Sentences with the word earthquake

Sentences with the word Earthquake?



  • «Everyone helped out during the earthquake«; «Can you help me carry this table?»; «She never helps around the house»
  • «a bad headache»; «in a big rage»; «had a big (or bad) shock»; «a bad earthquake«; «a bad storm»
  • «they took their defeat badly»; «took her father’s death badly»; «conducted himself very badly at the time of the earthquake«
  • «The new manager generated a lot of problems»; «The computer bug generated chaos in the office»; «The computer generated this image»; «The earthquake generated a tsunami»
  • «the whole city was affected by the irremediable calamity»; «the earthquake was a disaster»
  • «cataclysmic nuclear war»; «a cataclysmic earthquake«
  • «A terrible tsunami followed the earthquake«
  • «water or electricity came on again after the earthquake«
  • «The sidewalk deformed during the earthquake«
  • «During the earthquake people looted the stores that were deserted by their owners»
  • «The dentist dislodged the piece of food that had been stuck under my gums»; «He finally could free the legs of the earthquake victim who was buried in the rubble»
  • «I donated blood to the Red Cross for the victims of the earthquake«; «donate money to the orphanage»; «She donates to her favorite charity every month»
  • «selling the company caused an earthquake among the employees»
  • «an entire town devastated by an earthquake«; «gave full attention»; «a total failure»
  • «After the earthquake, residents were evacuated»
  • «Bill called this number and he got Mary»; «The operator couldn’t get Kobe because of the earthquake«
  • «We were hit by really bad weather»; «He was stricken with cancer when he was still a teenager»; «The earthquake struck at midnight»
  • «a major earthquake«; «a major hurricane»; «a major illness»
  • «Estimates for the losses in the earthquake range as high as $2 billion»; «Interest rates run from 5 to 10 percent»; «The instruments ranged from tuba to cymbals»; «My students range from very bright to dull»
  • «the first shock of the earthquake came shortly after noon while workers were at lunch»
  • «After the earthquake, the government could not provide shelter for the thousands of homeless people»
  • «She was staggered with bills after she tried to rebuild her house following the earthquake«
  • «Sydney’s startling new Opera House»; «startling news»; «startling earthquake shocks»

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.


Two miles away, people thought there was an earthquake.

В радиусе нескольких километров трясло дома и люди подумали, что происходит землетрясение.

However, even the smallest earthquake easily overturns these natural monuments.

Тем не менее, даже самое небольшое землетрясение с легкостью опрокидывает эти природные монументы.

Such as collapse of buildings, earthquake, landslide.

Такие, например, как обрушение зданий, землетрясения, оползни.

There was no massive wind or earthquake.

Мол, даже не пришлось ждать сильного ветра или землетрясения.

Humankind has long been concerned about earthquake hazards.

Исторические документы свидетельствуют, что человечество издавна было озабочено опасностью землетрясений.

After the earthquake, they return to normal.

На следующий день после землетрясения они возвращаются к нормальной жизни.

Yet only a small percentage of people purchase earthquake insurance.

Тем не менее, только небольшой процент людей покупают страховку от землетрясения.

Our theory is that this seasonal component caused a recent earthquake.

Наша теория заключается в том, что этот сезонный компонент и вызвал недавнее землетрясение»,.

We can never guarantee earthquake safety.

Но мы не можем гарантировать безопасность против землетрясения.

It eventually partially collapsed in 1897 when an earthquake occurred.

В конце концов он частично рухнул в 1897 году, когда произошло землетрясение.

The USGS has recorded at least three aftershocks following the main earthquake.

Американская геологическая служба зафиксировала по меньшей мере еще два подземных точка, последовавших за первым землетрясением.

Japan is experimenting with an earthquake warning system.

В настоящее время Япония экспериментирует с системой оповещения о землетрясениях.

Twitter literally moved and reported faster than an earthquake.

Рекламный ролик, который утверждает, что Twitter даже быстрее, чем землетрясение.

It started with the 2010 earthquake in Port-au-Prince, Haiti.

Он напомнил, что 2010 год начался с жуткого землетрясения в Порт-о-Пренсе на Гаити.

A large earthquake, for example, is more likely soon after another large earthquake.

К примеру, вероятность крупных землетрясений намного выше вскоре после того, как прошло большое землетрясение.

An earthquake of magnitude 8 or larger is termed a great earthquake.

This earthquake has sometimes been called the deadliest earthquake in history.

Because there is no way to know when an earthquake will hit, seismometers run constantly, always poised to record an earthquake‘s dramatic arrival.

Поскольку невозможно узнать, когда произойдет землетрясение, сейсмометры будут работать постоянно, всегда готовы записывать драматическое прибытие землетрясения.

The intensity of the earthquake on the surface of display depends on the depth and magnitude of the earthquake source.

Интенсивность проявления землетрясений на поверхности зависит от глубины источника и магнитуды землетрясения.

A third earthquake hit earthquake this week.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат earthquake

Результатов: 24569. Точных совпадений: 24569. Затраченное время: 93 мс


Корпоративные решения




Справка и о нас

Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

землетрясение, потрясение, катастрофа


- землетрясение

earthquake lights /lightning/ — яркие световые вспышки при землетрясениях
earthquake engineering — а) прикладная сейсмология; б) техника строительства в сейсмоопасных районах, сейсмическое строительство
social and political earthquake — социальный и политический катаклизм

Мои примеры


the lateral force of an earthquake — горизонтальная сила землетрясения  
an entire town devastated by an earthquake — целый город, разрушенный землетрясением  
disastrous earthquake — разрушительное землетрясение  
to record an earthquake — зарегистрировать землетрясение  
devastating earthquake — разрушительное землетрясение  
light earthquake — лёгкое землетрясение  
severe earthquake — сильное землетрясение  
magnitude of an earthquake — сила землетрясения  
news about the earthquake — известия о землетрясении  
house thrown down by an earthquake — дом, разрушенный землетрясением  
earthquake victim — жертва землетрясения  
artificial earthquake — землетрясение, вызванное взрывом  

Примеры с переводом

The earthquake shook the ground.

Землетрясение сотрясло землю.

An earthquake rocked the town.

Землетрясение потрясло этот городок.

The earthquake generated a tsunami

Землетрясение стало причиной цунами.

The city is in an earthquake zone.

Город находится в сейсмически активной зоне.

The earthquake reduced the whole town to rubble.

Землетрясение превратило весь город в руины.

A terrible tsunami followed the earthquake

За землетрясением последовало страшное цунами.

We heard the appalling news about the earthquake.

Мы узнали страшную новость о землетрясении.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The earthquake caused minor structural damage.

The earthquake toppled the buildings.

The earthquake jarred the tiles loose.

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Формы слова

ед. ч.(singular): earthquake
мн. ч.(plural): earthquakes

I prefer to confront a natural disaster -a flood, an earthquake, a hurricane- than satanic humans

Tina mentioned that the school children had received an assembly on the subject of the earthquake and had made a collection to help victims

did want to celebrate our resurrection after the earthquake a year ago

He sort of jumped in and offered to help with the legal side of the earthquake thing and has been hanging around generally helping

In one famous instance the sign came, but too late, the sentence had already been carried out so the Goddess in her wrath smote the ground in an Earthquake that leveled the shrine where the sentence was carried out

I honestly don’t know, but if they were in the centre of the earthquake zone, it would be a miracle if they did survive

The ground shook like an earthquake and there came a loud sound in the distance; this sound sounded like

‘We’ve been trying to contact your father since the earthquake hit

‘Your parents were in their hotel … the hotel’s directly on the fault line and even though it had been built to resist earthquake damage and most of it was still standing, one wall collapsed

Sally’s brother and his wife were killed in the earthquake; we found out lunchtime

You made choices, choices which took you in different directions — ultimately, to the place where an earthquake set off a chain of events, and put an end to your existence

I’d told him all about the earthquake last week but he’d been out of the office on Friday and hadn’t heard the latest

great earthquake in the land of

as you fled from the earthquake in

After the wind there was an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake

After the earthquake was a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire

Then there was an earthquake and the plateau began to shake

The flap of a butterfly’s wings in Central Park could ultimately cause an earthquake in China

To demonstrate what he means by this, he gives an example of how an earthquake in China could ultimately cause a butterfly to flap its wings in Central Park

It is a very singular government in which every member of the administration wishes to get out of the country, and consequently to have done with the government, as soon as he can, and to whose interest, the day after he has left it, and carried his whole fortune with him, it is perfectly indifferent though the whole country was swallowed up by an earthquake

“Could an earthquake cause the effect?” suggested Fletcher

He thought, if something like an earthquake occurred at this very moment; if everything in the room were to shake, the one thing that would remain fixed would be those glaring eyes of Aoife’s

I looked at my watch and saw that it had just gone 7:20hrs then a loud sound came to our ears from far away and the ground beneath us trembled as though in an earthquake this was a mine at Hawthorn Ridge that had been detonated

She remembered the historical account of a woman who had saved her family from an earthquake prefiguring a tsunami – in the days before long-term detection – simply because a feeling that something terrible was about to happen

8 earthquake in Chile, February 27, 2010

This was a devastating earthquake, one of the strongest ever recorded

The earthquake was hardly felt in Namangan and those at home had no idea that anything had happened

Then came an earthquake with its epicenter directly under Limon

The government’s death knell was actually sounded six months earlier, on December 23, 1977, just prior to midnight when a violent earthquake struck Managua, collapsing half the buildings and burying thousands of people below rubble

This time, it was the Samoza family itself accused of misappropriating (outright stealing) donated earthquake relief funds

In April of 1991, a major earthquake measuring 7

The caves had been formed out of some primeval earthquake that rocked the area several million years ago

0-magnitude earthquake caused a powerful tsunami in the Indian Ocean that hit twelve countries

An earthquake off the Sumatran coast created a tsunami

6 earthquake killed eighty thousand people, and injured more than sixty-five thousand

9-magnitude earthquake hit Sichaun, Gansu, in the Yunnan province of Western China

Indonesia was hit by an earthquake again, with a 7

As they walked, they passed shop fronts that were boarded up, damaged by the earthquake that had shaken the region in September

They looked up at the steeple tower, resting on grey blocks of stone, unshaken and unmoved by the earthquake

As they finished their drinks, they wondered why Cathedral Square had been untouched by the earthquake, so fortunate

«Why don’t we give some of those winnings to the Salvo’s rattling their can in front of the cathedral? They are collecting for the earthquake appeal» Ingrid suggested

They turned north, heading towards the epicentre of the region’s recent earthquake

“Ok,” persisted Michelle, “but what about cases where something unanticipated happens after an election? What if the Party in charge can’t adhere to its promised spending level, but can only try to do that? Like the 9/11 terrorist attacks, a big earthquake in California, a war, or maybe even a deep recession?”

Sardis and Thyatera were hit by a violent earthquake in AD 17

“And there were noises and thunderings and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such a mighty and great earthquake as had not occurred since men were on the earth” (Rev

And the earthquake of AD 17 might have diminished in advance the long-standing Jewish ability to influence the activities of the surrounding communities

“And a loud voice came out of the temple of heaven…And there were noises and thunderings and lightnings; and there was a great earthquake, such a mighty and great earthquake as had not occurred since men were on the earth” (Rev

In a reference to a large earthquake he did reveal that it was “such a mighty and great earthquake as had not occurred since men were on the earth” (bolding mine)

And speaking about earthquakes, can you imagine what kind of an earthquake a mountain-size asteroid would have caused? Halfway around the earth from Chixalub is a formation in India called the Deccan Traps

The earthquake was caused by subduction and triggered a series of devastating tsunamis along the coasts of most landmasses bordering the Indian Ocean, killing over 230,000 people in fourteen countries, and inundating coastal communities with waves up to 30 meters (98 ft

Earthquakes have claimed hundreds of thousands of lives in the past 100 years…since 1914 many large population centers have developed in earthquake zones

Sadly the temple was damaged by an earthquake on May 6 2014 but Ajarn and his dedicated team have not been daunted as they set about repairs

’ And behold the lord passed by, and a great and strong wind tore into the mountains and broke the rocks into pieces before the Lord, but the Lord was not in the wind; and after the wind an earthquake, but the Lord was not in the earthquake; and after the earthquake a fire, but the Lord was not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice” (I Kings 19:11–12, NKJV)

mountains, and brake in pieces the rocks before the Lord; but the Lord was not in the wind, and after the wind an earthquake; but the

Lord was not in the earthquake,

12 And after the earthquake a fire; but the Lord was not in the fire and after the fire a still small voice

o’clock this morning after the earthquake

The word Earthquake was printed across the screen

was pointing to a map of Japan where an earthquake had just hit

The earthquake resulted in a series of malfunctions and mistakes

Watenabe comes? She said she will be a few hours late because of the earthquake

“That was a big earthquake earlier,” said Ryo

Only twenty-four minutes since the earthquake and her whole world had been changed

quickly realized it was another earthquake; she held onto the railing and watched the

In Ohari, Ibaraki Prefecture, an old lady trapped in her house after the earthquake was

his watch; it had been almost thirty-five minutes since the earthquake

victim of the earthquake

everything is fine and that the reactors went into cold shutdown after the earthquake

must have been damaged by the earthquake; most likely it was cracked

during the earthquake, and the pressure in Reactor One had risen to more than nine times

“I think the cooling pipes were damaged during the earthquake and the coolant is

studying in China and there was a massive earthquake, tsunami and then the nuclear

“Yes, but the earthquake caused a lot of damage to the buildings and roads

“That was the two hundred and fiftieth aftershock since the earthquake

“I was involved in a car accident the day after the earthquake and lost most of my

The destruction and death the earthquake and tsunami have

line just south of the plant that has become active since the March 11 earthquake

of the companies behind the Fukushima plant damaged in the 2011 earthquake and

earthquake protection as one of the factors in signing the deal

8 And it shall come to pass that whoever gets safe out of the war shall die in the earthquake; and whoever gets safe out of the

they spoke, naturally, a little about the mild earthquake they had both experienced when, as a

When the earthquake struck on January 12, 2010, Ouellette and his team were

city could survive an earthquake that had measured a nine on the

was shaken by a four point earthquake that was centered out

earthquake feels like, and sounds like, that quake was about a solid

earthquake here, or just that none has ever been recorded? Those

There is, for instance, $2 million for a wood product exhibition at the University of Maine, and $5 million for a study of earthquake

was tossed on its side by the earthquake, he told her how Trixie had

We should train every citizen to know what to do in case of fire, flood, earthquake, storm, or military attack

17 And it came to pass so that when you lead his seed out of Egypt you brought them up to Mount Sinai; 18 And bowing the heavens you did set fast the Earth moved the whole world and made the depths to tremble and troubled the men of that age; 19 And your glory went through four gates of fire and of earthquake and of wind and of cold; that you might give the law to the seed of Jacob and diligence to the generation of Israel; 20 And yet took not away from them the wicked heart so that your law might bring out fruit in them; 21 For the first Adam bearing a wicked heart transgressed and was overcome; and so be all those who are born of him

8 And it shall come to pass that whoever gets safe out of the war shall die in the earthquake; and whoever gets safe out of the earthquake shall be burned by the fire; And whoever gets safe out of the fire shall be destroyed by famine

“It was just an earthquake!” Moshe answered in a bravado that he couldn’t quite manage, while a memory of the ground that shook just before the water crashed over him flashed again through his mind

Earthquake rumbles and shakes, with tears and pain they ache

54 Now the centurion and those who were with him watching Jesus when they saw the earthquake and

2 Behold there was a great earthquake for an angel of the Lord descended from the sky and came and rolled away the stone from the door and sat on it

“It was just an earthquake!” Moshe answered in a bravado that he couldn’t quite manage, while a

Pray therefore that your flight be not in winter nor on a Sabbath; There shall be then great tribulation the like of which there has not been from the beginning of the world till now nor shall be; And except the Lord had shortened those days no flesh would have lived: but because of the elect whom he elected 19 he shortened those days; And there shall be signs in the sun and the moon and the stars; and on the Earth affliction of the nations and rubbing of hands for the con- fusion of the noise of the sea and an earthquake: the souls of men shall go out from fear of that which is to come on the Earth; And in those days straightway after the distress of those days the sun shall become dark and the moon shall not show its light and the stars shall fall from the heavens and the powers of heaven shall be convulsed and then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven and at that time all the tribes of the Earth shall wail and look to the Son of man coming on the clouds of heaven with power and much glory; And he shall send his angels with the great trumpet and they shall gather his elect from the four winds from one end of the heavens to the other; But when these things begin to be be of good cheer and lift up your heads; for your salvation is come near

Whether this earthquake is a punishment from God, I do not know. ❋ Unknown (2010)

May be this earthquake is the begining of a new era for that nation. ❋ Unknown (2010)

At Prophecy Update Jimmy DeYoung fills us in that:The word «earthquake» is used 19 times in the Bible, 13 times in the prophetic passages of the Word of God. ❋ Unknown (2011)

«A man like me,» Gandhi argued, «cannot but believe this earthquake is a divine chastisement sent by God for our sins» — in particular the sins of untouchability. ❋ Unknown (2001)

A few students took it as an opportunity to joke around with me in English if they’ve learned nothing else from me, they now know the word «earthquake«, but a few other students were crying, some from shock and some from actual concern. ❋ Unknown (2011)

This instantaneous release of mechanical energy is what we call earthquake and the strength of the quake is dependent upon the amount of energy accumulated in the rock over the years.

But the word earthquake fit Myles’s tongue; it was something he understood, and it called for the same plan of action as whatever was really happening here, events he couldn’t quite grasp. ❋ Tananarive Due (2003)

AMPUTEES: 2,000 to 3,000 Haitians lost limbs in earthquake ❋ Unknown (2010)

The first thing you have to do after an earthquake is clear the brush. ❋ Unknown (2010)

When your days are spent in a struggle to ward off starvation, finding a shelter that will withstand an earthquake is never going to make your list of concerns. ❋ Unknown (2010)

That 8 point earthquake is scary, tells you that mother nature is very peeved. ❋ Unknown (2009)

A flexible building, such as a wood framed house, or a building specifically engineered to flex during an earthquake is the most likely to survive. ❋ Unknown (2009)

«The epicenter of the financial earthquake is in Greece,» says Dan Seiver, finance professor at San Diego State University. ❋ Unknown (2010)

So sad … however, I am glad to know someone made websites to memorize them, and the websites are really good … which reminds me that the Chinese citizen Tan Zho Ren who want to publicize the names and amount of killed children in Sichuan earthquake is in prison now. ❋ Unknown (2009)

These [damned] [Californians] are getting too [numerous]… time for another earthquake! ❋ Seismixxx (2003)

[Japan] seems to suffer earthquakes as often as [Florida] gets ripped apart by [hurricanes]. ❋ KRHimself (2005)

He gave [us] an earthquake when we were [peeing] in [the urinal]. ❋ Yarince (2008)

[last night] [that dude] [jake] earthquaked me ❋ Really Walsh (2008)

Last night I gave [Hannah] the [ol’] earthquake until she was loose like a [senior citizen] ❋ HannahKraus (2009)

[Teacher]: [shove] yourself under your 2 by 2 [desk] ❋ Kickrocks (2020)

OMG [Jimmy] [totally] earthquaked me last night, [it was AWESOME]. ❋ Shade696969 (2009)

That [fat bitch] [Jenny] just earthquaked the entire [building]. ❋ Shapadapadoopapoopalis (2018)

Kevin was [getting tired] of just [soaking] with his girlfriend so he asked his buddy to help him with [earthquaking]. It’s probably against the word of wisdom but who cares. ❋ TeaAndCum (2021)

» [Last night] [my mom] [came] in as I was causing The Earthquake. » ❋ Jackie && Shelly (2006)

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