Sentences with the word evolution

Sentences with the word Evolution?



  • «they study the evolution of the universe»; «the biggest tree in existence»
  • «creationism denies the theory of evolution of species»
  • «We have developed a new theory of evolution«
  • «the development of his ideas took many years»; «the evolution of Greek civilization»; «the slow development of her skill as a writer»
  • «the humanist belief in continuous emergent evolution«- Wendell Thomas
  • «social institutions»; «societal evolution«; «societal forces»; «social legislation»
  • «some people see evolution as an undeviating upward march from simple organisms to the very complex»; «a straight and narrow tree-lined road unswerving across the lowlands»

How to use evolution in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «evolution» and check conjugation/comparative form for «evolution«. Mastering all the usages of «evolution» from sentence examples published by news publications.

So the «+» is the joining of de-evolution and evolution.
And that evolution of Diane fits the evolution of The Good Fight.
Researching the evolution of mountain ranges can show the evolution of continents.
Knowledge of evolution is one of the weakest predictions of acceptance of evolution.
But the evolution of the American work force requires an evolution in regulation.
In this, the intrinsic interdependence between biological evolution and cultural evolution is key.
And also to explain to myself an entire evolution, an evolution over many years.
But evolution giveth, and evolution taketh away; humans, it turns out, don’t produce photolyases.
In some ways you can trace the evolution of her dress in the evolution of her career, from underground superstar to actor, and also, the evolution of her stylists.
There’s a stage in companies’ evolution and mediums’ evolution where advertisers want to play with it.
Instead, they investigate the mechanisms of evolution, how rapidly evolution can take place, and related questions.
The evolution of FabFitFun in some ways mirrors the symbiotic evolution of content and commerce online.
He sees his work as not only to sculpt the evolution of living systems, but to help shape the evolution of technology, and provide some of the morality that evolution lacks.
«You get to see the evolution of my collections, but also the evolution of photography,» he says.
Matter We are the products of evolution, and not just evolution that occurred billions of years ago.
Instagram’s evolution throughout the decade mirrors the evolution of the broader social media landscape over that time.
I don’t think we are dealing with issues of physical evolution anymore, but instead evolution regarding intelligence.
Evolution can’t explain complex organs A common argument in favor of creationism is the evolution of the eye.
«Black-market evolution mirrors the normal evolution of a free market, with both innovation and growth,» RAND wrote.
And the evolution of fashion, and evolution in general, because there’s a bit of uneasiness about the environment.
The evolution of emojis, much like the evolution of life on Earth, is naturally fated to include dinosaurs.
It’s baffling that Gervais can have so much reverence for physical evolution and so little for intellectual evolution.
It took seven rounds of evolution, and three or four different evolution systems before Gaudelli found one that worked.
Several research groups are working on a way around this, essentially seeking to override the evolution that overrides evolution.
VR might be the next evolution in gaming, but it’s also the next evolution in getting scared sh*tless.
It’s relatively impossible to forecast a Jake Arrieta-like evolution for Davis—Arrieta’s velocity somehow climbed during his evolution.
But I will say that the evidence I see for purpose includes not just the direction of biological evolution, but the direction of technological evolution and of the broader social and cultural evolution it drives — the evolution that has carried us from hunter-gatherer bands to the brink of a cohesive global community.
Even if you don’t play Angry Birds Evolution—and seriously, don’t play Angry Birds Evolution—it’s worth noting these shifts.
Which tells me that you can know everything there is to know about evolution and actively choose to reject evolution.
The POTUS evolution: Trump’s evolution on this issue over the last five days has been nothing short of jaw dropping.
The evolution of a contagious cancer in some ways may mirror the evolution of a single tumor in the body.
It is «The Fourth Discontinuity: The Co-Evolution of Humans and Machines» — not «The Co-Evolution and Humans and Machines.»
All evolution is sexual selection, because in the absence of a trait providing a reproductive advantage, there is no evolution.
The evolution of his POV about WikiLeaks and Assange reflects the evolution of many American tech experts and media junkies.
So we can really talk about the evolution of video, because it’s kind of the evolution of your business, right?
It’s not only an evolution of women’s fashion, but an evolution of representation of bodies, of culture, of ways of life.
The Verge spoke to Losos about competing theories of evolution, experimental studies on evolution, and what all this means for aliens.
And with the evolution of food photography, we also see the evolution of style, technology, politics, media and even home cooking.
«We’re now at this place where we can make the evolution of academic content match the evolution of the world,» Thrun said.
In May 2017, he published a book, «The Evolution of Beauty,» that lucidly and passionately explains his personal theory of aesthetic evolution.
Once there’s a timeline for the evolution of HPV, we can compare it to the timeline of what’s known about human evolution.
Speed test data purporting to show the «real-world experience of 5G Evolution» without verifying the capable devices were tested in a 5G Evolution coverage area as shown by the indicator does not accurately represent the 5G Evolution user experience.
Religion is incompatible with evolution It is important to make it clear that evolution is not a theory about the origin of life.
By studying these different areas, scientists will be able to connect aesthetics and cultural evolution to the underlying genetic evolution that explains them.
There’s great opportunity in AI, and natural evolution provides a framework for us to study and prepare for the future of machine evolution.
Once again, we are fighting last year’s terrorist practice and not concentrating on the future evolution – or de-evolution of the terrorist threat.
«We need to understand how this evolution is affecting job security and earnings stability,» he told a conference on the evolution of work.
But it is the evolution of sex-discrimination for which special-case exemptions must be sought, not the evolution of same-sex behaviour.
The extremely rare process is known as iterative evolution — the repeated evolution of a species from the same ancestor at different times in history.
«I don’t think that is going to mean that there won’t be the evolution of China, the evolution of the United States,» he added.
Language evolution can be compared to biological evolution, but whereas genetic change is driven by environmental pressures, languages change and develop through social pressures.
But the impulse to identify evolution with progress has proved hard to resist, as has the temptation to lend evolution a hand with eugenics.
The de-evolution of radio is of course the de-evolution of America, as the atmosphere has shifted from potentially inclusive to proudly noninclusive.
«A ‘big evolution‘ at Google CloudWill Grannis, managing director of the Cloud CTO office at Google, says Google Cloud is undergoing a «big evolution.
What you want is up to you — as long as you’re happy, healthy and having your own great evolution (while also contributing to evolution).
«The fact that the global freeze occurred before the evolution of complex animals suggests a link between Snowball Earth and animal evolution,» Lechte said.
NOVA’s Evolution Lab, nominated for BEST LEARNING GAME NOVA’s Evolution Lab is a puzzle game and interactive tree of life that challenges players to build phylogenetic trees, complete missions based off of the evidence for evolution, and explore the connections between over 70,000 species.
B. Chris Paul’s «Evolution» The word evolution is in quotes because Paul is 603 years old and fundamentally the same icon he always has been.
«I think social evolution unfortunately moves at an analogous pace with physical evolution,» Hammer said to me, responding to his earlier comments about Brokeback Mountain.
Each woman’s reason for choosing the style is different but they all speak of a personal evolution in sync with the evolution of their hair.
And rather than seeing evolution as undermining his Christian faith, he came to believe that evolution was nothing less than the absolute core of Christianity.
Those of us studying its evolution have become wiser, but crypto currencies will need to continue their evolution as the rest of the world progresses.
The fact that evolution can generate this diversity, and discover doors left slightly ajar that it can push through, speaks to the awesome inventiveness of evolution.
Some say this is a form of forward evolution and they weren’t doing anything that evolution wouldn’t do on its own, we’re just doing it faster.
Evolution of integration technologies Evolution of integration technologies Next we will explore briefly the main technological advances in each evolutionary step listed in the table above.
Take evolution: Your respected pastor — whose judgment, you believe, is generally to be trusted — may assert evolution is unproven, while respected scientific authorities assert the opposite.
The bills represent something of an evolution themselves: They do not specifically mention creationism or intelligent design, two alternatives to evolution theory advanced by religious conservatives.
The idea that evolution is fundamentally directionless is widespread, in part because one great popularizer of evolution, Stephen Jay Gould, worked hard to leave that impression.
Her measurements and observations, which she published in a 2016 paper in the journal Evolution, confirmed that the urban lizards were true products of rapid evolution.
A story of «co-evolution between life and the environment during these key early stages of animal evolution and diversification is all coming together,» Shields said.
Just as biological evolution is driven by survival of the fittest genes in the gene pool, cultural evolution may be driven out by the most successful memes.
Evolution in play Like skin color, one theory behind the evolution of eye color is the migration of our early ancestors toward cooler parts of the world.
«This period of transformation has also witnessed a remarkable evolution in U.S.-Mexico security cooperation—an evolution that has clearly benefited U.S. national interests,» reads the report.
Evolution gave Esvelt a guide to how life works—»nothing makes sense in biology except in the light of evolution,» as the geneticist Theodosius Dobzhansky famously wrote.
One was that I was getting hooked on this other way of studying evolution, which involved looking at evolution in self-replicating computer programs, which was absolutely fascinating.
The other truly amazing thing we know is that this repeated independent evolution to adapt to these similar habitats is also seen in the evolution of their genomes.
If oceans are changing faster than coral can adapt via the normal processes of evolution, why not, these researchers argue, work out ways to speed up such evolution?
«This wasn’t an evolution of a gene, it was an evolution of when and where they were expressed, or how they were turned on and off,» says Werren.
In the first years of evolution, while the scooters were first developing their strategies to preserve battery life, their rate of evolution must have rivaled that of bacteria.
I think each album as been somewhat of an evolution, but I think this is a pretty significant leap forward for us—it’s an evolution in the sound.
That’s not what evolution had in mind (evolution doesn’t have a mind; don’t say that) for good ol’ Toxo, which spreads in cat feces or as a foodborne infection.
Every single star that has existed has contributed to this emission, and we can use it to learn all the details about star formation and evolution and galaxy evolution.
She says that bringing in a biologist who was a practicing Roman Catholic and public defender of evolution helped students understand that religion and evolution don’t need to clash.
The battle between healthspanners and immortalists is essentially a contest between the power of evolution as ordained by nature and the potential power of evolution as directed by man.
«You could see Ted Cruz’s evolution as similar to the NRA’s own evolution,» he says, as it abandoned gun regulations it once endorsed to embrace an increasingly hard-line view.
The pressures of evolution to adapt to certain environments and certain prey availabilities results in convergent evolution, meaning that a certain body shape and function will be optimal to survive.
A cursory search on Facebook will find dozens of instances in which posters refer to Evolution Fresh as Nigerian «poison» and urge others not to purchase any Evolution Fresh products.
For more than a century afterwards, little was learned about the evolution of language—even though evolution had become the standard explanation for nearly all biological phenomena, whether physical or behavioural.
The following year, the biologists Jack Lester King and Thomas Jukes published «Non-Darwinian Evolution,» an article that likewise emphasized the importance of random genetic changes in the course of evolution.
Humans can arrive at similar behaviours via biological evolution, and also through reinforcement learning or by imitating success, processes that are mathematically similar to biological evolution and lead to similar outcomes.
The centre, funded with 75 million pounds ($96.5 million) from the ICR, will «seek to meet the challenge of cancer evolution head on», Workman said, by blocking its process of evolution.
Of course, to suggest that evolution involves the unfolding of some purpose is to suggest that evolution has in some sense been heading somewhere — namely, toward the realization of its purpose.
Charles Perrault, who studies human and cultural evolution at Arizona State University, published a 2012 study based on archaeological artifacts that concluded human culture moves 50 percent faster than biological evolution.
» This season, David asked, «What evolution did you undergo?
Evolution is driven by random mutation — mistakes, not plans.
Giorgio Moroder — «Evolution (Roger Sanchez Extra Terrestrial Mix)» 11.
«, «If evolution is real, why aren’t we still gorillas?
Their paper was published today in Nature Ecology & Evolution.
One of the really exciting things about digital evolution is that it shows that we think of evolution as being about stuff with blood and guts and DNA and RNA and proteins.
By contrast, the mystery that’s surrounded William’s identity has always made justifying his specific character evolution less important than revealing the next layer of that evolution for the sake of plot twists.
They’re a mathematical way of understanding if our hypotheses about evolution make sense, but they’re not a direct observation of evolution itself, so it’s hard to use them to make definite conclusions.
An exhibit on human evolution titled «What makes us human?» looks at humanity&aposs evolution through the lens of cultural accomplishments: the harnessing of fire, innovation of tools, and development of agriculture.
Joseph Stromberg: In the US, when you tell a story about evolution, it inevitably brings controversy — we have an ongoing, very public debate between evolution and views of creation influenced by the Bible.
There are lots of different definitions, but for me it’s someone who thinks that we should incorporate technology into ourselves, to use technological evolution to push forward the evolution of the human animal.
Their findings suggest that afarensis had human and ape-like traits based on their selective advantage, which also shows the «mosaic nature» behind the evolution of walking upright and skeletal evolution, Alemseged said.
Because of the Scopes trial of 1925, not to mention more recent controversies about teaching evolution in public schools, we are accustomed to thinking of Darwin’s theory of evolution as antithetical to religion.
«What we have started to see is that there is a clear parallel evolution between the perception of this potential agreement with the Commission and the evolution of the market,» de Guindos said.
I think the evolution has really been in the conversation.
The discovery also sheds light on the evolution of feathers.
This was a clear demonstration of evolution by natural selection.
Life and its evolution on Earth continue to be mysterious.
Evolution can lead to some really strange new animal functions.
Trump is describing the evolution of the Republican plan backward.
Read on for more about her evolution over the years.
I have always wondered how homosexuality made it through evolution.
Maybe evolution hasn’t had enough time to tune the larynx.
We may be seeing the next evolution in digital media.
What if the ecorithms governing evolution and learning are unlearnable?
There’s an evolution there that had to happen for me.
And I think change and evolution is wonderful, it’s fantastic.
But the evolution of ENSO remains notoriously hard to predict.
Studying them can shed important light on early avian evolution.
It details, in beautiful detail, the evolution of the 911.
Laws do not, it seems, dictate the course of evolution.
Evolution bought a stake in Beyond Meat before the IPO.
Follow Cersei Lannister’s unique hair evolution — or lack thereof — ahead.
How did this fundamental constraint affect dinosaur evolution and behavior?
I’ve followed that dark evolution of internet culture ever since.
Progress in machine learning will be more like an evolution.
I think malt whiskey will go through that same evolution.
The Synthetic Pokémon Silvally is the evolution of Type: Null.
It is indeed changing, but by evolution rather than revolution.
We rely on tech products daily, and expect constant evolution.
He described the rapid evolution of the Conservatives under Johnson.
Ariana Grande is clearly locked into her Dangerous Woman evolution.
But what it said about human evolution was less clear.
Living organisms are shaped by evolution to survive and reproduce.
The author skilfully traces the evolution of Gandhi’s political beliefs.
«It may have to do with evolution,» says Dr. Greves.
As an #actuallivingscientist, I study the evolution of reproductive systems.
From Bacteria to Bach and Back: The Evolution of Minds.
It’s about the history of 4chan, the evolution of that.
Verducci was focused on the offensive evolution of the position.
GRAPHIC: Evolution of biggest ‘tail risk’ on BAML survey — tmsnrt.
The researchers’ findings have been published in Nature Ecology & Evolution.
The final song, «Petal» shows your evolution throughout the album.
«Evolution can do amazing things given enough time,» Austin said.
Others call it the next logical step in smartphone evolution.
Again, this is a theory of evolution, not conscious motivation.
The first big change is evolution of VC funding itself.
Of course, I had not seen intermediary stages, or evolution.
I have discovered that like leadership, motherhood is an evolution.
But fundamentally this is still Darwinian evolution at its core.
This psychological evolution amplified a broader change in the electorate.
Trump’s evolution in one of the world’s most scrutinized roles.
In Pakistan, evolution is only taught at the university level.
I doubt that it was selected for during insect evolution.
It’s a constant evolution of the intelligence of algorithmic systems.
Still, other biologists warn that seahorse evolution warrants further investigation.
Cara Delevingne’s beauty evolution is as bold as her brows.
But in science, it is just an evolution of understanding.
The new phone is mostly an evolution of its predecessor.
It’s an evolution and we’re in the middle of it.
Now, it’s ready for the next step in its evolution.
«The evolution or rollback of prohibition is inevitable,» he said.
When natural selection is strong, evolution can occur very rapidly.
But evolution takes its tempo from the world around it.
That evolution disappears under layers of a painting or drawing.
AM: Evolution of Man is an artwork and a statement.
Kaine’s evolution on reproductive rights has followed a similar trajectory.
Most likely, depression is some combination of evolution and modernity.
Evolution does not favor the strongest, the strong don’t survive.
Obama legitimized what he called an «evolution» on these issues.
Liberals weren’t crying wolf at earlier stages of that evolution.
AI and evolution had converged, independently, on the same solution.
There are always awful tradeoffs in the game of evolution.
Hard To Kill became the perfect title for our evolution.
Evolution looks all at once strange, gorgeous, and super creepy.
Now, another platform evolution — the mobile era — is upon us.
He does know evolution is true in most everyday contexts.
The notion of evolution would be inherently offensive to him.
Right now we’re seeing and experiencing the evolution of that.
The research was published in the journal Nature Ecology & Evolution.
Read This Next: The Secret Link Between Evolution and Depression
Now Facebook wants to make Libra the evolution of PayPal .
«It’s a restructuring, and maybe even an evolution,» says Armstrong.
But we have these desires because we’re products of evolution.
Trump is describing the evolution of the Republican plan backwards.
It’s a striking example of convergent evolution, separated by time.
Going public is a natural part of a company’s evolution.
Pandemics have shaped human evolution and society, argues Ms Shah.
«We’re assisting evolution,» explains Ruth Gates, who leads the research.
Upfront Ventures’ Greg Bettinelli wrote more about GOAT’s evolution here.
And even that necessary evolution has an eye on impact.
The next evolution seems to be combining these careers seamlessly.
Paul Ewald discusses this in «The Evolution of Infectious Disease».
The win marked an impressive evolution for the limited series.
This has implications for theories about the evolution of animals.
Consider an analogous revolution: the slow evolution of complex manufacturing.
One I remember was about evolution, which got very heated.
That evolution was most apparent in her Wellesley commencement speech.
There are so many forms a personal evolution can take.
«Webtoon: The Evolution of Korean Digital Comics,» Through May 31.
And it’s something that makes her beauty evolution especially compelling.
Newcrest Mining and Evolution Mining shed 2% and 2.8%, respectively.
The company’s evolution beyond digital payment’s isn’t unique to Paytm.
Parenthood is part of swimming’s evolution as an Olympic sport.
What does his evolution into a more sympathetic person symbolize?
Doeleman compared this process to the evolution of Hollywood movies.
The deal reflects the ongoing evolution of the investment business.
It would be a pretty natural evolution for the companies.
You know, our firm has gone through quite an evolution.
A. The evolution of the countertenor voice is not over.
Oladipo’s evolution as a playmaker is partially dependent on teammates.
They’re a big part of the evolution of dance music.
This is the next step in the evolution of Torres.
Chan has been studying the evolution and genetics of phages.
Our history in terms of stellar evolution is absolutely tiny.
We’re just waiting for the next evolution of the technology.
The more innovation we see, the faster the evolution goes.
First is the rapid technology evolution in the internet space.
FLEXN Evolution is performed by members of the D.R.E.A.M. Ring.
«In terms of evolution, this was on purpose,» said Kraft.
Read This Next: Evolution, Creationism, and the Great Appendix Debate
Our view is that society’s real issue is with evolution.
Gold miner Evolution Mining Ltd ended at a record high.
That’s why I love the $40 Cabeau Evolution S3 pillow.
Evolution of this area of law is necessary and inevitable.
But sitcoms were already undergoing an even more dramatic evolution.
She traces the evolution of food carts and street sweepers.
His work asks, why can’t photography undergo a similar evolution?
Today, evolution has left us with two main fish groups.
The study of rorqual evolution also defies simple Darwinian theories.
Other longtime businesses in the district, however, welcome the evolution.
It’s an odd evolution of the brand, to be sure.
See his epic style evolution, from start to finish, below.
A large part of that, yes, concerns your physical evolution.
Evolution of political systems, evolutions of culture and so on?
What role has discogs played in the evolution of vinyl?
It may have also fostered the evolution to big sizes.
There’s that particular way of arguing for evolution against creationism.
It marks an evolution in Mason’s idea of a novel.
Repeated evolution of the gene led to more effective antibodies.
Evolution, as we’ve long known, is often messy and complicated.
We humans were not shaped by evolution to identify truth.
Was your display chronological, showcasing the evolution of your collection?
Lawrence Lessig: The evolution of this project is quite funny.
Here’s why so many smart people don’t believe in evolution
It can tell you about a planet’s structure and evolution.
The evolution of our views on the democratic experiment involves
And what does this tell us about how evolution works?
Thus the females’ individual preferences, says Prum, help drive evolution.
It is central to the whole evolution of oil markets.
I am grateful for my body, a miracle of evolution.
«Evolution seems to consider vision vital to intelligence,» he says.
«This is the right evolution for our fund,» said Tisch.
Do we need to see dedication and evolution, and aspiration?
Urban environments can speed up the process of evolution. 15.
But no one exemplifies that evolution more than Paul Ryan.
The diversity of species creates an interesting picture of evolution.
Even his antic dancing traces a precise evolution of character.
Northern Star Resources gained 2.5%, while Evolution Mining rose 2.1%.
Her public self is not defined by her physical evolution.
And so I expect that kind of evolution in healthcare.
But the most important is the evolution of the character.
Clearly evolution has preserved hate as a powerful motivating force.
It is totally unexplained what caused this rapid emotional evolution.
In Australia, this evolution was best symbolized by Farhad Jabar.
It’s weird how human evolution goes in reverse in sports.
The marketing efforts haven’t fully caught up to the evolution.
The findings published Friday in the journal Nature Ecology & Evolution.
Do you feel like there’s a natural evolution to that?
Seven years of iPad evolution have led to this moment.
The play that validated Okwara’s evolution occurred against Wake Forest.
And sometimes, competition between species can cause extremes in evolution.
There was first a definite cultural evolution in the 2000s.
It was a very slow evolution to come to terms.
«Evolution as progress» became the bedrock of early social anthropology.
«It is the starting point of our evolution,» he said.
This means that positioning often tends to follow price evolution.
He personally cared little about the biology side of evolution.
The evolution of Overstock has been both deliberate and serendipitous.
«It’s part of the evolution of these businesses,» he said.
Their findings were published today in Nature Evolution and Ecology.
Commercial war is not the proper answer to this evolution.
His studies there helped him develop his theory of evolution.
Evolution reused the same genetic program over and over again.
And this ideal persisted throughout the evolution of Western culture.
She says it’s part of an evolution in her process.
«It became a natural evolution of the band,» Zuwadzhi says.
Koffing and its evolution, Weezing, are literally balls of gas.
Seel and its evolution, Dewgong, are just seals with horns.
Their evolution, geographic coverage and extinction are almost entirely mysterious.
Please tell me about the evolution of the period bit.
John StewartAustralian-based member of the Evolution, Complexity and Cognition group at the Free University of Brussels, author of The Evolutionary Manifesto and Evolution’s arrow: the direction of evolution and the future of humanity.
In his book, The Evolution of Beauty , Prum examines animals as aesthetic agents in their own lives and argues this capacity is woven into the very fabric of evolution through forces like sexual selection.
Nevertheless, people in the US trust scientists on GMOs even less than they do on vaccines, evolution, nuclear power, evolution, or climate science, according to studies by Lawrence Hamilton of the University of New Hampshire.
But I think what I forgot is that music listeners love to hear evolution as well—as long as you’re honest about that evolution and you’re not trying to jump on some sort of trend.
«Major islands such as Flores, Sulawesi, Luzon, and perhaps others as well, could have served as natural experiments in human evolution, and could throw new light on human evolution in general,» van den Bergh added.
In short, if you followed the evolution of the G.O.P.’s position on climate change (not that Republicans believe in evolution, either), you shouldn’t be surprised at the party’s intellectual and moral collapse under Trump.
It was a turning point in the acceptance of evolution in the U.S. In 1925, after Tennessee barred schools from teaching evolution, the American Civil Liberties Union offered to defend anyone who challenged the law.
It was a turning point in the acceptance of evolution in the U.S. In 1925, after Tennessee banned schools from teaching evolution, the American Civil Liberties Union offered to defend anyone who challenged the law.
It’s about the ways pandemics have altered the evolution of humans.
«This changes the way we conceive of molecular evolution,» Duchêne said.
Understanding these nuances was just part of my evolution as CEO.
Tell me, what inning are we in in the streaming evolution?
«The preservation of knowledge is the cornerstone of evolution,» Braquenier says.
That’s thought to be related to human evolution in northeast Africa.
It’s weird, because it’s so gradual, and it’s such an evolution.
It will feed the evolution of telecommunication empires like AT&T.
The study was published online in the journal Nature Ecology & Evolution.
To me that’s quite positive, it’s an evolution of your relationship.
His comments represent an evolution in Ottawa’s stance toward Saudi Arabia.
Our brains are the product of millions of years of evolution.
Yet, Evolution is a fittingly strange game for a strange franchise.
The great charm of Angry Birds Evolution is that it’s free.
Adaptation has long been seen as the hallmark of Darwinian evolution.
HaLow is the natural next step in the evolution of IoT.
She’s seen everything and she’s seen the evolution of the outfits.
Evolution by natural selection hinges on the mutability of the genome.
Nowhere is the Note’s cumulative evolution better represented than the camera.
Directed evolution was also behind Dr Smith’s and Sir Gregory’s contributions.
R-Evolution originally stood at the Burning Man Festival in 2015.
Now, researchers have unlocked some of the secrets of its evolution.
Uppercuts are, perhaps, the biggest evolution of the NBA Jam formula.
The next big shift in Reddit’s evolution may look quite familiar.
There’s no debate that 5G is a modest but important evolution.
Another part, he thinks, is something he has dubbed «technophysio evolution«.
MAVEN is an acronym for Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN mission.
But what really elevated YouTube was its evolution into a feed.
The stressful and demanding start of the trial forecast its evolution.
I mean, this is part of the evolution of life, generally.
«The evolution of the market has been interesting,» the banker said.
If production is delayed, so is the evolution of these products.
Consider how both human behavior and biology would influence its evolution.
And it’s not just Wonder Woman who’s gone through this evolution.
Regardless, Grande’s unpredictable evolution is the gift that keeps on giving.
The Nex Evolution will be released later this month for $79.99.
The Evolution of the West: How Christianity Has Shaped Our Values.
But the constant and continuous evolution of this tech is happening.
Click ahead to check out the First Man star’s impressive evolution.
And their evolution could very well be what ends LeBron’s run.
This is a troubling tactical evolution in the fight against terrorism.
We are in midst of a similar evolution with financial benefits.
As part of that evolution, more cars will be self-driving.
Creators: First, could you talk about your evolution as an artist?
As Darwin pointed out many years ago, evolution requires long timescales.
He adds there’s no reason to fear this, it’s just evolution.
Collins, however, doesn’t necessarily see this evolution as a positive thing.
It destroyed what would have been the normal evolution of supersonic.
«I’m not sure that evolution is necessarily her game,» she said.
Their style varies as the narrative progresses through Chan’s creative evolution.
«There will be an evolution in regulation, that’s certain,» he said.
A new curriculum has scrapped all references to Darwin and evolution.
Press play above to tag along on Gigi’s stunning beauty evolution.
The evolution of ovulation Certain species of mammals are reflex ovulators.
It’s like watching the evolution of a star about to combust.
You can check out the Netflix Twitter bio evolution right here.
Evolution in Hurricane Irma ensemble track forecasts from the European model.
DVR support was really just a natural evolution of the product.
Kipling did not ignore people in his quirky take on evolution.
In reality, it is not an evolution, it’s a different phenomenon.
This is a good thing — this is progress, this is evolution.
A project roadmap is published today in the journal Human Evolution.
Well, say hello to patches, the evolution we’ve been waiting for.
Consequently, their appearance during feather evolution is considered a major event.
It’s pure calculus—one enforced by the brutal demands of evolution.
The monster is an evolution of the one we’ve known before.
Thanks to modern medicine, biological evolution for humans has been circumvented.
«In a sense, we’re driving evolution [toward smaller individuals],» Payne said.
Evolution will stream live on Sunday, October 28, at 7 p.m.
I am honored to join the team and support its evolution.
And sovereign governments are increasingly driving the evolution of the industry.
Despite the faddishness, all these cheesy poses represent a telling evolution.
The GOP will continue its evolution into a white nationalist party.
Languages, like species, experience cycles of evolution, proliferation, and often extinction.
By supercharging the defenses that evolution crafted all on its own.
The program also made room for more difficult discussions, like evolution.
The Exponential Curve Most controversially, Teilhard saw a direction to evolution.
This evolution, barring a sale to a different studio, seems inevitable.
The slow evolution of presidential nomination process didn’t create a pageant.
Summit is experiencing an offline parallel to Facebook’s own rocky evolution.
That was my first level of evolution for the Caesar salad.
He identified three phases in what he sees as 5G’s evolution.
That thought is supported by analysis of the evolution of fungi.
«We couldn’t monitor the evolution of their metabolic health,» Lassale said.
There’s really an evolution and transformation and becoming that takes place.
But they were there to show Rory’s evolution as a character.
«It’s really been a six-year evolution for us,» Condrey said.
Melanie Galloway is the Chief Operating Officer of Evolution Wellness, LLC.
Why it matters: The rapid evolution of flowers mystified Charles Darwin.
I believe in LeBron James more than I believe in evolution.
We’re living through an evolution from industrial economics to digital economics.
But the further evolution of global governance faces a big obstacle.
But there’s an immense pressure that exists within that evolution, too.
We believe our role will help the evolution of the country.
The Overview Effect: Space Exploration and Human Evolution – Frank White 2920.
This performance and Unorthodox Jukebox signalled an evolution in Bruno Mars.
«I think this is an evolution,» said pro surfer Alex Gray.
«There’s been an evolution,» one House GOP aide said of Mattis.
«The universe is not uniform; evolution is not uniform,» said Belczynski.
As Florida and Virginia have shown, this evolution unmoors political allegiances.
He believes GoPro is on the verge of a major evolution.
«Why Only Us» purports to explain the evolution of human language.
Music libraries transitioning to online services is a perfectly natural evolution.
This is very reminiscent of that and an evolution of that.
Newcrest Mining shed 0.4 percent, while Evolution Mining declined 3.5 percent.
Gillibrand will likely be pressed on this evolution during her campaign.
But first, it’s important to understand the evolution of this case.
The electronics ban could be the next evolution of those threats.
The evolution of status symbols is related to their public perception.
And so there’s been a small evolution, but no «death» here.
The steppingstone’s potential can be seen by analogy with biological evolution.
Journalist and author Gaia Vince explains how «cultural evolution» shapes society.
Across the country, many law schools were undergoing a similar evolution.
I like the evolution, but it is getting a little pricier.
Evolution, by contrast, is a body blow to evangelical Christians’ worldview.
There was no mention of new Evolution Kits at CES 2016.
Technological evolution without global institutions will send humanity back to tribalism.
In a globally connected economy, money and influence follow that evolution.
For him, it’s a representation of the evolution of the space.
Other evidence for his thesis includes convergent evolution, which happens when
Evolution Mining lost 4.2 percent and Newcrest Mining fell 0.4 percent.
The evolution of the American health-care system and interesting roots.
Another significant change is the evolution of Siri, Apple’s voice assistant.
The evolution of fungi has radiated into so many different directions.
The display captures the strange overlap in evolution that allowed interbreeding.
Wilder told Business Insider this evolution is just down to experience.
They reported their findings Monday in the journal Nature Ecology & Evolution.
It sheds light on a little known period of primate evolution.
This long-awaited biography traces Shirley Jackson’s evolution as an artist.
Their co-evolution will shape world history for decades to come.
RED BANK Esperanza Spalding presents Emily’s D+Evolution, funk and rock.
But when it comes to human evolution, things are more complicated.
Paradoxically, the evolution may have its roots in the Democratic Party.
To some degree, Joe Biden’s political career has been about evolution.
He said he’s proud of Wong’s evolution over the past year.
Are bands like these essential to the evolution of a genre?
I think most evolutionary scientists would say our evolution has slowed.
Talk to Kai-Fu Lee about the evolution of artificial intelligence.
It’s all right — spacecraft developing a patina is a charming evolution.
And that’s really the next evolution we’re seeing in the industry.
Below this collage is an evolution of Araeen’s earlier truss-work.
Read more: HOLY BATMAN: The 75-Year Evolution Of The Batsuit 
Fiat’s bold logo evolution has been marked by many drastic redesigns.
But certainly, I would prefer to have evolution going on forever.
She is also deeply reflective about her evolution as an artist.
It will cost $90,000 to move R-Evolution and install it.
Somewhere in the course of evolution, the gene had become dormant.
Tacticool is the byproduct of a long evolution in gun design.
One is Apple’s continued evolution of Siri, its voice-based assistant.
Fujimori tracks these two contrasting sensibilities through Japanese modern architecture’s evolution.
That was a revolution, but this is an evolution, he said.
The discovery is a big deal for scientists studying galactic evolution.
I remember devouring books about dinosaurs, outer space, geology and evolution.
We can see a change in Mr. Modi’s own evolution here.
The extradition bill is the next evolution in this repressive trend.
We have a lot of illusion of evolution at the moment.
«The real reason for this is self-directed evolution,» Koene says.
Melting is a normal process in the constant evolution of glaciers.
Some critics loved this evolution, and the wines became more expensive.
Their research was published Monday in the journal Nature Ecology & Evolution.
Our video team examined the evolution of the Trump-Cohen relationship.
In the exhibition, you can see the evolution of her thinking.
The evolution from boyhood to manhood isn’t something that naturally happens.
Opinion She recounts her evolution to feminist in her new memoir.
The discovery adds growing complexity to the story of human evolution.
Some rappers are afforded evolution, but it is a steep climb.
They had a wide-ranging conversation about politics, poverty and evolution.
This shift was most explicit in the evolution of resort advertising.
The evolution in Australia has occurred largely over the last decade.
The exhibition charts the evolution and globalization of contemporary Chinese art.
Look to the band’s performance tonight for signs of further evolution.
If anything, it further complicates our understanding of early hominin evolution.
«Evolution can be two steps forward, one step backward,» Wong said.
But Ms. Kuby was blunt about what was behind the evolution.
Here’s a look back at Trump’s evolution over the two months.
«We believe in rapid evolution,» Mr. Musk said in an interview.
The judgment offered a glimpse into the evolution of the cult.
But the evolution on that issue has just moved very fast.
Over at Stand, we were pleasantly surprised with the brand’s evolution.
Second, the mismatch between causes and responses is rooted in evolution.
We will embrace progressive causes, but we prefer evolution, not revolution.
It’s part of the evolution of the system they have built.
«We are looking at an evolution that will likely take decades.»
A somewhat similar industrial evolution occurred soon after in solar energy.
THE EVOLUTION OF EVERYTHING: How New Ideas Emerge, by Matt Ridley.
This is a natural evolution from product recommendations to predictive shipping.
He has also repeatedly insisted that evolution is just a theory.
Mewtwo Strikes Back—Evolution will arrive on Netflix on February 27th.
This doesn’t imply that evolution itself has a purpose, of course.
Losses were led by Evolution Mining, which tumbled more than 6%.
Newscrest Mining fell 1.1 percent, while Evolution Mining lost 4.2 percent.
After that, evolution sped up, and all kinds of species appeared.
«China has come through an extraordinary evolution,» Mr. Douglas-Hamilton said.
Is there a natural evolution in your mind from What If?
The evolution of that science was haphazard and often comically unscientific.
«It’s the next step in the evolution of audio,» Aronson said.
The evolution of Trump’s Middle Eastern and ISIS strategies is bewildering.
Already there’s a term for this sort of effort: assisted evolution.
Top miner Newcrest Mining fell 1.8%, while Evolution Mining dropped 1%.
The smaller-format store is a further evolution of the idea.
The Jebel Irhoud fossil captures a moment in time of evolution.
But those are just mere transactions, footnotes in the digital evolution.
» Read the cover story «How Beauty Is Making Scientists Rethink Evolution.
So Valverde will bring these new ideas with a little evolution.
That evolution followed several paths, but two in particular stand out.
Is that intentional on your part, or just a natural evolution?
But evolution can’t come without a genuine effort to seek atonement.
Their findings are published in the journal Nature Ecology and Evolution.
It’s just the next stage of The Front Bottoms’ natural evolution.
Human beings are built by evolution to transmit and assimilate culture.
Both were substantial albums and a clear evolution of each artist.
Yeah, I really think there’s been an evolution since November 24.
His Sober Evolution website has also become a popular online resource.
Together, they all served to piece together Arthurs’ online extremist evolution.
Richard Prum’s book «The Evolution of Beauty» is available for purchase.
Individual human beings don’t live long enough to observe the process of natural evolution, but technological evolution works on a whole different scale and pace, and is a wonderful sight to behold for anyone paying attention.
The more I talked to him, the more I became interested in the science itself, which led me to talk to more scientists who studied hummingbirds and evolution, particularly the kind of evolution called sexual selection.

Antonym: devolution. Similar words: revolutionary, resolution, pollution, execution, prosecution, institution, distribution, contribution. Meaning: [‚iːvə’luːʃn]  n. 1. a process in which something passes by degrees to a different stage (especially a more advanced or mature stage) 2. (biology) the sequence of events involved in the evolutionary development of a species or taxonomic group of organisms. 

1, He is absorbed in the evolution of the story.

2, Huxley was an exponent of Darwin’s theory of evolution.

3, In the course of evolution, some birds have lost the power of flight.

4, Evolution can explain the past, but it can never predict the future.

5, The space program is the evolution of years of research.

6, Love the evolution of such failure, leaving only that deep helpless.

7, Darwin’s theory of evolution was a watershed dividing the old way of thinking from the new.

8, Our political institutions are in continuous evolution.

9, The evolution of the human species.

10, A cultural and social evolution now becomes rapid.

11, In politics(, evolution is better than revolution.

12, In politics Britain has preferred evolution to revolution .

13, The shark is a masterpiece of evolution.

14, Darwin eventually put forward a model of biological evolution.

15, Society has entered a technological phase of evolution.

16, Genetic evolution is necessarily slow.

17, Evolution proceeds by a series of small changes.

18, We think about the evolution of bipedalism as one of first events that led hominids down the path to being human.

19, The evolution of human life was a gradual,[] cumulative process.

20, His views on evolution are strongly contested by other scientists.

21, In the tiger, evolution has produced a perfect hunting machine.

22, Religious traditionalists objected to theories of evolution being taught in schools.

23, Darwin’s theories about evolution were denounced by many people.

24, Such continuous variables foster continuous and gradual evolution.

25, Very broadly, however, its general evolution is unmistakable.

26, Natural selection is a key element of Darwin’s theory of evolution.

27, We’re dealing with probably the biggest missing link in what we know about human evolution.

28, Darwin viewed the struggle for existence as being the major promoter of evolution.

29, Fossil records indicate that Africa was the cradle of early human evolution.

30, In effect, Parsons presents us with a beguilingly simple outline of social evolution.

эволюция, развитие, перестроение, развертывание, постепенное изменение, маневр


- развитие; процесс изменения, роста

the evolution of the child [of the drama, of a language] — развитие ребёнка [драматургии, языка]

- эволюция, постепенное развитие

Theory of Evolution — теория эволюции, дарвинизм
the evolution of one species out of another — развитие одного вида из другого, превращение одного вида в другой

- развитие, развёртывание (мысли, сюжета, аргументации и т. п.)

the evolution of the ages — ход истории

- изгибы, завитки

the evolutions of an arabesque pattern — причудливые изгибы, арабески

- фигуры (в танцах и т. п.)
- воен., мор. перестроение; манёвр, передвижение
- мат. извлечение корня
- выделение (газа, тепла)
- образование (дыма)

Мои примеры


an important step in the evolution of computers — важный шаг в развитии компьютерной техники  
one of the key axioms of the theory of evolution — одна из основных аксиом теории эволюции  
historical evolution — историческое развитие  
social evolution — развитие общества  
evolution of river bed — русловой процесс  
evolution of strategic plans — процесс изменения стратегических планов  
evolution of the ages — ход истории  
evolution of the margin — эволюция разницы  
evolution of vapor — парообразование  
evolution of vapour — парообразование  
evolution operators — операторы эволюции  
evolution stage — стадия развития; этап эволюции  

Примеры с переводом

Evolution is advance from the simple to the complex.

Эволюция представляет собой развитие от простого к сложному.

Darwin’s theory of evolution

теория эволюции Дарвина

They study the evolution of the universe.

Они изучают эволюцию Вселенной.

The shark is a masterpiece of evolution.

Акула — это шедевр эволюции.

We have developed a new theory of evolution.

Мы разработали новую теорию эволюции.

Telepathy is theoretically the next stage in the evolution of language.

Теоретически телепатия — это следующая стадия в эволюции языка.

Human beings are not the end-all of evolution.

Человеческие существа не являются конечным звеном эволюции.

ещё 12 примеров свернуть

Возможные однокоренные слова

  • Dictionary
  • E
  • Evolution


    • US Pronunciation
    • US IPA
    • UK Pronunciation
    • UK IPA
    • ˌe-və-ˈlü-shən, ˌē-və-
    • /ˌiː.vəˈluː.ʃən/
    • US Pronunciation
    • US IPA
    • ˌe-və-ˈlü-shən, ˌē-və-

Definitions of evolution word

  • noun evolution The process by which different kinds of living organisms are thought to have developed and diversified from earlier forms during the history of the earth. 2
  • noun evolution genetic change 1
  • noun evolution development 1
  • uncountable noun evolution Evolution is a process of gradual change that takes place over many generations, during which species of animals, plants, or insects slowly change some of their physical characteristics. 0
  • variable noun evolution Evolution is a process of gradual development in a particular situation or thing over a period of time. 0
  • noun evolution a gradual change in the characteristics of a population of animals or plants over successive generations: accounts for the origin of existing species from ancestors unlike them 0

Information block about the term

Parts of speech for Evolution

evolution popularity

A common word. It’s meaning is known to most children of preschool age. About 93% of English native speakers know the meaning and use the word.

Most Europeans know this English word. The frequency of it’s usage is somewhere between «mom» and «screwdriver».

Synonyms for evolution

noun evolution

  • development — Development is the gradual growth or formation of something.
  • fruition — attainment of anything desired; realization; accomplishment: After years of hard work she finally brought her idea to full fruition.
  • growth — the act or process, or a manner of growing; development; gradual increase.
  • progress — a movement toward a goal or to a further or higher stage: the progress of a student toward a degree.
  • progression — the act of progressing; forward or onward movement.

Antonyms for evolution

noun evolution

  • regression — the act of going back to a previous place or state; return or reversion.
  • decrease — When something decreases or when you decrease it, it becomes less in quantity, size, or intensity.
  • lessening — to become less.
  • reduction — the act of reducing or the state of being reduced.
  • shrinkage — the act or fact of shrinking.

Top questions with evolution

  • what is evolution?
  • what is long term evolution?
  • what is the best eevee evolution?
  • why evolution is true?
  • what is convergent evolution?
  • what does evolution mean?
  • what is the theory of evolution?
  • how does natural selection lead to evolution?
  • what is biological evolution?
  • why evolution is wrong?
  • what is divergent evolution?
  • why are vestigial structures considered critical evidence of evolution?
  • how do vestigial structures provide evidence for evolution?
  • which evolution of eevee is best?
  • how does evolution work?

See also

  • All definitions of evolution
  • Synonyms for evolution
  • Antonyms for evolution
  • Sentences with the word evolution
  • Words that rhyme with evolution
  • evolution pronunciation
  • The plural of evolution
  • The adjective of evolution

Matching words

  • Words starting with e
  • Words starting with ev
  • Words starting with evo
  • Words starting with evol
  • Words starting with evolu
  • Words starting with evolut
  • Words starting with evoluti
  • Words starting with evolutio
  • Words starting with evolution
  • Words ending with n
  • Words ending with on
  • Words ending with ion
  • Words ending with tion
  • Words containing the letters e
  • Words containing the letters e,v
  • Words containing the letters e,v,o
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  • Words containing the letters e,v,o,l,u
  • Words containing the letters e,v,o,l,u,t
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  • Words containing evolu
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