Sentences with the word ecology

Ecology (from Greek: οἶκος, «house», or «environment»; -λογία, «study of») is the branch of biology which studies the interactions among organisms and their environment. (Wikipedia) (See all definitions)

Graduate of any four year course related to development communications, community development, agriculture, human ecology and environment.


Guest speakers — local activists and experts in social and environmental justice from abroad taught us that ecology is nowadays linked to social and economic problems.


He has received new investigator awards from NASA and the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for his work on carbon and nutrient cycling in terrestrial ecosystems, and a CAREER grant from the National Science Foundation for research and education centered on the use of radiocarbon in ecology and earth system science.


The crucial inputs needed, such as energy and water, are considered within the context of the local ecology and waste reduction is a key element of our philosophy.


Don’t miss the annual Haig-Brown Lecture by renowned singer and ecology advocate Raffi Cavoukian, titled «Respecting Earth and Child: Child Honouring and Sustainability».


But such an approach creates confrontation and division, disturbs peace, harms human ecology and, by rejecting in principle approaches other than its own, finishes in a dead end.


Research interests: behavioral ecology, antipredator behavior, social networks, animal communication, conservation


In ecology, a keystone species is one whose impacts on its environment are larger and greater than would be expected from one species.


She has also taught an ecology course at the New York Botanical Garden.


Cross-grade collaboration and proven FOSS curriculum help deliver quality instruction in the areas of matter, energy, electricity, and ecology.


The Maligne Lake Cruise is an experience like no other with an experienced crew who will guide you through the rich history, ecology and geology of Maligne Lake.


we can help our ecology survive by making conscious and responsible choices, think before you do it.


«With Passive House, designers and architects have complete creative freedom — the requirements for functionality, structure, economics and ecology can all be combined in a visually appealing way,» stresses Dr. Wolfgang Feist, Director of the Passive House Institute.


It’s gluten free, vegan, and body ecology diet friendly!


For foster children, the child welfare system is probably the ecology beyond the family with the greatest impact on their outcomes.


This educational event merges art, ecology, environmentalism, and environmental justice as it informs the public about uranium mining and milling, nuclear power issues, nuclear weapons, and the nuclear fuel cycle.


He helped write the letter and recruited scientists with backgrounds in climate, energy, and forest ecology to sign it.


Proponents of TNR are well organized and push for TNR-friendly policies in communities and shelters around the United States, often with little opposition from the conservation biology and wildlife ecology communities… Regardless of why the scientific and management communities have remained relatively silent, it is imperative that we now begin speaking out.


In the same way, and for many of the same reasons, many today find it inconceivable that we could possibly be responsible for destroying the integrity of our planet’s ecology.


As the ecology of high alpine lakes changes, Vuille is also concerned about the effects of soil degradation in the surrounding wetlands.


Walter’s scientific work has focused on soil biology, plant root ecology, mycorrhizal fungi, glomalin, soil-carbon formation, as well as on biology’s enormous influence on hydrological cycles, weather patterns, regional and global cooling, air quality, and cloud formation and precipitation.


She is deeply knowledgeable about western ecology, the parks» unique geology, and their amazing wildlife.


Andy Bennett takes an integrative approach to behaviour, ecology and cognition and leads a lab that investigates two sensory ecological puzzles.


The study’s co-authors are William Platt, professor of biology at Louisiana State University, and Louis Gross, director of the National Institute for Mathematical and Biological Synthesis and professor of ecology and evolutionary biology and mathematics at the University of Tennessee.


Now we all know that we’re not supposed to introduce non-native species into an ecosystem; it’s maybe the number one ecology no-no.


And so, we’re getting a lot of folks who have unhealthy gut ecology or holes in the gut wall.


Using a combination of high throughput methods, we have been able to assess the ecology of microbes and functional pathways in these communities to correlate microbial and functional abundances of the gut microbiome with host genotype/phenotype.


John was a student of Paolo Solveri, the found of the concept «Arcology», architecture coherent with ecology.


Expertise and advanced degrees in climate or atmospheric science, carbon cycle dynamics, forest economics or forest ecology are preferred.


For example, in ecology there has long been a bias that nature develops toward an «optimal» (ie, «good») state in some sense, but this led to all sorts of humanizing of biological processes.


«Plants might be particularly vulnerable» in the case of rapid local climate changes, says Dov Sax, an assistant professor of ecology and evolutionary biology at Brown University in Providence, R.I. And even species that can travel more easily, like butterflies, can be dependent on specific plants or other biome system members that are slower to follow temperature changes.


Southern Belize is the home of diverse cultures, societies, and ecologies.


To complement the core courses, a series of elective streams has been developed for the following species and areas of interests: equine medicine and surgery; wildlife, zoological medicine, and ecology; small animal medicine and surgery; food animal; all-species specialties (diagnostic imaging, laboratory animal, ophthalmology, clinical pathology, gross pathology, and therapeutics); business and communication; public health/one health.


I’ve got a box of body ecology kefir starter (that expired a few months back).


The site design of this small organic farm and residence transitions from a cultivated landscape of orchards, gardens, and farming towards a restored native ecology of meadow grasses and coastal live oaks.


And although in my response to them I did not express my theology explicitly, I appreciate and affirm their insight that theological differences do underlie our different perspectives on economics and ecology.


The principles of population ecology allow us to explore more deeply the roots of mankind’s tribal instinct.


The side benefit would be those other disciplines that would be affected — ecology, ecosystem, biological science, environmental management, forestry, silvics, bioclimatology books would all have to be re-written too.


Just like science fiction, I deal with current concerns, such as ecology, hyper consumption, spirituality, violence, by imagining a futuristic world, synthesis of Mad Max and the Wonderland.


These and other factors, such as changes in endocrine and metabolic balance, may enhance fungal colonization, alter the body’s inner ecology and lower host’s immune response.


Smart scientific ecology rather than pantheistic reverence dominates the section on «Ecological Integrity,» again adopting the tone of the UN documents.


A relevant degree however, could also be in psychology, social work, human ecology or counseling.


Professor Munday has broad interests in the population, community and behavioural ecology of reef fishes.


Her practice addresses our relationship to time, scale, and ecology through process-based interactions with sites and materials, with projects arising from a hybrid of research and physical engagement in place.


A review of gray whale feeding ecology.


That fact is scientifically supported and not controversial among scientists who study climate from a broad range of disciplines, including geology, geophysics, geography, paleoclimatology, glaciology, hydrology, ecology, evolutionary biology, environmental studies and oceanography.


Nitrogen fixation in agriculture, forestry, ecology and the environment.


Additionally, I am a lecturer on spiritual ecology, a climate and environment activist, and a backcountry enthusiast.


[FN46] A report on the ecology and management of the Florida scrub-jay warns that «a population of domestic cats supported by human food offerings could eliminate a small, local population of Florida scrub-jays.»


How does the enormous diversity of zooplankton species, life cycles, size, feeding ecology, and physiology affect their role in ocean food webs and cycling of carbon?


1. To keep ecology in balance is our duty.

2. One of them is a card-carrying ecology freak.

3. The Ecology Party fielded 109 candidates .

4. She hopes to study ecology at college.

5. Ecology can be written about without relying on well-worn examples such as tropical rain forests.

6. Oil pollution could damage the ecology of the coral reefs.

7. Walter Adey first used the term synthetic ecology.

8. Social systems evolve in close relation to ecology.

9. In most cases, ecology is to blame.

10. There’s less confrontation with ecology.

11. They are aware of trade-offs between civilization and ecology.

12. Human ecology includes a vast complexity of social elements, themselves functioning in relation to modes of economic exploitation in varying regional ecologies.

13. The exact details of an emerging Bio2 ecology, he warned, were beyond predicting.

14. Much of ecology is about this process: finding energy; putting it to use.

15. Though they had no special knowledge of forest ecology, I was inclined to take them seriously.

16. Ecological Science and Forestry Ecology is the scientific study of organisms in relation to the physical and biological environment.

17. Ecology is the study of how living things relate to their environment.

18. It was as if the ecology of the place had chosen to imitate politics.

19. I have gone further, and combined sociology with ecology in the science of socioecology.

20. But restoration ecology is pointless if it merely leads to a relapse into high-risk behavior the moment it scores some initial success.

21. The oil spill caused terrible damage to the fragile ecology of the coast.

22. Opinion polls put the combined strength of the two ecology parties at 15% nationwide.

22. try its best to gather and create good sentences.

23. Chemicals in the factory’s sewage system have changed the ecology of the whole area.

24. We are reproducing ourselves at such a rate that our numbers threaten the ecology of the planet.

25. Not only is the bird’s distribution highly individual, its ecology is more finely tuned than that of any other falcon.

26. Although the ranges of the two dolphins correspond geographically, the feeding ecology of the two species is more distinct.

27. She has upset the natural balance of the world, including the ecology of Earth and Heaven.

28. It was certainly possible to study what would now be called ecological relationships before the founding of scientific ecology.

29. It is difficult to detect any direct influence of Darwin’s writings on the development of the main stream of plant ecology.

30. In second year, the zoology course reviews some of the major animal groups, their behaviour and ecology.

He was getting a good understanding of the workings of the planet’s ecology, and getting an appreciation of how well the native economy was integrated into the biosphere

Glenelle took over that program and learned the ecology of the city’s over-canopy

«There is a very fine understanding of ecology and efficiency going on in this city

But geography has long since been replaced by social studies, a discipline that can cover anything the teacher and the school desire, including ecology, community relations, sex and race relations or whatever (and if California has its way the virtues of homosexuality

Our calculations reveal that the island’s resources and ecology, if well managed, can easily sustain sixty-five thousand guests and staff, so we’ve planned accordingly

“We suggest that the inside of the volcano’s crater at Hilia is not an appropriate place for training with artillery weapons or battle spells, as the lake there is the only source of fresh water on the island, and the ecology there is delicate

The Foundation makes grants primarily for graduate fellowships, educational programs serving children and youth, marine and tropical ecology, scientific research and human services

I wanted to learn the science behind planetary ecology

They constitute an ecology of plasma life forms that evolved

They based their hypothesis on the ecology of our oceans where different life forms existed at

They based their hypothesis on the ecology of our oceans where

The predominant regime that has been expanding ever since is Human Ecology, in

After the mistake of transferring from there, the schools had almost all been like this one, except for a three year period in a high school where the principal kept order and supported his teachers; at that school, she had sponsored an ecology club and led hikes and camping trips, for once enjoying teaching

We had designed a vacuum, if you will, that could suck air out of your atmosphere without harming your people, animals or ecology

I said I would accept the position for biology but was also certified in, and willing to teach, earth science and ecology and also both English and history

Parents interested in teaching their kids about ecology and biology (not to mention providing plenty of room for playing!) may want to consider a trip to any nearby beaches

Ecology of Wild Chimpanzees

Ecology of Wild Chimpanzees; Go to the Bottom of the Page to the

Wrasse made a science of fishing, reading copiously about the behavioural ecology of the fish, shoal dispersal models, mist currents, feeding patterns and just about everything fish-related

ecology around the World Heritage Site and was an edifice

ecology, little awareness that if one species is destroyed then others will follow

Create a culture that is self-sustaining and renewable, human ecology, with the same

The architecture of our buildings contributes to the ecology of the local terrain

Can you choose between money and the ecology?

All integrated organizations have an ecology of orders, when, in equilibrium, creates sustainability and regenerating diversity – this is true for the individual, the state, and the Earth

Ecology movements emerge as Earth the body expresses itself through individual and collective mind thoughts as the awareness – “I am ill!” The ethics we feel are arising from the Mind we are within

“The kind of god I am talking about, but not the one you have to conceive, is the beautiful simplicity of the intrinsically sustainable ecology of consciousness: everlasting mind

with ecology of the residences to conduct corresponding examination

It is the act of the cell that creates the flow of the system and the gravity and emergence of the cultural field whose ecology of forces daily comformicates us in the I’mage of our e-mergence of It

In an attempt to find an interior ecology of health, we surround ourselves with soundscapes to try to white noise the outside world’s frequencies

comformicating connectedness, what is the ecology of electromagnetic waves? Do our chines need to have frequency filters so as to not cause cancer? This hard reality, this real science, this is is eterror

This is the cost of our cheap grocery fast food options: dead soil, stagnant waters and the long gone diverse ecology that once inhabited these areas

“My revelations about humanity, ecology and

“We reduced evolution from the survival of the fittest to an ecology of malignant migration, as dominators of water became monocultures of extinction

island ecology, plants and their uses, cultural and natural history of Grand Bahama Island

planetary ecology? The hippies did! Now the suits and suitcases pretend that it is they –

There is such a notion as “strange attractors” in hydrodynamics, chemistry, astronomy, meteorology, and ecology

So, it is possible to say that, in a certain Collective Intelligence with definite creative dynamics, NUU-VVU-Forms of “present” adults, of their parents, of their grandparents and to some extent of their great-grandparents, formed by their SFUURMM-Forms (by choices sequentially realized through them), in some particular linear interval of Time, the outward reality (nature, ecology, politics, society, religious foundation, scientific basis, etc

individuals, and cooperation with the ecology, and hints at the notion that civilizations that

the importance of ecology, and to stress the pervasiveness of the greater being that expresses

without addressing the needs of the ecology, long-term, considerate strategies that are based

that its policies and directives accord with the requisites of the ecology

Their advertisements try to show how ecologically responsible they are: as they systematically destroy the ecology of other living things

The fields of ecology and eco-systems is based upon the fact that there are no exceptions to this principle

� Every entity exists in its place for its own reasons, and these entities also serve in a larger structure, thereby creating a dynamic ecology of being and becoming in the microcosm and the macrocosm in balance

that we maintain the ecology of

He tossed in an occasional graph and some pie charts for good measure, to show how both the ecology and the economy had improved due to the diligence and integrity of the agency’s ongoing commitment

Arguing ecology versus economy, he found, can be disheartening

Peacock Bass And Their Effect On The Local Ecology:

Salts play a leading role, the role of stabilizer for the general ecology of the globe!»

He took Drawing, and Philosophy, and Philosophy of Drawing; Social Realist Cinema, Latin, Psychoanalysis, Ecology of Mind … One course had him spend a whole semester painting a single still life; in another, he sat on the floor and glued together bits of cut-up magnetic tape

Hofstadter’s Gödel, Escher, Bach and Gregory Bateson’s Steps to an Ecology of Mind

Asset prices may thus reflect the number and nature of investor groups in the market ecology

Aggregate risk preferences will vary with the relative sizes and preferences of various groups in the market ecology

In general, a heterogeneous ecology of investment approaches would make financial markets more balanced and robust than what we have seen in recent years

Relative populations in market ecology will evolve over time: there will be more momentum traders after contrarian value strategies fail, louder and better respected market bears after a large selloff, etc

In one study, David Pimentel, a professor of Ecology and Agriculture at Cornell University, found that it took 29 percent more energy to convert corn into ethanol than the fuel actually produced

26 Elton, The Ecology of Invasions by Animals and Plants, p

Definition of Ecology

the study of the relationships of living things to each other and to the environment

Examples of Ecology in a sentence

We were learning about ecology in our biology class and this involved a trip to Woodland Park Zoo in Seattle.


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