Sentences with the word emotional

  • Dictionary
  • E
  • Emotional
  • Sentences
  • I needed this man’s love, and the emotional support he was giving me.
  • It’s a very emotional issue. How can you advocate selling the ivory from elephants?
  • An emotional Melbourne president Jim Stynes reveals he is suffering from cancer and will take a break from his position with the Demons.
  • Read on to learn more about boundary issues and healing emotional abuse.
  • He is a very emotional man.
  • An emotional piece of music
  • We used EFT on the emotional components of her disease.
  • Laura Lewis-Barr is a corporate trainer specializing in emotional intelligence, customer service, presentation skills, interpersonal communication.
  • An emotional argument
  • emotional crisis
  • emotional decision
  • emotional speech
  • She’s an emotional person.
  • emotional greeting

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Socialization of the emotional sphere of a child is connected with the mechanisms of emotional synchrony and emotional decentration.

Thus, emotional feeding increased emotional eating, and emotional eating increased emotional feeding.

I am comfortable without close emotional relationships.

«Я чувствую себя вполне комфортно, и не имея близких эмоциональных отношений с кем-либо.

If the issue is emotional, address it on an emotional level.

The individual emotional fields make up the collective emotional field of our planet.

Как я знаю, наши человеческие эмоциональные поля (тела) входят в коллективное эмоциональное поле планеты.

Of our emotional stability, of our emotional boundaries, of our own emotional needs.

This is not emotional validation since emotional validation offers opportunities for emotional expression.

The learning process helps the students to increase their emotional competence and understand their emotional processes in order to understand the emotional processes within others.

On the one hand, a rich emotional palette provides a more adequate emotional behavior of the child.

С одной стороны богатая эмоциональная палитра обеспечивает более адекватное эмоциональное поведение ребенка.

So, balance and harmony return to our emotional life and emotional condition.

But using emotional courage builds your emotional courage.

The essence of emotional development of a person in adolescence as a ratio of progressive and regressive emotional manifestations is shown.

Показана сущность эмоционального развития личности в подростковом возрасте как соотношение прогрессивных и регрессивных эмоциональных проявлений.

Some researchers that area, the ability to manage emotional sphere are allocated separately and identifies them as emotional intelligence.

Некоторыми исследователями данной области, способности в управлении эмоциональной сферой выделяются отдельно и определяются ими как эмоциональный интеллект.

Unfortunately, emotional hunger does not solve emotional problems.

Constantly caring of satisfying emotional needs of the child and to fill up his emotional tank.

Постоянно заботясь о том, чтобы удовлетворить эмоциональные потребности ребенка и пополнять его эмоциональный резервуар.

The real benefits are emotional, and so the process is all about assessing your emotional relationship to each thing.

Реальные преимущества эмоциональны, поэтому весь процесс заключается в том, чтобы оценить свои эмоциональные отношения с каждой вещью.

The fact that you can accept your emotional states, even if they are negative, shows emotional intelligence.

Тот факт, что вы можете принять свои эмоциональные состояния, даже если они отрицательные, указывает на наличие эмоционального интеллекта.

It has also been found that improved coordination in turn improves emotional regulation and the ability to suppress negative emotional reactions to events.

Также было установлено, что улучшенная координация в свою очередь улучшает эмоциональную регуляцию и способность подавлять негативные эмоциональные реакции на события.

If you are fundamentally an emotional person, emotional rapport will be the most important aspect of any relationship you have.

Если вы принципиально эмоциональный человек, эмоциональная связь будет наиболее важным аспектом любого отношения у вас.

It is necessary to instill the skills of self-regulation of emotional outbursts, that is, emotional control.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат emotional

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

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Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

эмоциональный, волнующий, взволнованный


- связанный с эмоциями, эмоциональный

emotional disturbance /disorder/ — нервное расстройство
emotional instability /imbalance/ — эмоциональная неустойчивость, быстрая смена настроения
emotional stress — сильные эмоции, душевные переживания; нервное напряжение

- эмоциональный, впечатлительный; нервный

she’s an emotional woman easily upset by any disturbance — она женщина впечатлительная /нервная/ и легко теряет голову при любых неурядицах
he gets emotional at funerals — он всегда расстраивается на похоронах, на похоронах у него всегда сдают нервы

- волнующий

emotional music [poetry] — волнующая музыка [поэзия]
emotional speech — темпераментная речь

Мои примеры


an emotional reunion between mother and son — волнующее воссоединение матери и сына  
an emotional parting at the airport — душевное прощание в аэропорту  
emotional impact — эмоциональное воздействие  
emotional security — психологическая уверенность  
emotional capability — эмоциональность  
emotional charge — эмоциональный заряд  
emotional climate — эмоциональный климат  
emotional control — контроль над эмоциональным состоянием; эмоциональный контроль  
emotional copy — эмоционально-насыщенный текст; эмоциональный текст  
emotional desintegration — эмоциональная дезинтеграция  
emotional glycosuria — эмоциональная глюкозурия  
emotional incongruity — эмоциональное несоответствие; эмоциональное расстройство  

Примеры с переводом

He’s a very emotional person.

Он очень эмоциональный человек.

He became very emotional when we had to leave.

Он очень разволновался, когда нам пришлось уйти.

I’m not sure how he’ll make the emotional adjustment to retirement.

Я не знаю, как он сможет психологически приспособиться к жизни на пенсии.

Abortion is a very emotional issue.

Аборт — это очень болезненный /непростой/ вопрос.

He depended on his wife for emotional support.

Он зависел от эмоциональной поддержки своей жены.

Often there are emotional reasons paralleling the financial ones.

Часто к эмоциональным причинам примешиваются финансовые.

They gave him emotional support during difficult times.

Они оказали ему эмоциональную поддержку в трудные времена.

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Примеры, ожидающие перевода

She was becoming an emotional prop for him.

Nursing is an emotionally and physically demanding job.

She had always been afraid of any emotional entanglements.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

emotionalism  — повышенная эмоциональность
emotionality  — эмоциональность
emotionally  — эмоционально, с чувством, волнуясь, возбужденно, экспрессивно, с волнением, в…
emotionalist  — экзальтированный человек, человек, эмоциональный человек
emotionalize  — возбуждать, вызывать эмоции, придавать эмоциональный характер
unemotional  — неэмоциональный, бесстрастный, невозмутимый

Emotional (1986) is the fourth studio album by the Austrian musician Falco released in 1986. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Depue says that if the results can be replicated in psychiatric patients suffering from disorders such as clinical depression and PTSD, they could help scientists «in understanding where a dysfunction lies… and specifically, in developing psychopharmaceutical approaches to better target the suppression of [the] emotional memory mechanism.»


Clearly irritated — but in an intellectual, not emotional, sort of way — by this news, he got up from his chair and walked to the bookshelf in the living room to fetch — what else?


Yep, they cross the BBB, stunning the brain and creating behavioral and emotional problems.


Being a football fan is an emotional bond.


«They are the most powerful emotional force in American politics,» said Bruce Buchanan, a professor of government at the University of Texas at Austin, «but they’re disorganized and have no long-term strategy.»


After two years of reading comments from women who have had traumatic and damaging C-sections, and having had a C-section and a VBAC myself, (vaginal birth after cesarean), I can state quite confidently that in * MOST * circumstances, a C-section is NOT the right way to give birth, and it is a more damaging way — on so many levels — emotional, physical, & financial, to name a few.


We can delete all or part of this data and not feel any emotional response.


These don’t take into consideration individual variation, unique family circumstances and sometimes even the emotional toll of sleep training.


Lynn Sollitto tells of the difficulties that arose for her when a desire to remain open to her daughters» first mother collided with the imperative to protect her children from unsafe and unpredictable situations — either which could lead to physical and/or emotional trauma.


On the emotional level, there are various theories.


; and emotion (did we create an emotional connection that makes our customer want to positively share their experience?


Filled with parent-tested strategies, it brings you right into the spirited child workshops where you will gain new insights and emotional support.


The other contends that the other costs of having both parents work, emotional and stress-related, are so high that it’s better for one parent to stay home.


It’s an Ayurvedic detox food, with the equivalent emotional experience of a piping hot bowl of pasta: ultimate comfort food.


«The gas pedal for emotion might be the amygdala and the emotional brake might be the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.


They are unable to make decisions and do not have the emotional inhibitions that prevent us from saying whatever comes to mind.


If you do your best to maintain your physical, mental and emotional balance through the mid-cycle of your life, aging will be more graceful and less painful.


As Diane Ackerman puts it, «Where there is no risk, the emotional terrain is flat and unyielding, and, despite all its dimensions, valleys, pinnacles, and detours, life will seem to have none of its magnificent geography, only a length.»


I think the research you’re referencing has a bias — insofar as those parents who let CIO are more probably the same parents that neglect their kids 24/7 and raise them in an unwholesome environment — that surely has more to do with long-term emotional distress than whether you let CIO a few days now and sometimes again.


She covers all these topics, often hilariously, but pays emotional tribute to friendship: «Nearly everything I know about love, I’ve learnt in my long-term friendships with women… I know what it is to know every tiny detail about a person and revel in the knowledge as if it were an academic subject.


Coloroso, Barbara THE BULLY, THE BULLIED AND THE BYSTANDER HarperCollins, 2003 A must-read for all parents concerned about their child’s emotional and physical wellbeing, Barbara Coloroso gives the reader a clear understanding of the underlying dynamics between the bully, the bullied and the bystander.


Relativism about truth limits salvation to earthly joys, sensual pleasure, and emotional contentment.


Oh and that there’s no emotional connect for the adoptive parents for the birthmother… that adoption is easy emotionally and financially.»


From comparing their preggo nipples (which, by the way, are totally different than normal nips) to various food products to find the similarities between the expecting emotional state and completely comical characters, those nine months have similarities to an awesome array of different things.


Much of what you wrote sounds so familiar to me, especially the emotional process, but I have not been able to articulate it yet.


Especially for emotional eaters, binge eaters, and yo-yo dieters.


Mothers who are stressed may suffer longer and more difficult labours, higher blood pressure readings and feel permanently exhausted and overly emotional during their pregnancies.


Last fall, an Israeli company used a legal threat to persuade the publisher of a peer-reviewed journal to yank a a paper from its Web site by two Swedish linguists that criticized the company’s product, a system that purportedly determines a person’s emotional state by analyzing the sound of his voice.


Among those responsibilities is one entirely new claim, the notion that mothers are not responsible merely for physical health, acculturation and emotional security, but are also responsible for a child’s brain development.


I actually feel really glad that I’ve been able to access this more emotional part of myself lately.


To get to such a moment though, Arsenal had to endure plenty of frustrating times during the game and dig very deep into their emotional and physical reserves against an impressive Leicester side.


«It was an emotional time,» said the coach, who went 19-9 in his first season with the Matadors.


Babies need held and cuddles early on and later in infancy to help their emotional development.


How about this one fishon «life’s a bitch when your a First Nations Christian in Canada/USA» — because you know — this country robbed, killed, demeaned, and tortured us Indian people groups to take all the land and resources (and we haven’t quite recovered from that physical, emotional, and psychological train wreck).


I love how beautifully you articulate both the practical and emotional benefits of AP and how they work together.


Parents, coaches, and schools are in a great position to promote the alternative message: that sports should fun, playful, and integrated with healthy social and emotional development.


For example, if we can use machine learning to effectively drive the audience’s emotional response to enhance their pleasure, it could also be used to enhance pain.


God didn’t give us the capacity (physical, mental, or emotional) to deal with such large-scale problems.


With our first baby, I battled on with no support, suffering from Raynaud’s Phenomenon [vasoconstriction of extremities due to cold or emotional stress] in the early weeks.


It isn’t about the money or emotional support from the former spouse.


Kessler Foundation researchers ave linked the inability to recognize facial affect (emotion) with white matter damage after traumatic brain injury (TBI), an important first step toward understanding this emotional processing deficit.


It wasn’t an emotional creation, she was created because He was trying to make His creation perfect.


Cortisol & DHEA Cortisol is often called the «stress» hormone, because it can be produced in response to physical or emotional stress.


«My father was very emotional,» says Martina.


Keep an eye on your child’s emotional health as tweens may keep to themselves if they are facing challenges or bullying.


Yes it was exhausting, and 20 months later still is, but a parent-child connection is so important to a child’s emotional development that we are willing to make the sacrifice.


Encouragement, support and love are the best ways to nurture her emotional growth.


It was an emotional day for me as I added our voice to the call for an inquiry into missing and murdered Indigenous women.


However, the game will mark an emotional for Seamus Coleman who returns to the international fold after his lengthy injury lay-off.


Whereas the cingulate cortex might be responsible for the emotional perspective in empathy, the dorsomedial prefrontal cortex seems to be implicated in the attentional regulation of empathic feelings, regarding goal-directed behavioral adaptations [43].


Phrases with «emotional»:

  • emotional
  • emotional distress
  • emotional support
  • emotional intelligence
  • emotional connection
  • social and emotional learning
  • social and emotional skills
  • social and emotional development
  • social and emotional wellbeing
  • one’s physical and emotional health
  • (see

Sentences with the word Emotional?



  • «emotional distance»
  • «the plant needs a firm anchorage»; «the mother provides emotional anchorage for the entire family»
  • «he would become emotional over nothing at all»; «she was worked up about all the noise»
  • «an orgy of shopping»; «an emotional binge»; «a splurge of spending»
  • «the term `distress’ connotes some degree of perturbation and emotional upset»; «he looked around for the source of the disturbance»; «there was a disturbance of neural function»
  • «it was an emotional judgment»
  • «his behavior was highly emotional«
  • «emotional health»; «an emotional crisis»
  • «his emotional state depended on her opinion»; «he was in good spirits»; «his spirit rose»
  • «imprecise astronomical observations»; «the terms he used were imprecise and emotional«
  • «this job calls for the investment of some hard thinking»; «he made an emotional investment in the work»
  • «many emotional determinants at work»; «an operant conscience»
  • «he suffered from fatigue and emotional tension»; «stress is a vasoconstrictor»
  • «his support kept the family together»; «they gave him emotional support during difficult times»

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