Sentences with the word emotion

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Anger is a negative emotion that most…

На мой взгляд, отчаяние — это негативная эмоция, которая чаще всего…

Each emotion has three different levels of intensity, the emotion growing more intense with each consecutive press.

Каждая эмоция имеет три различных уровня интенсивности, эмоция, становящаяся более интенсивной с каждой последовательным нажатием.

The only emotion I felt at the time was fear.

Первое чувство, которое охватило меня в тот момент, был страх.

Anger is one emotion almost anyone can identify with.

Злость — это чувство, с которым знакомы практически все люди.

We are here today with strong feelings and emotion.

«Сегодня мы находимся здесь с тяжелыми переживаниями и с волнением.

Intellect must take more effort or energy than emotion.

Мы должны использовать энергию, более сильную, нежели разум или эмоции.

She allows herself to feel the emotion and then moves on.

Она даёт себе возможность проживать эту эмоцию, затем отпускает ситуацию и двигается дальше.

It controls emotion and influences the nervous system and hormones.

Она отвечает за контроль над эмоциями и оказывает влияние на нервную систему и гормональный фон.

This includes both intuition and emotion.

И это, например, интуиция и эмоции.

The energy we experience as emotion.

Наша излучаемая энергия — это то что мы чувствуем как эмоции.

In fact, he rarely saw him showing any emotion.

На самом деле, он редко видел, чтобы он показывал какие-либо эмоции.

While largely academic, these two types of proteins influence emotion.

В то время как в основном академические, эти два типа белков влияют на эмоции.

You use intuition — emotion — first to make decisions.

Вы используете интуицию — эмоцию — для принятия решений, прежде всего.

Business decisions made this year should be based on fact, not emotion.

Бизнес-решения, принятые в этом году должны быть основаны на фактах, а не на эмоциях.

Traders who over-trade are operating solely on emotion.

Трейдеры, которые чрезмерно торгуют, действуют исключительно на эмоции.

I don’t think anger is an appropriate workplace emotion.

Я не думаю, что гнев является подходящей эмоцией на рабочем месте.

Societal norms in many nations suggest men should suppress emotion.

Социальные нормы во многих странах предполагают, что люди должны подавлять эмоции.

They also make people ill eventually because of agreement on emotion.

Кроме того, из-за них человек в конце концов становится больным, соглашаясь с эмоцией.

Family members hope that the German could still show emotion.

Члены семьи надеются, что немец до сих пор может проявлять эмоции.

Unlike other philosophies, Kashmir Shaivism is based in emotion rather than intellect.

Опять-таки в отличие от других философских учений, кашмирский шиваизм опирается больше на чувства, чем на рассудок.

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Examples of how to use the word “emotion” in a sentence. How to connect “emotion” with other words to make correct English sentences.

emotion (n): a strong feeling such as love or anger, or strong feelings in general

Use “emotion” in a sentence

He’s always found it hard to express his emotions.
His voice was shaky with emotion.
We often express our emotions non-verbally.

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How to use emotion in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «emotion» and check conjugation/comparative form for «emotion«. Mastering all the usages of «emotion» from sentence examples published by news publications.

» Davor Suker, President of the Croatian Football Federation: «Emotion, emotion, big emotion.
As a producer, you’re manufacturing emotion rather than capturing emotion.
There’s emotion, there’s the ability to express emotion through art.
We would show emotion, and they would show emotion back.
When you known an emotion concept, you can feel that emotion.
«Music and emotion are connected, and music evokes emotion,» Foltyn said.
«We try to figure out on what dimension they are lacking whether it’s awareness of emotion, recognition of emotion or coping with emotion,» Dr. O’Connor said.
You need a story to beat a story, an emotion to beat an emotion.
Both sides played to emotion, and the most common emotion played upon was fear.
It’s not just raw emotion; it’s raw emotion filtered through a very artful intelligence.
What we want to do is to understand the emotion and to show the emotion.
«Emotion is very central when you look at psychopathy—or rather, lack of emotion,» she says.
Emotion Journal wins the Hackathon The winner of the Disrupt London 22016 Hackathon is Emotion Journal.
«We have, by nature or biologically, this destructive emotion, also constructive emotion,» the Dalai Lama said.
«The creation of an emotion economy by definition amounts to the commodification of emotion,» Yonck says.
If you could liken the music you make to an emotion, what emotion would that be?
KURTZ: Can I just jump in, there&aposs a lot of emotion in this story, genuine emotion.
«It is something that is activating an emotion in people, and that emotion is worry,» he said.
«This was a case that started on emotion or emotion was a big part it,» he said.
The Verge spoke to Barrett about her new view of emotion, what this means for emotion-prediction startups, and whether we can feel an emotion if we don’t have the word for it.
The people caring for them make their way through appointment after appointment, and cope with emotion after emotion.
A moral emotion is something like hate or hope — an emotion that features normative judgment and affective mood.
If you are around someone who is expressing a particular emotion or you see someone’s face and/or body expressing a particular emotion, then you will tend to pick up and feel that emotion too.
«It’s emotion that got you into the debt, so it’s emotion that’s going to get you out,» he explains.
That leaves those of us in the cheap seats to marvel at how their fake emotion conceals real emotion.
So, as drama students know, it’s not showing emotion that’s hard, it’s showing no emotion that’s the real challenge.
Bettelheim reckoned that a cure would come through an expertly designed systematic introduction of emotion into emotion-starved kids.
«The Royals are trained not to show emotion publicly, and he was full of emotion that day,» Dr. Glass says.
«With alexithymia, people often know that they are experiencing an emotion but don’t know which emotion it is,» she explains.
«Love is a very, very powerful emotion, and I have no respect for anybody to abuses that emotion,» Jason says.
Orgasm too is the release of intense emotion — indeed, orgasm research often characterized in the psychology literature as emotion research.
There’s no American emotion in this case, but there’s a hell of a lot of emotion on the other side.
Robots are not affected by emotion, and that makes them better at everything because every mistake humans make is from emotion.
She didn’t have any emotion and, because of the early brain damage, it wasn’t clear if she would ever show emotion.
In the game Guess the Emotion, children try to make eye contact with their parent and guess which emotion they’re demonstrating.
It can last, like, 10 minutes, but on average, we have an emotion, it passes, and then we have another emotion.
«Emotion is what brings people in, and I don’t see people coming to the meet with much emotion,» Mr. Ziert said.
Interestingly, kids tend to have higher emotion differentiation than teens because they tend to report experiencing only one emotion at a time.
But the larger framework of the series is about human emotion, and about a great spiritual war that intersects with that emotion.
Like Dogtooth and Alps, The Lobster deals with extremes of human emotion by factoring most of the emotion out of the equation.
«He put the emotion into it because he would see the emotion I was putting into my face and body,» she says.
My teacher taught us this game called «Emotional Park Bench» where one person gets an emotion and they walk in [to the scene], and another person walks in and has to figure out the emotion and then also be that emotion.
The study took place in three parts: an implicit emotion test, an explicit emotion text, and an empathy test, where volunteers were asked to view a facial emotion—positive, neutral, or negative—and were rated on their ability to empathize.
Most importantly, though, Emotion Side B confirms what we already knew from Emotion: No one’s making bubblegum pop quite like Jepsen right now.
A quantitative strategy needs to take the emotion out of it and that’s the value of using a system and not your emotion.
The bouncy, flirty Emotion Side B, released on August 26, is presumably built from the 200(!) tracks she originally chose from when compiling Emotion.
Some work even suggests that physiological arousal is stronger if someone deliberately masks an emotion that is felt compared to a person expressing that emotion.
Through this fairly simple concept we discover several artistic relationships between music and visual art, sound and color, sound and emotion, and emotion and color.
Their heart rate changes and brain scans show the area that corresponds with emotion lights up, as if the person was experiencing that emotion personally.
And that’s a human emotion, but it’s also, as someone who’s lived in this area my whole life, it’s definitely also a very Philadelphia emotion.
Here we found that negative emotion words were used at comparable levels to control forums, while positive emotion words were elevated by approximately 70 percent.
«You look for the most emotional moments where a human is feeling something strongly and goes from one emotion to another emotion,» Anderson-Lopez said.
I prefer to think of the emotion as ‘awe’ versus ‘horror’…an emotion that comes from recognizing your insignificant place in the universe around you.
Emotion contagion is thought to be the basis on which empathy – an understanding of how someone is feeling and a sharing of their emotion – is built.
The track hails from EMOTION: Side B, the second half of her album EMOTION that features songs that didn’t make the cut the first time around.
An extensive review of emotion recognition research found that facial expression is not really associated with emotion, making the surveillance vendors’ claims no better than pseudoscience.
We might intuitively «feel» the emotion, but without the word to describe it we’re inclined to lump the emotion in with another under the same heading.
In contrast, I and most other empathy theorists use a much broader definition of empathy: Empathy is having an appropriate emotion triggered by another person’s emotion.
Regardless of whether they are reading a story that is true or false, nevertheless it represents an emotion and they are going to vote on that emotion.
«Representing Emotion with Colour» tracks the way colorist Michael Garland works to add symbolism and deeper emotion to the pages of the Image comic Black Monday Murders.
The company is at the vanguard of a new wave of emotion analysis that will lead to a quantum leap in customer understanding and emotion-aware computing.
I’m going through every bit of emotion . . .
Consequently, people intuitively offer the left cheek when asked to pose for a photo expressing emotion, and the right cheek when posing for a photo that conceals emotion.
Forty-three percent of people who watched an ad with «high emotion» said they felt engaged by it, versus 32 percent who were engaged by «low emotion» commercials.
«The consequences of awe should be of interest to emotion researchers and to society in general,» they wrote in the study, published in the journal Cognition and Emotion.
The iPal has «many sensors to feel touch, listen to speech and detect emotion» with an «emotion management system» that senses and responds to happiness, depression and loneliness.
Viewing someone’s emotion as a problem puts us in a moral frame of mind — we think of the emotion as something bad to be gotten rid of quickly.
But the parties themselves need to fall in line — to show strength and not just technocratic prowess, to meet emotion with emotion, instead of another 10-point plan.
» Dowdy also tells PEOPLE: «There just didn’t seem to be that much emotion there, nor did there seem to be too much emotion about the loss of his family.
But there was also the challenge of designing animals and characters that could convey emotion and make you get lost in the emotion of what’s going on on screen.
You experience these changes as emotion — oh, this is fear or oh, this is anger — because your brain has created an emotion concept to make those physical changes meaningful.
» When DeGeneres’ audience protested this slight against Adele’s seemingly perfect voice, she laughed and argued, «I am, it’s emotion, it’s emotion, when I’m flat and I’m sharp I’m just emotional!
«Having choice about when to experience an emotion, and how to experience it requires introducing a foreign element into the onset of an emotion awareness,» the site’s About page reads.
There is a discrepancy between the emotion of the exclamation point and the emotion on the faces of the descendants, some of whom look even more uncertain than their forebears.
He decided to continue exploring the intersection of AI and emotion at the London Hackathon and built The Emotion Journal using IBM Watson to perform the real-time sentiment analysis.
«We sell based on emotion and attaching that emotion to a vision,» said Matthew J. Leone, the senior vice president of digital marketing for Terra Holdings, the parent company of Halstead.
When the device’s camera detects an emotion such as happiness or sadness, Justin sees a color or a corresponding emoji flash on the glass display indicating which emotion he is seeing.
Envy is a «brilliant, incredible emotion» — and an important one, Josh Gressel, a psychologist and the author of «Embracing Envy: Finding the Spiritual Treasure in Our Most Shameful Emotion,» told me.
To me, this is telling of his presidency overall, and how he won: Trump plays to emotion, not reason, so he wins no matter what, because America is addicted to emotion.
To me, this is telling of his presidency overall, and how he won: Trump plays to emotion, not reason, so he wins no matter what, because America is addicted to emotion.
» Biden, she said with admiration, is «fearless about emotion.
«There was just so much emotion — loneliness, happiness, love.»
There’s a creepiness to Luke this season; every action he makes seems highly calculated, like he’s trying to figure out how to express human emotion instead of just reacting with human emotion.
» For most people, «at a low level of emotion, you might be a bit unsure about exactly what you’re feeling, but if you have a strong emotion, you know what it is.
You might not usually think of surfy rock being full of emotion and facing oneself, but Rolling Blackouts Costal Fever manage to mix emotion and pleasure in an even-handed, engaging way.
«They’re playing hard, they’re playing with emotion and I think this game is about emotion, it’s about passion, it’s about energy and it’s about being more determined,» said Sullivan, who took over Dec.
Trump, in contrast, bleeds emotion and unpredictability in Comey’s account.
Afterwards, Kevin calls his mom for another outpouring of emotion.
Amanda was overcome with emotion, and of course said yes.
Jom Wo, on the other hand, didn’t show any emotion.
Leonard displayed little emotion; I was a walking mood ring.
In a press conference, the prosecutor couldn’t contain his emotion.
The feeling of playing music and the emotion was great.
These cute images add emotion, humor, and meaning to messages.
In Charleston, Obama channeled emotion in an incredibly constructive way.
Eventually any negative emotion I had was met with anger.
It’s a way to communicate emotion as well as information.
Clancy could access the depth of emotion in real life.
People feel emotion without changes in amygdala action, she says.
Emotion doesn’t steer far from the general course for earbuds.
There is an Emma Stone face for truly every emotion.
Perhaps emotion becomes most intense when it cannot be openly
I think it’s an emotion so many new mothers feel.
Getting ready to leave, I realize I’m charged with emotion.
«I was filled with emotion and joy,» Dohn told CNN.
Jibo the social robot feels emotion, but remains quite limited.
The day after the election, Rodriguez awoke to mixed emotion.
«Right now, there’s a lot of emotion,» Foxx told NPR.
Ms. Hathaway, though, holds you rapt with raw, trembling emotion.
Overcome with emotion probably doesn’t even begin to describe it.
She can have conversations, make jokes, and express genuine emotion.
The star had indicated interest, but didn’t convey an emotion.
I’m only guessing why he doesn’t display his emotion more.
Yet pride is not the only emotion the system evokes.
«There’s a lot of emotion attached to Palmyra,» Stephens said.
It had been a day of overwhelming emotion for everyone.
When Sansa first sees her brother, she’s overwhelmed with emotion.
Ford, in response, reportedly showed no emotion at the ruling.
As the trailer reveals, Amanda (Olivia Cooke) doesn’t feel emotion.
Here, there is a sense of emotion overpowering the artist.
Viral joy begins in a potent signal of the emotion.
Tom’s face was alert, but willfully neutral, void of emotion.
Have you ever seen a cat show so much emotion?
In a rare flash of emotion after leaving office, Mrs.
They want emotion, but they’re very exigent about the quality.
Lauren seems hesitant to express any sort of emotion, actually.
The overwhelming emotion was neither excitement nor buoyancy, but despondency.
And with emotion comes the opportunity to engage and persuade.
«Laughter is a free emotion,» Ms. Steinem told VICE Impact.
The EMotion is trying to do all of the above.
She’s not a person who does the whole emotion thing.
Works great, I reckon: racked with emotion, crackled by experience.
On the contrary, it was based on emotion and responsibility.
Wang: Wait, so what distinguishes normal emotion from full meltdown?
Virtually every action appeared to be tied to an emotion.
It’s a universal emotion; it’s found in every culture everywhere.
Articulating the issue changes your response from emotion to logic.
With Trump, the emotion being most expressed is Joy (113%).
With Clinton the emotion being most expressed is Anger (43.59%).
White looked overcome with emotion as he embraced his family.
You don’t blanch, you don’t panic, you show no emotion.
In South Korea, the moment prompted an outpouring of emotion.
Also: bullies, and the way they heighten every negative emotion.
Publishing no longer is based on gut feeling or emotion.
Plus, any emotion is sucked dry by Taylor’s stilted performance.
He is toothsome and winsome and spilling over with emotion.
You feel heavy with the emotion, the grief of it.
When McDormand took the stage, she was bursting with emotion.
Excruciating agony gave way to pure joy and raw emotion.
«You can’t separate money and emotion with people,» Evans said.
They did so at length and with plenty of emotion.
Fortly educated them on emotion, discipline, memory, technique, and imagination.
I experienced every emotion I could while I was there.
«Instead, you should «characterize your emotion as something you feel.
He reacts based on his emotion and his ‘alternative facts.
OG ‘Queer Eye’ cast member Carson Kressley seconds that emotion.
Emotion is part of their strategy, and it pays off.
I think it’s great whenever you can show some emotion.
The raw emotion in this bride’s face is so powerful.
Spite, if you’re not familiar, is a deeply negative emotion.
Stuff like «Digital Distribution» (96) ranks higher than «Emotion» (121).
There was every emotion you could imagine in that race.
And then there’s the poetry and emotion of his story.
Emotion always plays a part in how we view reality.
«Referendums are not about facts, it’s about emotion,» Wigmore said.
Any emotion you see in that scene is very real.
It was the culmination of lots of very intense emotion.
If Grey’s Anatomy is bad at one emotion it’s grief.
It evokes a very different emotion to actually see it.
Right now there’s a lot of energy, emotion, and mobilization.
I’ve now just concentrated that emotion toward an actual enemy.
Taylor still feels the emotion, but not as much anymore.
The emotion of the photos mirrors Bahbah’s own personal struggle.
«Compassionate conservatism» is a feeling after all, not an emotion.
I believe they use emotion as leverage to gain profits.
But ask them about the election and emotion takes over.
Can you tell me more about the demo’s emotion system?
To Dalio, broken frameworks and excess emotion are the enemy.
«Love your neighbor,» Curry preached, his voice rising with emotion.
Novanto showed little emotion as the judge read the verdict.
Mr. Couch showed no emotion as the sentence was read.
Photographic composition is essential to that clear communication of emotion.
Sovereignty, respect, pride and emotion rise to the surface quickly.
«They have the full range of emotion intact,» she said.
But there was no shortage of emotion from both sides.
I don’t even know why I was overcome with emotion.
Your songs never lost the rawness associated with youthful emotion.
We are pretty sure every available emotion is covered here.
«I can see the emotion going through him,» Ortiz said.
Napping is great for emotion regulation and for relieving anxiety.
«Willow» is from her 1977 fourth album Show Some Emotion.
O’Donovan showed no emotion at the time of the ruling.
This was not a man prone to displays of emotion.
But Mr. Mateen betrayed no emotion during the angry encounter.
«I put a lot of emotion into it,» she said.
Other popular schemes seemed to rely on one main emotion.
It’s an emotion and, by definition, lasts a few seconds.
Emotion is a better way to win support than reason.
You want the emotion, the excitement you feel to last.
The emotion of the moment was too much to bear.
Or are infants immune to her powers for conjuring emotion?
Imagine Amazon’s Alexa, but with more emotion, depth and distinction.
Others suggested it could help people recognize emotion in others.
The heady waves of emotion, the cruel pangs of longing?
«We were measuring an emotion,» Fernandez said with a chuckle.
«Consensual, based on the facts rather than emotion,» says Bunting.
What emotion drives that innovation, if not feelings of empathy?
It’s still a challenge for her to demonstrate emotion publicly.
But relief wasn’t the only emotion at Bloomberg LP headquarters.
In the superbloom, thirst and wonder subordinated all violent emotion.
«Put aside the sadness, put aside the emotion,» he said.
«There’s a lot of emotion,» said one, Adrian Kauffman, 183.
It was the victim’s loved ones who often showed emotion.
I try to focus on the emotion, not the technical.
His signature emotion is hungoverly refreshing Twitter in a hammock.
They come across as either oblivious or as fabricated emotion.
If there’s not that emotion, then it just doesn’t work.
Either way, emotion and empathy seem to drive her work.
The piece never failed to inspire emotion in the judges.
«It becomes a black hole of emotion,» Dr. Ressler says.
They appeared briefly at news conferences but expressed little emotion.
«It described Cara,» he said, his voice cracking with emotion.
«I cried,» she said, the emotion palpable in her voice.
More important, though, it has injected some emotion into it.
She had a perfectly controlled voice that brimmed with emotion.
Bob and Margaret Slifkin watched and listened, overwhelmed with emotion.
Ms. Parrish, her voice strained with emotion, concluded the service.
Emotion stopped her for a moment, and then she continued.
But it was good to see some fire, some emotion.
Writing without mentioning the emotion was how I got started.
Everybody was just very overwhelmed with emotion and very surprised.
Then we have gifs and other ways of expressing emotion.
Forthright displays of emotion are nothing new in competitive spaces.
If the doctor says, ‘Oh, I don’t talk about emotion.
«But I’m not going to vote on emotion,» she said.
Posts are fraught with emotion: should I cancel my wedding?
«This is what bullying does,» she says, with aching emotion.
«There was never any tragedy or extreme emotion,» Martin said.
When those words left Adams’s mouth, Goodell betrayed no emotion.
And then everyone asked me, ‘Why don’t I show emotion?
It may be his awkward way of deflecting the emotion.
His emotion is already showing as he covers his mouth.
You feel real emotion because you’ve been suppressing it forever.
But Franklin’s lows and the emotion involved fueled her music.
Simons has always aimed to elicit emotion with his work.
However, the decision must be based on law, not emotion.
Pour that passion and emotion into your families and communities.
All good hucksters know emotion and perceptions can trump facts.
«Nursing homes inspire a lot of emotion,» Dr. Rahman said.
The concentration in her face gradually shifted to raw emotion.
And «Dunkirk» is big — in subject, reach, emotion and image.
«His charisma comes from his emotion,» one former follower explained.
«Intuitive eating is really instinct, emotion and thought,» Resch said.
People hardly ever talk about being inconvenienced as an emotion.
Mr. Roof showed no emotion as the verdict was read.
Anger is an emotion that tells us something is wrong.
My body surged with emotion, lighting my face with happiness.
The media often revolves around emotion, controversies, and heated discussions.
Williams was visibly overcome with emotion by the positive response.
Emotion was a common theme in many of the pictures.
You don’t want to make financial decisions based on emotion.
Good manners now took over from whatever emotion we felt.
It’s a visual medium, thus it appeals more to emotion.
Soccer doesn’t elicit that same rawness of collective emotion here.
For too long, emotion has been cognitive researchers’ third rail.
Hatred has become the defining emotion of our political life.
I’ve unexpectedly coined the term Big Emotion in this book.
There’s something about the world that it gets across emotion.
It can have resonance and prompt earned wellsprings of emotion.
It did a credibly good job of spotting each emotion.
Every song on this record is about a fucking emotion.
I ignore it without displaying even an inch of emotion.
Affectiva grew out of emotion-sensing research at MIT’s Media Lab and, according to its site, has an «emotion data repository» based on over 3.9 million faces from 75 countries (all from consenting participants).
If I want to communicate a desired emotion with a counterpart, I can invoke a deep net to generate sounds that, as per a deep net sitting on my partners’ device, invokes the desired emotion.
Cute aggression is an example of dimorphous expression of emotion, Aragón tells me—meaning a person is feeling one strong emotion but expressing the opposite, like crying when they’re happy or laughing when they’re sad.
Of course, the way to really personify weak AI would be to teach it emotion — or at least teach it to emulate emotion — which Koko, a company co-founded by Fraser Kelton, purports to do.
Women are taught that anger is the only emotion we should not feel if we are to be good mothers, good wives, good mild homemakers while, often, anger is seen as a purely male emotion.
The DNC has to understand that emotion drives choice and that if all we do is spit a bunch of facts at people, that they may not get it because emotion really does drive choices.
Letter From America The most valuable currency in politics is emotion.
For some in Barcelona, the overwhelming emotion appears to be exasperation.
But she didn’t betray any of the emotion I hoped for.
Terp tells PEOPLE he was overcome with emotion by her response.
But you shouldn’t let regret and emotion enter your investment decisions.
Creative Past, The Nature of Aesthetic Emotion, Man’s Conception of Womanhood
Julia Louis-Dreyfus was overcome with emotion when Veep officially ended.
It’s easier to get the rhythm with real emotion or energy.
He has got this lying with the proper emotion down pat.
Twitter emotion doesn’t rise and fall the way human emotions do.
This child will use rationale instead of emotion in all situations.
They tell me to nurture my uniqueness, and to feel emotion.
His parents, Ajeel Muhsin and Flosa Khalaf, couldn’t contain their emotion.
The purchase was motivated by emotion as well as by practicality.
In fact, even people who don’t have an amygdala feel emotion.
For alcohol, regret was the most commonly reported post-coital emotion.
I have no emotion when it comes to money and business.
In an AirPod world, Soul Electronics’ $50 Emotion earbuds are enticing.
For sound quality, I didn’t have the highest expectations for Emotion.
I also tested how the Emotion earbuds do with phone calls.
She doesn’t have any emotion with the man [who rapes her].
Forcillo himself revealed little emotion, staring straight ahead the whole time.
Watch: Consumer society in the West operates almost entirely through emotion.
I can only imagine the level of emotion should she win.
But the facts often fight with the power of political emotion.
They then weighted how much each element contributed to that emotion.
«Keep these anecdotes brief but not devoid of emotion,» he says.
His pictures do not always elicit strong emotion, or much pain.
He was not overcome with emotion at a [Justin] Bieber concert.
On Monday, her voice at times choked with emotion, California Rep.
Only the occasional hesitation betrays a flicker of fear and emotion.
Everything I create, I try to do from raw, authentic emotion.
Reason and emotion are not opposites; they inform one another, powerfully.
He chose to use emotion as a way to portray love.
Puccini also wrote tragic works that meld emotion and formal ingenuity.
A good, low-stress time»), and emotion («it will be fun!
He, too, was overcome with emotion in the game’s closing moments.
They are useless in this emotion bull market/facts market crash.
This is not to discount the power of emotion or belief.
Showing emotion, I assumed, would make people see me as female.
Obama’s voice often quivered with emotion as she delivered her speech.
It is the lens through which emotion and experience are filtered.
Others are wonderful at evoking a time, a place, an emotion.
Bonds should be reciprocal and fueled by emotion, he told Forbes.
The timing of this story had her overcome with emotion… pic.twitter.
Both Smith and Neufelder were overcome with emotion during the clip.
That takes emotion out of the equation when the market moves.
He also spoke with emotion about the spirit of New Yorkers.
Now, she said, Mississippi is saying, ‘I Don’t Second That Emotion.
There’s an emotion on her face that I almost can’t believe.
But right now, the only emotion Trump is eliciting is scorn.
I was so overwhelmed with every emotion that you think of.
As for logic vs emotion, I don’t know that it matters.
You thought Shaun White’s gold medal win was rife with emotion?
This is a function of irrational investment decisions based on emotion.
His vision carries some sadness, but the dominant emotion is pride.
His performances were renowned for bringing out strong emotion in audiences.
She’s not devoid of emotion, but rather, feels the physical deeply.
There’s a lot of emotion coming through in I Kill Giants.
He’s got real emotion in his stuff; he’s a magic worker.
Jealousy is an emotion that seems to make me uncharacteristically petty.
We try to carry all aspects of human history and emotion.
Most of the emotion in the film comes from that tension.
But we must remember not to make decisions based on emotion.
I want to look into their eyes and see the emotion.
The NeuV uses an «emotion engine» and an automated personal assistant.
Harris was tough but also showed emotion, per Axios’ Alayna Treene.
«Jealousy is a human emotion, no one’s above it,» Blue said.
But, more than anything, I just wanted to embody that emotion.
Every step was there, every emotion, and it was fun performing.
He can really bring a lot of emotion to the game.
They tell her not to react and not to show emotion.
His voice shakes with emotion as we talk on the phone.
The mingling of technology and emotion isn’t new to Hamid’s work.
Human intelligence is a combination of logic, cognition, emotion and empathy.
I am so happy for you and I feel your emotion.
When he was overwhelmed by emotion after his 220 VMAs performance.
The best photos create a narrative, generate awe, and convey emotion.
It was all just completely emotion-fueled and beautiful and wild.
I’m really glad people can relate to an emotion like that.
There was a lot of emotion right from the get-go.
Because every other emotion is going to go in that direction.
It’s not just the ideology: it’s emotion that provides the fuel.
She’s a tough warrior, yes, but she’s also brimming with emotion.
I put all my heart and emotion into this silver medal.
Overwhelmed with emotion, Sophia walks to the pier and starts crying.
They are historical memory steeped in emotion and encapsulated in paint.
We share every emotion with each other, our hopes, and dreams.
He’s plain spoken and not given to hyperbole and grand emotion.
«There is not really emotion,» wide receiver Michael Thomas told reporters.
He showed no emotion as the charges against him were read.
The British singer’s big, soulful voice wrings emotion from every line.
It makes a statement, evokes emotion, and adds personality to copy.
But now belief is about feeling, emotion — it’s about the person.
American fans on hand were not bashful about showing their emotion.
Emotion without purpose, without direction, immediately risks feeling mawkish and hollow.
Trump. Trump has brought emotion to the election more than perhaps
That level of emotion is exhausting, but Emtisal, especially, remained defiant.
Mr Thakur’s display of emotion seems to have had some effect.
They’re mostly doing their utmost to mask any hint of emotion.
That emotion has been the only noticeable side effect so far.
You can capture the emotion of it on a different scale.
I think expressing emotion was the first thing that shut off.
After the verdicts were announced, the Pennsylvania courthouse erupted with emotion.
There is a lot of emotion tied up in [orgasm issues].
Convinced, however, that he would be too overtaken with emotion, Mrs.
Normicons try to subordinate immediate emotion to long-held spiritual tenets.
Should a detective be cold and unfeeling, or guided by emotion?
«This is a common pattern in emotion recognition studies,» Faragó explained.
It is rare for business software to arouse emotion besides annoyance.
He shows his emotion on Twitter, saying to everyone ‘shut up.
Humiliation is a destabilizing emotion; it creates rocket fuel for revenge.
Emotion and short-term electoral calculation are trumping the national interest.
The emotion was too much for him, he covered his face.
However, policy decisions should be based on evidence, not on emotion.
«The building itself houses so much human emotion,» Mr. Wolf said.
«There’s something about orchestral music that just evokes emotion,» she said.
«It covers a lot of emotion, a deep twang,» he said.
«Obviously, there will be a lot of emotion tomorrow,» Girardi said.
«There’s a lot of emotion going on here,» Mr. Rokita said.
It’s the expression we make when we’re genuinely experiencing positive emotion.
The memories brought a flood of emotion and tears with them.
But such twinges of authentic emotion are more disruptive than illuminating.
My every emotion was wholly at the mercy of the movie.
Sentimentality «is an indulgence in emotion,» he said in an interview.
» Mr. Tobaccowala remarked that «emotion brings people out, reason probably doesn’t.
«Grief, like failure, is a powerful emotion,» he told the cadets.
But I took that emotion and used it to forge ahead.
Movements are marked by emotion — division and solidarity, victory and defeat.
Mr. Obama and his campaign chose to elevate emotion over ideology.
The emotion was true, and Mr. Katz lent generous, atmospheric support.
It’s funny because of the way people do hear the emotion.
A lot of the times I’m trying to convey an emotion.
He says his overwhelming emotion on leaving El Tepeyac was anger.
Do you ever get numb to the emotion of the job?
But I think he used the wrong emotion to do that.
It’s that understanding of emotion, not just algorithms, that Google needs.
We wanted to convey the emotion and the fear of it.
Beyoncé, she writes, is sometimes criticized for her lack of emotion.
Just watch the raw feed and feel the emotion of it.
Kyle Kramer knows that magic is the sweetest emotion of all.
It’s almost like a higher form of communication, it’s pure emotion.
«I think it’s part of the game, the emotion,» Bautista said.
Looks like Macy will second that emotion (s/o Smokey Robinson).
Even if you haven’t been through it, you understand the emotion.
That leaves the door open to rapid, emotion-driven decision making.
The symptoms included wild swings of emotion, tremors, catatonia, and convulsions.
Andrea Mohin: Flight, freedom, athleticism, emotion — all those things and more.
You can instead focus on changing your habits around emotion management.
In such work, reportage, advocacy and emotion are never far apart.
In the midst of heightened emotion, they gave in to passion.
You can project feelings onto art, and emotion onto these pictures.
Guzman sat and showed no emotion while the verdict was read.
«Energy, emotion, and people can certainly make social change,» Fisher says.
A beard could also hide a man’s unmanly expressions of emotion.
Punk doesn’t age well because it is reactive — it’s all emotion.
No emotion, surely, is as cherished and sought after as love.
Or, really, of any human emotion beyond standard Boston-fan pissiness.
«It just brought a very special emotion,» Mr. Nézet-Séguin recalled.
These techy programs can’t really show emotion as a teacher can.
There are two kinds of emotion present at any graduation ceremony.
You can also be carried by the atmosphere and the emotion.
The question behind the series is how emotion works on screen.
But from the inside, every moment has this energy and emotion.
From an austere place, not one that ‘s squishy with emotion.
There is a lot of emotion when you buy a steak.
Each death prompted an outpouring of emotion from across the globe.
The bigger adjustment, though, has to do with tone and emotion.
Now, the fear has returned, along with another familiar emotion: resolve.
Behind the ideas are plenty of mood, memories, and raw emotion.
They can completely fill their art with the purest emotion possible.
The album’s primary emotion at times is a blinding, sputtering fury.
Mr. Bridges’ life in Washington was a fire-shower of emotion.
The product does not exist without an emotion connected to it.
Also, regret is an annoying emotion to have, so I refuse.
Defensive tackle Xavier Williams was overcome with emotion after the win.
The period details — and the emotion — are done to heartbreaking perfection.
But that meant that he often showed no emotion at all.
PICTURE PROMPTS Has a building ever inspired strong emotion in you?
Laconia, New Hampshire (CNN)Pete Buttigieg isn’t known for showing emotion.
Tragedy anywhere tends to appeal to a basic human emotion: empathy.
Pat is a brilliant guy, but I’ve never seen that emotion.
Then that brings you back to that emotion in your life.
That was a very important emotion to carry though the movie.
It’s me conveying an emotion through the usage of the voice!
Still, grief is an emotion that has little power in politics.
But there’s more to emotion in investing than fear and greed.
She claims he said he felt «no emotion» about the incident.
Amazon, Microsoft and Google are all developing emotion recognition systems too.
It’s finding your way in the world: it’s embodiment, emotion, attack.
Dissolving all individual restraint, they coursed with uncontrollable instinct and emotion.
I started crying because I was going so deep in emotion.
Feeling an emotion «challenges their sense of perfect autonomy,» he continues.
The performance infused the puppet with vulnerability and emotion, Scanlan said.
In everything I do, the aesthetics are driven by the emotion.
That day held every emotion that I have available to me.
They want revenge for Merrick Garland, an understandable if misguided emotion.
Post nothing to Instagram that signals an emotion other than regret.
The emotion of a game can get to a young pitcher.
The Onassis Cultural Center itself tends to stir an emotion: gratitude.
This was «Chandelier,» a triumphal burst of emotion and orchestral arrangements.
Madeira is an expert at the intersection of law and emotion.
The dancers aren’t depicting emotion, yet we find ourselves powerfully moved.
There seemed to be genuine human emotion in the president’s responses.
This «Giselle» should soon generate more emotion than it does now.
Prices reflect a mix of emotion, biases and cold-eyed calculation.
Cohen read out his statement, admitting to his crimes, without emotion.
But it is sales potential, not emotion, that drives her decisions.
When we see amplification, we hear a voice full of emotion.
Innocents falsely accused tend to present very different behavior and emotion.
I’ve given myself permission to feel it all, every single emotion.
The president’s principal emotion in the face of dictators is envy.
You also feel, with some emotion, that Berlin understood the difference.
It is a machine designed to generate stress and negative emotion.
As Altman gazes ahead, emotion occasionally clouds his otherwise spotless windscreen.
But on the flip side, emotion hijacks reason all the time.
Is shame so toxic an emotion that articulating it promotes it?
The show of raw emotion affected even supporters of the bill.
Now is not the time to express any emotion, she said.
It’s a hint of imperfection that reveals the trembling emotion beneath.
Emotion filters through like so much sunlight against a drawn curtain.
These dictionaries are commonly used for emotion research and sentiment analysis.
But nostalgia is, in and of itself, a deeply familiar emotion.
Like other flags in this exhibit, this piece reverberates raw emotion.
It is a shatteringly effective piece of simplicity, directness and emotion.
Loving exists on the outside of a tremendous bubble of emotion.
One of the CBT tools is called «opposite to emotion behavior»: To do this, identify the emotion (sadness), identify the mood-dependent behavior (inaction/isolation), then do the opposite of that (exercise, social interaction, productive behavior).
A director might ask a human actor to show more emotion, to speak with more fervor, to turn slightly or to show conflicting emotion — and the same is true for director’s notes on an animated film.
But he also revealed that he had read and admired «The Political Brain», a book published by American psychologist Drew Westen in 2007, and quoted from it: «in politics, when reason and emotion collide, emotion invariably wins».
So when we see a face (in person or in a photo) of someone who is showing an emotion we tend to move our facial muscles in the same way, which actually makes us feel that emotion.
At times fear is an important emotion that helps keep us safe.
We need to begin by validating that emotion in all our children.
Also very passionate, so if I feel an emotion, I show it.
» She continues, «And I think that’s why we get so much emotion.
Galecki told TVLine he was overcome with emotion filming the final episode.
Startups like Affectiva make it their business to interpret emotion from images.
I mean, as about the biggest emotion as you can possibly get.
Sam Smith’s soulful voice manages to pack emotion into every single lyric.
Rating Through Paterson’s eyes, we see the world, colored with quiet emotion.
Notice the vacuity of every face, which drains emotion from even the
There would be no need for personal attacks and appeals to emotion.
Though lacking juicy expressionistic brushwork, the works vibrate with quietly restrained emotion.
Has becoming a father changed the emotion that goes into your songwriting?
And that’s the simple reason why we like to create with emotion.
It tells you the mood, the emotion, the momentum, everything about it.
Styles, colors, and cuts move with mood and emotion, body and gender.
And when the time comes for big emotion, Dillon’s work is searing.
Interviewed after her arrest, Sutton showed «no emotion, no remorse,» Dorris says.
As you were saying, there was so much emotion in the coverage.
And the other factor is actually matters to range emotion of viewers.
And the stoics mean you have no pleasure or emotion at all.
Simone prides herself on bringing a bit of emotion to her profession.
The people are so grateful — their emotion always brings tears of happiness.
Fear wasn’t their only emotion: «We’re so proud of him» Malcolm said.
I saw in his face that he could not escape the emotion.
Still, the raw emotion surrounding the issue showed no signs of abating.
Like Nestor, the system uses «emotion recognition systems» to measure students’ attention.
We’ve had every emotion from jubilation to devastation and everything in between.
«A purely disembodied human emotion is a nonentity,» as James put it.
Nor can Mr Vogel convey much emotion through all that straggly hair.
The Ensemble believes deeply in love and in the value of emotion.
The first three or four interviews, I did not always see emotion.
To my surprise, there was one emotion that overrode the humiliation: relief.
He’s making me feel the emotion that he died as a hero.
And yet his presence is purely physical, signaling little or no emotion.
The words and emotion in that scene were so real — and sweet!
Tenor’s pitch centers around matching the right GIF with the right emotion.
It’s essential to communicate with emotion when they interface with the public.
People are looking for genuine expression of emotion in their everyday life.
I wanted to express raw emotion in front of hundreds of people.
His voice cracked with emotion when he talked about the Consiglio family.
Thousands of kids are about to get a major dose of emotion.
The EMotion is Fisker’s second attempt to capture lightning in the bottle.
He hugged his executive officer and thanked the others with obvious emotion.
PASSION: Black church is passionate; it’s high emotion and drama and loud.
It can be an ugly emotion, one that can drag you down.
The Twittersphere’s reactions to the eclipse spanned just about every emotion possible.
You’ve got to have your eyes closed, and you’ll feel my emotion.
There’s a lot of emotion in my work and people feel strongly.
The last five minutes of the episode are a whirlwind of emotion.
The best part about «Second Emotion» is the addition of Travis Scott.
She had connected her logic and her emotion in this final debate.
Like many moms, there’s one very poignant emotion she has trouble shaking.
Why do people, when feeling something intense, suddenly express a different emotion?
I think about what kind of emotion that would produce in me.
«You’ve always been my rock,» she says, her voice overcome with emotion.
WHEN the moment came, Billy Graham did not feel any special emotion.
I share the emotion of the French nation which is also ours.
Not a flinch, not a squint, not a single flash of emotion.
For Ashton Matheny, the next two weeks will be filled with emotion.
Emotion researchers have long known about something called the hedonic treadmill (PDF).
This is a move that represents overwhelming emotion and important key changes.
This album whomps and exults, but Lizzo’s displays of resilience obscure emotion.
The camera cut away to an A. Rod obviously overcome with emotion.
I see hip-hop as a conduit and vehicle for evoking emotion.
» She continued, «And I think that’s why we get so much emotion.
It’s nice when I play a festival — I absorb that emotion also.
Why has the fire at Notre Dame stirred such emotion in France?
That is not an emotion she has always been able to experience.
The romance, the emotion, the international element, the, uh, almost athletic events.
It genuinely acknowledges the emotion of it and how intense it is.
He rarely says more than he has to and betrays little emotion.
«I personally was driven by emotion for the project,» Chris RWK said.
There is true emotion in this blockbuster, a rare feat in itself.
Optimism is like a cognitive evaluation and positive emotion is about happiness.
The video then shows Huff spinning away in a rush of emotion.
«You’re trying to find some balance between laws and emotion,» he said.
I’m exhausted this go round, swirling with emotion and starving, like constantly.
Each reviewer represented different theoretical camps in the world of emotion science.
Unfortunately, the emotion is sometimes expressed in the form of hotel decor.
This makes modifying voices or adding emotion to computer-generated speech difficult.
Now I had every sort of emotion, positive, negative, it didn’t matter.
This journey has been full of every emotion I could think of.
A negative emotion may be just as evolutionarily useful as physical pain.
And that’s exactly why you shouldn’t avoid emotion at work, she said.
The clincher, for me, is the emotion behind how she is singing.
Washington (CNN)The Mr. Cool in the Oval Office rarely shows emotion.
He spoke with a quiet emotion and dignity about his daughter’s win.
I will cry, if possible with emotion, and then bottle the results.
I [ARTIST] is extremely [NEGATIVE ADJECTIVE], and they should feel [NEGATIVE EMOTION].
The current President showed Wednesday that he’s driven by emotion and grievance.
There are upsides to AI that understand subtle nuances in human emotion.
«I love the emotion that’s conveyed in just her posture,» she said.
Jurors also doubted victims who did not show emotion on the stand.
The origin of poetry, thought William Wordsworth, was emotion recollected in tranquillity.
Then that night arrived, and the episode left me with mixed emotion.
This area of the brain is associated with emotion and risk perception.
What is surprising — almost stunning — is the emotion coming from the bench.
«The nuance of emotion is probably only 3,000 years old,» Doner asserts.
That’s a human emotion, so at least we’re on the right track.
Does it communicate that emotion effectively to whomever shared the original post?
Facebook determined that users needed better ways to express emotion through text.
The second most commonly identified emotion was loved, which really surprised us.
This can often evoke a more powerful emotion in a musical cadence.
The Fisker EMotion, which will make its official debut at CES 22018.
If you leave without emotion, than I’m not doing my job properly.
This time, he was touting another highly exotic design dubbed the EMotion.
But Pixar’s Inside Out stands up for sadness as a helpful emotion.
The show amounts to a boisterously campy and painful excess of emotion.
We have to define the emotion in order to make it stronger.
» His death tapped «deep feelings and emotion that people had put aside.
Oddsmakers can’t do their jobs based on emotion—they must be nonpartisan.
No, Jaime is driven by a much more base, unrestrained emotion: love.
I just thought the emotion would kind of carry us through there.
When did you start to feel self-conscious that emotion wasn’t boyish?
Build your case based on research, not hearsay or appeals to emotion.
The release date for the EMotion is unclear, Fisker said in May.
Anki has programmed the robot with what it calls an emotion engine.
Republicans target specific areas of our brains that transmit emotion and fear.
That it is beautiful amazes, with aesthetic detachment tensed against naked emotion.
«I’m telling you right now,» she said, her voice filled with emotion.
Reading it for the first time, he says, overwhelmed him with emotion.
Your desperate objections are rebuffed as merely the product of irrational emotion.
» ZPS is «an idea, emotion and action for people who are busy.
But he betrayed little emotion as Judge Dear Jackson announced her sentence.
«Oh God,» he suddenly says, overcome with a sudden access of emotion.
Despite Toyota’s aggressive marketing and adventurous styling, the Camry doesn’t evoke emotion.
While anger is a natural emotion, anger alone cannot solve a problem.
The affect heuristic describes how humans sometimes make decisions based on emotion.
That emotion, however, soon turned into something else: a sense of opportunity.
But let’s push away the emotion and campaign rhetoric for a moment.
But Welles’s much more adventurous ones still teem with emotion and life.
Despite the flop, and emotion, Carey appeared to be shaking it off.
And it’s possible that emotion comes across in her public testimony Friday.
Overcome with emotion, she leaped up and rushed out to the porch.
«Emotion» is the only song of hers to crack the top 50.
Sometimes, a luxury car is less about objectivity and more about emotion.
There was a lot of love and emotion put into this drawing.
«I believe that the jury probably went more on emotion,» she said.
We’re so used to technology without faces—ones that don’t express emotion.
I just try to capture the emotion that’s within the written words.
But when you talk about God, love, or parent, it elicits emotion.
That is mostly because they convey emotion, the precious currency of marketers.
The outpouring of emotion at the King Power Stadium was indescribably powerful.
In fact, his ability can cause this emotion on a wide scale.
The Moon symbolizes emotion and nurturing, so take care of your heart.
He is void of any sort of facial expression that indicates emotion.
Did you try to charge it with the emotion of a fight?
«I will always remain broken,» Amin whispers, her voice cracking with emotion.
It is the latter emotion that now courses around the duo’s song.
Is there a phrase containing more layers of emotion than «the park»?
If someone’s yelling, the text might get enormous, to underscore the emotion.
What fact did he have to back that up other than emotion?
I would say in 2005, he communicated with emotion rather than purpose.
A recent study published in the journal Emotion may have the answers.
In fact, in the short-run, they can be a positive emotion.
They don’t understand emotion and empathy in the way that humans do.
This begs the question, is simulated emotion now more real than instinct?
The emotion is real in the documentary, Angle’s rawness makes it great.
So, revenge had a much larger emotion-repairing effect than we expected.
Oswald’s goal for the series is to capture the emotion of sexuality.
The episode features a moment of true, almost universal emotion for queers.
He was the blueprint for how to touch people with raw emotion.
He also filled them with sex, absurdity and flights of melodramatic emotion.
Her style suggests Expressionism, but it is detached from mere personal emotion.
«Success» can only truly occur internally, because it is based on emotion.
You could hear Gelernt trying to control the emotion in his response.
Empathy and public displays of emotion do not come easily to him.
I still remember the way she drew emotion out of that violin.
But we also know that emotion is fleeting and can be faked.
Long hours, limited career prospects, and low wages contribute to this emotion.
Because the man is just a too-perfect glitch of human emotion.
What novels can give you that film can’t is emotion, internal narrative.
I disagree: never before has Fischl so seamlessly transmuted emotion into paint.
To be effective, any movement needs a realistic program, not mere emotion.
«Kids have a full range of emotion about this,» Dr. Muriel said.
Am I an empath or just a vast receptacle of sensitive emotion?
EC: Every emotion, and scream, and grunt from that show is pure.
Translators are often overcome by emotion and find it difficult to continue.
In the grip of strong emotion, productive conversation can be surprisingly hard.
And I wanted to make it driven by emotion rather than intellect.
It identifies an emotion by finding the closest match in the catalog.
The level of emotion, and the fan intensity, is exactly the same.
My wife and I found ourselves recognizing every emotion and viewpoint expressed.
And those bursts of emotion have surely translated into warps in time.
My next emotion was unexpected: I found that I was secretly thrilled.
«Sitting with that emotion and processing it is really important,» she said.
It’s wildly alive with the girl’s unchecked bursts of word and emotion.
For me, she needs to be more playful with lots of emotion.
But they appeared incapable of silencing the eruption of emotion this time.
There was just, like, a bunch of emotion — it was really emotional.
Solstad dismisses that emotion as a «remnant of puberty,» not much more.
The emotion and common unity was powerful in this country last year.
She also showed uncommon emotion, at times tearing up on the bench.
Does it matter if an emotion is real if it sounds real?
I’ve never seen so much raw emotion on WeChat from so many.
Jealousy is a normal human emotion, just like happiness, sadness, and anger.
Well, the Friday rush may not be the cause of that emotion.
More important, they are charged with authentic emotion. Quotes. Statistics. Dates. Fact.
«There are certain bits of clothing that really carry emotion,» he says.
Nobody with his range of magnetic talent and emotion, so often unmoored.
It contains emotion but tells a bigger story at the same time.
Rescuers, heroes, victims Base alloys of emotion bubbled up to the surface.
That finally drew some emotion from Noah — his typical quick-flaring anger.
There’s more emotion than initially meets the eye in this creative image.
Losers lash out, and anger is a common emotion, as is pride.
Mr. Murphy did not show any emotion but whispered to his lawyer.
And to assuage our fears, neurological research shows that emotion trumps reason.
It traffics in awe, which is a closely related emotion to terror.
The body, he says, is a «place»— of memory, emotion and imagination.
She said she looks for «emotion and energy» when composing a photograph.
I’m not even inside the theater and I receive all that emotion.
«I am so excited and full of grateful emotion,» said Tonelli, 227.
Secondly, just the emotion of this president and how upset people are.
Friday — The tide of emotion continues to grow on Chinese social media.
Something I’d like to see more of in Dorrance’s work is emotion.
Anxiety is a normal, healthy emotion meant to warn you of danger.
After five years, 95% said the strongest emotion they felt was relief.
«My name is Robin,» she said, her soft voice catching in emotion.
I think for Emira, transactional relationships look like emotion, when it’s work.
«You need the emotion of the characters to make it come alive.»
They convey the rich and vital role of emotion in any revolution.
At all points throughout the study, relief was the most typical emotion.
«It was an emotion, a drive, a challenge within myself,» she said.
«It was like a flow of emotion,» he said during the interview.
But when she heard of Flake’s decision, she was overcome with emotion.
He incorporated the idea as a means to find emotion and essence.
Both she and her new husband said they were overwhelmed with emotion.
The photo, attached to the GoFundMe page, prompted an outpouring of emotion.
People choose based on emotion — if they didn’t, we wouldn’t have Trump.
Emotion«Human beings are the fundamental units of capital markets,» Crosby said.
A little humor, a bit of thoughtfulness, some seemingly true human emotion.
«I’m so happy,» she said, her voice breaking at times with emotion.
«I’m so happy,» she said, her voice breaking at times with emotion.
Listen more closely as we exchange facts, seek reason, and process emotion.
That experiment was absolutely hell, because boredom is not a comfortable emotion.
There is a lot of emotion in the country about gun violence.
We’re driven by emotion … there’s emotional push and pull throughout each episode.
«I was very struck by the emotion in the room,» Macron said.
Formal workplace culture usually discourages these types of electronic displays of emotion.
Achieving this requires creating technology that can understand and master human emotion.
Humor, sky high stakes & a truly overwhelming amount of emotion in it.
And so often that emotion will mean conflict, betrayal, sickness and breakup.
The events of the episode were mostly mundane, if charged with emotion.
In the present, Kate is overcome with emotion after Toby’s heart attack.
«In each case, you’re trying to gauge an emotion response,» Yagan said.
There’s a lot of emotion, a lot of cultural issues at play.
Arnold Schoenberg’s 1899 «Verklärte Nacht» («Transfigured Night») is a tempest of emotion.
You want to have emotion, body, voice, all in a fluid expression.
Trump is especially good at tapping into fear, a particularly motivating emotion.
Dirty Computer: An Emotion Picture is currently available to stream on YouTube.
Making your audience connect with an emotion can be just as powerful.
Traditionally, the emotion of jealousy was thought to occur only in primates.
I wake up, unable to catch my breath and wrecked with emotion.
Do away with that human emotion shit and stay in one place.
Developed of instinct and less of intent, I worked off of emotion.
During the court process, I saw no remorse or emotion from Angus.
In the first act, I lost count of how many scenes involve characters, particularly Peter, describing what kind of emotion they’re feeling and the actions that they’re going to do in the next scene because of said emotion.
After releasing her critically acclaimed and unjustly underperforming album Emotion in 2015, Jepsen gifted fans with a new EP of Emotion B-sides in 2016 — and they’re arguably just as good as the tracks that made the initial cut.
These celebs won’t be the only ones riding rollercoasters of emotion that evening.
Interestingly, Regaind also analyzes your face to determine your gender, age and emotion.
According to mood ring lore, each color represents a different emotion or feeling.
We were finally able to celebrate and soak up all of that emotion.
ROD: The way he captured the emotion of that song is very powerful.
Its motto is «hockey that fuels emotion«—a tagline that hints at hostility.
There was a lot of emotion in the room, and they were long.
Starting with the idea that they should only want sex and not emotion.
There’s a philosopher [Paul Crittenden] with a book called Reason, Will, and Emotion.
In Selma, he channeled reason and emotion to spark a will to reform.
At the very least, it was an earnest attempt at a human emotion.
In the real world, our thoughts are more influenced by empathy and emotion.
«The advocates for illegal aliens are appealing to emotion,» Mehlman told Fox News.
We know that anger can be a very good emotion to spur action.
«After my dad died there was such an outpouring of emotion,» he says.
They steamroll over the initial, placid arrangement in a sudden burst of emotion.
«I wanted people to see the real emotion I was feeling,» he said.
The EMotion is the work of Fisker Inc, the car designer’s latest venture.
Merkel announced her decision to leave politics with her customary lack of emotion.
There were stories about the victims, their lives covered with diligence and emotion.
There’s first an outpouring of emotion that is matched later by substantive action.
She said Watt seemed casual about their absence and didn’t show any emotion.
This time, I was surrounded by a different kind of person: emotion-keepers.
The 43-year-old showed no emotion as Goetzl read out her sentence.
«That little girl was me,» Harris said with emotion swelling in her voice.
They are able to turn their «emotion chips» on and off at will.
In the video, Finkenauer’s voice cracked with emotion as she denounced the plan.
«I’m not the Red Woman,» Arya tells him, devoid of any real emotion.
Thousands of miles away, I can hear the emotion rising in her chest.
Sometimes I forget if emotion is showing from my toes to my fingertips.
The artist’s choices of what to draw first impact the emotion that’s conveyed.
Artistic expression is a messaging platform which plays not on information but emotion.
I’ve heard people literally say that emotion is not of use to them.
If there’s no emotion invested in the performance, why bother with such precision?
«I never thought it was possible,» Herman said, his voice cracking with emotion.
The exchange left the internet in a glass case of emotion for months.
Watching this makes the emotion of their reunion all the more amazing, too.
If I don’t have the emotion I won’t put it on the market.
But as always, it’s the performance and emotion that will sell this Jaguar.
Spencer learned how to feel emotion; Hannah learned how to be more robotic.
Cozmo manages to express a wide-range of emotion with its LED eyes.
The emotion of disgust seemed to me like a more promising explanatory principle.
Deadly fires and storms stir emotion at first, then spark climate-change arguments.
We love to anthropomorphize our dogs, to connect their behaviors to human emotion.
I needed the 15 minutes to recoup and just get that emotion out.
There’s face tracking, emotion recognition, and robotic movements generated by deep neural networks.
In the Trump era, however, a dangerous new emotion is increasingly surfacing: contempt.
This typically lasted for 20 to 30 seconds before transitioning to another emotion.
A smile to remember Braden was overcome with emotion by the officers’ gesture.
Yet how many cops do not experience «intense emotion» just before shooting someone?
At points, the inclusiveness and intellect of Wray’s novel crowd out the emotion.
It just is very difficult to go from intensity, passion, emotion, to anger.
Other artists focus on using digital-feeling characters to express very human emotion.
Instead, the election has been about emotion, not policies and facts, he said.
We were able to capture a lot of emotion in that one photo.

1. Don’t make a permanent decision for your temporary emotion.

2. Love, hatred, and grief are emotion.

3. Emotion is the innate weakness of human.

4. Her voice shook with emotion.

5. His voice shook with emotion.

6. Her voice was full of emotion .

7. If a woman is not sexy, she needs emotion; if she is not emotional, she needs reason; if she is not reasonable, she has to know herself clearly. coz only she has is misfortune.

8. Don’t hold your emotion in, cry if you want to.

9. Happiness was an emotion that Reynolds was having to relearn.

10. He showed no emotion as he walked into the witness box.

11. She felt as if every drop of emotion had been squeezed out of her.

12. He was choking with emotion.

13. His face worked with emotion.

14. It is impossible to separate belief from emotion.

15. His voice broke with emotion.

16. She showed no emotion at the verdict.

17. He displayed no sign of emotion.

18. He felt no emotion as she left.

19. Jealousy is an ugly emotion.

20. His voice wavered with emotion.

21. He showed no visible sign of emotion.

22. Fear is a normal human emotion.

23. His voice was throbbing with emotion.

24. She spoke with deep emotion.

25. He spoke in a voice touched with emotion.

26. Her voice wobbled with emotion.

27. Laughter is one of the most infectious expressions of emotion.

28. I’m just an ordinary person[],[Sentencedict] I have my little emotion.

29. Without you? Id be a soul without a purpose. Without you?Id be an emotion without a heart. Im a face,without expression, A heart with no beat. Without you by my side, Im just a flame without the heat. Elle Kimberly Schmick.

30. The same can not withstand the ravages of time, emotion, to the time it will cool.


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