed is an extreme understatement.
The difference between the dominant and submissive objects is extreme.
Hong Kong’s chief executive, Carrie Lam, condemned the «extreme violence».
Currently, many parts of the US are experiencing extreme heat.
That’s where the SanDisk Extreme Pro 256GB SDXC comes in.
Rebecca was believed to be in extreme danger, authorities said.
Laura Mercier Velour Extreme Matte Lipstick, $28, available at Sephora.
Extreme enough not to actually be an orbit, in fact.
The vault’s creators hadn’t envisioned weather this extreme, she said.
But not in an extreme way, because also she’s elegant.
The rental market has also been trending toward the extreme.
The extreme winds caught the aircraft as it was landing.
In extreme cases, it may require retreat from a business.
It’s even been taken to the extreme this past season.
Extreme poverty in the United States, however, is not new.
Or by… actually, that should be extreme enough for now.
Maybe all those holes were just seriously extreme ancient aspirin.
The adjustments also suggest extreme poverty isn’t concentrated among families.
It’s an extreme comparison, sure, but you get the idea.
Extreme is coming on, and they’re playing their new single!
And it certainly put my officers at an extreme risk.
Ads are sick, and the only cure is extreme transparency.
It’s a Microsoft Surface taken to the logical gaming extreme.
Extreme cold and fiendish granite walls thwarted their boldest efforts.
Extreme temperatures can damage a plane’s internal components, for starters.
Which doesn’t mean all white people harbor extreme racial animus.
Extreme E is slated to kick off in early 2021.
Like pickles, cilantro and Ted Cruz, Apple inspires extreme opinion.
Endometriosis can cause extreme abdominal pain, irregular periods, and fatigue.
Now, the feeling of pain actually brought him extreme pleasure.
That’s the extreme scenario, and ISPs haven’t ruled it out.
Berlin’s airport is an extreme example of a broader problem.
Taken to the extreme, cheese pulls can be really gross.
So you can understand why Ben takes the extreme perspective.
But such an extreme step might not even be necessary.
Climate change makes this extreme heat so much more likely.
It causes extreme pain and swelling and has no cure.
Mr Ryan is an extreme example of a growing trend.
Temperatures are also extreme, on both ends of the spectrum.
The possibilities this kind of extreme customization create are enchanting.
The police response also appears to be getting more extreme.
Still, Sanders’s equation of racism with poverty is too extreme.
What’s the accuracy here regarding dark magic and extreme witchcraft?
At its extreme, this view holds that CFS is a
The Philippine military is using extreme measures to fight back.
The front will quiet days of extreme temperatures, Cabrera said.
» Moran continued, «It’s very extreme to get a game off.
And I just think that’s extreme, that’s over the top.
MSI’s new X99A Gaming Pro Carbon motherboard is totally extreme.
» Finally, «existing governance mechanisms do especially badly with extreme scenarios.
Image by Dan Taylor Prince Haakon speaking at Startup Extreme.
What is this extreme of negativity that cannot be gainsaid?
Especially the rush of extreme horniness that comes with it.
But in Abramović’s case, the performance feels even more extreme.
I think activism is this deviant, extreme form of capitalism.
» Rinna explained that in Delilah’s case, «the condition was extreme.
The simple answer: Climate change doesn’t cause extreme weather events.
Early morning votes are an extreme rarity in the Senate.
Lavalle is partial to extreme analogies that undermine his credibility.
We need to hear every extreme to find the balance.
Well, researchers also found that rates of extreme speeding increased.
Speaking of nonconformity, you practice an extreme form of BDSM.
For that, you have to show ‘extreme and outrageous’ conduct.
For a graphic on India extreme weather events, see: tmsnrt.
Then consider your options from one extreme to the other.
In extreme cases, it can cause an ecosystem to collapse.
In more extreme cases, it can also directly save lives.
Every organization is now under extreme threat, all the time.
But that is a la carte at the extreme, right?
New river forecasts for #BatonRouge area are extreme & heart breaking.
And at what point will they take more extreme action?
Remember, millennials have shown to disdain demagogues and extreme partisanship.
On the extreme Pacific Northwest coast, it was sitka spruce.
Everything is more extreme, more expensive, but somehow less advanced.
But then there are the extreme downfalls — like having stalkers.
Extreme temperatures even put the 2016 Ice Festival on ice.
Extreme weather events are becoming more frequent, and more costly.
The extreme accuracy of this process makes for strange possibilities.
As this process unfolds, investors need to exercise extreme caution.
Civilizations need to adapt and protect themselves from extreme heat.
Internet intermediaries Alphabet unit Google and Facebook are extreme examples.
More extreme acts, as you might expect, command higher rates.
Climate change can lead to droughts, floods and extreme storms.
In extreme cases, slavery apologists threatened or even killed them.
He often echoes themes that circulate on the extreme right.
However, as usual the political rhetoric is a little extreme.
But he doesn’t think extreme caution needs to be taken.
But Trump sees himself that way to an absolute extreme.
Democrats will scream that the cuts are extreme and dangerous.
Besides, extreme policies fuel irrational fears rather than extinguish them.
In a sense, it’s an extreme cure for writer’s block.
Itbayat in the eye of extreme typhoon #Meranti #FerdiePH pic.twitter.
Other carmakers look on its extreme vertical integration with bemusement.
I went to extreme measures to promote our new spot.
But Syria perhaps also shows the dangers of extreme inaction.
The move transformed Alaska into a mecca for extreme skiing.
British politics has been marked by extreme volatility of late.
Feelings of extreme hunger set in… In the second phase,
Kyle’s methods may be extreme, but they work, kind of.
Be he’s likely to be a much more extreme policymaker.
Instead, many observers saw it as an extreme technical accident.
In the most extreme cases, that rhetoric preceded mass killing.
The extreme eye discomfort often triggered double vision and migraines.
Last year Instagram was taken over by the extreme milkshake.
In extreme cases, the vaginal opening is also sewn up.
And they should resist extreme temperatures, water and UV rays.
About 50% of the state is under extreme drought conditions.
«Too much of today’s political discourse is extreme,» Cuomo wrote.
China has suffered several bouts of extreme weather this year.
Some take this principle of universal flow to an extreme.
Taken to its logical extreme, it propels organized white supremacy.
Obviously, these voter restrictions and extreme partisan gerrymanders aren’t fair.
Yes, Trump is the logical extreme of those past campaigns.
Train systems like Atlanta’s MARTA could fail in extreme rains.
He peddled extravagant piety and extreme contempt in equal measure.
What the establishment sees: An extreme view on illegal immigration.
It is extreme like Kagan’s and it similarly draws attention.
The tribalism of the Republican Party has become too extreme.
In my experience, masking is only meant for extreme pampering.
For extreme collectors, rarity only makes a cycad more desirable.
But Euron Greyjoy’s makeover wasn’t just extreme, it was ridiculous.
Yet violence is only the most extreme and obvious effect.
The Housewives are just an extreme product of that culture.
Skeleton racing, though, is one of the most extreme sports.
It was an extreme example, but it struck a nerve.
That’s how extreme we are on this kind of stuff.
«We’ll see more extreme weather patterns for sure,» Muschitiello said.
Yet the outcome of extreme distribution of wealth is troubling.
Yet, how to deal with the extreme wealth of superstars?
The urban environment is about as extreme as it gets.
Here, the insects work by making their victims more extreme.
Democrats have become too EXTREME and TOO DANGEROUS to govern.
Extreme fear Signs of fear are flashing in financial markets.
To reject a conservative extreme doesn’t make the court liberal.
«This is exhibitionism, an extreme form of it,» he said.
» The word extreme he pointed out, is a «tough word.
In some extreme cases, exposure to mold can cause death.
«extreme risk» laws have been signed by numerous Republican governors.
Extreme partisanship, we are often told, is the new normal.
Fast Retailing is seen as among the most extreme examples.
«The selling here has been extreme,» Cramer said on Thursday.
Unless you love reading about creepy pedophiles and extreme violence.
«An act of extreme depravity,» U.S. Ambassador John Bass said.
Extreme heat is not just dangerous for people and planes.
Would such a course of action be extreme and extraordinary?
However, the financial newsletter did call it an «extreme» case.
Would a Trump victory actually placate his more extreme supporters?
A different kind of extreme weather brewed in the Caribbean.
Glaxo took it to the extreme, allowing corruption to fester.
Now, these stories I tell are the most extreme examples.
SCDOT encourages anyone who must drive to use extreme caution.
But it somehow became an extreme form of exposure therapy.
But before the crisis, they already ran at extreme leverage.
Pros: Extreme durability and speedCons: No write protection switch, expensive
McLaughlin described the process for Champ as extreme and ugly.
We’ve seen the effects of Bangladesh’s infamous extreme flooding before.
Reisman: You’re taking jet lag to a whole nother extreme.
OK, it’s an extreme case, but you get the point.
Overall, extreme weather is expected grow more common and intense.
HSN isn’t Amazon, but surely, it’ll work for you. Extreme?
But Michelsen is, if anything, an even more extreme example.
«Its badness is not extreme, but exemplary,» writes A.O. Scott.
This is a time of extreme acrimony in American politics.
Even more politically extreme members of the House, like Rep.
But school breaks are few and handled with extreme care.
It’s really extreme, either you love or hate this fruit.
William S. Burroughs’ entire catalogue is Boschian in the extreme.
His many symptoms include extreme exhaustion, migraine headaches, and pain.
The tobacco industry, however, has maintained the rules were extreme.
Townswick doesn’t expect any extreme action from the new administration.
But some positions are so extreme, there’s no coming back.
This is what’s true about Carlos: he’s an extreme personality.
The authors also encountered more extreme reactions, such as seizures.
It’s amazing that medicine can allow extreme preemies to survive.
«People are seeking the most extreme high possible,» Sammarco said.
Information asymmetry between doctor and patient is extreme in healthcare.
Fashion editors will go to extreme lengths for them, too.
Although Silicon Valley does take it to a ridiculous extreme.
«Our column distillation system gives us extreme precision,» he says.
What drives this morbid fascination with a particular psychological extreme?
The extreme conditions of the journey are also a factor.
What’s the most extreme thing you’ve done to find vomit?
«It has become much stranger, and more extreme,» Sirius agreed.
His productivity is extreme, but the visual experience is not.
At first glance, the familiar lines belie its extreme redesign.
Another extreme way to attack the network would be deplatforming.
There should be more extreme music on late night television.
CoreLogic puts these in the «high» and «extreme» risk categories.
Would it be extreme to attribute his birdie to Bombas?
In the video, he demonstrated behavior common to extreme survivors.
Because his extreme views are not supported by the public.
In extreme cases, gaming has been blamed for several deaths.
I think Steven would be feeling extreme excitement and pride.
To take an extreme example, President Lincoln was a racist.
What if the student in question is in extreme distress?
The equally extreme Dutch Party for Freedom hasn’t gone away.
In extreme cases like that, the Fed has other tools.
Here again, the accusations against Mr. Weinstein are especially extreme.
I understood their drinking as proof of extreme interior weather.
It is more extreme than under any other Republican administration.
These whales end up in extreme duress; stress hormones spike.
«Picture it in terms of an extreme case,» Harris said.
Have you ever been in extreme weather of some kind?
I can’t believe this extreme fundamentalist ideologue is an ambassador.
Bret: I definitely don’t think calling for impeachment is extreme.
They provide essential shelter in New Zealand’s most extreme environments.
That strikes us as extreme and deserving of more attention.
The N.B.A. is in for an extreme makeover this summer.
No one knows why the body has this extreme overreaction.
Others might swing toward the other extreme and act hyperactive.
For some readers, that will be too extreme a downgrade.
That mission becomes all the more critical during extreme weather.
The chickpea is enjoying an unexpected assist from extreme weather.
«It was a time of extreme impermanence,» she told me.
His sad journey is an extreme version of the country’s.
Neither party is immune from a pull to the extreme.
I assumed that Bitcoin’s extreme volatility would be a turnoff.
Coupled with strong, warm winds, the fire risk was extreme.
And what falls out of that is actually extreme comedy.
But Marin County’s gilded ghettos abut areas of extreme poverty.
However, millions more live in extreme poverty in the city.
They had to decide for an extreme candidate either way.
Photographers captured the effects of extreme winter weather this week.
What could, Swanson argues, are extreme risk protection order laws.
Some extreme cases of negligence can also bypass the PLCAA.
Workers certainly suffer when forced to put in extreme hours.
He didn’t know anything about foreign policy He was extreme.
The extreme suburbs and the diminishing countryside are his settings.
Student Opinion Some sports, like extreme mountain climbing, are dangerous.
It looked extreme, but Mandell just put that to shame.
It’s been a season of extreme weather around the world.
A more extreme step would be to cancel fixtures altogether.
The effect, worsened by the extreme heat, could be nauseating.
Others looked for extreme measures to get the job done.
Tens of millions of people are exposed to extreme heat.
Those extreme measures still will not end the epidemic completely.
Republicans deny that they purposefully drew themselves these extreme majorities.
I wouldn’t use the word «extreme» for nonviolent direct action.
The National Weather Society recommends «extreme caution» under such conditions.
It is extreme capitalism that has gone out of order.
Rebecca’s extreme retirement plan wasn’t necessarily of her own design.
It’s unclear whether Peterson continued to follow this extreme diet.
Diller Scofidio + Renfro delivered with a design of extreme restraint.
In the extreme, but what is functional politics nowadays, anyway?
Causes joint pain, it goes extreme feelings of being tired.
In summer, nothing stands in the way of extreme heat.
Mr. Dunne asked what would happen in that extreme scenario?
Hundreds of people die each summer from the extreme heat.
As played here it sounded audacious, extreme and, finally, exhilarating.
This extreme division has perpetuated gender stereotypes in children’s media.
«There was never any tragedy or extreme emotion,» Martin said.
Empathetic in the extreme, she was the underdog’s biggest advocate.
Obviously, some extreme weather events are unrelated to climate change.
Right now, the American economy is suffering from extreme inequality.
The extreme heat came after the driest spring on record.
We’re in the eastern, extreme eastern part of the state.
We’re in the eastern, extreme eastern part of the state.
Anything with a small distribution is at an extreme risk.
However, extreme cold also can cause problems at power plants.
This extreme agenda is simply not supported by the science.
Former IS members may be allowed to espouse extreme views.
The current extreme left comets in the party will fizzle.
Quinn’s bout of extreme (surrogate) parenting has done the trick.
He’s even been described as more extreme than Justice Scalia.
Lawyers go to extreme lengths to ingratiate themselves with witnesses.
Extreme artifice prevails with photography and animation lurking just offstage.
And sometimes those journeys were twisted or dark or extreme.
Some of the advice was more extreme: Get a dog.
So are women somehow better able to withstand extreme conditions?
At its extreme, this is just another form of terrorism.
It’s possible that something extreme and disturbing will turn up.
I hoped that my uncle’s experience was an extreme case.
Mr. Pruitt, though, has carried the practice to an extreme.
You’re under extreme scrutiny by the I.R.S. and the public.
It’s an extreme move, but not unimaginable given the stakes.
Hyperbole: Exaggeration so extreme that listeners shouldn’t take it literally.
Extreme slow walking and privileged «holds» have become standard practice.
Of course, this leaves open the possibility of extreme abstinence.
But the scale of the image is still quite extreme.
But what happens when people take extreme amounts of LSD?
SARA I wouldn’t be as extreme, if Tegan wasn’t Tegan.
There has been bipartisan opposition to this extreme plan. Sens.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania could experience less extreme cold in the future.
That’s a manifestation of the energy on the extreme left.
DeVos angers the extreme left because she exposes their hypocrisy.
«I survived without real income through extreme budgeting,» Lam said.
Democratic senators have criticized the legislation as extreme and harmful.
But it still might not be enough in extreme conditions.
Buffett agrees that such extreme wealth inequality needs a fix.
The wedding night was an extreme experience for James Duke.
Such extreme views would ordinarily disqualify anyone from public service.
But fish aren’t the only victims of Australia’s extreme weather.
What are two examples of these groups or extreme perspectives?
«Caramel is a source of extreme anxiety,» Ms. Button said.
Meanwhile, extreme rain events are on the rise in India.
«Either measure would result in extreme economic duress,» she added.
The lazy river has temporarily become the extreme shredding river.
Katsa is a Graceling, someone born with an extreme skill.
But he warned investors that extreme gains may not continue.
Common symptoms include extreme nausea, intractable vomiting, and abdominal pain.
Accordingly, the president must take remedial action in the extreme.
Hamilton: It’s not like I’m some extreme scholar either [laughs].
We don’t have the extreme leverage we had in ‘240.
In the most extreme cases, you could face criminal penalties.
Chicago’s The Hecks take this dynamic to a welcome extreme.
He has renounced the extreme nationalist views of his past.
But an unstable polar vortex causes abnormal and extreme weather.
I felt an extreme, and intense, emotional connection with everything.
That’s especially true for the more extreme examples like Page’s.
His lawyer contends that he was driven by extreme compulsion.
Each size extreme would thrive better in certain environmental conditions.
The picture on the wider continent is even more extreme.
We don’t have the extreme leverage we had in [2008].
Because of its «extreme hostility toward Muslims,» the website Jihadwatch.
Extreme heat is harming our roads, railways and airport runways.
Needless to say, the material and technical challenges are extreme.
But his persona is that of extreme confidence and playfulness.
How to Avoid Frostbite and Hypothermia in Extreme Cold Weather.
Trump is playing midwife to ever more extreme, debilitating partisanship.
Extreme cold will follow for tens of millions of people.
It’s true that the political parties have become more extreme.
Both of us are political, but not humorless or extreme.
The company’s ambitions for mass production may still seem extreme.
Extreme heat also affects the nutritional value of many crops.
No one knew the side effects would be so extreme.
And, of course, extreme if you want it to be.
Can you describe the most extreme eating experience you’ve had?
Special prosecutors are unpredictable and can become extreme political liabilities.
India has been eradicating extreme poverty at a breakneck pace.
» The High Desert Museum — where signs read «Extreme Fire Danger.
Protecting Facebook’s broader ambitions from the most extreme antitrust penalties.
As a Nusra fighter, he continued to witness extreme brutality.
Both of these factors lead to more extreme precipitation events.
The extreme heat has followed the driest spring on record.
Researchers conducted a study with ‘extreme‘ early or late risers.
But California is subject to extreme annual variations in precipitation.
And the US is an extreme outlier on both axes.
And the most extreme white nationalists are getting the message.
The behavior on the aforementioned video is an extreme example.
On the spectrum of size he’s on the absolute extreme.
Second, both sides learned to hit targets with extreme precision.
Her first album rocks with extreme compression and gleeful confidence.
Pride and extreme loyalty to the government was quite strong.
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Cinematographer Roger Deakins delivers some of the best work of his career, deftly evoking the look of the original while also bringing moments of extreme color and even more extreme contrast to the table.
EXTREME DISAPPOINTMENT «Just spoke to … Zarif and expressed extreme disappointment that having assured me last Saturday Iran wanted to de-escalate situation, they have behaved in the opposite way,» tweeted British Foreign Secretary Hunt.
Climate researchers warn that an extreme heat wave like this one will only become more frequent, and that infrastructure like roads, housing and railroads must change to withstand upcoming challenges posed by extreme weather.
Extreme vetting could be a form of risk management, but extreme vetting will not get us to the certainty the president implies is needed before refugees from war torn countries can be granted asylum.
If saving half of your mediocre salary seems a bit extreme to you, as it did to me, you might be wondering if there is a middle ground between extreme frugality and carefree spending.
Mullin and Egan said their study could not incorporate the effect of extreme weather on people’s preferences, adding that a key message is that scientists should talk more about extreme weather than average temperatures.
The extreme conditions created in the collider — think «big bang» extreme — were achieved at 8 teraelectronvolts, the unit of energy they use to gauge the power of the accelerated protons slamming into each other.
Her first big extreme ski win was in 2011 at the Scandinavian Big Mountain Championships, which claims to be the world’s first extreme skiing event, at Riksgränsen on the border between Sweden and Norway.
The «waterfall screen» essentially involves curving the side edges of the display to an extreme degree — think Samsung and its curved screen edges on the Galaxy S and Galaxy Note phones, but more extreme.
«It is a powerful state, and we are concerned that any extreme policy toward Muslims will help extreme movements by polarizing thousands of the youths and turning them into time bombs by recruiting them.»
Though there are certainly strong religious disagreements between Sunni and Shia — and especially between extreme fundamentalist Sunnis and extreme fundamentalist Shia — the conflict between Iran and Saudi Arabia has little to do with dogma.
We’ve apparently come to a point in this country where the purists on both the extreme right and extreme left seem incapable of holding two opposing thoughts in their head at the same time.
The grave health risks of extreme heat Historically, heatwaves are the deadliest extreme weather-related events — responsible for more deaths on average than floods, tornadoes and even hurricanes, according to National Weather Service statistics.
It is a measure of Mr Corbyn’s leadership ability that he has managed to take a moderate position on the one subject, Brexit, where extreme positions are popular, and extreme positions on everything else.
For live updates: Hurricane Florence Live Blog For full extreme weather coverage: CNN Extreme Weather Headquarters For a live storm tracker, forecasts and radar: Hurricane Florence tracker Use our efficient ‘lite’ version of CNN.
ISIS arose as an extreme Sunni response to the extreme efforts by Iran and pro-Iranian Shiite militias in Iraq and Syria to ethnically cleanse and strip power from Sunnis in Iraq and Syria.
Oh, God, I guess that’s the biggest stretch of defending Ted Cruz, I rarely defend him but yes, I do think we should give people a private space unless they’re crossing extreme, extreme lines.
At the very least, the fact that the order did not have a carve-out for those who have assisted the US in our war efforts as interpreters is either extreme negligence or extreme cruelty.
Extreme low temperatures require very clear and dry air to persist for several days, which makes it denser than warm air, so the pockets of extreme cold get trapped in hollows of the ice sheet.
So when I first started reading the casebooks you would find people talking about sex and menstruation and extreme fear, extreme despair, all of these personal, intimate things in a way that seemed quite frank.
Robert Vautard, a senior scientist at France’s National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS), noted the recent heatwave was most extreme in southern France, where housing and social systems are already more adapted to extreme heat.
It seems that when parties nominate an extreme candidate — in a district where a more moderate candidate might have had a chance to win the primary — the extreme candidate does worse in the general election.
«We’re talking about, really, one of the most extreme sort of phenomenon that you can witness,» says Neil Lareau, an atmospheric scientist at the University of Nevada Reno and an expert in extreme fire behavior.
Congress should pass a federal extreme risk law — similar to the model in my state of Massachusetts — and create a grant system to incentivize states to enact their own laws that clearly define extreme risk.
Because I’m more of an extreme Twitter enthusiast than extreme sports guy, and because for me every gadget is essentially just an accessory to my smartphone, the cheaper knockoffs are usually fine for my purposes.
There is one thing … in extreme, extreme cases, the family could go to court and ask for a conservatorship, where a conservator could essentially force treatment and remove any dangers from the home, like firearms.
If a temporary extreme risk protection order is granted by a judge, a hearing will occur within three to six days to determine whether a final extreme risk protection order is necessary, the law states.
At the end of a dramatic but very strong year for the market, it&aposs fairly clear what worked best: playing extreme offense with high-growth stocks and playing extreme defense with high-yield stocks.
Even in areas where average temperatures and rainfall are not expected to change much, changes in the climate can lead to weather whiplash, characterized by periods of extreme rainfall followed by extreme heat or dryness.
But despite a misconception driven by Glenn Beck’s novel «The Overton Window,» the window is a description, not a tactic: Shifting it doesn’t mean proposing extreme ideas to make somewhat less extreme ideas seem reasonable.

Examples of how to use the word “extreme” in a sentence. How to connect “extreme” with other words to make correct English sentences.

extreme (adj, n): very large in amount or degree; the largest possible amount or degree of something

Use “extreme” in a sentence

They are living in extreme poverty.
She went on an extreme diet.
I am not used to the extreme heat.

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