Sentences with the word everybody

Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word everybody, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use everybody in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «everybody». In addition, we also show how different variations of everybody can be used, the variations for which we also have example sentences are everybody’s. If you click on the variation of everybody that you are interested in, you will be taken to the list of example sentences for that particular form.

Everybody in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word everybody in a sentence.

  1. The police were hitting everybody.

  2. Kennedy asked Romero, «Is everybody OK?

  3. Kyle hit it, and everybody freaked out.

  4. He was brilliant, way above everybody else.».

  5. Not everybody was satisfied with the verdict.

  6. He gave to everybody and demanded very little.

  7. But the truth was, it was pretty much everybody.

  8. However, not everybody appreciated the Edwards act.

  9. He was an inspiration to everybody else around him.

  10. The reason and the rule must be equal for everybody.

  11. It will stick to the memory of everybody who reads it».

  12. Not everybody was enthusiastic about Kalākaua’s journey.

  13. It was like throwing a bucket of cold water over everybody.

  14. Notable catchphrases include Yakko’s «Goodnight, everybody!

  15. Why should I do it, just because everybody else is doing it?

  16. Please lets do what he wanted and have everybody be happy too.

  17. People were screaming, everybody started dancing, it was great.

  18. It’s a whole new surface and everybody starts from ground zero.

  19. He shared Skelton’s view that «what everybody owns nobody owns».

  20. We wanted to give everybody a sense of how big the Kalahari is.».

  21. It has taught equality of man, justice and fair play to everybody.

  22. And the singing, the organ, the Queen, just everything and everybody.

  23. Not everybody, not every kid gets to go back to Bloomington, Illinois.

  24. The next day, 2 December 1942, everybody assembled for the experiment.

  25. This might help to convince everybody that the next war would be fatal.

  26. Jupiter insists on a minuet, which everybody else finds boring («La la la.

  27. Nobody wanted to move, and everybody argued in favor of their own location.

  28. We raised a glass of champagne, but everybody was actually a little antsy.».

  29. He was a wonderful man and will be deeply missed by everybody in the country.

  30. Long ago in the north, below from the Place of Emergence, everybody came out.

  31. He owned the stage and had everybody doing exactly what he wanted them to do.

  32. George tries to cheer everybody up, but finds himself as scared as the others.

  33. It seems that there is one rule for him and another for everybody else at times.

  34. Avoiding strenuous work or having air conditioning is not possible for everybody.

  35. But all this did not offend at all, but rather charmed everybody into liking Fermi.

  36. I don’t feel (the late change in plate size) is a very fair situation for everybody.

  37. When she spoke, everybody stopped slapping mosquitoes and more or less came to order.

  38. They were angrier than I guess they had ever been, because everybody else had rioted..

  39. Jokes involving such innuendo would often end with Yakko telling «Goodnight, everybody!

  40. He said, «The fans are down on me and I’d do everybody a lot more good by being traded».

  41. The alarm was raised by one of the students, and everybody present was evacuated to safety.

  42. Hanna was a tall man; Davenport exaggerated this trait, in part by shrinking everybody else.

  43. Practically this meant that all would go down with the ship or that everybody would be saved.

  44. Big foaming waves fifteen or twenty feet high thundering over the cockpit, drenching everybody.

  45. I felt like I had to not give up any runs and throw a shutout every time out and wow everybody.

  46. In addition, everybody received $3.60 per month ($57 per month as of 2021) as a clothing allowance.

  47. This man at least wishes to make everybody happy, and everything he has done has been benevolent.».

  48. Terry McGinn, who was present at the meeting, stated later that Bagley «told everybody what to say.

  49. My personal wish would be for everybody in the Empire to spend an hour or so with the King and Queen.

  50. He was admired by everybody for his bravery and straightforward, patriotic devotion to his country.».

Everybody’s in a sentence

Everybody’s is a variation of everybody, below you can find example sentences for everybody’s.

  1. If he’s successful, everybody’s happy.

  2. Dad said: ‘Look, everybody’s going over the turnstiles.

  3. To everybody’s astonishment and indescribable relief, the audience gave him a standing ovation.

  4. We were talking about actually picking dates, and it just ended up not working out because everybody’s so busy.

  5. MacArthur’s refusal to campaign badly hurt his chances and it was won to everybody’s surprise by Harold Stassen.

  6. King confirmed that the band would continue, saying «Jeff is going to be in everybody’s thoughts for a long time.

  7. Nobody could throw it like he did, but now, you talk about the evolution of the cutter—just ask hitters about it and they tell you everybody’s throwing one.

  8. Douglas later wrote, «My colleague Art Marshall said that with [the words «River of Grass»] I changed everybody’s knowledge and educated the world as to what the Everglades meant».

  9. To have Opie’s Shakespeare, Northcote’s Shakespeare, light headed Fuseli’s Shakespeare, wooden-headed West’s Shakespeare, deaf-headed Reynolds’ Shakespeare, instead of my and everybody’s Shakespeare.

  10. Kenny Buttrey recalled, «If you notice that record, that thing after like the second chorus starts building and building like crazy, and everybody’s just peaking it up ’cause we thought, Man, this is it ..

General information about «everybody» example sentences

The example sentences for the word everybody that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «everybody» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «everybody».

Дорогой ученик! В этом материале мы подготовили предложения со словами everybody – каждый, все; everything – всё . Все предложения составлены с переводом.

Примеры предложений со словом everybody

  1. Everybody knows Tom.
    Все знают Тома.
  2. Everybody is sad.
    Все грустят.
  1. Have you asked everybody?
    Вы всех спросили?
  2. Everybody knows the truth.
    Все знают правду.
  3. She knew everybody in the room.
    Она знала всех в комнате.
  4. Everybody enjoyed the concert.
    Концерт всем понравился.
  5. Everybody has arrived.
    Все приехали.

Примеры предложений со словом everything

  1. The thieves took everything.
    Воры забрали все.
  2. Is everything all right?
    Все хорошо?
  3. Petr and I do everything together.
    Мы с Петром все делаем вместе.
  4. Are you doing everything possible to reduce your budget?
    Вы делаете все возможное, чтобы сократить бюджет?
  5. She says everything is going smoothly.
    Она говорит, что все идет гладко.
  6. She seemed to have everything – looks, money, intelligence.
    Казалось, у нее есть все – внешность, деньги, интеллект.
  7. My family means everything to me.
    Моя семья значит для меня все.
  8. You can’t blame him for everything.
    Вы не можете винить его во всем.

все, каждый, всякий


- каждый, всякий человек; все; все общество

Мои примеры


in full view of everybody — у всех на виду  
everybody knows this — все это знают  
does everybody know about the change? — все ли знают об этом изменении?  
everybody does not want to go — не все хотят уходить  
everybody does not like him — он не всем нравится  
he knows everybody who is anybody — ирон. он знает всех, кого следует знать  
to exact obedience from everybody — добиться всеобщего послушания  
be in the debt of everybody — быть перед всеми в долгу  
to everybody’s delight — к общему удовольствию  
at outs with everybody — со всеми на ножах; со всеми в ссоре  

Примеры с переводом

Everybody is sad.

Все грустят.

Everybody hates to hear bad news.

Никто не любит узнавать плохие новости ( досл: Все ненавидят …).

The president waved to everybody in the crowd.

Президент помахал каждому в толпе.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Guess everybody loves recognition and attention.

С одной стороны, конечно, все любят внимание и признание.

Today nearly everybody uses computers more or less frequently.

Сейчас уже все смирились с тем, что компьютерными системы более или менее часто ведут себя неправильно.

Wise words that everybody should pay attention to.

И мы считаем, что это мудрые слова, на которые должны обратить внимание все.

Because everybody gets sick, which means one day everybody ends up here.

Потому что болеют все, а значит когда-нибудь все попадут сюда.

If everybody is wealthy, then everybody is poor.

Если бы все были богаты, то все были бы бедны.

Of course everybody, or almost everybody likes bonuses.

Все или почти все любят домашние пельмени.

Not everybody agreed but that’s democracy.

Я был согласен не со всеми решениями, но это и есть демократия.

They say everybody in prison is innocent.

Кажется, я уже говорил, что в тюрьме каждый считает себя невиновным.

Hence the nervous tension which affected everybody.

Поэтому было и нервное напряжение, которое повлияло на всех по -разному.

Check that everybody has left the building.

It would be fun for everybody anyway.

Однако, в любом случае, она была бы развлекательной для остальных».

Eventually, everybody was their enemy.

И, в конце концов, каждый из них стал твоим врагом.

You knew everybody, and everybody was friendly.

Его знали все, и со всеми он был в дружеских отношениях.

Climate change will affect everybody but everybody is not equally vulnerable.

Изменение климата, несомненно, повлияет на всех людей, однако не все люди будут одинаково уязвимыми.

I think as if now everybody loves everybody.

A community where everybody helps everybody.

I also think everybody should pay for media, just as everybody pays for food.

Я также думаю, что каждый должен платить за информацию, так же, как все платят за еду.

Capitalism is a system under which everybody has the chance of acquiring wealth; it gives everybody unlimited opportunity.

Капитализм — это система, в которой у каждого есть шанс приобрести богатство; она предоставляет каждому неограниченные возможности.

I took a portrait of everybody, and asked everybody to make a funny face.

Я фотографировал портрет каждого, и просил их сделать смешные лица.

Yes, but everybody dances with everybody.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат everybody

Результатов: 60156. Точных совпадений: 60156. Затраченное время: 143 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

  • 1

    everybody [ˊevrɪbɒdɪ]

    pron indef.

    ка́ждый, вся́кий (челове́к); все;

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > everybody

  • 2

    Персональный Сократ > everybody

  • 3

    1. indef pron каждый, всякий; все

    2. indef pron все, всё общество

    Синонимический ряд:

    2. all (other) all; all and sundry; each and every person; everyone; one and all

    English-Russian base dictionary > everybody

  • 4

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > everybody

  • 5



    1) каждый, всякий (человек); все

    not everybody can understand it — не каждый может /не все могут/ это понять

    everybody knows this — все это знают; это каждый знает

    everybody who comes here admires the scenery — все, кто сюда приходит, любуются этим видом

    I was late, everybody else was early — я опоздал, все остальные пришли рано

    does everybody know about the change? — все ли знают об этом изменении?

    2) все, всё общество

    everybody will be there — там будут все, там будет весь свет /всё общество/

    3) () (не) все

    НБАРС > everybody

  • 6

    ˈevrɪbɔdɪ мест.;
    неопред. каждый, всякий (человек) ;
    все everybody is sad ≈ все грустят Syn: everyone
    каждый, всякий (человек) ;
    все — not * can understand it не каждый может /не все могут/ это понять — * knows this все это знают;
    это каждый знает — * who comes here admires the scenery все, кто сюда приходит, любуются этим видом — I was late, * else was early я опоздал, все остальные пришли рано — does * know about the change? все ли знают об этом изменении? все, все общество — * will be there там будут все, там будет весь свет /все общество/ — he knows * who is anybody( ироничное) он знает всех, кого следует знать с гл. в отриц. форме: (не) все — * does not want to go не все хотят уходить — * does not like him он не всем нравится
    everybody pron indef. каждый, всякий (человек) ;
    everybody is happy все счастливы everyone: everyone =everybody
    everybody pron indef. каждый, всякий (человек) ;
    everybody is happy все счастливы

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > everybody

  • 7


    everybody pron indef. каждый, всякий (человек); все; everybody is happy все счастливы everyone: everyone =everybody everybody pron indef. каждый, всякий (человек); все; everybody is happy все счастливы

    English-Russian short dictionary > everybody

  • 8

    каждый, все
    (1). Местоимение everybody, как и everyone, обычно употребляется в отношении кого-то из многочисленной группы людей.
    (2). Everybody согласуется с глаголом в единственном числе:

    Everybody is at home — Все дома.

    (3). В разделительных вопросах типа Everybody is at home, aren’t they? в вопросной части употребляется личное местоимение третьего лица множественного числа и глагол в форме множественного числа.
    (4). See anybody, .
    (5). See anything, .

    English-Russian word troubles > everybody

  • 9


    — Употребление местоимений и в качестве существительных см. all, 1.

    English-Russian grammar dictionary > everybody

  • 10

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > everybody

  • 11



    каждый, всякий человек; все

    Everybody is sad. — Все грустят.



    [ref dict=»LingvoGrammar (En-Ru)»]everybody[/ref]

    Англо-русский современный словарь > everybody

  • 12

    pron. indef.

    каждый, всякий (человек); все; everybody is happy все счастливы

    * * *

    * * *

    каждый, всякий (человек); все

    * * *


    * * *



    * * *

    мест.; неопред.
    каждый, всякий (человек)

    Новый англо-русский словарь > everybody

  • 13

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > everybody

  • 14

    Англо-русский технический словарь > everybody

  • 15

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > everybody

  • 16


    каждый, всякий; все

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > everybody

  • 17



    каждый, все

    2000 самых употребительных английских слов > everybody

  • 18

    English-Russian dictionary of technical terms > everybody

  • 19

    English-Russian smart dictionary > everybody

  • 20

    English-Russian base dictionary > everybody’s


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • Everybody — or everyone may refer to:* Everyone , an Entertainment Software Rating Board rating suggesting that a computer or video game may be suitable for ages 6 and older. *Any of several songs and albums: **Everyone (album), by Reuben Morgan **Everybody… …   Wikipedia

  • Everybody — может встречаться в следующих разделах: Альбомы Ингрид Майклсон The Sea and Cake Gods Child Песни «Everybody» (песня DJ BoBo) «Everybody» (песня Леонида Руденко) «Everybody» (песня Мадонны) «Everybody» (песня Танеля Падара и Дэйва Бентона)… …   Википедия

  • Everybody — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda El término «Everybody» puede hacer referencia a: «Everybody», canción de Madonna, del álbum Madonna; «Everybody», canción de Britney Spears, del álbum Blackout; o «Everybody», canción ganadora del Festival de… …   Wikipedia Español

  • everybody — has been written as one word since the 19c, and alternates with everyone with no difference in meaning. Both words take a singular verb, but pronouns in the continuation of the sentence are often plural to denote neutrality of gender: • Everybody …   Modern English usage

  • Everybody — Ev er*y*bod y, n. Every person. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • everybody — late 14c., from EVERY (Cf. every) + BODY (Cf. body) …   Etymology dictionary

  • everybody — / everyone [n] all involved, all human beings; the whole world all, all and sundry*, anybody, each one, each person, every person, generality, masses, people, populace, the public, the whole, young and old*; concept 417 Ant. nobody/noone …   New thesaurus

  • everybody — ► PRONOUN ▪ every person …   English terms dictionary

  • everybody — [ev′rē bäd΄ē, ev′rēbud΄ē] pron. every person; everyone …   English World dictionary

  • everybody — eve|ry|bod|y [ evri,badi ] pronoun *** everyone: Has everybody remembered to bring a pen and notebook? Everybody likes birthday cake. everybody else: Bill had the courage to say out loud what everybody else in the room was thinking …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • everybody */*/*/ — UK [ˈevrɪˌbɒdɪ] / US [ˈevrɪˌbɑdɪ] pronoun everyone Has everybody remembered to bring a pen and notebook? Everybody likes birthday cake. everybody else: Bill had the courage to say out loud what everybody else in the room was thinking …   English dictionary

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