Sentences with the word drawn

Sentences with the word Drawn?



  • «blood was drawn from the antecubital region»
  • «The death of their child had drawn them together»
  • «looking careworn as she bent over her mending»; «her face was drawn and haggard from sleeplessness»; «that raddled but still noble face»; «shocked to see the worn look of his handsome young face»- Charles Dickens
  • «the subjects for this investigation were selected randomly»; «the cases that we studied were drawn from two different communities»
  • «the muscles and nerves of his fine drawn body were coiling for action»; «black smoke coiling up into the sky»; «the young people gyrated on the dance floor»
  • «the team is drawn from all parts of the community»
  • «finely shaped features»; «her fine drawn body»
  • «the landscape unit drawn diagrammatically illustrates the gentle rolling relief, with a peat-filled basin»
  • «The participants in the experiment were drawn from a representative population»
  • «She was drawn to despair»; «The President refused to be drawn into delivering an ultimatum»; «The session was drawn to a close»
  • «The deed was drawn in the lawyer’s office»
  • «in the old days, people were drawn and quartered for certain crimes»
  • «We prolonged our stay»; «She extended her visit by another day»; «The meeting was drawn out until midnight»
  • «the drawn draperies kept direct sunlight from fading the rug»
  • «a drawn-out argument»; «an extended discussion»; «a lengthy visit from her mother-in-law»; «a prolonged and bitter struggle»; «protracted negotiations»
  • «entered with much eclat in a coach drawn by eight white horses»
  • «the sketch was so largely drawn that you could see it from the back row»
  • «it is solely by their language that the upper classes nowadays are distinguished»- Nancy Mitford; «we now rarely see horse-drawn vehicles on city streets»; «today almost every home has television»
  • «the characters were well drawn but the plot was banal»
  • «the draperies were drawn to the sides by pullbacks»
  • «the skin of his face looked drawn and tight»; «her nerves were taut as the strings of a bow»
  • «how can a refined girl be drawn to such an unrefined man?»

оттянутый, обнаженный, выработанный, вычерченный, вытащенный, отведенный


- вытащенный
- вытянутый; оттянутый
- отведённый
- искажённый, искривлённый

drawn face — искажённое /вытянутое, перекошенное/ лицо

- обнажённый (о шпаге)
- выпотрошенный (о птице)
- спитой (о чае)
- прочёсанный (о чаще)
- горн. выработанный
- спорт. закончившийся вничью
- нерешённый

drawn battle — бой с неопределённым исходом

- тянутый
- отпущенный (о стали)
- амер. растопленный

drawn butter — растопленное масло; топлёное масло
drawn butter sauce — соус из растопленного масла, трав и лимонного сока

- p. p. от draw
- p. p. от draw

Мои примеры


to be drawn into competition — быть втянутым в конкуренцию  
drawn out — извлечённый  
drawn to scale — вычерченный в масштабе  
drawn up in battle formation — выстроенный в боевом порядке  
to be drawn into a whirlpool — быть затянутым в водоворот  
hard-drawn wire — твердотянутая проволока  
hot-drawn wire — горячетянутая проволока  
bill drawn on (smb.) — вексель, выданный на имя (кого-л.)  
bill drawn on a nonexisting person — вексель, выставленный на несуществующее лицо  
drawn check — выданный чек  

Примеры с переводом

She was drawn to despair.

Её довели до отчаяния.

His lips were drawn.

Его губы искривились.

The rope was drawn taut.

Канат был туго натянут.

She had a drawn face.

У неё было измождённое лицо.

We played a drawn game at chess.

Мы сыграли в шахматы вничью.

Some wag had drawn a face on the wall.

Какой-то шутник нарисовал на стене рожицу.

I may have to have this tooth drawn out.

Этот зуб мне возможно придётся удалить.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Drawn on the wall in crayon

…drawn on the wall in crayon…

My eye was drawn to a painting on the wall.

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Возможные однокоренные слова

indrawn  — втянутый, направленный внутрь
overdrawn  — преувеличивать, перерасходовать, превышать кредит

drawn — перевод на русский

Remember. Visual memory is essential in learning to draw.

Повторяю, чтобы уметь рисовать, нужно обладать наблюдательностью.

Now you take me, nobody ever taught me how to draw, so I just put a line around what I feel when I look at things.

Вот посмотри на меня, никто не учил меня рисовать, я просто провожу линию, потому что я так чувствую.

Because I can’t draw.

Потому, что не умею рисовать.

We begin by drawing.. Come in.

Начинаем рисовать…

Why don’t we slip him underground now that you’ve finished drawing him?

Сэмми, почему бы нам ни засыпать его замлёй, раз уж ты закончил его рисовать?

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Any sketches or drawings?

Эскизы, рисунки?

I don’t know… except that she often left drawings like that around… with some kind of a facetious comment on them.

Не знаю… кроме того, что она частенько оставляла рисунки… с шутливыми комментариями.

You said there were other drawings like this.

Вы сказали, что были еще рисунки.

Drawings of animals!

Рисунки животных!

The children who read the book will want to see the pictures the camera takes, but the publishers say they’re impossible to photograph, and they suggest drawings.

Дети, прочитав книгу, захотят увидеть фотографии, которые снимала эта камера, но издательство говорит, что это невозможно сфотографировать, и они предлагают рисунки.

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Can you draw a moustache on this mask?

Можешь ли ты нарисовать усы на маске?

— What shall I draw now? — Well, let’s see.

Что теперь мне нарисовать?

I could draw him for you.

Я могла бы его для вас нарисовать.

That’s ten leagues away. He’ll draw a map of the castle.

Этот болтун обещал нарисовать карту замка, да?

Those drawings. That hunter was able to record his ideas and impressions onto the wall of the cave.

Охотник сумел нарисовать на скале свои идеи и мысли.

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Do you have anything to add… to Drew Pearson’s report of your resignation?

Маккивер, что вы можете добавить… к сообщению Дрю Пирсона о вашей отставке?

Christ, Drew!

— Господи, Дрю.

Drew, look at the junk.

Дрю, посмотри на эту развалину.

— I said it’s all set, Drew.

— Я же сказал, все в норме, Дрю.

— Keep your eyes open, Drew.

— Будь начеку, Дрю.

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It happened in the drawing room, upstairs.

Это было в гостиной наверху.

— They’re in the drawing room.

В гостиной.

He Would sit up in the drawing room until the early hours.

Вечерами сидел он один в гостиной до самой поздней ночи.

They’re having tea with your Aunt dolly in the drawing room.

Они пьют чай с вашей тетей Долли в гостиной.

Then… I just sat in the drawing room.

Затем я присела в гостиной.

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Chimney sweep ladies, i know why the old chimney won’t draw.

Трубочист леди, я знаю почему старый дымоход не будет тянуть.

Don’t want to bake and you can’t make no cake and i know why your chimney won’t draw chimney sweep

Не может печь и Вы не сможете сделать пирог и я знаю почему Ваш дымоход не будет тянуть трубочист

You wouldn’t be interested in drawing lots?

То есть спички тянуть не будем?

When they cool, they’ll draw the heat from your body.

Ты на камнях-то не сиди. Они остынут, начнут из тебя тепло тянуть.

No favouritism, we’ll draw lots.

И чтобы не говорили, что кто-то хочет себе получше, мы можем тянуть жребий.

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Well, Danny, you know, to draw attention to the concert we’d need a sponsor, someone important.

Дэнни, знаешь, чтобы привлечь внимание к концерту нам понадобится спонсор, кто-то влиятельный.

It would be enough to draw attention to it. —

— Было бы достаточно привлечь внимание.

I doubt we could manoeuvre close enough without drawing a direct attack upon ourselves.

Вряд ли мы сможем подойти поближе без риска привлечь на себя прямую атаку.

(SHEILA) When he gets into one of these moods, he’ll do anything to draw attention.

(ШЕЙЛА) Когда он в таком настроении, то делает все, чтобы привлечь к себе внимание.

You hadn’t exactly gone out of your way to draw attention to them!

Вы даже не подумали сдвинуться с места, чтобы привлечь мое внимание к этому событию.

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Surely Flambeau wouldn’t draw attention to himself in that way?

Наверняка Фламбо бы не стал так привлекать к себе внимание?

— Alright, but we mustn’t draw attention

— Хорошо, но мы не должны привлекать внимания.

They’d hardly being drawing attention to themselves by lighting a fire if they meant us any harm.

Вряд ли бы они стали привлекать наше внимание костром, если бы хотели причинить нам зло.

It would not be in our best interests to draw too much attention to ourselves.

Не в наших интересах привлекать к себе лишнее внимание.

There’s no need to draw attention to ourselves.

Нет необходимости привлекать к себе внимание.

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— Did you bring the drawings?

— Вы принесли чертежи?

If those drawings disappear, I’ll be held responsible.

Если эти чертежи исчезнут, я буду нести ответственность.

Now get me those drawings.

Принеси мне эти чертежи.

I have need of the drawings.

Мне нужны чертежи.

Ah, dear dear dear…ha, and I would have loved to seen those drawings…

Боже, боже, боже, мне бы так хотелось взглянуть на эти чертежи.

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We must draw up our plans then arrange a conference with Saito and set him straight.

Мы должны составить план затем организовать конференцию с Саито и ввести его в курс дела.

Maybe I’ll call you again when I need to draw my will.

Может я тебя и позову снова, когда завещание нужно будет составить.

Have somebody draw up a profile.

Пошли, надо немедленно составить фоторобот. Да, фоторобот!

I took the liberty of asking Martin to draw up your will, too.

Я взяла на себя смелость попросить Мартина составить ваше завещание, тоже.

Mr. Spencer sen. wants you to draw up a pre-marital agreement for Mr. Spencer jun.

Мистер Спенсер-старший просит составить брачный контракт для Спенсера-младшего.

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Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word drawn, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use drawn in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «drawn».

Drawn in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word drawn in a sentence.

  1. Each design was hand drawn.

  2. The third Test was also drawn.

  3. The match was eventually drawn.

  4. The design was drawn up by J.R.

  5. The next three Tests were drawn.

  6. Marshall was drawn to the outdoors.

  7. They were drawn against Pontypridd.

  8. There were also fewer drawn matches.

  9. He scored 39 and 44 in a drawn match.

  10. The game was drawn, affected by rain.

  11. The second Test was drawn but Chapman scored fifty.

  12. Early settlers were drawn by the valley’s fertility.

  13. Tyler had been drawn into Virginia politics as a U.S.

  14. A few of the rights were drawn from Spanish practices.

  15. They were therefore drawn to the concept of a blockade.

  16. Ipswich were drawn against Fourth Division Hartlepool United in the fourth round.

  17. These two games were drawn, leaving England needing a victory in the final match.

  18. Officially, the arms can be drawn in full colour, monochrome or using two colors.

  19. In the fourth round, they were drawn against Championship team Brentford at home.

  20. He had drawn level by the halfway mark and made a superior turn to take the lead.

  21. Even originally unaligned tribes were drawn to affiliate themselves with one of the two super-groups.

  22. As the first four matches of the series were drawn, the final Test, played at The Oval, was decisive.

  23. Both women were shrouded from head to foot and travelled in railway compartments with drawn curtains.

  24. Similar conclusions were drawn by another study using finite element analysis on an Allosaurus skull.

  25. Santesson did later edit an anthology drawn from the magazine, titled The Fantastic Universe Omnibus.

  26. Townsend’s musical ideas and production style have drawn comparisons to Phil Spector and Frank Zappa.

  27. Charles I had intended to extend and rebuild Holyroodhouse, and plans had been drawn up in the 1630s.

  28. When Diane arrived at Chaumont, she found signs of the occult, such as pentangles drawn on the floor.

  29. A high percentage of ADF personnel are drawn from the Anglo-Celtic portion of Australia’s population.

  30. Although his primary focus was organized sports, McAleer was also drawn to the field of entertainment.

  31. The result was too squat and compact, and Osborn had a more slender version drawn later the same year.

  32. By this time she had become quite ill, and while incarcerated had her portrait drawn by John Laguerre.

  33. Ico can dispel these shadows using a stick or sword and pull Yorda free if she is drawn into a vortex.

  34. Many readers and literary analysts have assumed that Widmerpool was drawn from Powell’s acquaintances.

  35. Honoré de Balzac was drawn to a diversity of interests throughout his life, from business to politics.

  36. In the quarter-final, Chelsea were drawn at home against fellow Premier League side and FA Cup holders Manchester United.

  37. These empirical conclusions were drawn in a 1997 study, but the underlying biological mechanism has yet to be understood.

  38. Stories in the first issue, drawn from Gillings’ inventory of material acquired for Fantasy, included «The Belt», by J.M.

  39. After several days’ preparatory work, they started out on 5 October 1908, drawn for the first few miles by the motor car.

  40. The sculptures were finished in 1669, but the rigging, tackling, and arming was drawn out a further three years, to 1672.

  41. Chinese immigrants made the city a polyglot culture, drawn to «Old Gold Mountain», creating the city’s Chinatown quarter.

  42. He found himself commanding enlisted men who were drawn mainly from the mining, milling, and weaving towns of Lancashire.

  43. Arsenal were drawn in Group B, along with Italian club Inter Milan, Lokomotiv Moscow of Russia and Ukraine’s Dynamo Kyiv.

  44. During his early career, parallels were drawn Victoria teammate Shane Warne; both were blonde, and both were leg-spinners.

  45. This was followed by a two-day non-first-class match against Durham, which was drawn after rain washed out the second day.

  46. In a 2014 Billboard interview, Amil said «Smile 4 Me» was one of her favorite songs from the album and that she generally preferred the songs drawn from her personal life.

  47. Although the leak would certainly increase once off the reef, Cook decided to risk the attempt and at 10:20 pm the ship was floated on the tide and successfully drawn off.

  48. In qualification for the 2018 FIFA World Cup, Scotland were drawn in the same group as England, facing their rivals in a competitive fixture for the first time since 1999.

  49. This error was repeated in several subsequent publications, including the first life reconstruction, which was drawn in 1899 by Frank Bond under the guidance of Charles R.

  50. Although a third series—School Rumble: Third Semester (スクールランブル三学期, School Rumble Sangakki)—was drawn up in the form of 24 episode synopses, the series was never animated.

Synonyms for drawn

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word drawn has the following synonyms: careworn, haggard, raddled, worn, tired and closed.

General information about «drawn» example sentences

The example sentences for the word drawn that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «drawn» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «drawn».

How to use drawn in a sentence? Find typical usage patterns (collocations)/phrases/context for «drawn» and check conjugation/comparative form for «drawn«. Mastering all the usages of «drawn» from sentence examples published by news publications.

«I was drawn by how people were drawn to him,» she said.
But the people we’re drawn to, the businesses we’re drawn to, [are] almost underdogs.
The line has to be drawn somewhere and it is drawn at our border.
It’s a community of military families, drawn to the city’s three bases; retirees and lifetime residents drawn to the quiet living; and tourists drawn to the boardwalk and beaches.
Kate is drawn to him in the way I’ve watched moths drawn to lighting rigs.
«I’ve been drawn into it because my son has drawn me into this,» Minaya said.
Poorly Drawn Cats is a Twitter account dedicated to, as the name suggests, poorly drawn cats.
By the time Matonis had drawn those connections, the US government had already drawn its own.
That was the power that had drawn me to the Underground, or drawn it to me.
«Until the lines are drawn, there can be considerable disputes about where the lines should be drawn
He doesn’t understand himself as a person drawn to men, who might therefore be drawn to others.
Who is to say where that line should be drawn, or if it should be drawn at all?
A revolving loan is one that can be drawn, repaid and drawn again during the agreed lending period.
Each precinct is weighted by population size (and drawn accordingly) and is drawn four times, once for each candidate.
I made a short film [called] Long Drawn Out Trip — it was certainly long and it was certainly drawn.
The book is full of pretty drawings of ladies by R Crumb, some drawn from life, some drawn from photos.
It only makes sense — the villain has gone from being drawn for the page to being drawn for the screen.
I don’t think it’s that I’m drawn to that (dark sci-fi films), I’m just drawn — some things make sense.
The Panthers defense, drawn here as a black cat, destroy a screen pass play, drawn here as a screen door.
At issue are maps drawn in Wisconsin after the last census that Democrats say were drawn unconstitutionally to benefit Republicans.
A court-drawn map might not be nearly as generous to the Republicans as a map drawn by the legislature.
It can be deployed almost anywhere — power can be drawn from a generator and a connection drawn from the cell networks.
Modernists would be drawn to Moses’s quaint paintings of steam trains, horse-drawn carriages, and little checkerboard houses dotting patchwork quilt farms.
Trump Tower in New York has drawn nearly $740,000; the Trump International Hotel in Washington, DC, has drawn $1.4 million; and a pair of Trump’s Florida properties, Mar-A-Lago and Trump National Doral, have drawn nearly $1 million combined.
«I don’t know if anyone who’s routinely drawn to a Long Island Iced Tea is drawn to this one or not,» he admits.
Drawn in dense, soft graphite, they are surrounded by a sea of lightly drawn words, the logic of which was known only to Hamilton.
But while some fitness and sport movements, like running, have drawn throngs of African-American athletes, the triathlon has drawn only a relative few.
Politicians seem to be drawn to red lines the way tornados are drawn to mobile homes, and the results are just about the same.
When territories are being drawn and lines are being drawn and walls are being put up and people’s land is being taken from them.
President Trump has drawn a red line in his demands for a border wall, while the Democrats have drawn a red line in their refusal.
While they contain many data points, the focus is often on job change numbers drawn from employer surveys and unemployment stats drawn from household surveys.
It was the scan of a postcard with a hand-drawn map drawn on it, covered with psychedelic florals, hearts and the words: «Welcome Home».
Harris and other voters, represented by the Campaign Legal Center, are challenging maps drawn in Wisconsin that they believe were drawn unconstitutionally to benefit Republicans.
While his plan has drawn cheers from his supporters, his harsh rhetoric on the issue, including calling some Mexican immigrants criminals, has drawn fierce criticism.
In those states, the Democratic governors could veto a Republican-drawn map, forcing a compromise or, in some cases, challenge a map drawn by courts.
A June primary historically has not drawn voters to the polls in particularly high numbers — even one that has drawn this kind of national attention.
As Jonathan Watts wrote for The Guardian, «Kung fu devotees are drawn to Shaolin in the same way that budding actors are drawn to Hollywood.»
In fact, that country was drawn — the borders of that country were drawn after World War I by Westerners that didn’t understand what was happening there.
The «red line» drawn drawn by President Obama a number of years ago was crossed by Assad, whose regime has a clear record of of atrocities.
Five balls are drawn from a bin of 9483 white balls, and one red ball (the «powerball») is drawn from a different bin of 26 balls.
Modern Fertility allows women to send a blood sample drawn by pricking a finger or having blood drawn at a lab and tested at Quest Diagnostics.
N. Much like a moth is drawn to a flame, we were drawn to memes about moths and their unquenchable thirst for lamps in summer 2018.
Districts drawn to influence an election using the criteria of race have to comply with more rules than cases where districts are drawn with partisan criteria alone.
Advocates expressed weariness at yet another dead soldier’s family being drawn into a political fight, and said they refused to be drawn into the increasingly heated debate.
As far as what’s been going on in the last few years, I feel like I’ve drawn far closer to my community than I’ve ever drawn before.
It had received two subordinated loans of USD100m each from the AsDB (USD99.5m drawn as of end-2015) and the World Bank (USD0003m drawn as of end-2015).
About $3371646 billion of the exposure was investment grade, of which $21750 billion was drawn, and $21000 billion was non-investment grade, of which $2110 billion was drawn.
About $24 billion of the exposure was investment grade, of which $4 billion was drawn, and $18 billion was non-investment grade, of which $9 billion was drawn.
The problem in both cases is a category error: We’re not drawn to surfers because of what they say; we’re drawn to surfers because of what they do.
About $33711 billion of the exposure was investment grade, of which $3371646 billion was drawn, and $21750 billion was non-investment grade, of which $21000 billion was drawn.
It’s weirder than it is pornographic, and the oddness is amplified by how the animals are drawn, which is sort of like if a child had drawn some piñatas.
The finding has drawn strong — and opposing — reactions.
In August, a federal court in Texas struck down two Republican-drawn congressional districts saying they were discriminatory and ordering new maps to be drawn ahead of elections in 2018.
The painting’s titles tell all: «Maps of Canada drawn from memory by American citizens» and «The United Shapes Of America, (As Drawn From Memory By California Grad Students)» (both 1990).
After all, the court decided not to decide — refusing to even consider the question as to whether maps drawn by Democrats in Maryland and Republicans in Wisconsin were unfairly drawn.
A three-judge panel sitting in San Antonio struck down two Republican-drawn U.S. House districts as discriminatory and ordered new maps to be drawn ahead of this year’s elections.
Quinn has tried out tech accessories, such as Cintiq, that streamline her hand-drawn animation process, but has found herself drawn again and again to the tactility of pen and paper.
«The struggle is how many times he has to get his blood drawn, there isn’t a parent out there that can stand watching their kid getting his blood drawn,» Borofk said.
The state has plenty of angry white, working-class voters who were drawn to Mr. Trump, much as they were drawn to Scott Brown in his successful Senate race in 2010.
Even Edmund Burke, we were told, was no more drawn to Rockingham by ideology than Tom Hagen was drawn to the Corleone family because he shared Vito’s views on urban governance.
City leaders and residents could use the information to learn how often guns are drawn, on whom they’re drawn, and whether other actions could have been taken instead, she told KNXV.
The proposal — which has also drawn support from Sen.
Also, they found the drawing .. who would’ve drawn her?
» Police, guns drawn, asked the student to «drop it.
Hot Comb (Drawn & Quarterly) is funny, infuriating, and gorgeous.
AMSTERDAM — The Milan collections have drawn to an end.
Terms and Conditions is now available from Drawn & Quarterly.
With the expected nomination in Cleveland of Donald J. Trump, whose campaign appearances have drawn demonstrators and sometimes included violence by both supporters and detractors, preparations in Cleveland have drawn close scrutiny.
Unlike household pests such as ants and fruit flies, they are not particularly drawn to food and drink; then again, as equal-opportunity invaders they aren’t particularly not drawn to them, either.
I did not feel like I was a part of a culture, but instead I was assembled out of things that I had drawn toward me and that I was drawn toward.
Doctors perform an oral glucose tolerance test, where a woman fasts, has her blood drawn, drinks a sugary drink like orange juice, waits for two hours and has her blood drawn again.
» The suit contends that one state House district’s lines were so brazenly drawn that the result mirrors an oddly-drawn Massachusetts district in 1812, one that gave birth to the term «gerrymander.
A little over a year ago, our household welcomed another small mewling creature, and as every parent knows, babies are drawn to glowing smartphone screens as moths are … drawn to glowing smartphone screens.
Pavlikova’s parents said they thought she was drawn to Kostylenkov because he bred rabbits, but the chats suggest she and Dubovik were both looking for political direction and were drawn to his machismo.
A small thrill for anyone drawn to the style’s minutiae.
It’s more like my ears are drawn to his voice.
Baking with Kafka is now available from Drawn and Quarterly.
Many are drawn to the IMN’s schools and welfare schemes.
More United’s staff is drawn from Britain’s main political parties.
Trump’s event has drawn considerable scrutiny ahead of Independence Day.
I was drawn to sports in general because of that.
«I was so drawn to black American culture,» she says.
The illustrator had drawn the word please over the image.
These are the fans that are drawn to PewDiePie’s brand.
This fight will be messy, litigious and definitely drawn out.
The numbers drawn were 52, 10, 61, 28, and 13.
«I was immediately drawn to this project,» the actress said.
Her effusive praise of Trump has at times drawn criticism.
That’s why I get so drawn to it, I think.
We tend to assume these are neutrally drawn, immutable borders.
Humans are drawn to other humans they find physically attractive.
Chris Brown has drawn the ire of the Internet – again.
Leach has previously drawn criticism for his tweets on politics.
Companies are even being drawn from beyond the Swiss borders.
She replied with 12 images of female characters she’d drawn.
So much will depend on where the line is drawn.
Worryingly large numbers of people are drawn to nativist nationalism.
It had drawn 1.8 million views as of 5 a.m.
«It was always something I was drawn to,» they said.
And some of his positions have drawn cheers from progressives.
It doesn’t help that some characters are so conventionally drawn.
The speaker of parliament is drawn from Sunni Arab MPs.
Plaintiffs’ lawyers brush aside the distinction being drawn by Volkswagen.
The warrant has already drawn condemnation from some legal commentators.
«Many LGBT+ teens are drawn to the app,» Peter says.
Some millennials, he adds, are drawn to technology companies instead.
Observers have drawn parallels between Trump and the Russian president.
And that theme is drawn more clearly in upcoming episodes.
Ohio’s 12th Congressional District was drawn overwhelmingly in their favor.
The people they happen to are drawn in broad strokes.
We were instantly drawn to her glamorous, albeit unrelatable, life.
The post had drawn an angry reaction from some Saudis.
The battle lines are drawn, and power has been restored.
Do you think my eyebrow is just drawn up there?
Why do you think these artists are drawn to you?
That’s drawn criticism from ranchers, according to The Washington Post.
The unit’s personnel are mostly drawn from the province itself.
The arcs are drawn one on top of the other.
I get my blood drawn and only wince a little.
The 1978 Constitution, drawn up after the end of Gen.
They’ve also drawn opposition from various constituencies within the party.
After, I’ve been more drawn to citrus, patchouli, frankincense scents.
Over the years Tencent has drawn contenders from all fronts.
As for Lady Mary, just which way is she drawn?
Two compensating factors may have drawn Jokowi to Mr Amin.
Until now, the line was drawn only at 2 degrees.
Mezeul found himself drawn to taking pictures of the stars.
He was drawn to the intimacy of working with stone.
«Peter was always drawn to big ideas,» Nolan told CNBC.
Coffee drinkers, too, are drawn to its more subtle flavor.
Harper has drawn 10 walks in 10 games this year.
Nothing says «professional business document» quite like finger drawn scribbles.
It isn’t the first time Kardashian has drawn internet ire.
Californians are drawn to views of mountains, forests, and grasslands.
Parallels are drawn to China’s Falun Gong and Turkey’s Gulenists.
Remarkably reliable deductions could be drawn from simple online actions.
Nine has said it was drawn to Fairfax’s digital performance.
The campaign’s — and Parscale’s — Facebook strategy has drawn particular scrutiny.
Go deeper: Why Mozambique’s debt scandal has drawn U.S. scrutiny
Another reason why people are drawn to eating bee pollen?
Increased notoriety has drawn fans as well as deterring them.
There’s one «ally» in particular that has drawn Johansson’s ire.
The gun was drawn but it wasn’t at my forehead.
Richards found himself drawn to the enigmatic model’s worldly nature.
It has drawn big crowds to some of its rallies.
The circle was drawn again as he left this world.
Libra has already drawn scrutiny from lawmakers around the world.
How long could this be drawn out for in court?
Global stocks are being drawn down to fill the gap.
It’s a badly drawn peace sign on my left wrist.
Definitely had the short straw drawn in the pants department.
Then try on a few that you’re not drawn to.
When police entered her classroom, they had their guns drawn.
The numbers drawn were 210, 10, 61, 28, and 13.
Those who are not drawn in find themselves in trouble.
First, you’ll need to have your birth chart drawn up.
That has drawn interest from investors all over the world.
How much of that is drawn from the real thing?
Both officers came out of the car with weapons drawn.
Candace had a personality to which people were naturally drawn.
CONVINCINGLY DRAWN friendships are essential to any good television show.
The vote has drawn attention to Apple’s concessions in China.
People are hungry, roads are deserted and blinds are drawn.
Unfortunately, I think they’re both gonna be drawn to perform.
Have you drawn any lessons about the candidates from that?
Allison wasn’t drawn to memorizing what others had found out.
But P13P lending has also drawn much scrutiny from regulators.
It’s drawn comparisons to Snapchat and Tencent’s WeChat messaging app.
The beds were still made and the blinds were drawn.
When I arrived at her house, her curtains were drawn.
They are mainly drawn from local fighters from the area.
Sirisena’s move to sack the parliament has drawn international criticism.
They’ve drawn on Sarka’s technological background and Zambrelli’s industry expertise.
Trump’s proposed border wall with Mexico has drawn intense criticism.
That measure has drawn criticism from prominent entertainers and corporations.
Many are drawn to this work because of personal experiences.
Jenner has even drawn comparisons to her kids’ looks recently.
In comics, you finish a script, it’s drawn, that’s it.
Their argument, however, has drawn immense opposition from consumer advocates.
The struggle has drawn international concern with thousands reported dead.
He’s drawn like a magnet to the «Star Wars» display.
Why do think you’re drawn to these types of stories?
The battle lines were not drawn on exclusively religious grounds.
Stephen Maurice Graham Blanka was nearly drawn as bubbling goo.
But on the other hand, clear lines have been drawn.
Protests of the anthem have drawn attention in recent years.
Like I mentioned earlier, I’m just naturally drawn to fire.
Alan Bersten was drawn to Alexis Ren for a reason.
Neumann’s solution, to ditch the grand coalition, has drawn support.
As his addictions grew stronger, he was drawn in deeper.
Unsurprisingly, it has drawn heated opposition from the aforementioned NIMBYs.
I think I’m just drawn to those types of characters.
But the projects, drawn up years ago, have been slow.
And many independent voters are drawn to Mr Sanders’s agenda.
Eric and I were drawn through this very similar gravity.
Or those Democrats drawn to Mr. Trump rather than Mrs.
New district lines will be drawn following the 85033 census.
Other presidential contenders have drawn celebs of their own, too.
Political watchers have also drawn comparisons between the two populists.
But he was drawn to the poor and the forgotten.
Impeachment hasn’t drawn unanimous support from Democrats on Capitol Hill.
His appointment has drawn an angry reaction in the east.
At first, only one member was drawn from the Curia.
But let me be clear: I have drawn a line.
Where the Line Is Drawn , by Raja Shehadeh (New Press) .
You could argue that the line can already be drawn.
Bannon’s recommendations have already drawn opposition, even in conservative circles.
Many young men have been drawn to their simple politics.
Trump has drawn criticism even from some normally supportive media.
Blood cultures drawn at Anna Jaques Hospital in Newburyport, Mass.
Romeo is the most successfully drawn of Erdrich’s male characters.
Just be peaceful and people will be drawn to it.
It is not a distinction drawn along religious freedom lines.
But the ideas in the bill have drawn some opposition.
But there are some analyses that can be drawn on.
Neither country has drawn a direct connection between the cases.
There is a parallel being drawn between Bernie and Arnold.
The more we’ll be drawn away from exploitation, toward conservation.
However, he wouldn’t be drawn on when that might be.
A Russian flag has been drawn on a white board.
But again, it’s the women who are most sensitively drawn.
What if he’d drawn incorrect conclusions about himself too early?
The health of the candidates has drawn interest since Mrs.
I have never been drawn to science fiction or fantasy.
The race has drawn considerable attention from outside the state.
The illustrations accompanying the article in particular have drawn criticism.
Each room has a name drawn from Formula One racing.
Twitter has drawn public outcry for not removing Jones’ account.
The move has drawn attention within Amazon Services’ seller forum.
The move has already drawn major criticism from immigration activists.
But the party establishment seems to have drawn different conclusions.
But that approach has drawn sharp scrutiny from fiscal hawks.
Colombia could have drawn Ecuador or Peru with a win.
Initially, you’re drawn to the image, and you are transfixed.
They are drawn irresistibly to normalize what is not normal.
And professional runners are increasingly drawn to the longer distances.
But experts say that the lines aren’t as clearly drawn.
Thematically, I am drawn to reading stories of epic journeys.
The child is drawn to Ms. Douglas and Ms. Biles.
Flake and Corker have drawn a line in the sand.
Because Kavanaugh has the pedigree that Trump is drawn to.
He, too, was drawn by the neighborly feel, he said.
I was especially drawn to three seniors in my reporting.
Through the postseason, Cubs games have drawn the most viewers.
But its tactics against the protests have drawn international condemnation.
She shared photos with CNN of police with weapons drawn.
» Sarena says she was first drawn to Tyler’s «romantic nature.
It’s this latter aspect that has drawn the Commission’s ire.
They plumb icy rivers and are helplessly drawn to fire.
On the side of the Taliban, what lessons are drawn?
You feel like a little moth drawn to a flame.
Whenever he has his blood drawn now, Amelia is there.
And as a journalist, I was drawn to those stories.
I would not have been drawn to an individual volume.
Why do you think you’ve been so drawn to yellow?
Taiwan needs to be drawn more into the international community.
You’re immediately drawn to the farthest corners of the Earth.
Holick’s ties to the tanning industry also have drawn scrutiny.
I get why Trump was drawn to her, I thought.
They are drawn to love and hate, hope and despair.
I’ve always been drawn to songwriters and all that stuff.
A long and drawn out investigation by the FAA ensued.
Despite a string of victories, the CJTF has drawn criticism.
Thousands of words and phrases, drawn from books and saved.
I’d drawn, posted, then tagged her in the image. Congrats.
It’s hard to not be drawn to guys like that.
Beck’s early influences were clearly drawn from the Delta Blues.
The legislation has also drawn criticism from the Saudi government.
Local steamers were served with lemon, drawn butter and chiles.
The moral of «Golem» isn’t drawn in particularly subtle strokes.
Three of them stalked the premises with their pistols drawn.
Many people are drawn by the potential for lower costs.
The potential harm from pesticides, however, has drawn researchers’ attention.
You can help get the papers drawn up and executed.
Imagine a circle drawn in the broad plain of history.
Those budget proposals have drawn bipartisan opposition in Congress. Mrs.
King was even drawn to socialism as a young man.
«I’ve always been drawn to odd things,» Ms. Mitchell said.
And this instinct has drawn them ever deeper into complicity.
Thinking it through, you might have been drawn to wander.
My drinking career was not as well drawn as Roseanne.
The officers went into the house with their guns drawn.
Experts think the newly drawn congressional districts will benefit Democrats.
He and Picasso were both drawn to its expressive language.
This carefully drawn, lyrical debut approaches memoir from another angle.
Bret: I wish these contrasts would be drawn more often.
We’re drawn to tales of fierce resistance by oppressed minorities.
The party’s soft line on Russia has also drawn censure.
In the end, she is drawn to a «hybrid» approach.
Reporters are drawn to where the worst things are happening.
Twitter is drawn into this as much as Facebook is.
The fate of Mr. Mabuza had drawn the most attention.
When we arrived, we would find him harrowed and drawn.
Hardliners are drawn to the AfD, currently polling 14 percent.
It has also drawn comparisons to the dystopian novel 1984.
Dancers practiced their moves in bedrooms, with the shades drawn.
He has drawn an annual pay package worth $69.3 million.
Mr. Stringer has previously drawn criticism for racially charged comments.
Do you think you’re drawn to those types of stories?
Mr. Ells himself has drawn investor scrutiny over his compensation.
Your strategy on «Jeopardy!» has drawn a lot of attention.
New publishers keep entering the field, drawn by its success.
I had drawn the line at snorkeling, which I love.
Others even deny that such a distinction can be drawn.
Their protests have drawn thousands of people to the streets.
Woods had always drawn huge crowds, but this was extraordinary.
Plans have been drawn up for the unfinished third floor.
By the end of fall, 100 names had been drawn.
The novel’s title is drawn from Borges, whom Machi despises.
Miriah sat in the tub, the shower curtains drawn shut.
Language (dialogue is drawn in nonsense squiggles) isn’t a barrier.
The investors were instead drawn entirely from the private sector.
Are there sounds and feelings that you’re immediately drawn to?
I find myself drawn to specific sounds, defying any genre.
The impeachment threat has drawn sharp criticism from some quarters.
His policies on more substantial issues have also drawn scrutiny.
People are drawn to the cannabis industry for many reasons.
But nothing had drawn a viewership like the Menendez case.
The people that came were really drawn from that area.
But Mr. Kushner’s investment in Cadre has repeatedly drawn questions.
The girls are drawn to each other at first sight.
Delegates are drawn overwhelmingly from the liberal upper middle class.
New nonpartisan legislative and congressional maps were drawn in 2015.
The escalating violence has drawn sharp denunciations from the mainland.
He’s running late, and so far he’s drawn a blank.
Is it fair to say you’re drawn to eccentric characters?
The lines are drawn to more clearly show the trend.
I’ve drawn on my own experiences, as therapists often do.
Mr. Xu was drawn to this man’s sense of style.
Some of the playwrights have drawn from their own lives.
He was also drawn to the color of her outfit.
Again, I was drawn to the Temple of the Sun.
Yes, this is the conclusion I have drawn from Megxit.
Strikingly, there are lessons to be drawn from the past.
But he found himself drawn to learning devices in medicine.
I may have been killed, but I would have drawn.
The senator’s immigration stance in particular has drawn Trump’s ire.
He has already drawn lighthearted comparisons to other Olympic greats.
Yet he is a fully drawn person, understandable and sympathetic.
Footage showed officers, guns drawn, pulling bystanders off Mr. Khan.
«Andrew and I were drawn to each other,» she said.
The connection between environmental disaster and terrorism is drawn, persuasively.
The lyrics have drawn heavy criticism from the LGBTQ community.
Some of the departures have drawn more notice than others.
Flickr users were drawn to birds of prey in 2019.
Any attention drawn to Eisenman benefits conversation about contemporary art.
But the plan has drawn opposition from beneficiaries and lawmakers.
But I think what’s drawn attention is just the amount.
He has drawn a relatively undistinguished group of Republican challengers.
So far it has not drawn much attention to itself.
This didn’t keep him from being intensely drawn to it.
It is not just players, however, who are drawn south.
And this time, the borders are being drawn around corporations.
I was drawn to study cancer because of the unknown.
Simply put, this is why people are drawn to Bernie.
Some operations have drawn attention, while others have failed completely.
The blinds were drawn, so they could not see out.
The number of officials drawn into the inquiry is growing.
The comments have drawn backlash from Democrats and Republican alike.
Friends were drawn to the Shavers’ energy, charisma and laughter.
Lopez Obrador declined to be publicly drawn into the dispute.
We wanted you to be drawn into a genre story.
The episode has drawn international outrage about American police practices.
Most likely, litigation would have been drawn out and costly.
He said he was «very drawn to nuances,» not «nuisances.»
There were many options, some drawn from General Dempsey’s list.
STEIN: —but that’s drawn many Trump supporters to start with.
She has also drawn opposition from two Republicans, Maine Sen.
The subsequent military operation has drawn almost universal condemnation internationally.
Mr. Pal, 43, arrived in 2008, drawn by good schools.
He understands why young voters are drawn to Mr. Sanders.
The meeting has drawn fierce congressional scrutiny from all sides.
A similar comparison could be drawn with Middle Eastern oil.
Seating charts were drawn up for the 600 audience members.
The city’s approach has drawn the ire of Texas Gov.
Now Mr Corbyn and Ms Swinson are at daggers drawn.
But the technique has drawn criticism from viewers and writers.
He’s someone who’s drawn to the aesthetics and the discipline.
By Monday, the article had drawn more than 2,600 comments.
I hate to see the company be drawn into that.
Various front pages were drawn up ahead of the election.
BuzzFeed’s reporting contained detailed information drawn from Suspicious Activity Reports.
As his art demonstrates, he is drawn to the dispossessed.
Yet, not enough attention has been drawn to this effort.
Kurz has, however, declined to be drawn on his preference.
Along the way, of course, he’s drawn some unwelcome attention.
Their dispute has drawn in the Indian and U.S. governments.
Barouch and Fauci were also drawn to a newer approach.
Zooey Deschanel and Kirsten Dunst were drawn to her designs.
The board’s decision had drawn condemnation internationally and in Malaysia.
Make the Road’s members, drawn from places including Bridgeport, Conn.
Trump has drawn two former Republican elected officials as challengers.
He keeps his blinds drawn and the fluorescent lights off.
Purists would have me drawn and quartered for saying that.
The court accepted the newly drawn district lines this week.
The murky circumstances of the illness have drawn international speculation.
We wanted you to be drawn into a genre story.
No wonder so many photographers are drawn to Coney Island.
Nike’s tax practices in the Netherlands have drawn scrutiny before.
Is that why you’ve always been drawn to American rock?
But drawn to relief work, he retrained in physical therapy.
Once this work is completed, the curtains will be drawn.
Ron Johnson, some lamented how close the race has drawn.
Beto O’Rourke of Texas has drawn large crowds, and Sen.
But where and how is the line to be drawn?
That Gerard is drawn to obsessive idealists seems no coincidence.
She has also drawn attention to bigoted attacks against herself.
The new rule has drawn praise from consumer advocates, Gov.
Antithetical conclusions can be drawn depending on the questions asked.
Initially drawn to street photography, visual artist Anshuman Ghosh, a.k.a.
A hypothetical illustration can be drawn from the opioid crisis.
I was just so drawn to that darkness and weirdness.
Fund managers are drawn to the stocks by surging sales.
What kind of source material are you most drawn to?
Its rapid rise has drawn in millions of new investors.
Still, it’s easy to understand why Discord has drawn interest.
The changes it has already wrought have drawn international acclaim.
Dividing lines have been drawn along caste and religious lines.
Trump’s mocking reference has drawn criticism from Native American groups.
Were you mostly drawn to extremes of ugliness and hotness?
As such, the issue has drawn prominent backers and detractors.
Bannon concedes that some anti-Semites and racists may be drawn to the Breitbart-sponsored big-tent, but he says that is no different from the way «certain elements» are drawn to the left.
That set the stage for a historic lot draw where the names of both candidates would be placed into film canisters and then drawn from a bowl, with the winner the first name drawn.
I was drawn to the Icelandic election, too, for more or less the same reason that Icelanders are drawn to the local swimming pools, where the temperature is kept around that of Icelandic seawater.
Where the right has drawn a line across their values — a distinct line that the right has drawn on the backs of immigrants — many folks on the left are doing the same old bullshit.
They got another chance in the cases before them on Tuesday challenging a Republican-drawn 13-district statewide U.S. House of Representatives map in North Carolina and a single Democratic-drawn House district in Maryland.
These are far more important than your run-of-the-mill primaries: In February, the state supreme court ruled that the GOP-drawn districts amounted to an unconstitutional gerrymander and ordered new lines be drawn.
Coalition forces are digging in for a drawn-out house-to-house fight in Mosul Coalition forces are digging in for a drawn-out house-to-house fight in Mosul This segment originally aired Oct.
But the current maps were drawn by Republican lawmakers in 2016, after a US Supreme Court case deemed older maps drawn in 2011 to be an unconstitutional racial gerrymander that disadvantaged the state’s black voters.
«We’ve drawn some inspiration from our friends in China,» he explained.
In the South, most school districts are drawn along county borders.
«Both of us are drawn to beginnings,» Mr. Ner-David said.
And Mr. Trump’s campaign has drawn admiration from some unexpected quarters.
After it’s drawn and Ally is in it, Winter appears again.
A drawn-out legal battle is looming, which means more uncertainty.
You know the long, drawn-out Game of Thrones theme song?
So I was really drawn to the complexity that this presents.
TG: Where is the line drawn between rip-off and inspiration?
Party lines were drawn, couples were divided and booze was shed.
He had had guns drawn on him, been dealt counterfeit money.
That race has also drawn piles of spending from outside groups.
And were other people like me drawn to Spaceport as well?
How about a cute caricature of yourself drawn on your cup?
Noisey: What are you personally drawn towards in your own songwriting?
I know a lot about cows, I have never drawn one.
These figures are averages drawn from very wide ranges of estimates.
My heart can’t take too much drawn out suspense right now.
The next, they all have haunting masks drawn over their faces.
The proposals are drawn from a bill sponsored by Democratic Sen.
The Prague saga has been drawn out by reporting from McClatchy.
It was drawn up to look like Bernie Sanders’ campaign logo.
The move has drawn condemnation from religious, humanitarian and political leaders.
But more were drawn to his infectious enthusiasm and boyish charm.
She deleted text articles and impeachment were drawn up against her.
He was drawn into it because of who his dad was.
What I really found was that I was drawn to innovation.
Critics have drawn the connection to her immediate predecessor in unruliness.
If drawn, that $179 million will be secured by additional properties.
Some may be drawn to companies with excellent reputations or brands.
Does it feels so real because Greenwell has drawn upon his
All the pieces were drawn from the collections of local museums.
Many more are drawn to YA’s sheer number of diverse stories.
Of the survivors, 21 were sentenced to be drawn and quartered.
An officer, gun drawn, approaches a car that has just parked.
The project has drawn criticism from human rights groups and politicians.
New electoral maps will be drawn nationwide following the 2020 census.
The Twitter shitposts drawn from the regular humiliations of being alive?
The numbers, drawn Tuesday night, were: 3023, 28, 62, 65, 2412.
Instead, the next grand prize, to be drawn on Friday, Oct.
Two horizontal lines, drawn at different points, further section the drawing.
Most Republican voters are more drawn to the party’s social conservatism.
Plenty of people get their blood drawn every day and survive.
I think that’s the reason I’m still really drawn into Elysium.
They rub shoulders with Gulf tourists drawn by Beirut’s libertine nightlife.
But if a fight breaks out, it will get drawn in.
Librairie D+Q is the storefront home of Montreal’s Drawn & Quarterly.
As a CEO, you sometimes get drawn to every shiny object.
I was drawn to [that], but I couldn’t be it myself.
Some of these arguments are drawn from the anti-ACA playbook.
This Mercury retrograde will find you drawn to hidden, mysterious things.
Forget a horse-drawn carriage, JoJo Fletcher will take a unicorn.
As the review has drawn to a close, criticism has intensified.
The comments have already drawn harsh criticism from Democrats in Congress.
He has drawn comparisons with Hong Kong student activist Joshua Wong.
The Cause is, if anything, more vaguely drawn than the Offshore.
Leena’s eloquence was extraordinary: She was inadvertently drawn into Farkhunda’s death.
In court on Wednesday, Mr. Hawit, 64, appeared thin and drawn.
Britain has drawn up guidelines for people who commission surrogacy abroad.
I don’t know why there are the topics I’m drawn to!
You’ll be drawn back to it, inexorably, a moth to flame.
But on Wednesday, Pakistanis were drawn back into their national nightmare.
Beauty faces away from the Beast, hands folded, brows drawn low.
Rather they are Sanders’ supporters drawn to his populist, inclusive message.
The yuan’s drop has drawn concern from the U.S. Treasury Department.
He’s rich, but has drawn controversy and scrutiny along the way.
«Each frame [was] carefully drawn or photographed by hand,» says Hong.
In at least one instance, these ties have drawn legal scrutiny.
That decision has drawn criticism from likely Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.
The shop swears all the tattoos are drawn in good taste.
The National Basketball Association was drawn into the controversy this week.
He declined to be drawn when pressed on his attackers’ motives.
But I didn’t feel drawn in by Bieber’s wife-guy schtick.
It’s no wonder, then, that JFK Jr. was drawn to Madonna.
«I think I got blood drawn, like, three times,» Parke recalled.
We’ve drawn a line in the sand with the other countries.
People will be drawn to the fact that Luke isn’t perfect.
The airline is hoping more passengers will be drawn to Helsinki.
The transition team has drawn up a list of banned items.
You get kind of drawn into this, especially when you’re lonely.
Each figure is drawn with one foot standing on a skull.
Muhammad Ali was drawn to black Muslims’ sense of racial pride.
These are officials drawn from the interior, finance and justice ministries.
«People were drawn to her,» her brother JD Arrighi tells PEOPLE.
Plans have been drawn up to close some of these loopholes.
The original comic was drawn in 2013 by illustrator K.C. Green.
How much of this is drawn directly from your own story?
This one has drawn pupils, aged 13-18, from nine cities.
Like his fellow officials, Evans wouldn’t be drawn into the controversy.
His writings about women and sports have drawn a new scrutiny.
The current was drawn straight to the metal, his mother says.
I was nervous because I hate to have my blood drawn.
Both are action heroes whose power is drawn from being women.
The symbols and grievances are drawn from those described by conservatism.
However, ETF buyers have been drawn to the sector as well.
That stored energy can then be drawn on during the day.
Elizabeth Warren’s have drawn considerable attention and boosted her platform. Sen.
But these reports have drawn opposition inside and outside the company.
So I think the football audience is being drawn to that.
What we’re watching: These practices have drawn the ire of Sen.
These 65 photos are drawn from nearly 3,000 that were rediscovered.
The photo features some very funny hand-drawn annotations by Bell.
Voting maps are drawn every 10 years to reflect population change.
Wango Tango has always drawn big acts to headline the festival.
Tesla’s approach is controversial, and has drawn public criticism from competitors.
I’m not sure the lines are clearly drawn in this election.
Journey creator Jenova Chen is drawn to making positive game experiences.
Textile patterns are drawn, stitched together, fabrics are invented and produced.
Season five also had drawn new participants down in the pits.
In the event of a conflict, America could be drawn in.
Asked which candidate he favours, Mr Drake will not be drawn.
More straightforwardly partisan sites have also been drawn into the mix.
The conclusion was drawn from existing evidence, including recently published studies.
A notable comparison can be drawn by looking back at 1999.
Roboterra has drawn engineers from Apple, Tesla and Google X Lab.
In recent years, it has drawn protest from Native American activists.
Sonita Alizadeh: I was drawn to rap’s influence on social change.
Israel’s deadly tactics in confronting the protests have drawn international condemnation.
This routine had drawn snickers behind his back from some colleagues.
Suzi Quatro on a cover drawn by the Hand of Beaver?
N, confirming that the Justice Department has drawn up a complaint.
«People were drawn to her upbeat and fun personality,» he says.
Brexit will bring long drawn-out damage to the UK economy.
«Capital should be drawn to sources of higher performance,» he declares.
In others, like California, divorce can be drawn out for months.
I found myself drawn to backpacking, climbing, mountain biking, and skiing.
Breath, you’ve got to realize, is not always so easily drawn.
Audiences seemed to be drawn to his conspicuously cocksure authoritarian persona.
Vines and butterflies are drawn out in 18k gold-plated streaks.
This isn’t the first time Styles has drawn comparisons to Jagger.
I’m sure there will be lessons to be drawn from this.
But does that mean we have to get drawn in too?
Rocky’s arrest has drawn public outcry from celebrities and lawmakers alike.
So who’s drawn to the cushiony embrace of puffy jacket porn?
No definitive conclusion could be drawn from anything that was found.
Well, that and the crudely drawn dicks on their early flyers.
Its deployment has drawn the ire of North Korea and China.
The largest lottery in global history will be drawn Wednesday night.
Bogart says that as kid he was immediately drawn to Herman.
Google and Facebook have drawn consumer lawsuits and inquiries from lawmakers.
The word is drawn sword-like with the intention to hurt.
The protests have drawn a diverse group of South Korean society.
If he hadn’t drawn it, it probably wouldn’t be worth discussing.
It’s important that the wrong lessons aren’t drawn from the outbreak.
Federal agents began emerging from the trees with their guns drawn.
The struggle for control has also drawn the scrutiny of regulators.
The Afrin operation has already drawn international criticism, notably from Macron.
It’s not just caused by his drawn out North Dakotan accent.
Sakurada’s responses in parliament and news conferences have drawn criticism before.
I started spending time with someone I was really drawn to.
So why has this case been drawn out for so long?
Sessions’ meetings with Russian ambassador Sergey Kislyak have already drawn scrutiny.
Lift your legs to table top, mindfully keeping everything drawn in.
The board’s recommended austerity measures have drawn protests on the island.
We’ve always drawn inspiration from the shit life throws at us.
At first, she says, she was simply drawn to the aesthetic.
Rackete’s lawyer Alessandro Gamberini said a lawsuit had been drawn up.
Congressional districts are currently drawn in a way that favors Republicans.
Regardless, Trump’s comments have drawn fierce criticism from our closest allies.
And he’s decided he’s going to charge into battle, saber drawn.
It is a long, drawn-out process to clear one’s name.
But you’ve always been drawn to rage as a comedic engine.
That complaint has drawn supporting court filings from civil rights organizations.
Securing an agreement, however, can be a long-drawn out process.
He also previously served jail time for a drawn-out DUI.
That was beautifully drawn by a tattoo artist named Amanda Wachob.
If laughing at this is okay, where is the line drawn?
But Pakistan’s plans have also drawn criticism from across the border.
You know, music is fun, and I’m drawn to do it.
The policy has drawn fierce criticism from Democrats and immigration advocates.
She explained that the whole thing had been drawn in Photoshop.
His plan announced Thursday has drawn backing from lawmakers like Sen.
The inclusion of this provision has drawn significant condemnation from Rep.
The campaign waged since his election has drawn widespread international criticism.
The United States has drawn down troops in South Korea before.
However, Polish prime minister Mateusz Morawiecki claimed they were incorrectly drawn.
Still, Vogue notes, Zendaya was «drawn to performing,» despite her shyness.
The Labour Party continued its drawn-out suicide course (see article).
Duterte has also drawn ire over disparaging remarks about President Obama.
Rohrabacher has also drawn scrutiny for his friendly stance toward Russia.
She is drawn to both women and men, sexually and romantically.
The comments have drawn outrage on both sides of the aisle.
The officer has his weapon drawn and pointed at the man.
Keith Rothfus were drawn together into the same suburban Pittsburgh race.
Trump has drawn repeated criticism for his rhetoric toward minority groups.
Lamb and Rothfus are running in Pennsylvania’s newly-drawn 17th District.
The grounds for refusing such access will be drawn very narrowly.
Germany, distracted by drawn-out coalition talks, is out of ideas.
The applications have drawn some concern from the campaign of Sen.
Is that drawn in any way from your real-life experiences?
The Israel vote has drawn backlash from lawmakers in both parties.
«Along came a horse-drawn taxicab,» Davidson said Harroun told him.
In response, the Court ordered a new map to be drawn.
«It’s so awful to watch him drawn into this,» Will said.
China should not be drawn into the trans-Atlantic family quarrel.
No one benefits when this process is drawn out and frustrating.
I pushed forward, drawn to his good looks, intelligence and manners.
Marshall’s hit, though, should have drawn a flag, the league said.
Global markets have drawn succour from the resumption of Sino-U.
Chords drawn from those seven notes lounge indolently across the keyboard.
But he has often drawn criticism from Republicans for acting unilaterally.
I’m always drawn to striking that balance between aesthetics and functionality.
He was killed in 1898 when his horse-drawn carriage overturned.
But what people they are, and how well drawn they are.
And has interest in it picked up as it’s drawn closer?
The response has drawn criticism from lawmakers, including some top Republicans.
The carbon dioxide can be drawn from the atmosphere, Audi said.
But the new rule has drawn extensive criticism from immigration advocates.
This philosophy may be why celebrities are drawn to Butcher & Bee.
His fedora and his trench coat had drawn a bystander’s attention.
This view has drawn criticism both inside and outside the Fed.
O’Rourke’s battle with Cruz has drawn national attention and record fundraising.
It is unclear how the vandalism was drawn on the rock.
Brown’s departure from the Raiders was both abrupt and drawn out.
It has drawn unwanted international attention for its violent crime rate.
The statement has drawn scorn from Democrats and cheers from Republicans.
Facebook, Amazon, and Apple have also drawn scrutiny from competition regulators.
It’s something she has not «ever felt drawn to,» Yates said.
He was particularly drawn to Warwick’s idea of electronically mediated intimacy.
In addition to Collins, Democrats have also drawn attention to Rep.
The New York Times explained its 10 takeaways drawn from Singapore.
And references to historic battles get drawn into the mix, too.
Hogan has drawn comparisons with Christie, with whom he is close.
But it had drawn widespread skepticism even before the latest developments.
The State Department has drawn down their workforce during the shutdown.
The state legislature had traditionally drawn the maps every 85033 years.
The move has drawn quick scrutiny from Democrats and some Republicans.
Natives tend to bike everywhere, or travel by horse-drawn carriage.
Ironically, neither Saccone nor Lamb lives in the newly drawn district.
The proliferation of wealth management products has drawn concern from regulators.
The conclusions are drawn from data compiled by researchers at Yale.
«I don’t want to get drawn into negative campaigning,» she said.
She slapped away my hand, though I’d drawn it back already.
I was instantly drawn to the colorful array of free snacks.
Sanjay began to type, and Jeff was drawn into the screen.
But as the inauguration has drawn closer, that momentum has faded.
Brown has already drawn a challenger: Ohio state Treasurer Josh Mandel.
Eventually, the Icelandic volunteer was drawn into the F.B.I. investigation, too.
Amazon’s Alexa device has drawn criticism for exactly the same reasons.
Ryan’s decision has drawn the ire of Trump and his allies.
In the end, his biggest challenge was the newly-drawn map.
That trend that has drawn the scrutiny of the Justice Department.
Though profitable, the dual retail and marketplace model has drawn scrutiny.
Some were curious newcomers drawn by the calorie-rich window display.
Like children everywhere, we were drawn to being a little scared.
Such plans have drawn rebuke from the European Union and Kiev.
«10 RMB,» it said, with crudely drawn flowers surrounding the price.
A deal would be preferable to a drawn-out proxy fight.
Like all of Ms. Greenidge’s characters, Nymphadora is achingly well drawn.
You don’t need a drawn-out conversation for every single app.
Major cities California, Oregon, and Washington have drawn urban-growth boundaries.
I’ve drawn a clear bead on my own emotions about things.
Yet Vincke’s findings show that women are drawn to bad boys.
Literary figures have been drawn to boxers since the sport began.
Fashion student Danit Peleg was always drawn to the latest gadgets.
I was drawn to the ways the camera served as witness.
Six I withdrew from the ATM, drawn from my savings account.
I think lots of women are drawn to broken, damaged men.
She gave me a hand-drawn comic that illustrated the steps.
The numbers drawn were 2460, 13, 21, 2303, 21 and 10.
But so far, the African grain hasn’t drawn major interest yet.
It’s frustrating, because another narrative frame may have drawn me in.
Suffice to say, the U.K.’s plan has drawn strong criticism.
He’s drawn red tape around any Medicare and Social Security reform.
Why do you think that people are drawn to the cowboy?
«The moment I met him, I was drawn in,» says Ahmed.
And then you were just in a crudely drawn living room.
The police had their Tasers drawn during parts of the exchange.
Some were drawn by curiosity: What was the fuss all about?
No matter where I go, I feel drawn to this place.
Conversely, its listing has drawn attention to the company’s counterfeit products.
Those distrustful of governments are drawn to blockchain for its anonymity.
Yrsa Daley-Ward: I am not drawn to poetry in particular.
What they’re saying: The bill has already drawn criticism from Democrats.
They were both drawn from the past, but they looked forward.
Such a sweeping survey has not surprisingly drawn interest from visitors.
We’re naturally drawn to those who are supportive and seem relatable.
Drnaso was ready to send the completed «Sabrina» to Drawn & Quarterly.
Younger travelers are drawn to G Adventures, Contiki Tours and Cosmos.
But the lines were drawn: Amazon had its eye on Netflix.
Rather, the line is drawn between the bold and the timid.
Why are people drawn to places like Connecticut during the holidays?
What forces might be at work when this district was drawn?
You’ll be drawn to people who support you; lean on them.
Signs of their physical deterioration have drawn outrage on social media.
Greater subtlety is drawn out of, or spirited into, the ingredients.
Letters, words and patterns are drawn in chalk on a blackboard.
I happen to have been more drawn to sound and voice.
Several were either drawn up by Moneypenny or inspired by him.
Yet they appear to have drawn little notice from the authorities.
Mexico Drawn into a tough group, Mexico played well to advance.
American voters have often drawn on a deep reserve of courage.
I’m totally drawn to it and interested and open to learning.
The ads have drawn national attention, and they’ve raised Delgado’s profile.
Many of these candidates have drawn back their campaigning as well.
Moments when Fauci has contradicted Trump’s misinformation have also drawn ire.
Each of the dark red outlines is drawn in one motion.
Investors may believe China’s move will lead to drawn-out negotiations.
The Trump administration has drawn a red line on Medicaid cuts.
The proposal for a Manhattan congestion zone has drawn worldwide interest.
I think this idea of being drawn to darkness is interesting.
But, he said, he had been especially drawn by the Dreamers.
For years, proposals to pay college athletes have drawn polarizing responses.
But the Poblenou superblock has also drawn considerable attention and controversy.
By then, Mr. Stamos had drawn the notice of Facebook executives.
Which genres are you drawn to and which do you avoid?
So she hired The Home Edit, drawn by their stylish look.
The police kicked the door down and entered with drawn guns.
Both characters are so realistically drawn that their quarrels sound unscripted.
The prime minister has drawn praise for paring India’s legendary bureaucracy.
Reunited with Pennywise, I saw what had drawn me to him.
Reality warps itself around them, drawn toward their center of gravity.
These women risk being drawn more as symbols than as people.
It was drawn by Chris Burnham and colored by Nathan Fairbairn.
Some of these attacks have drawn quiet derision from other campaigns.
Still, the government’s handling of the episode has drawn intense criticism.
The Starwood Preferred Guest program has drawn particularly passionate, opinionated members.
At this point, I’m not much drawn to mirrors or nakedness.
«Her childhood home was often dark, the blinds drawn,» Montemarano writes.
Mr. Moonves has drawn an annual pay package worth $69.3 million.
I’d been drawn into motherhood because my life had a void.
Pocan’s invitation has already drawn ire from some Wisconsin Republicans. Rep.
It is not the first time Facebook has drawn government scrutiny.
They are drawn sparingly, as if only visitors to the place.
Those events have drawn strong participation, often more than 30 athletes.
That often means narrowly drawn decisions that make only incremental changes.
Stakhovsky’s comments have repeatedly drawn Murray’s rebuke, both publicly and privately.
When he came back into the cabin, his face was drawn.
The Zola Neale Hurston Story is now available from Drawn & Quarterly.
The financial industry’s connections to gun makers have drawn attention before.
A similar lesson can be drawn from the Cambridge Analytica scandal.
It shows people your personality, and people are drawn to that.
I have been drawn to India since I was a kid.
It’s merely the conclusions drawn from the findings that are misrepresented.
Also, I’m working all the time, and I’m drawn to aesthetic.
Some plans have been drawn up for floodgates and other barriers.
With guns drawn, they removed seven men hiding in the back.
Millions of readers visit Zero Hedge each month, drawn by the
Mr. Huang remembered the Chen case and was drawn to it.
As of late, I’ve been particularly drawn to the black male.
The drawn margin on the three facilities is 125bp over Libor.
«Steamboat Willie» was the third animated short drawn, not the fourth.
American military forces were drawn to the region for two reasons.
The type was hand-drawn and of variable width and boldness.
Research on Europe’s experiment with negative yields has drawn similar conclusions.
«Mike, I’m drawn to you…» Jed reads the date card aloud.
The window shades kept the room dark and cozy when drawn.
This article has drawn significant feedback, most of it sharply critical.
Some are drawn by the challenge of a long-distance hike.
Ordinarily, the illegal tackle would have simply drawn a severe penalty.
From an outsider looking in, sometimes some improper conclusions are drawn.
Instead, they were drawn to the idea that diamonds represent authenticity.
But some streamers are drawn to the opportunity to start fresh.
Many are drawn by promises of miracles, only to confront setbacks.
Both of those lawsuits challenge political maps drawn by Republican legislatures.
The Maryland suit challenges a Democratic-drawn map of House seats.
The event seemed to have drawn as many journalists as demonstrators.
He was not drawn to Ms. Warren in the same way.
He felt drawn to Shakira right away; the feeling was mutual.
Which is why voters like Pileggi have been drawn to Klobuchar.
The teams had drawn, 0-0, after regulation and extra time.
She said Citi was drawn to Known’s expertise and team approach.
By shopping the most wanted items from this drawn-out month.
That’s a shame because Mr. Augustin is drawn to complex conflicts.
But the meetings with conservatives have drawn criticism from some quarters.
Some said they had been drawn there by Mr. Deford’s presence.
Perhaps not coincidentally, she is the book’s most fully drawn character.
The crossword class has drawn a devoted crowd since it began.
Plenty of others, though, were unaware that they were being drawn.
The trip to the beach was always a drawn-out affair.
Osaka looked shellshocked and uncomfortable, her face drawn and uncertain throughout.
» He added that «Hand drawn artwork is most beautiful to me.
The petition had drawn more than 46,000 signers as of Tuesday.
The white nationalist movement has drawn support from that latter group.
He is drawn to fantastical objects rather than to practicable policies.
Loyalty is fickle, with fighters drawn to whichever side pays more.
Nineteen of the improperly drawn districts are in the state House.
And the damage leads to «long, drawn-out costs», he added.
Among those drawn to the cause was the young Mao Zedong.
The Hill: Five takeaways by Niall Stanage drawn from Trump’s announcement.
He has drawn criticism from environmental advocates for questioning climate change.
At six months, you start seeing what people are drawn to.
You can see it in their drawn faces and pained expressions.
Dorian’s ravages have drawn attention to the vulnerability of small islands.
Yes, the subject here is daring and tenderly drawn, maybe controversial.

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