Sentences with the word effort

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Advanced Procedure and Axioms and Thought, Emotion and Effort

«Продвинутая процедура и Аксиомы» и лекции «Мысль, эмоция и усилие«

Effort is only required when there is resistance.

Усилие возникает только в том случае, когда есть сопротивление.

C.I.A. Had Evidence of Russian Effort to Help Trump Earlier Than Believed

У ЦРУ были доказательства попыток России помочь Трампу ранее, чем то считалось до сих пор

Effort of attention is thus the essential phenomenon of will.

«Усилие внимания, таким образом, является важнейшим проявлением воли».

Effort is distraction from what is.

Усилие — отвлечение от того, что есть на самом деле.

Effort makes some great men famous.

Усилие сделало некоторых великих людей известными.

Effort flowed from here; which eventually led to the creation of the eyes.

Отсюда усилия, которые, в конце концов, привели к созданию глаз.

Effort resources are associated with an individual, but they can be exhausted and replenished at different time.

Ресурсы усилий связаны с индивидуумом, они могут тратиться и пополняться в разное время.

Effort — the time required to complete a task, usually recorded in minutes.

Усилия — оценка времени, требующегося для завершения задачи, обычно записываемое в минутах.

Effort‘s what he’s accused of never making.

Усилия это то, что он обвиняется в том, что никогда ничего не делает.

Effort is attendant upon clarification of spiritual vision and enhancement of cosmic insight.

Ясность духовного видения и усиление космической проницательности требуют усилий.

Effort makes the being vibrate at a certain degree of tension which makes it possible for you to feel the joy.

Усилие делает существо вибрирующим определенным напряжением, которое позволяет вам чувствовать радость.

Effort is still required if you want to get those results.

Усилия по-прежнему требуется, если вы хотите, чтобы получить эти результаты.

Effort is constantly made to integrate the concept of equality into activities at national and influential levels.

Постоянно предпринимаются усилия для того, чтобы идеи равенства стали органическим элементом деятельности на национальном уровне и в сфере принятия решений.

Effort needs to be put into multiple use of already collected and registered information.

Необходимы были усилия по обеспечению многократного использования уже собранной и зарегистрированной информации.

Effort was made to protect government’s ability to control its economy and people’s wealth.

Усилия были направлены на защиту способности государства контролировать свою экономику и благосостояние граждан.

Effort and work in this sense assumed an entirely irrational character.

Таким образом, усилия и работа приобрели совершенно иррациональный характер.

Get More out of Life with Less Effort.

И достичь в своей жизни большего, прилагая меньше усилий.

Effort: This is the most significant difference between projects and programs.

Усилия: Это наиболее существенное различие между проектами и программами.

Effort needs to be made in preserving the Tibetan literary traditions and improving the standard of Tibetan language use.

Усилия должны быть направлены на сохранение тибетских литературных традиций и повышение уровня использования тибетского языка.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат Effort

Результатов: 110852. Точных совпадений: 110852. Затраченное время: 265 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

The collaborative effort was fabulous.
Результат совместных усилий был поразителен.

Gottemoeller said the effort represented “baby steps.”
По словам Готтемюллер, такая попытка представляет собой «первые шаги младенца».

We pledge to spare no effort to advance this aim.
Мы обязуемся приложить все усилия для достижения этой цели.

It’s a large effort.
Это большой труд.

This is a bankrupt effort at communicating health information.
Это — старания неудачника в предоставлении медицинской информации.

the collective effort, the team colors, the speed, the physical aggression.
коллективное напряжение, командные цвета, скорость, физическая агрессия.

That effort must start now.
Эти усилия нужно начинать прилагать уже сейчас.

Saleh will undoubtedly resist such an effort.
Несомненно, Салех будет сопротивляться таким попыткам.

Massive diplomatic effort certainly should be mobilized to achieve this goal.
Массивные дипломатические усилия, безусловно, должны быть мобилизованы для достижения этой цели.

He climbed up the tree without effort.
Он без труда залез на дерево.

We can reward effort consistently as everything fields together.
Мы можем последовательно награждать старания.

I wanted to save you the effort of walking me out and hailing me a cab.
Я хотела освободить тебя от напряжения вызванного провожанием меня и ловлей мне такси.

Their effort resulted in success.
Их усилия окончились успехом.

And you made no effort to exercise consideration.
И ты не предпринял никаких попыток, чтобы проявить внимание.

The reasons go beyond the reality that big accomplishments require time and effort.
Помимо такого очевидного факта, как то, что на крупные достижения требуются время и усилия, для этого существует ещё несколько причин.

With great effort he climbed up the tree.
С огромным трудом он забрался на дерево.

These are great effort combined with ability and enriched by both judgment and vision.
А именно: огромное старание в сочетании со способностями, дополненные здравыми суждениям и видением ситуации.

If, however, he confuses such an effort with his campaign’s “America first” thrust, even more tension is likely.
Однако, если подобное усилие не совпадает со слоганом его кампании “Америка прежде всего”, возможно еще большее напряжение.

With a little more effort.
Приложив немного больше усилий.

The effort to take Dr. Kim Myung Guk.
Попытка заполучить доктора Ким Мён Гука.


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Sentences with the word Effort?



  • «made a special effort to be accommodating»
  • «the warden was always accommodating in allowing visitors in»; «made a special effort to be accommodating»
  • «made an effort to cover all the reading material»; «wished him luck in his endeavor»; «she gave it a good try»
  • «he supported populist campaigns»; «they worked in the cause of world peace»; «the team was ready for a drive toward the pennant»; «the movement to end slavery»; «contributed to the war effort«
  • «dipping each his bread into a communal dish of stew»- Paul Roche; «a communal settlement in which all earnings and food were shared»; «a group effort«
  • «concerted action»; «the conjunct influence of fire and strong wind»; «the conjunctive focus of political opposition»; «a cooperative effort«; «a united effort«; «joint military activities»
  • «a conscious effort to speak more slowly»; «a conscious policy»
  • «The effort to pass the exam consumed all his energy»
  • «a cooperative effort«
  • «the student’s effort on the essay—though not outstanding—was creditable»
  • «if the effort brings no compensating gain it is a waste»; «mindless dissipation of natural resources»
  • «make love, not war»; «make an effort«; «do research»; «do nothing»; «make revolution»
  • «economy of effort«
  • «he got an A for effort«; «they managed only with great exertion»
  • «he performed a great feat»; «the book was her finest effort«
  • «a futile effort«; «the therapy was ineffectual»; «an otiose undertaking»; «an unavailing attempt»
  • «a groping effort to understand»
  • «a halfhearted effort«; «gave only lukewarm support to the candidate»
  • «it requires vigilance on our part»; «they resisted every effort on his part»
  • «I promise you my best effort«
  • «They turned in a splendid effort«; «They turned in top jobs for the second straight game»
  • «She spearheaded the effort to find a cure for the disease»
  • «squandered money cannot be replaced»; «a wasted effort«
  • «civilians were strafed in an effort to force the country’s surrender»
  • «his effort was testimony to his devotion»
  • «a clumsy and wasteful process»; «wasteful duplication of effort«; «uneconomical ebb and flow of power»
  • «the incident left him unstrung and incapable of rational effort«

Our efforts don’t stop there, though.


Should tears come in the effort to eat it, just let them flow, but go on with the mastication.


Agriculture efforts should therefore be directed towards co-operating with nature.


In Newcastle, their evangelistic efforts began to reap converts, and from then on their popularity escalated.


This is part of a concerted effort to win subsidies from cities and states for every worksite — $ 1.1 billion since 2000 — culminating in the obscene spectacle of the bidding war for its second headquarters, HQ2, with tax incentive offers worth billions and even a proposal to give worker income taxes to Amazon.


A Contact Database contains typical contact information, social media handles for the prospect, past transactions, referrals and any other information to help in your sales efforts.


Instead, make an effort to take a walk during your lunch break, make it to a family dinner «or even [making] a FaceTime call can really make a difference,» Branson added.


«Over the past 10 years LGIMA has experienced significant growth, and these professionals have been brought on as part of our on-going strategic efforts to further support expansion,» said Robert Moore, CEO of LGIMA, in a statement.


He explained that the new hires are part of Google’s efforts to more effectively bridge together its research unit and its core business.


Whether or not the present Government will seek to reintroduce some of these measures remains to be seen, but there has certainlybeen no let-up in the efforts of the sex education establishment to lobby in favour of statutory SRE and to remove the right of parents to opt out.


I hope some of these hard-core believers don’t decide to commit mass suicide in an effort to join their God.


In response, Mednax has announced a series of efforts to boost profits, including a new focus on radiology and a long-term goal to slash general and administrative expenses by around 10 percent.


In an effort to divert attention from all the money that wasn’t being given to faith-based groups, we had come up with the idea of highlighting the amount of money now «available» to faith-based organizations…


But how do you know whether or not your sales effort is broken?


Wang told Kim that China will support North Korea’s efforts to resolve the security issue, the ministry said.


What this conclusion points to is that having a documented content strategy may not be the single most determining factor of whether content marketing efforts will be effective and successful.


In an initiative called Project Scarlett, Washington Mutual slashed its due diligence staff by 25 percent as part of an effort to bolster profit.


Powell states April 28 that North Korea expects «something considerable in return» for this effort.


We create, plan, and optimize content for use in SaaS marketing and sales efforts.


Australian Fast Foods Pty Ltd will move to franchise company owned regional Chicken Treat stores in an effort to ensure better staff retention rates.


The far-reaching initiative encompasses not only relief efforts but also reduced flight fares from the island, disaster recovery awareness and fundraising pushes, airlift support systems and more.


Individualistic countries value individual effort and achievement and thus are in favor of redistribution of family wealth toward creating more equal economic opportunities, independent of the social context (i.e., wealth of the family) into which one is born, which legitimizes high inheritance taxes.


Meanwhile there has been a lot of talk that President Obama is reviewing plans to retaliate against Russia’s supposed attacks, efforts that were made against the heart of the President’s own political party.


You can focus on listing items that are great accessories for the top sellers on eBay or you can plan your efforts around items that are sold in lower volume and try to focus your niche around these items to become an eBay Power-seller by listing items sold in lower volume while you corner more of the market-share on those product listings.


Some traffic costs money, while other traffic sources take time and effort to create.


In setting it up this way (using the search terms report in AdWords), I might be able to see that a lot of people are searching for «louis vuitton damier tortoise shell brown sunglasses» and I would be able to prioritize my On-Page, Link Building, effort to that specific product page.


Sales Focus was able to analyze our market and direct our sales efforts towards the most lucrative opportunities.


Even worse, the second rep may go through all that effort only to receive a poor rating, not because their execution was faulty, but because the problem was more severe, resulting in a frustrated customer.


These dormitory-style accommodations were provided for All Hands and Hearts volunteers helping with hurricane relief efforts in Aransas Pass, Texas.


Goldhagen often refers to the Holy See’s efforts as being directed towards Catholics who converted from Judaism, as opposed to Jews who were not Catholics.


However, the hackers likely pocketed a much smaller amount amid ongoing efforts to blacklist the tokens.


You’ll need more effort and creativity to pull this off, but it may just be the right strategy to take your marketplace to the top.


Though they were clearly frustrated with some aspects of the way HowAbouteWe management has handled the looming deal, the staffer noted the company has made some efforts to help employees find new work.


Tilt’s experience and expertise complement our ongoing efforts to transform the way people travel.


Was it a calculated effort to advance discipline within the lower ranks of the Party?


James left the firm simultaneously with the takeover, to concentrate his efforts towards providing investment management of the highest quality.


The DIY company also has put together its Team Depot volunteers who are on their way to help with the cleanup effort.


With any luck, this new promise will reinvigorate domestic efforts to improve rural access to health care.


We join with people around the world in praying for God’s protection for persecuted Christians and those of other faiths, as well as for those brave men and women engaged in our military, diplomatic, and humanitarian efforts to alleviate their suffering and restore stability, security, and hope to their nations.


More than half that amount was for relief efforts after the October wildfires.


Shannon Hosford oversaw one of the most successful rebranding efforts Canadian sports has ever seen.


So while appointments are certainly set through sales development efforts, that’s the byproduct, not the focus.


Canada should redouble efforts to forge a closer economic partnership with China and to facilitate trade with India.


Some major companies are hoping that the blockchain will help them understand where their ad money is going, in an effort to cut down on unnecessary spending.


Mily has won numerous awards for her tireless efforts, including «100 Heroines of the World,» 1998; the Cesar Chavez Legacy Award.


«Due to the fundamental changes facing the business today, including increased domestic competition and rising content costs, we believe other shareholders would be willing to partner with Icahn in his efforts to force a sale,» DiClemente wrote in a note to clients.


Volunteers play a critical role in the Haskayne Founders» Circle annual fundraising campaign and we are grateful for the efforts of the dedicated members of the 2015-16 Haskayne Founders» Circle Cabinet:


Mr. Obama said American counterterrorism efforts had put pressure «on these networks that are well-financed and more sophisticated and can engage and project transnational threats against the United States,» but that «one of the dangers that we now face are self-radicalized individuals who are already here in the United States.»


WASHINGTON (AP)— The U.S. trade deficit rose for the sixth straight month in February, reaching the highest level since October 2008 and defying President Donald Trump’s efforts to rebalance America’s lopsided trade with the rest of the world.


She leads Deloitte’s brand, reputation, digital, corporate communications, and corporate citizenship efforts.


усилие, попытка, старание, напряжение, достижение, натуга


- сила; усилие; напряжение; старание

- попытка

to make an effort — попытаться, сделать попытку, постараться
It may be worth our effort to investigate the matter. — Пожалуй, стоит попытаться внимательно изучить этот вопрос.

- усилия; борьба (за что-л.)

a peace effort — усилия в борьбе за мир
joint /combined. concerted/ effort — объединённые усилия
co-operative effort — совместные усилия
constant effort to attain one’s end — постоянная борьба за достижение цели

- достижение; произведение; результат усилий

a literary effort — литературное произведение
The painting is one of his finest efforts. — Эта картина — одна из его лучших работ.

- программа работ; объём работ; деятельность

air effort — авиационный ресурс; действия авиации
research effort — программа научно-исследовательских работ
space effort — программа космических исследований

- нечто, требующее напряжения сил: тяжёлое, утомительное или скучное

I’m exhausted all the time, and everything is a real effort. — Я постоянно устаю, и буквально всё приходится делать через силу.
I was so weak that even standing up was an effort. — Я настолько ослаб, что даже вставать удавалось с трудом.
I thought it would be easy, but it was an effort. — Я думал, что будет легко, но было тяжко.

- физ. сила; усилие

braking effort — усилие торможения
linkage effort — усилие тяги

- спорт. голевой момент; удар по воротам

What an effort! — Как сыграно! Какой момент! (спорт.)
It was a great goal effort, but the keeper made a diving save. — Это был отличный голевой момент, но вратарь в прыжке спас ворота.

Мои примеры


in an effort to avoid confusion — в стремлении избежать путаницы  
vast expenditures of time and effort — огромные затраты времени и сил  
an unavailing effort to avert a war — тщетные усилия предотвратить войну  
desperate / frantic effort — отчаянное усилие  
an effort to goose sales — попытка стимулировать продажи  
heroic effort — огромные, героические усилия  
just a midget effort — хотя бы малейшее усилие  
team effort — усилия всей команды  
to run with effort — бежать через силу  
design effort — конструкторская работа  
programming effort — работа по программированию  
war effort — военная экономика; военные нужды; военно-экономическая деятельность; работа на победу  

Примеры с переводом

Not a bad effort for a beginner!

Неплохая попытка для новичка!

Success waits on effort.

Успех требует усилий.

We need to expend more effort.

Мы должны прилагать больше усилий.

He put a lot of effort into finishing the project on time.

Он приложил много усилий, чтобы завершить проект в срок.

Her efforts were rewarded with a new contract.

Её усилия были вознаграждены новым контрактом.

Despite my best efforts, I never found out who she was.

Несмотря на все свои усилия, я так и не узнала, кто она такая.

The job will require a great deal of time and effort.

Эта работа потребует много времени и сил.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

It took her so much effort to speak that what she said carried great conviction (=showed she felt sure of what she said).

…movie audiences have effectively nixed the idea of the reviving the old-fashioned western by emphatically ignoring this latest effort…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

effortless  — легкий, естественный, пассивный, не требующий усилий, не делающий усилий
effortlessly  — без усилий, без напряжения

Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): effort
мн. ч.(plural): efforts

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